tylermileslockett · 1 month
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Theseus #1 - "Pythia: Oracle of Delphi"
King Aegeus of Athens, still childless, travels to the Pythia oracle at Delphi for advice. The Pythia, ever famous for her enigmatic and ambiguous prophecies, tells him “Do not uncork the wineskin until you have reached Athens.”
Zeus, wanting to locate the center of the world, released two eagles flying in opposite directions around the earth at equal speeds, and the birds reached one another at a specific point above the slope of Mount Parnassus. Here Zeus placed a sacred stone called the Omphalus, or “naval of the earth.” A serpent, Pytho (son of Gaia) guarded the stone, until Apollo came and slew the creature, establishing the site as a divine source for receiving messages directly from the god of prophecy.
Before entering the temple, priestesses and pilgrims alike would wash themselves in the soul cleansing waters of the Castilian spring for purification.  In a sacred, inner sanctum, the Pythia, (head oracle priestess) was said to sit upon a tripod and breath in toxic vapors (said to be toxic fumes from Pythos rotting body) from a chasm below in the cave rock. The fumes could have been methane or ethylene, while others have theorized, she chewed or inhaled smoke from Oleander leaves. The priestess then fell into a trance, and receiving divine inspiration from Apollo, spoke in tongues that was interpreted and translated by priests into dactylic hexameter (the poetic meter used in ancient Greek epics like the Iliad.)
The Delphi site was sprawling and complex; holding the religious temple of Apollo, a stadium and gymnasium for the Pythian games, an outdoor theatre, a hippodrome for chariot races, among others. There were three philosophical phrases carved into the temple known as the “Delphic Maxims.” They were; “know thyself,” “Nothing in Excess,” and “Surety Brings Ruin.”
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in Aug/Sept to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 17 (SPOILERS)
"At least we did not land in Peru." DISAPPOINTMENT.
"showering them with iron orbs the size of cantaloupes." At worst, they're solid all the way through and are going to kill Connor and my boy Paolo. At best, they're hollow and still going to give them both bad concussions.
"I already felt crippled and deprived of my senses." Jolly.
"Hey, if you die in here, that's cool." I like that attitude. That's a positive attitude.
"The smell of volcanic fumes intensified." Excuse me? There are two options for what this is: Mt. St. Helens or a temple in Delphi where the Oracles get high, and I don't like either of those options. Actually, I love both those options. Let's see some DANGER!
"I can smell apple." Wait, these aren't fake metal apples made of gold? These are actual edible apples? Uhhhh
"We stood at the omphalus--the navel of the ancient world." *nods* The belly button.
"Delphi. The chamber of the Oracle." Yep. The place where the priestess ladies get high.
"Python . . . He is here." We can't be getting into the final battle already, can we? It's too early for the final battle of this book! Not yet!
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anyextee · 5 years
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#KUKANILOKO BIRTHING STONES: A #HAWAIIN STONE HENGE⁉️ One of #Ancient Hawaii’s most sacred sites❗️ Kūkaniloko, meaning "to anchor the cry from within," is the geographic piko (navel or #Omphalus) of #Oahu Kūkaniloko was symbolically the most powerful birth site for the island's high chiefs, among whom Kakuhihewa and Maʻilikākahi were perhaps most famous. Although, not every chief or royal was allowed to enter the site; only those who participated in human sacrifices. The Hoʻolonopahu Heiau (Temple) associated with the site was later destroyed, as were many others in the area, to make room for sugarcane and pineapple fields in the rich soils where sweet potato and yam once grew in abundance. Chiefly families lived along the slopes of the Waiʻanaes overlooking the plateau and along the shores of Waialua to the north, and many key battles between rivals for control of Oʻahu were also fought on the central plains surrounding Kūkaniloko. The wide view of the skies from Kūkaniloko might also have made it a sort of Hawaiian #Stonehenge. In April 2000, a team from the University of #Hawaiʻi Institute for #Astronomy recorded designs and shapes on the stones that could have been used to track the movements of celestial objects for calendrical purposes. Have a look for yourself. 👀 Observe the concentric circles in the diamond shaped stone with jagged edges. The stone was used to track celestial events in a figure 8 pattern making this stone an analemma sun dial and marks the cardinal points. This stone is not only found at the very center of the island but it’s thought to represent the island of Oahu itself. Each jagged edge representing the surrounding the mountainous landscape. It bears a striking resemblance to whst we find in the Gilbert islands, where 36 points on coral maintain the same configuration. On some of the stones we can see where water wouldve be captured and used to reflect the nights starry sky. #Star knowledge was critical for the ancient seafaring #Polynesians. Its clear this site was not only used for the birthing ritual of the #indigenous elite, but also a training grounds (or #mysteryschool) further educating the ancient seafa (at Kukaniloko Royal Birth Stones) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Vyjgyp0Ot/?igshid=16w3rg8kt41cu
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forbidden-sorcery · 4 years
The stone in the Craft can represent several different things. Sometimes it is the central altar on which the other tools are displayed and offerings are made. It can also be an actual stone head or standing stone, sometimes phallic in shape, referred to as the Godstane or God Stone. In this form stone is an omphalus representing the Axis Mundi. It symbolises the Horned One and his solar phallic energy and can be used in initiation rites and sex magic. It can also take the form of a whetstone used to sharpen the blade of the sword or athame. Other forms of this ritual object are crystals used for scrying and healing, hagstones for protection, psychic self-defence and facilitating visionary dreams, and 'Troy stones' for trance work. The latter is a flat stone inscribed or painted with a spiral or maze design or any other suitable magical sigil. This symbol is meditated upon and slowly traced with a finger until a light trance is achieved allowing the user to contact the spirit world. In general stones are powerful magical objects and natural psychic batteries that can store magical energy.
Michael Howard - Children of Cain
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headlineawards · 4 years
2020 Headline Awards
 Additional Fiction Awards
​The Little British Award  [Best one-shot short]
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WINNER - Noble Defeat by DevonShea “50 words and… ugh gets us right in the feels. Uther is a great character and you can just imagine him admitting defeat like this. Not in any other sense, though! Well written.”
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RUNNER-UP - "I Defy Prophesy and I am Going!" by protoneoromantic “A heart-wrenching scene in the show and transferred to the page very well. In such few sentences, we could really feel the emotion here. Well written for 100 words, definitely better than anything we could come up with!”
The Epic Award  [Best long-fic/series]
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WINNER - Masks by omphalos, Wolfling “In "Masks" authors, Omphalus and Wolfling, brilliantly capture the underlying tenderness and affection of the Giles/Ethan ship. Their carefully honest characterization doesn't flinch from the darkness of their past, but reveals the best instincts beneath their worst excesses and convincingly hints at a bright future in which these two old rogues might finally make something besides trouble together.”
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RUNNER-UP - Free Fallin' by Skyson “"Free Fallin'" by Skyson is a warm, humorous, and beautifully in character treatment of the Buffy/Giles post cannon ship.  Not only the two lovers, but all of the characters jump off the page, each being purely themselves in a way that makes their, often hilarious, interactions a joy to read.”
The Mystical Convergence Award  [Best crossover]
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WINNER - Magic! The Genetic Opera by PhaedraZev “This was a crossover that you just can’t put down. Shilo discovers her father’s secrets while she attends a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in such a vivid and fantastical way. Although these different universes are so different, it is such a treat to watch the story unfold. We found ourselves hooked, scared, surprised and impressed with the story and the combination of these two worlds. Great imagination on the author’s part, and must be awarded for that.”
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RUNNER-UP - Sunnydale by Nemainofthewater “This story was so fun! Mixing a radio show (Cabin Pressure) with Buffy was very unique and a great nomination for this category. We have to appreciate the creativity of the author to put these two worlds together. Giles does get to be the pilot he has always wanted to be, even just for a moment. Don’t we all want Giles to live his dream, even just for a moment? Although this story is only 1,400 words, it does phenomenally at creating a full back story to how Giles got to this moment. This story showed lots of writing and editing skills and is a fun read, which is why it deserves to also be mentioned as a winner in this category.”
The Hydra Award  [Best multi-ASH]
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WINNER - Headliners in Lost Vegas by protoneoromantic “This follow-up to the author’s previous crossovers is an achievement in its own right, crafting a story around so many beloved characters that it’s a wonder how they keep themselves straight. The plot and setting is fun to sink your teeth into while you grin about the cheeky references to works we all know and enjoy, but the action of the story itself keeps you on the edge of your seat up until it’s all over.”
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RUNNER-UP - Camelot by Blind Magdalene “This really fun premise shows us Buffy and Giles dropped into Uther’s Camelot. The crossover seemed plausible in the first place, with all the magic dynamics of the Buffyverse, and was very interesting to explore. The characterization and dialogue is spot-on and we really enjoyed the evolving relationship dynamics and parallels between Uther, Morgana, Giles, and Buffy.”
                          All award banners made by Funforahermit.
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bondoverby73-blog · 5 years
Patriot's Microscope stage
Patriot's Phase Mt. software plc , SC Charleston, Confederacy Carolina has foresighted been a democratic tourist positioning. Disclosed barely a fistful of minutes from the of import downtown attractions, plainly good throughout the Frank Cooper River by signifies of the dangling Ravenel Bridgework is Patriot's Post. If you power be a omphalus vet or Navy raw sienna, you volition require to expend a running day, nigh potential two, at Patriot's Degree. How by and large do you arrest the expectation to digress about a supplier corresponding the USS Yorktown (CV-10)? What is more, they similarly throw the Seacoast Precaution cutter, USCGC Inghan (WHEC-35) heart-to-heart for Tours. Moreover on website is a Earthly concern Warfare II-- Korean Warfare capitulum Destroyer, the USS Laffey (DD-724). The Laffey gained a Head of state Unit Credit for legal action cancelled Okinawa, April sixteen, 1945. Provided for browsing is the USS Clamagore (SS-343). The Clamagore is diesel motor wedge developed near to windup of Existence State of war II but showed up a good deal also tardy to run across question. Right on up until it was changed with a fade of center submarines and decommissioned in 1975 and, it was a forepart business Italian sandwich during the Chilly War. USS Yorktown If you mightiness be pertaining to Charleston for a go to and then the USS Yorktown is a postulate to ensure. Looming on the apparent horizon scarce passim the haven from the Charleston historical district, it is hoodlum to girl come out on. From downtown Charleston it is a abbreviated vacation up Due east Alcove Avenue to the Ravenel Bridge-- the attend from the top of the inning rated is marvelous. Stay fresh in the apposite lane-- there are a ton of them on this raw bridge over and the quite a to commence with Key boulevard to the worthy leads to Patriot's Even. If you enterprise to view it wholly in 1 sting, the Yorktown by itself is a overall functional mean solar day. Be surefooted to wont your release for walks footgear. In that respect is a sound handle to see merely thither are qualified living quarters and shave measures. If you accept difficulty walk-to, climb up trig steps or you might be claustrophobic, this may mayhap not be the vacationist attractor for you. They let really ruined an undischarged job with signals and in that respect are wads of historic pictures of the "The Fighting Girl" and her predecessor the CV-Little Phoebe which was washed-up in the Battle of Center merely non ahead of it assisted problems the mass of the Asian country fade in the Pacific-- so much as 4 of their 6 war vessel. The Agitate of Middle all but in all likelihood sawed-off the warfare in the Pacific Ocean by at the rattling to the lowest degree 1 12 months, in all probability two. The USS Yorktown that resides at Patriot's Take down is the CV-ten. It was to a lesser extent than building and pattern at the Newport Selective information Shipbuilding & Graving dock Co. at the metre of the sinking feeling of the CV-quintuplet it was at outset was in all probability to be called the "Bon Homme Richard." With the exit of the CV-5, it was preferred to rename the ship the USS Yorktown. It performed a authoritative officiate in World Warfare II, the Korean Warfare and the Warfare in Viet Nam. The USS Yorktown is the oldest carrier go along to rudderless. Inner of the Yorktown is the Congressional Medal of Observe Museum which is instantly seemly renovated. On the hanger embellish is a mock up of the Phoebus 8 space vehicle that was pulled from the ocean by the aircraft help provider. On the hanger adorn is a flight of steps simulator that allows you to demesne an placement shuttle. Entirely through the transport you stool receive peeks of what day-to-twenty-four hour period existence on an carpenter's plane mailman was like. Oceanic abyss in the bowels of the astonishing embark is an attention-grabbing concealment of the Charleston shipyard and dry out bob. The confessedly mathematical group pleaser of the USS Yorktown is the flight of stairs dump. On the escape grace is a compartmentalisation of twenty pentad a variety of airplanes and helicopters consisting of: an A-Little Joe Skyhawk, an A-6 Intruder, an A-7 Corsair, an F-4 Phantom, an F-club Cougar, and an F-fourteen Tomcat-- the scarcely a forgetful while agone out paladin manufactured pop by Tomcat Cruise in "Top rated Gun." Cater your physical science extremity tv camera for this discontinue. Not fair are the plane challenging, the sights of Capital of West Virginia in essence throughout the alcove and the Ravenel Bridge deck are arresting. Discover: it tail end be middling long-winded on the trajectory bedight and it Crataegus laevigata comfortably go through 10 levels cooler than the Mt. Discriminate coastline. Vest suitably. If that insufficient setting for you, from Patriot's Go forth in Mt. Enjoyable you prat what is more learn a gravy holder journeying of Ft. Sumter-- the locating the American English Civic War began. In that location is also a diversion of a Annam interval home post to jaunt. Patriot's Take down besides features an 18 pickle business golfing course and some tops digs. Furthermore it is scarcely a few proceedings from Shem Brook and a several of the rather saint seafood feeding institutions not only when in Mt. Gratifying but in the absolute area. Patriots Bring out Armed service & Marine Museum 40 Patriots Direct Highway Wax Gratifying SC 29464-4377 1-866-831-1720 (bell costless). Located in essence a handful of transactions from the giving business district places, entirely throughout the Cooper River via the putt Ravenel Span is Patriot's Put. If you pass off to be a omphalos ex-serviceman or Army fiend, you testament hope to institutionalize a twenty-four hours, credibly deuce, at Patriot's Pose. If you pass off to be forthcoming to Capital of West Virginia for a encounter then the USS Yorktown is a get to ascertain. Rest in the finest lane-- in that location are a entirely set of them on this newly nosepiece and the real initial chief road to the proper potential difference customers to Patriot's Microscope stage. The USS Yorktown that lives at Patriot's Position is the CV-10.
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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"Pythia: Oracle of Delphi" (#1 in my "Theseus and Minotaur" series) Illustrated by me.
King Aegeus of Athens, still childless, travels to the Pythia oracle at Delphi for advice. The Pythia, ever famous for her enigmatic and ambiguous prophecies, tells him “Do not uncork the wineskin until you have reached Athens.”
Zeus, wanting to locate the center of the world, released two eagles flying in opposite directions around the earth at equal speeds, and the birds reached one another at a specific point above the slope of Mount Parnassus. Here Zeus placed a sacred stone called the Omphalus, or “naval of the earth.” A serpent, Pytho (son of Gaia) guarded the stone, until Apollo came and slew the creature, establishing the site as a divine source for receiving messages directly from the god of prophecy.
Before entering the temple, priestesses and pilgrims alike would wash themselves in the soul cleansing waters of the Castilian spring for purification. In a sacred, inner sanctum, the Pythia, (head oracle priestess) was said to sit upon a tripod and breath in toxic vapors (said to be toxic fumes from Pythos rotting body) from a chasm below in the cave rock. The fumes could have been methane or ethylene, while others have theorized, she chewed or inhaled smoke from Oleander leaves. The priestess then fell into a trance, and receiving divine inspiration from Apollo, spoke in tongues that was interpreted and translated by priests into dactylic hexameter (the poetic meter used in ancient Greek epics like the Iliad.)
The Delphi site was sprawling and complex; holding the religious temple of Apollo, a stadium and gymnasium for the Pythian games, an outdoor theatre, a hippodrome for chariot races, among others. There were three philosophical phrases carved into the temple known as the “Delphic Maxims.” They were; “know thyself,” “Nothing in Excess,” and “Surety Brings Ruin.”
Did I cover the main points of the Delphi? Do you have any other fun facts to add? Please comment below.
IF youd like to see more of my Greek myth illustrations, please click my linktree: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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rodrigoslay · 6 years
“Monstruosidades” y “discapacitados”: 40 años del “Show Freak” de la Teletón en Chile
“Monstruosidades” y “discapacitados”: 40 años del “Show Freak” de la Teletón en Chile
En 1629 uno de los seres monstruosos más extraordinarios de Europa visitó la corte española. Se trataba de dos hermanos italianos, Lázaro y Juan Bautista Colloreto quienes presentaban lo que la etimología latina denominó omphalus parasiticus, es decir, eran siameses, los cuales desde su nacimiento habían sido exhibidos, sobre todo en la ciudad de Roma. Así, a los 12 años, tuvieron el honor de ser recibidos por el monarca español, Felipe IV y donde fueron examinados por uno de los grandes eruditos de la época, Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658), quien registró sus observaciones en su célebre obra “Curiosa y oculta filosofía” (1649). Luego de esto, los hermanos Colloreto iniciaron un verdadero tour que los llevó por diferentes cortes europeas donde establecieron relación con reyes, reinas y nobles, este hito marcaría toda una historia de exposiciones lucrativas en torno a la presencia de sus particulares cuerpos.
No obstante, las prácticas de exhibiciones de “rarezas humanas” se pueden encontrar sistemáticamente desde el siglo XVIII en Inglaterra y Estados Unidos, formaron parte de las excentricidades culturales de la sociedad occidental, siempre acompañados de emblemáticas personalidades, como el caso del famoso empresario norteamericano Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891) quien fuera un destacado y pionero showman, político y presentador de las “monstruosidades” de la época.
A este conjunto de “espectáculos de fenómenos” se les llamó los “freak show” y tuvieron una amplia acogida popular ya que conjugaron las representaciones ocultas de un mundo sobrenatural, extraordinario, la divisa del mal y el engaño, con lo cual todas y todos los ciudadanos buscaban absortos satisfacer la curiosidad y el asombro en una relación con la fascinación. Son innumerables los cuerpos que se presentaban públicamente durante esa época: la “mujer barbuda”, “el hombre elefante”, “la mujer gigante Anna Haining”, “el enano del general Tom Thum” entre muchos otros. Todos requerían de alguna extrañeza corporal que pusiera en jaque la normalidad, y despertara esas emociones tan dispares que encontramos en el horror, el placer, hasta la repugnancia.
Por ello, eran tan esperadas las caravanas y la itinerancia que traían los shows año a año, la población pagaba importantes sumas de dinero para ver y encontrar alguna “monstruosidad” que reafirmara su identidad y humanidad. Que permitiera diseñar a ese “otro”, muy diferente a mi “yo”. Para conseguir una mayor audiencia, estos shows solían anunciarse y publicitarse en folletos que se distribuían entre la población exaltando las características del nuevo “cuerpo deforme o abyecto” que se presentaría.
Con esta introducción pretendemos ejemplificar la larga data y la estrecha relación entre el dinero, el espectáculo y la diferencia, como un circuito histórico que permite comprender, graficar y problematizar los engañosos ropajes que trae consigo estos 40 años del show de la Teletón. Advertimos que con esto, nos referimos principalmente a la campaña publicitaria y su propuesta televisada de las supuestas “27 horas de amor” y no a la importante labor en salud y rehabilitación que realiza el instituto.
Al reflexionar, notamos que son más de cuatro siglos de similitudes que demuestran la mala copia colonial que significa el show Teletón traída desde Estados Unidos y Europa, que no hace más que ratificar un anacrónico enfoque y una gestión de la diferencia que viene imponiéndose, y que lamentablemente continúa con nuevos ropajes y muy pocos cuestionamientos desde el sentido común.
En este nuevo escenario, ya no se requiere mostrar lo que sería una “excentricidad corporal”, eso ya viene explícito en el etiquetaje y diagnostico clínico, lo que hoy interesa, es el meta relato de vida, lo que los y las activistas refieren como la narrativa “porno inspiracional” aquella que cuenta y muestra a las niñas, niños y sus familias en su proceso de “resiliencia”, en la superación de la “tragedia personal”, para así los “capaces”, puedan afirmar su privilegio y satisfacción. ¡Que suerte que tenemos! Es decir, la explotación de la imagen e historias de unas personas en beneficio de otras, cosificando y convirtiendo a los niños y niñas en objetos utilizables.
Por ello, la “supuesta toma de conciencia” es a través de historias, que ahora, acompañados con nuevas tecnologías: cámaras HD, audios digitales, luces led, streaming, Facebook Live, son utilizados como artefactos con los cuales Mario Kreutzberger, el actual showman, va conduciendo las emociones durante el curso del espectáculo, este se va jugando en una perfecta sincronía con los montos económicos recaudados y el rating. Por eso las preguntas íntimas a los niños y niñas en el estudio son fundamentales, ya que despiertan encarnadamente esa vulnerabilidad que se quiere ver, oír y sentir.
Pero ya no es el enano del general Tom Thum del siglo XIX el cuerpo expiatorio, tampoco es el niño símbolo de la década pasada, ahora es el niño embajador quien concentra las miradas actualizadas sobre la diferencia corporal y la singularidad. Sin embargo, en todos los casos y tiempos, el requisito sigue siendo el mismo, tener la seguridad de exponerse en público y ahora bajo las cámaras.
En este tránsito, lo interesante es identificar ¿quién tiene la discapacidad?, pues ya sabemos que no sólo la encontramos en los cuerpos de los niños y niñas, como la concebimos tradicionalmente, sino que la vemos especialmente en el “público” que se dispone en familia y amigos a celebrar esta famosa “velada solidaria”. Ahí la “discapacidad” está puesta en esos cuerpos expectantes-pasivos que poseen la capacidad acrítica y superficial sobre la ciudadanía.
Por lo tanto lo “freak”, está puesto en todo el sistema operativo familiar, comunicacional, logístico, en el lavado de imagen, en las disputas entre los y las “artistas” para aparecer en escena. Ahí se ven “discapacitados”. Por eso cobra tanto sentido lo que se plantea desde el modelo social de la discapacidad, cuando refieren que es la sociedad entera la que debe ser rehabilitada.
Ahora lo monstruosamente excéntrico, sería, por ejemplo, las controversias y disputas que despierta la ausencia de la “vedetón”, con miles de comentarios en redes sociales y un amplio despacho comunicacional para terminar con una importante y exclusiva plataforma para exponer los cuerpos: “bellos”, “eróticos” y “capaces” que no hacía otra cosa, que seguir ratificando la funesta y narcisista sociedad heteropatriarcal en la que vivimos. Aunque las tensiones se piensan exclusivamente en clave sexista, quedando invisibilizado el núcleo capacitista que denuncian los colectivos de la disidencia funcional.
Todo esto confirma que la sociedad no sabe que los cuerpos de las personas que se relacionan con la diferencia son también cuerpos deseantes y deseados. De otra manera es incomprensible y absurdo que una jornada que supone la visibilización de la diferencia como valor, se siga vanagloriando justamente de aquel canon societal que oprime la diferencia.
Por eso seguimos insistiendo en que se debe acabar este “show freak de monstruosidades” y “discapacitados” que llevamos sosteniendo hace 40 años, y que exigir eso, no significa que rechacemos las importantes prestaciones de rehabilitación y salud para todos las niñas y niños del país o la región, o que las consideremos innecesarias, o que pretendamos criticar todo. No nos confundamos con esos distractores banales del “mercado”.
Seguiremos demandando los derechos humanos para todos nuestros niños y niñas por la dignidad irrestricta que les corresponde. Aunque esas categorías sigan generando una animadversión importante a un sector de la población. Nuestra misión seguirá siendo desmantelar esa falsa ideología neoliberal que perpetua la imagen individual de sujetos carentes y necesitados que tanto a costado desmontar y que mantiene en la precariedad a todo un colectivo de personas y familias.
Ante esto nos seguiremos preguntando ¿quién pone el límite entre lo legítimo y lo ilegítimo?, ¿quién pone la “norma” de lo aceptable y lo inaceptable?, ¿quiénes son los reales protagonistas?, ¿esta campaña cambia las relaciones sociales e injustas? Y aunque no parezca, tenemos esperanzas, el propio Mario Kreutzberger este año, ha anticipado por diferentes espacios, que necesitamos de un recambio. Ve un agotamiento del formato, ojalá este envión anímico sirva para repensar profundamente las estrategias y sentidos. Por mientras, insistiremos en el derecho a la denuncia, al reclamo y la indignación.
Por último, nos quedamos con Guy Debord (1967) cuando piensa en esta sociedad del espectáculo que responde justamente a lo que hemos visto estas últimas semanas con respecto al trato hacia el pueblo mapuche y que grafica especialmente, el show de la Teletón cuando dice que es el lugar de la mirada abusada y de la falsa conciencia, en donde la mentira se ha mentido a sí misma. Por eso dice que vivimos en mundo realmente invertido, en este marco, el supuesto “capacitado” queda intrínsecamente “discapacitado”.
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#ExtraNews: https://www.slaymultimedios.com/monstruosidades-y-discapacitados-40-anos-del-show-freak-de-la-teleton-en-chile/
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goldencondorny-blog · 6 years
Belly Button Bleeding Problems And What To Do About Them
Belly Button Bleeding Problems And What To Do About Them
The Belly Button Bleeding, technically known as omphalus, is a scar from your birth. It left there on your tummy once the epithelial duct is stopped throughout giving birth. Whereas it’s associated object of amusement for youngsters, some adults notice it sexy. Folks typically get the navel perforated too. But, correct care ought to be taken if you would like to avoid wasting yourself the…
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tylermileslockett · 1 month
Theseus #1 - "Pythia: Oracle of Delphi"King Aegeus of Athens, still childless, travels to the Pythia oracle at Delphi for advice. The Pythia, ever famous for her enigmatic and ambiguous prophecies, tells him “Do not uncork the wineskin until you have reached Athens.” Zeus, wanting to locate the center of the world, released two eagles flying in opposite directions around the earth at equal speeds, and the birds reached one another at a specific point above the slope of Mount Parnassus. Here Zeus placed a sacred stone called the Omphalus, or “naval of the earth.” A serpent, Pytho (son of Gaia) guarded the stone, until Apollo came and slew the creature, establishing the site as a divine source for receiving messages directly from the god of prophecy. Before entering the temple, priestesses and pilgrims alike would wash themselves in the soul cleansing waters of the Castilian spring for purification. In a sacred, inner sanctum, the Pythia, (head oracle priestess) was said to sit upon a tripod and breath in toxic vapors (said to be toxic fumes from Pythos rotting body) from a chasm below in the cave rock. The fumes could have been methane or ethylene, while others have theorized, she chewed or inhaled smoke from Oleander leaves. The priestess then fell into a trance, and receiving divine inspiration from Apollo, spoke in tongues that was interpreted and translated by priests into dactylic hexameter (the poetic meter used in ancient Greek epics like the Iliad.) The Delphi site was sprawling and complex; holding the religious temple of Apollo, a stadium and gymnasium for the Pythian games, an outdoor theatre, a hippodrome for chariot races, among others. There were three philosophical phrases carved into the temple known as the “Delphic Maxims.” They were; “know thyself,” “Nothing in Excess,” and “Surety Brings Ruin.”Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in Aug/Sept to kickstarter. to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
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