#okay well uhh im gonna go into my insane man room again and wait for my intense thoughts to calm down to the point where i won't kick and –
spookythesillyfella · 18 days
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" sigh ... "
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iwakurodai · 6 years
Want You Back || Calum Hood
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Bitch nuh huh, this is a 5sos imagine if ya don't like leave thank. 5sos fucking released this damn single and im gonna die before I get this imagine done.
uhh listen to this shit while you read, also buy it on itunes, stream it on spotify, do whatever but uhh fucking listen to it
Want You Back ~ 5sos
Calum Hood x reader
@validhanlon @strang-ersclub
Can’t help but wondering if this
Is the last time that I’ll see your face
You had been dating Calum Hood for around two years before you split back in December because of a disagreement. Everyone had loved your relationship and people were devastated when you broke up. More devastated than you for some. You had gotten over the ‘I don't need a man to be happy’ phase and now you are in the depression phase. After being in your room for days, your best friend dragged you out and decided to take you to the mall for a small outing.
“C’mon (y/n), please, just come with me to the mall. You need to get out and take a breath of fresh air. I know you guys were really close, but you need to get over him and find someone new to take over!” (y/b/f) says, as they throw you a couple clothing items, you shove them on lazily and brush through your hair with you fingers. You thought a full face of makeup would be over doing it so you settled with concealer and mascara. You follow your best friend out of your apartment and into their car. You set your feet on the dashboard and laid your head on the window as (y/b/f) turned on the radio.
“-And here we are with 5 Seconds of Summer and their new single Want You Back! Anything to say before we start it boys?” The over enthusiastic host says to the four boys. You snap your head to the radio and your breath catches in your throat as you listen to the voice you dreamed of for the past couple weeks.
“This song was written by Luke and I a couple weeks ago, I think it's pretty clear who its about,” Calum says, his voice like honey even over the static radio. You clench your jaw and look out the window, ignoring the glances from (y/b/f), you hug yourself tighter and try to block out the start of the song. The voice of Luke takes over the car as it starts, you close your eyes as the words fill your mind, reminding you of when Calum and you broke up.
Wish I could say something
Something that doesn’t sound insane
But lately, I don’t trust my brain
“Calum? Are you serious?” You had no clue what Calum was thinking but you knew it wasn’t good. “You resort to drinking every time we get into an argument, and every argument we’ve been in was cause by your drinking problem!” You exclaim at the 21 year old who was standing a couple feet in front of you.
“Why is it a problem anyways? You don’t let me do anything I want! You are so controlling!” You take a step back, you knew you weren’t controlling, you knew that he only said that cause he was mad, you knew, you knew, but you were still hurt. “Wait-” He was trying to take back what he said. He knew you didn’t want to turn into your parents, who controlled everything the other did.
“(y/b/f) will be here tomorrow to get my stuff. We’re done,” You say before turning and grabbing your shoes and keys, you left the apartment as soon as you could and (y/b/f) brought your stuff back to their apartment where you would stay until you could get your own place. Calum almost immediately drove off to Ashton’s place, he stayed there because he couldn’t bare the thought of living alone.  
You know even when I say I've moved on
You know even though I know that you're gone
All I think about is where I went wrong
You take a breath and open your eyes before glancing at (y/b/f) who was watching you. They had parked a couple minutes ago but knew that you needed a moment. The song ends and you smile at them before opening the car door and hopping out. “(y/b/f), can we hurry so we don’t run into fans, please?” They nod at your request and they hop out as well before walking with you in silence through the mall.
It’s was after an hour trip, you drop your bags and stumble into your bed. You close your eyes and try to sleep but the song was still resonating in your head. Your eyes snap open and you grab your phone, opening Spotify and searching 5sos. You press on Want You Back and put it on repeat.
You feel yourself slowly getting more sad as it plays again and again. Every word makes it harder for you to not text him. You groan and snatch the phone from your stomach and you open the texts; you pause.
‘Should you do it? What do you think would happen? Would he even respond?’
You shove the thoughts away and start texting. After you send it you take a breath and wait. Almost immediately he texts back and you ignore the anxiety and read.
meet me at my apartment at 9
You take a deep breath and knock on the door. Your hands shaking. You had tried to dress a little but you thought it was too much. You start to play with your hands just as the door opens. Your head snaps up and you look at Calum’s tired eyes.
“Hi,” You say, letting out a deep breath. Calum smiles and lets you into the apartment you had lived in for two years. You glanced around, it was bland considering you had decorated the place with your things and now they are in (y/b/f)’s apartment. “How have you been?” You ask him, making your way to his couch which had a blanket and a single pillow from a bed. You stare at it, realizing it was yours. You ignore that and look up at Calum, sitting down.
“Been busy, you want a drink?” Calum asks, starting to walk into the kitchen. You cross your legs and take off your jacket, answering Calum with a ‘what do you have?’
“Uh, I really only have water, lemonade, and pomegranate juice,” Calum says back, you smile, knowing he was trying to cut back on the alcohol and having none in the house.
“I’ll go with lemonade,” You say, looking around the living room. It was clean and looked like he rushed to clean it before you got here. You snap your head around when you hear the clicking of ice against a glass grow louder. He was carrying two glasses of lemonade. He sits next to you and hands you a cold glass.
“How have you been?” Calum asks, taking a sip of his drink and setting it on the coffee table.
“I’ve been… okay, (y/b/f) is letting me stay at theirs so I can have a stable place to stay while I work for an apartment,” Calum nods and ruffles his hair. You pick at your nails and look at him. “You’ve been sleeping on the couch?” Calum swallows and glances at the pillow, nodding.
“I found that I can’t sleep in a bed without y-someone,” Calum mumbles, playing with his hands. You stare at his face that was awkwardly avoiding your gaze.
“Do you have any alcohol?” You suddenly ask, hopping up quickly and making your way into the kitchen. Calum furrows his eyebrows and watches you. You listen to him confirm that he has none. You kneel in front of the sink and you open the cabinet, pushing aside some cleaning products and picking out a bottle of wine.
“Well now you do,” You say back as he walks in, seeing you shut the sink cabinet with your foot. “Got any glasses?”
You wake up groggily, your hand pushing against the carpet as you pick up your head. You lift yourself up and look around, seeing two wine glasses and an empty bottle on the coffee table. You had no clothes on and weren’t sure where Calum was.
“Shit!” You hear from the kitchen, a sizzle and the smell of bacon welcomes your nose and you get up fully, grabbing the shirt closest to you and slipping it on. You follow the smell and find Calum making breakfast with just some sweatpants and a fresh shirt. He puts the last piece on a plate and turns around seeing you standing, watching him.
“You okay?” You ask, Calum smiles and nods. He turns back and turns off the stove as well as moving the pan. He nods for you to follow him to the living room, you comply.
“So, you’re not still mad?” Calum asks, his tone quiet and shy.
“No, I’m not,” You answer, you watch him smile and look down. “Do you still want me back?” Calum snaps his head up and rolls his eyes as your smile grows.
“No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back,” Calum jokes, causing you to laugh. He pulls you close and presses his lips to your forehead, hugging you tightly.
I know you know
I will never get over you
No matter where I go
I’m always gonna want you back
Want you back
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