#human au adjacent
echonvoid · 1 year
So I redid my human tmnt designs. And shit I just realized I signed with the wrong year. 🙄 oh well
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Ages/set of twins (cuz of how they act, only rise!Leo and Donnie would count as actual twins) ethnicity inspired/cultural religious background (doesn’t mean they believe or practice, just what they would’ve grown up around):
87: immortal spirit beings; Twins:?; Japanese American; agnostic Christianity
03: 35; twins: donnie and raph; Hispanic (bc I was living in Florida when it aired and me and my siblings were too little, so I only watched a few episodes. So I very much forget that 03 happened in New York and not south Florida); Catholic
12: 25; twins: Leo and Raph; Southeast Asian (Pakistani, Indian, and Filipino) Taoism (???)
Rise: movie ages; twins: Leo and Donnie; Jewish Blasian; Judaism
I don’t know 2003 or the 80s as well as the others, so if you have any headcanons, or just shit I got incorrect, for them please lemme know. I’ll eventually go through and give like full sexuality, gender, and disability/nuerodivergent-ism headcanons for them. Big thing ya gotta know is that 12!Leo is transfem and Rise is transmasc. And Rafa’s genderfluid and is currently using She/her terms
Up Next (hopefully): April and the Caseys!! And quite possibly the splinters idk yet
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bonkalore · 8 months
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I think Bixby Prospero in #DanielSpellbound deserved to look a bit more goblin considering being half-goblin/half-human. With and without glamour. Another character I've liked and wanted to draw more of! Also had another variant of what I feel she would look like a bit more in the middle normally, but I'm a bit torn bc I do love their design as is.. I figured the pic on the right was just having the goblin show more when heated up.
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
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You see...
I think there's too much ship content in the world already, and when I started with this story I was DEAD SET on keeping the dynamic 100% platonic... and yet, my sappy shipper heart caught onto a good dynamic with the burning desire to experiment into another direction.
Don't be mistaken tho! My mind has not changed about the fic, that will continue to remain 100% platonic!
I am however doing the artistic equivalent of licking a photograph of a burger to have at least an imaginary taste because I'm too stubborn with my principles to fully commit to the urge to gorge on mcdonald's, so have some regular doodles and a couple of very self-indulgent doodles in non-canon-topia lmfao
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alectoperdita · 1 month
Starting to think the thesis of Lure is "maybe it's better to be loved like you're a dog than not loved at all 🤷."
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A thing I've been doing:
*everyone talking about Orion and Megatronus before the war*
Miko: "Wait were you Megatron's sugar daddy???"
Optimus: "What is a sugar daddy"
*old man googling noises*
Optimus: "primus"
Oppy: "so apparently I was Megatronus's sugar daddy when I was Orion."
*dying and wheezing across the room*
Oppy: "wELL iT WaSN'T exactly on purpose Ratty—"
Jack: "RATTY?!?🤣 Sorry dude but you're Ratty now."
Ratchet: "this is why your father left 'to get milk and cigarettes' jack"
Bumblebee, recording it all: [this is amazing, Blades is going to love it.]
Raf: "oh you need to show this to your boyfriend"
*indignant Bumblebee whirps and chirrs*
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gaylittlewizardcat · 1 year
The results are in, and the winner is…
Mistoffelees! (he is an uncountable noun)
But why are there so many of him?
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Thank you everyone who voted :] I had a lot of fun
(PS. The “secret other thing” is that Mistoffelees is the plural version, and the singular version would be “one Mistoffel”)
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blueish-bird · 8 months
not good at drawing Steven Univers-type designs (yet) but sometimes I think about the concept of Aki and Angel both having gems on their backs — weapon storage for Aki/wings for Angel, vulnerable to betrayal, fighting at each others’ backs, etc — and I’m briefly abnormal about it.
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
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Throws a bunch of dhmis self insert doodles at you! A slight redesign of the puppet s/i (new outfit courtesy of my bff!) plus a couple of AU things! For my human design for Red/Harry it does look pretty typical but with the reveal of his teeth in the new season and to mirror how you never really see his ‘true’ face, I thought it’d be cool if he had a cleft lip that he usually keeps covered with a mask.
If I ever find more time/motivation I’ll probably do a more in-depth design but here’s this for now :3
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nerosdayinanime · 2 months
back on my na'vi bullshit im going back to my original thought that they had two tswin instead of the fuckass one out the base of the skull. no. youre a loser. two of those 4 eyes and 4 arms cuz im not a BITCH unlike some fucker in particular
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jennycalendar · 10 months
maybe it’s time for me to knuckle down and just write a heap of au calendiles fics (the one thing i crave more than air but that very few outside of my own self have written)
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acaplaya-musings · 4 months
Not-Fully-Human Voiceplay AU (part 2)
(Yeah so I was originally planning on posting this either the same day of or the day after the original post, but turns out I had a lot more thoughts than I first realized, and typing it all became trickier than first expected, and I realised I was overthinking things just a little and this is supposed to be fun) A follow up to this post that's basically "what if Geoff wasn't actually 100% human (and neither are Layne and Eli), with me adding elements of magic/fantasy to the real-life story of Voiceplay so far (some of it anyway - I don't claim to be an expert and this is not a flawless/fully fleshed-out story or whatever, it's just a mostly-coherent collection of ideas that my brain came up with, and it's just a bit of fun really). Go look at Part 1 if you haven't already, then click the Read More to keep reading!
When 4:2:Five's original beatboxer, Scott Porter, left the quintet [to become an actor], Layne was more than happy to take over the role. He was shown the ropes of beatboxing by Geoff [true], and was a fast learner, especially when he started to have fun with it.
The lineup of the group changed a little, and 4:2:Five became Voiceplay, which brings me to...
Eli: [I don't know when exactly he joined the group but I'm guessing it was at some point after the name change.] Human who keeps getting reincarnated after death. Started out in the Norse/Viking era (that's as far as his memories go back anyway), was a travelling bard during the Middle Ages, rode on pirate ships here and there during the Golden Age of Piracy, and was in a rock'n'roll band for a while in the early 2000s [true, though I don't know the exact years he was in the band for], before finding his way to Voiceplay.
Eli is, by and large, mortal (on a physical/physiological basis at least), though he often seems to have a little less need for air while singing than the average human [no seriously go watch VP's Part Of Your World mini]. And he's of course a bit more knowledgeable about certain parts of history than most, but don't expect him to help you with any history assignments ("you probably can't remember everything that happened in your life, let alone when, but you think I can keep all my lives straight and chronological in my head? Please."
Now I can start getting into the interesting bits, like the matter of subharmonics! First of all, here are the genuine reality facts that I know: Geoff stumbled across a video talking about subharmonics and how to do them while touring with the rest of Voiceplay. I don't know exactly when this was or even what part of America they were currently in at the time, but I also know that the first video that he used subharmonics in was a Twenty One Pilots mashup video that VP did with Kurt Hugo Schneider on his channel, which was released in November 2016. Now here's how I'm explaining things, using the lack of other specifics to my creative advantage:
I really wanted to have Geoff have some sort of association with earthquakes, because well, y'know, and after doing some snooping around on Wikipedia, I discovered that a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Oklahoma in September of 2016, and it's apparently the strongest earthquake ever recorded in the state.
Maybe it was just a "regular" earthquake, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it unlocked something deep within Geoff (who was in Oklahoma at the time while touring with Voiceplay), and though the ground did not in fact swallow him whole, the rumbles and vibrations sent him a message; he was still no ordinary human being, and constantly trying to act like one was only wasting his potential.
(I know the common trope is "half-human half-fantasy-being comes into their abilities when they enter puberty or first reach adulthood", but that doesn't really fit with the "real" timeline here, and I've got my own explanation, though it may seem a bit contrived).
Geoff would have been 36 when this happened, his birthday being a couple weeks earlier in August, and hear me out: half of 666 (the demonic/'devil's' number) is 333, and what do you get if you add the second and third individual digits together in the number? 36! (insert It's Always Sunny meme here)
So Geoff and the guys are rehearsing in the tour bus one day, like let's say the day after the earthquake, and suddenly Geoff hits a low note that he's never hit before, without barely even trying, and it sounds... different.
Earl: "Woah, that was impressive! What did you do?" (Earl is still human, but knows The Truth, given that he went to school and college with both Geoff and Layne) Geoff: "Currently, your guess is as good as mine."
In this universe, Geoff's subharmonics (which Eli ends up nicknaming "subterraneans") are different to the human equivalent of them. Think of it like a world where magic-users (witches/wizards/warlocks/etc) exist, but there are still ordinary humans that can do "stage magic" using special props, trick items, sleight of hand, etc. So the Youtube video on subharmonics is used as a cover story/explanation, which then makes it easier for Layne to convince Geoff to start using them in their song covers. Layne reasoned that the collab with Kurt Hugo Schneider was the perfect opportunity to properly try them out in a video, because if Geoff wasn't fully content with the final result, it didn't matter as much, as it wasn't going to be on their own YouTube channel anyway, and it could just be explained as a special "gimmick" or the like.
As it was, Geoff didn't do a subharmonic/Subterranean on camera again till months later, the following year [the earliest sub I can identify in one of Geoff's vocal lines on a Voiceplay cover is Daddy Sang Bass]. And well, the rest is history!
Right, enough linear narrative stuff, time for various headcanons and stuff that inspired me to make this in the first place!
Maybe the decision to grow his hair long was in some way connected to his true nature, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it went neatly hand-in-hand with Geoff's shift to "insane bassmaster 3000" that lured in new fans and had pre-existing fans loving him even more.
All the stuff about Geoff calling himself "old and boring" or "a baritone with a bass range"? Yeah it's a cover; a personal attempt to make himself seem like a "normal human", kinda like Clark Kent attempting to avoid any possible suspicions of him being Superman whatsoever. (A lot of Geoff's fans think he's way too humble, if not just in a whole lot of self-denial).
Occasionally, when Layne arranges a cover for the group, Geoff will see his part and be like "there's no way I can sing this", but not because it's too difficult, but because he believes it to be pushing the limit of believability just a little too much in regards to appearing/acting human (he can occasionally be persuaded though, like with that glorious ~15 second B0 Sub in Valhalla Calling)
Alien!Layne, though, has no such qualms about showing off his full vocal abilities, and will make vocal percussion look like literal child's play (see: the These Boots Are Made For Walking mini for Layne being absolutely unhinged). Sleigh bell noises? Sure! Bubble sounds? Easy! Inhaled bass? Pretty uncommon for humans to do it, but heck, let's hit an A0 while we're at it! (Sh-Boom).
Geoff, however, would be lying if he said he didn't also get into the spirit of fun and theatrics from time to time, and well, after the massive response that Oogie Boogie's song got, there was really no turning back
Oh and finally, J None also finds out the truth, but Cesar hasn't yet. The others swear that they will sooner or later, they just "haven't found the right opportunity yet".
I could go on, but I think I've typed enough for the time being, and if literally anyone is interested in this and wants to talk to me about it, I'm down! But that's all for now! I'm out!
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surveillance-0011 · 2 months
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This fucking guy.
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soft-spooks · 7 months
not my gay ass wanting to make yet another au 👉👈
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
Oh ya, polls are a thing now! That might make this decision easier- So I'm making some "Honkai characters get reincarnated into Genshin and keep their honkai memories" AU designs and am debating some things
pros of keeping it: so I ignore the canon character models for the most part, and I'm a little worried about him still being recognizable as Kevin. I feel like his coat is the most iconic/immedietly recognizable part of his original design
pros of ditching it: Kevin started wearing his coat because of the parvati genes, and narratively it is very much linked to his time fighting against the honkai and more specifically, his trauma and the weight on his shoulders. Those aren't things he's going to have to constantly carry with him in this AU, so ditching the coat might serve as a nice visual separation from that.
Also, what vision? Not doing a poll cuz I actually kinda want to see peoples thought processes on this one (I'm gonna be doing a quick summary for what the values associated with the elements are on the side for those who might not know)
-Anemo (People who fight for freedom in some way, shape, or form. Most characters with anemo visions have been either physically or metaphorically trapped themselves at some point or another)
-Geo (People who are steady, reliable, and dependable. Geo vision holders also tend to be workaholics for the most part)
-Electro (hot women and/or jojo stand wielders People who's ideals in some way controdict societal norms)
-Dendro (Not enough dendro characters for me to really confirm that this is the pattern yet, but the ones we do have so far all seem to have a strong respect for life and narratives surrounding how to live/dream)
-Hydro (People who have dedicated themselves to some sort of craft)
-Pyro (pationate mfs)
-Cryo (People who suffer as the result of some sort of internal and/or external controdiction)
I have my top choices, but I kinda want to hear others thoughts before I go through with the design
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sleidog · 1 year
Tai's TED talk
annnnd tai's talk, also from @vampiricsheep 's event, i've added a little more to this given i don't have GW's text limit to make it a little more cohesive!
Tai steps to the stage, a ghostly looking sylvari. Just like Mu before, there's something off about his shadow. It seems to shift between two shapes, though it's quite subtle. Visually, he looks unnerving, certainly not a typical Sylvari. "Good evening, you may call me Tai, I am the current acting leader of the Order of Necromancy."
I am also here to speak of my research regarding the Forgotten, and their relation to the elder dragons.
Some of you may be aware that these ancient yet timeless beings went extinct long ago. They are reminescent of the Krait and Canthan Naga, yet far from the same.
These beings were caretakers to the elder dragon known as Glint beginning in 1769BE, although some scripture from the ancient races deem this to have actually been far later, perhaps even predating the death of the giganticus lupicus. This is also before humans were even present in the world as we know it, so scriptures recording the event are, unsurprisingly, lacking. What we do know is merely fragmented translations of text from the Forgotten themselves.
Tai straightens the collar of his robes, briefly referencing a set of notes. "As humans appeared, the Forgotten walked among them unhindered until the year 174AE."
At this point, they retreated from the world at large and became residents of the crystal desert. I should not have to tell you that Glint is older than time itself, as with most Elder Dragons.
So why were these beings created? Given that some records also say that they freed Glint's mind from Kralkatorrik using a powerful ritual in Orr. You can still visit the ritual site to this day. It would make sense that, given they now have an allied dragon champion on their side, that they would want to make her sympathetic to the races seiged by the elder dragons.
With Glint's percieved nature as being one of the only 2 recorded Elder Dragons; and I use the term loosely, Glint is technically a dragon champion and not an elder dragon- with a penchant for enjoying the company of other races, this leads to many an interesting question.
Scriptures contradict when exactly the Forgotten were wiped out. They claim falsely that Turai Ossa upon arrival in the crystal desert massacred the Forgotten to near extinction, viewing them as mindless beasts.
And yet, centuries after that, the Forgotten along with the exalted were building both Kesho and Tarir, the two glorious golden cities meant to house the Scions, Vlast and Aurene.
Turai Ossa would have been long dead with a human lifespan by then. I believe wholeheartedly that the Forgotten are still present and not extinct by any means, especially given that the group that splintered off to Maguuma would have little reason to suddenly die off. I also find it laughable that a race who fought alongside the other elder races against several elder dragons during the last dragon rise could be felled by a small human army.
You could call me an enthusiast and collector of early human history, however I specialise in Forgotten writings and relics. We know now, that this was not the case. The Forgotten were systematically corrupted by Kralkatorik shortly after Glint's death, yet the Forgotten did not all become loyal to Kralkatorrik by being branded, something truly fascinating. While some lesser willed Forgotten may have moved south, a large number, too large to be coincidence, focused around Augury rock and continued to run the trials for whoever wished to try. Another large group also went deeper into the Crystal desert and remained around their own ruins, showing they have enough understanding to know where they are.
Tai seems very sure of his words, perhaps too sure. It almost seems as if he's lived some of these latter events himself. Though, that shouldn't be possible, given he appears to be a Sylvari.
I believe that, given the chance and correct course of action, the remaining Forgotten, even while Branded, could potentially become allies again in the future, strengthened by corruption and not weakened by it. Perhaps by use of Aurene's specific brand to purify the Forgotten who have held onto some of their free will, especially with Kralkatorrik's death.
I welcome questions, this is a subject I have specialised in for quite some time.
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galactic-feelins · 1 year
Been rotating some characters and shows I like around in my brain, but something went wrong and now some wires crossed in unfortunate ways. I’ve been trying to get back into the drawing mood, but considering there is now a jumbled mess of fandoms and characters in my head now, be warned I may end up sharing something unfortunate
Details are in the tags here if you’re curious, just be warned it’s messy…
#It’s like… if you threw breakfast and dessert ingredients into a crock pot I guess?#in case anyone’s reading this and want an idea of what’s gone wrong just start with that roxas and sora au thing from before#now take that lil au of Roxas having to travel and adventure to find Sora and take away the TTeens#obviously Roxas can’t fly the gummi ship on his own due to a lack of smiles and reason to smile and start adding bad ideas#bad idea 1: maybe that random space loving ghost kid would like to take a vacation on a sorta kinda space ship?#bad idea 2: that randy over there sure is weird but also weirdly capable? Mayhaps capable enough to be the hero he needs right now?#bad idea 3: aliens. Space adjacent is cool and all but wouldn’t it be fun if there were aliens? And why not a contained package?#said package turns out to be a 10 year old though so no everyone’s arguing. Oh well moving on. Adventure awaits#most recently those thoughts devolved and added Kevin Levin into the mix and somehow made things worse but better#there are now 2 children and 3 teens and all of them distinctly not human and yet very much human and the children are fighting#also the idea of each of them slowly finding out about each other in increasingly horrible ways#even better is if the first is Danny very visibly being impaled and just taking a picture and walking through the blade#like oh my god he just got impaled and his first instinct is to get a visual record and phase through the problem!#the more they go through the worse it gets before suddenly another kid is being babysat and has to wonder wtf is going on#’he’s literally dead and yet I’M the freak?’ ‘Whaaat no! Nooo who said anything about freaks? You’re perfect! You’re fine! Sweet child!’#just a lil hissy and volatile in a group of volatile kids throwing hissy fits occasionally#anyway like I said some wires were crossed in a horrible way <3#I know there isn’t art of it yet but I’m still putting this on my art blog cuz if I do make art it’d be relevant here
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