#on the platform Let Kim Dokja Have Love Handles You Cowards
coquelicoq · 2 months
i understand why de-aged kim dokja fics are so prevalent, and i love them. but what i really need is middle-aged kim dokja. salt-and-pepper kim dokja. crow's feet kim dokja. laugh lines kim dokja. dad bod kim dokja. spare tire kim dokja. receding hairline kim dokja. reading glasses kim dokja. it's not just that i think he would look distinguished (though he would), it's that here's a guy who thought he should die at age 16 (and a lot of other ages also) living to be old enough to show those extra years on his body. when he was on the subway at the end he was getting smaller and younger because he was fading away, he was scattering, he was ceasing to be the single entity Kim Dokja. so for him to be here and OLD and LARGE means he's staying. he's stable. he's committed. he's not running away! for a suicidal person to age and die naturally is very scary. you're relinquishing your one comfort, control over when and how and why it happens. that's huge! especially for kim "i've planned my strategy 99 moves in advance" dokja!!
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