#omori big sweater lady
donuqx-art · 3 months
MINCY OMORI sketch dump part 9
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ransprang · 3 years
hihi!! pls don't eat me alive ;; but i'd like to request a male romantic sfw/nsfw match up for harry potter and hxh if that's okay !!  :,)
i go by she/they pronouns, i am an INFP (rip), a hufflepuff, and my zodiac sign is pisces.
im very shy around new people, but i do adjust quickly to cool dudes who just vibe, yk? but pls don't ask me to make a phone call,, i will start ugly crying lol.
I have a lot of trust issues and i tend to open up when i get to know someone more, so i prefer a partner who is very patient and committed. i love being pampered and treated like a princess lmao. i can't stand ppl who's first instinct is to run away when things go south >:(
my love languages include words of affirmation, and physical touch. i do like recieving gifts, but only in really special occasions and it should have a very thoughtful/sentimental value.
i have dark, shoulder length that's styled into a wolf cut. my eyes are dark dark dark brown and i wear big round ass glasses bc i have the worst eyesight. i also stopped growing in 7th grade,, ive been 5"0 forever now ;;
my hobbies include drawing, painting, and listening to music !!! my favourite artists include the beatles, the neighborhood, and daniel caesar. i also love spooky books and movies, they scare me but its all part of the thrill. sometimes i play games,, but its only limited to casual indie games or pixel RPGmaker games like omori.
i dont have a set style,, but its either im dressed like a fckin jojo character or  bundled up into an oversized sweater cocoon. no middle ground lol.
agdhdbdudiebf i hope i did this right,, and im sorry if i did anything wrong !! D: this is my first ever match-up ;A;
but thank you for this aaa!! i saw that you guys had all of the fandoms im really into so you guys are really neat and awesome for that 😭💕 pls keep doing what youre doing ily <333
don't worry all the details are fine!! thank you for taking the time to read our rules. admin sar is very happy that someone appreciates how neat and tidy she keeps this blog :D We hope you like your match ups!
your vibers,
admins sar, sav & san
Your Harry Potter match up is...... LUPIN!!
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Lupin won't judge you for being a Hufflepuff. Instead he'll judge you for dressing like a jojos character.
Lupin would love your wolf cut, because he is a bit of a wild man himself :)
Expect candlelight dinners and chocolate bars for desert with this man.
Lupin would tell spooky wizard tales to you, especially ones from his childhood.
He'd be down to watch horror movies with you. He's a werewolf. There's no way he'll get scared. He'll only get mad at inaccuracies in wolf movies.
He is a teacher so he would give excellent pep talks and good words of affirmation and encouragement for you.
Lupin promises to not eat you alive. But he may eat you out.
He would be forever grateful if you gift him butt plugs. In exchange he'd buy you a butt plug with a wolf tail.
He pampers you after sex and licks your sore holes.
He'll use the hair he shed during sex and make a crown for you.
Lupin likes doggy style anyway so your height doesn't matter.
You can play wolf howls in the back while having sex with Lupin when you guys are having exhibitionist feelings.
Your HxH match up is...... GON!! (AGED UP)
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He puts bugs in your hair while you are crying to cheer you up.
Gon is a cool dude who will vibe with you. He'll buy you mugs that say 'Good Vibes Only'.
He won't run away from you like Ging did with him <3
Gon is a perfect gentleman and knows how to treat a lady. He would arrange the cutest dates for you and give you very thoughtful presents.
Gon would watch horror movies with a cheerful smile while the goriest things are happening on screen. He's friends with an assassin what do you expect.
Totally can get into the same music as you.
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trainingbrahs-blog · 5 years
Still no Tide Pods ™
Vik - This blog is the Pink Pearl Dim Sum Restaurant of blogs; a phoenix continuously arising from the ashes of blog obscurity. Let’s quickly recap all the relevant blog nonsense that I roll out each time we post, as if something may have changed and I’m not exactly the same ratchet ass ho that I’ve always been.
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1) I still smoke. I’m quitting tomorrow. I don’t even feel bad anymore.
2) Wife-life-post-break-up-after-party has slowed down since Darcie is “happy” and in a “relationship.” Jokes, Kabir-Darcie is my fave 2019 combo. Karcie? Dabir? Still working on that one.
3) I haven’t competed since Worlds, and am totes cool with it. I’m mad chill rn.
4) Am going to be a purple belt forever, which is also very relaxing. Purple belt middle weight NAGA 2024 is gonna be my time to shine. I’m truly settling into mediocrity.
5) Tide pods still haven’t reached out to sponsor this blog. I’m shocked. And hurt. Our influencer status is shaky at best..
Darcie and I started working together this year and opened a home for precariously housed high risk teens. We are deep in co-lease, three joint bank account, coparent life. To be clear, this is on top of my FULL TIME JOB. And you know, because we are maniacs we also decided to start a non profit. It seemed like a natural progression, and since our feminism is constantly referred to as rabid (I see you puffy chested male identified boo boos) we wanted to find a way to assert our values (aka rabid feminism) by financially subsidizing female competitors, paying experienced women equitable fees to teach seminars and generally creating space through women only open mats to beat each other up on the reg. There’s probably a link to the non profit in this blog, so be a good person and buy a sweater or donate your hard earned dollars to support the local women in your jiu jitsu community. Also shout out to Kaboom and BCJJF for supporting this work and the female jiu jitsu community, you guys are all just the sweetest allies.
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Since I’m not competing this year, I’ve been really enjoying getting my jiu jitsu groove back and am becoming low key obsessed with lifting heavy things. This bisch is not only chubby but also jacked now. Honestly, still mainly chubby, but a little bit jacked too. Also I think I’m going to start smoking weed. It may not go well, I ruined my brain with acid in the 90’s, and this is a potentially catastrophic experiment. More on that next time, you’ll know if it becomes a thing when I abruptly start training at 10th Planet.
I don’t have a good anchoring, concluding paragraph, so instead, I’ll just see you all at women’s open mat, and on the sidelines of every local comp cheering for all my pals.
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Darc- Live from traction: It’s a recap of the last 3 months of my life!
You guys, Year of the Matriarchy 2019 started off hot. We made homes for kids, started supporting she-athletes and I competed a bunch! Here are some things that we were too busy with in real life for me to regale you with earlier:
1. I moved house twice! YES TWO TIMES. You guys, I am so good at moving. If you need any tips on Frogbox or where to get the best budget furniture, I’m your lady. The answer is Wayfair.ca btw. Anyway, I’m done moving for a while because it’s the pits even when you’re a pro and this new place seems pretty good. Also I promised my cat we’d stay a while.
2. The Portland Open is a thing now and I competed there. I learned an important lesson about always calling ahead to make sure your hotel room has a bathtub (Expedia is a house of lies) and did my first ever side smash so I could feel like a real Lovato/Kaboom student. Yes, it took me 7 months to figure out. I’m not a natural smasher. Also, I was savagely triangled in the finals. (Hi, Naomi!) So I also learned that. Don’t get triangled.
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3. I competed at the Rev again in Tacoma. Everyone should compete at the Rev. It is consistently the most well run tournament I have ever been to. And I’m not just saying that ‘cause I (HUMBLEBRAG) won. I also learned that making weight after Christmas is hard and had to make some risky underwear choices to save .2 of a lb. But don’t worry, I’ve since invested in some ultra light back up pants for these situations to save you all from accidentally seeing my ass in the future. #competitor
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4. I won silver at Pans! I’ve never really done well in major competitions. The last time I was at Pans was 2016 and I got subbed so quickly that Vicky missed my fight trying to get from downstairs to upstairs to watch it and I cried like a kid on Chad’s shoulder. I didn’t win a single match in a big competition until last year’s World Masters, then I got subbed in round 2. So this was a big win for me. Kabir overheard a girl on the mat next to mine finish her first fight and say to her coach “Woah. Nobody sucks here,” which is hilarious and true. Nobody sucks at Pans and Worlds, guys. Those fights are fucking hard.
5. I somehow managed to hurt myself real bad trying to do an armbar in the quarter finals then fought two more times because I’m an idiot. By the finals, I couldn’t lift my left arm or stop my head from turning all the way to the right and I got triangled in ten seconds. You guys! DON’T. GET. TRIANGLED! Then I had public jiu jitsu cry #2 because adrenaline masked how hurt I was and I was just disappointed about losing. Anyway, that was the last time I did jiu jitsu and I’m still living a life of pain. The medical folks say the left side of my thoracic spine got crunched up in some sort of shitty armbar perfect storm and a bunch of ribs popped off my back and now I live in a world of pain. I had a CT scan yesterday and my spine and nerve roots are healthy, so now I’ve just gotta wait my full recovery out. Also, I’m 2 for 2 on Pan American cries. What’s up with that? Also armbars are supposed to hurt the other person. Come on, Omori.
So anyway, catch me also on the sidelines til this shit resolves. Look for the girl in the Cascadia Women’s Fight Club sweater, right next to the really loud shroud of red hair.
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Don't get triangled,
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donuqx-art · 4 months
MINCY OMORI art dump part 7
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donuqx-art · 1 year
created a momma for MINCY and PRETTY BOY (who I hc to be siblings,,, just an info for those who don’t know) and I’m gonna call her BIG SWEATER LADY
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