#oliver clueit
spilladabalia · 2 years
Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia... - Blindspot/Invisible Bend
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miriadonline · 7 years
NEWS: Castlefield Gallery: Previews, events, exhibitions and opportunities
AND A 123 Preview: 6-8pm / Thursday 21 September Exhibition continues: 22 September – 5 November 2017
AND A 123 will showcase work by artists from across the UK that explore relationships between everyday objects, routines, repetition and spectacle. Artists: Nina Chua, Noel Clueit, Russell Hill, Maeve Rendle, David Rickard, Oliver Tirré and Lisa Watts
Standpoint Futures 2017-18 Artists Announced
The Standpoint Futures panel, which included Castlefield Gallery’s Curator, Matthew Pendergast, have selected artists Darren Nixon and Beth Emily Richards for the 2017-18 residency.
Artist exchange programme with the Embassy of Foreign Artists in Geneva, Switzerland – successful artists announced
Artists Larry Walker – Tonks (Salford) and Hugo Hemmi (Geneva) have been selected for the first artist exchange programme with the Embassy of Foreign Artists in Geneva, Switzerland, a collaboration between Castlefield Gallery, the University of Salford Art Collection and Islington Mill.
Lisa Watts: Not A Decorator
Not a Decorator is a run of performances by Lisa Watts that will occur in the gallery over seven weekends of the exhibition AND A 123. The performances transform domestic/ DIY/ gardening materials, such as kitchen towel, grease-proof paper, bin liners and bird seed into magical crafted events.
Saturdays 23 & 30 September, 1pm-6pm Saturdays 7, 14, 21, 28, & Sunday 29 October, 1pm-6pm Saturday 4 November, 1pm-6pm
Lucy Harvey: Mutual Improvement Society 23 September – 19 November 2017
Mutual Improvement Society is the outcome of an artist Lucy Harvey’s residency at the National Trust’s Quarry Bank estate this summer as part of the Trust New Art programme which Castlefield Gallery’s Director, Helen Wewiora was delighted to be guest selector for.
The Great Castlefield Coffee Morning for MacmillanFriday 29 September 2017 / 10am-12noon
Friends and neighbours please join us for The Great Castlefield Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support. Every cake and brew will help raise money for people facing cancer.
>>>coffee & cake | games | prizes<<<
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia... - Delay-Decay-Attack
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Meanwhile, Back in Communist Russia... - No Cigar.
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miriadonline · 7 years
EVENT: 'AND A 123' at Castlefield Gallery, 5pm, Thu 21 Sept
AND A 123
Thursday 21 September / 5-6pm EXHIBITION CONTINUES: 22 September – 5 November 2017
Celebrate the launch of our autumn season when Castlefield Gallery will present AND A 123, including performance series Not a Decorator (2016) by Lisa Watts, new live art from Belgium based artist duo CMMC, and Castlefield Gallery at The Manchester Contemporary.
AND A 123 will showcase work by artists from across the UK that explore relationships between everyday objects, routines, repetition and spectacle. Featured in the exhibition is Lisa Watts’ latest body of work Not a Decorator, a project informing Watts’ research on the possibilities for performance presentation in gallery settings. At Castlefield Gallery the themes and ideas emerging from Watts’ work have catalysed the group exhibition.
Artists: Nina Chua, Noel Clueit, Russell Hill, Maeve Rendle, David Rickard, Oliver Tirré, and Lisa Watts.
The public preview will continue from 6pm-8pm with a performance by Lisa Watts between 6pm – 7:30pm
*Please RSVP to [email protected] or phone the gallery on 0161 832 8034.
With best wishes, Jennifer Lisa Watts is grateful to Staffordshire University for funding she has received towards Not a Decorator.
AND A 123 has received additional support from VML Technologies BV and ADLF Ltd
Castlefield Gallery | Agency is part of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio, and a Manchester City Council Cultural Partner. Additionally, in July 2016 it secured funding from Arts Council England’s Catalyst: Evolve fund, a new initiative from Arts Council England that aims to support arts organisations to grow private giving and build resilience. Money raised from new sources will be matched by the Arts Council pound for pound via the fund, and over a period of three years up to August 2019.  Thanks also to creativetourist.com, G.F Smith and Fred Aldous for their continued support of our main gallery exhibition programme.
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