#olivier giroud imagines
applejuicefruit · 1 year
hey, could you do one of Oliver giroud, with an age difference ( reader 23/24 ) where the reader feels insecure about her relationship with Oliver, and thinks he is only with her for sex, one day she will leave and go get drunk, and when she comes home Oliver will try to take care of her and she will say she feels/or thinks he is only with her for sex, that when he gets tired of her he will leave her for someone else and other things, and then Oliver will comforting her and making sure she's the only one for him and that he's not just with her for sex, and they'll talk about it and in the end, everything works out (sorry if it's confusing)
I love Olivier please send me more requests!
Olivier Giroud x reader
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Daddy issues
Doubts started filling your mind when you read all the comments on your recent post with Olivier. It was a simple selfie with a simple heart in the caption, nothing wrong you thought. But all the mean comments made you feel insecure of your relationship.
“He’s dating her only for the sex, he doesn’t really love her” someone said.
“I bet she’s good in bed” someone else said.
“Poor thing, she really thinks he loves her?” another one said. You’ve been only dating for a year and you remember when you started dating you both were on the cover of every gossip magazine in Italy. Mostly because you were only 23 and he was 36 so people assumed you were dating him just or fame and money but you really loved him, with all of your heart but of course, they don’t care about that.
So now you were contemplating whether staying at home and waiting for Olivier to come back home from training or texting your friends and asking them to go out and drink.
You opted for the second one, of course. So you called them and asking them to meet at your favorite club in one hour while you started getting ready and sent a quick text to Olivier telling him that you were out with your friends and that you will come home later in the night.
Once you got ready you called a taxi, knowing that probably you would be too drunk to come back home by yourself and waited for it to arrive.
You were wearing a short but not too short black silk dress with a pair of heels and your black leather jacket finishing your look. Nothing to eccessive but you wanted to feel comfortable with yourself, trying to shield away all the negative comments you’ve been reading all day that made you feel uncomfortable and insecure.
The taxi arrived and drove you to the club where you saw your friends waiting for you. Back into the club you all ordered a cocktail first, then a second one, then a third one, ending with your best friend buying a bottle of champagne for all of you and you offering two rounds of tequila shots. Three hours later and you were all completely waisted except one of your friends just because she didn’t like alcohol so she only got some pepsi for her. Olivier texted you how the night was going and if you needed him to pick you up but you simply sent him a “no, see u at home”. Before leaving the club you wanted to drink a little more so you got yourself a beer and got more that waisted. Your mind was spinning and if it wasn’t for your friend holding you up you would have collapsed.
“Okay y/n it’s time for you to get home…I’m gonna take you home okay? Let’s go” your friend said helping you in the car.
“No I don’t want Olivier to see me…he doesn’t love me, he will think I’m childish” you mumbled in your drunk state.
“What are you talking about? He loves you very much y/n…yeah maybe you’re a bit childish but that makes you, you…don’t worry about it okay? Let’s get you home so you’ll be with your lover” she joked about it but you were too drunk to even understand her words.
Once back home she helped you get in, Olivier hearing a car sound knew this was you so he opened the door and thanked your best friend for bringing you back home.
“Thank you” he smiled at her once you were sat on the couch.
“She’s drunk” your best friend said “and talking nonsense…take care of her please”.
“Of course…thank you for bringing her home, she sounded mad when I texted her earlier…” he told your best friend.
“No, not mad, just heavily drunk” she smiled at him and he laughed looking at your drunk figure sat on the couch.
“But really, thank you” he thanked her again and helped her out.
He came back sitting on the couch but you shoved him away.
“Baby are you okay?” he asked you softly.
“No. Why are you with me Olivier?” you asked him, not being able to control your emotions and letting the tears fall.
“What are you talking about y/n? I’m with you because I love you…why this question?” he softly asked you, hating to see you cry. He knelt in front of you while you were sat on the couch.
“Just admit you’re with me just for the sex…In the end you will leave me for a more mature woman, a woman who can give you children and a family because I’m too young for you and-and one day you will realise that I’m not the one you want and…” you mumbled in a very drink voice “…and you will look for someone else and that day will break my heart but I know it will happen, I mean…we have - I don’t remember right now” you started counting with your fingers “a thirteen year age gap and that’s a lot you know? I’m scared you’ll find someone better because it’s not that hard finding someone better than me…” you whispered the last part, telling him all of your doubts and fears. He smiled a bit watching how you mumbled those words mostly because you were drunk as hell but he couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty because he was the reason you were feeling that way.
“Y/n, mon amour…listen to me, I love you, and you are the only woman I want to have in my life okay? I don’t care if we have more than a ten year gap, I don’t care if you don’t want to have kids right now, I couldn’t care less, the only thing I care about is you…I love you, je t’aime…not for the sex, not because you’re young but because you’re you and I love you so much…” he said holding your hands and kissing the palm of them softly. He put one of his hands on your chin gently lifting it up so you could watch him in the eyes and see that he was telling you the truth.
“Princess why don’t we go to bed uh?” he asked you softly.
“Are you telling the truth?” you shyly asked him.
“Of course baby” he smiled at you “I would never lie to you, never…”
“Okay” you smiled back at him.
“Let me take care of you baby…” he helped removing your heels and gently carried you in your shared bedroom. He removed your leather jacket and your dress. You felt a bit vulnerable standing in front of him almost naked, not that he’s never seen you naked but in your drunken state you felt more exposed.
“You’re beautiful mon amour” he smiled at you kissing your cheek.
“Thank you” you mumbled.
He removed your bra and dressed you up in one of his clothes. Just a comfy sweater that was too big for you so you used it as a pajamas.
“Oli…” you whispered.
“Mh?” he looked at you.
“I think I have to throw up…” you rushed yourself to the toilet just in time before you let all your alcohol out.
Olivier held your hair and gently massaged your back, comforting you.
After you were done you washed your teeth while Olivier got you a glass of water.
“I’m sorry…” you said sitting on the bed.
“For what baby?” he apprehensively asked.
“For causing a scene…again…” you sobbed a little.
“You’re drunk baby, it’s fine, really, plus I don’t mind taking care of you mon amour, it’s my way to show you how much you mean to me…” he kissed your lips softly and helped you laying in bed.
Your head on his chest while his arms were wrapped around you and one of his hand was back on your hair gently stroking it. You fell asleep in a minute, too tired to even say goodnight.
“Goodnight mon amour” he whispered in your ear while he turned off the lights and held you close to his body so you could feel safe and protected.
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mattysmarvel · 7 months
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germanapples · 1 year
Missing the World Cup🤧
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halalspamhabibti · 8 months
An odd nightly encounter (Maldini vampire AU) (Drabble)
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Description: Daniel Maldini starts doubting his normality
Notes: -I had this silly concept idea of Paolo Maldini being a vampire, even though I'm not a vampire fan at all, so I thought I'd Drabble with it using his son. -sorry if any one is OOC, I'm not that familiar with the players in this. -English is not my first language!! -just a Drabble! -mayyybe I'll write a part 2
In the middle of the cold and pitch-black night, Olivier was frantically yet quietly running after he had somehow managed to successfully steal something from the AC Milan headquarters,the tall and muscular Frenchman was running as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, not only due to his notorious pace but also because he could barely see anything, before he could reach the car waiting for him, he froze right in his tracks in front of nothing but a pair of big, inhumanly bright, crystal teal eyes that didn't exactly convey a certain emotion, they even looked somewhat confused and surprised, but still stared piercingly through him, as soon as he retained his senses, he hurriedly turned on his flashlight and aimed the white beam straight at the eyes to see who or "what" they belonged to, and to his relief he immediately heard a familiarly cute groan of pain, not only did those eyes belong to a human, and that human was his young teammate, Daniel.
"Dani!" Cried Olivier in confused relief, he began to feel a bit frustrated at this odd interruption of his plans, "wh-what are you doing out all alone at this hour?" Olivier asked quickly without much thought, "me?" Daniel questioned while he finished rubbing his eyes after they were hit with the light, "I'm just taking a nightly stroll not too far from home, what are YOU doing frantically running in the middle of the night? And straight from Casa Milan?" Olivier panicked internally as he took into thought who Daniel's father is, not only did he fear being directly reported to the sporting director, but having THE Paolo Maldini disappointed in you is something nobody would want, without much thought into his excuses, he immediately tried to clear things up and shift the focus to something else, "w-well I'm just taking advantage of the empty streets to take a jog, y'know? Besides, at least I brought a flashlight with me, how come you're walking around in the black darkness? You wouldn't be able to see anything! Seems pretty suspicious to me..." Dani looked around, Olivier almost seized the opportunity to say goodbye when Dani suddenly became nervously excited to say something
"look, this is supposed to be a secret, but I can't help but tell someone, I can actually see in the dark, isn't that amazing?"
"Makes sense when you have glowing eyes that scare the hell out of people trying to jog, now that I remember, this isn't the first time I've seen them glow" Olivier replied with a bit of forced laughter, he was now fully relieved that his case was off, but then it fully hit him, "but it doesn't make sense..." he wondered, "there is no condition on earth that gives people the ability to see in pitch-black...how is that possible?" "Well my parents told me I was blessed with strong eyes like my father, and that they fed me lots of carrots as a baby" Daniel explained, in an honest and confident voice, there was no sense of deception in his tone whatsoever, this is truly what he knows
"Dani...that's not..that's not a logical explanation" Daniel stared for a bit after a moment of realization then he "now that I think about it, it really isn't, but that's all I've known.."
"Have you ever been taken to a doctor?"
"Of course, but none of it was ever about my eyes" Olivier thought for a moment, though he was sleepy and exhausted at this point, so his brain wasn't really on it's full motors, and then it looked like he
had come to a conclusion, more important a conclusion that'll make Dani forget about Olivier's odd "jogging"
"Dani, have you ever thought about how sharp your teeth are? they're like fangs.."
"Yes? What does that have to do with it?"
"Well I'm just saying, sharp teeth, along with night vision and glowing eyes, these are all traits of a vampire,no? Maybe your parents haven't told you yet?"
"...Olivier..you're nearly forty..you can't be believing in folktales.."
"Not if there's one standing in front of me"
"Oh for God's sake Olivier, if I'm a vampire then how the hell can i stand in the sun completely unharmed?"
"Well you could only be HALF vampire"
"So you mean-"
"yes! It would explain so much about your father!"
"Like what exactly?" Daniel had no idea why someone technically old enough to be his parent was still suggesting that he and his father were vampires, and at this time of night as well, he had become frustrated but was too tired to be visibly angry,
"Well, it would certainly explain his graceful aging...and his-"
"Olivier...please...I'm too tired for this,if my father is a vampire, then how come he can use a mirror just fine?"
"Well there has to be an explanati-" Olivier couldn't finish his sentence before he had to yawn, now he realized how late he was, and he remembered that his partner in crime was waiting for him in the car, "why don't we both go home and discuss this later, I really need to sleep" suggested Dani, "yes,yes,that's exactly what I was going to say" Olivier blurted hurriedly
Each one of them parted ways, with Olivier making sure Daniel is out of sight before he started running back to the car.
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lxndonorris · 1 year
suit and tie - Olivier Giroud
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Y/N x Olivier Giroud Theme: Fluff sharing a sweet moment wth Olivier on the red carpet x word count: 530+
A chill runs down your spine as you're sitting in a very nice limousine. Looking outside the darkened window, you see a horde of photographers outside, with what feels like a thousand bright flashes illuminating the darkness of the night. Olivier, your boyfriend for more than two years now, reaches for your hand, takes it, and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"Ready?" He says softly, and you turn to meet his bright shining eyes. Olivier smiles warmly, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. "Yes." You nod. Taking a deep breath, the door opens, and immediately, you feel a rush of adrenaline flow through your whole body. The driver lends you a hand, and with his help, you manage to get out of the car gracefully.
You're wearing a blue, sparkly dress. Not too tight, not too wide, simply perfect. Still holding Olivier's hand, you take a step forward, leading your man onto the red carpet. Everyone is taking your pictures as Oli gently puts an arm around your waist, pulling you towards his strong frame. Instinctively, you steady yourself against his chest, enjoying the feeling of his soft suit jacket against the palm of your hand.
Both of you smile kindly, with people calling his name, asking you to pose with him, flashing lights, and screaming all around you. Protectively, Olivier leads you down the carpet, as it's time to move on. "I will never get used to this." You laugh nervously, and again, Olivier's arm pulls you into him, hugging you lovingly.
"You're doing great." He says, placing a loving kiss against your forehead. Together, you walk a few steps ahead, until it's time for interviews. It's not your turn yet, so you turn your attention toward him, trying to distract you. His eyes meet yours again, and he smirks. Blushing slightly, your eyes wander further down his body, noticing the collar of his shirt is slightly messy. "Olivier." You shake your head and reach for his neck. "What?" He licks his lips as you gently lift his chin slightly.
"Let me help you." You smile shyly and fix his shirt easily. He giggles, placing his hands at your waist, and pulls you even closer, playfully teasing you. "Stop." You frown, running a finger along his neck, making him look flawless again. "There." You say, patting his chest before running your fingers along the edge of his suit jacket, your fingertips brushing over his shirt and chest.
"Thank you." He grins and bends down to kiss you. Trying to meet him, you get on your toes, kissing him lovingly. It feels so easy, just the two of you. For what seems like an eternity, you kiss him, and once you separate, your eyes are glued to his. Just then, like a snap of a finger, several bright flashes tear you out of your daydreaming.
The two of you are now the center of attention, this little moment is caught on camera, and everyone is loving it, asking you to smile for the camera. Of course, this is the main part of the interview, with Olivier flattering you with every word he says. You cling to him, smile, and breathe. You'll get used to it.
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pedrisslut · 1 year
Next up someone requested a Gavi NSFW alphabet, Olivier Giroud ( he was actually my first football crush) and another Pedri fic. I will try my best to get these done by the next weekend🫡 and thank you babes for all the love on my last piece🥰
I’ll try to serve you slutty dahlings some good stuff next weekend⭐️
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Annie's Masterlist
hi and welcome to my blog!
annie | 24 | SEAn | she/her/hers/they | ♒︎♉︎♉︎ | Manchester United FC🔴, AC Milan🔴, Three Lions/esses🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, and USM/WNT🇺🇸 | footy crushes: christian pulisic (known as my husband), mason mount, son heung min, lisandro martinez, marcus rashford, alex zendejas, olivier giroud, luke shaw | sitcoms obsessed | mainly post about men’s and women's football | i write and make gifs
my posts can be found through links below ⬇︎
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Fics Masterlist:
Christian Pulisic | Mason Mount
Taglist Request | Announcement
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Post Tags:
Christian Pulisic | Imagines or Headcanon
Mason Mount | Imagines or Headcanon
Kepa Arrizabalaga
Son Heung-min | Imagines or Headcanon
Lisandro Martinez | Imagines or Headcanon
Alex Zendejas | Imagines or Headcanon
Manchester United | MU Women
Fic Recommendation | SMAU Recommendation
Ted Lasso
Daisy Jones and the Six
Other Imagines or Headcanon: Jadon Sancho | Weston McKennie
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some things to know about:
my blog is a safe space for everyone, I do not tolerate any kind of hate and discrimination. show some compassion and empathy instead!
for now I only write for Christian Pulisic and Mason Mount. I may write smut, but I'll mostly write angst and fluff. But even in non-smut fics I can use explicit language and my fics may contain mature contents, so make sure you read warnings section before reading every fic.
I'm currently not writing based on request, but if you want to share any idea(s) you can send any through ask!
as a (new) writer, I would love to hear your thoughts and/or feedbacks on my fics, so feel free to send them in through reply/reblog/ask! please be kind and use appropriate language 💖
if you want to interact with me, you can send me ask or DM! once again, please be kind and use appropriate language 🤍 spam and inappropriate ask/DM will be deleted and blocked
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Would your rather be:
A) Kylian Mbappe’s fart sniffer
B) Kylian Mbappe’s piss drinker
C) Kylian Mbappe’s burp vacuum
D) Kylian Mbappe’s foot licker
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Thanks for this question. I used to not appreciate Kylian MBappe, as i explained in this article :
But between my black men addiction and the fact that he is obviously talented, i changed my mind and found him inspiring, because i imagine him as a cute bottom in love with a white man (dilf Olivier Giroud)
and as a dominant man in couple with an Arabian man (his bff Achraf Hakimi)
I have been asked to write more about him
I am currently finishing a story about him ❤️
He recently announced that he is living PSG, which is seen as the most horrible news for many football fans, especially in Paris. However, Kylian MBappe remains the captain of the French Football Team 😁
He deserves to be worshipped, but symbolically, if i had to chose a body part to serve, i would take his feet (D) because that's thanks to his feet that he won and have talent 👏
@kylianmbappee @kylianmbappe1710 @mbappebby @mbappeslover @kykygif @kylianmbappe98-blog @kylianmbappeh @kylianmbapeuniverse-blog @tidodore2 @blackmansbitch @rainykpoptravelcreator @leftprogrammingroadtripdean
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« Je dois donner du fil à retordre à Kylian » https://www.leparisien.fr/sports/football/equipe-de-france-je-dois-donner-du-fil-a-retordre-a-mbappe-le-clin-doeil-sympa-dolivier-giroud-05-03-2023-EE6KDGJOMJAFFK2EDMBDTUM3CY.php#xtor=AD-1481423553
« Je dois donner du fil à retordre à Kylian pour le record de buts. On sait tous qu’il me dépassera à un moment donné mais le plus tard possible sera le mieux ». ("I have to give Kylian a hard time for the goalscoring record. We all know that he'll overtake me at some point, but the later the better.") src
ok first of all thank you so much for sharing this lovely link! secondly lemme just uhhh
words literally cannot explain the emotions this quote made me feel. the way he's joking about it oh my god... like it feels like they've turned it into some friendly competition..... my heart hurts so much immmjmdjdjfhdgs. to me this is part of the beauty of their relationship, the fact they're both forwards means they may compete or go head-to-head, but at the end of the day they can both push each other to become better. like imagine staying on the team just to give your teammate a "hard time" helppp they're so silly...
and do i even need to talk about the way olivier has sooo much trust and faith in kylian... like he Knows he's gonna overtake his record and he's completely okay with that.... but for as long as he's able he wants them to continue pushing each other to the highest..... my god... never say it wasn't true love
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
Hi loveee Im literally obsessed with your writing so i thought i would submit a request 🤭
Could you write an Olivier giroud x reader!F magine where reader is sick bc of her period and he just take care of her
just overall A LOTT of fluff 🫶🏻
This was the request I needed since it’s currently my shark week 🥲
tw: period pain
olivier giroud x reader
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Shark week
You were currently laying in bed while eating some chips trying your best to not to cry. The pain filling your lower stomach was hitting you very hard. Cramps and headache never leaving you from the moment you woke up this morning and what made it worse was that you were spending this horrible day all alone because your boyfriend Olivier was at practice and he would be home very late.
Your period pain was always the worst. You hated how it made you bloated and emotionally unstable. One moment you were happy and the next moment you were crying and screaming. All you needed in this moment was Olivier and his huge hands who always worked miracle on your skin when you were on your periods.
Unfortunately you had to wait a few more hours before he was at home again so you tried to sleep, tired and drained from waking up very early this morning due to the pain you were feeling.
Some noises coming from the living room woke you up so you decided to check what was happening, still too tired to even care if a thief just got into your apartment.
Your face lifted up when you saw Olivier making something to eat in the kitchen.
“Oli…” you hugged him from behind.
“Hey mon amour” he turned around so he could kiss you “you were sleeping I didn’t want to wake you up…” he said caressing your cheek.
“No it’s okay…I wasn’t getting much sleep anyway” you confessed and he looked at you a bit worried. He wasn’t there when you woke up this morning so he didn’t know you started your period yet.
“Is everything okay?” he asked you.
“What? Oh yes I simply got my period…not a joyful morning…not a joyful day at all” you laughed a bit trying to ease the tension.
Olivier knew you and he knew how much you suffered from period pain and he hated seeing you in pain.
“I’m so sorry baby…” he hugged you.
“It’s okay…it’s something I can’t do nothing about it anyway so…” you said keeping your head on his chest.
“But I can do something…” he smirked at you and you had no idea of what he was talking about “…why don’t you do to bed uh? I’ll get you something to eat and some pain killers and then we can lay in bed all night long watching some movies? What you say?” he said with a hopeful smile.
You loved how he knew you so good.
“I say it’s perfect” you smiled at him.
“Okay…go to bed baby…I’ll be right back” he told you and you went straight into the bedroom and laid under your fluffy blankets waiting for him to come back.
He came back almost twenty minutes later and he brought you your favorite dish. He got you some smoked salmon with some fries and you couldn’t believe he just cooked your favourite meal just for you.
“Thank you so much Oli…” you almost started crying if it wasn’t for him showering your face with small kisses.
He got in bed with you and he helped you laying between his legs, your head on his chest and his arms around your waist gently massaging and keeping you warm where you were hurting. You started to eat and started to feel a little more comfortable, probably it was only Olivier’s presence but he made you feel better in just a few minutes. You started watching your favourite tv show and once you were done eating he gave you some pain killers just to help you with your headache and cramps. You really weren’t fond of pain killers or medicines in general when it was about your period but you knew that sometimes they were necessary, otherwise you would be crying on the floor in this moment.
You snuggled more into Olivier trying as his hand went straight to your hair, gently stroking it because he knew how much you loved when he did it.
“You feeling better?” he asked you and you hummed to lost in the comfort of his arms.
“Thank you Oli…” you whispered.
“It’s okay baby you don’t have to thank me…you know how much I love taking care of you…and you know how much I hate seeing you in pain…” he said while his other hand went back on your stomach, massaging the same spot where it hurt the most. That gave you a sense of peace for a bit and with the pain killers kick in it you felt much better.
“Still…you didn’t have to do that for me…” you murmured.
“I love doing it…taking care of you is my favorite thing in the world” he kissed your cheek.
“You love it more than football?” you smirked.
“Yes. I love you more than football” he confessed and you pretended to be shocked. You knew that he would drop his football career if you asked him to do so. He would do anything for you.
“Fine…I believe you” you joked and he laughed.
“You better believe me future Madame Giroud” he called you and your eyes went straight to the engagement ring you were wearing, only thinking about that in a couple of months you would be the one in white.
“That sounds amazing…” you referred to the way he called you a few moments before.
“I know…” he whispered with a smile never leaving his face.
You got a bit tired and Olivier felt that so before sleeping you went to the bathroom and did all of your things, you took a quick shower and then changed clothes and when you got back in bed he helped you laying down as he scooped you into his arms so he could keep you warm. You fell asleep just by listening to the rhythm of his heart and that was your favourite way to fall asleep.
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footballffbarbiex · 6 months
No idea if you're still looking for suggestions for one night only but I had some time to kill so here goes:
Kostas, (Thiago)*, Darwin, Josema, Rodrigo, Antoine, Olivier, Rodrigo Bentancur, Son Heung-min
Thiago, Leon Goretzka, Lucas Hernandez, Olivier Giroud, Antoine, Josema, Darwin, Kostas
Trent, John Stones, Ruben Dias, Dominik, Marco Rose, Mats Hummels, Nico Sclotterbeck, Leon Goretzka
*Thiago is between brackets because I ended up with 9 and technically you don't need him to link these players. Also I had way too much fun playing six degrees of separation with this and tried to include some popular players and some less popular ones for each set. No worries if none of these spark joy!
I am as I’ve not had any other suggestions so I’m assuming a smut fest isn’t for everyone!
The only one out of this that I wouldn’t write is Hernandez as we don’t do domestic violence in this house. But these suggestions are 😩😩😩
I’m happy for 9+ if the right players came along 🤔 oooft.
BUT Imagine ticking off a new fantasy with each man. Bc technically there could be 15+ men but she would only be having fun with the ones we put forward. So that number is limitless
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— i'm genesis! but you can call me gen or croc | they/them lesbian | writer [on occasion] | sports fan of many genres [american football, football/soccer, basketball, tennis, badminton, PDC + PREM darts] (yes i watch darts)
♣︎ clubs = red devils & milanista + bvb on the side
♥︎ players = marcus rashford¹⁰– hakim ziyech²² – demarai gray¹² – licha martinez⁶ – 🐐¹⁰ – andre onana²⁴ – olivier giroud⁹ – jude bellingham⁵ – granit xhaka³⁴ – alejandro garnacho¹⁷ – rasmus højlund¹¹
★ fav national teams = 🇲🇦 🇧🇷 🇯🇲 🇫🇷 🇨🇲 + ALL (and i mean all) asian + african nteams.
other = i am silly. i do 'teamflipflop' (reblogs gifs/photos/celebrations of teams i do not die hard support. i do not care much for fan rivalry 🙏🏿) big rambler in tags.
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#gen.txt = rambles, football/soccer talk, and stuff unrelated to both! usually me related.
#gen & live footy = live blogging
#daily champs = daily [... occasionally!] clips of youtube series "champions" that imagines the champions league stars living together in a giant mansion, reality show style.
#card collecting shit = my journey start to (hopefully soon) finish about my panini qatar 2022 sticker album. if you enjoy stuff like that :)
backup incase of emergencies: @crocycries4u
🪽 thank you for reading 🫶🏿
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(gif by hojlundaise)
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chiesovic · 2 years
imagine being banned from social media for saying what kylian mbappé did to olivier giroud…
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cithaerons · 1 year
a mutual commented on my olivier giroud thigh gay love glory to god edits with “return of side sound summer?” and the . the posts that came to mind. the potential posts. i didn’t make them but they are there scorching my imagination
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Let's play serve, fuck and marry with an extra bones space where you can choose to something else to one of these European athletes:
Rafael Nadal (Tennis)
Sergio Ramos (Soccer)
Olivier Giroud (Soccer)
Cristiano Ronaldo (Soccer)
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15 / 05 / 2024
Hey my dear @theleomarspt2! I missed your games 😊
Well, i didn't have to thought much for this 😆
SERVE : CHRISTIANO RONALDO because I imagine him as someone really cocky and arrogant. I even made him King of Portugal in this story where he enslaves losers faggots!
FUCK : SERGIO RAMOS because he is handsome but i don't know him enough to feel attracted to his personality. But i would love to worship his feet and ass like in here :
MARRY : OLIVIER GIROUD because physically he is my type (very tall, not too muscled but still, as beautiful with or without beard, with short hairs or longer) and mentally (kind, funny, clever, protective, confident but not too arrogant, sexy...)
I explained here why i love him and you'll find the link of the story i wrote about O. Giroud
That way i could smell his farts and his sweat
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Thanks to the blog that found this crumb. I don't speak French but from what I understand we were robbed of the footage. If they have so much chemistry in front of millions of people, imagine behind the cameras.
hahaha this is a cute article, thanks for sharing! i think it's amusing that this was written after the australia match, aka even before the poland match and That Moment(tm). it just goes to show how close they are now lol, and it reminds me of giroud saying "my relationship with him is very good" at a press conference around this time.
but about their dynamic off the pitch - this article should be credible, so it's really a damn shame we didn't get to see too much of them in the "best of" compilations on youtube. though from what i remember they actually sit at complete opposite ends of the meal table lmao so i'll brush over that, but it's so cute that they apparently warm up next to each other?????? and of course mbappe teases giroud for the way he always pulls up his shorts during training omfg i would too... he's so lame /affectionate
i hope we can get some more cute moments captured of them if the official youtube account posts another compilation later this month! T^T
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