#on the bright side i am VERY excited for squishy cloud boy
justaradioguy · 1 year
"Let me help you."
It was a simple offer, one Kain would normally make to others even, but... not one he was sure he could trust.
He was already injured and displaced, after all. With nobody around that he knew, and with everything he'd encountered in this place so far having been hellbent on killing him or too wild to reason with, it was hard to accept that kind of offer.
But the person towered over him was not a beast or an animal, and he seemed safer than the option of facing off with another freakish monster six times Kain's size with claws that could probably slice through a train car.
It was a miracle he'd managed to get away from the damn thing- whatever it was- without something important having been hit. His pistol had certainly not been effective, and he had exactly one round left.
Well, vitally important, anyway. His right leg was no longer weight-bearing, and he didn't really want to know how it looked, either. As far as he was concerned, it wasn't any of his business anymore.
Finally, after almost a full minute of consideration, he decided that this guy was indeed his best bet right now. He was offering help, after all.
"Only if you tell me who you are," he replied, bracing himself for whatever pain he knew would come when he pulled himself out from the space he'd wedged himself in.
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alifeoflesbionage · 7 years
Malvie where Mal is secretly really scared of horror movies, but doesn't admit it cause Evie' s excited for a Halloween horror marathon please *for the ship short fic thing
Sorry this took me so long. Apparently I am incapable of writing simple stories. Everything always has to be so complicated! Who is good at writing things less thank 1k words? NOT THIS GIRL. Buuut anyway….I hope you enjoy it! Malvie is always so fun for me to write!
“Which one should we watch first?” Evie asked as she dropped a teetering stack of movies on the desk. Mal’s eyes wandered from the paper, to the movie, then to Evie’s face.
“What’s with the sudden horror obsession?” she asked and quirked a brow up at Evie.
“Because it’s Halloween! Haven’t you noticed all the creepy decorations around?”
“I wouldn’t call construction paper jack-o-lanterns and tissue paper ghosts creepy,” Mal grumbled and turned her attention back to her homework.
“M, come on!” Evie reached out and pushed Mal’s book away. Before Mal could protest Evie had grabbed her hands and pulled her up out of her chair. “Halloween was always your favorite holiday back on The Isle-”
“Yeah, because people know how to celebrate Halloween there. None of this cutsey costumes and haunted houses that wouldn’t scare a baby.” She crossed her arms and stared up at Evie with an impressive pout.
Evie rolled her eyes. “Since we can’t go torment kids I thought we could watch people on TV tormenting kids. You can pretend it’s you.”
Mal couldn’t help her laugh. “How thoughtful of you.”
She got up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Evie’s cheek to hide the pink that crept into her cheeks. Evie blushed and wrapped an arm around Mal’s waist. With one arm still wrapped around Mal, she used her free hand to scoop up the movie, and steer them both toward the couch in the corner.
“E, come on, I can think of a dozen other more fun things we could do,” Mal protested as Evie dropped her onto one side of the couch. She grabbed a fistful of the back of Evie’s shirt as she tried to dart away and pulled her backwards. Evie landed on the couch with an “oof”, and before she could get away Mal snaked her arms around Evie’s neck and leaned in close.
She let a tantalizing smile play on her lips as she leaned close enough that they could feel the heat of each other’s breath. “All sorts of fun things.”
Evie’s breath hitched, and she knotted her hand in Mal’s shirt. For a second Mal thought she’d won until Evie pushed her back and sprang back to her fit. “No, Mal. I’m going to make you have fun on Halloween if it kills you.”
“I think my idea sounds like more fun,” Mal grumbled. She slouched back into the couch and watched Evie slide one of the DVDs into the player perched on top of the TV. Looking very pleased with herself she turned back to Mal and sank down onto the couch next to her.
“You can put that pout away now,” Evie teased as she pulled Mal to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Make me.”
“I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m ignoring it.”
They both looked back to the screen as it faded to black and the movie began. Ten minutes into the movie, and Mal was glued to Evie’s side. With every scare she buried her head in Evie’s shoulder and tried not to scream; though, there were several involuntary screams that made embarrassment color her cheeks.
Evie’s fingers danced up and down her bare arm in comforting swirls, but it was not enough. By the half hour mark she was curled so tightly into herself that her joints were starting to stiffen and hurt. Her mouth tasted like blood from where she’d been chewing on the inside of her cheek, and she had her head buried in the safety of Evie’s shoulder more than she ever looked at the screen.
The sound stopped and Mal looked up to find Evie had paused it and was watching her with obvious annoyance.
“You know what, nevermind,” she grumbled as she pushed away from Mal and stood.
“E?” Mal watched confused as Evie turned off the TV and marched across the room.
“I know this wasn’t your ideal Halloween, but you don’t need to be mean about it,” Evie snapped as she spun back around.
“What are you talking about?” Mal demanded.
“You have spent the entire movie taunting me, playing like you’re some scared, wimpy kid or something. Yeah, I know nothing scares you. That doesn’t mean you have to ruin the fun for the rest of us.”
Anger burned bright in Evie’s cheeks as she glared at Mal, and Mal had to look away. She stared down at her hands still shaking in her lap as heat creeped into her own cheeks for an entirely different reason. Tension crackled in the air as she felt Evie’s eyes bore into her.
“I wasn’t pretending, okay,” she muttered.
“Right. Sure.”
Mal looked up, her eyes clouded with embarrassment. The anger melted from Evie’s face, and she stepped forward.
“You’re not scared of anything.”
“Well, I’m scared of horror movies. There. Happy?”
“Why would that make me happy?” she rushed back to the couch and caught Mal’s hand in hers. “Why didn’t you just say something?”
“Uh, I don’t know, because I’m big bad Mal  from The Isle - Maleficent’s only daughter. I’m not supposed to be scared of anything.” Mal refused to meet Evie’s eyes, but held tight to her hands.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, M,” Evie murmured as she guided Mal’s chin up so they were eye to eye. “I know about all of your soft squishy bits.” She cracked a smile and winked at Mal.
“Oh my god, Evie,” Mal laughed and shoved her hand away.
“That’s better,” Evie chuckled. She reached over the couch and pulled Mal into a bone crushing hug.
“You don’t have to hide this kind of thing from me, though, okay?”
Mal nodded and pressed a kiss into Evie’s shoulder. They stayed that way, Evie running her fingers through Mal’s hair and Mal listening the steady thrum of Evie’s heart. Neither wanted to be the first to let go.
“Should we go see what trouble the boys are getting into?” Mal asked as she looked up at Evie.
“I think they’re throwing water balloons at trick-or-treaters from the second story windows.”
A grin cracked across Mal’s face. “Now that sounds like my kind of fun.”
Mal twined her fingers through Evie’s and they rushed out of the room to see what mischief they could cause, the stack of horror movies abandoned and forgotten.
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