#omfg stfu nelly
cubansailorvenus · 2 years
Might be back, might re-brand, who knows
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cubansailorvenus · 3 years
Coming back to life y'all
Sorry for the long hiatus, as I had to keep strictly to close friends for a while. Too many things happening at once was fucking with my mental health so I took a break from a majority of platforms.
Rebranding this disaster blog soon
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cubansailorvenus · 3 years
S0SCuba, but with a spiked bat and bagged eyes to hit cubans with a tr~mp flag when rallying
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cubansailorvenus · 3 years
I was going to dedicate my evening in deleting everything past 2019, but fuck do i really really seriously not feel like it
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cubansailorvenus · 4 years
I’m like, a month late, but uhhh thx to everyone who called tf out of JDS on Twitter. Seriously. I noticed how diverse the voices calling him out were.
I’m too focused on other things happening rn (as well as procrastinating on planning my book), so it’s baaaasically such an inconceivable notion to even think about educating the writers for VLD. Just don’t have the energy m8.
Obviously it wasn’t like everyone was doing it for me specifically, but I still feel ridiculously appreciative as a Cuban.
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cubansailorvenus · 4 years
Best thing to be coming out of this quarantine for me is that I’ve been taking my chance in fleshing out my story and characters to the point where I’m falling in love with them and I really hope once it’s all written out that other people will fall in love with them too
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
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When the critics aren’t monster fuckers but people who paid to see the movie definitely are
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
well lads, after learning that people normally make mistakes all the time and can actually change and grow (wow!!!!!!) can callout/cancel culture finally fucking die. it’s 2019. like. let it die.
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
Keith and Allura are both morosexual and are extremely attracted to how much of a dumbass Lance is and that’s just facts
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cubansailorvenus · 5 years
I’ve been hunting for that screenshot where Lance just accepts and embraces his own death with that chill smirk he had, like that was just the BIGGEST MOOD OF THE SHOW and I can’t find that screenshot ANYWHERE and I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO SCREENSHOT IT MYSELF god can someone help a bitch out
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cubansailorvenus · 5 years
ayo my new Twitter is bisexualfairy
follow me and let’s be mutuals ples
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cubansailorvenus · 5 years
in my grave, please install an audio speaker in my casket playing hozier’s wasteland baby! album on eternal repeat
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
Lance: Keith, in this world,
Keith: don’t
Lance: it’s either yeet
Keith: please stop
Lance: or be yeeted
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cubansailorvenus · 5 years
Opens google doc to outline original story
Stares at all the fanfic wips
,,,,,,,,,,,,, siiiiiiiigggghhhhh
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
me: man, fuck voltron
also me: man, i fuckin miss voltron
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cubansailorvenus · 6 years
me: I’m not bothered by Voltron at all tbh, I never really even was and even less so now
also me: ok but they made them minorities, not to provide empowering representation but to give themselves a pat in the back for implementing diversity, and honestly the mere knowledge of this makes my heart break and seeth because these minority characters deserved so much more and in this essay I will
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