#omochao is online (ic)
sentient-rift · 9 months
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"You know, the Christmas Season is a great time to sell rare Battle Chips."
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"I couldn't agree more, Higsby! The smiles on Net Battlers' faces when they receive a new, powerful Battle Chip just warms my heart."
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"Miss Vineyard, is there a way we can advertise the Item Creation Shop and Higsby's so more people can show up?"
"Advertise, you say? Why don't you leave that to me?"
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"Hey! Is that you, Ribbita?! I haven't seen you since we joined Team Colonel!"
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"It sure is, Higsby! I was around the world looking for an amazing story, when Chaud called me over and told me about the Multiverse War going on. Now, that's a story! ToadMan and I will do what we can to help win this war, but I can help advertise the Item Creation Shop on my news channel while I'm at it."
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"You hear that, Welch? Ribbita's going to help give your shop more publicity!"
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"That's terrific! I really appreciate it, Ribbita!"
(New Muses coming soon!)
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the-inked-quill · 7 years
Niko’s still a goody-goody!
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RULES: Mark the ones you’ve done. Use your result as your post title. Please, repost and don’t reblog!
TAGGED BY: Stolen from @sweetest-of-honey
TAGGING: @goldentelepath, @charming-twin-tailed-heroine, @the-dark-omochao​ @bismark-shipwright​, @floral-facade​, @celticcangel
[ x ] consumed alcohol 
[ x ] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex [  ] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex [   ] kissed someone of the same sex [   ] had sex [ x ] had someone in your room other than family [   ] seen porn [  ] bought porn [   ] tried drugs
[ x ] taken painkillers [  ] taken someone else’s prescription medicine [ x ] lied to your parents/guardians [   ] lied to a friend [   ] snuck out of the house [   ] done something illegal [ x ] felt hurt [ x ] hurt someone [  ] wished someone to die [ x ] seen someone die
[  ] missed curfew [ x ] stayed out all night [  ] eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [  ] been to a therapist   [  ] received a ticket [  ] been to rehab [  ] dyed your hair [  ] been in an accident [ x ] been to a club [ x ] been to a bar
[  ] been to a wild party [  ] been to a Mardi Gras parade [  ] drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night [  ] had a spring break in Florida [  ] sniffed anything [  ] wore black nail polish [  ] wore arm bands [  ] wore t-shirts with band names [  ] listened to rap
[  ] dressed gothic [  ] dressed girly [  ] dressed punk [  ] dressed grunge [  ] stole something [  ] been too drunk to remember anything [  ] blacked out [ x ] fainted [  ] had a crush on a neighbor
[ x ] had a crush on a friend [  ] been to a concert [  ] dry-humped someone  [  ] been called a slut [  ] called someone a slut. [  ] installed speakers in a car [  ] broken a mirror by looking in it [  ] showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house   [  ] brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush
[  ] considered Ludacris your favorite rapper [ x ] seen an R-rated movie [  ] cruised the mall [  ] skipped school work [ x ] had surgery [ x ] had an injury [  ] gone to court [  ] walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping [  ] caught something on fire. [  ] lied about your age
[ x ] owned/rented an apartment/house [  ] broke the law in the police’s presence [  ] made out with someone who had a GF/BF [  ] got in trouble with the police [ x ] talked to a stranger [  ] hugged a stranger [  ] kissed a stranger [ x ] rode in the car with a stranger [  ] been harassed [  ] been verbally harassed
[  ] met face-to-face with someone you met online [ x ] stayed online for 5+ hours straight [  ] talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight [  ] watched TV for 5 hours straight [  ] been to a fair [  ] been called a bad influence [  ] drank and drove [  ] prank-called someone [  ] laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex [  ] cheated on a test
If you have 00-10 … write [I’m a goody-goody] If you have 11-20 … write [I’m still a goody-goody] If you have 21-30 … write [I’m average] If you have 31-40 … write [I’m a bad kid] If you have 41-50 … write [I’m a very bad influence] If you have 51-60 … write [I’m a horrible person] If you have 61-70 … write [I should be in jail] If you have 71-80 … write [I should be dead] If you have 81-90 … write [I got a ticket to Hell]
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