potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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                                        and I’ve grown familiar                                                              with villains that live in my head
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
ok but hear me out, quidditch games in the middle of the night
all students praying mcgonagall wont find them out
begging hermione to be the judge of the game
the students playing IN THEIR PJ’S
all houses playing together it’s a mess
draco complaining about everything but begrudgingly having the time of his life 
“malfoy honestly you are gonna slip off that broom in those silk pj’s”
slytherins and hufflepuffs vs gryffindors and ravenclaws
they do it almost every friday night
hagrid watches every single game and cheers for everyone equally
the house elves all know and prepare them a feast of junk food after every game
they have sleepovers at each other’s common rooms after the game because they are too exhausted to go to their own
“can we crash in the slytherin dorm today”
house unity AT ITS FINEST no one gives a fuck
they are all tired af but no one wants to go to sleep so SLEEPOVERS
everyone having extra mattresses under their beds for these occasions
the paintings helping them sneak out by warning them if there’s a teacher coming or not
THE TEACHERS NEVER FINDING OUT (actually they all know they just pretend they don’t)
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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favorite harry potter spells | more here
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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t is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
Both Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) and Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (2000) books were released on July 8th.
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
reblog if you’re on team “I acknowledge that Draco Malfoy is a highly flawed individual and in no way condone the shit he’s done, but I strongly believe he was deserving of a redemption arc and it hurts my soul that JKR chose not to explore that”
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
reblog this if you have stretch marks or/and cellulite so every girl will see she’s not the only one, maybe that will boost her self confidence
and there are way to many girls out there hating their body for no reason and that’s sad we need more people who show their imperfections, they’re not a mistake!
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
“women who wear makeup are why i have trust issues”
bruh if you thought any woman naturally has shiny red lips and eyelashes long enough to fan queen cleopatra then that’s your own dumbass fault
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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The boy who lived has come to die.
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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hp characters + google search engine
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
"I need this..." drarry style please
I’m going to link the original post because I’ve gotten so many of these! Thank you for asking! This is Post Hogwarts established relationship AU, featuring a whingy, adamant Draco - and Harry, who is totally done with his shit. 
“I need this.”
“Draco, no.”
“But Potter-”
“I said no.”
“Come on, I’ll...” Draco sighed. “I’ll do the dishes tonight.”
Harry snorted. “You said that last time. No.”
Draco then pulled his best pouty face, which was arguably one of the more convincing pouty faces Harry had yet seen in his day, and that included Fang’s when there was a tender steak nearby.
“Please, Harry?” Draco murmured. 
Harry sighed. Fuck. 
“What do you even need with that anyway?” he asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at his silver-headed husband. “You’ve bought four of them in the last two years, and you’ve never used any of them.”
Draco frowned. He pointed in the shopping basket. “This one is different,” he insisted.
“Well,” Draco began pacing around Harry, “It was spring then. I didn’t need it in the spring, but now that it’s wintertime, I’ll have more use for it. Because it’s the proper season.”
Harry rolled his eyes.
“And,” Draco continued, “It’s on sale. You like sales, don’t you?”
“Not for buying things that you already have.”
“I’ll simply use my own money,” Draco argued. “I have plenty.”
Harry stopped the other man’s pacing. “We discussed this - we have plenty,” he said. “We have a joint account now, you see? We’re married,” he motioned between the two of them, “which means we make decisions together.”
Draco stomped his foot. “You never let me do anything!”
“I swear, this happens every time we go to the shops,” Harry muttered, taking Draco’s object of desire out of the shopping basket and putting it back on the shelf. As he began to push the cart away, Draco followed, now holding the damned item.
“Harry, this is not fair!” he cried, trailing Harry, who was quickening his pace. Draco circled Harry as he picked up a bag of apples and placed them into the shopping cart. “I demand an appeal!”
Harry laughed shortly. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, now surveying kitchenware. “You’re not getting it. That’s final.”
Draco glared at him. “You got to buy those expensive Quidditch tickets last month.”
Harry turned and faced Draco. “Those tickets were to see Ginny play,” he replied. “Besides, you love attending Quidditch matches just as much as I do.” 
“I didn’t even get to go to that one.”
“You could have gone,” Harry said. “But you didn’t want to sit next to Ron.”
“I hate that Weasel,” Draco grumbled. Harry gave his husband a warning look. 
“Hey,” he muttered. “I could have left you at home today.”
“You always buy the wrong kind of milk.” 
Harry sighed and began rolling the cart towards the checkout lane. Draco, suddenly remembering his mission, scurried after him. “Wait,” Draco exclaimed. “What if I give up my bathroom privileges for a week?”
Harry stopped. “You would let me use the bathroom before you, every morning? For a week?” he asked, incredulously.
Draco paused for a moment and grimaced. “Yes.”
Harry began to grin. “You have to let me sleep on the left side of the bed,” he said. “The whole week.”
“Oh come on, Potter.”
Harry gestured at the item in Draco’s hand. “You want it?” 
“Ugh. Yeah. Okay.”
“And you have to make dinner tomorrow night,” Harry added. “No cheating either. That is to say, no magic and absolutely no on-call House Elves.” 
“Harry!” Draco burst, horrified. Harry began to laugh. 
“And you have to-”
“You’re pushing it!” Draco growled. “Fine, I will do all of those things! Can I get this now?”
Harry smiled. “Okay.”
Draco immediately lit up with glee. He grabbed the shopping cart from Harry and ran to checkout, triumphant. Harry followed, still smiling a little. Git, he thought, affectionately. 
“Hey,” Harry announced, holding a basket of laundry in one hand and Draco’s store purchase in the other, “I found this stuffed at the bottom of the downstairs closet. Did you need it?” 
Draco was lying on the couch, flipping through channels on the telly. “Not now,” he said, not looking away from the screen.
Harry frowned. “Thought you said you were going to go out yesterday and use it.”
Draco shrugged. “Maybe tomorrow.”
Harry sighed and shook his head. “Every goddamned time,” he muttered, walking out of the room to throw the item in the storage boxes with the others.
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
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slytherin + house traits
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potterm-alfoy · 9 years
I read one, just ONE of your fanfictions and I had to follow you, you make me laugh and now I'm stalking your blog. I love your writing. (Also props on the Slytherclaw scarf I have one that says Slythindor)
:) :) i love new friends hello
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