#on that note we were ROBBED of Seteth and Ferdinand supports
noblestofnobles · 2 years
Manakete!Ferdinand lives in my head rent free.
I just think he’s neat.
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duskwitch · 5 years
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester Facts
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- NOBILITY™!!! Good, now that’s out of the way...
- “Eldest son of Count Gloucester”. Yes, if the wording can be trusted, there is more where he came from.
- Attended the Royal Academy of Sorcery in Fhirdiad two years ago. Fhirdiad is roughly as far away from Gloucester territory as Garreg Mach. Poor boy gets sent from one boarding school to the next by High Expectation Noble Parents.
- Starts out with an E+ rank in Reason, like Mercedes, who attended the same school. Anette, who had top grades, starts out with a D rank.
- Requires Charm and Reason for recruitment. The stat requirement reflects the quality a character respects/values in others and the skill reflects what they hope to learn from their professor.
- i.e. he cares less for your strength or skill and more for how likable you are. His A support with Byleth, where he calls them charismatic, makes that especially clear.
- The other characters who require Charm for their recruitment are Dorothea, Sylvain, Ashe and Hilda. (I’d call them the Shallow Squad, if it wasn’t for Ashe.)
- The other characters that require Reason for their recruitment are Linhardt and Sylvain. (Dude, you have a 30% in Mag growth!)
- Repeatedly denies being ”bound to his father’s will”, which really gives off the opposite impression. (It’s fine, Lorenz! I, too, keep telling myself that I don’t have to listen to my mom. And I’m considerably older.)
- Seeing how the Crest of Gloucester and the associated Relic are magic-related, you have to wonder if Lorenz wants to learn magic out of his own accord or to fulfill his parents’ expectations.
- His support with Byleth is all about “worth”. And while he talks a lot about the worth of others, he is most concerned about his own worth. (This becomes especially obvious in their S support! My poor heart!)
- Has an equal Str/Mag growth of 40%. His best stat growths are HP and Dex. Fittingly, his character-specific Combat Art is Frozen Lance. Overall, very balanced but doesn’t excel at anything. (except being a great bait due to his high HP and balanced defenses, making him highly punchable)
- Ergo, he’s trying really hard but isn’t as exceptional as he believes he should be. And he tries to cover up his insecurities by constantly talking about how great he is. He and Ferdinand are similar in that regard. However, it seems Lorenz is a little more successful in his pursuits. (except when it comes to the ladies)
- We were robbed of an A support between Lorenz and Ferdinand addressing that very issue!
- His weakest stat is Luck with a growth of 25%, which is the second-lowest Luck growth rate in the game. Characters with the same growth are Dimitri, Dedue, Bernadetta and Seteth. ... I am WORRIED about Lorenz being in that line-up! (only Lysithea, Flayn and Gilbert are “unluckier”)
- Shares his generic color scheme with Bernadetta. (...oh. Oh, no!)
- Criticizes Leonie for “thinking she could order him around“ just to let her do it anyway. Evidently, he prefers not to get into arguments if it can be avoided (even if that means doing something that he regards as “beneath him”).
- Doesn’t eat much, as noted by no less than 3 of his classmates. (Tho, I’m not sure Raphael counts.)
- Favors black tea. His favorites are Bergamot, Rose Petal Blend (DUH!) and Seiros Tea, which are the most expensive teas (that are not universally liked). fyi Bergamot is essentially Earl Grey. Black tea scented with rose petals originates from China. And Seiros Tea, with its description calling its flavor “fairly basic“ and originating from Almyra, is probably either Ceylon or Assam tea.
- Most of his preferred Tea Time topics can be summed up as: romance, pleasantries, politics and himself.
- Likes to sing. Though, isn’t necessarily good at it.
- Also enjoys dancing. And would win the the White Heron Cup no problem, according to Claude.
- Mom friend, as evident by his supports with Lysithea and Raphael. Will lecture you on your manners but will also provide any amount of tea, snacks and blankets necessary if you are unwell.
- See, this is where the phrasing in the bio confuses me! By his character, if he had any siblings he would be the doting big brother type. But then he’d at least mention his siblings.
- The texture of his 3D dialogue model has a shadow around the eyes. In his portrait these are just wrinkle lines but the 3D model makes it look like he’s wearing eyeliner. (And, personally, I think it looks really nice!)
And that concludes the Lorenz Hellman Gloucester Facts!
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