#on the plus side most of my work friends do night shifts so theyre usually up at this time & i cant talk to them cus im asleep but not today
nerdie-faerie · 6 months
Lil timeline for my weekend thus far: wake up at noon on Saturday -> spend the day doing chores for going home -> stay up doing my assignment that's due while I'm at home -> go to bed at 2pm on Sunday -> get woken up before 9pm on Sunday by my mum asking me again about my travel time -> unable to get back to sleep before my alarm wakes me up before midnight -> leave the flat at 1am on Monday to catch my coach -> on coach from 1:55am to 1:30pm
It's currently 2am on a Monday
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
I have a request that’s been stuck in my head for a while... what if shes best friends with high school basement Gerard and therefore kinda Mikey- maybe its cold-shes at his house and theyre watching Star Wars and he asks her to be his (and Mikeys?) kind of +1 to a relatives formal wedding.. so he picks her up on the way and shes wearing a stunning lace dress and Gerards like.. ho holy shit.. (1/2)
(2/2) and he #Realises so they stay close the whole night and his relatives are like.. how long have u guys been together and theyre whaaat nooo?? Then afterwards she sleeps over at his and it’s all so fluffy. Adore your writing Love!! 
Death of a Bachelor
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female ReaderRating: GeneralRequested by: AnonWord Count: ~1,400Author’s Note: Ok, so I made one minoradjustment to this and I’m gonna have this set when they’re more like college-age,just to make it fit a little better to the vision I have
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“What is up gentlemen!” Youcalled as you entered Gerard’s basement room. He and Mikey were already downthere getting ready for your weekly movie night. You, Gerard and Mikey had beenfriends as long as any of you could remember and you were basically treated likeone of the family. Mikey even called you the sister he never wanted, whichalways resulted in you messing up his hair, much to his irritation.
“’Bout time, we’ve beenwaiting,” Mikey said with his mouth full of pizza.
“They wouldn’t let me offwork until the next guy came in, it’s not my fault! Besides, I brought soda andchips so shut up,” you retorted setting the bag on the coffee table.
“Thanks,” Gerard calledover his shoulder as he dug through the movies. “What did we say we were gonnawatch tonight?”
“Empire!” You declared as yougrabbed a slice of pizza and settled into the middle of the couch. Gerard sat downnext to you on the other side. He seemed like he had something on his mind.
As the movie played, younoticed Mikey had fallen asleep and you decided to get to the bottom of Gerard’sweird mood.
“Hey,” you whispered whileelbowing him in the ribs.
“Hmm,” he replied lookingdown at you.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Remember my cousin Jess?”
“Yea, she’s so cool.”
“She’s getting married ina few weeks, and she gave all her cousins who are out of high school a plus one.”
“Aww, poor Mikey has to goalone!” You giggled.
“But I was wondering ifyou wanted to go with me?” Gerard asked.
The question caught youoff guard. You and Gerard had spent most of your school dances hanging out withfriends at the movies or the arcade, not bothering with putting on fancy clothesor being subjected to the bad music. But the tiniest part of you regretted not doing the stereotypicalhigh school thing when you had the chance.
“Yea! That sounds likefun!” You replied with a smile.
“Yea, do I have to dressfancy?”
“Yea, so its ok if you don’twanna go anymore,” he said nervously.
“No, it’s ok, I wanna go,I wanna dress fancy!” You grinned.
“Ok, then we’ll go,” hesmiled back at you.
The evening of the weddingyou had butterflies in your stomach, but you couldn’t pinpoint why. You tuckedyour hair behind your ear and looked over yourself in the mirror when yourdoorbell rang. When you opened the door, it was Gerard. And he looked good.
“Wow, you clean up nice,”you said, feeling heat radiating up to the tips of your ears. He had on a nicesuit, his hair was freshly washed, and he even looked like he had gotten ittrimmed.
Gerard on the other handcouldn’t speak. You had found a black lace dress with a high collar and sheersleeves. The skirt that hit at your mid-thigh was a bit shorter than younormally wore, but with black tights underneath, you felt more comfortable. Youhad on black flats and your hair and makeup were done nicely, but not too fancy.
“(YN), you, you look reallybeautiful,” he stammered.
Your face lit up in asmile as a blush radiated over your whole face. “Thanks,” you replied shyly.
You both stared ateach other for a moment before Gerard remembered why he was there. “We should gobefore we’re late,” he said.
“Oh yea!” You grabbed yourcoat and made your way to his car.
You met up with Mikey and theirparents and found a spot in the pews of the church.
“Who the hell are you?” Mikey askedwith a smirk.
“Oh, I’m sorry, who isyour date? Oh wait, you didn’t get one, did you?” You sassed back.
Mikey rolled his eyes andsat back as the music began to play and the ceremony began. At some pointGerard started to get restless and put his arm over the back of the pew behindyour shoulders. You couldn’t help but let a smile play at your lips as you shiftedever so slightly nearer to him.
Then the part of the ceremonycame where the bride and groom shared their first kiss as husband and wife andyou couldn’t help but glance at Gerard out of the corner of your eye, only tofind he was looking at you too. You both looked away quickly when you realizedyou were both caught.
Once the ceremony wasover, the fun began: the reception. You and Gerard got drinks and found your assigned table for the dinner. Both of you had finally loosened up a little and wereback to your usual laughing and joking selves.
“Gerard dear, I didn’tknow you had a girlfriend,” an older woman said as she approached the table.
“What a cute couple, butyou’re both dressed for a funeral, this is a celebration! Maybe we’ll be atyour wedding next,” another woman said.
You and Gerard just lookedat each other with wide eyes. “Oh, no, we’re just friends,” you started.
“Yea, we’re not dating,” Gerardfinished.
The older ladies gave eachother a knowing glance as they moved on. The rest of the evening was spent with morecomments like that from relatives and family friends.
“I’m sorry you have to putup with this,” Gerard said quietly.
“I don’t mind,” youreplied with a kind smile. Gerard smiled back, when suddenly there was a flash.The photographer was going around taking photos of the guests.
“You two kids are so cute together,” he commented as he moved on. You both laughed nervously.
“Umm, wanna dance?” Gerardasked as he noticed the music had slowed.
“Sure,” you replied andtook Gerard’s hand as you made your way to the dance floor. He gently placed hishands on your hips as you draped your arms over his shoulders.
“Do you ever regret notgoing to dances and stuff in high school?” You asked to distract yourself fromthe fact that your stomach was doing flips.
“I didn’t, umm, until now,”he replied softly. You smiled back at him as you pulled yourself closer to Gerard,placing your head on his shoulder. He responded by holding you a little tighter as he rested his head against yours.
You danced for a while longer,and even Mikey came onto the dance floor when a fast song came on and you all danced like idiots,embarrassing everyone who knew you.
When the night was windingdown, Mikey left with their parents and you and Gerard headed back to his car.
“Shit!” You muttered whiledigging through your purse.
“What’s wrong?” Gerardasked.
“I forgot my keys and my roommateis out of town until tomorrow.”
“You can stay over,”Gerard suggested. You had stayed over with him before, but now things weredifferent. Something had changed tonight.
“Yea? Ok,” you replied.
You went back to Gerard’shouse and quietly slipped down into the basement. Gerard pulled out a pair ofsweatpants and a t-shirt for you and left you some privacy to change. When hecame back in, also changed into his pajamas, you were sitting on the couch.
“Can I borrow a pillow?”You asked.
“You don’t have to sleepon the couch,” he replied softly. You smiled, hoping that would be his reply. Youcrawled into the bed next to him and lay facing each other.
“I had a lot of funtonight,” you said.
“Me too, thanks for coming,”he paused. “You really looked amazing. I mean, I always have thought you’repretty, but,” he trailed off and you smiled at him reassuringly.
“Thanks,” you repliedsoftly. “You looked really good too. You were a really good date.”
There was a silence hangingbetween you that Gerard finally broke. “Would you like to go out with me again?”he asked so softly you almost couldn’t hear him.
You nodded. “Yea I’d likethat a lot,” you replied. Gerard brushed a strand of hair out of your face andyou leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
When you pulled back, hehad the sweetest, most surprised look on his face. You smiled and pressedanother kiss to his lips, and he kissed you back. When you pulled back, hewrapped his arms around you and you placed your head on his shoulder again anddrifted off to sleep.
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tenecity · 6 years
from haters to lovers; you zhangjing
library! au
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cr: @aestheticninepercent
sooooo AFTER MUCH procrastination and wrecking of my brains i tHINK I FOUND SMTH TO HATE ABT zhangjing so here we go
soooo ure a librarian at yr local library
its like a summer job, just to kill time. plus, there's the aircon so its a perfect job. for the most part
until that one boy decides to come to the library
you knw him
everyone knows him bc he is so loud. its impossible not to notice him.
he comes in n ure alr hella pissed bc
a. he is shouting at the top of the voice
b. his grp of friends r equally noisy its sounds like hell broke loose
c. he is munching on a bag of chips
if looks cld kill, he wld alr be in the grave.
now, being the nice, polite person u r, u control yr anger and v nicely remind him of the rules.
"if u dont want to abide to them, sir, u r kindly requested to leave"
his doe eyes just look innocently at yrs
and u roll yr eyes, shoving him towards the exit and walk away, huffing in annoyance
but as soon as u turn yr back
ajjsbsjsjsjsjsjsj THEYRE SO ANNOYING
so u tell them, once again to leave
but his eyes still reflect that same innocence
"will u pls-"
"but i hvnt done anyth wrong." he cuts u off, tone simple, almost hurt
and then u look at him and realise he's right. no potato chips and his friends r hardly making a noise
gritting yr teeth, u stalk off, annoyed tt he caught u off guard
for the next few weeks, he continuously turns up at the library
whether it is to annoy u or actl study and do some serious work, u hve no idea
the only thing u knw, is tt he never shuts up. no matter how many times u tell him to be considerate and be quiet, bc its a goddamn library he never listens. the moment u turn ur bck, his mouth opens again and nonsense sprouts out
how does one speak inccessantly for hours????????
AND THEN oml, one day he comes in and actl requests to be a librarian
yr head librarian finds his bubbly attitude cute so she passes him for the interview
u roll yr eyes as u bring him arnd, showing him the diff sections
ure so focused, u dont even see how bored he is, and how hard he is trying to remember what ure saying.
but, yr words still end up blowing past his ears, not a single word goes in
which is why, he ends up placing the books in wrong sections, messing up everything and you have to clean up the mess every. single. time.
buttttt...... its not like u mind
bc every time he messes up, his sorry brown eyes, pouty lips that spill multiple apologies is enuf to make up for it
him bringing u to eat is a plUS
by the end of summer, u've gained like 7kg
and somehow, between bickering across the bookshelves, between the cup noodles and luncheon meat, between the pages and covers, u gained affection for him
u dont knw how either
i mean, quiet pple hang out with other quiet pple, u knw?
but his loudness is endearing, his constant mistakes make ur stomach hurt as you laugh at his adorable apologetic look.
his chocolate eyes are entrancing, his smile, blinding and completely heart stopping
but it's terrible
he will never like u bck
ure quiet, shy, introverted, cold and not the least bit humourous
ure pretty sure someone like him, wld want a person who is equally bubbly and loud and happy
as the leaves start to float down frm the trees, and the days get colder, u cont yr job as the assistant librarian, zhangjing tagging along, non stop chattering
it seems like he doesnt notice how quiet u've become, hardly even speaking a word now, smiles never exactly meeting the eye
bc the more u look at him, the more u feel yrself tipping over the edge; the more paranoid and upset u get, bc u knw this will b a one sided, impossible love.
that is of course until one day he finally realises theres something wrong
it was in the evening, a break for all the librarians before the next batch comes in at night to study
usually, u wld take this time to rearrange the books and thats exactly what ure doing.
walking down the first aisle whilst pushing the trolley, ure not exactly comprehending what zhangjing is saying as u try to distract yrself by focusing on finding the correct placing for the books.
as u chuck a book bck into its place, u suddenly realise how silent it is.
"zhangjing?" u peer through the gaps of the books, but he's not in the second aisle, like he's supposed to.
panic rising, u urgently call his name as u rush to the other aisle.
"BOO" he whisper-yells into yr ear, his body flushed against yr bck, arms wrapping arnd yr shocked figure.
you turned arnd, ready to b annoyed and roll yr eyes, but the sight before u causes u to freeze
the sunlight falls softly on his features, casting shadows at the all the right angles that emplify his sharp features. his eyes sparkling with cheekiness, his cheeks lightly flushed, his lips pouty and extremely inviting.
you gulp and pull away, but zhangjing's not hving it
he firmly pushes yr shoulders bck, knocking them against the bookshelf, hands planted right next to yr forehead, trapping u between him and the wooden shelf.
"u've been ignoring me."
"no, i hvnt." u swallow hard, looking away, blush creeping up yr neck
"yes u hve. u dont even knw what i was talking abt just now, right?"
ur eyes focus on the floor, neither denying nor acknowledging it.
"what's wrong? why r u ignoring me? did i do smth wrong-"
"zhangjing, u didnt do anything wrong-"
"then why r u ignoring me? i invited u to eat with me thrice last week, and u didnt even accept at least one of them! u hardly pay attention to anything i say, and u hve that mournful look on yr face like someone just died! oh wait shit unless...did someone in yr family pass away? oh shit im so sorry-"
"my family's fine, zhangjing will be quiet for once?"
he opens his mouth again, abt to continue his rant when you decide to seal his lips with yr own
honestly, its a relief to finally cave in to yr desire to shower zhangjing with all the love u hve for him
emotions of the past two seasons flow through yr body and pass through yr lips, conveying the message of "i love u" through that one, light, gentle kiss.
u pull away, face flushed, eyes shyly looking up and they make contact with a shocked zhangjing.
"zhangjing?" a girl's voice travels down the aisle, light and delicate.
he hastily pulls his arms to his side, head turning as he sees his girlfriend at the edge of the aisle.
he looks despairingly, eyes shifting between u and the other girl
the word that passes through yr lips drive a dagger through yr gut, but u maintain the smile on yr face.
and he goes, causing the invisible string, that once connected the two of you together, to snap, as he walks further and further away; the recoil causing u to stumble bck, tears flowing down yr cheeks in a gentle stream as u nurse the pain deep in yr heart.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
5 People on Why They’re Spending the Holidays Alone
5 People on Why They’re Spending the Holidays Alone
There is a definite stigma attached to the idea of spending the winter holidays alone. It’s reinforced by movies like The Holiday wherein single women lament the prospect of a solo Christmas, general hype around gift-giving and all the other cultural clichés that seem to tell the same, repetitive story: If you’re alone this time of year, your life is lacking.
Like most stigmas, this one is due for a check-up. I asked five people spending the holidays alone in different parts of the world to share their particular reasons for doing so and what highs and lows they predict will come from the experience. No two answers were the same, and that’s what I love about lifting the hood on a preconceived notion and polishing away the rust of stereotype. The collective gleam underneath almost always tells a different story.
Kasumi Mizoguchi
Kasumi is a 25-year-old sales consultant at a software-as-a-service company in Tokyo.
What holiday(s) are you spending alone, and why?
I’m spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve alone this year. I live in Japan, and Christmas is actually marketed as a “couples” holiday here, so many of my friends spend Christmas with their significant others. It is comparable to Valentine’s Day in the U.S.: an occasion for a romantic dinner for two. You’ll see a lot of “gift guides for your significant other” and date ideas on magazines and TV programs in December. People talk about being single this time of year as something tragic!
Having spent time living in the U.S., my family still celebrates Christmas the American way — presents under the tree, a big homemade dinner and a cake — but because my parents happen to be moving back to the U.S. this month, I’ll be solo. It’s not that big of a deal; in fact, in the past, since Christmas isn’t a public holiday here, I’m used to treating it like any other day.
New Year’s, on the other hand, is a major family holiday in Japan. Everyone spends time with their parents or distant relatives, eats traditional New Year’s food called osechi, pays a visit to the shrine, etc. This year will be my first time spending New Year’s alone.
What are you planning to do?
Not much. Maybe cook myself dinner and read or watch a movie? Get a big thing of mint chocolate chip ice cream? The world is my oyster.
What about the experience do you think will be most challenging?
I doubt I’ll find it challenging. I guess it may seem a bit sad to some people, but Christmas in particular has no significance to me.
What about the experience are you looking forward to?
No stress, no fuss, no nothin’.
Molly Simeone
Molly is a 23-year-old registered nurse who works in a neonatal intensive care unit in Boston. 
What holiday(s) are you spending alone, and why?
I’ll be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone. I’m scheduled to work December 23rd-26th. I have worked during the holidays before, but at the time I lived in Connecticut where my family is and was still able to see them and celebrate after my shifts. I’ve moved since, so this year is the first time I will be truly alone. My roommate is also a nurse, but we are working different shifts — when I leave work for the night, she’ll just be clocking in.
What are you planning to do?
I’m working 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We’re having a big potluck and doing Secret Santa at work, which will be fun. My floor really goes all-out for the holidays. It definitely helps to have a “work family” when I can’t be near my actual family.
I don’t have any crazy plans after my shifts. I’ll come home, make dinner, shower and go to bed relatively early — lame, I know! My parents usually buy my sister and me new festive pajamas to wear Christmas Eve. It sounds cheesy, but I’ll probably put on an old pair just to stick with tradition.
What about the experience do you think will be most challenging?
Coming home to an empty apartment. To me, the holidays are about family, and being apart from mine will be hard. I’m sure they will try to FaceTime me into their celebrations, but it’s not the same.
What about the experience are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to being present for my patients and their families. While it is hard to work during the holidays, it’s even harder to be a patient in a hospital during this time of year. Since I work with newborn babies, they’ll be celebrating their very first Christmas in the hospital. We will do something special so it feels like Christmas for them, like make a craft with all of their footprints. Some of the babies are small enough that we can fit them in Christmas stockings, so we’ll do that and take a photo for their parents. We’ll also cover their isolettes (newborn infant incubators) with festive holiday quilts.
Julia Knolle
Julia is the 35-year-old co-founder and editor-in-chief of Hey Woman!, a web destination for smart and savvy women based in Berlin.
What holiday(s) are you spending alone, and why?
Christmas has never been my favorite holiday. Growing up, I had to split the day between the homes of my parents, who are separated. Eventually, I convinced them I needed this time to myself to recharge from work. After eight years of doing so, they now understand and fully accept this decision, which makes it way easier for me.
I also don’t subscribe to the tradition of forced gift-giving. There are so many other ways you can express that you care about someone. I occasionally visit my family after Christmas, but I only bring a present if I have a particularly good idea. If not, my homemade sweets will do.
What are you planning to do?
The Friday before Christmas, I plan to celebrate by finally leaving the office (which has been my second home for the last 12 months since I never got a real summer break). I’ll jump straight into my black leggings and ideally avoid wearing normal pants or jeans for the next two weeks, or makeup of any kind.
I have a pile of books begging to be read and a list of TV series I want to watch. I can’t think of anything more luxurious than being able to do yoga or go on a run almost every day of the week, whenever the mood strikes. Plus, I’ll have so much time to prepare healthy food, sleep as much as I please and get back into green tea to replace the slight coffee addiction that has slipped into my daily work routine again. I’m planning to put my phone away and on silent mode as much as possible.
What about the experience do you think will be most challenging?
Since this is my favorite time of the year, there is no challenge in sight.
What about the experience are you looking forward to?
As selfish as it sounds, I’m most excited about focusing on myself. The holidays provide a rare window of time in which I can really do that. Everyone else will be busy skiing, sunbathing or seeing their families, so no one will be offended when I go off the grid. After two weeks of unplugging, I think I will actually look forward to returning to work.
Travis Weaver
Travis is a 27-year-old stylist and designer living in Brooklyn. 
What holiday(s) are you spending alone, and why?
I am staying in New York for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Though I’ve previously spent the holidays apart from my family in Michigan (my boyfriend of seven years is from Australia, so we often go there or Europe for the holidays), this year will be the first time I’m spending them completely alone.
What are you planning to do?
I am planning on sewing my FW18 collection for my brand One DNA. In addition to designing and creating my own clothes, I also have a full-time 9-5 job, so I am taking advantage of the time off to sew. I will probably cook a vegan chili for myself to eat on Christmas Eve and Christmas.
What about the experience do you think will be most challenging?
I am someone who loves to be surrounded by people all the time. It will be challenging to not have human interactions since all my friends will be away, too. I might visit Prospect Park to get outside and see other humans, or maybe I’ll go ice-skating.
Not having a New Year’s Eve kiss will also be a challenge. My boyfriend will be in Australia with his family, so I will not get to physically kiss him, but we plan to FaceTime at midnight to say cheers. This will be our first New Year’s Eve apart since we started dating.
What about the experience are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to sewing. It’s my passion, but I don’t always have the time to devote to it during the busy workweek. Every time I sew, I learn something new about my machine.
I also look forward to snacking on all of my favorite foods (specifically chips and salsa, hummus with pita, and oatmeal raisin cookies) and watching TV or movies (Black Mirror is on my list, as is The Killing of a Sacred Deer).
Tiago Valente
Tiago is a 38-year-old multidisciplinary artist and creative director living in New York City.
What holiday(s) are you spending alone, and why?
I’m spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone, the perfect occasion to have a lovely date with my inner Grinch. I currently have no plans on the horizon and am therefore open to whatever my Grinchy side might desire. In the past, I’ve always tried to spend the holidays somewhere by the ocean. Part of my family is Brazilian, and I grew up following the Brazilian New Year’s Eve tradition of jumping over seven waves, one straight after the other. It’s a tribute to Yemanjá, the goddess of the sea. For each jump, you are allowed to make one wish for the new year. Even though I won’t be in Brazil this year, I guess the ocean is only a train ride away on the wonderful LIRR!
As a global nomad and researcher, I’ve spent the holidays alone in the past, but I’ve tried to reverse the stigma of doing so by seeking out compelling and memorable creative adventures. I’ve traveled to the middle of the jungle, coexisted with tribal groups, learned how to talk to volcanoes and developed art interventions in some of the world’s most unexpected places. However, this year, I choose to stay in New York City, and it’s just starting to hit me that everyone else will be gone…ugh. I’m trying to reframe it in my mind as an opportunity to continue my personal tradition of taking a situation that might seem sad or lonely on the surface and transform it into an exciting new adventure. My creative juices are already boiling in the kitchen.
What are you planning to do?
I’m going to immerse myself in a new adventure of public intervention and “invade” some spots around the city with a new art project. I can’t reveal much about it yet as it would ruin the surprise, but stay alert and start paying attention to the hashtag #talktoyouralterego.
What about the experience do you think will be most challenging?
The freezing cold weather! Give me tropical mosquito bites instead of runny noses and cold hands, please.
What about the experience are you looking forward to?
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned over the course of my past adventures is that creativity is a universal language that transcends any cultural, social or emotional barrier. Creativity brings communities together and initiates conversations. That’s why I am not worried about being “alone,” because aloneness is just empty space waiting to be filled with unexpected encounters and wonderful conversations. And you know what? I am ready to savor every little second of it. Ciao, Grinch!
Illustrations by Ana Leovy. 
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