#on tumblr it was twitch-plays-pokemon/twitchplayspokemon up until i got this one
rtgame · 1 year
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@andreeds @livatoseus (why won't it @ ?????)
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pioxys-twitchpp · 7 years
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Until Next Time~
Hey guys! long time no see. I'm here to bring you an update. Well, one last update that is, cause now I have to speak real level with all you cool followers who stuck with me over the years. ( I know it sounds cheesy and lame, but I couldn't appreciate you guys more than now in this period of my works, and what I do) After 2016's Phancero Era runs, I've been doing some heavy thinking. where should I go with my updates? What do people really want to see from this blog? Are there people who still follow the blog & the twitch Plays pokemon tags? Do I have enough time to keep sitting through each run updating you guys, compared to 2014 - 2015? (my best years on TPP) Most important, do I still have the passion to keep doing what I'm doing here?
So it might sound saddening when I say this, but I think we already knew this was coming for a long time now, to really not be surprised. It's time for the old TPP blog to close shop here. Truth is, my passion for twitchplayspokemon left a long time go, and while I visit the stream here and there, joke around with the friends I've met in the community discord, and post TPP works & lurk reddit on somewhat daily bases, everything related to twitchplayspokemon & Ask-TwitchPKMN been very underground for me. Also no this is not a leaving TPP post. I’m just closing this o’l gal of a blog down. Just keep reading for more details.~
To put it in explanation: It finally hit me that runs hasn't been the same ever since Prism ended. I hope that magic still been around for you guys in the newer runs though! For me I don't really feel it anymore. Now days I tune into a run for like the first 2 or 3 days, and then I tune out and come back if anything catch my eye happens. That or something comes up that makes me miss a chunk of it, and I lose interest. Then while PBR betting always seem to get better and better over time, it's just not doing it for me anymore. I just make my visits, bet, and go. Nothing else really to add to that. My creative drives (art, lore, etc.) have gone to other places. So not only I make time to update a run, I don't really post my TPP works here anymore. As you can see though, Ask-TwitchPKMN still up, and even that I struggle to get new comics out. Having updates to every week, to every month.  That's not even mentioning how life stuff either made me lazy, or too busy to do anything to keep updated here. So in the end, I'm just gonna leave it as that, and best safe to say it's time for this blog to finally have a peaceful rest.
I thank you guys really on all the adventures I got to share with you. all the wacky post, rage quits, sweet chin music to my hopes & dreams, random starmies, and sharing my passion to those who followed this era of my life in this blog. Only reason I didn't make this sooner was cause I thought I still had it in me to keep going. I did say "This is the year of the minun", but I was more inactive than I was in 2016. You only fail if you quit, and well maybe I am, but I think it's the right choice for this place to move on. I wanna make something clear though. This is NOT a "i'm leaving TwitchPlaysPokemon" post. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still around being a goofball furry in the discord.  I'm still lurking and posting new comics of Ask-TwitchPKMN over at TPPKappa subreddit. I still post new pictures here and there when a run happens to help with lore and cool art. I just feel announcing this is the best way to go, and not look back, and if I do manage to come back here, it's gonna be for a special run. No not Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon, or a future run that involves gen 8 on the switch. I'm talking about some kind of super special anniversary run, or a run that's declared the final run of TwitchPlaysPokemon. So that leaves me with this final segment:
Where do I go to follow you now then?
Well since my original Tumblr is dead in the water too (seriously i never update it), you can see what I'm doing here in my deviantart. I update like a slug there, but at least you get to see way more often  journals what I've been up to, hows life, some silly comics & pictures, and any updates to newer comics like Ask-TwitchPKMN/Solareon Wars.  I'm also still around on the TwitchPlaysPokemon subreddit & community discord to be a goofball with anyone there. Trust me it can get wacky and weird 50% of the time, but the people there been fun and good to me. Hope they will on your end too.
Hmmm anything else? I guess I should talk about the status on ASk-TwitchPKMN too. Simply put: I'm not being consistent on uploads anymore. It's where I want, when I want, which is why it takes forever to upload. It can be weekly, it can be monthly. I always try my best to get one out once per week. This week I got lucky and did 2 uploads! :D  Other then that, I'm going to be focusing on the current Sol Wars stage before adjusting the changes to final act. I've opened a series 2 blog, but trust me, nothing gonna go on there for a long time. I just made this for a fresh new start, and the day I am ready to work on it. I'll be trying to get more busy on my TPPDev team work too, since I've been lacking this entire year. Trust me the projects we're working on might actually get you very excited in the future! So look out for that eventually.
Well with that said, it's time to for me to roll. Hope to see you guys whether if it's chatting, asking in ATP8+, or mostly following my works on deviantart & reddit. Until that one special status run happens, it's time to let this blog sleep for good. 2,292 wacky post, 463 followers to see it all. It's literally been a great run here. Stay pretty and hope you have a fantastic week from here on out. :3
Pioxys Out~
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