#omg i'm sorry this got so long!!!!!!!
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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myreia · 2 months
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✦ D A R K K N I G H T
Abyssal magic comes effortlessly to her, and therein lies in the danger. Too much grief, too much rage, too much love. Forces bent on tearing her apart from the inside out. Her aether twists around her blade, setting the runes alight, unrefined magic pulsating in the palm of her hand. When she reaches into the abyss, she feels a strange serenity, content with the knowledge her enemies will certainly fall. The question remains as to whether she herself will be left standing at the end. —level 90 compendium
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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"'Noah's are immortal', huh? I wonder who came up with that crap...?"
episode 77 supremacy
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gimmethatagustd · 8 months
Is kook is kstl gay or queer ? How come tae never knew he experienced sexually with men ?
AHHH omg omg i'm so excited to answer questions about my fics 😭 you have no idea. esp my emo boys. ty bestie ily.
okay, so this is a great question and there are a couple reasons for tae not knowing.
kstl jk is demisexual. for him, that means he isn't sexually attracted to people unless he knows them well/has established some sort of relationship with them. it's actually very difficult for him to open up to people sexually, and it causes him a lot of stress. he's also homoromantic, meaning he only develops romantic relationships with men. but he has had sexual relationships with people of other genders.
tae doesn't know about jk's sexuality because he just assumes jk is straight (since straight is usually the "default" that we assume people are in our society, yknow), and jk never talks about his relationships with tae. in tae's mind, it makes sense because he views jk as this innocent, quiet kid - bragging about his sexual experiences wouldn't be in-character for jk.
jk doesn't talk about his sexuality cuz a lot of people don't understand demisexuality, and he is shy 🥺
the whole fic is pretty much a commentary on how hard it can be for young queer people to figure out our sexualities when we're expected to conform to society's expectations. ie, tae thinking being bisexual is "bad", and jk thinking not being a very sexual person makes him "weird". that's why i chose bisexuality and demisexuality - two sexualities that are often judged/erased in queer spaces and oppressed by homophobia.
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avastyetwats · 10 months
The Writer and his Songbird
Plotted starter for @izzyeffinhands <3
It wasn't the full moon that made the night so serenely beautiful. It wasn't the ocean way out in the distance that Stede longed to be near, but grateful that he could now see, it wasn't the clear night sky with the thousands upon thousands of stars twinkling above him, nor the calm ocean breeze that he so loved to feel...
It wasn't any of those things that made the night so serenely beautiful - though they did add to it - but it was the mesmerizing voice above him. A voice he's heard a few times before since moving into the apartment complex a few weeks ago and oh, how this made Stede's move worth it. Suddenly, he wasn't dreading his stay here, he wasn't feeling as unhappy as he did the second he set foot into this building... not that there was anything wrong with it. Not at all. It was comfortable and safe, but it wasn't where he longed to be. It was somewhere he had to be until he could get back on his feet and figure some things, having divorced from his wife some weeks ago. A divorce that was a long time coming, a divorce that should have happened long ago, but really, a marriage that shouldn't have happened at all.
It wasn't a marriage that happened out of love, but convenience and security. A marriage his father practically forced him into, bullied him into, made him feel as though he had no other option and wasn't worthy of anything else... a marriage that was more about his father and his business than Stede's own happiness and wellbeing. But finally, he was out.
And so was she. Mary. An ending that would bring about a new beginning for them both.
But not one that was easy for Stede. He left his home, left his family behind, intending to start anew and live the life he always wanted to live, but it was proving to be a challenge. Depression and anxiety got the best of him some nights, so did self-doubt and uncertainty, and the challenge of fitting in, but he was thankful he still had one place he felt comfortable in: his tea and bookshop.
But the third night inside his new home, that's when he heard it: the angelic voice from above singing into the night. He's never heard anything more beautiful, or more inspiring, and for the first time in what felt like years, Stede sat down at his desk and wrote. Yes, he was a writer. An avid reader of many things and an avid writer of some fictional stories and some poetry. A hobby more than anything, having never pursued a career due to the life forced upon him and the scolding of what he wanted to do and where he wanted to be.
But thanks to that voice above, inspiration had returned to the writer. Every night he kept his balcony door open and on the nights that voice returned, Stede would often lean against the railing outside or sit at the table outside and write.
Though he wasn't quite brave enough to meet the man the beautiful voice belonged to, he would leave him little notes outside of his door praising his voice, crediting him with helping to find lost inspiration and bring joy back into his life, and he'd only ever sign it The Polite Menace down below with a little heart over the i.
Stede kept this up for a good few days, anytime Izzy would bless him with his voice, and eventually Stede started receiving delicious baked goods outside of his door signed with his own special nickname. But it was instant that Stede figured out who it was - the melodious mystery man above - and so the notes continued, leaving even more now to praise his talent in baking, too.
Something that inspired Stede to try again. He was never an expert at it by any means, but he'd baked a thing or two in his previous life, though it had been a long time, but perhaps he, too, could leave a delicious treat for his Angelic Siren above...
Unfortunately that hadn't gone well at all. Made evident in the amount of smoke that billowed out of his balcony door and into the night above, eventually sounding off the alarms that sent Stede into a panic as he tried to put out the small fire inside of his oven. And this is why he wasn't near brave enough to reveal himself to the man above that he's had a crush on for weeks now, because he was nothing but a big, embarrassing mess.
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Okay so if the whole wedding debacle hadn’t happened (which I’m still mad at Bonnie for because we deserved a Kai redemption arc and to see him finally have a chance to see what family could really be like and we could’ve had it if she hadn’t sent Kai back to a prison world) this is what I’d like to imagine uncle Kai would be like with baby Lizzie and Josie
HOW did this ask escape for so long?? I'm so stale.
BUT YES, that is so much the relationship they'd have, I'm giggling!!
And same, I'm so bitter that we couldn't have a redemption arc. I feel like Kai wouldn't be bad with kids as long as he isn't competing against them for 1.) having importance to the family / coven, and 2.) literal survival. Someone who's the eldest of six other kids, I actually think would be quite good with them, given the chance. Ugh, I so wish they kept him around and we could have scenes like that. And Jo / Liv / Bonnie, etc. all terrified and waiting for him to lose patience / mess up, but every time, he proves them wrong. 😭
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babydxhl · 2 months
@arobinwithoutbatman | starter call.
What had begun as a prickling sense of unease and fast turned to panic closing her throat — an open upstairs window, a creaking floorboard — vanishes almost entirely as Mary sees just who has taken up residence in her living room. She lowers the gun the parole board says she is not supposed to have.
"Figured I was out of your jurisdiction now."
She had bought the place in Bludhaven, a two-storey Brownstone building, only a few months earlier, around the same time her therapist had pulled some strings and got her the job at the city's performing arts school. She'd told him she was so bored she might just blow her own brains out just for something to do. He had seemed more concerned she might go flitting back over the bridge to rob a bank.
"You makin' house calls?" She sets her purse and the gun down on a side table, sets about unbuttoning her coat, removing her gloves, pretending it is a very normal thing to find a costumed vigilante waiting by your coffee table. "Just checking I'm still on the side of the angels?"
She has never been on the side of the angels. She teaches 10-year-olds how to do a time step and not look too smug accepting prizes. After the first few competitions the parents stopped staring at her.
A pause. She turns to look at him fully, then, taking him in in the red-washed, pre-evening light.
"You look good. Better. Than before."
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honeysulani · 1 year
Today was finally the day where I've got to know if I passed my final working exam...I DID!!
I'm not an apprentice anymore!🧚🏻‍♀️
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
Do you still have some headcannons for your proxima midnight family? I absoloutely adore Proxima's family art you made and the mom is just *chefs kiss*
Aw sure omg!! I'm happy to talk about my Prox headcanons! I still had so much of her I never got around to sharing! I can't remember if I ever said her family's names here because the original post I hadn't decided on names for them yet. But her father is Antares, her mother is Helya, and her brother is Craster!
So to kinda give a general sweep of the ideas I had for her species, they aren't super advanced in the technology area, in fact they never leave their home planet so they're an incredibly rare sight anywhere else! They live in big nomadic family units similarly with a lead mated pair (in this case Proxima's parents, Antares and Helya), and extensions of the family as well. I never shared her aunt and cousins, but Helya has a sister named Miev, and Miev has 3 daughters, Estraza, Rhea, and Miran.
Proxima is actually the second youngest of the family (but outgrows everyone except Estraza who is just massive). In order from oldest to youngest of all the kids it would go: Estraza, Rhea, Craster (Proxima's older brother), Proxima, then Miran.
Here are Miev and her girls!! (this art is very old lmao, from 2020)
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Proxima only ever got along tentatively with her cousins, minus Estraza who was kind of the second mom of the family unit. But Proxima and Miran especially did not ever really like each other.
Estraza has a husband and they are expecting their first child. She's got those new mom anxieties as well as looking after her sisters because they cannot be trusted to look after themselves (she would really like it if they could get their acts together). Rhea is a grown woman having her rebellious teen phase, she's superficial and a bit full of herself, she just wants to vibe and not be asked to do anything I love her. Miran is complicated, she's like a little 3D printed copy of her mom and is desperate for her approval.
This got a tad long so I put the rest under the cut XD
Miev's husband was killed not long after Miran was born and she never really recovered from it. She lost a lot of weight and just shut down for a while, and Estraza had to step up to take care of her and her sisters. They also rejoined with Prox and her family after that as well. Now Miev is just kind of spiteful and angry at everything (she loves her kids though) but her and her sister have always butted heads so everyone living together again has been a trial for sure lol
Sorry I mostly talked about her aunt and cousins alskjdf I never got to talk about these 4 but I'm flattered you like Helya! She was one of my favorites from back then ;; For a bit about her, she's kind of a tough mom, she's stern but she's also where Proxima gets a lot of who she is from. Proxima was a challenging daughter for sure, but Helya did love her very much and only ever did what she thought was best. Proxima was actually always a daddy's girl, she and her father were very close, meanwhile her brother was the biggest mama's boy lol! And Prox and Cras were good siblings to each other as well, Craster has ENDLESS patience and Proxima REQUIRED endless patience.
There was SO MUCH I had going on in Proxima's story involving her family~ I'd planned out a lot leading up to eventually joining the Black Order. So much DRAMAAA. ESPECIALLY with her aunt, especially with Miran. It would probably be more suited to to a post specifically about the backstory I had for her if anyone would be interested in that, it's been a while since I talked about anything Marvel related XD I don't wanna make this post too long akjkfdgj There's a lot more I could say, I had a lot of headcanons about her species and their culture and all that stuff that ties into story things as well~ I'll bullet a couple points re: her family though!
Prox and Craster loved to wrestle and play fight and she would always lay his ass out lol
Rhea loves doing her sisters' hair and just general family grooming, it's very relaxing for her and she actually does like spending time with her family despite how tired of everyone she acts. Miran was her main victim for the longest time because she was the youngest. On the RAREST occasions Proxima would join and they'd have a proper Girls Night.
Estraza always made a point to include Proxima in things because Proxima would otherwise not include herself. Prox had a lot of respect for Estraza so she'd always kinda just do what she said lol. It annoyed her mom a little bit because she really didn't listen to Helya all that much.
Estraza lost her eye in the same event that killed her father.
Rhea is considered rather unnaturally beautiful so she's very popular with guys but lord help her because she 100% doesn't know what to do when being courted lmao it's all fun and games for her until someone tries to flirt and then she's all "mom come pick me up I'm scared".
Rhea actually did like Proxima and wanted to connect with her, but the two are so fundamentally different and Rhea takes things VERY personally so Proxima's general disinterest would hurt her pride lol
Helya pretty much regards her nieces as other daughters. Miev cannot say the same about Craster and Prox though.
ldksjdf I'll pause here, I'd be happy to talk about them more for sure! I really liked what I had going with Proxima's story and family, I'd love to revive it somehow ;; There was so much omg like she was all I thought about for a long time, I miss her so much ;A;
Thank you for asking about her and her fam!!! It meant a lot knowing someone was interested in hearing more about them after all this time <333
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viatrixtravels-a · 11 months
Xiao shuffles towards Lumine, hand behind his back.
"..Lumine." He called out towards the girl, slowly pulling his hand back from behind him, holding out the Qingxin flowers.
"..I got these for you." Xiao mumbled.
"I wanted to thank you for the things you did for liyue,, and me."
"Ah! Xiao! How have you beーー Hm?"
The smile on her face changed into an expression of surprise when her amber hues laid eye upon the small, white flowers.
It was a sweet gesture, one which she appreciated very much. However, she then recalled one of those silly little comic books Fischl let her borrow once.
Lumine forgot what they were called, but they were horribly cliched and a little too sappy for her taste, but there was a scene between two main characters in which the boy gave the girl flowers and confessed his love for her right after.
Her face exploded into a million shades of crimson, causing her swiftly turn around in an attempt to hide her embarrassing.
( Calm down, Lumine! Deep breaths! You're probably just overthinking it! He wants to thank you for your efforts, that's all! )
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Turning back around, the Traveller reluctantly accepted the flowers, bringing them close to her face to take in its slightly sweet frangrance.
"Thank you. ...Uhm, anything else?"
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thawthebeez · 1 year
alrighty Haikyuu essay time again because I watched s2 ep5 and I have a lot of feelings.
The part I want to talk about specifically is the argument between Hinata and Kageyama because I feel like it's a fantastic display of their characters and values, and I also feel like it is heavily glossed over and reduced to "omg it's gay because they were making physical contact" which I would like to fix.
I'd like to take a quick moment to highlight the tension that gets established from before they even enter the gym.
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This frame right here is fantastic, because it shows an empty seat beside BOTH OF THEM, and the fact that they're both sitting closest to the window makes that gap feel further. And it both sets the mood and FITS the mood, especially with Hinata having just been told by literally EVERYBODY (Ukai, Suga, AND Kageyama) that doing a fast attack with his eyes open is useless and it's not even worth trying.
The fast attack Hinata pulls of with Kageyama symbolizes freedom for him. It's an attack that avoids blocks (blocks being symbolized as tall, tall walls preventing him from seeing the other side), an attack that lets him fly, and an attack that lets allows him to use his abilities to their maximum potential (speed, height, and agility).
However, this current form of the fast attack in regards to Season 1 and 2 is still run completely under Kageyama's actions. Hinata may be running fast and jumping high, but that's the only freedom he has. The rest of it is done by Kageyama. So when blockers do start to catch up to the fast attack, it's frustrating, because the whole point the attack was to avoid blockers but now they aren't so Hinata, even at his maximum effort, is no longer free again.
To be free, he knows he needs to open his eyes- and to have the self-awareness to realize that on his own is impressive, but it also puts him in a tough spot because he is once again fighting on his own.
Now imagine you're Hinata, you want to fix this attack that you know isn't going to work anymore, and everyone is saying "it's not possible. It'll never happen." That'd probably give you some flashbacks to middle school when you wanted to start a proper volleyball team and go places with it only to be told "never gonna happen, kid," and it'd also be frustrating as hell.
Hinata is not at all the type to just give up. That man has never given up on something in his life (both pre- and post-time skip). The difference with this fight, however, is that he needs at least one other person to be on board for it to even work, and nobody is giving him that.
Hinata's quick attack symbolizes freedom for him. It seemed limitless at first but here he's hit one of those barriers and nobody seems to want to help him break through it. The thing that was once freedom for him now has him trapped.
Because Hinata (especially at this point in the series) is shit at everything besides his attacks. He can't block, he can't receive, and he can barely serve. He knows that if he loses this attack, he'll be useless (which he expresses later. Again, the self-awareness of this man is astounding).
This is what makes the motivation to fix the quick attack to strong. There's a lot at stake.
Which perfectly shows Hinata's 'unstoppable force' vs Kageyama's 'immovable object' mentality.
(okay small Kagehina ramble here because I am weak and flawed
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the fact that kageyama noticed the subtle change instantly is nuts. like the fact that his tosses have grown to be muscle memory and have adapted to toss the ball right where hinata's point of impact is every time, coupled with the fact that he immediately notices that his jump isn't reaching that point, AND that fact that he knows what exactly is distracting him OUGH they just understand each other so well i'm so normal about it)
(going to use manga panels for the sake of being able to understand things like dialogue and such)
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A lot of people tend to misinterpret Tobio's character as one that's mean or cold-hearted, but he's not. This a bit of dialogue where that conclusion could be drawn. He looks angry, sure, but what he's saying is entirely true. Hinata is weak, and there are a lot of other things he could be working on. Kageyama is not wrong.
We also have a little bit of the ol' 'immovable object' with Kageyama outright not wanting to try the new attack. He's justified for saying this, though, because the whole point of being in that gym is to practice and get better. What they're doing- trying and failing with no progress- is not practice. It's a waste of time, and Kageyama being Kageyama, wasting time in the gym is NOT something he does. Like. Ever.
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And what Hinata says here is entirely true as well. He knows and understands that without the quick attack, he's nothing. There's no point for him to be out there, which is precisely why he's fighting so hard for it. He wants to be out on that court more than anything.
Kageyama's response saying that his tosses evade blockers is like saying "You're no good without me. There's no reason for you to be out there without me," which Hinata obviously takes offense to because WTF? The quick attack is meant to represent freedom for Hinata and the fact that that freedom can only exist when another person says so is a paradox. It's not true freedom if that's the case.
(Now, side note, one part that was added in the anime that does not appear in the manga is that Hinata points out that the attacks got blocked when they were against Nekoma and Seijoh. Kageyama asks if his tosses weren't good enough and Hinata says "No, they were perfect. Spot-on. But they still got blocked." It's weird how that's an anime exclusive because it's another fantastic show of character- how Hinata does genuinely appreciate Kageyama's tosses and also the recurring motif of Kageyama expressing and insecurity and Hinata immediately comforting him about it.)
Hinata's "I won't be able to get any better because of this" is also ultimate truth. It's him expressing how he's trapped if they continue like this- if he's not able to fight on his own.
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And Kageyama is once again back with a line that makes him sound awful BUT it's not really his fault (number one Tobio apologist right here hi ^_^) because in Kageyama's mind, Hinata wanting to get better is selfishness. WHICH MAKES SENSE because when Kageyama continued to train long after practice all throughout middle school TO GET BETTER, he was called selfish. His tosses were good, they would evade blocks, he was good, he trained to get better, and he got called selfish. He destroyed his team's balance because he was better (amongst other things like, you know, his grandpa passing away. That would cause quite a disruption as well).
"I'll only toss to those who are essential to victory" is yet another horrible-sounding line, but coupled with "The same holds true, even now" makes it essential to the prolonging of the 'immovable object' aspect of Tobio's character. Because Kageyama isn't unjustified or evil for saying that he'll only toss to those who will score points. Like, of course he's only going to toss to those who score points. Who else would he toss to?
Where Hinata prioritizes development (because that's where he's at), Kageyama prioritizes victory (because he's passed that stage of development. He's good, and he knows he is, and he no longer needs to focus on getting better because he is better. Development will continue to come, but he doesn't need it in the same abundance that Hinata does).
(Or he at least doesn't need physical skill development. Tobio could definitely use some emotional development- which he does get later on in season 4- and oh, don't you just love how they compliment each other like this? Hinata needing physical development since he strives in emotional understanding and Kageyama needing the exact opposite? Yin and Yang? Sun to Moon?)
Hinata HAS to be an unstoppable force. One of the main focuses in Haikyuu, especially between Hinata and Kageyama, is their rivalry and how they use each other to motivate themselves. Hinata is far behind when it comes to his skills, and if he wants to reach Kageyama's level so he can continue playing volleyball, he NEEDS to get better- keep moving- be the force he is and keep barrelling through.
And Kageyama, always complimenting Hinata is every regard (setter to a spiker, winter solstice to summer solstice), HAS to be his immovable object. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be, because Kageyama will always be seeking to improve himself and others around him (ex. raising Tsukishima's point of impact with his tosses), but it's so in-character of him to not want to move for the sake of complimenting Hinata's need to.
Haikyuu has got to have some of the BEST characters out there. They all work so well together, and I have yet to find a series where the two main characters compliment one another THIS WELL. Being the two main characters, of course they have to drive the plot of the show forward, but to do it in such a beautiful way is something you don't see very often.
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toshidou · 2 years
Okay I was confused. I saw your posts about being shadow-banned. I couldn’t find you for a bit. Was able to through your story…..
Your story: Lighthouse for a Lost Comrade ….
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Got me contemplating life. Love how vulnerable Simon was portrayed. Him going to the hacker, working up the courage to take that step. 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
Don’t get me started on the part where he takes off the mask —- him watching the reader for an reaction. I would immediately fold being watched by this man in ANY setting. I laughed when I get the feeling he wanted them to take it off and when they didn’t, he snatched it off himself 😭😭😂😂. Beautiful.
Sorry this is so long but tumblr is not even letting me reblog your piece - not sure how shadow ban works but they need to get it together. Need you on the radar.
Keep your head up💚💚💚💚💚
AHHHHHH thank you so much for this! I've been waiting to answer this forever as the shadowban wouldn't let me 🥹 Honestly lighthouse for a lost comrade is my baby and i'm just so happy people liked it 🥺 simon learning how to be more vulnerable will always be one of my favourite things, and I'm so happy you picked up on the way he was just hanging off reader for a reaction T^T he's a soft boy on the inside, he just wants validation <33
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shiroi---kumo · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
If you could revive one part of Misterican culture, what would it be?
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He fails to look at them when the traveler's question floats his direction. He would normally perk up, brighten to speak about his people and to explain what once was but this time there is no such reaction. Instead the swordsman's shoulders only slump before they tense. Hands at his sides follow suit as loose hanging digits are soon balling up into tight fists and snow colored locks hang like a veil over jade eyes effectively obscuring whatever expression the swordsman could be wearing from view.
Do they not think before they speak?
To have Misterican culture one must have Mistericans to live it. He cannot say their festivals because they were tied to their religion. He cannot say their food because it was tied to their environment. He cannot say their religion because it was tied to their government. Every piece of Misterica was woven together to create one interlocking function that became the heartbeat worked to pump life into their veins.
Misterican culture meant Mist and there were no other creatures who processed and used Mist as he did. He was the only one left. Misterican culture was just as dead as his people were. Just as dead as his home was. The holy vessel he may be but he was only but a fragment of the heartbeat that made up the whole. Misterican culture cannot live off of the Mist of one Misterican!! It cannot function off the color of a single soul!!
So his teeth grit together as his jaw locks. Slowly does his head lift to reveal a wrinkled nose, and snarling lips. Moonlit jade narrows and glares at the traveler who dared to ask him such a thoughtless question. He was stripped of his people and his culture. They died just the same. He cannot revive one without the other. Their Mist is too interwoven into their beings; into their souls. Misterican culture does not thrive with no Mist.
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"What an inconsiderate question." He starts as death creeps into his tone and only ghosts of white seem to roll from his lips. "Did you not think before you opened your mouth? Do you seek to make me relive all I have lost? Ei ole sumukulttuuria ilman sumuihmisiä vai oletko vain tyhmä." His words snarl at the end as he drags the sound of long dead words like vicious wraiths from the back of throat, there's a half growl lowly admitting from him. It seems this might be a sore subject.
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avastyetwats · 11 months
Plotted starter for @blackflcgs <3
"This is definitely the place." The man says to himself as he reads the sign over and over again, as though making absolute sure he had the right place.
Or maybe he was just stalling. Because he'd been out here for a good ten minutes, at least. He kept going back and forth as to why he was here, why he should leave, what would happen if he didn't go through with it, the shame if he did, the shame if he didn't, so on and so forth. It was like he had an angel on his shoulder and a devil on the other. Both laughing at him, though. Yes, even the Angel. That was his entire life, really, but that's why he was here. To change that.
To do something he's never done before. To change his life.
To show people that he was tough. That he has what it takes.
"Okay, Stede. Time to get this tattoo!" With a deep breath, Stede reaches for the door handle, a confident smile on his face.
Then he pulls his hand back. "But maybe tomorrow? I don't have to get it right away, do I?" He says as though he hasn't been thinking it over for several days now. "No. Tomorrow would be a better day. Definitely." But just as he turns, he's met with his son's face.
"You can't help coach my team, Dad! You're not tough enough! They'll laugh at me like they laugh at you." And he could hear the laughter from the other coaches, from some of the teachers, from the kids. He could even hear laughter from his father whom was no longer here, but the laughter remained. The scars burned.
"You can't do it. You're too much of a whimp. Ya always have been."
"I can and I will! Watch me!" Stede shouts in return, the laughter and faces disappearing, except for one. The face of a young child staring up at him looking startled while holding the hand of his mother who looked far less startled and more angry.
He straightens himself then, face red with embarrassment as he offers the woman an apologetic smile. "So sorry about that. Just, um, practicing for a gig!" And with haste, Stede turns, grabs the tattoo shop's door handle, pulls it open and walks inside, carrying himself with confidence once more...
Only to be met loud death metal playing over the speakers, dark walls with different horror themed paintings hanging on them ranging from skulls to monsters, with one of the largest being a steel kraken wall hanging with glowing golden eyes, bringing chills to anyone that lays their eyes upon it. As though they were being met with a curse should they look into it's eyes.
You'd think it would terrify Stede, but he couldn't help but feel a little fascinated by it all. This was definitely the right place. It was where he needed to be.
"Ahoy, friends!" The teacher greets with a euphonic, sing-song tone, as he approaches the front desk - every part of him the complete opposite of this parlor. From his overly cheerful voice to his bright, colorful fine fabric clothing.
He was in a completely different world.
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piratefalls · 2 years
Hi there, hope you're doing well! I'm currently all caught up on my shows and am in search of new ones to watch, do you have any that you've been really enjoying lately or that you might recommend?
i'm just out here surviving! i hope you're well as well!
okay this is a question i love answering. i'm not really sure what your bag is, or what shows you've already watched, but i'll rec stuff across genres/tropes. i also, as a rule, never recommend stuff that i haven't watched and loved.
gonna start out by saying that, to me, you won't find better found family dynamics than in Leverage, which is one of my all-time favorite shows and a regular rewatch.
i just finished iZombie and loved it. it's goofy, at times a little gory, unexpectedly touching, the relationships are so good, and it feels relevant to today's world given the current climate here.
i'm generally not that attracted to sci-fi/fantasy, but i fucking loved Fringe. i also very much enjoy Grimm if you're looking for something that's also goofy and doesn't take itself too seriously. also, i'd be remiss if i didn't mention Sense 8.
for legal dramas, I recently marathoned The Good Wife and The Lincoln Lawyer, both of which i found enjoyable. TGW is definitely heavier on the drama side and involves a lot of politics, so TLL is the lighter way to go. (side note: i've worked for law professors for ten years and i find legal dramas/cop shows to be hilariously entertaining because every so often i find myself muttering "you quite literally cannot do that" lol.) also, Goliath is pretty amazing and each season is its own story.
can't talk about legal dramas without a few cop shows, and i do enjoy Bosch, Rizzoli & Isles (the books and show are drastically different, i've found them both worthwhile), Flashpoint, and Numb3rs was pretty interesting in that it was at least a fresh concept.
if you don't mind violence, Hunters is a great show but it's definitely a lot (they're modern day Nazi hunters, and there are flashbacks involving the concentration camps) but fair warning, it ends on a cliffhanger and i have no idea when/if s2 will drop. The Boys while very violent, is also very darkly humorous, which is the kind of stuff i like.
for goofiness with a side of heart, Psych is a great watch. Schitt's Creek is also an obvious choice. also I found The Librarians to be very enjoyable. Parks & Rec is hit or miss for some people. you really have to power through it at first before it finds its footing.
for a good one-and-done, i did like Eyewitness. for an excellent one-and-done, Watchmen is top tier. seven seconds is also pretty good. also enjoyed Somewhere Between because I am hella attracted to devon sawa.
i also really enjoyed Lovecraft Country, but it's also one of those shows that's A Lot. historical drama mixed with horror, if that sounds appealing. the episode where they travel back in time to the day of the tulsa race massacre is one i had to sit with for a while.
thrillers I enjoy are Reacher, Jack Ryan, Person of Interest, Blindspot, and Shooter.
for true crime, one of my favorite docuseries is The Keepers. The Staircase is also an interesting one.
for history stuff, i absolutely love Drain the Oceans. it's fucking fascinating.
The Fall, because Gillian Anderson.
for medical drama, i have a preference for The Night Shift. it ends on a sot of cliffhanger, but i think it stands pretty well as a series finale.
for medical hilarity, Sirens. i laugh every goddamn time i watch it.
I have a very, very long list of shows I started but haven't finished because I find it almost impossible to keep up with shows that are actively airing. if it's a popular show and it's not on here, that's probably what happened lol.
my current shows are 911, Big Sky, and Air Disasters.
ask me random stuff!
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@earthssprout wanted a starter in Silver's present <3
What was a child doing here?
He wasn't sure where she'd come from, but he knew nobody belonged this far into the city. Not even himself, though he was looking for supplies. They had a tendency to come more easily in the city, as others weren't as likely to swipe them all up. Upon spotting someone so young, protective instincts immediately kicked in. The hedgehog dropped the spare bandages in his arms and ran as fast as he could towards her.
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"Are you okay?"
She was slightly shorter than Silver. Humans were usually much taller. He held out a hand. Gosh, was he worried. Children belonged in a settlement, safe inside a dwelling where the monsters that roamed couldn't get to them as easily. Glancing around, the hedgehog considered using his psychokinesis to create a shield of objects.
Just so no monsters spotted them.
"You're not safe here. If you'll let me, I'll take you somewhere the monsters can't hurt either of us." For the sake of her safety, he offered a smile. "My name is Silver. Will you tell me your name?"
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