jawllines · 7 years
Harry is no virgin, obviously, in his 100+ years he's had sex with a good amount of people.
However, none of those people had been humans.
And now Harry has a human who he loves dearly, who is getting antsy with him as each day goes by.
His dilemma is clear. How was Harry supposed to trust himself to bed a human without hurting her in some way? Vampire sex was rough, raw, hot and heavy, with lots of biting and scratching, pulling, sometimes throwing -- it's a lot of stuff where Harry's inhibitions have gone entirely and all he's thinking with was his prick. A vampire can take a lot because they're and able to reciprocate it, whereas a human wouldn't be able to handle most of what they do, so that means Harry has to learn how to have sex with a human before he can even think to touch Y/N.
Or that was the plan, at least, it was really hard to not think about it. When he'd eaten her out that was one thing and he'd almost lost himself doing it, Harry could only imagine how his body would react to being inside of her. In warm, pulsing, tight walls that draw him nearer and the thought of hitting that spot deep inside her and the reaction she would have makes him shudder. It's images like these that make him hesitant to let her kiss him for long before he starts in with something he might regret, no matter how she cements her mouth to his with greedy fingers crumpling in his shirt like a plea. '
It's been a few weeks, closing in on a month since Y/N found out exactly what Harry was. Kristie is locked away for now and with strict instructions to not listen to whatever "delusions" she might spit at them, the black mass that had been controlled by her has been eliminated by means of destroying the charm she made for it (which was this whole, complicated thing Harry barely remembers reading about, but basically she concentrated her dark thoughts into a small jewel and whenever she wanted Y/N to be sought after she would give it a squeeze three times), Des has been resorted to only knowledge of Y/N's existence as a "blood whore", and he doesn't seem to really care about that much because their business was booming. It was the calm after the storm, everything slow and easy and nice, so it would be the perfect time to do it. The perfect time to bed her as they both desire.
He knows its insensitive to keep bringing Liam into his life with this human considering his own circumstances, but in a weird way Harry thinks he might like it a bit. Like he might be simultaneously living through him or something, but Harry doesn't mind it -- actually thinks it might be good for Liam to enact some of his dating fantasies on the two (for example Liam keeps sending him these brochures for winter wonderlands they can go visit because "they just love colorful lights Harry, do it for her") -- it makes him less sad, at least.
So he asks Liam late one night, when Y/N had fallen asleep strewn out on the couch, limbs every which way and making sure there was no room for Harry there. It hadn't been on purpose, she'd just been studying for her finals and bam -- she's out like a light -- and although he loves lying with her, this gives him and Liam some time to speak. "I -- Liam?" He begins sheepishly, "I've got a question."
"Hm?" He hums his response, eying the notes Y/N had been highlighting and even popping the cap off with his teeth to highlight some additional information he thinks she should look over. Liam was always doting like that -- for both Harry and Y/N both, like he felt he was responsible for them in some way. This led to frequent occasions in which Harry has woken up to a blanket being fanned over them as they lie on the couch, having fallen asleep together watching a movie or summat, and a plate of food still steaming like he might've just left. It reminds Harry of being young, and it feels like Liam is giving him a pass to relax and have fun with Y/N, since the immediate danger is no longer prevalent.
Harry gnaws at his lip before finally continuing, "I feel as if I don't know how to have sex with Y/N in an. . .an adequate way."
Liam's head lifts, making brief confused eye contact before peeping back down at her notes, "What do you mean?"
"I worry I'll hurt her." He adds, trying to preoccupy his hands with something but he can't figure out what to do so he just twiddles his fingers together in his lap, "It's like -- she's so fragile; like porcelain almost. I don't want to hold too tight or bite too hard or lose myself and start. . .I just don't want to scare her."
"Now Harry," Liam sets the highlighter down now, looking towards him, "You need to talk to her about this --"
"I know! I know, I just. . .what if she thinks she can take more than she can actually handle? And I'm allowed to bite her during sex, no? Or would that be -- if she got all floaty how she does, then I'd have to stop right?"
Liam rolls his eyes, "Really, Harry, there is no science to it. With a human sure you have to be a certain level of gentle, but what's important is to talk to her. You can't find out her boundaries from me, so ask her."
Harry brows furrow, because Liam literally has answers to everything else but the one time he feels so embarrassed and sheepish to speak with her about it, Liam's got nothing. He knows it's important that he gets her input, but he doesn't want to come about it in a way that makes him sound nervous. All he wants is for her to understand she is in safe, capable hands, but how is she supposed to feel safe if he's fiddling with his fingers and asking how she would like his cock in her?
A hand whacks him in the back, making him perk his head up and turn to face her where she lay still blissfully unconscious. Fondly does he smile as he twists around, fixing the blanket from around her waist so it was over her shoulders and tucking her arm back onto the couch beneath it. Even when he's lying with her, Y/N has a knack for flopping around and rather than doing it on the huge portion of her side of the bed, she'd been resorted to such a smaller size at her dorm that she stays within her limits and Harry is always within her limits. This includes random bonks in his bicep, or his chest, or if her legs are feeling particularly feisty, his groin is in danger.
With a parting stroke of his fingers to her cheek, he looks back at Liam who gazes at the two, obviously endeared, "When has she ever made you feel silly for asking something, Moppet? Tell me." Harry gets quiet, and Liam nods, "She hasn't, so there is no reason for you to fret about asking her this. I mean, if I'm honest Harry, she might be the most open minded human to find out about vampires in the entire history of history. Even some feeders are more reluctant to the idea, but she's accepted this part of you into her life fully, without any objections. Talking to her about this should be easier than talking about it with a vampire partner."
It's true -- Y/N has been very open to the idea of Harry being what he is. She still lets him feed from her, though now she knows what he's doing exactly, sometimes she'll let him bite other places for leisure feeding. They still cuddle, and watch TV together and she still falls asleep easy around him so she's not afraid he's going to try anything. Really, the only difference is that she knows what he is, and she understands that they can't be very open about it, and she's not put off about the whole time travel thing or the fact someone was out to get her because of him.
"Ya dolt! Why I should I care about all that stuff, it's really trivial in comparison to the amount of love I've got stored up for you." She had told him one day and it made him so happy he bent down and kissed her while she was midsentence, having gone on to talk about her lecture that day but Harry had been so overwhelmed. Y/N is the greatest thing to happen to him, he's certain of it, and he's so lucky to have her in his life.
"Gosh, how come you always know what to say Liam?" Harry utters, plopping back down on the floor in front of him.
Liam grins, "Cos I'm smarter than you."
                                                                    .                         .                        .
"Bunny, we're going to need to talk about sex."
When Harry had played this out in his head, never did he imagine that he would spit it out while they were out to dinner at one of Beau's restaurants, but apparently his mouth resents his brain and decided this was the perfect time. They were in a more secluded portion, yes, with a fancy Japanese lantern decorated in the pink petals of cherry blossoms, emitting a warm glow down over their table (for mostly French inspired food, Beau has a lot of influences from different country's décor wise), however they were still within ears reach of a few waiters and close enough that if they didn't speak quietly, a very stony looking business man would overhear them as he's out with someone who is 100% not his wife.
Y/N sputters on her water, a few droplets clinging around her mouth before she swipes them away with the back of her hand, "Oi! What'd I say about saying interesting stuff when I'm drinking?"
Harry laughs some while he hands her a napkin (Y/N requested extra because "I'll make a mess if it isn't an option, I swear I'm the worst at eating), "Sorry, it slipped out. Didn't know you were gonna spit at me."
"Stop, if anyone hears they'll think I'm a monster!"
"Aren't you?" Harry rejoinders, biting his bottom lip a little, "There's just a few things we need to discuss." He continues to say.
Her face gets a little softer, "Hey, if you don't wanna do it then it's fine," she tells him, and Harry's brows furrow, "I get, like -- if it's too much too soon, or like it's the whole interspecies thing or even if you don't want me in that way but --"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a tick Petal, this is not about not wanting you! Jesus fuck" He cuts her off, his  voice loud before he remembers where they are and then he lowers it a considerable amount, so only she can hear, "god do I fucking want you. It's all I can think about sometimes," he continues to say, and Y/N's eyes widen, setting her burger down entirely, "We just -- I don't want to hurt you. I'm. . .I'm stronger than I look and if I want you this bad I'm afraid I might be too rough, so I just -- we needed to go over some things. What you like and what you don't."
"What I like and what I don't?" Y/N repeats slowly, like she's tasting it on her tongue and Harry nods, "Like my kinks or something? Getting spanked and all that?"
Harry doesn't know why speaking about this gets him so. . .bashful. Really, Harry thinks he's the least bashful person he knows but hearing Y/N speak so freely makes him jittery and reluctant to speak out of fear of a squeaky voice. So he nods once more, trying to hold eye contact with the very curious human, who is clearly running through a list in her head.
"Huh, I don't know if I thought about it extensively before," she tells him, picking through her fries as she digs around in her brain, "Well, I've  thought about it but I haven't acted on them. Like spanking -- I think I like that."
Shifting in his seat, Harry hums, "Is that right?"
Y/N plays with her bottom lip, "And I think I'd like if I could suck you, but that's not a kink is it? Also there's something about you that compels me with want to swallow. Also I kind of want you to cum on me too, I think I'd like that."
Harry chokes on his spit.
"And maybe. . .well, there's this weird one I wanna try. Maybe a few, actually, like I kind of want to be tickled while I'm on your coc--"
"Baby! Baby, fuck, slow down." Harry digs his fingers into his thigh in attempts to ground himself, letting his eyes fall shut momentarily and shaking his head, "Are you trying to work me up?"
When he opens his eyes, Y/N's brows are furrowed, "Hey, you asked."
He couldn't argue with that, "Okay, okay, how 'bout -- here, I'll propose stuff to you and you say yes or no, yeah?" Y/N nods her assent, absently popping her knuckles like she's getting ready to take a quiz. Harry takes a deep breath, collecting his thoughts in order so they could progress slowly and not go full throttle as Y/N has proven to do without much thought to it. "Let's start with some nice, g-rated questions, yeah? What time of day would you rather do it?"
"Anytime," she answers quickly, "I think I'd like it most either late at night or early in the morning. I know I don't look the greatest early in the morning --"
"You look the greatest always. Pretty lil' thing you are." Harry murmurs.
"--but you always look really nice in the mornings and I like the lighting too, in your room, it's very nice."
"Alright, nice, I like the mornings too. Then we can eat breakfast afterwards?" Y/N agrees, grinning wide, "Good, we're getting somewhere. Are a you a kisser during? Or would you rather us kiss at the beginning and that's it."
She scrunches her face at him, "I like kissing you always."
"Are you okay with me giving you love bites?" She nods, "Are you okay with me biting you? Just a bite, not like drink from you?" She nods once more, "And you're okay with me having my mouth on you? Don't really need an answer for that considering you came all over my tongue before, hmm?" And once more, with a sheepish nibble at her lip, she nods again. Harry likes that she gets a little squirmy when he says it, because it means he's not the only one affected by talking about it, and he feels better.
Harry lets Y/N take a bite of her burger, watching her chew slow like she's thinking, before he continues, "Do you want me gentle or rough?"
"A mix, maybe?" She replies, wiping at the sauce on her lip, "I -- I like both. I like the idea of you manhandling me, a lot, and like not mean like or anything just move me however you want."
"Dirty talk?" He lowers his voice a little more for this one.
Y/N smiles, "Oh yes, yes, yes! That'd be great, um. . .I don't like too mean of names, like whore or bitch -- those don't sit well with me, but slut is okay. And maybe if you could call me them pet names, and I could call you Daddy or something?"
"Jeez," Harry tuts his tongue, shaking his head, "You're a naughty one."
                                                                                  .                     .                   .
Y/N finds, throughout their conversation, that she would let Harry do whatever he wanted apparently. She was saying yes to things she's never tried, she's never thought of trying, or was otherwise repulsed by, but the thought of Harry doing them to her made it all so enticing. By the end of it there was a sparkle in her lower belly that would be hard to pacify through the night, and she was in a sure need of a panty change that's for damn sure. For a moment, she wonders, if with his heightened senses he can smell somethings different or if he just knows from the way she melts into his side when they walk to the car, and she's a little clingier to him than normal, nestling into his neck, nipping at his ear.
"You're snuggly tonight." Harry hummed low, puckering his lips up for her to kiss her, "Has it something to do with our conversation?"
Huh. . .so she guesses she's as transparent as she thought. Y/N refrains from answering -- she doesn't want to seem pushy, they just talked things through, she was just a little. . .ready.
Apparently Harry knows that too, as he moves to slide his hand down her tummy but Y/N grabs his wrist, stopping him before her brain could catch up to what she's doing, "No," she starts, looking at him and trying not to lose herself in his marble green eyes because from this close they look like waves of a water mass, plodding gently that she could dive into, float in, swim around, and what was she doing again? Oh, yeah, "Like, I wanna be desperate?" She says it as a question/
Abruptly, Harry moans aloud, pulling her tighter to him and letting his head fall back, "Bunny, you can't just say things like that," he whines, lulling his head around to pout at her. "You'll be my undoing."
                                                                              .                .                  .
Harry hadn't been to sleep yet, staring at Y/N asleep in his arms with early morning sunlight bathing their skin like the beginning of an aesthetically pleasing, artistic movie. The Christmas lights she'd begged him to string up still on, adding just a little extra twinkle to the room like stars, and she's toasty; her skin felt as if it was kissed by the sun on a summer day and it brings shivers to his body. Even in the dead of winter she could be so warm, it makes him not want to move at all for the rest of forever. He'd gladly have Liam bring them breakfast, lunch, and dinner to where they lie and he's pretty sure Liam wouldn't mind it. Doting as he is on them, he'd probably encourage their closeness and do as he could so they were glued together.
After their conversation the night before, and after Y/N more or less telling him she was into delayed gratification, Y/N took her shower first and came out in one of his sweaters and no pants, only this panties that really shouldn't be as cute as they are. There are pears on them ("I get my panties from Walmart. Sue me." Harry overheard her telling Niall once, after he said her taste in underwear was less than satisfactory), and a little bit of her bum peeks out at him tantalizingly. She hopped up on the bed, boasted about the chunky evergreen colored socks on her feet before she burrowed beneath his covers and against his side. Inhaled deep, murmured idly about loving how he smells like the forest and citrus, before she was asleep a mere ten minutes later.
And Harry had been left with the filthiest most fluffiest thoughts he's ever had.  Images of cuddling her invaded with being buried inside her, fingers dug into her skin, biting down hard on her shoulder to stop the more than embarrassing whines he couldn't seem to keep quiet. And vice versa, depictions of her sucking at him desperately with watery eyes pleading for him to nut off in her mouth are then suffocated with thoughts of her standing up sweetly from where she kneeled, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close.
He wishes the cutesy stuff was more grounding, but it only made him want her that much more.
When Harry thinks about it -- vampire sex is good, sure, rough and hot and sweaty, but the appeal of a human when you could have no restraints with a different partner was something hard to describe. They're softer, and their blood smells good -- ample in amount, the thought alone of it flowing through her body was equally parts comforting and intoxicating. When Harry digs his fingers into Y/N's skin it gives against him, often she's easier to move and positon; pliant and complaisant, and that's just from what he knows from kissing her. And oh, kissing, that's a whole different thing entirely. Her kisses were much like her; sometimes playful and frolicsome, with a darting tongue, nipping at his lip, whining when he maneuvers away from her mouth a few times. Other times so slow, thoughtful, with intent to drive him wild to the point he has to pull himself away before his cock gets any ideas.
She always touched him like he could break, never too rough nor rude with him. Much how he handles her, Y/N skates her fingers against his skin before like she's trying to decide how to hold him, and when she does it's gentle as can be. Only slight tugs and soft squeezes, opposed to what people like Kristie would do to him, because their bodies withstand more but it's nice to be treated like glass. It means she cares -- doesn't even want to take the chance of hurting him.
He just can't help himself when he kisses her cheeks, soft and supple against his mouth. A grumble elicits from his very own sleeping beauty, reaching up to scratch at her face a bit before melting back down into the mattress. Harry bites back a coo; humans are real cute when they sleep too, that's something he'll never be able to get over. All floppy limbs and sleep sighs -- sometimes Y/N murmurs about him in her sleep too, quite often incoherent things but he can always make out his name.  
Pressing her hair off her forehead, Harry leans down and kiss there too. As much as he likes watching her sleep (as creepy as that sounds), he likes when she's awake too. They've got nothing to do today and it's barely budding on 8AM, so she wouldn't be happy with him if he woke her up. However she did tell him that she wanted to have sex with him in the morning, when the winter sun makes their skin glisten like crystals and Harry's eyes are all, "soft and sweet".
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