#olive crk
iambirchu503 · 5 months
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daily crk front of page 20
4/10/24-4/11/24 drawn traditionally, scanned, then edited digitally
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I hate hate hate how much hate Olive Cookie got when she released.
EVERYONE is fine when Éclair Cookie came out, everyone loved him, but AS SOON as you released a "female version" of him, everyone goes mad??? Pick your battles people.
"Olive should've been a rare"
"Her skill doesn't make sense."
PLEASE. My headcanon is that she's autistic. Let autistic people win please. I love Olive
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nightmyst14-blog · 8 months
End of January Comic Dump
Happy Sunday, everyone!! Hope your day is going well, here is a comic dump!!
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Context: None. I just want to be silly with the gfs.
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Context: Longan and Pitaya always fight, despite being family. Royal Margarine keeps earplugs for Buttercream whenever this happens. Rambutan is thankful her new step-dad is helping with their new sibling.
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Context: Unlikely mates, I love them. Longan is so done with their kids disappointing them (Except Lychee)
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Context: New member to the ancient's bodyguards! Silverbell is extremely nervous since he's hasnt been around other non-faerie cookies.
Yes, I know that Financier guards Consul Clotted Cream (who is a Super Epic), but she's earned her place in the club since she was part of the story.
The mountain of tags below...
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 5 months
Fettuccine Cookie Headcanons
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In game
She is the only cookie (other than golden cheese) who didn’t disappear when Golden’s kingdom was destroyed, because she was in a sarcophagus when it happened
After Golden Cheese wakes up and accepts that her kingdom is gone, Fettuccine follows her around like a little puppy
She has tried eating one of her bows (can you really blame her? It’s pasta)
She befriended Olive Cookie shortly after the events of the Golden Cheese update, and Olive loves to show Fettuccine all the historical stuff she’s discovered over the years
When she heard that Golden Cheese was going to rebuild the kingdom, Fettuccine went into the mines to grab a bunch of wood scraps to help Golden (and Golden definitely cried)
Sometimes visits Gingerbrave in his kingdom and he gives her a tour every. single. time.
She can fall asleep anywhere. Benches, sidewalks, grass, sand gravel: she sleeps everywhere
She’s the type to do that cartoony “*snort* mimimimimi” type of snoring when she does sleep
The candy pasta from Jampie Diner is her favorite food
Modern au
Was adopted by Golden Cheese, and she’s the youngest of her siblings (Burnt Cheese and Mozzarella)
Hides everywhere. In cabinets, behind couches, literally anywhere in sight
She’s scared of just about everything, so that’s why she hides so much
Once she was less scared of Golden Cheese, her favorite hiding spot became under Golden’s shirt
Very accident prone. You know that kid on the playground that was always covered in different colored band-aids? Yeah, that’s her
A surprisingly good climber. Golden Cheese has found her stealing snacks while on top of the counter several times
Freaking loves pasta. Doesn’t matter what shape it is, what’s on it, or how long it’s been sitting in the fridge, if it’s pasta, she’ll eat it
She got sick a few times from eating two-week-old pasta from the back of the fridge
Dresses up as a mummy every year for Halloween. The way she sticks her arms up and squeaks “I’m a mummy!” Steals everyone’s heart and she ends up with a literal mountain of candy every year
Sometimes she jumpscares her siblings by jumping out of closets with her mummy costume on. They’ve gotten used to it, but still pretend to be scared to make Fettuccine smile
Mimics a lot of her mothers actions, and sometimes tries to steal clothes from her mothers closet
That’s all! Let me know if you guys have any other headcanons for her!
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @trustymikh @c00kietin @cedric-my-beloved
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catbotnik · 5 months
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3/4 of the art dump I’m sorry it’s so backlogged
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the-wereraven · 3 months
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anyways. This one… wasn't as much fun to make as every other I've made erm… that's it!! Procrastination got the bett3r of me [as it always does💖]. Also herb & peppermint are herbs and [poison] mushroom isn't a vegetable — it's a fungus. Probably forgot chili pepper or something… womp womp. Back to hibernation!!
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waitingintheskyyy · 10 months
Has anyone pointed this out yet?
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History obsessed dad and daughter? 🤨
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xeyyun · 2 months
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i got so tired of seeing this fuck ass cookie on my fyp i turned it into oliver
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druuls · 10 months
Some emojis I drew for the Official Cookie Run Kingdom Discord server emoji contest! Results come in on Sunday so wish me luck :]
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So apparently bird man will be staying in NPC hell, in place of Olive Cookie
I mean yeah, I want Olive Cookie, but I really wanted Smoked Cheese Cookie too…
*sigh* maybe in a future update that features the GC Kingdom he’ll be made playable
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anitoko-17294 · 4 months
Cheese fun
Do NOT disturb the Queen!
Burnt Cheese is fine, don’t worry!
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I want Golden Cheese, Burnt Cheese, Fettuccine, Olive, and Mozzarella at the Great Pyramids of Giza.
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You don't have to try to single-handedly carry this blog.
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nightmyst14-blog · 6 months
Regaining Treasures pt3
Let's go Part 3!! I personally think this one is the saddest so far. Might change.
Blame the song "Mama's boy" by Dominic Fike for this one.
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Setting: Golden Cheese Kingdom throne’s room. She was extremely happy to have Mozzarella back, but was taking a few days to recover for the second child. She had agreed to wait a week for them to revive Smoked Cheese, but something was bothering the golden queen. Dark Cacao volunteered to talk to her.
Golden Cheese; *sitting on her throne, staring t a wooden bird in her hands.*
Dark Cacao: *walks over Birdie?
Golden Cheese: *sniffles*...Will he even forgive me? Will he even forgive himself?
Dark Cacao: Who?
Golden Cheese: My son.. My second born, Smoked Cheese Cookie. He was the most adamant about my ruling, calling me an arrogant ruler, since I didnt care about what was going on in the outside my kingdom’s walls.
Dark Cacao: …I was told he was your advisor, tried to take your Soul Jam as well.
Golden Cheese: *nods* He and I were a lot alike. He even had the most beautiful red wings, so he would fly with me as I tended to my duties. But.. Due to learning what happened to him, he wanted to take things into his own hands.
Dark Cacao: Do you remember the last time you talked to him?
Golden Cheese: *nods* He was upset that I had spared him.After everything he did, he expected me to kill him. 
Dark Cacao: *frowns, remembering his past with Choco* ..And?
Golden Cheese: I..I spared him. As much as I was upset by his insolence, he.. He was right. If it hadnt been for that, I wouldve kept doing what I was doing, making history repeat itself. I..I couldnt.. After all of that, h-he’s my son…
Dark Cacao: *cups her cheek* I..I understand. Losing mine was difficult, especially since I banished him.
Golden Cheese: *shocked* D-Dark Choco? My nephew?
Dark Cacao: *looks away* Yes. Long story short, He went to find an ancient artifact that ended up leading him down a dark road. SInce the last Ive seen of him, he’s left that path. Before he left, I apologized for my idiocy of how I raised him. I have no idea where he is, but if he doesn't want to speak with me again, I’ll let it be.
Golden Cheese: Cacao… *reaches for his hand*
Dark Cacao: *takes her hand, looks at her* You still have a chance to try with yours. Take that chance, okay?
Golden Cheese: *sniffles, nods* Okay.. *gets up* Let’s go start the ritual again.
*the two meet up with the others, getting the ritual set up before midday. Olive sets up a bowl the incense of the falcon sarcophagus, letting it burn since others did their part. The smoke drifted into the coffin, the object beginning to glow as Golden Cheese bent light into the cracks of the sarcophagus.*
*Once it was done, Dark Cacao opens the lid. *
* A young man sits up, groaning a bit. He had long red hair that made it to his feet, scars all down to his right arm under his ruined cape. He had messy red wind, dirty and unkempt from his time in the sarcophagus, some even falling off*
??: *looking around in a confused start, soon turning to fear. His ear tufts were puffed up, shaking as he was trying to stand up*
Golden Cheese: S-Smokey…? Smoked Cheese? *reaches out to him* 
Smoked Cheese: *gasps, swats her hand away* *ends up falls out of the sarcophagus, starts running knowing Pure Vanilla and Olive out of the way*
Pure Vanilla: *falls* Ah! Oh no!!
Olive: *adjusting her glasses* He’s definitely awake!
Golden Cheese: Smoked Cheese, wait!! *spreads her wings, flies after him*
Dark Cacao: Golde- *grunts, helps White Lily up* C’mon, they couldn't have gotten far!
Pure Vanilla: Poor thing, he must be frightened…
Dark Cacao: *shakes his head* No.. worse than that.
*Meanwhile, Smoked Cheese was running through the hallway, pushing past other workers and Cheesebirds. He was trying to use his wings, but they were too stiff and messed up for him to fly. Golden Cheese flew after him, yelling his name.*
Golden Cheese: *flapping her wings* Smoked Cheese, slow down! 
*Smoked Cheese doesn't hear her, not watching where he was going.. He ended up tripping down a flight of stars. With the adrenaline rush slowing down in his body, he became too weak to stand up. Everything was hurting, but It didn't stop him though, as he tried to crawl his way out to the doors. But was stopped by vines, wrapped around him*
White Lily: *using plant magic* Gotcha!!
Smoked Cheese: *struggling, panicked breaths* Gotta get out, gotta get out- *crying, makeup streaks down his face* No, no nonononon…
Pure Vanilla: *gasps* Lily, put him down!! He’s panicking!!
White Lily: *immediately retracts the vines and sets Smoked down on the floor, seeing him hug himself tight*
*Golden Cheese lands nearby, walking over slowly while Vanilla and Lily stay by the stairs*
Golden Cheese: *kneels down, worried* Smokey..? Baby bird, can you hear me?
Smoked Cheese: *sobbing, hugging his arms* I-I… I need to..
Golden Cheese: Ssh.. *gently wraps her wings around him, pulling him close.* Ssh.. breathe, Smokey..
*Dark Cacao and Olive with Mozzarella, the archaeologist pushing the princess in her wheelchair*
Mozzarella: *gasps* Smokey!!
Golden Cheese: I got him, dear… *looks down at him, cupping his face* Smokey..? Smoked Cheese, can you hear me? Come back to me, my baby bird…
Smoked Cheese: *panting, looks up* Y-Your majesty..?
Golden Cheese: *shakes her head* No. Mother is here, Smokey..
Smoked Cheese: I-I… *sniffles, shaking* I can’t be here.. I t-took the Soul Jam… I-I tried t-to k-k-kill you…
*Pure Vanilla and White Lily gasp, while Dark Cacao gives them a nod*
Golden Cheese: *sighs*…That is in the past, Smoked Cheese. You had a point to your words, I was selfish. And arrogant. And being a brat..
Smoked Cheese: Mother…
Golden Cheese: But I could NEVER be mad at you. I love you so much, my son.. 
Smoked Cheese: *hugs her tight, sobs*  M-Mother…!
Golden Cheese: *smiles, hugs back* Smokey… *rubs his back* I missed you so much..
Mozzarella: *asks Olive to move her closer, smiling at her family* Smokey!! You’re awake!
Smoked Cheese: *looks up* Mozzi…? Mozzarella!
 *He tries to stand up, but Golden Cheese helps him hoddle over to her. He sat down besides Mozzarella’s wheelchair, resting his head on her lap*
Mozzarella: *Smiles, runs a hand through his hair* Told you Mother’s plan would work..
Smoked Cheese: Forgive me… I-I was a fool…
Mozzarella: We all were. I’m just glad I can touch your hair again..
Smoked Cheese: *chuckles*
Golden Cheese: *smiles* C’mon, lets get a bed for you to rest in. *goes to help Smoked Cheese stand.*
Dark Cacao: *walks over to Cheese family, nods* Allow me. * easily picks up Smoked Cheese to carry him
Smoked Cheese: Ah! U-um…
Golden Cheese: Easy dear. They are a friend of mine.
Smoked Cheese: O-Okay…
*Soon Smoked Cheese was brought over to the medical wing where he would be treated. Mozzarella stayed with him for comfort, holding his hand through the process.*
Smoked Cheese: *wincing as his wing were cleaned* Ow,Ow!
Servant: *add disinfectant* I apologize, your highness. But I do need to add on this so your wings wont get infected.
Smoked Cheese: Ugh, it stinks.. Who made this stuff?
Mozzarella: *tinkering with her bracelet* Lady White Lily. Mother’s friend.
Smoked Cheese; Right, right… I almost forget Mother has friends outside of the kingdom. Its..its nice we get to meet them.
Mozzarella: And I heard they have kids like us! Maybe we get to meet them one day!
Smoked Cheese: *chuckles* Maybe.
Mozzarella: You think we should do something nice for Mother? After all, she is the one waking us up.
Smoked Cheese: *thinks, sits up* *looks at the servant* Excuse me, do you know where the general's quarters would be?
Servant: across from the Royal Quarters and near the cold springs, my liege.
Smoked Cheese: *looks at Mozzarella, smiles* We have work to do.
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poppy-glitters · 1 year
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Thank you, Kingdom, for affirming Advenberry is real once again while Adventurer is in the face of certain death. WHENS THE ADVENTURE WHERE HE REALIZES THE REAL TREASURE IS HER HUH
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razzygoat · 1 year
It's like every cookie run update aims to be more insane and contain more trauma than the last
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