#okayyyyy where can join his gang ^_^
noelle-holi-gay · 1 year
hey Slimer! I’d like to suggest a Drabble of the annual Holiday-Dreemurr baseball game, and all of the chaos it entails! Congrats on school being over!
Kris frowned as deeply as humanly possible, shielding their eyes from the scalding summer sun. They were walking towards the baseball diamond out behind the school; it had only been two minutes since they got out of the car, and already they were sweating buckets.
"I am going to dissolve into a pile of ash," they said.
Toriel looked down at them. "I told you not to wear that sweater, my child."
"But I like this sweater." Kris pouted and adjusted their horn headband out of habit. "Why do we have to do this, anyway?"
"It's tradition, Kris!" Asgore said chipperly. He was wearing a hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap, and looked altogether far too cheerful. "Remember how much fun we had last year?"
Kris thought back. "Last year was pretty fun, actually."
Toriel glared at them. "No pranking Noelle with fire ants this time, Kris."
Kris groaned. "Then what's the poiiiiint?" They crossed their arms. "It's a dumb tradition, anyway. If we all jumped off a bridge every year would you make me do that too, because it's tradition? What if I died? What if I died and was dead forever?"
Toriel smiled down at them. "Well, it's a good thing this is baseball, and not jumping off a bridge to die forever, isn't it, Kris?"
Kris crossed their arms and grumbled to themself.
Asriel elbowed them in the side. "Aw, come on. It's not so bad! Just try to have fun, okay?"
Kris looked up at Asriel, then turned back to the baseball diamond and sighed. "Okayyyyy."
The Holidays were already on the diamond. Dess was practicing swings at home plate, with Noelle shadowing her, no doubt listening to Dess brag about how killer she was at baseball; Carol was reclining in a fold-out lawn chair, wearing sunglasses and a large floppy hat, with a book laid out on her legs and a glass of something Kris probably wasn't allowed to drink in her hand; and Rudy was running up to them, a dorky sun visor around his forehead.
"Heya, gang!" he greeted. "How's everyone doing? Ready to play some ball?"
Asgore laughed heartily and walked up to give Rudy a hug. "You know we are."
"I think baseball was invented by dark gods to burn people alive and suck our souls out of our bodies," Kris said.
"Yes yes, Kris, we know," Toriel said placatingly, patting them on the head before giving Rudy a smile. "Most of us are."
Rudy chuckled. "Well if they're not feeling it, they can join their Aunt Carol over in the stands, and they can both have no fun together!"
From over where she was sitting, Carol raised her sunglasses, glaring over at her husband. "NO they CANNOT. I do not need fire ants in my fur, thank you very much."
"You wouldn't have that problem if you got up and played with us!" Rudy returned.
"Not after twisting my ankle last year, honey," Carol called back, before lowering her sunglasses again and returning to her book.
Rudy shrugged. "Eh. I tried."
"It's okay," Kris said. "I don't wanna sit with Aunt Carol anyway. She's really mean and really boring."
"Kris! Manners," Toriel snapped.
Asgore laughed and said, "Kids, right?" which only earned him a glare from Toriel, too.
Rudy just chuckled. "Hey, hey. What she doesn't hear can't hurt us, yeah?"
"Uh…I'm gonna go say hi to Dess," Asriel said, backing away from the conversation.
Kris, seeing an opportunity to get away from the adults, followed him over to Dess and Noelle. Dess was still practicing her swings, and Noelle was still dutifully providing her an adoring audience.
"Hey, Dreem-nerds!" Dess grinned at the two of them, miming blowing their heads off with her bat. "You ready to get creamed?"
Asriel only smiled at the taunts. "Hey, Dess! How are you?"
"Ready to kick your ass, that's how!"
"Language," Carol called absently from behind them.
"We're down a player, though," Noelle pointed out. "Won't that give us a disadvantage?"
"It's not like she did much anyway," Kris mumbled under their breath.
"Yeah, we don't need Mom to beat you guys!" Dess said confidently. "My coach says I've got natural talent! You hear that? That means I'm the best at baseball!"
Noelle frowned. "Um, I don't think that's what it means…"
"That's great, though, Dess!" Asriel said, smiling wide. "Have you guys been winning your games?"
"Well, uh—" Dess faltered. "Well, some of 'em."
Kris snickered. "But not most of them?"
"Hey, it's not my fault! I've got some real loser teammates."
"That's not very nice, Dess," Noelle pointed out.
Dess scowled. "Yeah, well, it isn't very nice when Squidly can't throw the ball, either."
"Hey kids!" Rudy called. He and Kris's parents were walking towards them. "You guys ready to play?"
Dess and Asriel gave enthusiastic assent, Noelle nodded, and Kris huffed, but there was nothing they could do as they all took their places. The Dreemurrs had first bat, and Kris volunteered to step up to the plate first, just to get it over with. They held the bat in their hands awkwardly and looked across the field to Rudy, who was on the pitchers mound.
"Ready, kiddo?" he called.
Kris nodded, and Rudy threw the ball. It was more of a light toss than a pitch, though, and Kris watched as the ball arced through the air towards them. They were a little late on reaction, though, and the ball bonked them right in the forehead.
"Oh crap," Rudy said.
"Kris!" Toriel called from behind them. "Are you alright?"
Kris looked down at the ball, which had fallen by their feet, and picked it up. Then they dropped the bat and started running to first base.
"HEY!" Dess cried indignantly. "THAT'S CHEATING!"
"You can't tag me out if I have the ball!" Kris called back as they passed a very confused Noelle on first and headed for second. "I win!"
"That's against the rules!" Dess shouted.
Rudy exchanged a look with Asgore. "Um, what do we…?"
Kris kept running, blazing towards third base, where Dess was waiting. They stuck out their tongue at her, and she growled, leaping forward and tackling them to the ground.
"Gimme the fucking ball, you twerp!"
"DESS!" Carol shouted.
"Hoo boy," Rudy mumbled as he jogged over to where they were tussling on the dirt. "This year's off to a great start, huh?"
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caelusarchetype · 10 months
So you're a receptionist in the adventure guild.
- And people really just treat you normally in your face, but compare you to the other receptionists when you're away. The way you talk to the adventurers is too straight too the point, the mission requests you post on the job board are too messy (clearly you're a novice at this), and your handwriting is terrible. You come home every night to the neigboring inn, with barely enough money to keep yourself alive everyday.
- Suddenly that guy comes in, with a menacing aura and a really big sword, or gun, or shield, or dick. You and everyone else in the guild knew immediately that this guy is not normal. Especially when he just beat up ten drunk people who ganged on him (give him a break, that guy can't speak this kingdom's language), and even more especially when the royal guards themselves came to the guildhouse to fetch him.
- And then there came the announcement that the kingdom is under attack, and not because the king or queen or regent is waging war on the neighboring countries again. This time, you're the ones being conquered, by some asshole probably chuunibyo who calls himself?herself?themselves? demon lord. Apparently, that big guy was supposed to defeat that delulu.
- But that doesn't matter to you. You're just a receptionist. So you keep doing your work. But the other people all around you are discussing evacuation. This town where you're at is almost at the danger zone. You only made your move and joined the panic caravan when the inn where you spend your nights closed down.
- You try to find yourself a job in the safe cities, namely the capital where capitalism rules over. By some sort of joke of faith, you find yourself as a receptionist in an adventurers' guild again. Well, at least you're safe for now. Until of course, something happened.
(What do you mean "Something happened"? Nothing happened!)
Okayyyyy. Surrrrreeee. Nothing happened, nuh uh, nada. Of course, you definitely did not indirectly murder the royal family by accidentally typing assassination instead of annunciation (why would anyone use that word nowadays + assassination job requests are too common, of course you think THEY'RE the ones who made the spelling mistake. Nah, of course, you didn't do that. Nothing happened!
Ah well, anyways, some people are now vying for the throne, forcefully steering noble daughters' lives into the agony of marriage with some rich guy they don't know. There's gonna be a lot of political issues coming. You better get out of the kingdom soon.
Oh right you can't do that! Because of the "demon lord! Right! Oh no, what do you do now? Well, I guess now you just have to keep living the life you always did: customer service.
Anyways, the hero turns out to be good for business. More and more people are wanting to be adventurers! This means more hours, which means less sleep, which means more money! Which probably doesn't matter. The economy is in shambles without a sovereign anyway. Why bother.
Good thing is that one day, one of your fellow receptionists comes up with a plan to escape the kingdom. They were talking about it with some rich noble guy who doesn't want to marry his fiancee. Of course, you could blackmail them for money (aka happiness in these trying times) but you decide to join in on the plan.
Your job is to lie to people so that nobody will go to the route you're going to take to get out of this wretched place. Tell the adventurers that there are no monsters there - based on experience the more dangerous you tell them a place is the more they want to go there. Some embezzlement to help you start anew in another country is good too, but you better be careful since there are even more people around here now that can see you.
One day then came the day of reckoning, to escape your receptionist lifestyle, and maybe, probably, become a receptionist in a foreign adventurer's guild. Oh, but you didn't even try to learn that country's language. There goes your hope.
Somehow your past catches up to you and an investigator approaches you just as when you're about to leave with your packed-up clothes in the same big bag you used to escape to the capital (you tell them it's a big fat cat). This person is investigating who murdered the royal family. You don't know. All you know is that it wasn't supposed to be an assassination. So that's what you tell them, you don't know. But this one's clingy. Long story short you miss your ride and now you're stuck being a receptionist.
Eh, but life's not all bad. The hero kills the demon lord and gets elected as the new king. He makes a bad king, but then he gets a wife which makes the situation a little more tolerable. The people that escaped to another country visit you every now and then until one day you are left to take care of one of their kids whose probably the true heir to the throne or something but eh, life's not bad.
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