#on a tangentially related note unfortunately i need to finish the bts storyline before i can commit too hard to publishing botc
rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Sometimes when my OCs don't naturally have what I call a Wake-up Moment, which is the point at which I feel confident enough of who they are that I can just kind of ignore them and let my subconscious come up with new OC lore (manifested as them starting to "talk" to me and express some desire or opinion), I can kind of force the issue by meditating on the things I've established with them, considering the things that are still in flux, and reflecting on what would best serve their story. I call this "sitting with" them.
So today while I was doing a boring task at work I started sitting with one of the major villains of Blood of the Covenant, trying to suss out the last bit of his motivation that was still confusing me, and it was successful, and suddenly the last piece was in place and I understood him so much better than before -- and to be clear I do think it's a very interesting motivation, but in the moment all I could think of to say to him was, "Wow. Big Sebulba energy TBH."
So anyway, I haven't got anything else out of him since.
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