#omg a crumb of this ship lmaoo
jennsterjay · 1 year
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Quick Silvmighty Doodle
Mighty loves Silver but definitely teases him too lol
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thatfantasynerd10 · 3 years
Hiiii everyone, here are some of my thoughts on the Shadow and Bone show<3 Spoilers!
As a book fan, somewhere inside me, I'd been afraid that the show would mess things up. This was especially because it's a blend of two different series, which take place in different timelines. BUT HONESTLY, I WAS COMPLETELY WRONG. The way they've incorporated the Six of Crows characters into the plot of Shadow and Bone is perfect. Everything fits in together and makes total sense. So if you're a book fan who's skeptical about the show, I 100% recommend it.
The characters are EXACTLY how I'd imagined them while reading. Not just their appearance, but their voices, their mannerisms, their relationships with other characters, their expressions, IT'S ALL THERE. The attention to detail is truly astonishing.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW THEY STUCK to some of the amazing dialogues from the books. The "There are no others like us, and there never will be"?!?!? and the "Fine, make me your villain"!?!? and the "I'm sorry it took me so long to see you, but I see you now." ??!?!? and the "I'm beguiling you!" and THE "No Mourners, No Funerals" (I may or may not have cried) AND MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE "You and I are going to change the world."
I live for the representation in this show. Alina being half Shu, Inej and Zoya being Suli, Jesper being Zemini and bi, Nina being plus sized, Kaz having a disability etc all shows how well thought out the casting was. Seeing someone who looks like you play the lead of a show can be so empowering. They also did the whole facing racism thing so well. The scenes where Alina was bullied or told to stand at the back of the line or called names for what SHE LOOKED LIKE were such raw examples of racism.
The friendships and relationships were my favorite part. Jesper being goofy, adhd mess, him and Inej being THE MOST ADORABLE BESTIES!!!, the "Jes? IT'S SULI FOR FRIENDSHIP.", him calling Kaz 'boss', Kaz's brooding and pretending to not care about the Wraith, Inej's worshipping Alina, Alina and Genya's friendship, AND DARKLINA?!?!?!?
All the darklina scenes were perfection :') there horseriding and Aleksander saying YOU ARE GRISHA, YOU'RE NOT ALONE to Alina because she was always made to feel like an outsider. The wishing well scene was so sweet uggghhh. Also the War room scene uhm uhm ;)
ABSOLUTELY LOVE ZOYA NAZYALENSKY, SO ZOYA CRUMBS WERE WHAT I LIVED FOR. I love how she says "She's Suli" when someone makes a racist assumption about Inej. This really reminded me of the Row scene where the Suli woman says "I see you" to her. Also the "your tracker friend also liked it when I put him on his back" was SUCH A Zoya thing to say lmaoo....also watching the destruction of Kribirsk after reading about how much Liliana meant to her was heartbreaking.
THE GENYAxDAVID interaction was everything. They're both such adorable, awkward messes. DAVID HITTING JES WITH A BOOK!?!?!
TIME TO TALK ABOUT THE BEST SHIP OF ALL TIME, HELNIK. Dan and Callahan did an amazing job, their chemistry>>>
My fav scene was probably the ice scene where Nina falls and YOU CAN SEE THE CONFLICT in Matthias' eyes, because he's been trained to killed Grisha all his life, and now he has the chance, BUT HE REALIZES that Nina is human and worth saving!!! brb sobbing
Also they eat waffles together I MEAN
"You're better than waffles Matthias Helvar." "Let's not say things we don't mean , my love." WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE GET THIS SCENE ON SCREEN?!?!
Milo the goat deserves a whole new fan base.
The special effects, the sets, the costumes and makeup were all spot on. The power those Keftas hold>>>>
The voiceovers of Mal and Alina's letters were adorableeee. "When I told you about true north, I was talking about you." and the "It's always just you and me, Alina." :')Show Malina> books Malina for me.
Kaz's scheming and the crows' heists were so badass. Jesper's gun trick thing!!!! Him never missing!!!! Kaz literally tricking the Darkling!!! Inej's knives!!! THE PART WHERE INEJ KILLED THAT GRISHA TO SAVE KAZ WHEN SHE WAS AGAINST KILLING. "We need you Inej, I need you." KANEJ NATION RISE.
They were all such a serve aaaa I'm a simp for the S&B cast. LOVED IT. GO WATCH IT NOWWWW
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