#okay maybe not vocally but letting people die cos he loves his fam
sophsun1 · 2 years
The family shopping trip to purchase a coffin scene has got me dying and kicking my feet it's so funny. Because the minute the funeral director gets suspicious over their reasoning for buying Claudia's coffin (shoutout to Louis saying they wanted to get her used to the thought of going home to god asdfgjk) you can see his internal monologue go "oh for fucks sake, why couldn't you just sell us the damn coffin, you had to make it harder for yourself huh?" 
His murder is bad™️ rhetoric flies straight out the window, he runs to draw the curtain and is like well sucks to be you but if my daughter wants that coffin, that coffin she will have and willingly leaves him to the mercy of his bloodthirsty husband. For all his I want to my keep my humanity, be a different kind of vampire the glimpses where you see he's just as messy as Lestat and Claudia are *delicious*. Him being a completely hypocritical bitch whose fiercely protective of his family but isn't against compromising his 'morals' when it's in his favour is so satisfying. Especially when you take into consideration how this family unit allows him to be mostly free in his love for Lestat and to have the child he never thought he would, adds another deep layer to it.
Because yes, it's easy to say Lestat's toxic, he's mean, uncaring, selfish etc because against Louis it may come off in a more obvious way so far (although Mr Unreliable Narrator.. cough, cough) his real motives are mostly buried under mountains of unsaid trauma and  sometimes he's just a cunt!  But like there's a reason why they're in love with each other, Louis said it himself he was never Lestat's victim, and seeing him unleash his selfish and toxic side is so much fun personally because you get to see why they fit. They're terrible people whose punishment quite frankly should be having to put up with each other for eternity because no one else would.
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