#ominis x malemc
zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 1, part 1
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt
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1 Reunion
Isaac is standing in front of year 7 dormitory room, letting out a sigh as he looks at the entrance to the room he’ll be spending most nights for this final semester. 
"I thought I heard a familiar sigh” Ominis says. 
Isaac turns his head and blushes when he recognizes Ominis’ voice. 
"Ominis!" He glees. 
"The school year hasn’t even started, yet you suspire already" he humors. 
"It’s our final year, it’s a bit…melancholy, isn’t it?" Isaac replies 
"Then we make the best out of it, won’t we?’ Ominis says with a soft smirk. 
Isaac looks at his friend, and notices Ominin’s new height. 
“You’ve gotten much taller over the summer” Isaac blurts out, surprised.
“I did?” Ominis replies with a puzzled expression. 
“Am I taller than you?”, he adds on and reaches his hand towards Isaac, and pats him on the head making Isaac blush more. 
“It seems to be” Ominis grins with a wider smirk as his friend now seems to be a head shorter than himself.
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 4, part 2
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. Male x male kissing.
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“Care to try?” He whispers, tilting his head down. 
“You mean us?” Isaac asks back, sitting himself up while looking at Ominis. 
"No harm in practicing, is there?” he replies. 
“Alright, for practice then”, Isaac whispers with a smile. 
Isaac gives a light kiss on Ominis lips, but Ominis doesn't kiss back, he wasn’t prepared and asks to try again.
“Sorry I flinched, again?” 
They kiss another time, but this time Isaac lingers onto Ominis’ lips. 
Ominis smiles  while Isaac looks at him. 
“I guess there’s something to kissing” Ominis humors. 
“You have soft lips, by the way” he continues. 
Isaac looks away and blushes more with a big smile on his face.
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 3, part 2
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt
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“But… yes… there is someone I like” he ends with. 
“Well, who is she?” Ominis asks with a cheeky smile. 
“…”, Isaac pauses. 
“Actually, huh… Ominis…. I like… wizards”, Isaac responds, shifting his body to get smaller. 
“Then who is he?”, he replies, no hesitation in his voice. 
Isaac is baffled by his response. He looks down for a second. 
“I’m not ready to share that with anyone… 
“If word got out and… and…” Isaac ends with a deep sigh. 
“I don’t want him to hate me, I rather just keep these feelings to myself”, Isaac replies, leaning his head down with a saddened expression. 
“As long as it’s not Garreth, he’s always making a mess”, Ominis replies with a grin while turning his head to face the window. 
Isaac chuckles and relaxes a bit. 
He looks with a longing look at Ominis and his smile fades away. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 3, part 1
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt
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3 Truth of attraction. 
Isaac is sitting with his back to the left side of windows facing the lake, he’s writing on his homework, when Ominis joins him and leans on the wall opposite side of Isaac. 
He looks up at Ominis and smiles hello.  
"Seen any mermaids yet?” Ominis asks. 
"No, I’m starting to believe they’re just a tale at this point”, he replies, with a faint smile, shaking his head a little before looking upwards to the window. 
“Heh”, Ominis chuckled with a cheeky smile. 
It gets quiet between them. 
Isaac looks towards the rest of the room and notices a few couples being together. 
“For some reason there seems to be more couples this year”, he whispers. 
“Are you envious?" Ominis asks. 
"‘I…”, he stops and huffs. 
"That sounds like you’re yearning for someone” Ominis prods. 
“… you’re maddeningly intuitive", Isaac responds with a grunt. 
He pauses, feeling uneasy. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 8
Script only.
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. SFW. MLM.
A new morning (Mostly a filler...)
The next morning one of the students drops something on the floor and wakes up both Ominis and Isaac. 
“Sorry about that”, the student said. 
“Where are my clothes?” Ominis whispers to Isaac, feeling embarrassed. 
“uhh, I’ll get them” he answers while looking around, grabbing his underwear from the floor and hastily picks up the rest of the clothes and gives Ominis his clothes. 
Ominis gets dressed, his face still warm from embarrassment. 
“Hey Ominis, you got some hickeys” one of the students said. 
Ominis turns his head towards the other students.
“Hickeys?” He asks with a puzzled look. 
Isaac panicky turns around and runs to Ominis. 
“Oh shite, I didn’t mean for that to happen”, he says, brushing over Ominis’ skin. 
“Hickeys?" Ominis asks again. 
“Hickeys are visible marks on the skin… comes from…  sucking on your skin too much”, he answered with a mellow tone. 
“I’m sorry”, he continued. 
“They’re gonna be visible unless you wear a scarf” he ends with. 
“I would be mad to wear a scarf in this weather”, he answers, buttoning up his shirt with a frown. 
“People might talk”, Isaac whispers. 
“Then let them”, he answers. 
Ominis grabs Isaac and pulls him closer. 
“Maybe we should use the room of requirements next time”, he whispers closely to Isaac. 
Isaac blushes. 
“You already thinking of next time?” Isaac mumbles. 
Ominis gives off a cheeky smile and puts his robe on. 
He reaches out for Isaac, and after finding him he gets up close to kiss him and then leaves, bringing out his wand and exiting the room.
Isaac and Ominis are sitting next to each other in class, the teacher blabbering away while writing on the chalkboard. Ominis seems to be falling asleep, leaning over at his desk. Isaac yawns while holding a quill in his hand. Some of the girls are looking over at the guys, they notice the hickeys and whispers among themselves.  
“Who do you think it is?" One whispers. 
“I haven’t really seen Ominis with any girls”, another whispers. 
“I bet it’s Isaac”, one Slytherin girl says with a cheeky smile. 
Both of the girls look at the third and start blushing.  
“What makes you say that?”, one of them whispers. 
“Isaac kissed Ominis’ arm in our common room like a month ago, and they always hang together” she replies in a hushed tone. 
“That sort of makes sense, doesn’t it” one girl whispers, leaning her head on her hand. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 9
Script only.
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. NSFW. MLM. MDNI🔞 - Oral sex
9 Blowjob scene (Such creative name, Zu.)
Ominis and Isaac are making out against the wall in the hallway leading towards the main room in the room of requirements. Isaac leads Ominis along into the main room. 
“Greetings mr. Nightingale”, Deek says. 
Isaac stops kissing Ominis and looks flustered towards Deek. 
“Oh hello Deek. Uhm, is it alright if I can have a… ehm… private moment with Ominis?” Isaac stutters. 
“Oh, Deek understands. Deek sees now why the room conjured up this bed just now. Deek was curious about that”, he says. 
“Deek will be leaving. Have fun” he says while teleporting away after a snap of his fingers. 
“Bed?” Isaac whispers and looks behind Ominis. 
“This room is mischievous, I swear”, he mumbles into Ominis shoulder. 
“Well?” Ominis tugs at Isaac. 
“Alright, if the room wants a show, it’ll get a show” Isaac answers, grabbing Ominis and guides him towards the bed. 
Ominis chuckles a bit, and is interrupted by Isaac kissing him. They make out for a while on the bed before Isaac starts kissing Ominis’ neck. He fiercely removes his tie and he unbuttons Ominis vest and shirt, feeling up his skin and kissing him everywhere. 
Isaac pulls him up while kissing him, removing the rest of his shirt and vest, throwing them away. He continues to kiss while removing his own shirt, ties and vest. 
Ominis reaches for Isaac, touching his chest and wrapping his arms around Isaac’s torso, pulling him close. 
Ominis kisses around on Isaac’s chest, moves one of his hands to feel around, searching for the nipple. After he finds it, Ominis reaches for it with his tongue, and Isaac quivers, grasping at Ominis’ nape, holding around him and leaning his chin down to rest on top of Ominis’ head. 
Ominis continues to nibble on the nipple, but caresses his hands downwards Isaac’s stomach. He tugs at Isaac’s trousers and Isaac smiles, but pulls himself away. 
“I actually have a plan” Isaac smiles cheekily and gently pushes Ominis down. 
“Just lay still and enjoy”, he whispers, kissing him on the lips, continuing the trails of kisses downwards while caressing his body, tracing kisses all the way down the lining of the trousers. He massages Ominis’ thighs, making Ominis let out a faint whimper. 
Isaac rests his palm on top of Ominis subdued erection. He gently grasps Ominis’ cock through the fabric, caressing his thumb across his length. 
Ominis fickles, moans gently and holds the bedsheet. 
Isaac gets up.
“Hold on a quick second, love”, Isaac whispers and quickly removes his pants and underwear. 
“Love?” Ominis mumbles with a smile. 
Isaac bends over to unbutton Ominis pants, gently sliding them off, he throws them to the floor.. A small wet spot can be seen on Ominis underwear. 
He smiles, and bends down to kiss his cock through the thin fabric. 
Ominis moans.
“You… you don’t have to k-... kiss me there”, he mumbles with some gasps between his words. 
“Oh, I’m gonna do more than just that, Ominis” Isaac smiles. 
“I did some research for this”, he continues, pulling Ominis’ underwear down. 
He kisses the beginning of the shaft, then puts his tongue out, sliding his wet tongue down Ominis’ length while he continues to remove his underwear. 
Only the head remains covered when Isaac adjusts himself in an upwards position. He looks at Ominis, who’s covering his red face with his arms, quelling his erratic breath. 
“Ohh…” Isaac thinks to himself, his face reddens in excitement. 
“Don’t hide”, he whispers. 
Ominis removes his hands. “I feel like I am burning up”, he whispers. 
His dick twitches, the head pops up from the last part of fabric holding his erection down.
Isaac stifles a laugh forcefully with his hand from the sight of Ominis cock bouncing up suddenly.
He took a breath after calming down and removes Ominis’ underwear completely, throwing it away behind himself and sits himself down between Ominis’ legs. 
He kisses his lover's abdomen, stroking with gentle fingers against Ominis’ hip bone. He continues with his fingers down, brushing against the soft and blonde pubes. Ominis’ cock twitches again and he lets out a groan. 
“Please…” he groans with a frown. 
“Alright, I won’t tease you any longer” Isaac purrs. 
He gently wraps his fingers around the base, sticking his tongue out and places it gently at the head. 
He moves the tongue around, Ominis groaning loudly, his breath becoming heavy and erratic. 
Isaac lets his mouth fall down over the head, he uses his hands to caress Ominis, while pushing Ominis’ cock inside his mouth. He slowly bobs his head up and down, simultaneously using his hands to massage Ominis’ length. 
“It feels… so good,” Ominis moans. 
A tear escapes the corner of his eye after squinting.
His breath and moans are heavy, his legs start to shake a little. He fidgets and moves around. 
“I… Isaac, I can’t last much longer”, he says between heavy breaths. 
He reaches for Isaac’s head and puts his fingers in his hair. He can feel the warmth of Isaac’s body, he can sense his head, and his lips, forming a shape in his cock, sensing an idea how Isaac looks like between his legs, sucking so intently on his cock at the brink of him bursting. 
The idea of feeling so vulnerable makes him shudder, but the safety and warmth of Isaac sends him over the edge. 
Ominis arches his chest upwards, clings both his hands on Isaac’s head and cums hard in Isaac’s mouth. 
Isaac face scrunches, his mouth widens as much as he can trying to get air while his mouth gets filled with cum.  Ominis toes curl tight and twitching his body as he’s gasping for air and realizes he's been pushing Isaac’s head down hard on his cock. 
He lets go quickly and tries to get up, but he’s in such a haze with his unsteady breathing.
“I’m sorry!” He gasps
Isaac coughs a bit and wipes his mouth with his arm. 
He starts chuckling and grabs Ominis’ hands. 
“Wasn’t planning on dessert, but alright” he whispers humorously.
Ominis fickles and tries to get up. 
“I’m truly sorry” he whispers again, reaching out for Isaac. 
Isaac moves to embrace Ominis, Ominis a bit taken aback, but lets himself sink into the warm embrace. 
“Don’t be”, Isaac whispers. 
They continue to hug while the scene ends. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 6
Script only.
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. Mild NSFW, making out, touching, mentioning of privates. MLM
6 Too much smooches 
Isaac is lying in bed, with a book on his stomach, a quill in his hand and his leg restlessly going up and down while “resting” over the knee of his other leg. His sighing sporadically. 
“I don’t think you’re being effective at working at your homework with all the huffing and puffing you’re doing, Isaac”, Ominis says with a smirk, while sitting at a desk, his body turned to the side of the chair, cheek leaning against his fist.
“I know, I’m just restless”, Isaac answers. 
Ominis gets up while removing the clasp from his robe, shrugging it off and throwing the robe to the floor, and plumps down on Isaac’s bed, next to him. 
“We can do something else if you like”, Ominis whispers to him. 
“Like what?” He looks at Ominis, slightly blushing at his closeness. 
“Last time was nice, we could do more if that”, he says sheepishly. 
Isaac blushes, but smiles from ear to ear. 
“Fine” he replies and learns towards Ominis, taking his hand to his face and gently pulling him closer. 
They kiss for a bit before laying down, Isaac shifting more on top of Ominis. They continue to kiss passionately, Isaac reactively grinding on top of Ominis. 
Isaac starts kissing Ominis' cheek and down his neck, and he snuck his hands underneath the shirt collar. Ominis’s face turns red while facing into the air, just enjoying what Isaac is doing. 
Ominis moves his hands to hold Isaac’s waist and pulls him a bit closer, grinding his crotch against Isaac, then arching his neck while Isaac nibbles at his collarbone. 
Ominis releases a moan and Isaac snaps back to reality, pulls himself off Ominis and looks at Ominis who’s laying on the bed, flustered, some of his shirt buttons unbuttoned. 
Ominis turns his head with a question on his face. 
“I’m sorry, I went a bit overboard” Isaac mumbles and rushes up from the bed and towards the hallway, the last thing he says before going through the door is “I need some water”, 
Ominis lifts himself up and leans on his elbows. 
“I enjoyed that”, he meekly said. 
“…” he pauses 
“Isaac?…” he continues. 
The scene shifts to a side view where you can see his bulge. He tilts his head down towards his crotch.
“…”, he pauses
“Hello”, he whispers while poking his erection through his pants. 
The scene shifts to Isaac splashing water on his face, then leaning on the sink with a worried expression. 
“I shouldn’t have done that”, 
“Taking advantage of him like that”, 
“How selfish of me” he says while squinting his face with regret. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 10/11
Script only.
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. NSFW. MLM. MDNI🔞 - Anal sex, massage, can't remember what else.
 10 Dick riding (So creative title...)
“I’ve done some more research, even bought something new” Isaac humors. 
It’s a new day, they’re walking into the room of requirements, Isaac removing his scarf and robe. 
He walks up to Ominis and removes his scarf. 
“If you’re up to more practice, I mean” he whispers. 
“You are not tired of me?” Ominis humors.
“Ominis, If I could, I would spend every moment with you for the rest of my life”, he whispers, stroking his finger against Ominis cheek, over his birthmarks. 
"Well, we have each other until the end of the year”, Ominis mumbles. 
Both their expressions saddens a bit. 
“Then let’s not waste a second of it” Isaac whispers and holds Ominis’ face and kisses him. 
*scene not done* 
“Feeling you on me like this is intoxicating”, Ominis mumbles
11 Massage oil scene. 
Isaac buys a bottle of massage oil at the potion store and wants to give Ominis a massage. 
They're in the room of requirement again, Ominis resting next to Isaac on the bed, they’re both in only their underwear. 
Ominis is sleeping on his back and Isaac on his side facing Ominis. He brushes Ominis’ temple and he wakes up a bit, turning to his side to face Isaac. 
Ominis smiles gently. 
“Are you awake?” Isaac whispers. 
“Mhm” Ominis replies, stretching a bit. 
“Can I try something on you?” Isaac whispers, gently brushing against Ominis’ shoulder with his fingers. Ominis turns his head towards Isaac. 
“Like what?” He asks. 
“J. Pippin’s Potions had a  bottle of massage oil, something new he brought in stock, and I was hoping I could give you a massage” Isaac fiddles with the bedsheet. 
Ominis reacts with a surprised reaction 
"Like…  right now?", Ominis asks. 
Isaac laughs. 
He pulls out the bottle and applies some massage oil into his hand. 
"Yes, right now. I've been thinking about it for a while." Isaacs responds. 
“Could you lay on your stomach?” Isaac asks.
Ominis blushes, but he agrees.. 
“Alright” he answers, turning around to lay on his stomach. 
“Are you comfortable?” Isaacs asks. 
“Yeah”, Ominis answers. 
Isaac gets on top of Ominis and sits just straight below Ominis’ buttchecks. 
“Am I too heavy?” he asks Ominis. 
“Hardly” Ominis chuckles. 
Ominis has his head on the side, you can see his face over his shoulder, with a relaxed expression. 
Isaac starts running his hands up and down Ominis’ back. 
Massaging him on the neck, down his spine, rubbing his hands side to side. Ominis closes his eyes, his face blushes. 
Isaac continues to massage at the lower back, and upwards again. 
Ominis turns slightly around, enough to face Isaac. 
“Isaac…”, Ominis moans. 
He pulls down his own underwear to expose his butt. 
Isaac blushes and gently smiles, continues to massage further down. He rubs Ominis’ butt firmly, massaging deeply into the muscles, after a while Isaac spreads his cheeks apart to look at Ominis’ arsehole. 
He stares for a while and then slides down and starts licking the hole. 
“What is that?” He moans. 
“Mhy dongue” Isaacs answers, not letting his mouth leave the area. 
He continues to fiercely licks and sucks on Ominis arse. 
Ominis slightly arches his pelvis upwards and moans deeply. 
Isaac puts a finger inside slowly and Ominis emits a long moan, grabbing the pillow and bites into it. 
“Am I hurting you?” Isaac whispers. 
“No”, Ominis moans. 
“I want more”, he adds. 
Isaac inserts another finger and continues to thrust inside of him. 
“More… ” Ominis mumbles. 
He pulls out his fingers and rubs oil on his cock, he then rubs his dick up and down Ominis asshole. 
“Don’t tease” he moans, turning his head towards Isaac, who grins. He places his head on the opening, and gently pushes himself inside, balancing with one arm on the bed and holding Ominis’ hip with his other. 
Ominis lets out a long moan, clutching his pillows that have wet bite marks. 
Isaac goes slowly at first, takes in the sight of Ominis’ back, seeing his cock inside of him. 
“Fucking beautiful”, he whispers. 
He grabs Ominis’s hips with both arms and lifts his ass higher and speeds up his thrusting. 
Ominis lifts his stomach up and moves one of his arms to jerk himself off. He’s leaning on his shoulder and head while Isaac continues to thrust inside of him, firmly holding his hips. The sweat is running, moans and groans fill the room. 
Ominis tips more to the side and cums while jerking off, letting out moans among heavy breaths.  
Isaac groans and his face scrunches while he cums inside of Ominis. 
He lets go and his dick slips out of Ominis’ hole. Cum starts dripping slowly out, and Isaac panics a bit and Accio’s for a rag and wipes away the cum trickling out. 
Ominis is lying on his side and breathing heavily, cum stains on the bed sheet next to him. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Isaac asks. 
“I might be sore tomorrow”, he replies with a smile. 
“I can’t believe you licked my arse” he continues, seemingly feeling embarrassed and covers his face with one arm leaning over. 
Isaac starts laughing loudly. He leans on his knees and smiles at Ominis.
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 7
Script only.
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. NSFW. MLM. MDNI🔞 - Sex, etc.
 7 Confess and consent. 
Isaac is reading a book, looking a bit tired with his head leaning on his arm that’s propped on his knee. Ominis walks in and stops at the side of the bed. 
"I have something to ask you”, Ominis says. 
Isaac looks up and replies “yes?”, 
“Are you holding back because of the guy you like?” Ominis asks 
“N… well, I mean yes… ”, Isaac replies.
“Odd, I believed the guy you had feelings for… was me”, he responds. 
Isaac face turns to shock and he looks at Ominis.
“H… how did you know?” Isaac says, getting flustered.  
“I don’t think you would kiss me so intently if you didn’t have any feelings for me”, Ominis replied with a smirk. 
Ominis sits down in front of Isaac, who’s looking at him with an embarrassed expression. 
"How did you figure it out?” Isaac mumbles. 
"When you hesitated telling me you liked guys and didn’t want to tell me who, I had a suspicion”, Ominis responds. 
"When our second kiss lingered, I was more certain”, he continues 
"And after our third kiss I was sure, but that certainty faltered when you left me" he ends with. 
"Faltered?” Isaac mumbles. 
"You left quite abruptly, don’t you remember? and I felt quite vulnerable and exposed… ", Ominis replies. 
Isaac flustered hard and whispers “sorry", 
“But am I correct? Do you have feelings for me?" Ominis asks with a demanding tone. 
“Yes… ”, Isaac answers with a whisper
"I don’t understand why you’re holding back then”, he continues with a slight frown. 
“I feel like I’m taking advantage of you”, ‘Isaac replies
“But you’re not. I want this.” 
“I want you”, Ominis replies. 
Isaac reaches out with a shaky hand towards Ominis face. Ominis with a stern facial expression is facing straight on him, making Isaac’s body weak and yearning. 
Isaac reaches Ominis’ face and Ominis responds with a cheeky smile, they both lean forward, letting their lips meet again. The kiss turns passionately and Isaac guides Ominis down on the bed. 
They kiss more, exploring each other with their hands, their legs between each other, slightly grinding on each other. They’re breathing more heavily, getting warmer and flustered. 
Ominis starts unbuttoning Isaac’s shirt, and with Isaac’s help, they remove the shirt. 
Isaac unbuttons Ominis’ shirt, gently placing kisses on the ever revealing chest. Ominis seems impatient and starts tugging onto Isaac’s pants and it sends a shiver down Isaac’s spine. 
He lets out a mellow moan while he’s grabbing Ominis’ chest. 
“Restricted section?” Ominis whispers. 
“N…no” Isaac replies, letting his head down to kiss Ominis’ neck. 
“I’ll explore then” he whispers with a smirk. 
Isaac stabilizes himself and leans his head on Ominis’ shoulder while Ominis lets his fingers caress over the fabric hiding Isaac’s erection. 
Ominis slips his hand inside and takes a hold of Isaac’s dick. 
“Wait.. ”, Isaac whispers, he moves his hands to pull down his pants and underwear more, and then unbuttons Ominis’ pants. He caresses his bulge while looking up at Ominis, whose  face is red and warm. 
He pulls down Ominis’ underwear and his cock sprang free with a bounce.
Isaac leans his head on Ominis’ chest, rubbing his dick slowly, Ominis trying his best to jerk Isaac’s but the position they’re in makes it hard for Ominis to reach. Ominis frowns. 
“Can you come closer?” Ominis whispers. 
“Yeah”, Isaac replies. 
He moves his hips to be aligned with Ominis, their cocks touching each other. Isaac guides Ominis’ hands towards their crotch and they both grab a hold of their dicks. 
They rub their cocks together, jerking their hands up and down, Isaac leaning his forehead on Ominis’ chest.  They both are warm and sweaty, moaning and breathing heavily.
One of the students that also belongs to this dorm room shuffles his feet towards the door with a tired expression, and is about to open the door when he hears moans. He listens closer to the door and blushes when he hears more moans. 
He spins around to walk back down the stairs
“Guess I’ll take a nap on the couch or something”, he says under his breath.
He walks back down the stairs when he passes another student. 
“I wouldn’t go in there if I was you” he says to the passing student. 
“Huh?” The other student responds with a confused look, standing on the top of the stairs and turns around to look at the door. He hears the moans and goes bright red. 
“That sounds like..” he says 
“Probably is” the other student shoots in.
“And that sounds like” he continued.
“Yepp”, the student shoots in yet again. 
He grudgingly turns around and walks down the stairs and sits down. The other student sits down as well. 
“You think it’s gonna take long?”, he asks. 
The first students shrug. 
Ominis curls his toes as he gets closer, and Isaac lifts his head to kiss Ominis, he lets out a gasp for air and continues to kiss Ominis on his neck. Sucking hard, but then let’s go, he lifts himself up a bit to look down for a second, and then back up at Ominis’ face. 
Seeing Ominis’s face like that sends him over, Isaac cums hard, groaning and gasping, the cum splatter on Ominis’ stomach. 
He pulls away his dick from Ominis’ hold, and continues to jerk Ominis, who lets go to grasp the bedsheets. He moves his legs more upwards, twisting his head to the side and pulls hard on the sheets, his feet curled and knee bending, and soon he starts cumming. Isaac smiles, and slows down his hand movements and squeezes Ominis’ cock while it empties his load on his own stomach, his cum mixing with Isaac’s. 
He moves to kiss Ominis on his cheek.
“Are you alright?” He asks him. 
Ominis takes his hand to hold Isaac’s chin and pulls him towards his own lips. 
“Yes”, he whispers with heavy breaths. 
“But I hope you’ll help clean this off me”, he continued. 
Isaac chuckles and gets off the bed, he grabs a stovetop kettle and pours some hot water into a small basin and wrings a cloth. 
He gently wipes Ominis’ stomach. 
“There, all better”, he smiles. 
He lies down again, throws the duvet over them both and snuggle up to Ominis. They pass gentle kisses before falling asleep. 
The two students outside are still sitting at the bottom of the stairs and are sharing Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. 
One of them perks his head around to look up towards the dorm room. 
“It got quiet”, he says, and gets up. 
He slowly walks up the stairs and the other follows. 
They both put their ears to the door. 
“I think it’s safe?” one of them whispers. 
They open the door slightly and peek inside. 
The room is quiet so they walk quietly inside the room and up to Isaac’s bed. 
They see Ominis and Isaac cuddling together, Isaac’s head resting on Ominis’ chest. 
“Cute” one of them says, and he turns around to slump in his bed. 
“G’night”, the second student said while walking to his bed. 
Ominis opens his eyes a bit and squeezes Isaac’s hand. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 4, part 1
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. Male x male kissing. (In part 2)
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4 First kiss practice. 
"The fumes from potion class got me lightheaded” Isaac says while laying down on his bed. Ominis leans over the bed and tries to find Isaac’s forehead. 
“Are you sure you’re not coming down with anything,” he whispers while resting his arm on Isaac's forehead. 
“A nasty case of love sickness, perhaps?" Ominis teases. 
“Hey now” Isaac responds, throwing a pillow at Ominis. 
Ominis isn’t able to catch the pillow. 
"Unfair” he says, while he picks up the pillow and throws it back towards Isaac, but misses. 
“You missed”, Isaac chuckles lightly. 
"You suck as a target, make more sound next time”, Ominis replies, sitting down next to Isaac. 
There’s a quiet pause. 
"Do you think kissing on the lips would be better?” Ominis asks. 
“It must be, since so many people do it,”  Isaac replies. 
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 2, part 3
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt
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"I’m not sure I would even know how to kiss", Ominis responds in the same mellow tone, turning his head away and forward. 
"Oh right… ehm… well, we…  practiced on our arms when I was younger…", Isaac replies 
"You kiss by puckering the lips and gently suck and release", 
"But kissing varies, from like a gentle peck… to like snogging… and lip biting and well… ", he continues.
“How do you know that?’, Ominis asks. 
"Seen it", he flusters. 
"But… not on purpose I mean", he stutters. 
He clears his throat. 
"Anyway, give me your arm" he tells Ominis.
“Uh ok”, he reluctantly extends his arm forward with a raised eyebrow, Isaac turns around, sitting with his back outwards from the sofa and gently grabs Ominis’ arm.
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