#old vs new testies
spikeisawesome456 · 11 months
1, 5 and 30!
Thanks!!! :-D
1. Art programs you have but don't use
Well, at the moment all of them. -.- I've not had the time nor energy to draw recently. But of the art programs I have, I use both of them. I have GIMP, and I have Krita, both free programs. I have been using Krita less recently, if only because the most recent Krita does not like my laptop and is very testy. Plus, the most recent GIMP is honestly really good. I was using an old version of GIMP for years and while I liked it, it honestly wasn't very good. But the newer version is very nice for my needs.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Well that one is easy, ha. I post all of the art I create. Not all of it here on Tumblr, but I usually post it somewhere, be it Facebook or whatnot. If you include pictures of my crafts, however, that really depends. I always share pictures with my online friends, but rarely post online, if only because I do a lot of little crafts and posting every single one would be a chore. So... no idea, really.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Hm, it's hard to say, since most of my art doesn't tend to get a lot of views or interaction. I don't really do art for that, though. I just create because I want to create, you know? When I was younger, yeah, it was discouraging to not get a lot of interaction with my art. But now I just... like to draw, ha.
I will post one that I personally liked but that didn't get a lot of interaction. It's this Blackbeard one I did last year. I was mostly wanting to try something new with the colors, and I personally like how it tuned out, ha. It's a bit much, but I like it. ^-^
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Thanks again for the ask!!! :-D
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
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laresearchette · 20 days
Thursday, September 05, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR ARE YOU SURE?! (Season 1, new episode) REASONABLE DOUBT (Season 2, new episode)
2024 US OPEN TENNIS (TSN5) 3:00pm: Mixed Doubles Final (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Women’s Semifinals
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Twins vs. Rays (SN Now) 3:30pm: Mariners vs. A’s (SN) 6:30pm: Phillies vs. Marlins (SN Now) 8:00pm: Angels vs. Rangers (TSN2) 8:30pm: Tigers vs. Padres
2024 SUMMER PARALYMPIC GAMES (CBC) 2:00pm: Swimming, Day 8 (CBC) 2:30pm: Para Athletics, Day 8 (CBC) 2:45pm: Prime, Day 8 (CBC) 8:00pm: Primetime (CBC) 11:30pm: Tonight
THE SUMMIT AUSTRALIA (Discovery Channel Canada) 8:00pm: With day 11, comes a twist that forces a heartbreaking decision at an icy waterfall challenge; as animosity builds against Sam the Chaser, knowing what to do with this outsider is going to be one of their biggest challenges yet.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 8:20pm: Ravens vs. Chiefs
BARNWOOD BUILDERS (Magnolia Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The guys head to Lower Salem, Ohio to save a classic example of a pioneer log home; over in Marietta, they ride up the Ohio River on an old Sternwheeler boat; Sherman and Ryan tour a small factory that makes historical markers.
LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA (Discovery Channel Canada) 9:45pm: In the penultimate challenge of LEGO Grand Masters, each team will build one 'Jumper' that is part of a larger carousel; final builds will be revealed on a fully functional carousel under the lights of Sydney's Luna Park.
HOUSE OF ALI (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Ali and her team head north to the Canadian wilderness to design their first lake house; frustrations mount as this rustic cliffside location and a testy contractor challenge the install process.
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squirenonny · 7 years
Clone Shiro Theory in Season 5
Okay, so this mess was inspired by talking with several people on Tumblr and discord about the Clone Shiro Theory in the wake of Season 5, as well as seeing posts in the fandom tags. And...I’ve noticed some common themes in arguments against this theory.
Please note that this is not meant to be a direct rebuttal to anyone, more... working out for myself why I’m so convinced that Shiro is a clone because I’ve got all these nebulous thoughts running around in my head and I need to organize them somehow. So feel free to read, respond, reblog, ect, but also feel free to ignore this completely if Clone Shiro isn’t your thing.
Season 5 spoilers and a very long post under the cut.
I’m going to break this down into three parts:
I. Why a clone and not something else (mind control, magical spyware, ect)
II. Why I won’t accept anything but clones at this point without crying foul
III. Clone Shiro vs Galra Keith
I. Why a clone?
I think at this point there’s no way to deny that something happened to Shiro in Operation Kuron. We’ve seen Haggar spying through him, the headaches are a recurring theme, and his behavior has changed to the point that he’s going behind his team’s back and lashing out at the team in ways he hasn’t before.
With most of the proof, you can make several arguments. Haggar’s mind-controlling him directly, but he still is Shiro. Haggar’s spyware is giving him headaches that’s making him more testy than usual, but he’s still acting under his own free will. Ect. But I think there is enough evidence to give the clone theory specifically an edge over other explanations.
Shiro’s hair grew roughly a foot during his captivity between seasons 2 and 3. There’s no clear answer on how long this was, but it seems like a fairly short time period. At the start of the season, Keith is still raw over Shiro’s disappearance, and though they’ve done a few missions without Shiro, they haven’t run up against anything that required Voltron. Which... considering how often they form Voltron both before and after this period, suggest to me that we’re talking a time frame of weeks at the longest. Then episodes 1-3 happen in pretty quick succession, with the lion switch and Keith immediately charging off, almost out of spite. We pick up with Shiro a day or two before episode 3 (which is where Shiro finds Voltron and then loses them.) He spends another week chasing them before Keith and Black find him. All told, this is probably in the realm of one month since his disappearance, maybe two. For reference, human hair grows on average half an inch per month. Shiro is shown to have significantly more hair growth in this time frame than anyone else gets in the entire series--even people who have been prisoners for extended amounts of time. Matt and Sam each get maybe a few inches, and Shiro’s hair was kept short during his stint in the Arena. This tells me that Shiro’s hair growth for The Journey is not an artist’s exaggeration to show that he’s had it rough. If it is, then it’s sloppy, and the animators on this show are typically pretty attentive to detail. If this is intentional, I can only conclude that Shiro has been in captivity for far longer than the timeline allows and/or the clone was grown in a short time and the accelerated growth also affected his hair.
Calling attention to the difference between Shiro(s1-2) and Shiro(s3+). These, I’ll admit, are more suspicious than damning, but they’re worth mentioning. The animators made a deliberate decision to give Shiro a new look after his return. We’ve seen people in different outfits, and Allura has a few different hairstyles (up, down, mice poofs), but no one has changed their “default” outfit like Shiro has, only their armor or other special outfits (pajamas, swimsuits, ect), and no one has gotten a new haircut, except Pidge (in backstory, as a plot point) and Sam and Matt (compare to Shiro on the Kerberos mission vs post-escape in s1.) They want you to be able to tell the difference between Shiro 1 and Shiro 2. At the same time, they call attention to this change by having Shiro comment about his “weird headache.” The writers also made a point of having the Galra refer to Shiro differently in the context of Operation Kuron (Subject Y0XT39 vs Prisoner 117-9875.) From a writing standpoint, this is a strange choice--not necessarily significant, but likely so because both designations are mentioned in passing and without context, so tossing both out there without reason is more confusing than world-building. And in-universe, it tells us that the people in charge of Operation Kuron couldn’t or didn’t want to refer to prisoners by their already-assigned number. Possibly this is for internal organization--i.e. if not all subjects were prisoners or if they had completely random prisoner numbers. But if it is clones, they would need new ways to identify them, since they’d all have the same prisoner ID. Again, not proof, but suspicious.
Shiro appeared in the Voltron bond. And it seems as though the Shiro with the team didn’t. Not just his head is fuzzy about it. He wasn’t there. Did you notice how Shiro-in-the-bond was translucent, only seen from a distance, and almost completely lacking in detail in the head area? Maybe to obscure the fact that he has his old haircut (both from us and from Lance)? Did you notice that he didn’t appear with everyone else, and how desperate he was to communicate with his team? There are two Shiros. The only question is whether the distinction is physical (clones) or mental (mind control with the real Shiro’s mind completely suppressed by Haggar’s persona)
Following up on this point, Shiro himself is questioning things. If this was a case of mind control, of Haggar taking over Shiro’s body, there is no way she would allow her puppet to question his own identity. If she has direct control, she certainly wouldn’t mention it to Lance, and if the real Shiro is still in there waiting to take his body back, she absolutely would put safeguards in to make sure her controlled personality stays in place.
And of course, the single biggest argument in favor of Clone Shiro: Operation Kuron = literally, “Operation Clone.” This can’t be a coincidence. It can’t. With everyone working on the show (how many of whom are anime fans and have at least a rudimentary familiarity with Japanese pronunciation?), and with Lauren Montgomery having talked about how Laith is a much better ship name for Keith and Lance, because Laith means Lion, I do not believe that they accidentally chose a name for this major plot point that means “clone” in Japanese (which is either Shiro’s native language or at least connected to his heritage.) I also don’t believe that it was chosen as a red herring to make us think this is all about clones when it really isn’t, because the target audience (which is, what 8-12 year olds?) will not pick up on that hint. It fails as a distraction for the core demographic, which makes me think it’s far more likely that it was meant as an easter egg and the writers didn’t necessarily intend for people to pick up on it. It’s like... This post about English name symbolism in FMA. It’s a clever nod to character traits for people who are in the know, but then you give that same name to an English speaker and it’s almost laughably on the nose. For people who don’t speak Japanese (most of Voltron’s audience) and don’t have social media to point it out (unfortunately, comparatively little of the fanbase), “Operation Kuron” is a subtle nod. In a novel, where people likely won’t engage with the fandom until they’re finished, it would work. Hell, for people not actively engaged in fandom, it works. The problem is that we’ve had months upon months and the power of the internet, so now everyone knows that JK Rowling named her werewolf Wolfy McWolfenstein the Galra named their secret clone project Project Clone. That isn’t bad writing. It’s perfectly fine writing tossed to the wolves of a global fandom that loves to theorize.
(Also, I was curious, so I checked, and “Operation Kuron” is called the same thing in the Japanese dub, so lol if it’s not clones, Dreamworks is going to have some explaining to do.)
II. Why having the answer be “Not Clones” at this point would be bad writing
Okay, see, this is way more subjective than part I, which was already pretty subjective. But here’s the thing. Dreamworks has set up Clone Shiro, almost blatantly so. I can forgive the fact that this twist is obvious to the Tumblr fandom, at least, because (a) the show is for kids, so the foreshadowing has to be a little bit more obvious, and (b) you cannot judge subtlety based on thousands of people working together to figure things out. Most of the fandom figured out Galra Keith before season 2 dropped. Some people hated it, but then, some people were incredibly resistant to the Clone Shiro Theory--still are. It feels like everyone and their grandmother figured these twists out way in advance, but if you took away the part where we all screamed about it and laid out our arguments? If you somehow reached out to the viewers who aren’t involved in fandom? I’ll bet you good money that a lot fewer of them have picked up on the hints. (And if they have, they aren’t nearly as certain about it.)
But if we get to season 6 and suddenly find out Shiro has been Shiro all along, just with magic in his head letting Haggar watch him? I’m going to be disappointed, because that resolution is almost guaranteed to leave plot holes. How did Shiro get recaptured/how did he disappear from the Black Lion in the first place? Why did his hair grow so fast? What’s with the change in behavior (I’m not talking about the snappishness and arguing with Keith and Lance, I’m talking about directly undermining the very teamwork he’s been the single biggest proponent of from the start by going behind the team’s back again and again)? Why didn’t Black accept him at first? Why did he have to prove himself to her again, after they’d been more closely bonded than anyone? Why was the project named Operation Kuron? Why did Shiro see another, hollow-looking, him on the exam table in that flashback? Why hasn’t he used the bayard yet?
The show might explicitly answer some of these, but I think we all know by now that it won’t slow the pace long enough to explain all of them. The clone theory explains or implies answers to almost all of these (especially if you couple it with “the original Shiro is stuck in the astral plane” or some such.)
So, no. Clone Shiro isn’t a twist at this point. Maybe it’s just me, because I’m usually pretty good at picking up on foreshadowing and figure out most twists ahead of time, especially if I’m given time to ruminate. But I’m fine with not having big, shocking reveals. Something doesn’t have to be a surprise to be interesting. I don’t have to feel like I was clever for figuring it out. I can’t wait for season 6 because I’m desperate to know that both my sons (Shiro and Ryou) are going to be okay--because I think, at least, that the Shiro with the team right now is not being set up as a villain. He may become a martyr, but he’s meant to be sympathetic, regardless of where he came from.
In the end, I don’t mind that the Clone Shiro Theory seems obvious, because the foreshadowing is aimed at kids and the adult fandom is bound to pick up on those hints faster. And clones explain everything so well that I honestly don’t think any other answer would make for a satisfying conclusion to the Kuron arc.
III. Clone Shiro vs Galra Keith
Okay, now this is interesting, because these are the two main theories that the fandom swarmed. One turned out to be true, and I honestly think the other will be proven right in June.
Also interesting is that, in terms of episode count, they both are paced about the same. It’s just that the Galra Keith plot happened over the course of 1.5 full seasons, while the Operation Kuron plot is going on 3.5 half seasons. Same number of episodes, but more spread out and with more breaks in between. Galra Keith was dropped into a single seven-month gap with a growing fandom and then confirmed immediately with the next batch of episodes. Operation Kuron was introduced in August, fans jumped on it, season 4 dropped, the fandom was split on it (because, admittedly, s4 didn’t add anything to the argument that couldn’t be explained by trauma and/or mounting pressure on Shiro), fans wrote a shitton of Ryou hcs/fic and drew a lot of Ryou art, season 5 dropped, with major new developments but no confirmation, and now we’ve got another break. At the earliest, it will be confirmed or debunked in June, a full ten months after it was first hinted, and with three season breaks for people to theorize, create fanworks, and otherwise dig into Camp Clone.
Can you imagine if the first two seasons had been done like that? (Note: I know I’m fudging the midpoint of season 1 a little bit, but bear with me here. I want to do a thought experiment.)
Season 1: We get hints of Keith’s knife and the major red flag of Keith opening doors that have been implied to be species-locked, so Hunk has to use a Galra arm to get past one door in the same episode Keith uses Galra tech with no problems. There’s also the word of god that says Keith is an orphan, so speculation runs wild. The fandom is split, with a small but vocal group on Team Galra, a vocal opposition, and a whole bunch of people on Team “Can’t we just wait and see what the writers have in mind, guys? We don’t have to fight!”
Season “2″: Little movement on Galra Keith Theory specifically, and both sides have arguments for what little we do get. Are those purple patches the effect of Galra heritage or is that supposed to tell us Quintessence does freaky things? Does Zarkon’s, “You fight like a Galra soldier,” mean anything (and is there a comma there/does that change the meaning? I can only imagine the comma drama if that had been one of the only new points for debate after three months.) The only major development is explicit confirmation of the species lock on Galra tech. All this is exacerbated by growing concerns in the autistic fanbase who worry that Team Galra Keith is starting to twist the legitimate autistic traits to support their own theory. (Believe me, I was there, and I was scared of Galra Keith for a good long while because of this.) The debate starts to turn bitter.
Season “3″: Ulaz shows up, we see Keith’s knife, we have Keith worrying that Zarkon “imprinted” on him, and though nothing comes of that, it still says something that the writers are even willing to acknowledge the theory. The season ends with no clear answer, but by now most of the fandom is on Team Galra. There’s been fic. There’s been art. There are headcanons and metas galore. The evidence is all laid out, and there’s really no denying it at this point. Some people are angry about it, and lots of people are hoping for Altean Keith or something, just because it would still be a surprise.
Season “4″: The Galra Keith reveal happens in episode one or two, and literally no one is shocked. Some people are angry, everyone is pissed that there wasn’t more fallout after four seasons of buildup. But we all knew it was coming.
Think, in contrast, how the Clone Shiro Theory might have gone if we hadn’t switched to half seasons. (In a hypothetical world where the theory is true, and it’s getting revealed next season.)
Season 3 now covers everything through Naxzela. Operation Kuron is huge in fandom discussion, but it’s partially overshadowed by everything else that happened--Keith joining the Blade, Lotor’s offer of talks, Keith’s near sacrifice, Matt’s return... Fewer people are as adamant about the clone theory because we’ve already seen Shiro back in the Black Lion and fighting alongside the team. There are lingering doubts, and people still lay out all their arguments, but it’s less splitting hairs and more the broad range we saw with Galra Keith, from adamant arguments on either side to a broad, casual fanbase in the middle who doesn’t know if it’s gonna happen and honestly couldn’t care less but sure as hell likes to play around with the idea. Like with Galra Keith, there is some evidence that’s either straight-up confirmation or lazy writing (Keith opening doors vs kuron meaning clone) but for the most part people are still uncertain.
Season “4″ drops and hits us all hard with new evidence. People are getting behind the Clone Shiro Theory in earnest now, but somewhere near the end of the season it’s confirmed, forestalling another round of theorizing. Lots of people are caught off-guard, lots of people are edge-of-their-seats “Holy crap, is that actually true??” The major, irrefutable pieces of evidence (Ulaz, Keith’s knife, his nightmares vs Shiro lying to the team, Haggar’s spying, Shiro calling out to Lance in the bond) are immediately followed up by confirmation.
Can you see how the spacing of the episodes drastically changes the perception of the theory? In all honesty, Galra Keith and Clone Shiro feel extraordinarily similar in terms of pacing, evidence, and alternate explanations--it’s just that Keith’s story happened much quicker, in fandom time. I can’t fault the writers for that. I just think half seasons were a bad idea, especially when the show was clearly written with full seasons in mind.
TL;DR Version:
There’s enough evidence that specifically points to clones that I’m 99% convinced that Shiro is a clone at this point. That last 1% is reserved for skepticism because, while I don’t believe the writers could provide me with a different explanation that fits as well as clones, they might try in the name of pulling one over on the viewers.
Galra Keith and Clone Shiro are set up in a very similar manner, and the latter suffers primarily from half season releases and a fandom who knows what tricks to look for.
The fact that the show is geared at a younger audience and so isn’t going to be super subtle is not a mark against it, but unfortunately if you’re active in the fandom, there’s a good chance you’re going to see a solid argument re: upcoming plot twists that spoils the surprise.
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The Simpsons Epsiodes that I would rewatch over and over (the list will keep growing after the start of the 30th season …. plus the order will change due to this fact).
Bart the General
The Crepes of Warth
Left Behind
Bart the Genius
Cape Feare
Flandder's Ladder
Hormer vs. The Eighteenth Amendent
Looking For Mr. Goodbart
Marge vs. the Montrail
The Devil Wears Nada
Jazzy and the Pussy Cats
Hormer's Phobia
I Won't Be Home For Christmas
Special Edna
Lemon of Troy
The City of New York vs. Hormer Simpson
Itchy & Scartchy Land
The Food Wife
Behind the Laughter
Bart vs. Australia
I, (Annoyed Grunt) – Bot
The D'oh-ical Network
22 for 30
Super Franchise Me
The Great Phatsby Parts 1 & 2
Smmer of 4ft. 2
The Wreck of an Relationship
Ned 'n Edna's Bend
Holidays of Future Past
Mr. Lisa Opus
Hormer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Mommy Beerest
The Kids Are All Fight
Them, Roborts
Moho House
You Only Move Twice
Frink Gets Testy
The Kids Are All Right
A Father's Watch
Flaming Moe
Reality Bites
Haw-Haw Land
Caper Chase
In The Name Of The Grandfather
Helter Shelter
A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Would Never Do Again
Please Hormer Don't Hammer 'Em
The Days of Furture Furture
The Man In The Blue Flannel Pants
Bart vs. Lisa vs. The Third Grade
Two Bad Neighbores
The Book Job
Singin' in the  Lane
Hardly Kirk-ing
The Cad and the Hat
I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can
Treehouse of Horror XX
Replaceable You
Gone Boy
Bart Gets An F
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Treehouse of Horror V
Fears of a Clown
Chief of Hearts
Home Away From Hormer
The Wife Aquatic
Dark Knight Court
3 Scenes Plus a Tag from a Marriage
The Winter of His Content
Funeral for a Fiend
King Leer
Burns Cage
The War of Art
Mathele's Feat
Friends and Family
Hormer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
The Bart of War
Tree House of Horror
Bart's Dog gets an F
The Ned-Liest Catch
White Christmas Blues
American History X-cellent
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Fraudcast News
Springfield Splendor
Bart Stops To Smell the Roosevelts
Treehouse of Horror VII
The Last of the Red Hat Mama's
The Falcon and the D'ohman
The President Wore Pearls
Bart the Murderer
The Italian Bob
Wavery Hills 9-0-2-1 D'Oh
Midnight RX
Throw Grampa from the Dane
Hormer Is Where the Art Isn't
Treehouse of Horror VI
This Little Wiggy
Treehouse of Horror XXII
The Great Simpisna
Four Regrettings and a Funeral
Judge Me Tender
Lisa Gets the Blues
Bart Gets Famous
Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Hormer's Enemy
Treehouse of Horror XVIII
He Loves to Fly and  He D'oh's
Bart Has Two Mommies
Hormer Goes To Prep School
Treehouse of Horrow XIX
Coming To Homerica
The Town
Whistler's Father
Treehouse of Horror XXVI
Dangers on a Train
Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-NE-HE-CH4
Waiting For Duffman
Three Gay's In A Condo
Wedding For Disaster
The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
Lisa with an 'S'
Monty Burns 'Fleeing Circus
Grampy Can You Hear Me
Treehouse of Horror XXV
The PTA Disbands
Dad Behavior
G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)
There Will Be Buds
Children of a Lesser Clod
Nightmare After Krustmas
Moms I'd Like To Forget
Treehouse of Horror XXIV
Much Apu About Something
Lost Verizon
The Serferns
E Pluribus Wiggum
The Simpsons Roasting Over A Fire
The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used To Be
Bart-Mangled Banner
Springfield Up
Treehouse of Horror XXI
Hormer Scissorhands
All About Lisa
Halloween of Horror
The Bob Next Door
Havana Wild Weekend
Treehouse of Horror IV
You Kent Always Say What You Want
Today I Am A Clown
Thursdays with Abie
Treehouse of Horrow XI
The Saga of Carl
Brick Like Me
Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
Regarding Margie
Treehouse of Horror XIII
Yellow Subterfuge
Forgive and Forget
The Last Traction Hero
Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Kill Gil Volumes I & II
Bart the Fink
Hormer's Paternity Coot
Marge's Son Posioning
The Mook, The Chef, and the Wife Her Hormer
Don't Fear the Roofer
Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)
A Tale of Two Springfield
The Spy Whom Learned Me
Treehouse of Horror XV
The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
The Yellow Badge of Cowardge
Treehouse of Horror XVII
To Couirer With Love
Pranksta Rap
Treehouse of Horror II
Pulpit Fiction
Specs and the City
Hormer's Night Out
Trust and Clarity
That 90's Show
Treehouse of Horror IV
Life on the Fast Lane
Mr. Spritz Goes To Washington
Treehouse of Horror XVI
Angry Dad, The Movie
The Bart Wants What It Wants
Krusty Gets Busted
To Cur With Love
The Father, The Son, and the Holy Guest Star
Treehouse of Horror III
Pranks and Greens
Adventures In Baby Getting
The Color Yellow
The Mansion Family
Brother From Another Series
There's No Disgrace Like Home
The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Midnight Towboys
What Animated Women Want
Co-Depenedent's Day
Gal of Constant Sorrow
Penny Wiseguys
My Fair Laddie
Dial 'N' For Nerder
Girly Edition
Orange is the New Yellow
Lisa the Veterinarian
Treehouse of Horror VIII
Father Knows Worst
Friend With Benefit
Homer's Odyessey
The Daughter Also Rises
Stealing First Base
Thank God It's Doomsday
Opposite A-Frack
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
All Fair In Oven War
Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life
Stop! Or My Dog Will Shoot
Das Bus
Fland Canyon
Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapers
The Ha-Hawed Couple
Mobile Hormer
Scuse Me While I Miss The Sky
Lisa on Ice
There's Something About Marrying
The Ziff Whom Came To Dinner
Little Girl In The Big Ten
One Hurndred and One Greyhounds
Smoke On The Daughter
On A Clear Day I Can See My Sister
The Curse of the Flying Hellfish
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teens and Gays
The Man Whom Came To Be Dinner
Hurricane Neddy
Weekend ot Burnsie's
Girl's Just Want To Have Sums
Brake My Wife, Please
Sky Police
How Much Is That Birdie In The Window?
Politcally Inept, with Hormer Simpson
Call of the Simpsons
Bart's Comet
Simpsons Tide
The Marge-ian Chronicles
Hormer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Faith Off
Grade School Confidental
Lisa's Wedding
Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(ANNOYED GRUNT)cious
Bart After Dark
Little Big Girl
Dead Putting Society
How The Test Was Won
Skinner's Sense of Snow
How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
Elemetary School Musical
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Lost our Lisa
Girl Code
Who Shot Mr Burns (½)
The Musk Whom Feel From The Sky
To Surviel with Love
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
Every Man's Dream
Tell Tale Head
Moaning Lisa
Half Decent Proposal
Hormer the Moe
Trash of Titans
The Great Wife Hope
The Man Who Grew To Much
24 Minutes
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
You Don't Have To Live Like A Refree
Boy Meets Curl
The Fight Before Christmas
Team Hormer
The Great Money Caper
Margical Histroy Tour
Some Enchanted Evening
Treehoue of Horror XII
Peeping Mom
Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Moe From Rags to Riches
Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
Hormer Badman
At Long Last Leave
Treehouse of Horror X
Cue Detective
Worst Episode Ever
Treehouse of Horror IX
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thesportssoundoff · 8 years
A lot of good fights with a wacky main event: a preview of the UFC’s return to Brazil
March 8th, 2017
So the UFC's PPV offerings haven't quite delivered the excitement you'd hope for---but their free shows have been pretty damn solid. They may have lacked name value but they've delivered on the action quotient with some big finishes and shocking moments relative to the card quality. So now we move on to the UFC's FIRST offering from Brazil, a really solid card both in terms of name value AND card quality. The headliner is oddly intriguing; a fight that shouldn't make a lot of sense but somehow it does and it figures to be fun until it ends however that may be. Beyond that, you have a REALLY REALLY good back to back co-main and tertiary fight in Shogun Rua vs Gian Villante and Beneil Dariush vs Edson Barboza. If you move beyond that, Bethe Correia vs Marion Reneau figures to be a testy back and forth brawl given how both women tend to do their best work coming forward. MAYBE even a potential #1 contender fight at flyweight? Oh and Tim Means is going to fuck some shit up vs Alex Oliveira who seems to enjoy fucking shit up/people in wacky fights. Let's get on to the getting on:
Fights: 12
Debuts: 2 (Paulo Henrique Costa, Davi Ramos)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 4 (Ion Cutelaba vs Luis Henrique cancelled/Kyle Bochniak vs Godofredo Pepey cancelled/Max Griffin out, Davi Ramos in/Alex Nicholson out, Garreth McClellan in)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 9 (Alex Oliveira, Shogun Rua, Vitor Belfort, Kelvin Gastelum, Jussier Formiga, Bethe Correia, Edson Barboza, Josh Burkman and Beniel Dariush)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Vitor Belfort, Garreth McClellan, Josh Burkman)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 11 ( Joe Soto,  Rani Yahya, Mauricio Rua, Kelvin Gastelum, Edson Barboza, Beneil Dariush, Jussier Formiga, Ray Borg, Kevin Lee, Francisco Trinaldo, Michel Prezares)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 7-6)- Paulo Henrique Costa, Davi Ramos
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 5-7)- Davi Ramos, Garreth McClellan
Second Fight (Current number: 4-9)- Jeremy Kennedy
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- So let's begin with this the obvious. If this fight sees round three or so, it's probably not going to go well for Vitor. Hell I'd draw the line at 3 minutes into the second for Vitor's chances to win. Gastelum is a workhorse when fights stretch and while he's not a concussive one punch knockout artist, he can absolutely positively overwhelm guys with his aggression and his output. The KEY is the first eight minutes of the fight. Gastelum can get caught cold; he lost the first round to Niko Musoke, lost the first to Woodley (IMO) andd while I don't think he lost the first to Tim Kennedy, he certainly wasn't very sharp. He started slow vs Means as well. This is a fight between a guy who has fought somewhat successfully at 205 lbs (Vitor) and a natural-ish 170er who loves good food (Gastelum). Gastelum thus far, ironically enough, has had his best performances at 185 lbs but this is a dangerous fight. At least early.
2- Is the UFC going to keep Vitor around until he retires? Or will they let him become a Bellator fighter and risk him becoming a ratings popper for their competitor?
3- As much as we ALL love to giggle and sniggle about it; facts remain that if Shogun wins this fight, he'll have the third longest winning streak at 205 lbs behind DC and Cirkunov. Think about that, kids.
4- As much as Cirkunov vs Shogun would've made sense from a "Create a star" perspective, Villante vs Shogun is a perfectly well put together action fight. Both guys are explosive early, hittable throughout, low on chin but high on recuperative ability. I greatly approve of this fight from a gawking perspective.
5- I'm calling Ray Borg vs Jussier Formiga a #1 contender fight for one reason; anybody who beats Jussier Formiga eventually fights for a title.  So if Borg can a) fucking make the weight and b) beat a super tough Brazilian grappler in Brazil? He's got a chance to fight for a title. I just hope Borg's striking has made some sort of progress.
6- Sergio Moraes vs Davi Ramos should just be given GIs for this fight. Don't strike (even though when Moraes commits, he can crack folks).
7- Bethe Corriea vs Marion Reneau is a really interesting fight. Reneau is  far, far better than her so-so 3-2 UFC record. She beat the uncrowned Bellator 145 lb champion in Alexis Dufresne and beat the future (don't @ me) 115 lb champ Jessica Andrade in Brazil.  One of her losses was to Holly Holm (no shame in that) and then a decision loss to Ashlee Evans Smith don't @ me. She's a lot better than people will ever give her credit for and could definitely be a top 6 or 7  women's bantamweight. Bethe is one of those wacky ladies who seems to always be in exciting fights. Reneau doesn't always fight with clean fight IQ (although her punch technique is superb) and s we could be in for something crazy.
8- In many ways, Rony Jason is proof positive of the UFC's stumbles in Brazil. When they first started cultivating Brazil, Rony Jason was one of the guys who seemed destined for superstardom as the UFC marched its way into Brazil, the winner of their inaugural Brazilian TUF season at featherweight. Jason got off to a hot start with back to back finishes in front of a massive crowd----and then Jeremy Stephens happened. Since that Stephens fight, Jason has gone 2-3 with a no contest due to steroids thrown in. He's a really fun exciting fighter but like the UFC in Brazil, it feels like he never found a way to bridge the old generation of champions with the next generation. Jason is your FS1 headliner and he faces Canadian grappler Jeremy Kennedy in a fight he should win and do so impressively.
9- Speaking of that TUF Brazil season, Francisco Trinaldo was a key piece to that season. A monstrous hulking middleweight, Trinaldo was built up as a big beast on the season----but he quit on his stool in the opening fight. Despite being a super muscular dude, Trinaldo has since dropped to 155 lbs. He started off pretty slow in the UFC, racking up a so-so 4-3 record vs chaffe but since then? Seven straight wins against reputable names like Ross Pearson, Paul Felder, Yancy Medeiros and Norman Parke. He'll face the very great Kevin Lee who is riding a streak of his own.
10- Joe Soto, good luck. If you beat Rani Yahya you'll be the biggest hero of all the times.
11- How could Beneil Darisuh beat Edson Barboza? Edson's such a great wrestler (really underrated) so unless Dariush can outbox him, which is possible, what's his immediate path to victory?
12- Alex Oliveira's career in the last six fights:
Super duper short notice fight vs Joe Merritt; like a fight in ten days.
Shmelted Piotr Hallmann in the third round of a 50K winning performance.
Short notice step up vs Donald Cerrone in a "Cowboy vs Cowboy" fight where he tapped like two minutes in.
Fight with James Moontasri where he hit him in the dick like three times.
Potential career defining win for Will Brooks where he showed up 6 lbs overweight and then taunted Brooks afterwards.
Illegal knee no contest vs Tim Means where Oliveira was basically wheeled out.
Dude loves the strange.
Must Wins:
Ray Borg
The 125 lb division needs a guy who can stand out. Ray Borg was on a hot streak as a wacky squirrely grappler with Mexican ties and a little bit of swag to him prior to weight issues and a loss to Justin Scoggins. He's got a massive chance to tip the apple cart at flyweight if he can beat Jussier Formiga. Again, EVERY LOSS FORMIGA HAS HAD HAS LED TO TITLE FIGHTS FOR THE WINNER! The weird thing is that if Borg's striking has tightened up in any capacity, his ability to scramble and his athletic upside suggests he absolutely positively could win this fight.
Kelvin Gastelum
This is a weird fight for Gastelum. Sort of kind of. Gastelum should beat Vitor Belfort---but you simply can't overlook that Gastelum's a slow starter fighting probably outside of his weight class in Brazil. It's not a perfect fit and there's no obvious path to victory. Is he strong enough to take Vitor down? Maybe possibly. Can he avoid a Vitor Blitz? Rafa Cordeiro's done some amazing work but Gastelum's head movement is never going to set the world on fire. Does he has to win impressively? Vitor's been finished in his last three losses and all within two rounds. Gastelum's in  a tough spot but I don't think it's a big ask to suggest that an impressive win is really important to him.
Gian Villante
In some respects the "Shogun" Rua decline has been overstated. The division in general is old and at 35, Shogun's not THAT much older than say DC, Glover, Bader, Rumble or Jimi Manuwa. Shogun's 3-4 in his last seven fights but outside of that "the fuck?" loss to Chael Sonnen, the other guys were awful stylistic matchups for him. Villante is a kill or be killed low cardio slugger aka the sort of dude that Shogun should have a theoretical path to success against. Again IF Shogun wins, that's THREE wins in a row and you could legitimately start talking title picture. Yes, title picture.
Five Underlying Themes:
1- So is going/fighting in Brazil still a big thing? Will the crowd see it as a big thing?
2- The Shogun/Villante potential FOTY slopfest of all the times.
3- Whether the UFC can find SOMEBODY under the age of 32 to become a star or a face in Brazil as they move forward.
4- Whether Edson Barboza, a serious prodigy for so long, can finally turn the corner and stamp his arrival as a top 5 lightweight.
5- A REALLY deep undercard featuring some Brazilian veterans and one new middleweight who they expect to open some eyes.
Predicting (Bonus) Winners!
Current record: 16-19 (Missed on: Houston card, UFC 208, the Canada card. Went 4-7 on the last show I did, UFC on Fox)
Kelvin Gastelum Shogun Rua Edson Barboza Jussier Formiga Marion Reneau Tim Means Kevin Lee Sergio Moraes Rani Yahya Michel Prezares Rony Jason Paulo Henrique Costa
FOTN: Shogun Rua vs Gian Villante POTN: Edson Barboza, Kelvin Gastelum
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adambstingus · 5 years
How Harry Truman Ran a Bourbon-Soaked White House
Now that we are officially in the throes of the 2016 presidential election race, the media is obsessed with weighing the merits of one candidate’s platform versus another. But let’s be honest: We are interested in more than just their politics. Dissections of vacation destinations, price comparisons of haircuts and even psychological analyses of music playlists count in the minds of voters, almost as much as proposed foreign policy strategies and views on taxation. But the one detail I’d love to learn about the lives of these wannabe commanders in chief is never discussed: What they like to drink. (And I don’t mean iced tea or lemonade.) Like in a scene out of Veep, most would no doubt find some way to dodge the simple request if asked. (No surprise, given how well Obama’s so-called “beer summit” went over back in 2009.) However, the United States has a long and rich boozy presidential history that often reflected the state of the union. It started in the very beginning: George Washington owned the country’s largest rye whiskey distillery after leaving office. And it wasn’t that long ago when presidential candidates proudly publicized their drink of choice—case in point, Harry S. Truman. Truman, who held office from 1945 to 1953, has one of the most storied presidential relationships with alcohol to date.
“He did have a reputation for enjoying his bourbon,” says Clay Bauske, the curator of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. “[Though] he certainly didn’t go as far as Winston Churchill, who is a very famous drinker.”
The Missouri Democrat harbored a love for bourbon so well-known that in November of 1945 the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which objected to his frequent drinking and poker playing, tried to prevent Baylor University from giving him an honorary degree.
The following year, the New York Times Magazine ran a story by Luther Huston called “Bourbon on the Potomac,” which talked about how the spirit was the social lubricant of choice in D.C.
The article included a section on the then administration: “Now, President Truman does not settle momentous controversies on the basis of teetotaler vs. tippler, but anyone who knows him is aware that there is quite likely to be a stronger bond between him and a Southern gentleman who likes a hooker of red likker than between him and an arid Iowan.”
It should come as no surprise that both sides of Truman’s family came from America’s most famous whiskey-producing state, Kentucky. But despite his lineage, he seemed to keep his appreciation for the spirit and his foreign policies separate.
He shut down the nation’s distilleries for 60 days in 1947 to preserve grain, which was sent overseas to feed hungry Europeans.
The move was particularly tough for American distillers, since they were just getting started after World War II, when most of them had been producing high-proof alcohol for use in rubber, explosives, and antifreeze for the armed forces. It was also a rough period for drinkers, with stocks of straight whiskey running low.
Ultimately, Truman’s fondness for bourbon not only broadened his appeal, but also helped him defeat his much-heralded opponent, Republican Thomas Dewey.
Truman’s campaign, according to David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Truman, ran on a diet of bourbon and poker, while Dewey’s staff and accompanying press favored the more rarified combo of Martinis and bridge.
The president’s liquor preference was no cheap election-season publicity stunt.
The straight-talking Midwesterner was an unabashed whiskey fan, for years beginning most days with a dram of Old Grand-Dad or Wild Turkey bourbon and a power walk.
The regimen, according to McCullough’s book, was perhaps responsible for his good health that lasted well into his late 60s.
Bourbon could also melt the awkward formalities of official Washington.
After losing a tough fight at the Supreme Court, when even his own appointees declared his attempt to temporarily nationalize the steel industry unconstitutional, Truman found himself invited to an Old Alexandria home for a cocktail party with Supreme Court justices William O. Douglas and Hugo Black.
As McCullough recounted in Truman: “At the start of the evening, Truman, though polite, seemed ‘a bit testy,’ remembered William O. Douglas. “But after the bourbon and canapés were passed, he turned to Hugo [Black] and said, ‘Hugo, I don’t much care for your law, but, by golly, this bourbon is good.’”
Later in life, Truman’s physician actually instructed him to imbibe. “The doctor says he should drink, that it’s good for him, it’s relaxing for him, and that it’s particularly good for people who are getting older and have hardening of the arteries or restricted circulation, and so forth,” said his son-in-law, E. Clifton Daniel, in a 1972 interview. “So, he is not only permitted to drink, but encouraged to drink, but of course not too much.”
Besides his morning constitutional, Truman usually enjoyed his whiskey with water or with ginger ale—but to nowhere near the excess one might think.
According to numerous interviews, with friends, former colleagues and subordinates, collected as part of an oral history project at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, he generally limited himself to just a few drinks per event, which he would nurse all night.
“He can make a highball last longer than anybody I ever saw,” said Edgar G. Hinde, a lifelong friend, comrade in World War I and former postmaster in Independence, Missouri. “I’ve seen him take one highball, and—all evening that would be all he’d take but he’d drink with everybody that’d come in…I never saw him when he was anywhere near under the influence of liquor.”
No matter how much he drank at one time, bourbon became one of the hallmarks of his presidency.
For Christmas 1946, his cabinet presented him with a handsome bar set featuring two crystal decanters (one for bourbon, one for Scotch) and 12 matching silver cups each engraved with a staff member’s name and, of course, one for the him.
Spirited gifts were frequently bestowed on Truman. The list of Christmas presents that the White House received in 1951 includes a case of Old Grand-Dad and an unnamed 18-year-old bourbon.
The 33rd president certainly had enough friends and colleagues to share his liquor with.
But he wasn’t the only Truman to enjoy a glass of whiskey before dinner. McCullough recounts how the first lady, Bess, schooled the White House bartender on how to make an Old-Fashioned.
Her version, it turned out, was actually a sizable glass of bourbon on the rocks void of the sugar, bitters and fruit that normally make up the cocktail.
All of this raises the question, what bourbon did Truman love best? Though there are lots of opinions on the matter, the truth is he drank a number of them, including the aforementioned Wild Turkey and Old Grand-Dad, as well as Old Crow and Old Forester, which are all still available.
So this Fourth of July weekend, pour yourself a dram, toast to Truman and his affinity for the good stuff—and hope that at least one of 2016’s candidates is a whiskey drinker.
Noah Rothbaum is the author of the recently published The Art of American Whiskey.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/how-harry-truman-ran-a-bourbon-soaked-white-house/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/184191530572
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samanthasroberts · 5 years
How Harry Truman Ran a Bourbon-Soaked White House
Now that we are officially in the throes of the 2016 presidential election race, the media is obsessed with weighing the merits of one candidate’s platform versus another. But let’s be honest: We are interested in more than just their politics. Dissections of vacation destinations, price comparisons of haircuts and even psychological analyses of music playlists count in the minds of voters, almost as much as proposed foreign policy strategies and views on taxation. But the one detail I’d love to learn about the lives of these wannabe commanders in chief is never discussed: What they like to drink. (And I don’t mean iced tea or lemonade.) Like in a scene out of Veep, most would no doubt find some way to dodge the simple request if asked. (No surprise, given how well Obama’s so-called “beer summit” went over back in 2009.) However, the United States has a long and rich boozy presidential history that often reflected the state of the union. It started in the very beginning: George Washington owned the country’s largest rye whiskey distillery after leaving office. And it wasn’t that long ago when presidential candidates proudly publicized their drink of choice—case in point, Harry S. Truman. Truman, who held office from 1945 to 1953, has one of the most storied presidential relationships with alcohol to date.
“He did have a reputation for enjoying his bourbon,” says Clay Bauske, the curator of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. “[Though] he certainly didn’t go as far as Winston Churchill, who is a very famous drinker.”
The Missouri Democrat harbored a love for bourbon so well-known that in November of 1945 the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which objected to his frequent drinking and poker playing, tried to prevent Baylor University from giving him an honorary degree.
The following year, the New York Times Magazine ran a story by Luther Huston called “Bourbon on the Potomac,” which talked about how the spirit was the social lubricant of choice in D.C.
The article included a section on the then administration: “Now, President Truman does not settle momentous controversies on the basis of teetotaler vs. tippler, but anyone who knows him is aware that there is quite likely to be a stronger bond between him and a Southern gentleman who likes a hooker of red likker than between him and an arid Iowan.”
It should come as no surprise that both sides of Truman’s family came from America’s most famous whiskey-producing state, Kentucky. But despite his lineage, he seemed to keep his appreciation for the spirit and his foreign policies separate.
He shut down the nation’s distilleries for 60 days in 1947 to preserve grain, which was sent overseas to feed hungry Europeans.
The move was particularly tough for American distillers, since they were just getting started after World War II, when most of them had been producing high-proof alcohol for use in rubber, explosives, and antifreeze for the armed forces. It was also a rough period for drinkers, with stocks of straight whiskey running low.
Ultimately, Truman’s fondness for bourbon not only broadened his appeal, but also helped him defeat his much-heralded opponent, Republican Thomas Dewey.
Truman’s campaign, according to David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Truman, ran on a diet of bourbon and poker, while Dewey’s staff and accompanying press favored the more rarified combo of Martinis and bridge.
The president’s liquor preference was no cheap election-season publicity stunt.
The straight-talking Midwesterner was an unabashed whiskey fan, for years beginning most days with a dram of Old Grand-Dad or Wild Turkey bourbon and a power walk.
The regimen, according to McCullough’s book, was perhaps responsible for his good health that lasted well into his late 60s.
Bourbon could also melt the awkward formalities of official Washington.
After losing a tough fight at the Supreme Court, when even his own appointees declared his attempt to temporarily nationalize the steel industry unconstitutional, Truman found himself invited to an Old Alexandria home for a cocktail party with Supreme Court justices William O. Douglas and Hugo Black.
As McCullough recounted in Truman: “At the start of the evening, Truman, though polite, seemed ‘a bit testy,’ remembered William O. Douglas. “But after the bourbon and canapés were passed, he turned to Hugo [Black] and said, ‘Hugo, I don’t much care for your law, but, by golly, this bourbon is good.’”
Later in life, Truman’s physician actually instructed him to imbibe. “The doctor says he should drink, that it’s good for him, it’s relaxing for him, and that it’s particularly good for people who are getting older and have hardening of the arteries or restricted circulation, and so forth,” said his son-in-law, E. Clifton Daniel, in a 1972 interview. “So, he is not only permitted to drink, but encouraged to drink, but of course not too much.”
Besides his morning constitutional, Truman usually enjoyed his whiskey with water or with ginger ale—but to nowhere near the excess one might think.
According to numerous interviews, with friends, former colleagues and subordinates, collected as part of an oral history project at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, he generally limited himself to just a few drinks per event, which he would nurse all night.
“He can make a highball last longer than anybody I ever saw,” said Edgar G. Hinde, a lifelong friend, comrade in World War I and former postmaster in Independence, Missouri. “I’ve seen him take one highball, and—all evening that would be all he’d take but he’d drink with everybody that’d come in…I never saw him when he was anywhere near under the influence of liquor.”
No matter how much he drank at one time, bourbon became one of the hallmarks of his presidency.
For Christmas 1946, his cabinet presented him with a handsome bar set featuring two crystal decanters (one for bourbon, one for Scotch) and 12 matching silver cups each engraved with a staff member’s name and, of course, one for the him.
Spirited gifts were frequently bestowed on Truman. The list of Christmas presents that the White House received in 1951 includes a case of Old Grand-Dad and an unnamed 18-year-old bourbon.
The 33rd president certainly had enough friends and colleagues to share his liquor with.
But he wasn’t the only Truman to enjoy a glass of whiskey before dinner. McCullough recounts how the first lady, Bess, schooled the White House bartender on how to make an Old-Fashioned.
Her version, it turned out, was actually a sizable glass of bourbon on the rocks void of the sugar, bitters and fruit that normally make up the cocktail.
All of this raises the question, what bourbon did Truman love best? Though there are lots of opinions on the matter, the truth is he drank a number of them, including the aforementioned Wild Turkey and Old Grand-Dad, as well as Old Crow and Old Forester, which are all still available.
So this Fourth of July weekend, pour yourself a dram, toast to Truman and his affinity for the good stuff—and hope that at least one of 2016’s candidates is a whiskey drinker.
Noah Rothbaum is the author of the recently published The Art of American Whiskey.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/how-harry-truman-ran-a-bourbon-soaked-white-house/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2019/04/15/how-harry-truman-ran-a-bourbon-soaked-white-house/
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allofbeercom · 5 years
How Harry Truman Ran a Bourbon-Soaked White House
Now that we are officially in the throes of the 2016 presidential election race, the media is obsessed with weighing the merits of one candidate’s platform versus another. But let’s be honest: We are interested in more than just their politics. Dissections of vacation destinations, price comparisons of haircuts and even psychological analyses of music playlists count in the minds of voters, almost as much as proposed foreign policy strategies and views on taxation. But the one detail I’d love to learn about the lives of these wannabe commanders in chief is never discussed: What they like to drink. (And I don’t mean iced tea or lemonade.) Like in a scene out of Veep, most would no doubt find some way to dodge the simple request if asked. (No surprise, given how well Obama’s so-called “beer summit” went over back in 2009.) However, the United States has a long and rich boozy presidential history that often reflected the state of the union. It started in the very beginning: George Washington owned the country’s largest rye whiskey distillery after leaving office. And it wasn’t that long ago when presidential candidates proudly publicized their drink of choice—case in point, Harry S. Truman. Truman, who held office from 1945 to 1953, has one of the most storied presidential relationships with alcohol to date.
“He did have a reputation for enjoying his bourbon,” says Clay Bauske, the curator of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. “[Though] he certainly didn’t go as far as Winston Churchill, who is a very famous drinker.”
The Missouri Democrat harbored a love for bourbon so well-known that in November of 1945 the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which objected to his frequent drinking and poker playing, tried to prevent Baylor University from giving him an honorary degree.
The following year, the New York Times Magazine ran a story by Luther Huston called “Bourbon on the Potomac,” which talked about how the spirit was the social lubricant of choice in D.C.
The article included a section on the then administration: “Now, President Truman does not settle momentous controversies on the basis of teetotaler vs. tippler, but anyone who knows him is aware that there is quite likely to be a stronger bond between him and a Southern gentleman who likes a hooker of red likker than between him and an arid Iowan.”
It should come as no surprise that both sides of Truman’s family came from America’s most famous whiskey-producing state, Kentucky. But despite his lineage, he seemed to keep his appreciation for the spirit and his foreign policies separate.
He shut down the nation’s distilleries for 60 days in 1947 to preserve grain, which was sent overseas to feed hungry Europeans.
The move was particularly tough for American distillers, since they were just getting started after World War II, when most of them had been producing high-proof alcohol for use in rubber, explosives, and antifreeze for the armed forces. It was also a rough period for drinkers, with stocks of straight whiskey running low.
Ultimately, Truman’s fondness for bourbon not only broadened his appeal, but also helped him defeat his much-heralded opponent, Republican Thomas Dewey.
Truman’s campaign, according to David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Truman, ran on a diet of bourbon and poker, while Dewey’s staff and accompanying press favored the more rarified combo of Martinis and bridge.
The president’s liquor preference was no cheap election-season publicity stunt.
The straight-talking Midwesterner was an unabashed whiskey fan, for years beginning most days with a dram of Old Grand-Dad or Wild Turkey bourbon and a power walk.
The regimen, according to McCullough’s book, was perhaps responsible for his good health that lasted well into his late 60s.
Bourbon could also melt the awkward formalities of official Washington.
After losing a tough fight at the Supreme Court, when even his own appointees declared his attempt to temporarily nationalize the steel industry unconstitutional, Truman found himself invited to an Old Alexandria home for a cocktail party with Supreme Court justices William O. Douglas and Hugo Black.
As McCullough recounted in Truman: “At the start of the evening, Truman, though polite, seemed ‘a bit testy,’ remembered William O. Douglas. “But after the bourbon and canapés were passed, he turned to Hugo [Black] and said, ‘Hugo, I don’t much care for your law, but, by golly, this bourbon is good.’”
Later in life, Truman’s physician actually instructed him to imbibe. “The doctor says he should drink, that it’s good for him, it’s relaxing for him, and that it’s particularly good for people who are getting older and have hardening of the arteries or restricted circulation, and so forth,” said his son-in-law, E. Clifton Daniel, in a 1972 interview. “So, he is not only permitted to drink, but encouraged to drink, but of course not too much.”
Besides his morning constitutional, Truman usually enjoyed his whiskey with water or with ginger ale—but to nowhere near the excess one might think.
According to numerous interviews, with friends, former colleagues and subordinates, collected as part of an oral history project at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, he generally limited himself to just a few drinks per event, which he would nurse all night.
“He can make a highball last longer than anybody I ever saw,” said Edgar G. Hinde, a lifelong friend, comrade in World War I and former postmaster in Independence, Missouri. “I’ve seen him take one highball, and—all evening that would be all he’d take but he’d drink with everybody that’d come in…I never saw him when he was anywhere near under the influence of liquor.”
No matter how much he drank at one time, bourbon became one of the hallmarks of his presidency.
For Christmas 1946, his cabinet presented him with a handsome bar set featuring two crystal decanters (one for bourbon, one for Scotch) and 12 matching silver cups each engraved with a staff member’s name and, of course, one for the him.
Spirited gifts were frequently bestowed on Truman. The list of Christmas presents that the White House received in 1951 includes a case of Old Grand-Dad and an unnamed 18-year-old bourbon.
The 33rd president certainly had enough friends and colleagues to share his liquor with.
But he wasn’t the only Truman to enjoy a glass of whiskey before dinner. McCullough recounts how the first lady, Bess, schooled the White House bartender on how to make an Old-Fashioned.
Her version, it turned out, was actually a sizable glass of bourbon on the rocks void of the sugar, bitters and fruit that normally make up the cocktail.
All of this raises the question, what bourbon did Truman love best? Though there are lots of opinions on the matter, the truth is he drank a number of them, including the aforementioned Wild Turkey and Old Grand-Dad, as well as Old Crow and Old Forester, which are all still available.
So this Fourth of July weekend, pour yourself a dram, toast to Truman and his affinity for the good stuff—and hope that at least one of 2016’s candidates is a whiskey drinker.
Noah Rothbaum is the author of the recently published The Art of American Whiskey.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/how-harry-truman-ran-a-bourbon-soaked-white-house/
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investmart007 · 6 years
MOSCOW | The Latest: Versatile De Bruyne ready for anything vs France
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/v8fhuT
MOSCOW | The Latest: Versatile De Bruyne ready for anything vs France
MOSCOW  — The Latest on Monday at the World Cup (all times local): 8:15 p.m.
Belgium coach Roberto Martinez says midfielder Kevin De Bruyne is such a talented footballer he could play him virtually anywhere and he’d excel.
It’s not yet clear what role De Bruyne will play for Belgium against a highly fancied France team in Tuesday’s World Cup semifinal. Martinez is just grateful he has one of the English Premier League’s standout players in his squad.
Martinez says, “It’s essential to have a player like Kevin — that he can play different roles.”
He adds that, “apart from goalkeeper I could tell you that he could not just play, he could perform at the highest level in any position. That’s the quality that he has.”
The Manchester City midfielder had a relatively quiet start to the tournament — by his high standards — playing a deeper and more defensive role than he occupies at club level but was at his best in the quarterfinals. ___ 6:55 p.m.
Croatia wants to spring a surprise on England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford during World Cup semifinals.
Pickford played just three games for England before the World Cup but has produced some key saves to help his team reach the semifinals for the first time since 1990.
Croatia forward Mario Mandzukic notes that Pickford has been doing well at the tournament but says “all members of our team are dangerous for the opponents, so I imagine somebody will find a way to surprise him.”
Mandzukic dismissed suggestions Croatia would struggle because of playing extra time and being forced into penalty shootouts in its last two knockout games, saying “if we had to play today, we would do it.” ___ 6:35 p.m.
Kylian Mbappe has skipped the start of France’s practice session a day ahead of the World Cup semifinal match against Belgium.
Mbappe was absent when the squad trained at St. Petersburg Stadium on Monday afternoon. Only the first 15 minutes of the session is open to media and it was unclear if he joined the team once reporters, photographers and camera crews were ushered out.
Earlier, France coach Didier Deschamps told a pre-match news conference that four of his players would only have a light training workout, but that all 23 would be fit to play.
Mbappe has scored three goals at the World Cup and struck fear into defenses with his electrifying pace. ___ 6:15 p.m.
France coach Didier Deschamps was bemused by a question during a news conference on the eve of the World Cup semifinal match against Belgium.
A Russian journalist asked Deschamps for his thoughts on the performance on the Russia team, which reached the quarterfinals against most expectations. But Deschamps was only interested in talking about France vs. Belgium.
Pressing the translation device against his ear, a startled-looking Deschamps paused and asked the FIFA official sat nearby “are you sure he’s asking me this question? I should speak about Russia? Really?”
The FIFA official intervened, saying another question should be asked — at which point Deschamps — still sounding baffled — spoke again.
“We’re on the eve of a (semifinal) match. I’ve already spoken about Russia. I don’t really see the point, whether it’s for the French journalists, the foreign journalists, Belgian journalists, or others.” Deschamps then added: “Right, let’s move on.” ___ 5:55 p.m.
Goalkeeper Hugo Lloris says his former France teammate Thierry Henry’s heart will be torn when Les Bleus take on Belgium in the World Cup World Cup semifinals.
Henry is now an assistant to Belgium coach Robert Martinez, and will be helping Belgium try to reach its first World Cup final.
But Henry is also France’s record scorer with 51 goals, and helped France win the 1998 World Cup and the European Championship two years later. Henry played 123 times for France, retiring from international football after the 2010 World Cup.
Lloris, who made his France debut 10 years ago, says “I’m lucky enough to have played alongside (Henry) for two years with France. He was an immense player,” Lloris adds, “I think his heart will be divided tomorrow, because above all he is French and he experienced some great times with the France team.”
Although Lloris, who is set to win his 103rd international cap, says Henry “left his mark on French football,” he accepts “he will be doing the most to help his team.” ____ 5:20 p.m.
England defender Ashley Young says his team could have a “major advantage” in its World Cup semifinal match because Croatia has been taken to a penalty shootout in both of its games in the knockout stage.
While England enjoyed a relatively comfortable 2-0 win over Sweden in the quarterfinals on Tuesday, Croatia was taken to extra time and penalties by host nation Russia hours later. Croatia also beat Denmark on penalties after the round of 16 game ended 1-1 after extra time.
Young says “I think, especially physically, it’s demanding on the body to go 120 minutes. Obviously then you’ve got to fly back to the base and they’ve done that twice now. So it could play a major advantage.”
Young says the World Cup has felt “like a good holiday,” such is the camaraderie in the squad, and that England has a “great chance” of being world champions for a second time, after 1966.
England and Croatia meet in Moscow on Wednesday. ___ 4:50 p.m.
Mark Geiger is among 12 referees still in contention to handle the World Cup final.
The American referee previously handled one of the most volatile games in Russia — England beating Colombia in a testy round of 16 game in Moscow.
FIFA has announced its list of referees, assistants and video assistant referees (VARs) who have been retained for four games in the final week of the tournament.
The list of 12 referees still on duty includes Geiger, Alireza Faghani of Iran, and four from Europe. The remaining four teams in the tournament are from Europe.
FIFA has appointed Andres Cunha of Uruguay to handle the first semifinal between France and Belgium on Tuesday in St. Petersburg. ___ Corrected to reflect 12, rather than 10, referees on the list. ___ 4:30 p.m.
Croatia has kicked ex-player Ognjen Vukojevic out of its World Cup delegation after he made a pro-Ukraine video with defender Domagoj Vida.
The Croatian Football Federation apologized to the Russian public for the video, which was posted after Croatia beat Russia on penalties in the World Cup quarterfinals on Saturday.
The video shows Domagoj Vida shouting “glory to Ukraine” before Vukojevic adds “this win is for Dynamo and Ukraine … go Croatia.” Both Vida and Vukojevic previously played for Ukrainian team Dynamo Kiev.
FIFA rules bar players from making political gestures at the World Cup and it issued Vida with a formal warning Sunday, but did not impose a match sanction.
The Croatian federation says in a statement that Vukojevic had been with the team as an observer but his World Cup credentials have now been withdrawn. ____ 3:30 p.m. Former Barcelona coach Luis Enrique has been hired as head coach of Spain’s national team.
Spain’s World Cup preparations were thrown into turmoil days before the tournament when Julen Lopetegui was fired for accepting the job at Real Madrid without consulting with the national federation. Fernando Hierro took over as interim coach for the World Cup, where Spain had two draws and a win in the group stage before being knocked out in the round of 16 by Russia.
The federation announced the appointment of 47-year-old Enrique on a two-year contract on Monday, a day after confirming Hierro had left the team.
Spanish federation president Luis Rubiales says “The decision has been unanimous,” on Enrique. “I like his commitment. He has let better financial opportunities pass in order to be national team coach.”
Enrique played for Real Madrid before moving to Barcelona in 1996, where he won two Liga crowns and became the captain before retiring in 2004.
As a coach, he spent time at Roma in 2011-12 before moving to Celta Vigo and then replacing Gerardo Martino in 2014 at Barcelona, where he won nine of a possible 13 titles in his three years in charge.
By Associated Press
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thegossiptube-blog1 · 6 years
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Did you simply feel that? A 4.5 greatness tremor shook the LA territory at an early stage May 8, and clearly, everybody tweeted about it. See responses from Chrissy Teigen and then some!
Try not to freeze — this wasn't the Big One! Southern California was shaken with a 4.5 greatness seismic tremor around 5:00am PT on May 8, and keeping in mind that that isn't frightfully high on the richter scale, inhabitants were still completely went nuts. That included famous people living in radiant Los Angeles, who were knock out of their beds while they were calmly resting. Chrissy Teigen, Queen of Twitter, instantly jumped on at 4:50am neighborhood time to just asked her supporters, "Shake?" General Hospital and All My Children star Finola Hughes requested answers, as well. On the off chance that you require answers quickly about something going on, at that point Twitter's the place to swing to.
Somewhere close to star Devon Sawa imparted a silly discussion to his better half that occurred amid the seismic tremor. While it's constantly freaky to feel the ground shake, recollect this is Southern California. A few people don't flicker when they feel a little thunder. That is the situation with Devon's family. He said that he was concerned that his little child had woken up, however his significant other instructed him to "unwind. Get tightly to yourself. He isn't. It was just a tremor." You know, we'd take that over managing a testy four-year-old at 5:00 toward the beginning of the day, as well.
So this is what happened (tuning in, celebs?). The tremor occurred in the San Bernardino Mountains, close to a town called Cabazon. Cabazon is found 89 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. It was unified close to the renowned worldwide San Andreas blame, as indicated by seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones. The seismic tremor comes somewhat more than a month after an extent 5.3 quake shook the Channel Islands off Santa Barbara County, on April 5.
Along these lines, this wasn't the Big One. You can envision, however, what individuals would tweet if that happened.
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/clippers-beat-paul-rockets-113-102-5th-win-row/68147/
Clippers beat Paul, Rockets 113-102 for 5th win in a row
LOS ANGELES /January 15, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —  Lou Williams scored 31 points, Blake Griffin added 29 before his ejection, and the Los Angeles Clippers defeated the Houston Rockets 113-102 on Monday night in Chris Paul’s heated return to Staples Center against his old team.
Buoyed by Williams’ 13th straight game of 20 or more points, the Clippers won their fifth in a row.
Paul had 19 points, six rebounds and seven assists.
Things got testy with 3½ minutes to go. Griffin scored under the basket and Paul was called for a foul. Paul ran over to the referees in disbelief, while Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni appeared to unleash expletives in Griffin’s direction.
The referees reviewed video of the play and confirmed the foul on Paul, while also assessing double technicals to Griffin and D’Antoni.
The crowd was on its feet with 1:12 to go after Griffin caught the ball near the midcourt sideline and slammed it off Eric Gordon’s back in order to keep it from going out of bounds. Nine seconds later, Griffin and Trevor Ariza received double technicals after exchanging words, and both were ejected.
Griffin high-fived players on the Clippers’ bench as he stormed off the court, tearing off his jersey in the process.
Paul got booed when he brought the ball up court for the first time. Some fans stood and applauded a video tribute to him during a timeout in the first quarter, when Paul waved from the bench, but most appeared to not have forgotten Paul’s desire to leave last summer after six years without a title in Los Angeles.
Gordon, another ex-Clipper, had 19 points and Ariza added 17. Houston’s three-game winning streak ended with 40 percent shooting and injured star James Harden out.
Griffin and Williams dominated the third quarter, combining for 20 points while extending the Clippers’ lead to 92-84. Griffin ran off nine in a row and Williams added two 3-pointers.
The Rockets controlled play in the first quarter and halfway into the second, going up by 10 points.
But the Clippers’ bench — nicknamed the “Goon Squad” — gave them their first lead on a three-point play by Wesley Johnson in the second. He dunked off an alley-oop pass from Williams and made the free throw after getting fouled by Paul for a 47-46 lead.
Williams scored nine in a row, capped by a 3-pointer, and Jawun Evans added a basket that sent the Clippers into the fourth leading 59-56.
Rockets: Harden (hamstring strain) is on track to return later this week. … Besides Paul, the ex-Clippers on the Rockets’ roster are Gordon and Luc Mbah a Moute.
Clippers: C DeAndre Jordan (sprained left ankle) is likely to return Saturday at Utah. By then, he would have missed three straight games. … The Clippers are 2-0 vs. the Rockets, having won by 10 points on Dec. 22. … LA is 11-3 in its last 14 games despite a slew of injuries.
Rockets: Host the Minnesota Timberwolves on Thursday in the opener of a three-game homestand.
Clippers: Host the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday to end a three-game homestand.
By BETH HARRIS, AP Sports Writer,by Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (Z.S)
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/aisha-tyler-future-tyler-henry-reads-kylie-jenner/
Aisha Tyler future and Tyler Henry reads Kylie Jenner
After 6 seasons, actress and TV personality Aisha Tyler announced that she would not be returning as a co-host on CBS’ The Talk. Aisha has been part of the show since 2011, when she joined on the second season of the daytime talk show. However, on Thursday’s (June 15th) episode, the Criminal Minds actress told fans and viewers that she would be moving on to the next stage of her career. While making the announcement, the beauty explained, “At the end of this season I’m going to be leaving the show…I have had an amazing six years with you guys. We’ve had babies and weddings, and you know good things have happened, and you know I went through the biggest breakup of my life with you. I could not have done with this without you. I’ll never be able to thank you guys enough.” Inevitably, Aisha got emotional when she made her unexpected announcement, as did her fellow co-hosts, Sheryl Underwood, Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen and Sara Gilbert. CBS Angelina McDaniel later released a statement addressing Aisha’s decision to leave the talk show, which read, “Saying goodbye to Aisha is a bittersweet moment for all of us at CBS Daytime and The Talk…throughout her six seasons, she has made incredible contributions and shared personal moments, making our viewers, cast and crew all laugh cry and think, as a result of her signature wit, intelligence, and openness. It’s no secret Aisha is one of the busiest women in entertainment, and we support her as she decides to focus more time on her passion for directing, her expanded role on CBS’ Criminal Minds, hosting The CW’s Whose Line is it Anyway? and her other endeavors…and maybe finally find some time to sleep! We love Aisha, and she will always be a part of our family, with a seat waiting for her at The Talk anytime she wants to visit.” About a year and a half ago, E! Network debuted the show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. On it, “clairvoyant medium” Tyler Henry talks with various celebrities and tries to help them connect to their past and inner selves. On the most recent installment of the show, Tyler sat down with reality starlets Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, where he brought up some pretty touchy subjects with the two beauties. During the sit-down, Tyler warned Khloe about her “susceptibility” to skin cancer. The “psychic” explained, “Okay this just came through really strongly – skin. I’m seeing skin, I’m referencing to what looks like melanoma. I’m getting a reference to three separate situations that I view as being problem areas. You have susceptibility on your back and there’s susceptibility on your leg and I need you to keep both in mind. This is huge.” In response, Khloe revealed, “I’ve had melanoma on my back, but never on my leg…” Shortly after, Tyler went on to implicitly talk to Khloe about her ex-husband Lamar Odom, who continues to work on recovering from his serious substance abuse issues. Tyler told the Good American entrepreneur, “It’s important that [Lamar] doesn’t isolate himself, as I think he may have a tendency to do. And that’s something that we can only control so much of, you can’t control someone else’s actions, it is not your responsibility. I just hope he stays in the state…. He needs to stay in California.” When talking with Kylie, Tyler said he sensed an unhealthy relationship in the young star’s life. Kylie asked him to look into her love life, which prompted Tyler to note that he was sensing a situation where “someone tries to get with one sister” and then “tries to get with the other.” He then went on to say that he felt that Kylie had a certain, very unhealthy relationship in her life and that she needed to set boundaries in order to protect herself. The latest episodes of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry air on Sundays on E! "Shark Week" has a new star attraction: Michael Phelps. Discovery Channel's list of "Shark Week" programming next month includes a July 23 show titled "Phelps vs. Shark: Great Gold vs. Great White." Discovery Channel billed it as "an event so monumental that no one has ever attempted it before" and added that "the world's most decorated athlete takes on the ocean's most efficient predator: Phelps V Shark - the race is on!" Whether that means the winner of 23 Olympic gold medals is actually racing a shark remains uncertain. The release announcing this event didn't offer many details or specifics aside from saying that Phelps "has one competition left to win." Discovery Channel officials didn't immediately respond to a message seeking additional information. Jada Pinkett Smith is calling the Tupac Shakur biopic "All Eyez on Me," 'deeply hurtful" for its portrayal of her relationship with the rap legend. In a series of tweets Friday, just as the film is opening in theaters, Pinkett Smith contradicted several scenes. She said she never had an argument with Shakur backstage, that their parting was fictionalized and that he never read her a poem, as seen in the film. Pinkett Smith said her relationship to Shakur was "too precious" for her not take issue. Pinkett Smith was close friends from childhood with Shakur. She's portrayed in the film by Kat Graham, whose performance Pinkett Smith complimented, along with Demetrius Shipp Jr., who plays Shakur. Carrie Fisher died from sleep apnea and a combination of other factors, but investigators were not able to pinpoint an exact cause, coroner's officials said Friday. Among the factors that contributed to Fisher's death was a buildup of fatty tissue in the walls of her arteries, the Los Angeles County coroner's office said in a news release late Friday. The release states that the "Star Wars" actress showed signs of having taken multiple drugs, but investigators could not determine whether they contributed to her death in December. Her manner of death would be listed as undetermined, the agency said. The agency did not immediately respond to a request for additional details about whether a full autopsy report and toxicology results were available. Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person's breathing pauses during sleep. The pauses may be brief or last several minutes, according to information from the National Institutes of Health. Fisher, 60, suffered a medical emergency on an international flight on Dec. 23 and died four days later. Her mother, longtime movie star Debbie Reynolds, died the following day. The actresses were laid to rest together at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills, a cemetery where numerous celebrities are buried. Fisher's brother, Todd Fisher, said he was not surprised by the results. He added that his family did not want a coroner's investigation of his sister's death. "We're not enlightened. There's nothing about this that is enlightening," he said. "I would tell you, from my perspective that there's certainly no news that Carrie did drugs," Todd Fisher said. He noted that his sister wrote extensively about her drug use, and that many of the drugs she took were prescribed by doctors to try to treat her mental health conditions. Fisher long battled drug addiction and mental illness. She said she smoked pot at 13, used LSD by 21 and was diagnosed as bipolar at 24. She was treated with electroshock therapy and medication. "I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs," Todd Fisher said. He said his sister's heart condition was probably worsened by her smoking habit, as well as the medications she took. "If you want to know what killed her, it's all of it," he said. Todd Fisher said it was difficult to blame doctors who treated his sister because they were trying to help her. "They were doing their best to cure a mental disorder. Can you really blame them?" Todd Fisher said. "Without her drugs, maybe she would have left long ago." Carrie Fisher made her feature film debut opposite Warren Beatty in the 1975 hit "Shampoo." She also appeared in "Austin Powers," ''The Blues Brothers," ''Charlie's Angels," ''Hannah and Her Sisters," ''Scream 3" and "When Harry Met Sally ..." She will reprise her role as Leia Organa in the eighth installment of the core "Star Wars" franchise, "The Last Jedi," which will be released in December. Bill Cosby's lawyer repeatedly demanded a mistrial in his sex assault trial as five days of deliberations on the fate of the man once known as America's Dad pushed into Father's Day weekend, but the judge said there was no precedent to shut down the jury's talks. "I have no authority to do this," Judge Steven O'Neill said in the 52nd hour of deliberations on Friday night. "I'm sorry it's causing everyone frustration." Cosby lawyer Brian McMonagle fired back that jurors might be under the assumption they have to deliberate until "the cows come home." They will resume deliberations Saturday morning. O'Neill grew testy on the bench as he questioned McMonagle's requests to end the trial without a verdict. The jury might be working toward an acquittal, the judge said. "You don't know why they were deadlocked. Everyone is assuming one way or another," said O'Neill. As jurors left for the night, O'Neill praised their "hard work, dedication and fidelity to your oath." The jury, from the Pittsburgh area, has been sequestered for two weeks about 300 miles from home. The 79-year-old Cosby is accused of drugging and molesting a Temple University employee in 2004 at his home near Philadelphia. As deliberations wore on, Cosby thanked his fans and supporters - first in a tweet, then in brief comments as he left the courthouse Friday night. "I just want to wish all of the fathers a happy Father's Day," Cosby said. "And I want to thank the jury for their long days. Their honest work, individually. I also want to thank the supporters who have been here. And, please, to the supporters, stay calm. Do not argue with people. Just keep up the great support. Thank you." A conviction could send Cosby to prison for the rest of his life, but the case has already helped demolish Cosby's nice-guy image, cultivated during his eight-year run as Dr. Cliff Huxtable on "The Cosby Show," the top-rated 1980s and '90s sitcom. Dozens of women have come forward to say he drugged and assaulted them, but this was the only case to result in criminal charges. On Friday, the jury asked to review multiple pieces of evidence, including Cosby's decade-old deposition testimony about quaaludes. Cosby, who gave the deposition as part of Constand's lawsuit against him, said he got seven prescriptions for the powerful sedative in the 1970s for the purpose of giving them to women with whom he wanted to have sex. The testimony is relevant because Cosby is charged with giving pills to Constand, former director of operations for the Temple women's basketball team, to incapacitate her before their sexual encounter. He has said it was Benadryl, a cold and allergy medicine. Prosecutors have suggested he gave her something stronger, possibly quaaludes. Jurors also asked for, and received, a definition of reasonable doubt, the threshold that prosecutors must cross to win a conviction, and reviewed testimony from Constand and her mother about phone conversations they had with Cosby after the encounter. According to the testimony, Cosby called himself a "sick man" but refused to identify the pills he gave to Constand. Cosby's lawyers have said he and Constand were lovers and that the encounter was consensual. McMonagle objected in court to the panel's repeated requests to review testimony, saying it suggested some jurors were trying to coerce other jurors in an attempt to bring an end to the deadlock. The judge said he saw no evidence of coercion or trouble in the deliberating room after the jurors reported their impasse on Thursday and he instructed them to keep trying for a verdict. "There's a misperception that there's a time limit," he said. Jurors got the case on Monday. They must come to a unanimous decision to convict or acquit. If they can't break the deadlock, O'Neill could declare a hung jury and a mistrial. Then, prosecutors would get four months to decide whether they want to retry Cosby or drop the charges.  
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1159
Monday, April 17, 2017
 I'm back. Missed posting last week while I was vacationing in Cuba. It was a nice break to be totally unconnected. I managed to read two week's worth of comic books for today's deadline so this will be longer than usual.
 Weapon X #1 - Greg Pak (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). That was a very promising start. This new mutant team book opens with Old Man Logan chillaxin' in the wilds of Washington state and ends with him teaming up with Sabretooth. The age old enemies must work together to fight a common enemy. I look forward to seeing how they hook up with the other three mutants featured on the credits page.
 Superman #20 - Patrick Gleason & Peter J. Tomasi (writers) Patrick Gleason (pencils) Mick Gray (inks) John Kalisz (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Venom was all over Marvel variant covers recently but I didn't expect to see him in a DC comic book. Part one of "Black Dawn" is a World's Finest team-up that has Batman visiting the Superman family on their farm. Seems the neighbours are not what they seem. It's stories like these that make me appreciate the biweekly release schedule.
 Godshaper #1 - Simon Spurrier (writer) Jonas Goonface (artist) Colin Bell (letters). This is the story of Ennay, the godshaper. He travels around reshaping gods for people in a weird new world where personal gods make life easier. See, natural science doesn't work in this world so gods are what helps people live. I like Ennay. He's a hustler with a conscience who is just trying to get by
and not a con man. Jonas's art is vibrant and colourful and Ennay's little god sidekick Bud is cute.
 Deadpool vs. Punisher #1 - Fred Van Lente (writer) Pere Perez (art) Ruth Redmond (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Well, that's one way to start a feud. Frank hurts Wade's accountant and the battle is on. I know that neither killer will win this fight but I might read it to see how they settle the feud.
 Action Comics #977 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Ian Churchill (art) Hi-Fi (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Part one of "The New World" starts off with a rehash of Superman's origin story going right back to when his parents put him into a rocket ship to Earth just before the planet Krypton explodes and Ma and Pa Kent finding baby Kal-El on their farm in Smallville. I found the retelling tedious but there are a few pages peppered in showing a mysterious new super villain that almost made up for that feeling of reading a rerun. This new villain will keep me coming back for more.
 Riverdale #1 - This new Archie publication is based on the new "hit" TV series. I have not seen the show but I have a long time love of these characters, especially for a certain blonde girl next door. There are two short stories. The first by Will Ewing (writer) Joe Eisma (art) Andre Szymanowicz (colours) Janice Chiang (letters) features Archie going through the varsity football team's hazing rituals. I am impressed that Will made me like this version of the redheaded teenager. The second story by Michael Grassi (writer) Joe Eisma (art) Andre Szymanowicz (colours) John Workman (letters) features my gal Betty Cooper as she endures hazing by Cheryl Blossom, the wicked witch captain of the cheerleading squad. This book made me want to tune into the show now.
 X-Men Blue #1 - Cullen Bunn (writer) Jorge Molina & Matteo Buffagni (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is the original young X-Men team with Jean Grey/Marvel Girl as leader. It reads like a straight up super hero comic book with Marvel Girl, Cyclops, Angel (with flaming wings, when did that happen?), Beast and Iceman fighting Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut on a luxury yacht. Not very interesting until the surprise twist at the end. The twist bothered me more than intrigued me because the character is also in other X-books and I'm wondering are they good or bad in this one? The back-up story looks like it features Wolverine but this guy is a blonde. I liked the art throughout, especially the cover by Art Adams but my opinion is that these kids should be in their own little world to make it interesting for me and that isn't this.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #18 - Robert Venditti (writer) V Ken Marion (pencils) Dexter Vines (inks) Dinei Ribeiro (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). The Green and Yellow Lantern Corps working together would be like the FBI and the CIA working together. Things are going to get testy at times. Having Guy and Arkillo make peace after almost killing each other in a slugfest is hokey but it kind of works for this comic book. This is a good issue to jump in on as it starts the new story "The Prism of Time". I don't know how long I will stick with this story as it involves time travel. I know because the surprise guest star on the last page gives it away.
 American Gods #2 - Neil Gaiman (writer) P. Craig Russell (script & layouts) Scott Hampton (art) Rick Parker (letters). I have a mild obsession with time. I like to know how long something lasts. I put a date label on Bic pens to see how long it takes for the ink to run out. We rarely lost one at the Snail and one pen would last just over a year. A can of my shaving gel runs out after just over a month. The number 44 is bad luck in Chinese culture so I wear an analogue watch rather than a digital. It always seemed that whenever I looked at the time on a digital it was 44 minutes after the hour and I would get anxious. I kid you not. There's an incident in this issue that relates to a certain time and now that I am aware of it I am going to see if it happens in real life. This is the kind of stuff that makes reading comic books a lot of fun for me. Seeing the incident unfold in three panels made the impact on me even bigger than just reading about it in a novel.
 Jessica Jones #7 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue starts and ends with Maria Hill and leads to a new case for Jessica. There's a touching scene with Jessica, Luke and their daughter Danielle but not a resolution to their damaged relationship. I really hope Luke forgives Jessica.
 Batman #20 - Tom King (writer) David Finch (pencils) Danny Miki & Trevor Scott (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). The finale to "I Am Bane" was meh. It's a fight between hero and villain that I've witnessed many, many times. This one is just brute force versus brute force and how Batman puts down Bane (because we all know that's what will happen) was very mundane. I hope the next story ends in a more interesting way.
 Rat Queens #2 - Kurtis J. Wiebe (writer) Owen Gieni (art) Ryan Ferrier (letters). The main story has the Queens landing the demon Canada goose to tie up another quest. The back-up story by Patrick Rothfuss (writer) Nate Taylor (art) Ryan Ferrier (letters) is a nifty little campfire story that was very clever. Fooled me.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #19 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue is "Bendis' big-time bye-bye blowout!" and it is an artists lover's dream. The guest artists here are Phil Noto, Andrea Sorrentino, Ed McGuinness & Mark Morales, Arthur Adams, Kevin Maguire, Mark Bagley & Andrew Hennessy, Sara Pichelli and Filipe Andrade. It's basically a big fight between the team, a few of their friends and Thanos. My one complaint is that Gamora did not act like I thought she should but it was an expedient reaction to seeing the Mad Titan in that situation. I loved Brian's run on this book so writer Gerry Duggan has a hard act to follow.
 Wonder Woman #20 - Greg Rucka (writer) Bilquis Evely (art) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). Veronica Cale has exhausted all medical means for getting her daughter Izzy back from the clutches of Phobos and Deimos so it's time for the mystical option. I like Greg's incarnation of Circe. She can give Loki a run for his money.
 Paper Girls #13 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Cliff Chiang (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). Time travel makes my head hurt but I have an emotional stake in these girls now and want to know what happens to them.
 Champions #7 - Mark Waid (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). That's twice that the team has tussled with the Freelancers and the super villains have given up too easily. There's a good reason for that other than because they're cowards and bullies. There's more than one way to hurt the good guys besides beating them up. Time to call in Matt Murdock.
 Kingpin #3 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Marc Laming (layouts) Ben Torres (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Sarah the biographer gets chummy with Wilson Fisk which leads Sarah the reporter into very deep trouble with Tombstone. Can Wilson protect her from harm? I like this portrayal of the Kingpin.
 Savage Things #2 - Justin Jordan (writer) Ibrahim Moustafa (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) Josh Reed (letters). Ruthless terrorists who have no qualms about killing women and children make for some very nasty bad guys. It's interesting that the good guy Abel trained with these same men. I am anticipating the much larger threat that Cain has planned.
 All-New Wolverine #19 - Tom Taylor (writer) Leonard Kirk (pencils) Cory Hamscher (inks) Michael Garland (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The 3-part "Immune" starts here. Laura and Gabby take down a human trafficker while an alien craft crashed on Roosevelt Island, New York. That crash has consequences for Laura. I am waiting to find out what the connection between the alien and Laura is. I really like Gabby and I hope she plays a bigger role in this book.
 Red Team: Double Tap, Center Mass #6 - Garth Ennis(writer) Craig Cermak (art) Vinicius Andrade (colours) Rob Steen (letters). This issue adds some true romance to the true detective plot of the story. Detectives Mellinger and Giroux break the cardinal rule of workplace romance and that never ends well. Garth will get back to blood and mayhem soon I'm sure.
 Amazing Spider-Man #26 - Dan Slott (writer) Stuart Immonen (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Plenty of action in part 2 of "The Osborn Identity" with Spidey and Silver Sable fighting Norman's henchmen. Some mild intrigue with Doc Ock in the background. I don't get S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stance on what Parker Industries is doing to help Symkaria. Dan has made up some political drama for the sake of the story that doesn't make sense to me.
 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #6 - Kieron Gillen (writer) Kev Walker (pencils) Marc Deering (inks) Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). No killer droids this issue made it a lot less fun but I did like how the story ended.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #4 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Elsa Charretier (art) Megan Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I really like this energetic and slightly naïve super hero. She did try to reason with a super villain but when she had to kick butt she did. I hope she can save her old Red Room mate.
 Spider-Man #15 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Szymon Kudranski (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's time for Miles's mom to find out about his secret identity. She's not taking it as well as the Ultimate Universe Aunt May did when Peter's secret came out. Szymon's turn on the art for this book is okay but I wish he wouldn't copy panels so much. I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth when artists do that.
 Uncanny Avengers #22 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Pepe Larraz (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The team de-powers the Red Skull of Professor X's super powers and Charles Xavier can now rest in peace. There's a page in this issue where Rogue is thinking about Professor X and the major decision that she made that Pepe and David did a beautiful job of expressing. I'm sure when Gerry wrote the scene he could not imagine how well rendered it would be.  That page choked me up and stopped me reading. I had to send Pepe a message right then to let him know that image is burned into my memory like John Romita Senior's Peter Parker walking away down an ally with Spider-Man's costume in a garbage can in the foreground. Some comic book art is unforgettable and their page qualifies. Geez Pepe, you outdid yourself.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool #16 - Joshua Corin (writer) Scott Koblish (art) Nick Filardi (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I did not leave the best for last. This is a tie-in issue. "'Til Death Do Us…"  part 4's only interesting thing for me was seeing who Deadpool teams up with in his other book Deadpool & The Mercs for Money. This did not make me want to read that book nor the grand finale in Deadpool #29 to see what Wade and his monster queen wife Shiklah will wind up doing. I anticipate it will be the divorce from hell. I hope we get back to the silliness that I have come to expect from this book soon.
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