#one day event: Aary’s Birthday
blackdragon-selfships · 11 months
F/OVEMBER: Birthday Event
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Apparently today is a certain someone’s birthday. So we all agreed that even though he isn’t participating in the takeover this year, that he should have the blog for the day.
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Here you go, birthday boy~
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You are too kind, Death. Really.
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Yes, hello everyone. Today is my birthday (though as a Startouch elf, before Starlight I didn’t do much for it) so for today only I will be the sole master of this blog.
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So, don’t be shy! I love answering questions and indulging in a conversation or two~ There are just a few things to get out of the way first…
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I won’t be discussing any of the video documentation of the point in my history you call “The Dragon Prince”, indulging in any of your theories, curiosities about what happened, or sitting through any of your hypothetical messages telling me what a terrible person I am for my actions in that time.
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All of those things would be spoilers, after all. You wouldn’t want me ruining the fun with those, would you?
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Now, with that out of the way, shall we begin?
(OOC Note: Since November 14th is Aaravos’s birthday, I thought it might be fun to write as him for the day. I am serious about not wanting to talk about the source though…I want to just wait and see what they show us instead of making theories that are more than likely to be completely wrong.
The event will end at midnight on November 15th, mountain standard time)
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My contribution to the New Year celebrations. A short story about Aary and me and the minutes leading up to the new year.
First New Year’s Kiss
Aaravos knew humans liked to set aside whole days to appreciate and celebrate things important to them. In Xadia it was the anniversary of an individual birth, harvest, an important winter event he forgot the details on...and here it was birthdays, Halloween and Thanksgiving (basically the same celebration in Xadia, not including the tradition of scaring the life out of each other for fun) Christmas and other holidays around the same time...now New Year?
“You make an excuse to celebrate the changing of the years?” He quirked a brow, confused as his significant other-his Starlight (Meg to everyone else)-was explaining it to him.
“Yeah. Which, of all the celebrations we’ve had, is pretty significant globally. It not only helps us to count another year, but also congratulate everyone on surviving this long.”
He smirked.
“Ah, yes, that would be a good reason. Considering how self-destructive your species is.” He teased, making her scowl at him (though it was clearly a pout.)
“Survival of the smartest, Aary.” She leaned over, tapping him on the head. He then chuckled, grabbing her wrist and pulling her onto his lap before wrapping his arms around her waist.
“And yet...” He replied as he did this, before raising his own sparkling hand and tapping her playfully on the nose. “You are here.”
She blinked, then pouted again.
“Rude. That’s it. I’m out of here.” She started squirming to get out of his grip, making him chuckle again and hold her to him more firmly.
“No, please stay.” He begged mockingly, grinning. “I sincerely apologize.”
“You do not.” She scoffed, pushing on him.
“Of course I do. I apologize for upsetting you with the truth~”
“Aary! You’re so mean!” She hit him lightly on the chest, but he still grunted slightly from the impact before reaching up and holding her flush to him as she tried pulling away again. Chuckling at her efforts before kissing her forehead.
“But do tell me more about this ‘new year’ celebration. Every other has had a unique tradition or event connected to it.” He let her pull away again as he asked.
“Well...some set off fireworks, then there’s those that have a party and count down until the clock strikes midnight. And the big dropping of the ball in New York...or the potato.”
“Potato?” He blinked, then quirked a brow.
“Yeah. There’s a state known for its potatoes, so they have a giant potato drop.”
“...again, how your species has survived...”
“Stop!” She whined, lightly slapping his chest again. This time he didn’t make a sound, other than to chuckle.
“Alright, alright. Anything else? I am finding this all quite illuminating~”
“...Uh, well there is...one tradition that’s as famous as the drinking and the ball drop...”
“Hm?” He tilted his head, prompting her to continue.
“It’s really sweet, of course, but I’ve never-“
“Starlight, you’re rambling.” He smirked, “which tells me you are nervous but do want to share. So, tell me. I won’t laugh.”
“I’m not worried about you laughing...” She muttered, then sighed. “Fine. There’s this tradition called...the new year’s kiss. Where a couple kisses when it strikes midnight or a little after. I think it’s the ‘first kiss of the new year’ or something?”
“Is that so? How cute~” He smirked, but as promised he did not laugh. He didn’t need an excuse to kiss his Starlight, least of all one like that. But the idea was not unappealing...
“Yep. It’s a cute tradition alright.” She agreed quickly, face warning a bit. “But that’s about it. I don’t know any others, and my family doesn’t really do much either...so that’s all I know.”
“I see. Well, thank you for sharing.” He smiled, then finally released her completely, allowing her to slide off and back to her position next to him.
“Sure.” She smiled back, leaning against his side again as she picked up her game console. “Happy to teach you something once in a while.”
He chuckled, leaning on her some to watch her play.
“Aside from everything else you have taught me.” He teased, reminding her of the beginning of his time in the ‘modern age’.
“I’d say we’re even.” She replied, smirking. He hummed, but didn’t retort as they settled again. But her explanation of “new year” celebration was not forgotten.
* * *
It was ten minutes to midnight, Meg and Aaravos were in the living room. They weren’t watching the dropping of the ball (or the potato) or anything else like it, but they did watch the clock from where they sat. Having previously been doing other things but in the same room, now they sat together watching the clock on Meg’s phone.
“Nine minutes now...” She muttered as he hummed in agreement.
“Any resolutions for the new year?” She asked, glancing at him. He looked from her phone to her, then smirked.
“More than a few.” He replied.
“Want to share with the class?” She smiled teasingly and he chuckled.
“Very well.” His hand moved down and took her free one, rubbing his thumb along the palm. “My first, is to spend it with you at my side.”
“How predictable.” She rolled her eyes but smiled, making him glare playfully at her before continuing.
“The second, to beat your time in the Eagle Tower dungeon, which will be easy.”
“Only because you watched me solve it!” She protested, now grinning.
“I only saw parts.” He retorted, smirking. Then hummed thoughtfully.
“Third...” His smirk started to fade. “...I have been considering speaking with a mental healer finally...”
Her own smile faded and she set down her phone to place her other hand over his.
“A therapist? Are you sure? Don’t feel like you have to because I suggested it...”
He shook his head, placing his other hand on hers.
“I know that you can’t help me in the way I need...and seeing you destroy yourself trying, as well as our conversations with our friends...I am ready to try this ‘therapist’ option.”
She nodded solemnly.
“Alright. If you’re sure.”
“I am.” He agreed, then glanced back at her phone. Only three minutes left now.
“What of your resolutions?”
“Mine? Well...get A’s and B’s in my classes next semester, like I did last semester. So do all the work, go to every class, study for the tests...and not slip up even once.”
He smiled, nodding.
“A good plan.”
“Then...make better health habits. Not lose weight, exactly...but, you know.” She shrugged but he nodded. She didn’t have to go into details.
“A third...I’m copying yours here, but to spend it with you.” She smiled up at him.
“So predictable.” He chuckled teasingly, but smiled as well.
A minute to midnight...then it was soon ten seconds.
“There is...one more, however.” Aaravos smirked.
“Hm? What’s that?” She looked at him curiously.
He leaned toward her, gently holding her jaw in one hand to keep her still.
“To be your first kiss of the new year...”
Her eyes widened in surprise as she blushed.
As the fireworks went off around the globe and the ball (and potato) dropped, the clock struck midnight...and Aaravos claimed Meg’s first kiss of the new year.
She melted into it immediately, leaning against him as she returned it. He then pulled away, smiling lovingly with half-lidded eyes of soft gold. Her sapphires sparkling back up at him as she smiled in a similar way.
“Happy new year, my Starlight...” He murmured, lips still barely brushing hers.
“Happy new year, my Starlit Mage...”
They then resumed their kiss, feeling that whatever the new year brought with it...they would face it together.
To the year 2021. Happy new year, everyone. I am still stubbornly refusing to draw a kissing picture yet, but I can write it out at least. lol
Let’s hope this will be a better year, but not remember only the bad of the last one. Though not the best year in history, it was not the worst...but full of good things as well as the bad. Think of your accomplishments last year. Big or small. You did it. You made it through the year, and brought some good with you.
But this is about the new year...so cheers! Happy new year, from both of us!
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May it be one of hope, joy, and recovery.
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