#one day I will be swimming in sextoys and lingerie mark my words
catgirlphallus · 1 year
if you're gonna buy lingerie do you want a gift card?
I'll do that if you promise to post photos
but you also need to go through some searching and find something crotchless and hot
Hm. This is extremely tempting but perhaps a few notes of expectation first? I've had bad experiences and don't want to recreate them - otherwise I'd rather go on with my life peacefully and buy by myself full price at a later date, and maybe post pictures once in a blue moon, but without having drama or feeling bad about anything
If the gift card is like, "get $5 off if your order is $60+" it's, less tempting obviously. some sites only do that and it has its uses but, yeah
Photos are absolutely on the table but be warned I am not stereotypically thin and smooth: I have a couple scars and I'm chubby with stretch marks, better state it now rather than have a bad time later - some will consider it to be a dealbreaker and I don't wish to inflict that kind of situation on myself (even personally I'm rather self-conscious about it)
I live in France, so that means some extra time before I get it and can take photos, and also some shops don't ship there. Assuming you are the same anon who sent a yandy link, and that you're thinking about this one, yandy doesn't pose that issue but hey, that's several assumptions on my part
That one note goes in the other direction - if someone actually gives me a gift card or something worth money so I can buy lingerie, I suppose I'll post more than just pictures wearing the very thing they helped me buy, but also a few others. I have acquired a little collection of sexy nothings from aliexpress and alibaba over the last couple years, and some of them even look good, I have to say.
If we're talking a situation where someone might invest in to get lewd pictures, they should get to decide what they think looks hot - so far I've found 6 that are sexy and crotchless:
[1] (the one shown earlier) [2] (a bit similar but more string/ribbon-y than lacy) [3] (just as revealing, but vinyl) [4] (similar style as the vinyl one but less bondage-y and highlights the crotch opening much more) [5] (crotchless fishnet bodystocking) [6] (bridal harness with a line that goes straight to the crotch and exposes it)
is there any one you'd prefer to see in pics?
as an aside, because doing due research is good, internet says yandy is not super great long term and tends to break apart after a while, but these are not intended to be worn very long at once or very frequently, so that shouldn't be an issue, especially not for taking occasional pictures haha
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