epiphemera · 1 year
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it's not hard to tell izuru's been overworking himself. the young doctor's been pulling crazy hours in emergency for nearly two weeks straight thanks to the influx of warm-weather idiots. even after sleeping over ten hours straight through, there's still this... transparency to his boyfriend as he's lying, still completely out of it, on the other side of the bed. akon's been studying him in silence for the last half-hour, lying on his side with his artificially-horned head propped on a loose fist. he's already stolen the blonde's phone and switched it to silent when he'd gotten home and found the slighter man passed out still fully dressed on top of the covers, but he also wants to make sure izuru is properly taken care of since he hasn't been doing so himself lately. the lab tech leans in closer, eyes instinctively drifting to the scarring on his boyfriend's shoulder that's just visible over the sheet. with izuru asleep like this, it's easier to sneak down the sheet a little further and graze his fingertips over the textured skin there. the scars are sexy to him, the way the skin's knitted itself back together imperfectly in a pink-and-silver web. he's grateful in a way that the blonde's learned not to mind his fascination with them. akon eases the sheet down lower, to the young doctor's stomach, so he can see where those alluring marks spread out across the right side of izuru's chest too; his black-tipped fingers follow. goddamn, it's pretty...
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kazeshinigami · 6 months
"Mm." When Izuru had confronted Rose about it, he hadn't initially thought it affected him as much, he'd just been annoyed that Rose hadn't seen fit to tell him. Along the way, though, it'd become more and more obvious that this affected Izuru much more than he anticipated. He was angry for different reasons, too. Perhaps that lingering emotionality from when he'd still been alive. In any case.. There would come a time that Izuru would have to go on without his anchor to humanity. For all the virtues of his new relationship with Akon.. It wasn't the same as with Rose.
Izuru suspects it is similar for Shuuhei. If Muguruma perished, where would that leave Shuuhei? Briefly Izuru considers he should not have told Shuuhei at all. He'd probably be happier for it. Too late now. He nods slowly as Shuuhei concurs that he will have to speak to his captain. Though, to Rose too..? Izuru quirks a brow. "You think he'll be able to be neutral in this case..?" Rose and Kensei are in the same position here, and both chose to keep the information from their lieutenants. There must be a reason for that..
Hearing Izuru question seeking Rose's advice makes Shuuhei question it, too. After all, Izuru is more informed on Rose's stance on the matter. "If you think he won't be able to, then…" He bites his lip. "I suppose I could try Hirako-taichou instead. I mean, he might not give me a straight answer, but… I don't want to walk in to a confrontation with Kensei-san without getting advice from someone."
Maybe it's pathetic that, even after being with Kensei for a number of years now, Shuuhei doesn't know him inside-and-out. Maybe Shuuhei's cowardice is just tenacious.
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cessatiio · 2 years
"Hey, stranger.." is this flirting? Maybe..
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It's only flirting if he wants it to be~
Lifts him right off his feet into a hug. "Hey, where have you been hiding?"
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cirsiu-m · 3 years
should I try to garner sympathy by referring to Izuru as “my dead boyfriend” to strangers who don’t know who he is
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kakimushire · 3 years
Oh... Wrong room.... Awkward. He was looking for Akon.
    Precision. Mayuri was nothing if not meticulous. It was an important skill to have in his line of work. He couldn't stand sloppy work. Ironic, seeing as he would often choose a quick fix above "perfection". The evidence lay in the many stitches that covered his body. Right now, he was carefully sewing closed an incision. The sedated body on the table would have NO knowledge of the objects Mayuri had put inside it. Explaining something like that to the patient would take up too much time. Mayuri was a busy man.
     The door suddenly opened, startling him so that he poked the needle into a blood vessel. Blood instantly poured out. Annoyed, Mayuri turned to see WHO it was he could yell at for disturbing him. He knew it wasn't Akon, who would know better than to enter without being asked. In the doorway stood the Sanbantai Fukutaichou. What was he doing here?
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     ❝ Don't they teach people to knock in the Sanbantai? ❞ He should not be surprised. He really SHOULD make this unwelcome guest clean up the blood. That should teach him a lesson.
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katakurah · 4 years
@omoikokoro​ — Izuru rolls over, trying to escape the heat of Renji's goddamn furnace-body. He wiggles out from under one heavy, tattooed arm and rolls into Asuka instead. Well.. At least he is cooler. But also.. Talking in his sleep. Sort of. It is hard to make out. The blond notices, though, soon after, that he is no longer sleeping. Oh.. He really is no longer sleeping ! He stares, unable to help himself.
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it hasn’t taken him long to get down to business, eyes closed and working on reconstructing the dream from the hazy bits he remembers. one leg kicks free from the tight jeans and props itself up on the edge his seat. better. long fingers squeeze over the swollen head of his cock and he hisses softly, hips jolting faintly.
damn that feels good...
his mind drifts to izuru’s soft lips wrapped around him instead of renji and asuka can’t help but crack open an eye and tip his head towards where he’d last seen the smaller man squished underneath their mutual friend. well now. he hadn’t expected an audience, or the fixated glaze those pretty blue doe-eyes have.
he slows his hand and shifts slightly, offering a better view. “like whatcha see~?”
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hanabiira · 4 years
omoikokoro replied to your post “( Fuck, Marry, Get Drunk With. Send me 3 names.) @txchikaze​ said: ...”
.... :(
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Has she said something wrong? “Would you rather I said I’d marry you?” 
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syncopxtc · 4 years
omoikokoro replied to your post: ✘ can we have a list of all the...
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don’t act surprised
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kazeshinigami · 8 months
They're in nearly the same boat, the two of them. Granted, despite his newly discovered abilities, Shuuhei will eventually die. Izuru will not. In fact, even if his entire body were to be cut up in parts, there's no telling whether his abomination of a soul will find its way to hell (anything else is not an option). Perhaps that is something he ought to discuss with Akon sometime. Especially considering his penchant for indifference toward the damage done to his body. Though he's been better about that of late, due to both Rose and Akon's repeated requests.
"You know what he's like," he says, with regards to Rose's position on things "-takes things as they come. He's happy with the time he's got." Cross that bridge when we get to it, and such.. "He didn't seem too bothered by it." Izuru supposes Rose's main concern had been izuru himself, and where he'd end up after he'd perish. But since Akon... There's not much to worry about now.
"Are you going to confront Muguruma-taichou?" He lied to Shuuhei, too, it seems.
Shuuhei nods as Izuru summarizes Rose's somewhat lackadaisical position on his reduced lifespan — it's about what he had expected would be the case. Rose is hard to faze. That's one of the aspects of the visored which makes him so reliable a confidant.
"I think I'll have to, at some point," though even as he says it, the dread leaks into his tone. "I may want to think through it all as much as I can beforehand, though — maybe get Rose-san's thoughts on how to approach it. If I rush into that confrontation driven by my emotions, I suspect I would only make things worse. Kensei-san… does not like not being in control of a situation, so I could imagine this being a sensitive issue for him." But maybe Rose will prove him wrong — can't hurt to ask, right?
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keikakudori · 2 years
"Rude face you got, taco. ............taicho...." Pretend that didn't happen. As you may be able to tell.. He is not strictly sober.
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up go his eyebrows at the drunken warbling from the young blonde, head turning to regard the second-in-command of the sanbantai. his silence is profoundly still for the time being as he stares at izuru for a long moment before he's summoning a jigokuchou. ❝ gin, your lieutenant just called me a taco. i think i'm going to escort him back to the third. ❞ because if izuru's drunk enough to call him a taco, then aizen's absolutely going to absorb every other mumble to tell his partner later, just to get gin wheezing. because he's very nearly on the verse of breaking down into laughter himself at this point in time.
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cessatiio · 3 years
Jun sighs, heavy like his shoulders. They slouch and he collapses down on the couch in Izuru’s office. He pinches the bridge of his nose, not because Izuru exhausts him, but it just feels tense suddenly. Talking like this always feels exceptionally hard. 
It makes him feel a little bit like a man that works at a host club. Like Izuru only comes to him when he wants a bit of fun or only when he’s feeling lonely. But that’s not so bad right?! That’s what they both wanted, wasn’t it? Something easy? Jun is just as guilty in that aspect, shirking the act of putting a label on most of his relationships. Is he not allowed to yearn though? That izuru at one point might want to seek him out for more than just a bit of company? Something about Izuru makes him want to keep him close, to keep him safe. Though its been mutually agreed that they like each other, that they are...something of an item, it still feels vague and undefined. Why does that frustrate him all of a sudden? 
He leans his elbow on the arm of the couch, hand over his mouth. He looks at the lines on the floor boards instead of Izuru. There’s a chip in one of the boards. “I don’t know either...” A lie. 
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“I...you’re seeing me, do you see anyone else?” 
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shizukesafukutaicho · 2 years
@omoikokoro said: ✂️ (cut) [[undead!izuru. Across the knees with wabisuke.... for fun]]
°\ The taller lieutenant winced, feeling the cut and already starting to feel the weight double. Dark eyes looked at the shorter lieutenant with an eyebrow raised. This wasn't anticipated and yet the Rindō was curious to Kira's intentions. His knees bent, they weren't heavy enough to keep him on them yet but he decided to lower himself to the ground. His eyes lifted, looking up at him with curious eyes.
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'You got me on my knees, now what are you planning for me?' he signed, now anticipating what the blond had in mind.
Warmth spread over his cheeks, tinting pink as he looked at the undead lieutenant. He was attractive; Atau really did enjoy looking at him. He'd often thought of what they might do together but he never imagined the use of Wabisuke to make him kneel.
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cirsiu-m · 3 years
If Nemu were alive, how would you feel about a polyamorous relationship with her and Izuru? (one where the two of them aren't together but you and izuru and you and nemu are i suppose). Izuru probably wouldn't object right?
How many of his thoughts begin like that? If not his days in their entirety? Waking up, perceiving the world, remembering. Apparently she died in great agony, and without a second thought. He wakes up, he remembers. He turns on his side and there is someone else. He loves this someone. It's different.
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IIzuru wouldn't object because he's incapable of jealousy. Not even his cruel, cold eyes can radiate the green envy of love. The pain of it. Nothing hurts but nothing helps. Akon helps, maybe. They help each other.
He wonders if she would understand. The nuance of it. She was so used to being unloved, surely she would see the duality of it as some form of abandonment. Could he explain? How it doesn't mean he loves her less?
He imagines them side-by-side, like paper cutouts. Analytical, calculating, he quantifies the affection. He names the reasons.
It's different.
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Izuru is the here and the now. So present and certain. Like the dead should be. Maybe it's easier when the dead walk around. Nemu is like a ghost, but not the kind you see in the night, not the romantic apparition of her vague shape stalking the lab, the barracks, the streets. The invisible kind that is always, and everywhere.
She was already so dead inside. If they'd fixed her like they'd fixed Izuru, maybe she wouldn't be very changed at all but just a little bit paler. But Akon knows why she wasn't saved as Izuru was: they could always make a new her. Replaceable like broken glass or ripped fabric.
But none of that is the subject of the question. The thing is: he would do it. It wouldn't matter, the details. Work that shit out later. Imagine she's alive. Her hand in his. Pressing his chest against Izuru's cold back when he needs it. Two people he would need to fuck right. Make Izuru feel something. Make Nemu feel good for the first time. Like a project, this relationship. Broken things to fix, which is an excuse. He just wants to fuck. He just wants to be loved without having to love with any effort.
But it doesn't matter. She's the permanent kind of dead, and Izuru is here, and he's an incredible mystery. An intense and breathless fuck. He's a place where Akon feels free. Like there's not some weight strapped to his shoulders, source unknown. Like his connective tissue loosens and he exists as if suspended in warm salt water. Even when they don't get along.
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"Don't know," he says. "Doesn't matter."
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ukitxxke · 5 years
🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
Nonverbal RP Starters         🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
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He was so incredibly tired, but not so much so that he could not manage a heart-warming smile upon receiving such a kind gesture.
Leave it to Izuru to go out of his way to come all the way over to the Thirteenth just for this. Honestly, the company was appreciated, plus the change in atmosphere was refreshing to an overly-stuffy room. But the weather beyond the walls was merciless, and certainly not compatible with his condition.
“I-Izuru-fukutaichou–goodness, I wasn’t expecting this. You didn’t have to come all the way here; you must be so over-worked lately, but I am grateful. May I invite you to having some with me?”
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katakurah · 4 years
》 @omoikokoro
"Well.. It is your job.." that does not necessarily warrant for affection or reward.. And indeed when his eye does fall on Asuka's paperwork he scowls, even as heat creeps into his cheeks. "Asuka ! People will have to read this !"
That hardly means he’s going to be here on time, or at all. Asuka’s not interested in paperwork or leading; he really only took the seat for bragging rights and to be closer to Izuru, after all. And when his lieutenant finally notices his ‘illustrations’, he sniggers. “Yeah, so?”
He knows exactly who has to read his report.
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roaringxthunder · 5 years
continued from here
He gave a soft smile as he looked over to the Lieutenant. He bowed his head slightly and motioned for the cushion across the desk from him. “Please Kira-Fukutaichou, have a seat. I’ll try to keep this as brief as I can.”
He looked through the large file sitting on his desk, looking at the blood test results. He sighed softly as he looked back up to him, amber eye softly examining the features. he put his glasses on and began looking over the numbers.
“Well all of the test came back as normal as they could be, all things considering. I’m sure your last medic and even Kotestu-taichou have stressed how much damage this is doing to your body, so I wont push that issue any more than it already has been. Care for some coffee or tea? I have a few.....personal questions I want to ask to see if we can try to make some sort of headway to help you with this.” He said as he stood up and  went to gather two cups and the pot.
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“I assure you, I’m not here to judge rhyme or reason for how you act. I’m here solely to help for your own health.”
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