#olympics errand jumping poem
jude-thedude98 · 1 year
When you set boundaries around your heart
You set standards in your life.
Make a mothsfucka do Olympics just to get your heart.
Make their relay race be grocery store runs, errand jumping, fast food pick up, errand jumping, dry cleaning, errand jumping, and so much more
Till they prove that the race they ran was solely for you and not for the sex you can give.
Make them shotput your heavy load off of your shoulders -
Your mind needs a break.
Make em pole vault over all the boundaries you set for last players,
Dance elegantly with ribbons like a gymnast to show you how special you are and how deeply they are in interest.
Make them balance on a beam with no shoes,
Giving them no hints, tips, or clues.
Make them dive deep to rescue you.
Swim fast just to catch up to you.
Make their stopwatch break because they'll break all records for you.
Make them luge, snowboard, skateboard, Tour de France.
Make their triathlon have a triathlon.
And when they ask baby when are you going to ease up
Give them weights and see if they can be the strongman and lift those weights up.
Please don't let up!
Make them run with fire and say for once that it's hot and they need a break with some water and a snack.
And when they do say this
And they will.
Make errand jump again. .
Make them skate on ice,
Make them go 12 rounds in a fight,
Make them play against a whole other country called your friends just to see if they add in or divide.
Make them fish for hours, row a boat, sing your Spiritual Anthem.
Make their bobsleigh.
Make them get into another fight after you check em from being in the penalty box.
And not a fight with you but a fight for right.
Make them win Bronze and Silver.
And just when they think they're going to get Gold
Make them curl.
Make them hurl.
Make them cry.
Make them beg.
Train them to make you their fulfilled destiny.
And when they learn
Finally ready to give up but won't because you're just enough and all they ever needed and wanted.
Give them a Score and give them Gold
They go through another round of more Olympics.
Then once they make it through two times.
Give them a Two Time Gold Winner
For making your heart the most important thing on this Earth.
Olympics Errqnd Jumping Poem
By Mr. PoetAll
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