#omfg wait this is the closest ive ever come to thinking of something
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thats luego
luego satona
hes gay / pan (nobody rlly figures out which. hes just in general Rlly Into Dudes) and he was one of the people in blu's friend group when blu was a human
and uh
ali ve
witnessed / indirectly caused blu's death (the entire group did but he feels the most guilty over it)
he had a crush on (imma call him blu until i figure out his human name btw ahA) blu even tho he knew blu was straght
he jokingly gives luego shit for it
like lue making kissy noises and acting like hes about to amother blu in love and blus just like "eW BRO STOP!!! KISSING IS GROSS UGH"
but he doesnt care if one of his best friend's gay or pan or w/e as long as he finds someone hes happy with
but blus just personally grossed out by affection in general so thats where the 'giving him shit for it' comes in, ie: laughing in faux-disgust while shoving lue's face away bc luegos still tryina sneak in n smooch him just to ruffle his feathers
stuff like that :)
tho after blu died
lemme copy paste
it woNT SEND
[hes tall
n blu uh
is sort of?
luego is def taller tho
kappital - 11/15/2017
hows he feelin about
dead boy
manic pixie dream tarantula - 11/15/2017
dunno the exact relationship yet so idk how hed react but
he was definitely Upset the night it happened
esp since im thinkin he was one of the ones joking like "bro ur gonna fuckin hurt urself" n such bc he was geuinly like "IDK IF THIS IS A GOOD IDEA GUYS" but was playing cool abt it
kappital - 11/15/2017
manic pixie dream tarantula - 11/15/2017
but when blu died from whatever happened (it was an instant accident kinda deal, like a stumble+fall or smthin) and everyone kinda freaked n left, luego was the last one to leave
bc he geuinly didnt know what to do n so he hung back just staring in horror and trying to think of some other option until the grouo called back like "dUDE LETS GO" or smthin n he judt made a rlly frustrated / upset noise before glancing over one last time apologetically / "this is so fucked" kinda look at blu n then turning to run with the rest
bc they knew if police or smthin showed up thered be a fuckton of trouble for them since they prolly had a p bad reputation around town anyways, so itd def look like a crime rather than an accident
so they just
but luego was def one of the ones most fucked up by it tho
he felt rlly nauseated n guilty for a long time afterwards, even after all the rlly bad emotional stuff
kappital - 11/15/2017
thats fucking intense
ive had dreams like that thats scary
manic pixie dream tarantula - 11/15/2017
but today like, at this very moment idk where hes at or what hes up to
that im still figuring out
or if hes even still around ngl
but after that most of the group splintered off into being rlly upset with one another n he was prolly the angriest out of the group bc he was the closest one emotionally w/ blu
so thats fun :) ]
OH there we go
he tried to uh
take himself out a few times but after a few failed attempts he was just like "fuck it this is stupid anyways. ill just. idk, ill try to...make the best of it. or something." n thats how he lived to where he is today
openly gay/pan, lived a slightly lavish life style that he liked to show off, drank socially but even then not that muvh bc alcohol is personally gross to him but its a good way to loosen up at big events or w/e
manic pixie dream tarantula - Last Thursday at 1:00 PM
i flip between present n past tense when typing accidently bc techincally "today" / "current" luego uh
died around 20 yrs or so b4 blu was summoned by alexander back into the human world
like he lived a full life n shit but died from some heart problems later in life
but he was p emotionally repressed abt what happened
wouldnt get much out of him unless you openly prodded him about him a lot
like sat him down n seriously tried to pull smthin out of him
but aside from that he was a p content guy :)
also sprry if the messages are fucked, wifi is awful out here aAAAAA
manic pixie dream tarantula - Last Thursday at 2:21 PM
but ye thats a summary of luego for ya
all his earrings on both ears are diff
no two are the same
n they all have a special meaning to them
OH also
all his earrings on both ears are diff
no two are the same
that all sent out of order omfg
manic pixie dream tarantula - Last Thursday at 5:56 PM
oK im back on good wifi i tjink :)
goo - Last Thursday at 8:37 PM
i've read some of this but it's been a busy day so i'm sorry i'm not ignoring you i just want to get home and read it there so i can elaborate my thoughts and questions to you haha
manic pixie dream tarantula - Last Thursday at 8:37 PM
no no dude ur ok
leila gave me a glimpse of what happened (like a chat screenshot between yall) bc she was askin if u were mad or upset or smthin
i kno ur not ignoring me n im honestly just hopin (if i have the story right??) whichever dog got the weed stuff on accident n ended up with leg spasms is doin ok!!
goo - Last Thursday at 8:40 PM
nah bandit just passed out from weed but miracle got the spasms and he'll be fine it's the usual for him
manic pixie dream tarantula - Last Thursday at 8:40 PM
shit man thats still def stressful if at least on some level ahA
glad they sound likr theytr gonna be ok n shit
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