sifytech · 11 months
Magic of Genetic Diversity: How a Varsity Pool Could Change DNA Rules
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Discovery of a microorganism that edits genes in a university pool changes our understanding of how DNA works and the importance of saving genetic diversity. Read More. https://www.sify.com/science-tech/magic-of-genetic-diversity-how-a-varsity-pool-could-change-dna-rules/
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trogoautoegocrat · 2 months
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"Vorticella, of the Oligohymenophorea, known to break down organic matter and keep microbiomes balanced."
"Yes.. And if I am not mistaken, there has been research into these organisms as a bio-control agent. The results of such experiments have been... interesting. I may need to look into it myself."
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mixi31051976 · 5 months
Un ADN "único": el descubrimiento científico que podría cambiar las leyes de la genética | Canal 26
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mbimphblog · 3 years
The current findings must describe investigations on the diversity of free-living fresh water protozoa from the Erode region of Tamil Nadu. pH, salinity, temperature, calcium, nitrites, phosphate, and dissolved oxygen were among the physicochemical parameters studied. The pH was measured at 29°C, with a salinity of 0.2700 percent, calcium of 480 mg/liter, nitrates of 0.0408 mg/liter, and phosphate of -4.6956 mg/liter. The structural alteration resulted in the identification of 27 species. Two divisions were classified according to the taxonomic categorization. The phylum ciliophora has eight species of kinetofragminophorea. The phylum Saromsttigophora includes four species in this subphylum. The phylum Ciliophora includes two species of the Oligohymenophorea class. Please see the link :- http://mbimph.com/index.php/UPJOZ/article/view/1782
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victorfursov · 7 years
(со страницы https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hih41Qb_Kg)
Жизнь под Микроскопом: Водоросли Спирулина и Инфузории Туфельки из Аквариума = VIDEO LINK =  https://youtu.be/2Hih41Qb_Kg  = Жизнь под Микроскопом: Водоросли Спирулина и Инфузории Туфельки из Аквариума. 10.02.2017 Киев, Украина. Life Under the Microscope: Algae Arthrospira and Infusoria Paramecium are living in a Water Drop from Aquarium, Kiev, Ukraine 10.02.2017 LINK = https://youtu.be/2Hih41Qb_Kg   = Спирулина - спиралевидная сине-зеленая водоросль (Arthrospira,  Phormidiaceae, Nostocinales, Oscillatoriales ). Arthrospira   — род цианобактерий (сине-зелёных водорослей) порядка осциллаториевых (Oscillatoriales). Человеком и различными видами животных употребляются в пищу в  два вида: Arthrospira platensis и Arthrospira maxima, имеющие коммерческое название «Спирулина». Водоросль спирулина относится к самой большой группе цианофитов, называемой Nostocinales. Это неразветвлённые нитевидные синие и сине-зелёные микроводоросли. Спирулина это одновременно и растение, обладающее способностью к фотосинтезу, и бактерия. Она встречается повсюду и как большинство цианобактерий без присутствия солнечного света не способна усваивать органический углерод.  Клетки спирулины, имеющие цилиндрическую форму, достигают размеров от 0,1 до 1 мм. и могут быть видны невооружённым глазом. Представители рода Arthrospira — свободно плавающие нитевидные цианобактерии, характеризуются цилиндрическими многоклеточными трихомами в левозакрученной спирали. Paramecium ( Parameciidae, Peniculida, Oligohymenophorea, Ciliophora, Alveolata, Eukaryota)  is a genus of unicellular ciliates, commonly studied as a representative of the ciliate group. Paramecia are widespread in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments, and theyare often very abundant in stagnant waters, lakes,  ponds, and even aquariums. Paramecia were among the first ciliates to be seen by microscopists, in the late 17th century, and they were known Dutch pioneer of protozoology, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. Species of Paramecium range in size from 120 to 330 micrometres (0.0020 to 0.0130 in) in length.   Paramecium caudatum is a species of unicellular organisms belonging to the genus Paramecium of the phylum Ciliophora. P. caudatum are feeding on bacteria and small eukaryotic cells, such as yeast and flagellate algae. Paramecium have two nuclei.  Like all ciliates, Paramecia reproduce asexually, by binary fission. During reproduction, the macronucleus splits by a type of amitosis, and the micronuclei undergo mitosis. Under certain conditions, it may be preceded by self-fertilization (autogamy), or it may follow conjugation, a sexual phenomenon in which Paramecia. During conjugation, the micronuclei of each conjugant cell is dividing by meiosis and the haploid gametes pass from one cell to the other. Without the rejuvenating effects of autogamy or conjugation a Paramecium ages and dies.
11.02.2017 Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. 11.02.2017   Киев, столица Украины
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VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/2Hih41Qb_Kg
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VIDEO WAS RECORDED:    08.01.217  Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО: 08.01.2017  Киев, столица Украины
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers, interviewed people and peformers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.
WELCOME TO MY FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/victor.fursov.39
VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/2Hih41Qb_Kg
MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011 MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011 MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011
SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDEO-CHANNEL  = LINK = http://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia?sub_confirmation=1
VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/2Hih41Qb_Kg
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victorfursov · 8 years
(со страницы https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Gi9yfCztU)
Life Under the Microscope: Infusoria Paramecium Live in Aquarium, Kiev, Ukraine = VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/m7Gi9yfCztU  = Жизнь под Микроскопом: Инфузории Туфельки из Аквариума. 10.02.2017 Киев, Украина. Life Under the Microscope: Infusoria Paramecium are living in a Water Drop from Aquarium, Kiev, Ukraine 10.02.2017 Paramecium (   Parameciidae, Peniculida, Oligohymenophorea, Ciliophora, Alveolata, Eukaryota  )  is a genus of unicellular ciliates, commonly studied as a representative of the ciliate group. Paramecia are widespread in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments, and theyare often very abundant in stagnant waters, lakes,  ponds, and even aquariums. Paramecia were among the first ciliates to be seen by microscopists, in the late 17th century, and they were known Dutch pioneer of protozoology, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. Species of Paramecium range in size from 120 to 330 micrometres (0.0020 to 0.0130 in) in length.   Paramecium caudatum is a species of unicellular organisms belonging to the genus Paramecium of the phylum Ciliophora. P. caudatum are feeding on bacteria and small eukaryotic cells, such as yeast and flagellate algae. Paramecium have two nuclei.  Like all ciliates, Paramecia reproduce asexually, by binary fission. During reproduction, the macronucleus splits by a type of amitosis, and the micronuclei undergo mitosis. Under certain conditions, it may be preceded by self-fertilization (autogamy), or it may follow conjugation, a sexual phenomenon in which Paramecia. During conjugation, the micronuclei of each conjugant cell is dividing by meiosis and the haploid gametes pass from one cell to the other. Without the rejuvenating effects of autogamy or conjugation a Paramecium ages and dies.
11.02.2017 Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. 11.02.2017   Киев, столица Украины
DONATIONS & YOUR SUPPORTof my Videos are WELCOME here:   https://www.patreon.com/drvictorfursov
VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/m7Gi9yfCztU
Слушайте, смотрите наше оригинальное видео, пишите комментарии, подписывайтесь на наш канал на Ютубе !!!!
VIDEO WAS RECORDED:    08.01.217  Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО: 08.01.2017  Киев, столица Украины
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers, interviewed people and peformers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.
WELCOME TO MY FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/victor.fursov.39
VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/m7Gi9yfCztU
MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011 MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011 MAH0637010 02 2017 Kiev Ukraine Infusoria Paramecium Инфузория Туфелька 5011
SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDEO-CHANNEL  = LINK = http://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia?sub_confirmation=1
VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/m7Gi9yfCztU
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