#on the context that El had just learned some horribly traumatic world-ending information
ace-and-ranty · 1 year
What drives me insane about the fandom’s reaction to the El/Liesel storyline in TGE, is that. Listen.
Percico, in the PJO fandom, has a major popular fic, whose entire plot centers around Percy cheating on his girlfriend with Nico. I loathe that fic. I hate it so much. I despise it. I do not actually like seeing gay ships going canon on the basis of cheating, because cheating storylines ARE THE ACTUAL WORST. The fic murdered Percy’s character (he would not fucking do that), it disrespects his relationship with Annabeth (HE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT), and in doing so cheapens and spoils the relationship with Nico which I’m here to read about.
El/Liesel was not fucking that.
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