#okay now im actually joking around. thats a Stretch if ive ever heard one
Eddie has rainbow decorations on his store. he is gay.
Sally's house is mostly rainbow. therefore-
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
give what it takes* 1/2 Remington leith x reader
hello i still hate writing for actual people but ya girls gotta do what ya girls gotta do, i love palaye and ive been like super obsessed with them again lately cause im seeing them in may and just bought their palette and cant stop thinking about it so ya know here it is #noshame #someshame
* - smut, mentions of sex, mention of kinks, thigh riding, etc. Read at your own risk
song: get some by ghosted
the concert ended but the party didnt. i was lucky enough to be on tour with palaye but still had work to do when the shows were over. it was a week we had stops that were close enough together to stay at an air b&b for the night, which was nice since i could finally sit down and get things done. we had all went back to the house after the concert to get cleaned up, the boys being extremely sweaty from the stage lights and high energy performance. i sat at the island typing as they all ran around getting ready for the night ahead of them. i sat quietly as they conversed with their girlfriends who were visiting for the weekend.
i looked up when remington threw himself into the bar stool across the counter from me. he smiled at me before picking up one of the apples from the bowl on the counter and tossing it in the air. he took a large bite out of it as emerson walked out into the kitchen/living room.
"you going with us tonight?"
i looked down at my laptop to scan my work before looking back at him.
"i dont think so, its already eleven and ive got too much work to do tonight."
he frowned at me before gesturing to remington.
"you coming?"
rem looked at me and i peered at him over my laptop.
"ya know what, why dont you guys go ahead, ill stay here and help y/n."
i looked up completely, shock written on my features.
"you dont have to do that rem, you should go and have fun."
his 'girlfriend' walked up to his side and played with his hair.
"yeah remi, come have fun with us, she doesnt need your help to do her job."
she peered at me and i sent her a stern glare.
he rubbed her back.
"why dont you go hang out with them, ill be right here when you get back."
she leaned down and kissed him and led the way for them all to leave. when the door was closed me and remi were the only two left in the house. he tapped the counter as i went back to typing.
"so, its been a while since we were alone together."
i looked up at him.
i went back to typing.
"whatcha doin over there?"
"fixing lighting."
"whats wrong with the lighting?"
i looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"the yellows and greens where washing Emerson out the whole show. i have to fix the positioning on my renderings for the next venue."
he nodded and made an o with his mouth. i went back to typing.
"is there anything else you have to fix?"
i looked up at him.
"a couple things."
i sighed.
"remington if you keep asking me questions im not gonna get anything done."
i laughed lightly and he smiled at me, throwing his hands in the air in defeat.
"okay, okay, if you want help with anything let me know, im gonna go chill on the couch."
he motioned behind him and i nodded before getting back to work.
i sighed and stretched, i had been sitting on this bar stool for almost two hours. none of the group had showed back up yet and remington was still sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. i closed my laptop as i heard him laugh out loud at something he saw on his feed. i rolled my eyes before standing and shaking out my legs.
"god, i feel like ive been curled over forever."
he turned to look at me as i made my way to the couch, sitting on the arm rest next to him. he slid down the settings on his phone to look at the time more clearly.
"well, in all fairness you have been sitting on your computer for over two hours, its one."
i groaned.
"yeah, im surprised no ones back yet."
he stretched and clasped his hands together behind his head, lengthening his body.
"im not, when the boys drink, the boys drink."
he laughed and i just shook my head.
he nudged my leg with his elbow.
"do you wanna do something now that your work is done?"
i shrugged and let my legs fall on either side of the arm rest.
"what did you have in mind?"
i looked down at him, seeing him quickly opening youtube then shoving his phone in my face.,
"look at this."
i leaned back a little before taking it and watching the video. i looked at remington funny.
he shrugged.
i turned the phone around to show him.
"boy out here on the weird side of youtube."
he laughed and took the phone back.
"i mean you didnt have to take it."
i rolled my eyes.
"yeah but i was curious."
he raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.
"arent we all."
i winked at him.
"you know it."
he leaned toward me and rested his arm on my thigh, smacking my knee with his hand. i shifted.
i shook my head.
he tapped my my knee with his fingers like he was playing a keyboard. i watched his hand intently before looking back at him staring at me. he raised an eyebrow.
"okay maybe im just a little touch starved."
i ran a hand through my hair and looked away from him. he scooted closer to me.
"touch starved?"
i looked back at him and nodded slowly. he locked eyes with me and squeezed my lower thigh.
"are you okay?"
i shrugged.
"i just dont touch people or let people touch me and thats one of the leading reasons im depressed and sick all the time. like adult humans need affection and hugs and kisses and things like that but i cut myself off so i dont really get the things that my brain needs to be happy."
i looked ahead of me, i didnt care to see his pity ridden face. suddenly he moved and hugged me tightly from the side, his left ear pressed to my right arm.
"do you feel better yet?"
i laughed.
"yes rem, definitely."
i ruffled his hair lightly with my left hand and he looked up at me but didnt remove his arms from my body.
i slouched into him.
"okay, its not like you can fix it right away."
he loosened his grip a little before kneeling next to me on the couch and squishing my face in his hands.
"what else would you want me to try?"
i shrugged.
"did you ever used to try things to feel better? like find one person to hug everyday or something?"
i laughed and he let go of my face. i just shook my head,
i looked at him knowingly.
"sex. i used to have sex."
his face went straight.
i nodded.
"yeah, i used to have sex to make myself feel better, it was intimate and 'affectionate' touching for at least a night. in case you haven't noticed though i havent been with anyone since we started plans for tour months ago so yeah theres nothing i can really do about that."
he sat back on his knees defeated.
"i guess you couldnt masturbate either cause thats still not another person touching you, that you touching yourself."
he looked at me with a straight face before we both laughed. he laid back on the couch, his feet pushed up against the arm rest i was sitting on. he rested one hand behind his head and the other on his stomach.
"so, did you just find random dudes or?"
i sent him a look.
"really, thats what your worried about right now?"
he shrugged.
"i figured it was a ligther topic i dont know."
i just shook my head.
"no they werent just random dudes, you gotta have a connection first ya know. they were people that i had hung out with before, kind of close but not enough for them to care if we slept together and then didnt talk for a little while ya know. it was always easier that way cause i knew who wanted a screw and who wanted more depending on the mood i was in."
he raised a brow.
"particular people for particular kinks or turn ons?"
i smiled at him.
"yeah sometimes."
"like people or like turn ons and kinks?"
"turn ons and kinks, i couldnt care less about the people."
i laughed at the face he made.
"what you want a reference?"
"just trying to see what kind of person youre hiding under that hard exterior."
i raised a brow and smirked at him.
"okay, well for starters id say soft touches."
he laughed.
"wow, soft touches?"
"dont laugh, its a turn on, start light and build up ya know."
"youre right, continue."
"neck fetish, not just like i like necks im talking like hickeys and kissing and licking, weird vampire shit ya know."
"amen to that."
i laughed at him.
"thigh riding-"
"im sorry what?"
"thigh riding?"
"yeah what the hell kinda?"
i lifted my foot up on the couch so it wasnt dangling in front of it anymore.
"its where you are on someones lap or like knelt over one of their thighs while their sitting down and grind yourself on them to get off. i guess in my instance making out with someone while they touch me, but while thats happening im riding their thigh.? "
"that sounds like itd be an  experience."
i looked at him with a sly smile.
"oh it is."
there was a pause.
"can you show me?"
if i was drinking i would have spat all over the place.
"you what?"
"can you should me? i mean your on the arm of the chair, you could do it on that right?"
i laughed.
"do you know how wet that would make someone? the couch would be near ruined."
i laughed.
"so do it on me."
i stopped and looked at him, he was staring up at me with a very serious face.
"You're joking right?"
"What's wrong with two friends hooking up?"
I shrugged.
"I don't know how about the fact that you kinda have a girlfriend."
"Oh come on no one here even likes her, not even me, and we're not really dating she's just like around."
I rolled my eyes.
"Tell her that."
"I'm telling you that, now get over here and show what the heck thigh riding is."
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