#my danger star ✨ (Aaravos)
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Might make this my new pinned post picture. I dunno.
Dialogue on page 1 is from @selfship-quotes
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(Note this was made before season 6 of TDP was released)
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Oh, he’s an angel alright
the Angel of Dearh✨
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Muerte: If you’re referring to me, that’s some low-hanging fruit…considering I am Death. Literally.
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blackdragon-selfships · 10 months
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Protective cosmic magic demon bird friend learns something new about the morally grey equally cosmic magic-using being his friend is dating.
Incorrect quote generator prompt I had forgotten I had. Decided to make something with it.
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blackdragon-selfships · 10 months
Romantic F/O Takeover Questions
Number 5 :)
5. Are you okay with PDA? How affectionate are you willing to get in public?
(Didn’t specify an f/o so I’m milking this one. lol So…everyone answer!)
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Sure. I don’t care! I actually rather enjoy making Meg blush and give me warning glares when I push far enough…
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Because only she can properly see me usually!
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Hm, well no, I don’t mind at all…as long as we aren’t on the school grounds. As teachers, we have a duty to not only protect our students, but be an example for them!
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But outside of school, Megumi and I do hold hands in public, though, and when we sit down on a bench or somewhere to rest, she will lean against me…I really enjoy those times.
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She isn’t fond of drawing attention to herself around others, though, and I respect that. I’m not too fond of it either, myself. Mainly because I look scary and unapproachable, even with Miss Megumi with me.
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…I thought I wasn’t participating this year?
(Well, yeah…but it seemed unfair not to include you, since you are a ‘romantic f/o’. And none of the Asks toward you have been cruel or about the show, so…)
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Oh very well…who am I to deny the opportunity to speak on my relationship with my beloved Starlight?
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The question is on PDA? Hm…
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I would say I’m quite willing. Hand-holding, arm around the shoulder, a kiss or two perhaps?
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I have very few limitations when it comes to affection for her. Even in the public eye~
Romantic F/O Takeover Questions
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My boys as bunnies for Easter
(Blame one of my friends for this. lol)
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My official warning/promise for any and all work I do on this blog:
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We (mostly) ignore canon vindictively on this blog.
For easier navigation of my work:
My art tag is “starlight’s art” my writing tag is “written in the stars”
*Ship tags: #Megavos (Aaravos x Meg), #MegaDeath (Death from Puss in Boots x Meg), #Megadam (Adam (Hazbin Hotel) x Meg), #Stoleg (platonic Stolas x Meg)
(* Ship tags are just the ship name. Not the parts in parentheses)
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blackdragon-selfships · 11 months
Happy birthday big bro! I hope you have a very good day with meg! Take it easy got it? have a amazing day star boy! ùwú
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Thank you very much, Casper. I hear Starlight has something quite enjoyable planned to celebrate, so I’m sure this day will be amazing indeed~
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blackdragon-selfships · 11 months
F/Ovember Signal Boost from Blog Owner (Meg)
So Tumblr might be glitching again, because a thing I posted almost an hour ago isn’t showing up…and at risk of being annoying if people HAVE seen it already, I’m making another post about this just in cases:
For only today (November 14th) I am having Aaravos run the blog. Yes, I mean Aaravos from The Dragon Prince. He’s an f/o of mine too. He wasn’t going to be participating in the November takeover this year, but today is his birthday so I thought it would be fun to let him run it today.
The introduction is on this post. I had it scheduled though, so that might be why it isn’t showing up in the tags. :/
Well anyway, here’s a picture of my favorite (and only) starry elf love for anyone that doesn’t know him. Be nice to him too. It is his birthday.
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(One rule before you send anything and didn’t read the intro:
Don’t talk about the show. He doesn’t want to talk about what happened, both to avoid spoilers and because he just doesn’t need reminding of that time of his life on his day. I don’t want to talk about it because I’m done making theories that will likely be wrong.
Aside from that and being respectful, ask whatever you want.)
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blackdragon-selfships · 11 months
F/OVEMBER: Birthday Event
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Apparently today is a certain someone’s birthday. So we all agreed that even though he isn’t participating in the takeover this year, that he should have the blog for the day.
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Here you go, birthday boy~
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You are too kind, Death. Really.
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Yes, hello everyone. Today is my birthday (though as a Startouch elf, before Starlight I didn’t do much for it) so for today only I will be the sole master of this blog.
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So, don’t be shy! I love answering questions and indulging in a conversation or two~ There are just a few things to get out of the way first…
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I won’t be discussing any of the video documentation of the point in my history you call “The Dragon Prince”, indulging in any of your theories, curiosities about what happened, or sitting through any of your hypothetical messages telling me what a terrible person I am for my actions in that time.
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All of those things would be spoilers, after all. You wouldn’t want me ruining the fun with those, would you?
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Now, with that out of the way, shall we begin?
(OOC Note: Since November 14th is Aaravos’s birthday, I thought it might be fun to write as him for the day. I am serious about not wanting to talk about the source though…I want to just wait and see what they show us instead of making theories that are more than likely to be completely wrong.
The event will end at midnight on November 15th, mountain standard time)
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I saw this trend going around so did one too. Except for peace of mind and to start advertising it again, I did it for an AU version of Megavos (my selfship with Aaravos) a comic project titled The Fallen Star.
I interpreted the Trust, Clinginess, and Jealousy meters to be about the couple toward each other, not other people around them.
Templates found here.
More information on the AU below
Aaravos is originally from a show called The Dragon Prince. He is one of the villains, and probably will be the final boss (how boringly predictable… :/) but I have interview evidence that he is not truly evil and is complicated. You can see that post here.
Because of this information from interviews and on the zodiac sign; Scorpio (which is relevant to Aaravos as TDP characters’ personalities are constructed with Zodiac signs involved) which claims they have a hard outer shell but when they lower it they are the most loving and loyal friend or partner you could ask for…I came to like him, because if it wasn’t for that information I would have written him off as a predictable pretty faced character that’s actually horrible and ugly inside, but fun to watch. I still have small hope that won’t be the case…but I’m not holding my breath on this one.
I thought it would be fun to make an AU version of the show’s plot which I call The Fallen Star (and is a project I came up with and had been developing as of season 2 and 3, but before season 4 was even announced) but have Aaravos be the protagonist and have my self-insert be in it too as his first friend in the story. On top of that, to make it more interesting and unique, the elves in the show are dragons too and all dragons shapeshift into their ‘elf’ forms.
So the conflict isn’t dragons/elves vs humans, but only dragons vs humans. It’s also a situation of humans in the West forgetting magic exists after a while and instead moving into the industrial era with electricity and technology, while the East remains magical and medieval in style and way of life.
As the project went into development it ended up following the plot of the show, but with Aaravos and Meg in the mix it changed up quite a few things. I won’t say much more now, but I can guarantee Aaravos is a truly complicated and not-evil character, and not just because his backstory is tragic and explains why he became a villain like I fear the show will do… (Plus he isn’t even an antagonist in this AU, and I won’t be changing that whatever the show does with him.)
TL;DR: I made an AU for The Dragon Prince with Aaravos as the protagonist, my self-insert as his first friend in the story, and following the basic plot of the first three seasons of the show he’s from, but with tweaking due to making elves into dragons and having humans advance to the age of technology as well as Aaravos being the protagonist.
He is a complicated and not truly evil character here too, and the show’s progress will not change the direction I’m taking this AU.
Disclaimer: The profile photos where it talks about each person’s traits were traced and edited from screenshots from the show.
The rest of the art on the template (minus the aesthetic photos) was done by me, but the background of Magic Study was taken from the show Aaravos is from too.
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Selfshiptober 2022 Day 4: Werewolf
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My entry for day 4 of the selfshiptober prompts (again posted late). I saw the prompt and thought it was the perfect opportunity to do that “monster s/i” thing I’d seen talked about in the past. So werewolf Meg, who luckily still recognizes her “packmates” even as a werewolf. (AKA: Her boyfriend and friends)
Original post/ list found here.
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Megavos Comic: Slow But Cute
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Based on another quote prompt. If you’re on mobile you may have to tap on it to see it properly.
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Selfshiptober Day 3: Moonlight
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Day 3 (late) of selfshiptober 2022. This one I wanted to mainly focus on the glowing stars on his skin, which is what I did here. I also experimented with other brushes for the soft light effect (not the dots) on the skin and hair.
Original post/list found here.
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Selfshiptober Day 2: Raining
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Again, late…but day 2 of Selfshiptober 2022. I’ve sometimes liked to imagine being out in the rain with Aary like this. I love rain and spending a moment like this with him, being silly while in it, is a fun thought. Or just a fun picture, anyway. Also a way to practice rain effects on Ibis Paint.
Original post/list found here.
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Selfshiptober Day 1: Sweater Weather
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It’s kind of late because I got busy with stuff, but here is the first day entry of @sennamybeloved’s selfshiptober/selfship inktober prompts of 2022.
Original post/list here.
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I realized…today (November 14th) is Aary’s birthday. I know he doesn’t care that much about it since I don’t think elves of his race celebrate either…but it feels weird not to at least mention it.
So, even though I’m not doing anything Megavos-related for a while…still…
Happy (???) birthday, Aary. Whether you care or not. lol
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