#okay logging off to do work o7
torsamors · 5 months
okay sorry for making a greys anatomy post in 2024 but i do think its fun that they made meredith the one with commitment issues n shit but the way the show frames derek as having ‘waited’ for her or being ‘patient’ with her is so stupid he broke up with her multiple times n point blank said ‘im willing to wait for you as long as it takes…..but if someone better comes along im taking that opportunity’ LIKE. HIS ASS WAS NOT PATIENT
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velvetesya-blog · 6 years
The Rulebook
Hi there! Thank you for taking interest in roleplaying with my multimuse blog! So far I love this community and I can’t wait to delve neck deep in roleplay hell, but before that, I just wanted to lay down some guidelines, mostly for my peace of mind.
o1. This may be a nsfw-friendly blog, but that by no means that it will be sexual in nature. As most of my muses are minors, I will not, under any circumstances, roleplay that for any reason. However, do expect dark themes and depictions of violence. I’ll be sure to tag anything that may be touchy subjects for my followers, and if I happen to miss a tag, feel free to let me know!
o2. I’m not a selective roleplayer, but I do like to screen for writing style before interacting, if only for my peace of mind. I can’t work off of one-liners, so I tend to avoid blogs with one-line responses.
o3. I absolutely will not, and refuse, to interact with any blogs that have pedophilia, rape, or sexual assault within them. Those are really touchy subjects for me, and as such I will not roleplay it, and I will block anyone who tries to bring that into my space.
o4. Unfortunately, I work a lot, so I’m on when I can be. My activity is spotty at best, but I try very hard to respond as quickly as possible. Please don’t feel like I’m ignoring you, I promise I’m not, but I might lose a thread here and there in my notifications, and I may accidentally drop threads without realizing it when my muse is low. I apologize in advance for that.
o5. Feel free to message me for whatever! I love making friends, and I love talking to the muns! I like getting to know the person behind the muse as much as getting to know the muse themselves. I promise I don’t bite, so feel free to message me memes, vines, or whatever thoughts bounce in your brain, especially when it comes to plots! I’m always open to plots!
o6. If you want to get a hold of me outside of tumblr, that’s perfectly okay! I’m usually skulking around Discord, so if you have a discord as well, feel free to ask me for my code and I’ll send it to you!
o7. When it comes to ask memes, please specify the muse. I love them all but it will help a lot if I know which one you’re talking to!
o8. My main blog is my Haru Okumura blog over Here, so if you need to get a hold of me and I’m not here, chances are I’m logged in over there! Please be aware that as this is my other blog, I may not be as active, but I promise to try and bounce through the two when I feel my muse lowering for one. 
o9. Thank you so much for finding interest in my blog, and I hope to be great friends with you! Be advised that I will add more rules if necessary.
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