#on first read I *NEVER* would have guessed it was that deep for him ykwim?
deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
Just sitting here thinking about how Azriel admits he kept the headache tonic "just to stare at", which means by the time he received it he was already down bad enough for Elain to add that type of sentimentality.... to...headache tonic.
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kaiwritess · 5 years
Hi! Can I request a scenario where Oikawa’s ex which he left for volleyball then became a volleyball prodigy (Top one of the aces of Japan for Women’s volleyball) also who which he still loves, came to Seijoh for a practice match against their girls volleyball team whose ace is Oikawa’s current “fling” and won. During the game, Toru didn’t realize that his attention wasn’t on his “fling” but it’s on his ex making his “fling” jealous. Sorry if its random and weird, I LOVE YOUR WRITING BTW!
hi nonnie!! this is an awesome request. hopefully you dont mind, but i changed it up a bit. like instead of it being a practice match, it’s the finals of the spring tournament. thought it would give some more tension, ykwim? also, let’s pretend that y/n is a member of fukurodani. also, i wrote this so that oikawa BELIEVED y/n was trying to make him jealous, but in reality, y/n was only doing it for herself and her teammates. Y/n moved on from oikawa, and she learned her worth. She became a QUEEN (not that she wasn’t before)
Your Loss || Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You’re versing Aoba Johsai’s team for the finals. But. did you really get over your ex?
Warnings: none; just a sprinkle of angst in the end
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“Volleyball is my priority. You’re not.”
That was the last thing Oikawa said to you months ago before he left. You remember those words as if it happened yesterday. In the beginning, you were obviously heartbroken. Was the time you spent with him only one-sided? Did he ever love me?
All of those questions used to cloud your mind. It had even distracted you from the sport you love. Fortunately, you had a strong support system. Your friends were there for you. They got you through a difficult time.
Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Who knew that the pent up anger and frustration led you to become the second-best ace in Japan? Not only that, but you were the team captain. Now here you are, standing on the volleyball court, waiting to verse your ex’s school. This was the first time since your breakup that you were going to compete against Aoba Johsai. 
“Hey, Y/N,” a familiar voice snapped you out of your train of thought.
You smile after seeing who the voice belonged to. “Oh hey, Akaashi. Glad you could cheer us on. We all really appreciate the school spirit,” you said, motioning to the crowded bleachers.
“It’s nothing, really. Bokuto is already riling up the crowd,” he chuckled. “You know how he can be.”
Laughing alongside him, you heard your coach yell for a team huddle.
“Guess I have to go now. Wish me luck.”
Before you could walk away, you felt Akaashi’s hand grab your arm. You turned to him with wide eyes. “Oh?”
Akaashi took a deep breath. “I feel like you should know this. You know #4 on the opposite team? I think she’s their ace and captain. Anyways, Oikawa’s having a fling with her, so I think he might be coming to cheer her on. Don’t let him and #4 get to you. Good luck, Y/N.”
You stood there frozen in shock. A wave of emotions came crashing down on you. Questions like How long have they been together? Does Oikawa really like her?, and What happened to volleyball being his priority? clouded your mine. Great. Now your nerves got ten times worse.
“Thanks for telling me, “ you almost sounded sarcastic. “I have to go now. Enjoy the game.” Akaashi watched you walk towards your team. He gulped. This was either the best or worst mistake he ever made.
You didn’t listen to what the coaches were saying in the team huddle. The only thing on your mind was your goal to defeat Aoba Johsai. Demolish them to the point where the audience pities them. The team noticed your odd silence but were too nervous to say anything about it. Usually, you were the one who got the team hyped. So when they saw how quiet their captain was, it made them concerned. Ignoring all the stares, you walked up to the referee, ready to see who serves first. Most importantly, you were ready to face #4.
A brunette was walking towards you with the jersey saying #4. 
“Let’s have a good game,” you heard the ref say.
You clenched your jaw as you shook her hand. #4 leaned closer to you, only to whisper, 
“Heard you were Oikawa’s ex. He’s up on the left side of the stands cheering for me. Sucks that you're missing out on all the cute cheers he made for Aoba Johsai.”
By now, veins were popping out of your neck. Your face was bright red and you shook her hand as tight as you could.
“Let’s have a good game,” you said, dropping her hand while smiling passive-aggressively.
Set 1: Aoba Johsai- 20, Fukurodani- 25.
Set 2: 25 || 23
Set 3: 27 || 25
Set 4: 17 || 25
Set 5: 23 || 24
It was the match point of the last set. Your coach had called a time out as a way to let the team regain some of their energy. Everyone reached their physical limits. Now, it was only a battle of mental strength. You looked back to your teammates and saw them panting and crouching down. Sweat dropped from your forehead and trickled down to your neck. Surprisingly, you didn’t hear or see Oikawa even once during the match. Though, you never got the chance to even look at the crowd. There were far too many people. Perhaps #4 was lying about him showing up? No, that couldn’t be. It was the finals. Oikawa would never miss this. Your eyes trailed up to the stands, scanning for a face that was remotely similar to his. 
“No, no, no, no.” you shook your head. “We are not doing this. Come on. We have a game to win,” you scolded yourself. With one last, desperate look at the crowd, your jaw dropped. 
There he was, talking to who it seems to be Iwaizumi. 
He was staring directly at you.
“Oh my gosh,” the whistle blew, signaling the end of time out. “Curiosity did kill the cat.”
It was your turn to serve. The ball was thrown towards you, and you almost let it slip out of your hands. Your palms felt more sweaty than usual.
“Nice serve!” a teammate called out.
Taking a deep breath, you began to do your pre-serving routine. Once the whistle blew again, you got ready to serve. Right when you were about to hit the ball, a voice was heard.
“LET’S GO Y/N!!”
It threw you off so much, to the point where the ball hit the net. You turned your head around, trying to find the source of the cheer.
It was him.
It was Oikawa Tooru.
Turning back, you looked to see who was serving next.
Oh boy. It was #4.
To be honest, you were quite impressed by her serves. Although they weren’t as exact and deadly as Oikawa’s, it was still very good. It was almost as if he taught her.
If it weren’t for your teammate calling #4’s serve out, you surely would have tried to receive it. Thank goodness you didn’t. The score was now 24 || 25. Fukurodani was at match point again. 
“Nice serve! Let’s make it count!!” you yelled back at the teammate who was serving.
The serve was so strong, that even though Seijou received it, it went over to Fukurodani’s side, making it a free ball. This was your chance.
“Chance ball!” the libero announced.
“GIVE IT TO ME!” you called out as loud as you could.
It was as if time began to slow down. The loud cheers were muted. The pass was perfect. The set was perfect. Everything was perfect.
The next few moments went by faster than the speed of sound. Was it because you were in the ‘zone’? The impact of the ball left a red mark on your hand. You found yourself being hugged and jumped on by your teammates.
We won.
After packing all your gear, you began to walk out of the gym. A gold medal hung proudly from your neck. But before you could walk out, you saw #4 and Oikawa arguing with each other. You couldn’t tell what the conversation was about, but it surely wasn’t good. #4 turned to you and made dead eye contact. She walked towards you, and Oikawa was still standing there with his arms crossed.
“Good game. I underestimated you,” she held her hand out for you to shake.
“I guess you learned a lesson to never underestimate your opponents,” you shook her hand.
“I will beat you next time,” a small grin could be seen on both of your faces. “Oh, and by the way, you see Oikawa over there? Trust me when I say this, but he is not over you.”
The grin disappeared from your face. #4 walked away, leaving him and you standing awkwardly close to each other. 
You were going to walk away from him, but before you could do so, he called out for you.
“Y/N,” he looked more nervous than usual.
“If I were you, I would be going back to #4.”
He sighed. “She and I are done.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” you raised an eyebrow.
Oikawa’s face turned red. “Look. I just wanted to tell you something.”
“I’m all ears.”
“You played great. You surely got my attention towards you,” he smirked.
“Excuse me?”
“You played this hard to get me jealous… right?”
“You’re joking,” you scoffed.
Realizing the mistake Oikawa made, he tried to recover.
“Anyways, that’s beside the point. The point is, I was wondering if you would want to go to the local cafe together? Maybe catch up on some stuff,”
You looked at him, appalled by the words he said.
“You’re joking, right?”
“You don’t know how much you hurt me, Oikawa. If you did, then you wouldn’t be approaching me like this. Maybe uh, I don’t know, give me an apology?”
“I’m sorry Oikawa. I really am. But volleyball is my priority. You’re not.”
After finishing your sentence, you pushed past him, walking towards the exit. You weren’t going to let someone who hurt you try to get with you again. You learned from your past mistakes.
Oikawa watched you walk away in shock.
You’re the one that got away.
Thanks for reading!
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