#once again hoping peopel will read moons dioauge wiki page its great its so fun you should totally read it!!!
anemonet · 1 year
Please please pleasp plea s pelas tell me abt ur suns desighm. I'm STARING at them it is so so incredible it's eye candy
Oh!!! Someone asked thank you hello:DD and aw thank you!! oki oki explaining time!!!
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So to begin might be good to check out this post i made about pebbles and moon where i babble about older and newer iterator models and their differences. I'm bringing this up because timeline-wise I would stick suns somewhere before the early "mass manifactured" iterators like moon ( their not really mass manifactured but at some point i asume there was an explosion in production amounts) and the first couple iterators ( which i would guess are no longer around to be honest, the dont-murder-yourself protocol must come from somewhere, anyhow!)
Im placing suns here not only because i like visual variety but also because i get some free moving room design wise, because i like to think (and this is only my personal headcanon) that the earliest itertor models were not made for wider production. These lil fellas were made to Solve the Great Problem, and as we know anchients loved their religious stuff so i cant imagine the first couple iterators werent annocunced and made with alot of buzz around them, probably lovingly made and blessed by monks or something. Think like these are the solution and we will show that in their design, they just should look more cermonial and important, which leads into my actaul design choises!!
Suns design pulls on both the anchients religious ideas and ideals like my choise to use the bound feet look some anchients have and to not give suns a real face - I dont know how people have all the lore pearls read and memorized but from what we know from the industrial blue pearl, moon talks about how ancheints wore masks to:
"showing spiritual persuasion - covering the face as a way to symbolically abate the self"
which i took and ran with and therefore gave suns no face at all, they are creating something meant to ascend them, showing them holding up their values (the lack of "ego" the self)? and that also ties into how suns pearls- well actully first lets real quick explain why suns has pearls and jewerly, because it relates tothe second thing suns design pulls from: the ancheints love of just lots of decoration in fashion to absurd points. its brought up in a couple different places how its ironic that the ancheints preached for the barebone religious ideals of the jellyfish while also being lavish and leasure seeking and overall trying alot - "burdened by ambition" as moon says in the drainage green pearl- which i tied into suns design by adding shit tons of pearls and other pazzazz to suns puppet!!! the love of more is more is really what lies under suns design and what i like to think of as part of ancheint sense of how to look at the time, they are created to ascend them and for that they must look religious and hold up the ideals but also we must add so many clothing layers and jewerly becasue we like that, which is info we needed for me to bring back what i was gonna say which was that the pearls and jewels on suns designs (gold as that seems to be the favored jewerly material going by the murals in pebbles) have the scholar and martyr achivement symbols engraved in the pearls like the ammulets anchients wore (outskirts light blue pearl)! I went with those symbols because just karma ten would be boring and i dont actully have all the rainwolrd words and symbols sadly so we make do. and i think its a pretty good showcase how fashion and religion was combined.
I would also like to say that theres two things to bring up if we wanna take later iterator designs into the equaiton, which is one(1), hey wait why does sun look more like pebbles than moon?! which yes thank you for bringing it up i would like to contribute this to two factors, 1, cyclical design, pebbles is a call-back if you will, - suns more intricate look was probably scrapped by moons time, as theres not much point to dressing some machine up (i would speculate there was a shifts in how iterators were viewed in different times, a noteable case being the ashy green exterior pearl where its talked about the controversy of pebbles creation (also mentioned in some of the white pearl fragments), and i would think at some point itertors went from The Solution to machines who handle our production facilites (this is a crude summary but this is not what you asked for and i could talk about it for doube the wordcount as this post so moving on) this is of course not to say moon wasnt respected by her citizens (refer back to the exterior pearl) but she was not always a city lets just stick with that. anyhow what was i saying?pebbles? yes ok but when materials got cheaper it was possible to replicate it (suns more labour heavy design) again ( even if a bit less intricate as its a bit much work) so pebbles and suns share looks because of that, and then you will of course bring up wait hey a minute wasnt moons model clunkier because the science wasnt developed enough yet? how can an older design be more advenaced in looks? and the answer is its not!!! suns puppet is foremost a showpiece and somethign to sell in the iterators with, so actual function for the puppet wasnt to intresting (the real important bits is the actaul machine), i like to think that the early models had much less function in their limbs and was much more simplified (the puppet, im not sure about the mind thing) and because of that while suns design looks more modern it lacks alot of functions later models had, later when itertors self maintence became importnant it was replaced for the more praictical "older model" (moons) again note this is soley my own mad rambeling and connection made from the lore and not canon at all.
my last note would probably be to mention that suns keeps their wires neat and orderly cause they like it! (wire placement depends on the iteators preffernce, you cant tell me these super computers cant move around their wires into personalised looks) also yes they came with the pearl on the wires, probably hand crafted by some monk somewhere.
anyhow so suns mostly like that for show, and is probably a trademark for how those older iterators looked (i would put no significant harrasment in this era too, just cause of vibes^-^) I think their neat! and holy shit how much did i talk im so sorry, ahem uhm hope this was fun to read? thank you for the ask and have the sillies :DD
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