#on the lobe. no actually a conch. maybe just higher up on the lobe. conch. lobe. conch? lobe... NO IT GOES ON THE CONCH etc. etc.
excaive · 1 year
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tfw new piercings
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darlingpeter · 7 years
longest tag game ever!!
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @maybe-mikala!! (and you can tag me in anything, friend!! :-) )
i know this is a total cop-out but i don’t have many friends on this blog, so if you see this and want to do it, please do!! and also please tag me!! and also come say hi and be my friend if you wanna!!
the last…
1. drink? water
2. phone call? my best friend kalli in terms of personal, but i called my boss today about my hours next week
3. text message? kalli again, whoops! we’re getting breakfast and burning all of her passed back papers from all 4 years of high school tomorrow!!
4. song you listened to? bad behavior by the maine!
5. time you cried? watching moana oh my god
6. dated someone twice? never actually ever been asked on a date or anything lmao so no
7. kissed someone and regretted it? also never been kissed believe it or not
8. been cheated on? see above
9. lost someone special? yes
10. been depressed? am currently and for the last 6 years
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? i’ve gotten drunk but never enough to throw up!
favorite colors
12. peach!
13. turquoise!
14. pale pink!
in the last year, have you…
15. made new friends? yea!!
16. fallen out of love? platonically yes
17. laughed until you cried? absolutely oml
18. found out someone was talking about you? yeah
19. met someone who changed you? yes yes yes absolutely :-)
20. found out who your friends are? yes (thanks senior year and graduation)
21. kissed someone on your facebook list? nope nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? all of them - also i just made my facebook within the last month ha
23. do you have any pets? i have two english mastiffs!! daphne, who’s 9, and bailey, who’s 3! they both like apple slices, being spooned, sunbathing, and sleeping. they’re both from a local rescue and started as fosters but apparently we’re an awful foster family because we have ended up adopting 2/2 times! 
24. do you want to change your name? i like my name now!
25. what did you do for your last birthday? i got thai food with my friends and took a good nap
26. what time did you wake up? 7:30 today to feed my dogs and then go to work
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? probably snoring lmao
28. name something you can’t wait for: i have a friend in the uk that i’ve been friends with for like 5 years and we haven’t met each other and we’re making crazy adventure plans where he meets me here first and we see all the good pnw sights and then i’ll visit him there eventually and there’s going to be hiking and beach trips and fun eating spots and movie marathons and i’m so excited
29. when was the last time you saw your mom? like 10 minutes ago when she popped her head in my room and told me she was going to bed
31. what are you listening to right now? the newest album from this group called A R I Z O N A because i love them and their music puts me in a chill vibe (also is question 30 like floor 19 in sideways stories from wayside school??)
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yeah! my uncle!
33. something that is getting on your nerves? why are some people so rude to people in food service and retail???? like have they never worked that kind of job and learned the value of just being tolerant and god forbid KIND to someone who’s just trying to do their job ugh (some guy literally tipped me after ordering and it turned out he ordered something he didn’t want??? so i brought it to him and he like yelled at me even though it wasn’t my fault??? and this was after the only other gal i was working with decided to take an unannounced thirty minute smoke break in the middle of a rush and i was basically about to cry and he told me that he was going to complain to my boss and then took his tip back out of the jar?? but yeah my boss called me and was like “don’t even worry that guy was a jerk and you’re totally fine” and that was my wednesday)
34. most visited website? either tumblr or my google docs!
35. hair colour? brown!
36. long or short hair? in terms of how long my hair has ever been, pretty short!! i’m going to get it cut shorter before i go to college though!
37. do you have a crush on someone? not currently! but then again i have trouble differentiating between platonic and romantic love in relationships in my life
38. what do you like about yourself? i’d like to think that i’m nice and that i help to bring out the best in the people i’m around!
39. piercings: i have my ears pierced and i want my conch pierced and a little baby septum ring!!
40. blood type: O positive, so i’m a universal donor! i also have lots of iron in my blood so i donate as often as i can :-)
41. nickname: em, e, emilia, lil bab, little e
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: virgo sun and pisces moon!
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: psych, shameless, masterchef, rupaul’s drag race
46. tattoos: i am an underage child
47. right or left handed: right!
48. surgery: none
49. piercing: ears only, single lobe!
50. sport: i played softball for 8 years (catcher and first basemen), volleyball for 6 (right side hitter and back row), but now i do track!! i do all 4 throws - shot put, hammer, discus, and javelin - was varsity both years i competed in high school, made it to the regional competition of the junior olympics, i won my conference and got 3rd in state in shot put, and won a track athlete of the year award from a local newspaper recently!! i’m going to compete in college and see how far it takes me! :-)
51. vacation: i count my day-long excursions as vacations and me and my twin sister recently spent a day at the oregon coast!
52. pair of trainers: ???
more general
53. eating: i hecking love dim sum. like all i need is a good hum bao and some soup dumplings and i’m good to go
54. drinking: ok but water
55. i’m about to: go to bed!! your girl likes her beauty rest
56. waiting for? someone right :-)
57. want? my next 5-6 years of school to be paid off lmao
58. get married? yeah! i’m hoping someday!
59. career? i wanna teach world history/humanities at a high school level or higher!
60. hugs or kisses? i’m definitely a hugger
61. lips or eyes? um um um eyes?? i guess
62. shorter or taller? it really depends on the person imo!!
63. older or younger? as long as the law is taken into account anything is good :-) 
64. nice arms or nice stomach? nice arms are nice but personally i am a fan of soft tums!! they’re so underappreciated!
65. hook up or relationship? relationship!! i like the idea of getting so close to someone that you know all their little quirks and like what they’re gonna say before they do and just like being best friends
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i’m mostly hesitant
67. kissed a stranger: nah
68. drank hard liquor: ha yes
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t have glasses or contacts!
70. turned someone down: yep
71. sex on the first date: i haven’t personally but i wouldn’t be opposed if i really liked the person
72. broken someone’s heart: i hope not :-(
73. had your heart broken: yeah
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: yes yes yes
76. fallen for a friend: i think so
do you believe in…
77. yourself? i’m getting better :-)
78. miracles? i think that the world just kind of goes in its own way and everything that happens is meant to!
79. love at first sight? yeah!
80. santa claus? nope
81. kiss on the first date? only if you wanna
82. angels? my favorite comedian says that an angel is someone who can make you laugh or smile in a situation where you think you can’t and i follow that belief!
83. current best friend’s name: kalli! there’s also beth, ahmed, celina, and melissa!
84. eye colour: hazel!
85. favourite movie: stardust, the a team, the secret life of walter mitty, school of rock, brother bear, ocean’s eleven, ratatouille!!
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