liquidstar 6 months
hi from one OC creator mutual to another i just wanna say i have been seeing all your OCs whenever you post them and your dedication to making full body refs of so many little guys just floors me. like i may not fully know whats going on there (though id like to) but your art and dedication to it is amazing. i just thought id say so bc ive thought so for a while i just dont know how to say shit like this without sounding weird LOL. anyway tldr you have such an incredible drive to create and its awsome and i love your OCs never stop posting okbye
HI OMG sorry im replying late i got kind of busy for a sec there, but i love this ask to much its so sweet <3 i promise you dont sound weird at all!!!
i really appreciate the encouragement too! making a lot of full body refs is taxing but its also like. a passion project kind of so i cant not! even though im really excited to almost be done w it (im working on commissions rn though so its on a bit of a pause for now!)
ive seen you talk about your ocs too!! i saw your tags on my post from a couple days ago and read through them :D you have a really cool concept and like, OCs meant for games are sooo interesting to me bc idrk much about #gaming so i have no idea how to create a story for one really! so it similarly floors me when people are able to do that. its like a different skillset for mentally planning the narrative i think, and on top of that is how the games themselves would work... it seems like a lot of thought and planning and its really awesome to me!
id also like to know more about your OCs too :) whenever you wanna talk about them my dms and askbox are open! discord too! i'm finn_again. i like hearing about OC stuff and obvs if you wanna know stuff too that also rocks bc i love sharing lol
but again tysm for the motivation! if i can help it i will never stop posting and keep drawing them :) i hope that once im done w the "drawing all the refs" project i can pop out some more misc stuff, like alt outfits or au concepts or even comics (funny or serious) and maybe that way people will also be more interested than just introduction/reference posts 馃槄
for both of us though, i hope we get to share our stories with the world for real. like you said in the tags of that other post, these things are like our babies. and i wanna see them grow up strong and have them leave the nest for others to enjoy hehe. seriously, good luck with everything bc im always cheering on other ppl who have passion projects like this, they mean everything in a way thats hard to describe! so! i believe in you and wish you the best!!!!
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butchtranny 10 months
okay since you asked 馃槄.... i may have fantasized about finding you sitting out on the porch in the evening smoking a blunt. and I'd climb into your lap to shotgun hits off you til we're both giggly and high as fuck and we end up making out with your hands sliding up under my skirt 馃挏馃挏馃挏
(yes there's more to this fantasy i just don't wanna be weird but also you're SO hot and im a weak femme 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ) (also you have nice hands and a gorgeous smile okbye 鉁笍鉁笍)
Tell me more! What you wanna do to me/have me do to you? I'd definitely enjoy having a femme climb into my lap and I VERY much enjoy shotgunning. Gotta cool off the smoke, help it be less harsh for you. Go on, breathe it in. Fill your lungs with breath from mine, and exhale. There's such an erotic aspect to it, I think. Shotgunning as an act of spiritual penetrative sex. The weed smoke is a strap, the blunt it's harness.
I think the thing that gets me about it is it's not penetrative in the sense of being phallic. Like sure you can make the argument that the blunt itself is a phallic representation, bringing it to the lips representing fellatio on a phallus. But the blunt does not factor in for the femme I am shotgunning with, only the smoke within my lungs. I also don't think phallic imagery is counter to lesbianism or lesbian eroticism. We have straps for a reason. But I really like the concept of exploring my sexuality through ways unmoored to phalli or yoni. I am very high rn and also have had a Very Good Night so I do wanna get back to the original point of this response which is to say!
Please message me the rest!! This was hot and I'd love to hear more about how you fantasize about me
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mothlover69 2 years
馃敼for Morpheus and Rottie?
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Hello again @anoddopal I trust the days been treating you well?
This was a fun little challenge. I ended up choosing songs that have some... history in our relationship. Each has their own story. I won't bore the viewers of this blog, but if asked about it I will share.
The playlist is as follows:
1. Church by Fall Out Boy
2. Just Like Heaven by the Cure
3. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
4. All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera
And here is a link to the list on Spotify
And now i hand the proverbial mic over to... Rottie...
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Uh.. hi 馃憢 i honestly didn't expect anyone to include me... it's nice to meet everyone? I'll... try to keep it short... 馃槄
So here's the playlist:
1. Lovesong - the Cure
2. Let Me Sleep Beside You - David Bowie
3. Creep - Radiohead
4. Friday I'm in Love - the Cure
Um. I like music from that era. 馃榿 I guess I don't really listen to "modern" music all that much. I uh. I collect vinyls. It's hard to make custom playlists with those otherwise I think it's the best way to listen to music
Oh heres the link
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gnawzmore 2 years
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The owner of the lake has a swimming risk馃槄 #OKBye (at Lake Malawi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CarjDlRI6KqcvalrV3465JU3o5JcxKB9FhstmY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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In this world of mine... there is no perfection... there is no beauty... there is no BEAUTIFUL... #hairmess #selflove #selfobsessed #imperfection #notyourconventional #offbeat #misfit #paralleluniverse #parallelbeing #toomanyhastags #okbye馃槄 What the hell is perfection either-way?!
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