#once again feel free to reblog and promote your favorite! and be cool to each other!
sekai-no-koi · 5 months
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sircnss · 4 years
So, you want fill out a bracket
[insert captain america gif here]
@nctphx @acetrainermj @violagoth @chocolatspring @noonachronicles @uwunnie @little-writing-worm @aerislulu
I have made what I hope is a cohesive tutorial on how to fill out your brackets and whatnot. If you do have any further questions, please feel free to message me and I can always help out.
 Everything will be under the cut to save your dash
But FIRST, why am I doing this again?
We lost all our concerts for the year (ty stray kids and eric nam for being the only in person concerts I got this year), I lost the opportunity to do poorly in the actual college basketball March Madness and we all need a tiny bit of fun in some form this year! All without having to actually leave and it is SUPER low stakes.
 In fact, I do all of the work and you guys just campaign your little hearts out for your favorite album because the more votes (voting will take place on a google form, which will be covered later) the better and it makes the races more fun for me to watch.
The idea of a fandom March Madness started from a livejournal community waaaay back in the day and I never did well in that either lmao so the idea is 1,000% not mine originally.
tl;dr I participated in this back on LJ in the 2010s, it was fun and low stakes, I added the prize element in the middle of the March Edition.
For purposes of this tutorial, I’ll be using a shortened version of the March Madness bracket.
Step one.
I will send you a link to the main bracket which is being done through Google Sheets, what I need you to do is to make a copy and title it [YOUR NAME]’s Bracket and then fill out the entire thing and then share it with me with editing access. I will most likely be making a copy for myself but I will only be editing yours to strike-through the loser of the round and bolding the winner so you don’t have to! Once you make the copy and shared it with me, all you have to really do from there is sit back, relax and vote/promote. 
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The first bracket, I believe it says Round of 64 on the bottom tab is the one we will be using!  
Step two.
Below is what the contenders list looks like! In the case of song showdown, it’s done in groups and then ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE. This gets generated into the brackets!
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Step three.
Click on the little check box for the choice you want, it will automatically move that choice to the next round.
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Here it is again with the entire second round picked out, notice that nobody has been selected yet for the following rounds
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Step four.
Repeat what you did in step three for the remainder of the rounds. Pick your favorite for each round and then repeat until it’s all filled out and you get a champion, your champion. The pick you know is that bitch and everyone else is wrong.
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Step five.
Vote! How? You say? I will be obnoxious for approximately 3 days with reblogging a link to a google form where you can cast your votes.I’ll be tagging you in the initial post so you don’t get surprised when you see it the fifth time and your name suddenly has appeared. Share that post, bribe your friends, family, dogs. Campaign if you want! If you do campaign I will reblog it and come up with a tag to follow so you can see the cool campaigns. If I was graphically inclined I would do it for you but...I’m not. Anywho
The points!
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If you look at this spreadsheet, you’ll see how many points each round is worth and how I let the spreadsheet do the math from there. 
I believe that covers everything! Again, if there’s any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.
My goal is to have the first round officially start on Tuesday, September 8th. So please expect a message this weekend with the link to the main bracket! Please remember make a copy, fill it out through the end and then share it with me again so I can make my own copy to keep track of the points and make the appropriate notations (bold and strike-through) with each round.
FAQ (these questions aren’t frequently asked but they could be)
1. March Madness made sense, why are we doing albums when it’s called September Song Showdown?
I was going to do this in April as a song showdown and now I realize it could have been April Album A-Something, but albums are easier to pick than songs and it’s September now. Maybe next September it’ll be a song Showdown.
2. You mentioned prizes???
Yes! I had a couple of friends who aren’t into kpop participate and I bribed them with a prize if they won and stuck to it when @chocolatspring won! Even though Gaby didn’t get her prize until like 2 weeks ago but it’s fine, I’ll be more on top of it this time just in time for the December holidays!
3. How do you know who goes in what spot?
Random.org/lists! I shuffle them 5-10 times and then go through and put them on the main spreadsheet, shown above in the actual tutorial.
4. How do you figure the points?
Spreadsheets, baby! Each round is worth a certain number of points, each album you pick that goes on to fight the next round will earn so many points, those points are then added up and triple checked before I put them on a separate spreadsheet. The spreadsheet does the math from there. 
5. I won, so now what?
Congrats! You have the best intuition and convinced enough people to vote for your fave! On top of being announced as a winner on the final post, I’ll message you and you let me know what your choice of prize is (an album of your choice, a gift card or something else).
5.2 Wait, is this free?
20 bucks, venmo me. Kidding. The only person this will end up costing money for is me. Which is why when I say an album of your choice within reason, I mean I’m not going to say you're limited to a price range, but like...I can’t do a crazy expensive album.
6. What happens if I end up tanking just after the first round?
There’s no coming back after a bad round so welcome to...a second chance bracket! I don’t know how to do that yet, but you can continue to vote, promote, whatever your heart desires, but there will be a small thing I haven’t figured out yet for the person with the least amount of points.
7. Are you participating?
Yes! I don’t gain or lose anything from this so my points don’t really count. So if I do end up winning, the next highest amount is the actual winner.
8. Just to be clear, can people not filling out the brackets vote in the polls?
Yes! Share it on your twitter, reblog the post on your tumblrs! The more votes the merrier! Heck, I got my mom to play in March and showed her pictures and she chose based on that alone for her voting. 
9. How long is each voting round going to remain open?
5 days. Rounds will be open Monday-Friday, I will make the initial post Monday and share it again throughout the day, a reminder on Wednesday and then finally on Friday with plenty of time before the form closes. Results will be shared Saturday afternoons and I will spend Sunday getting the new round ready. 
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missdaviswrites · 5 years
Fic Writer Intro--MissDavis
I just got back from @ficwritersretreat2019, where we talked about ways to support and promote other fic writers. One idea was to write introductory posts for ourselves, then reblog each others’ posts to spread the word to all our followers. Below I have tagged the other writers who went to this year’s retreat, but even if you’ve never been, feel free to introduce yourself and your own writing. If you tag me, I'll reblog your post, too! 
I’m MissDavis and I've been writing BBC Sherlock fic since shortly after s3. Most of my work is Johnlock with some occasional Johnlockary thrown in for good measure. Here’s the link to all of my writing. If you’re looking for something specific, here’s a breakdown by ship and length, along with summaries from AO3:
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Long fics (50-100+K):
Breakable rated E After John is seriously injured, Sherlock struggles to figure out how to help him, keep himself sane, and maybe, just maybe, get their life back to the way it’s supposed to be. Part 1 of the Breakable Not Broken series.
Full Court Press  rated E College basketball AU: Sherlock is the team’s best shooter. John is the team’s best ball-handler.
Side Effects rated E WIP, currently 10/17 chapters now complete! Sequel to Breakable. Life is a lot better for Sherlock and John than it was a year ago. Yes, John still can't walk and Sherlock is still on antidepressants, but they're married now, and almost everything else is back to their version of normal. They have a dog. Sherlock's solving cases again. But when Moriarty learns of their marriage, he escapes from prison and takes it upon himself to make their lives miserable. Is Sherlock really up to the challenge of catching a criminal whose only goal is to make sure that he and John don't live happily ever after?
Mid-length fics (10-35K):
Chaperones  rated T "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie’s class and you won’t have to share a room with a stranger?“
Christmas With You rated T Watch Sherlock, John and Rosie over the years as they celebrate the season as only they can.
Welcome Christmas  rated T Join John and Sherlock at Baker Street as they celebrate Rosie's first Christmas and beyond. From Rosie crawling around the flat as they tiptoe around each other en route to their first kiss, to a happy retirement with a young grandson who wants to be just like Grandad and Papa, this fic shows how Sherlock and John celebrate Christmas together through the years.
Breaking Christmas rated M Join me in some established relationship Johnlock as I attempt to make Sherlock and John participate in some Seasonal Fucking Cheer. Ficlets that are part of the Breakable Not Broken series.
So This Is Christmas rated T Sherlock, John and Rosie celebrate the Christmas season with the rest of their family. It's not always perfect, but they all do their best. Most of the time. AKA the Christmas ficlets that include Eurus.
Clutter-Free rated E 5 times John made Sherlock clean up the flat and one time he didn’t have to.
Short fics (2K-9K):
The Librarians of Baker Street  rated E Sherlock is a cataloguer who's forced to work the reference desk once a week. Which he hates. Or at least, he used to hate it, until the library hired a new reference librarian. Guess who?
Just a Touch rated E John has trouble falling asleep these days. There’s one thing he can do that always seems to help, but he’s stuck in this hotel room with Sherlock and doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. How will he ever find relief and a good night’s sleep?
If You Lead Me rated M Enough time has passed since Mary’s death that John is finally ready to start a new relationship. With Sherlock, he hopes. But given Sherlock’s stated aversion to romantic entanglements, John is a bit worried about being rejected, and doesn’t know how to proceed. Fortunately, there’s someone who can help him along.
Sherlock Is Actually a Cat Person rated E John brings home a kitten. Sherlock is not okay with it.
The Last Time Alone rated E But it wasn’t enough, not for John. He needed more. He needed someone to hold besides a child, and someone to kiss on the lips and not just the top of the head. He needed sly looks across the dinner table and to know if he put Rosie to bed early he might emerge from her room to find a candle lit and dessert served just for two.
The One Where No One Proposes rated G Sherlock inherits his parents’ wedding rings. It’s ridiculous that they mean something to him. He doesn’t plan to do anything with them. Sentiment.
Equal Footing  rated E Sherlock had certainly never shown any interest in women’s footwear, or in seeing John appear as anything but fully male. But five extra inches—that opened up all sorts of interesting possibilities.
Very short fics (under 2K):
Dirty Laundry rated E If they got far enough along, John knew he would stop noticing the steady clanking thump of the washer, but so far he’d been unable to keep himself from being distracted.
A Boyfriend in Need rated G John's in medical school now, but it's Sherlock who's taking care of him today. A sequel to Full Court Press.
Rosie and the Rainbows rated M Sherlock isn’t exactly opposed to Rosie joining the Girl Guides, but he doesn’t really see the appeal, either. It ends up being much worse than he imagined.
To a Better Year than Last rated G After the life-altering events of the last twelve months, John is more than ready for the new year to begin. Short sequel to Breakable, from John's POV.
Training  rated G Sherlock had terrible running form; they would have to work on that later. For now, John just ran, happy that for once Sherlock was the one chasing after him.
Honey Bee rated G Rosie gets stung by a bee. It’s not a big deal, except that it is.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping rated T Sherlock and John return to the Holmes’ family home for Christmas to find that Mummy has redecorated.
Wrong Disc rated G Two years later and DVDs that Mary made before she died are still showing up every now and then. Thankfully.
The Cute One  rated G "This post says that whenever there are three people, there must be one who's the clever one, one who's the cool one, and one who's the cute one.” Rosie looked from John to Sherlock and back again. “So which of us is which?”
Better  rated G Sometimes the world just calls for a bit of comfort. A 221B ficlet.
Let's Go on a Family Holiday (& Then Not Leave the Room) rated T Sherlock looked up, noting that John’s bare chest lacked the glossy sheen of suncream that he had been anticipating. A 221B ficlet
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Could Be Fun 36K words, rated E This is the first fic I started writing when I got into the Sherlock fandom. John, Sherlock and Mary embark on a new stage of their relationship. Nine chapters of smut and snark, canon-compliant through series 3.
The Life We Choose 16K words, rated M Based on the "30 Days of Sherlock Challenge,” a series of ficlets from the points of view of Sherlock, John, Mary, and, of course, Alice Watson: I have three parents. Some of my friends have three, too, or even four, but none of them has three who all live together, which makes me the luckiest out of all my friends.
Imagine the Christmas Dinners 15K words, rated M A series of Christmas-themed ficlets, featuring Sherlock, John and Mary over the years, with appearances by Baby Watson, Mummy Holmes, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade.
Better Off Together 9K words, WIP, now complete at 16K! Rated M What if everyone lived happily ever after? Yes, I’m still writing this, maybe 1 or 2 chapters left to go!
An Afternoon Interruption 7K words, rated E Still the only John/Sherlock/Mary/Sally fic on AO3!
The Clothes You Once Wore  4K words, rated E Mary took a deep breath and conceded to herself that maybe she did want to put on the assassin outfit and tie him to the bed and have her way with him. Maybe Sherlock had just known it before she did. Possibly my favorite short fic I’ve written.
Got You Pegged 2K words, rated E Sherlock could think of six different ways they could make it fit using common household items he had in the flat, but he didn’t think he could wait that long.
The Space Between 2K words, rated E This one is really more Johnlock than Johnlockary. Written as part of the Come At Once 24-hour porn challenge.
Safe Not Sound   2K words, rated E "Oh, come on. I'm willing to put up with all this 'gun safety' nonsense you and John are insisting on, the least you could do is give me what I want in return."
Brand New Day 1500 words, rated T Breakfast, babies, and three people trying to do their best.
While You Were Sleeping  1K words, rated E “We—” Mary started and Sherlock pressed his fingers a bit harder against her leg. She inhaled. “He’ll wake up.”
Storage Space  695 words, rated M Sherlock has his own space at John and Mary’s house now. The first fic I ever posted!
Bed rated T It’s a bit tight, but they all fit. A 221B ficlet.
Other Ships or Ship-free
All We Have  5K words, rated T, Gen. My angsty, pre-series 4 interpretation of what might have happened to a third Holmes brother.
One Night, Twenty Weeks 4K words, rated E, Mary/Molly. Mary has a problem. Molly helps her out.
Actually, the Baby Sits on You 3K words, rated G, Gen. Sherlock watches the Watsons’ baby for the first time.
Tea for Three 2K words, rated E, Mrs. Hudson/Mrs. Holmes/Mr. Holmes. Mrs. Hudson had been with many men over the years—older, younger, single, divorced, married and seeing her on the side either secretly or openly—but this was the first time she had ever been with a man while his wife lay right beside them.
Tiny Little Pieces 1594 words, rated G, John/Mary. They watched to the end of the DVD; Sherlock smiled and winked at them and John flicked off the screen again. “So. That’s Sherlock.” He gave her a smile that was even more forced than the one Sherlock had just displayed. “It’s funny. I’d almost forgotten what he sounded like.”
Not in the Job Description 1,505 words, rated E, Sherlock/Sally. The case has Sherlock stumped, and John’s not around to help him focus. Someone has to step up and help him clear his mind.
Once He Is Gone 1K words, rated T, Gen. John is fine at Sherlock’s funeral. Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s been to funerals for so many of his friends. Why would Sherlock’s be any different?
When Mary Met Sally 766 words, rated G, Gen. Sally stops by Baker Street with a case but finds out that Sherlock isn’t home.
Kick  Gen, rated G. Mary is pregnant, John’s not speaking to her, and Sherlock’s still in hospital. A 221B ficlet.
Tagging: @hubblegleeflower @pipmer @pippn-frodo @totallysilvergirl @daringlydomestic @prettyrealisticjohnlockfanart @cumberqueer @addictedstilltheaddict @disaronnus @weneedtotalkaboutsherlock @quantum-sparrow @blogstandbygo @amindamazed @fearlessdiva930 @onwallsiwrite
and tagging *anyone* else who wants to share--really, feel free to promote your fic!
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starry-kfics · 7 years
Hello!! So, I've recently taken an interest in ASTRO? And I was wondering if y'all knew of any performances/comeback stages/ whatever that would be good to watch to get a good feel of the group? You know? Lol, anyway, thank you for your time!!
i legitimately got so excited when i saw this ask bc one of my favorite things abt astro is their live stages and i have an entire playlist of my favorite live stages (from all my groups) so i’m hype to rec some for you!! literally any astro performance is good, they have such an incredible energy on stage and unique stage presence that they blow me away in every single one. i’ll go from debut up through crazy sexy cool [under the cut]
sorry if this is like way too much for you; if it is, feel free to watch just one from each era or something!!
cat’s eye
- quick breakdown of this song, it was like their predebut debut; it was the featured song in their predebut webdrama ‘to be continued’, and so the mv was released before they debuted
- mv - show champion live stage (cat’s eye + their other Fantastic Song polaris) (polaris is the origin of eunwoo’s iconic ‘gachi gallae?’)
hide & seek
- okay so now we’re officially at debut; their concept for their first four mini albums was to make one for every season, and hide & seek is the title track of the first one, spring up; also has the Most Iconic astro dance move imo (the lil pyramid thing they do @ the beginning w bin on top)
- performance m/v - showchampion live stage (i’m partial to the green outfits whoops) - dance practice (always watch to the very end of astro dance practices)
- first comeback!! this mini album is titled summer vibes and features literally one of the most catchy astro songs ever i get it stuck in my head once a week; another Iconic astro dance move is born with eunwoo holding mj and moving him like a lil airplane
- dance practice - inkigayo live stage (the orange outfits were the cutest fight me) - special stage (they’re wearing cute animal hats what more could u want; also, skip to 2:15 for the actual performance)
- this isn’t astro’s song nor is it even all of astro lmao; it’s a rookie special stage of knk, snuper, and astro covering exo’s growl. the astro members that participated are rocky, moonbin, and sanha!!
- link
can’t help myself
- this also isn’t the entirety of astro, just jinjin; it’s actually an eric nam live stage where jinjin was featured for the rap part!! he absolutely kills it, and he’s like bffs w eric now (fun fact: vernon from svt was featured in another performance of this song and did the rap)
- link
- this is another song from summer vibes that they were able to do a live stage of and it’s super cute!!!
- link
- boy oh boy autumn story was The Era for so many reasons but mainly bc confession is just such a damn good song (R-O-C-K-Y) and they promoted it really well too!!
- performance @ the 26th seoul music awards (not typical stage outfits for this era: RED AND BLACK SUITS) - mnet presents performance (filmed during baby era!!) - music core stage (red outfits were superior dont even @ me) - relay dance
- astro did special stage cover of shinee’s replay where rocky and jinjin sing (aka the birth of vocalist rocky, the best thing to grace the earth in 2016)
- link
winter dream
- i didn’t put a specific song, i just did the mini album title bc they didn’t really promote normally during this era with a bunch of live stages on music shows of a title track, they have some stages where they sing should’ve held on (also called again), and they also did some stuff with you&me, which is their song to aroha (their fans) saying thank you for everything and its real cute
should’ve held on/again
- dance practice - kcon la performance - kcon mexico performance - kcon japan performance (intro + again) - kstar live power music (again + baby)
- special ddoca (this isnt a performance its just them being dorky and cute;; basically a self mv of m&y) - astroad to dc (fancam)
don’t look back
- this is their first time on immortal songs 2 (i cant tell you much abt the premise of the show but from what i can tell they have to prepare a medley or cover or special performance of stuff and astro kills it every time)
- link
- the truly ‘refreshing idol’ era with dream part 01 and it’s also the one that made me fall in love with astro; their stage outfits are literally the best thing ever the aesthetically pleasing ergonomic lines and colorblocking makes literally every baby stage my favorite whoops
- performance mv - dance practice - mcountdown stage - 2x faster vers (from when they went on weekly idol) - relay dance
la bamba
- they were in mexico for kcon mexico and these kings of language did a wonderful cover of la bamba 12/10 would recommed
- link
with you
- their second time on immortal songs 2 and they killed it yet again
- link
because it’s you
- they had a couple short stages of it and its one of my favorite songs so
- link (short) - another link (short) - one more link (full; mwave meet&greet)
crazy sexy cool
- their most recent comeback song in dream part 02 (as of march 2018 when i’m writing this) and they finally have completely dropped the super cutesy stuff; this one was a much more mature comeback but they maintained their refreshing imagine somehow being ‘refreshing sexy’ idk what that entails but they did it
- simply kpop (leather jackets lord have mercy) - dance practice - special dance practice (they goof off and they’re six entire dorks that i love so much) - relay dance - music bank (red!!suits!!) - mbc music (arohas are in the background making shapes and words with little white papers or smth its so cute!!)
- they also did full and short stages of this upbeat ballad (is that even a thing) from dream part 02 and its real cute; vocalist rocky has returned to murder us all and jinjin gets to sing again (he’s rlly improved since the last time im proud of my sweet rap boy)
- show champion (short) - simply kpop (full) - mwave meet&greet (full)
beautiful lady
- their third time on immortal songs 2 and this is by far my favorite its funny and well done and just some hq astro content
- link
to you
- they went on a show called sugarman 2 (again, idk much abt the premise of the show but they were on the same ep w red velvet which was cute) and im p sure this is a song cover but anyway i love it a lot (and there’s a pro recording of it available on apple music)
- link
christmas songs
- they had a couple christmas special stages this season that were absolutely adorable
- carol medley - must have love
so that was my list of astro live stages that i hope will help you!! i’m sorry if its too much, i kinda went overboard bc i love pretty much each and every performance they do
i went back to look @ the original ask and i realized that u wanted just a few to get a feel of the group but instead i spent 1.5 hrs making an exhaustive list of quality astro live stages my bad my true trashy aroha self is showing again
if there’s other arohas who have some more good live stages to add, feel free to reblog with those links!!
- mel
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
FAQ: Chasing Sunsets by Kaye Allen
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Hi everyone!
So last Friday, I finally announced the title and revealed the cover of my upcoming book: “Chasing Sunsets: Love & Wonders Anthology”, published under VRJ Books.
Here are the details! And the questions you’ve all been asking me about it. :)
On Book Details
What is your book about?
Chasing Sunsets is a short story collection revolving around the theme of love and magic. :) A fairytale of sorts, I guess you could say, which features tales set in the ancient times and the contemporary era as well. 
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, YA
Audience: I had a mom ask me if it’s for teens haha This book falls under the Young Adult genre, but I’m sure people of all ages would enjoy it. 
Read the blurb
When will the book be released?
Early September! I’ll update you guys on the specific date once I receive word from my editor.
Where will it be sold?
The book is marketed in the Philippines and will be available in all National Bookstore branches.
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Oh no, I don’t live in the Philippines… Can I still buy it?
YES, definitely! National Bookstore has an online website where you can place your orders for international shipping. Check out this link to see the rates. If you don’t find your country, don’t panic! On the last row of the table, you will see: ‘REST OF THE WORLD’. lol
*For international deliveries, standard delivery schedules apply.
How exactly do I order from National Bookstore?
Don’t worry, they have a FAQ on how to order and shipping too! CLICK HERE.
How much will the book cost?
The book is PHP 195.00 (so about $3.81)
On Writing
Since this is an anthology, what was your favorite story in it to write, if you can even choose just one, and why?
Good question! And a very hard one at that…haha! I’m a bit torn really, but I guess I would have to say I enjoyed writing “Chasing Sunsets” a lot which is the story this whole collection was named after.
I chose this particular story because it was what inspired me to create this anthology in the first place. It’s the story the bound it all together.
Will your new book be something you’ve written before and posted on your sns? Or it’s a completely new book that we haven’t read or seen before?
Both. ;) I’m sure you guys remember that I’ve taken down some short stories from my blog… keke~ But don’t worry, it’s been revised and there are added scenes too!
And yes, Chasing Sunsets is actually one of the original stories I had up on my blog a long time ago. You won’t find the stories on any of my accounts anymore as I’ve already taken them down. If you want to read them again, it would have to be through this book. <3 
What your most frustrating and memorable memories while you writing, editing and publishing the novel?
Funny thing: collectively, this book took about 4 years to write. They were written throughout my “blog years” and one of the stories was actually a homework I did back in college.
A memorable memory? I guess it would have to be receiving the very first email from my publisher. I started submitting my manuscript to local publishers around March (I wanted to try doing it locally first before submitting to bigger international ones later this year…). I received the email on May 30th, which also happened to be my sister’s birthday. It was a wonderful, double celebration. <3
Frustrating… I guess it would have to be the whole editing process. It’s really hard to proofread because you have to go through the piece over and over again and make sure that technicalities are correct and stuff. I didn’t get changes on the story itself which is great, so it was basically just proofreading the book. 
What and who inspires you to write this fantasy love story?? Also, will there be angels and demons in this one?
Each story had their own inspiration. One of them was from BTS’ song “Spring Day” and another would be a quote I saw while I was browsing online. But what inspired me to create this entire collection was that the love and support I’ve been receiving from the people around me on my writing for the past few years. 
After seeing your encouraging comments and reviews, I thought that perhaps it was time to do something about my dream of being published. And so I got to work immediately… and thankfully, became successful. <3
Unfortunately, there are no angels and demons… There are other immortal & fantastical beings in this one though. ;)
What are your future plans after you released your 1st book?
To release a 2nd book! I’m currently working on a novel manuscript which I’ll be submitting to international publishers later or early next year (depending if I finish editing and proofreading).
I’m still working out on a follow-up book for VRJ Books; thinking whether I should go for another collection or a full-length novel this time.
And of course, the writing continues. I want to become a full-time writer someday so I’ll still be crafting stories when I can (for my career and for this blog). 
On promotions
Will there be a launch event and book signing?
Yes :)  I was just informed by my publisher that I will be at the Manila International Book Fair on September 15 (Mall of Asia SMX Convention Center) for the launch event with VRJ Books. There will be a book signing activity, then. Hope to see you guys! <3 
(Time of the event, to be announced)
I might do some school talks too; to promote my book. :)
How can I help promote your book?
By sharing my posts! Just by reblogging, retweeting, and sharing my posts about the book is a big help in getting my work around. Tell your family and friends about it too! Follow me on FB, Twitter, and Instagram! 
Once the book is out and you’ve gotten a copy, it would be cool if you could take a picture with it and post it on social media. Make sure to tag me on any of my social accounts and use the hashtag #ChasingSunsetsBook along with your posts. <3
Book Reviews are also very welcome! Just tag me so I can share your posts! My social handles are on my blog homepage.
If you live in the Philippines (or you’re here on a trip), dropping by the launch event would be a great way of support! Plus, I get to meet you, sign your book and we can take some awesome pictures! And who doesn’t want to go to a book fair?? It’s going to be fun! I go to the fair every year :D I met some of you already and I hope to see new (and familiar) faces at the event too. I’m really excited! 
Will you have a book giveaway?
Definitely want to do one. :) I’ll announce once we have everything settled. 
If you have other questions that was not covered by this post, feel free to message me! And do please share this post for everyone to be informed. :) Upon the release of my book, I’ll be posting some surprises so please do look forward to it too!
I also wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful support. The book hasn’t come out yet but your excitement and anticipation for it is truly overwhelming and I’m so grateful! I hope that when you do purchase and read it, you’d love it the way you’ve loved the stories I’ve written before. This is made with much love and passion as my other stories and I promise you won’t be disappointed. :) 
I hope this collection would tug at your heartstrings and make you smile… cry… and make you believe in love and its wonders. Because truly, it’s the most wonderful thing we have in this world. 
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- Kaye Allen
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Patty Tolan and Abby Yates Appreciation Weeks!
Are you sick of seeing irrelevant or horrifying posts that completely erase two of our favorite ladies? Have you had to unfollow your favorite character's tag because it was too disheartening? Are you fed up with Patty and Abby getting treated like $h*t by fandom? THEN THIS EVENT IS FOR YOU!
When: February 25 - March 11
What: post headcanons, meta, gifsets, photosets, fan art, fan fic, fan vids, fan mixes, fic recs, favorite quotes, favorite moments, just shout I LOVE PATTY TOLAN or I LOVE ABBY YATES from your rooftop -- share whatever you want! The goal is simply to show our ladies some love <3
Who: YOU!!! and the character appreciation blogs @actualsunshinepattytolan and @abbygreates
Participation is obviously not mandatory. Participation everyday is not mandatory. Just post whatever you can, whenever you can. If you want to start early? Great! If you want to post only once for each character? Cool! You want to make five million posts every day for the rest of your life? FANTASTIC! Do whatever you want!
Afraid you can't prepare anything in time? Fear not! The Abby and Patty blogs won't be going away. They will continue to reblog your character adoration whenever you're able to post. :)
Feel free to mention either @abbygreates or @actualsunshinepattytolan in your post. There's also the Ghostbusters Appreciation Week tag that we'll be checking, as well as braving the general Abby and Patty tags to track down stray posts. All* appreciation posts will be queued up and reblogged by the promoters.
* we say all but really we mean "all the posts we manage to find AND don't perpetuate harmful stereotypes or tropes". What counts as a harmful stereotype will be left up to the judgement of the promoters, but basically anything you've seen chattered about by Those People isn't allowed. That's the kind of stuff we're trying to escape from thanks.
Need some inspiration? Consider these themes:
canon moment
a childhood event
favorite ship
family backstory
song you associate with them
future headcanon
your most burning question about this character
what do they have set as their phone's background and lockscreen?
what's something this character has changed their mind on?
thing about this character that makes you cry
who is this character's celebrity crush?
Now let’s make the Patty and Abby tags actually focused on Patty and Abby again! \0/
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venhedish · 3 years
Tagged by @fallcolorspringrapid in this tag game! Thank yew, frand.
1. why did you choose your url? It's a swear word in the Tevene language from Dragon Age. No idea what it means as it's never been officially translated afaik. I like to think it means 'cunt' because that's funny to me and I am only a little 12-year-old boy. Actually, the word is 'Venhedis," but that was already taken on like every platform I tried to register it on, so I'm only Venhed-ish.~ 2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. Yup! I run the @spn-trope-round-robin (you should check it out. We do a prompt meme over on AO3 every 2 months!). I'm also@necro-nomnomnom, where I post vaguely sexy horror aesthetic stuff. 3. how long have you been on tumblr? Since late December, 2020. I posted my first fic over on AO3 at the end of the year and wanted a place to share it. 4. do you have a queue tag? I did for a while but then I got lazy. I think it was just #q because it was the least amount of work to type. Now I just let my queued stuff post tagless like a heathen. 5. why did you start your blog in the first place? Oh. Oop. Answered this already. I came for the unabashed self-promotion and stayed for the galaxy brain takes and cool friends. And also still self-promotion. 6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? It's one of my favorite paintings and kinda captures my aesthetic. It's called Truth Coming out of Her Well to Shame Mankind and it is a MOOD (also it kinda looks like me):
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7. why did you choose your header? It was so extremely generously gifted to me by @thegoodthebadandtheart, who is my favorite SPN fandom artist. Every time I look at it I get the warm fuzzies. <3 8. what’s your post with the most notes? This one, apparently. A long ramble about why Anti culture is anti-intellectual and dangerous from the last time there was a wincest-adjacent blocklist going around. 9. how many mutuals do you have? 71, if I counted right. And I cherish every single one of you weirdos. 10. how many followers do you have? 214. 11. how many people do you follow? 256. But about a quarter of them aren't related to the SPN fandom in any way. 12. have you ever made a shitpost? Yes probably. Everything I post is shit, and thus a shitpost by extension. (This is a joke.) 13. how often do you use tumblr each day? I went over a month without looking at it at all. Now I'm casually on a few times a day. I don't mindlessly scroll anymore, though. It was becoming a problem ngl. 14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? I called someone a "ROTTEN CUCUMBER-BRAINED FOOL" in a reblog of someone spouting nonsense and they changed their bio to that for a while. You tell me who the winner is in that situation, because I think it was both of us. 15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I don't know. I don't really know what that is? Peer pressure simply does not work on me so no, actually; I don't think I will. 16. do you like tag games? Yes! But I am also lazy and don't always respond to them. If you ever tag me and I don't respond, don't feel like you can't tag me again in something else! I always love the thought, even if I don't participate. 17. do you like ask games? See above. I'm even worse about answering asks from ask games, though. But I love to get them! 18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? I dunno about famous, but I had a very good day when @quickreaver followed me back. Tumblr popularity doesn't, like, mean anything to me though. I just like you guys. 19. do you have a crush on a mutual? Literally like 5 of them. 👉👈😳 20. tags? @ohnoitsthebat, @flatbedford, @ravingliberal, @ghost-go-roasty-mctoasty, @queergoblin I just grabbed some names out of a hat. Feel free to play and say I tagged you.
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