#numberman has logged in (ic)
formerchaoslord · 6 months
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"You know, the Christmas Season is a great time to sell rare Battle Chips."
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"I couldn't agree more, Higsby! The smiles on Net Battlers' faces when they receive a new, powerful Battle Chip just warms my heart."
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"Miss Vineyard, is there a way we can advertise the Item Creation Shop and Higsby's so more people can show up?"
"Advertise, you say? Why don't you leave that to me?"
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"Hey! Is that you, Ribbita?! I haven't seen you since we joined Team Colonel!"
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"It sure is, Higsby! I was around the world looking for an amazing story, when Chaud called me over and told me about the Multiverse War going on. Now, that's a story! ToadMan and I will do what we can to help win this war, but I can help advertise the Item Creation Shop on my news channel while I'm at it."
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"You hear that, Welch? Ribbita's going to help give your shop more publicity!"
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"That's terrific! I really appreciate it, Ribbita!"
(New Muses coming soon!)
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 11 Review.
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Pretty sure this image of Netto holding his butt was cutted from the dub.
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Oh, is the episode gonna introduce the Invisible Chip?
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We start the episode at the tournament, where Midorikawa is announcing the final battle of the preliminaries with Tohru Hikawa and Iceman.
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Wow, Tohru, are you always so sad? Cant even smile for the camera?
We see Meiru, Yaito, Dekao, Mariko-sensei and Masa-san in the crowd ready to cheer Tohru on his battle, and we get to see Masa’s special flag for cheering, and yes, this is gonna become a thing.
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You might be wondering why Netto isnt with them, well thats because he got up to buy a hot dog and got lost on his way back.
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Rockman’s GPS aint gonna help you this time.
As Netto is looking for his seat, Midorikawa announces Iceman’s opponent, Rocketman aka Breakman.
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So there are Net Battle academies? Well, that makes more sense than a “Duel Academy”.
Netto thinks that Breakman could be a tough opponent for Iceman and Tohru, but he is suddently distracted by a familiar voice who turns out to be Miyuki-san.
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Miyuki-san says that the battle will be over in exactly one minute.
The battle begins with Breakman launching his missiles at Iceman. During this, Netto walks over to Miyuki-san telling her that its unfair to believe that Iceman will lose in only one minute.
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However, Miyuki tells him that the loser will be Iceman’s opponent.
We see Breakman launching more missiles at Iceman but Tohru shields him by using the Ice Cube battle chip.
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Then he tells Iceman to use his “Freeze Bubble” and ends the battle with a frozen Breakman.
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Miyuki’s prediction came true but before Netto has the opportunity to praise her she interrups him by saying that it is going to rain and leaves, despite being a really nice day.
In fact, we then see Netto and friends enjoying a nice picnic outside, with Masa-san presenting them his special calcium filled bento.
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After the scene with Masa and Dekao that was cutted from the dub for obvious reasons, we see Netto who is really enjoing his meal and already had chow down three bentos. Meiru warns him that if he keeps eating like that he will get a stomach ache, and Rockman even reminds him that he ate... How many hot dogs?
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We get a funny scene with Netto running around looking for a toilet just to find out that the men’s bathroom is being cleaned. Netto’s moving animation in front of the bathroom sign keeps playing so it wont cut to the part where he holds his butt, clever move dub.
For some reason Saloma is watching Netto run around in circles outside the bathroom (which was cutted too) during her conversation with Miyuki.
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They have a brief conversation about how skilled Netto is at Net battles specially against the WWW operators, but he doesnt take them as serious as he should.
After that, Netto finally leaves a bathroom in relief and overhears a couple talking about the weather suddently changing from sunny to rainy. This makes Netto realized that Miyuki-san’s prediction came true once again.
As he is heading to the arena for his battle, Netto is suddently stopped by Higure-san who appears out of nowhere looking at him in a very creepy way.
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He says that he wants to thank him for helping Numberman in the last episode, and after a flashback of Numberman being KO by the unknowend Navi, Higure gives him a “Friendship” chip as thanks.
Netto is excited thinking that it is a group of rare chips but unfortunately he only gets a bunch of Mini Bombs, making him jump in rage.
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Netto’s friends aren’t the only ones waiting to see the match, turns out the World Three operators are spectators as well.
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So they finally get to see Rockman’s operator, although they already seem to know who it is. Wouldn’t that put Netto in danger earlier?
They hope that Rockman loses in his first match, except for Hinouken who still wants his revenge, and Mahajarama tells them that it might be possible because he feels something unusual about his opponent.
Time for the match to begin, but first we get Netto and Rockman’s profile by Midorikawa.
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Thats how you smile for a picture, Tohru!
However, when its time to see the opponent’s profile, the screen only shows static, probably due to the storm outside, but it helps keep the mystery since Netto’s opponent is...
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Who would’ve guessed? She would.
Midorikawa reads Miyuki’s profile from the N-1′s data base, and all I learned so far is that her last name is Kuroi.
Before revealing her Navi, Miyuki predicts that the match will last five minutes with Netto as the loser.
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Netto and Rockman inmediately recognize the Navi with the same flashback from before, though this only makes Netto feel excited.
The battle begins and Skullman disappears, but Rockman quickly figures out that Skullman is actually not invisible as the title suggest, but instead is moving at an incredible speed making it almost imposible to follow.
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Netto decides to send the Shot Gun battle chip which creates a curtain of smoke, this helps Rockman find Skullman and uses the Rock Buster to hit him.
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Skullman starts attacking with Rockman dodging, but eventually lands a hit making Miyuki remind Netto that he now has 4 minutes left.
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Noticed the miscoloring too?
We cut to comercials only to return with Higure’s voice saying that he will see Netto at the awards ceremony, something he repeats when suddently appearing next to Mariko-sensei, much for Masa-san’s annoyance.
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We cut back to the battle with Netto deciding to send the Area Steal chip to keep up with Skullman’s speed.
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But they soon realized that its not enough to keep up with his speed, and Skullman once again lands a hit on Rockman.
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Rockman tells Netto that he can’t hit Skullman since its looks like he is reading his moves somehow, Netto remembers that two of Miyuki’s predictions came true earlier making the young net battler question his victory.
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Three minutes left.
During some comments from Mahajarama and Enzan about the battle as they watch, Skullman ends up breaking Rockman’s sword. 
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Miyuki decides to send a battle chip to skullman, a chip that doesnt exist in the game called “Spirit Fire” or was it “Demon fire”?
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This knocks Rockman to the ground making Netto hesitate even more, Miyuki reminds him that he has only 2 more minutes left, but Netto gets a hold of himself telling Rockman to keep going. Rockman is motivated after hearing his voice and quickly gets up before Skullman’s attack hits him, which I personally find very adorable!
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They give eachother strenght! XD
Netto has to think of something quick, he says he has to try using a chip he hasnt used before and remembers the Mini Bombs Higure-san gave him.
He then ask Miyuki-san if he still has one minute left before her prediction comes true, she confirms it and Netto quickly gets motivated.
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He starts sending all ten Mini Bombs that result in another smoke curtain like the one from before.
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As the whole area is covered in smoke again, Rockman and Netto start thinking about their next move.
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Netto sends the Areal Steal battle chip to Rockman, Skullman finally makes his move, but instead of Rockman, he punches the air where three Mini Bombs suddently appear.
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This catches Skullman off guard as Rockman appears out of hiding. An angry Skullman attacks with another “Spirit Fire”, only this time Rockman destroys it with his Rock Buster hitting Skullman in the process.
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Miyuki finally reacts to this and decides to plug-out Skullman right as he charges at Rockman who fires another shot at him, ending the battle.
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I cant really tell if Rockman missed or it went through since Skullman is being logged-out.
Miyuki is left shocked but ends up smiling gently, Netto gets an interview by Midorikawa and only has this to say.
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Really?! After the whole bathroom incident?!
We cut to Miyuki passing Saloma as she leaves.
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I think the real reason was that it became “uncertain” that she was gonna win, since Netto actually surprised her with a new strategy despite the match still haven’t ended in five minutes like she foretold, but she ends up telling Saloma that Netto and Rockman are indeed special, so she decided to let them win.
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The World Three dont seem happy with the results of the battle, except for Hinouken of course, who ends the episode saying how he will finally get his chance to defeat Rockman.
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Yeah, because that worked so well the first two times you battled him. And the second time it wasnt even Rockman who beat you.
My thoughts?
Near the end of episode 7, Miyuki asks Saloma why she had taken so long to help Netto and Rockman against Count Elec, Saloma just says that she sees something special about them. This is brought up again in their conversation before the match. Miyuki was willing to proof Saloma wrong by not going easy on Netto. In the dub, episode seven never happend so they talk about something unrelated, like Netto being a secret agent or something like that.
It was very interesting to see Miyuki’s battle style, she uses her predictions as a psycological tactic to scare her opponent. I’m not sure if Miyuki really has powers or is she just really good at reading people, and weather aparently.
Maybe her prediction in episode 2 was just a coincidence, maybe the crystal ball is the one that sees the future, who knows? The anime never gives a straight answer, which is good because it gives more mystery to her character.
We get to see Netto fight an opponent with nothing at stake, unlike with the World Three, Netto had a weak motive to beat Miyuki, it was not about saving his friends or punishing bad guys, it was to advance in a tournament made just for fun. Once Netto remembers he entered the N-1 to enjoy the battles Rockman was able to hit Skullman, Miyuki had finally see that fighting spirit Saloma had noticed and allows him to win.
We get two flashbacks of the same scene from the last episode where Numberman is KO by Skullman with that specific part cutted out, a reused shot of the arena being covered in smoke the second time and one miscolored panel. The spirit fire was renamed “Ghost Fire” in the dub, along with other name changes. Netto holding his butt is unplesant to see so it was cutted from the dub, as well as the part where he runs around in circles.
Enzan and Mahajarama comment about the battle a lot, I get that Mahajarama was explaining things to the other WWW operators, but was Enzan talking to himself? He could be talking to Blues but I really doubt that.
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
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"Wait! Are all of you guys literally robots!? Like, completely robots! That's so noble!!!"
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"Well, some of us, like me, are humans, but most of the team are programs. Net Navis, to be exact."
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"But some of us, like me, are EM beings. I'm an AMian, an alien made out of energy called EM waves. I can actually enter the real world and the digital world at will. The Net Navis, on the other hand, need outside help for that."
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"Before I was saved by RiFT and reconstructed into a Net Navi, I was indeed a type of robot known as a reploid. We are basically robots who can think and feel like humans. Though, since Net Navis are programs who can do the same, the only thing different about me is that I'm made of data now."
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"Though, with the special Copy Bots I invented, the Navis can enter the real world as robots. So in a sense, yes! They can be completely robotic beings when inside Copy Bots!"
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"Really?! Can you put Numberman in one?!"
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"Sure can! Just let him log in to this one here, and presto!"
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"Hope that answers your question, Cody. I guess we Net Navis are like digital robots who can either enter into robotic bodies or like EM beings like Omega-Xis, can enter the real world as energy beings. We have incredible scientists like Welch and Mr. Tinker who make it possible for us."
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formerchaoslord · 1 year
Figure, do you havea crush on anyone? In the anime you and Masa fight for the fair maiden that is Miss Mariko (Lan's teacher). Do you have a thing for her here?
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"'Figure?' Is that one of my names in a different dimension, huh?
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"And... Yeah, I do have a crush on Miss Mari... But can you blame me? She such a sweet woman, huh. And just look at her! She's beautiful!"
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"Isn't Masa the fish salesman who had Sharkman as a Net Navi? Did he even meet Miss Mari in or dimension?"
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"I'm not sure... But if he did, and I have competition, I need to make my move, huh! I can't lose Miss Mari to him! I can't lose Miss Mari to anyone!"
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"I'll be happy to give you advise to win Miss Mari's heart, Higsby. I may be a business woman, but matchmaking is a hobby of mine that I'm very proud of."
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"Thanks, Welch! You're the best, huh!"
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
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"So, Higs! Numberman! How's it feel now that Higsby's will be a shop known across the Multiverse now?"
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"It's so unbelievably amazing! Too good to be true, and yet it's a reality! It's... It's...!"
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"I know, right! I was totally blown away myself when I joined the teaam and was able to spread the Item Creation Shop all around the Multiverse."
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"I'm very happy for you, blip... But if you don't mind... I got a call from Shuko, and... I hope you don't mind if I ask a favor, blip..."
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"Say no more, Spoutman. I got a pretty good idea what you want to ask, and my answer is yes. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't ask sooner."
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"Oh, thank you, Welch! Thank you so much, blip! I'll let her know right now!"
And so...
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"Miss Vineyard, I wanted to thank you so much for this opportunity! I will do my very best here at the Item Creation Shop!"
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"I know you will! Being a teacher at such a young age tells me how hard you're willing to work! I expect great things from you, Shuko. You too, Higsby and Numberman!"
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Shuko: "You are too kind, Welch!"
Higsby: "I'm very excited to see Higsby's grow into a Multiverse shop!"
(Mr. Higsby, Numberman, and Shuko have joined the party!)
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
So where's the bear?
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"You mean Freddy? After we fixed him, he thanked us and said he needed to get back to Gregory. Must be a friend of his."
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"Guess not every individual who we help is going to stay with us. Some people have too much going on back at home and don't really have the time to help us save the Multiverse, you know?"
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"My calculations say that as much of a good ally he'd be, Freddy is needed more at home."
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"Numberman! Mr. Higsby! When did you get here?"
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"Oh, I made a business deal with Miss Vineyard, huh. She's going to help make Higsby's a store known across the Multiverse."
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"Oh, there's no need to be so formal, Higs! We are business partners after all (and plus, I'm much younger than you.) Please just call me Welch.
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"Yes of course. And I must say, it's such an honor to partner with you! Your stock of rare chips is quite impressive, it even blows mine out of the water, huh! You wouldn't mind... Sharing, would you?"
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"Not at all! My collection is your collection. Soon enough, Higsby's will have the rarest Battle Chips of any shop!"
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"Oh, you are absolutely wonderful, Welch! This is a dream come true, huh!"
(New Muses coming soon!)
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