#omnigender rise!mikey
echonvoid · 1 year
So I redid my human tmnt designs. And shit I just realized I signed with the wrong year. 🙄 oh well
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Ages/set of twins (cuz of how they act, only rise!Leo and Donnie would count as actual twins) ethnicity inspired/cultural religious background (doesn’t mean they believe or practice, just what they would’ve grown up around):
87: immortal spirit beings; Twins:?; Japanese American; agnostic Christianity
03: 35; twins: donnie and raph; Hispanic (bc I was living in Florida when it aired and me and my siblings were too little, so I only watched a few episodes. So I very much forget that 03 happened in New York and not south Florida); Catholic
12: 25; twins: Leo and Raph; Southeast Asian (Pakistani, Indian, and Filipino) Taoism (???)
Rise: movie ages; twins: Leo and Donnie; Jewish Blasian; Judaism
I don’t know 2003 or the 80s as well as the others, so if you have any headcanons, or just shit I got incorrect, for them please lemme know. I’ll eventually go through and give like full sexuality, gender, and disability/nuerodivergent-ism headcanons for them. Big thing ya gotta know is that 12!Leo is transfem and Rise is transmasc. And Rafa’s genderfluid and is currently using She/her terms
Up Next (hopefully): April and the Caseys!! And quite possibly the splinters idk yet
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