#one day i will learn how to take high quality screenshots i promise
aetherialpiplup108 · 9 months
The most underrated Alchemy of Souls moment is when the Unanimous Assembly goes bonkers over the ice stone. You have the old, esteemed leaders of Daeho getting into fist fights (side note: the actor playing Heo Yeom is hilarious), as well as Park Jin and Jin Ho-Gyeong getting into a legitimate argument that ends with Songrim soldiers drawing blades and surrounding the room. The situation is tense, uncertain, and a serious conflict looms on the horizon.
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But then you have Jang Uk strolling up in the most dramatic fashion possible with an in-verse drumroll (like, this wasn't just OST designed to make the scene epic for viewers. Mu-deok beat a gong for him and if that isn't true love, I don't know what is) before apologizing for interrupting their passionate discussion (read: slyly insulting all the elders for being a bunch of squabbling children), claims to know the will of a legendary hero that's been dead for decades, and cites his source as a random piece of poetry Park Jin gave him as a trap like five episodes ago.
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And the best part is that it works.
Everyone's stunned and confused but can't do anything (even if his own friends think he's lying to stall for time), and Park Jin is flat-out done. He trusts Uk enough not to intervene but look at this man, he's so tired.
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10/10 perfect scene.
Bonus points for CP catching a glimpse of Uk minding his own business in the corner while the mages were fighting and instantly clocking in that something was going down.
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Also I can't tell if this is Mu-deok "forgetting" to bow or Uk remembering to bow because he wants something from Go-won later.
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kariachi · 4 years
And here it is! The last episode before I’m caught up! And it’s a Hex one, to make up for Nanny Nightmare before I hope
The Hex Factor!
Kelly Turnbull episode
Gwen, looking forward to seeing some real magic that isn’t evil
They are visiting a very exclusive magic club with some seriously strict rules. Like, I’m amazed they’ll allow Ben’s watch.
The dude at the door literally measured to make sure Ben’s pants weren’t too high
Oh look, it’s Hex, here and pissed off.
Hex met Smythe in prison, mistook him for a true magic user, found out he’s part of this club, and is now pissed off that he’s not in this club he thinks is for true magic users.
Honestly the fact he can’t tell stage magic from true magic is funny and galling and aggravating all in one (the latter because he and Kevin could’ve had such a good dynamic but noooo)
Hex magics up some proper clothes and is allowed inside. And he looks damn good, let me say. Impresses the dude at the door and makes him think he’s the one starring the show tonight.
Okay, so the building has multiple rooms, each one with a different performer doing different tricks
Max allowing Ben to wander off but begging him, literally, to follow the rules.
“Ben can be a bit chaotic at times, but he can’t possibly get himself into that much trouble” have you not met your cousin?
Even Max, responding with “Which roadtrip have you been on?”
Oh gods, tell me Hex isn’t going to end up taking these people captive out of butthurt
“-the world’s foremost expert in the Dark Arts-” are you really Hex? Or are you just saying that? Honest, I would like to know
It’s the bitch from the flea market again! The one with the spa! The fuck, is there anything you’re not involved in?
Hex taking ‘initiation’ to mean ‘best one of us in mortal combat’. Seriously, why did they part him from Kevin the dynamic would've been a classic
Magicians are like ‘I do not think this is who we thought’
They’ve decided that as long as he can impress the other members of the club, he’s in.
And the entire reason Ben gets involved is because he sees Hex putting on a show and is like ‘wait a second, he’s not listed on the program’
Ben trying to convince guests that Hex isn’t a stage magician, it is not working they are just getting more excited to see his work
Don’t call him a necromancer, Ben, he’s scared of those
Ben being told that his watch being shiny in the right light makes it jewelry and distracting jewelry is not allowed
Ben: *is trying to sneaky* Also Ben: *goes Rath*
Turns out, Rath does not fit in vents.
He fell out the ceiling and got thrown out under the ‘no pets’ rule
The people like Hex’s work
Fucking heads of the club talking shit about Hex’s work
I suddenly kinda wanna do an au rewrite of this episode involving Kevin being the poor put-upon apprentice trying to just survive this disaster and also defend his teacher’s honor because talking trash about his work reflects badly on him. Ya know Funhouse? And how it was a good half Frightwig fighting the Tennysons while trying to keep Zombozo from knowing they were there so as to preserve his confidence? Picture that, but it’s Kevin trying to keep the Tennysons out of their business while coming up with excuses for why the heads of the club aren’t watching Hex’s performance, buying time until they wisen up and agree that Hex is a better magic user than them so he can let them out the damn trunk he’s locked them in.
Hex asks if his work was up to their standards, is told it was ‘completely pedestrian’. Assholes. Get ‘em Hex!
I’m on Hex’s side this episode, I didn’t expect to be. He better come out of top of everybody.
Hex, all for trial by combat, come on, let him take you out
Hex is more and more blatantly an actual magic user and these people are digging themselves in
And we’re back to the Tennysons. Namely Gwen learning that Ben got kicked out.
She agrees that Hex being there is not a good thing.
Ben tries to sneak in through a window, gets caught, gets him and Gwen both thrown out.
Hex is getting fucking tired of this bullshittery.
Asks for a volunteer from the audience, gets Max
Recognizes Max.
Come on, show, don’t do this to me. Let Hex get a victory. Fuck, let Hex decide this shit ain’t worth it and just go home without having to fight anybody. Have fun! Live a little!
Max doesn’t recognize Hex until the magic comes out, ponytail threw him off. (sorry for no screenshots today guys, I’d love to but I don’t think the vids I’ve got are enough quality to make it worth it, they’ll come, I promise, and you will get baby Wreckingbolt and Hex in a tux)
Hex is figuring shit out.
Hex is, to put it mildly, Pissed the Fuck Off
Also very happy to have Ben show up for a fight, just so he has something to hit
Medieval courts apparently used to hire Hex to torture prisoners by sending flying through portals as long as possible. His record was five days.
Gwen, saving the day by throwing rabbits and doves at Hex
Gwen pulls the ‘cut in half’ trick on Hex, is certain he’ll be fine. “He’s super old, this can’t be the first time this has happened to him”
Even the fuckers in charge got banned for this mess!
9/10, woulda been perfect if Hex had come out of top without a Tennyson fight
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lazybirdxd · 5 years
Kaylor: The hidden true timeline
Sometimes reality exceeds our expectations, and oftentimes we are not aware that such reality exists. Until we take a deeper look.
I recently finished reading a (controversial) fanfic by a certain writer (If you’re an old Kaylor you know which fanfic, if you’re new, it’s called “Kaylor: The timeline”) and what stood out for me the most about that fanfic is that it is incredibly accurate in the way it tells the story, a story that is well thought of, it has a chronological coherence and character construction that is very difficult to surpass. The amazing thing about it is not the story in itself, but rather the level of insight it gives about the characters, behavior analysis, recognition of complex emotions and its roots in the characters, as well as a constant foreshadowing of the aesthetics of the coming era (reputation era). I think that because of this complexity and the level of details included, both Karlie and Taylor wrote it. How did I arrive to that conclusion (that many of you older Kaylors also suspect to be true)? -I'll be focusing only on the authorship of the fanfic, if you want me to analyze the story, leave a comment!-
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Taylor discussing Karlie’s inability to communicate any uncomfortable situation to Taylor in the 12th chapter of part two.
Well, let’s see. The fanfic has an element of entertainment to it (no, that’s not my strongest argument, but hold on), it’s as if the writer knew which parts of the story to highlight in order for the readers to be engaged with the story from the beginning. But it doesn’t JUST take a good story for a book to be read (or in this case, a Wattpad book), you need to have the right characters in your story for people to feel identified with and represented by them. In essence, the story needs to make sense, needs to remain just a story (that means having the right amount of fantasy and the right amount of truth so that it still feels real), it needs to have complex yet relatable characters that appeal to the essential parts of human nature, and a relatively simple vocabulary (unless your expected audience is very educated) along with descriptive (visual) language, because the public has to imagine the situations the characters are going through, as well as their very environment. Also, your use of your chosen lexicon has to convey all the meaning of your story in its simplicity. I don’t know about you, but these requirements feel like the abilities of a very advanced writer, and not one that just posts random stories that they created in their head after reading a tabloid in the line of the supermarket.
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The writer of the fanfic saying he/she had never written anything personal before the fanfic (I cut the screenshot on this one, but I will put the full picture later on)
Anyway, as seen above, our “fanfic” writer claims to have never had any experience at personal writing before this fanfic, which is very suspicious, given the amount of reads that this fanfic has (1.7 Million at the moment of writing this post) as well as the good reviews and people commenting on Wattpad how that is their 4th or 5th time reading the entire fanfic all over again, meaning that for the reads to be this high, the writing has to be at least really good.
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I cut the screenshot here, but if you go to the first chapter of the fanfic you’ll see more people commenting similar things.
Now, with regards to the foreshadowing I talked about earlier, the fanfic was written in early 2016, and the reputation era began in late 2017, plus we know Taylor plans her tours and eras one year ahead, therefore she needed to plan the reputation era and tour one year ahead (see section Event promoters), despite her saying in a GMA interview from Lover era that she only plans 6 months in advance (which is just impossible due to recording dates, negotiations, hiring booking agents for the countries she will perform in, meetings to discuss marketing strategies, aesthetics of every era, etc…), therefore by 2016 she had at least some idea of how the 6th era was going to look like. This fanfic weirdly coincides with the aesthetics of reputation long before reputation was released. Hmmm…
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This fanfic AU was last updated on February 2016.
“Interesting… Tell me more about this writer”.
Alright. Also, It’s a she and she has a Tumblr account that I took time to carefully read.
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Our writer turns out to be a she.
But before I go into really heavy stalking further detail, read this disclaimer: I am no behavioral analysis expert, I do not possess any type of psychology major or minor, I’m not even doing an undergraduate course of psychology, this is me applying all the books I’ve read about human psychology as it is my hobby. I’m a Computer Science student. Having said that, let’s dive right in!
Now, this is what I observed when looking through KaylorFanfiction’s profile:
1. The writer doesn’t share, reblog, post pictures frequently or makes her personal opinion known in topics outside the fanfic(s) or writing in general. (I observed this after spending a significant amount of time scrolling down her blog and just noticing her behavioral patterns).
2. Assertive (short answers to asks on Tumblr).
3. Usually writes in caps to highlight important things (just like Taylor), words or phrases might be uppercase.
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If you’re wondering about the numbers, they are questions.
Okay, let’s see Taylor now:
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4. The writer is 6 feet tall (like our favorite supermodel).
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The link to the questions.
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5. The writer is enthusiastic about feedback (like Taylor).
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6. Has one female dog named Phoebe Buffay (A pet named after a well-known tv show character.)
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Interesting to note that in the second ask, the writer tells that she has only had one puppy, which reminds me of a certain someone who also has only one puppy:
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7. Is in college. Or was.
I say was because, although we have pictures of Karlie on her first day of school at NYU, it isn’t completely believable due to a lack of attendance later on if you google “Karlie Kloss attending NYU”, therefore my conclusion is that her proximity to a college environment comes actually from her brother, who truly attended Notre Dame University. An interesting observation that may back my induction is that if you go to KaylorFanfiction’s profile you’ll find that when she talks about college she never specifies which one she’s attending, for that same reason, if it was true that Karlie attended, then she would have no other choice than to be proud of her wife girlfriend through her secret alternative account for her achievements (I mean, it’s NYU, who wouldn’t be proud?). Taylor The writer might have wanted to tell the narrative of a broke college student (the exact opposite of what Taylor is) to go unnoticed on social media, but the quality of the story and the richness of it made it unbelievable that the story came from an inexperienced writer (more on that later on).
In other words, this account was Taylor’s escape bubble where she could talk freely and give her opinions without dealing with the consequences. I was afraid I could be breaking that bubble with this post, but considering that she said she no longer uses the account, I figure that It was safe for me to post this.
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8. Has been making connections with literary agents and small publishing presses (as detailed above).
Guess who also makes connections with certain agents and publishing agencies… (See the manager and booking agents)
9. Has a passion for music and wanted to learn how to play guitar on her own as a teenager but stopped.
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The full screenshot above, as promised.
Also, doesn’t she being obsessed with music and learning from a young age reminds you of someone else?
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Link to the interview.
Link to a compilation of homemade videos of Taylor singing as well as an interview where she says she learned to play the guitar at a young age (minute 1:29).
10. Reads books about music (detailed above) and learns about music in general, from a very young age.
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11. Writes original content outside fanfic.
Interesting, given that she never had written something personal before (personal as in of her own making, not as in the fanfic is her life), that makes me question what did she write about before this fanfic? Journalism? But she is obsessed with music, she told us that herself. Could that original content possibly be… songs?
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So far we know she is obsessed with music, she discovered she liked to write novels (I’d rather say books) through writing this fanfic, even though she doesn’t read fanfic at all, wonder where she got the inspiration and experience to make it the most read fanfic of that topic on Wattpad if she also never did anything personal, which makes me now believe that by personal she meant her life, because there is no way you can never have done anything of your own creation while having original work. Therefore, the original work she refers to, are songs (as detailed above when saying she wanted to do something with songs). She could have meant anything by saying she wanted to do something with songs, but so far, these are many many coincidences pointing to Taylor the authorship of a particular individual, and as BBC’s Sherlock said: “The universe is rarely so lazy”.
12. The author never reads fanfic stories.
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The picture speaks for itself
13. The writer doesn’t like speculation. Compare to Taylor’s 25th birthday tweet.
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Interesting…the author is not into speculating, yet she wrote an entire fanfic on a relationship she claims is not real to her. Basically, she ignored the definition of “speculation”.
Thus, if we wanted to make sense of the reasons for her particular fanfic creation writing taking into account that she doesn’t like speculating and that this is just a creative outlet, we would have to assume that what she writes in her story is based on an objective truth, her speech again (not liking speculation) is contradicted by the mere fact that Wattpad is for aspiring writers looking to share their work with the world (usually a fictitious work). So, if our writer doesn’t like speculation, yet creates a “fictional” story on a site dedicated to that purpose, she’s either lying about not liking speculation or she’s hiding the truth in a platform dominated by fiction in the hopes no one will see (through) it. Okay, maybe she’s lying about not liking speculation (after all, people lie all the time), but given the continuous similarities of our writer’s personality with Taylor’s, and the fact that in the universe everything is interconnected, this can’t be a coincidence. But why would Taylor go to such lengths to tell mostly the truth? Well, given Taylor’s character and the way she rose to fame (through what she called “Opening up her diaries for the world to see”) there is an inherent need in her for self-expression, but she can’t express herself freely all the time (remember the behind-the-scenes interview where she’s filming Lover video and she says her life is like a fishbowl) because her career is image-based, and one picture will outspeak any word or explanation she might have. Thus, she might have to go to these or more lengths to truly express herself and her beliefs in order to keep her mental health and creativity flowing.
14. The writer loves to add drama to her writing.
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Do I have to remind you of Taylor’s lyrics to Endgame?
“I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me “
15. The writer has an inclination toward social justice (similar to that of Taylor).
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And comparing to Taylor…
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Also, the fanfic is very very detail-oriented, and the writer said in a note on one of her chapters:
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Finally, to top the icing…
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Our writer got knee surgery. The very word surgery sounds to me as a lot of stitches being made. Where have I heard about stitches before? Maybe Out Of The Woods can be a good beginning…
“Twenty stitches in a hospital room”
My dissertation is now over. I hope you enjoyed it without thinking I’m going insane, because that’s what I’m thinking right now. Have a good night/day.
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profitablepractices · 5 years
How to Get an Affordable Receptionist, Assistant, Bookkeeper, and other Support Staff!
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Are you just looking for a reliable receptionist to answer your phone on a "pay by the number of calls answered" basis?  Someone who will take messages, answer basic questions from callers about your practice fees, location, insurance, and other simple questions, and then coordinate a callback time so that you don't waste time with phone tag?  If yes, you may be better off using this service (click here) than going through the steps below, but totally up to you!  Feel free to experiment and find the right solution for your practice!
Many people have asked me how I source, hire, and retain such incredible support staff from the Philippines.  So many people have asked that I’ve finally decided to just put it all down into a blog so you can find my “crash course” here anytime you want!  You can find excellent receptionists, bookkeepers, personal assistants who can also do basic WordPress updates, general admins, and basically any other type of role you need.  Not only is the price low, but I find the culture to be incredible. As an entrepreneur, I have an innate sense of pride and ownership of all the work that happens under my umbrella.  I find that Filipinos are generally eager to share in that sense of dedication to working in a high quality, courteous, and reliable manner. Here are my to tips:
Where to find them?  There are several websites where you can hire people from the Philippines.  Personally, the one linked here is my favorite.  I actually purchased the lifetime membership package from this site, which includes lifetime ability to post as many jobs as you want, as well as tons of MP3 files and written literature on how to have a successful experience with your virtual assistant.   However, even if you don’t want to start off with that particular level, you can easily place a one-off ad for just a few dollars.
How to attract them? Show off!  You may not realize this, but you’re probably a very desirable employer.  Place an ad that indicates you’re seeking a full time, long term employee that you’re willing to train, groom, and respect.  You may not think you want a full time employee, but I encourage you to consider it because the best Filipino employees tend to want full time; if you hire them part time they’ll probably look elsewhere while they work for you.  So, place an ad with a subject line that conveys all this, like “New York City Entrepreneur Seeks Permanent Full Time Assistant” or “Busy USA Person Needs Permanent Support!”. If possible, be even more specific (“New York City Therapist Seeking Friendly and Capable Receptionist!” or “NYC Real Estate Agent Needs Reliable Exec Assistant!”  In the body of the ad, reiterate that you’re seeking someone who will stay for years. When you indicate pay, describe a starting salary and indicate how it will rise over a two year period (ie “Pay starts at __ per month, and rises to __ per month over a two year period”). Also mention that they can accrue paid sick time and paid holidays.  I have a chart that shows how this is accrued at my company over time; I show it to them during the interview process but I at least mention that they can accrue paid sick time and holidays in the body of my ad. Also mention that you pay the “13th month bonus”. This is the Philippine equivalent of a year-end bonus. It is equivalent to one month’s salary.  (Don’t worry! It can be prorated, so that if you hire someone in September you only need to pay a bonus of ⅓ of a month’s salary at year-end.)
How to screen them? You will likely get hundreds of applicants.  You’ll need an easy way to screen them. I suggest creating an ad that provides a lot of information about how to apply, and then disregard any applicant who doesn’t follow all of your directions.  This is a great starting point to rule out anyone who is unable or unwilling to be detail-oriented. Here are some ideas:
a. In the body of the ad, indicate that you’ll need them to work Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EDT (or whatever your desired schedule is).  Ask them to confirm in their application that they’re available for this schedule.
b. In the body of the ad, tell them to use a certain subject line when they apply (ie “FT Assistant for NYC Entrepreneur”).  
c. If you’d like someone who can speak English clearly as well as write, indicate it in your ad.  To screen for spoken English skills, do the following: In the body of the ad, ask that when they apply they include an MP3 of their own voice reading a sample sentence.  This will let you easily screen for how they sound on the phone. Many applicants are great in every way but they just can’t speak English clearly. You don’t want to waste everyone’s time by arranging a Skype interview just to discover this.  Listen to MP3s before attempting an interview.
d. Consider requiring applicants to take a short test as part of the application.  I use a company linked here that me the percentile ranks for the person’s scores in Math, Verbal, and Spatial domains.  It is an easy way to separate applicants. Someone’s verbal skills might seem fine on their application materials because they’ve spent lots of time on their application, and they might do fine in a 1:1 interview where the conversation is very structured, but how quickly can they keep pace with a ton of emails on a busy day?  How carefully can they read and track complex conversations? I rely on their Verbal percentile to give me a ballpark. The company also has skills tests for things like bookkeeping and other specialized areas. I’ve known several entrepreneurs who have found it to be a good investment.
e. Ask them to also include a screenshot of their results from a place like Speedtest.net.  You need someone who has a strong internet connection with a good speed.
f. Disregard any applicants who don’t follow all of your application directions.  
g. Make an alias within your email account like jobs@(your domain)  Set your filters so that anything coming to this address will skip your inbox and go into a folder for this (soon, your assistant can handle these types of tasks for you!).  This will let you easily review applications on your own schedule without getting pinged every time someone applies.
Related: Money, Honey: How to Get a Good Biller
Interview the applicants who catch your eye and pass your basic starting measures.  I use Skype for this. If they can’t show up on time to the Skype interview, I disqualify them.  If the interview goes well, I ask them to email me a summary of what we discussed. This helps me check their ability to pay attention, as well as to recognize, retain and convey important points.  I tell them at the start of the interview that I may be asking them to do this. I only do this if it’s important that the person has an ability to understand spoken English.
Once you’ve narrowed down to 2-3 really good applicants, tell them the truth: You’ve found 2-3 great applicants and you’re not sure which one to choose.  Tell them you feel that part of a good Filipino hire involves not only skills and attitude, but also the ability to show up for work every day in a reliable manner.  Many Filipinos live in areas where storms frequently disrupt their ability to be online by cutting off their internet or electricity. You don’t want to spend a week training someone only to find that they actually need to miss work about 2 of every 10 days due to issues like this.  So whatever your monthly pay equates in hourly pay (for a 40 hour week, multiply your monthly pay by 12 and then divide the total by 2080 to determine this), tell them you’re taking that hourly pay and adding a dollar to it during this final selection period to show that you appreciate the chance they’re taking by focusing on you for 40 hours per week without a promise of permanent employment.  
Give each person the same tasks during your trial period so you can see how they do in terms of speed, accuracy, attitude, and their ability to show up for work in a timely reliable manner.   We have several long “busywork” test tasks that can be mundane, but offer good ways to check someone’s ability and willingness to follow directions carefully. If you are trying to select a receptionist, provide them all with the same scripts and then do a conference call where you review the scripts as a group.  Record the call so you can have future applicants listen to it if for some reason none of your current applicants works out; or if you want to add an additional person. Next, do 1:1 calls to see who is really mastering the information best. Likewise, whatever tasks are most important for whatever role you’re seeking to fill, make sure you record as much of your training as possible so that it’s easily repeatable if needed in the future.  Ask the candidates to type “step by step” directions of whatever you teach them so that you can simultaneously check their learning while also building your training library.
How to structure the actual day to day work? Once you choose an applicant, congratulate them and give them a warm welcome.   Tell them that you know the first 30 days are the hardest, so you’ll give them a $100 training bonus when they complete their 30th day on the job, and a $250 Successful Hire Bonus at the 90 day mark.  This helps them to stay motivated during what is typically the most stressful period. Tell them to send a daily report of all they did that day, and to indicate which task was the hardest or most time consuming.  Also have them send an email of their workplan at the start of each day. I also have them send me a chat in Skype or g-chat at the start of each day, and I let them know that real time communication is essential so I expect an immediate response whenever I chat during working hours.  I tell them that if they need to step away from their computer for a moment during the day to please chat me when they leave and when they return; so that I”m not staring at the chat window waiting for a reply if they happen to be away from their desk for a moment.
I also have a checklist of things I want them to do every day (ie check my business Facebook page for any new Likes to posts and invite the liker to Like my page).  I make the checklist WAY too long for any one person to do every day; the idea is that I never want them asking me “what do I do now?” when I’m too busy to think of what would be helpful.  Do yourself and your assistant a favor by making a long checklist and explaining that you don’t expect it to all be done every day; but that you just want them to have lots of ideas of what to do.  Of course, you can highlight certain tasks that actually do need to be done every day.  I use Google Sheets and list all the tasks in Column A, and then have the assistant put the date in row 1, and then mark in each cell which tasks were done.  I have them indicate more than just an “X” to show it was done; I get specific info (ie “Indicate the number of new post Likers you invited to Like the FB page).  Making it specific lets you see how their workflow is moving, and gives them a chance to be recognized for all the work they’re doing. Also have them add a tab to their checklist doc called “Logins”.  Anytime they create a login, have them add it. Also have them list any logins there they may need from you. Also have them add a tab called “Docs” where they put links to any docs they are creating for you (ie powerpoint slides etc).  This lets you easily keep track of all the “balls in the air” as things get busy.
Another handy tool I have found is Jing, which is an excellent free screencast tool to show what I need done in certain situations that fall outside of a “daily checklist”.  Whenever I send a Jing, I always require the person responds with a summary of what my Jing said. This ensures we are “on the same page”, and it gives me a text-searchable way to find/view my original directions in my email if there’s ever a question about the project.
How to pay them?  When I’m working with them in the trial period, I just use Paypal or something .  Once I actually hire the person, I use this company.  There are lots of companies; this one is the best I’ve found in terms of fees and reliability; also a lot of Filipino people are familiar with them so it builds trust.  They may want to be paid daily during the trial period since many of them have been scammed by unscrupulous people; so be willing to do this while you’re building trust.  Obviously, never pay in advance since you don’t want to be scammed either.
I hope you have found the tips here to be helpful.  Just like when you do business with someone in the USA, be prepared that the relationship may not work out.  There’s no magical panacea that fixes every issue; but these tips have been helpful for me as well as the myriad people who have asked me over the years.  Feel free to let me know if you have other questions; I'm here to help!
0 notes
williamlwolf89 · 5 years
21 Beginner-Friendly Tips for Landing Freelance Writing Jobs
Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a beginner with no experience, freelance writing jobs are plentiful — if…
You know where to look;
You know how to promote yourself;
And you know how to differentiate yourself from your fellow freelance writers.
And that’s where we come in.
If you’re a freelancer who wants to work at home and earn a full-time or part-time income doing what you love, this post will help you do just that.
Let’s dive in.
Free Class: Want to supercharge your freelancing income? Check out our Six-Figure Freelance Writing Class. It’s the new way to make real, tangible money as a freelance writer.
Get Your House in Order: Steps to Help You Prepare (and Land More Freelance Writing Gigs)
The philosopher Seneca (allegedly) said, “luck is what happens when practice meets opportunity.” The book of Galatians in the Bible tells us we reap what we sow.
Stephen King put it this way:
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
The common theme? Success tends to find those who are prepared for it.
As a writer, here are four things you should do to prepare for freelancing glory:
1. Create a Writing Portfolio That Kicks Butt
“Do you have writing samples?” “Can I see some of your writing work?” “What are some high-quality articles you’ve written?”
As a freelance writer, you’ll hear questions like these often.
And your answer?
Here’s a link to my writing portfolio.
At least, that should be your answer. But unfortunately, many freelancers skip the whole “prove you actually know how to write” thing.
As Scott Weiland once sang, “let the proof be in the pudding, sugar.”
Don’t simply tell prospective clients that you’re an amazing content writer. And don’t assume they already know you’re the cat’s meow and the bee’s knees.
Show them.
Further Reading: How to Create a Writing Portfolio That’ll Wow Potential Clients walks you through everything you need to craft an online portfolio of your work. It also offers tips for building a list of writing samples if your portfolio is a bit sparse.
2. Supercharge Your Writing Skills
Unless you want to spend your writing career slumming through content mills with entry-level job ads that pay peanuts, you need to level up your content creation skills.
Because those high-paying freelance jobs you lay awake dreaming about? Companies don’t hand those to just anyone.
They give them to writers who:
Realize the importance of SEO (and can create content with both readers and Google in mind);
Understand the importance of proofreading and submitting error-free work;
Write fast and meet deadlines;
Craft amazing headlines, write with clarity, and support their points with examples;
Can connect with readers on an emotional level.
The good news?
With hard work, anyone can improve their writing skills. And for the few who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do it, the payoff can be huge.
This site is filled with helpful how-to articles on copywriting, content writing, content marketing, and SEO. And if you need training, we have that too.
Further Reading: How to Become a Better Writer: 14 Tips to Up Your Writing Game in 2020 shares our favorite must-have skills for writers. Read it, bookmark it, and come back to it again and again.
3. Ask for Testimonials
Landed a job or two? Awesome.
Did you ask the client to give you a testimonial? A few words declaring their undying love and/or satisfaction with your work (that you can use to help you land more clients)?
No? Well, you’re not alone.
Most writers who do freelance work, either due to ignorance or fear, don’t ask for testimonials. Our own Jon Morrow says he’s only had a small handful of writers over the years ask him for a testimonial — even though he would’ve been perfectly happy to give one to them.
So how should you ask for one? Keep it simple.
Here’s how Karen MacKenzie asked for a testimonial after we published her first post on Smart Blogger:
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And because Karen did such a good job on her post, I was happy to give her the following testimonial:
Karen offers everything I look for in a freelance writer: Her work is excellent, she finishes on time (if not ahead of schedule), and her attention to detail is wonderful. I enjoyed working with her so much that, as soon as her first article was completed, I asked her if she’d like to write for us again. I happily recommend her.
Want a great testimonial like Karen’s?
Create testimonial-worthy content for your clients and then — this is key — ask them for a freakin’ testimonial.
Note: You can count me among the poor, unfortunate souls who missed out on Jon’s generosity. Before becoming Smart Blogger’s Editor-in-Chief, I was a freelancer. I wrote five posts for Smart Blogger as a freelance writer, which means I passed on five opportunities for Jon to say nice things about me. Don’t repeat my mistakes — ask for testimonials at every opportunity.
4. Learn How to Craft a Killer Author Bio
Picture it:
A wealthy business owner sitting in a Herman Miller chair on top of a rug made out of recycled Herman Miller chairs is reading an article you’ve written.
She’s impressed. She calls to her butler, Jeeves, and asks him to bring one of her suitcases filled with money.
Your article is so good, she wants to hire you.
But then she gets to your byline — the one you threw together at the last minute. The one that lists your hobbies and has no clear call to action.
“Throw the suitcase in the fire, Jeeves,” she says. “I shan’t be hiring a writer today.”
If you don’t want this totally realistic scenario to happen to you, you need to get really good at writing author bios.
Because someone who’s made it to your author bio is primed. They’ve read your work and want to learn about the attractive, intelligent individual who wrote it.
Maybe they want to check out your website so they can read more of your work. Maybe they want to find you on social media so they can follow you.
Or maybe they want your contact info so they can hire you.
Further Reading: How to Write a Bio Like a Superhero (Easy 3-Part Process) will show you how to craft bylines that’ll make rich people want to give you suitcases full of money.
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Pound the Pavement: Hacks for Finding Under-the-Radar Opportunities
Anyone can find a job board and search for online writing jobs. But that’s both a good and bad thing — anyone can do it.
That awesome job you found? The one you’d be perfect for? Fifty other “perfect” people found it too.
We’ll go over some great job board options in a moment (because they do have lots to offer freelance writers), but first we’ll take a trip down the road less traveled.
For example, did you know you could…
5. Use Twitter to Reverse-Engineer Writing Jobs
Want an outside-the-box way to find writing opportunities?
Try Twitter’s advanced search.
In the example below, I searched for tweets that included the phrase “writer wanted”:
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I kept the search simple, but I could’ve also searched by language, hashtags, date range, and more. The more options you choose, the more refined your search results.
Click “Search” and you’ll see a list of tweets with various job postings for writers:
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Scroll through the list and tweak your job search, as needed.
Some of the results will be scams, but most will be legitimate. Many will be for remote jobs, but some will be location specific (usually New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, and other major cities in the United States). Just skip over the ones that don’t apply to you.
If you look at “Top” tweets, as shown in the screenshot above, you’ll find brand-new jobs mixed with older ones. Click “Latest” if you want to see recent tweets first.
Tip: When you find a tweet for a job that shows promise, click Twitter’s like/heart icon. That way you’ll be able to easily find your shortlisted tweets later.
The nice thing about Twitter’s advanced search feature is it’s only limited by your imagination.
Want to find guest blogging opportunities (since many websites these days pay for guest posts)? Enter “guest post” into the “this exact phrase” option and you’ll see every tweet written by someone looking to promote their latest guest blogging masterpiece.
That’ll give you a list of websites that accept guest posts, which you can later whittle down (after you’ve done a little more research) into a list of sites that pay guest writers.
Wash, rinse, and repeat.
6. Follow Leads on Social Media
When you use Twitter’s advanced search feature to find freelance writing jobs, you’ll discover certain Twitter handles pop up fairly frequently.
One example is @write_jobs:
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When you find a good lead, follow them. That way you can cut through the noise of Twitter and go straight to your best sources.
Even better?
Add them to a private Twitter list so that tweets from all your leads can be found in one handy repository.
Here’s how you do it:
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Here are a few more handles to get your Twitter list started:
7. Check Out Agency Job Postings
Everyone likes to talk about job boards (which, again, we’ll discuss in a moment). But you know what resource most freelance writers ignore?
Per Jon:
One of the best potential clients is agencies, because they usually have an ongoing need for writers. Instead of only getting paid once, you can develop a relationship with a few and get new gigs for months or even years into the future. How to Become a Freelance Writer, Starting from Scratch
So how can you get work from agencies? Well, you could contact them directly and ask if they have any freelance work (Jon calls this a “gutsy but effective approach”).
The other way is to keep checking their “career” page:
The Content Marketing Institute maintains a detailed database of agencies. Click here to check it out.
8. Find (and Woo) Clients on Their Turf
Most articles that tout social media as a good place to find leads will point you to Facebook Groups.
And it makes sense. After all, search Facebook for “writing jobs”, click the “Groups” tab, and you’ll see dozens and dozens of options that are open to the public:
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If you’re looking for a safe space where like minded individuals offer tips, advice, and writing war stories; such groups are great.
But if you’re looking to find paying gigs, you’ll likely be left wanting.
Most members of these groups are looking to be hired, not looking to hire someone. And when someone wanting to hire a writer does come along, the person who raises their hand first is usually the one who gets the job.
That’s not to say Facebook Groups can’t lead to writing jobs that pay. The trick is you need to find groups where the buyers, not the sellers, hang out.
Think “masterminds”, “think tanks”, etc.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. Such groups are usually private. So, what’s a writer to do?
Skip the Facebook Groups. Go Straight to the Sources.
One of the amazing things about technology is the way it allows us to connect and interact with people with whom we’d otherwise never have the opportunity.
In 2014, I didn’t know Adam Connell of Blogging Wizard. But I joined his mailing list and, lo and behold, a “welcome” email with his address arrived in my inbox. I responded, he wrote me back, and a friendship was born.
I first connected with Henneke Duistermaat of Enchanting Marketing through a humble blog comment. The same was true with Syed Balkhi. I connected with Pamela Wilson via Twitter. For Jon Morrow, the man who would one day hire me at Smart Blogger, I got on his radar by becoming a student in one of his courses.
Want to write for a mover and shaker in your industry? Want to befriend an influencer who can open doors for you (the kind of doors that lead to paying jobs)?
Make a connection. Be generous. Give without asking or expecting anything in return.
That means following them on Twitter, sharing their content, and interacting with them. It means subscribing to their email list.
And, yes, it may mean buying one of their products. Because here’s the thing:
When you’re their student, an influencer is invested in your future. Your success is their success. You’re a walking, talking testimonial. So many — not all, but many — will do everything they can to help you succeed.
And that includes pointing leads in your direction.
9. Pitch to Software Company Blogs
More from Jon:
You want to work with businesses who have money to spend on marketing. Chances are, those companies are subscribed to various apps for email marketing, analytics, and so on. Most software companies in the marketing space (like Hubspot, Sumo, Ahrefs, etc.) also publish a great deal of content. So, who better to write for? You’re instantly getting in front of thousands of the right clients. Many of these blogs will also pay you to write for them, so in many cases you can get your first client while also prospecting for clients.
Software companies with blogs tend to publish a lot of content. After all, every article they publish tends to pay for itself (and then some) thanks to the traffic it brings to the website — traffic that often leads to sales of their product.
As with agencies, you can either cold pitch the software companies (which sometimes works), or you can keep an eye out for open positions:
10. Don’t Be Scared of Ghostwriting
A lot of writers don’t like the idea of ghostwriting.
I get it. You’re letting someone else put their name on and take credit for your hard work.
You mean I get to spend weeks pouring my heart and soul into a piece of content, infusing every syllable with my very essence to the point I no longer know where I begin and my words end, and no one will ever know I wrote it?
Yes, that’s ghosting in a nutshell. But here’s the thing:
Ghostwriting pays better than regular freelance writing. When you ghostwrite, it’s not unheard of to increase your fee by 15%-20% (or more).
You can make great business relationships by ghostwriting. People who pay for ghostwriters tend to have money (and connections). Oftentimes, these clients can refer you to others.
If your primary goal is to build up a strong list of writing samples, ghostwriting isn’t for you.
But if your goal is making money and building potentially-profitable business relationships, it’s something to consider.
And here’s the best part:
Because so many freelance writers loathe ghostwriting, there isn’t as much competition.
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Job Boards: The Low-Hanging Fruit (Packed with Opportunities)
Next up, let’s look at some popular (and some under-the-radar) job boards used by freelance writers all over the world.
If you’re new to freelancing, job boards will likely be your easiest entry point. Once you have some writing samples under your belt and you begin getting good referrals from clients, more opportunities will become available to you.
Let’s start with possibly the biggest one:
11. LinkedIn
If you’re a professional, there’s a good chance you already have a LinkedIn account (even if, like me, you tend to forget about it for months at a time).
Its job board, as you would expect from a site that specializes in professional networking, is huge.
How huge?
Well, at the time of this writing, there are over 32,000 job postings for “writer” alone:
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Thankfully, LinkedIn offers lots of filters. Search by date, the job’s industry, the job type (full-time, part-time, etc.), experience level, and more.
If you’re already on LinkedIn, it’s a good place to start.
12. ProBlogger
As its name would suggest, ProBlogger’s Job Board is a popular one amongst bloggers in search of freelance writing work.
However, with a $70 starting price for posting a job, you tend to find smaller companies (and lower rates) on ProBlogger. There are exceptions, of course.
One neat feature offered by ProBlogger is a Candidate Database employers can search to find writers. It’s free for writers to join, and you can use it as an online resume and sales page.
13. Upwork
Depending on who you talk to, Upwork is either awful or amazing. And the funny thing is, the reasons for its awfulness and amazingness are one and the same: low rates.
Employers love Upwork because you can typically find qualified applicants who live in areas with lower cost of living. As a result, they can get great work at reduced costs.
Those who hate Upwork do so because they’re competing with the aforementioned applicants who can comfortably live on less money.
So what does this mean for freelance writers?
Unless you’re content with low rates (because you need the practice, you want to build up your portfolio, you need all the work you can get, etc.), you’re better off with one of the other job boards mentioned.
14. BloggingPro
BloggingPro requires clients to publish job ads that pay a minimum of $15 an hour (or have at least 500 words).
Job categories are blogging, content writing, copywriting, and journalism. And types of work include contract, freelance, full-time, part-time, internship, and temporary.
As job boards not named LinkedIn or Indeed go, it’s pretty detailed.
15. FlexJobs
FlexJobs specializes in all types of remote work. It isn’t free, but you get a lot for your money.
For starters, you’re safe from scams — each job posting is vetted by an actual human. You also don’t have to hunt for jobs that’ll allow you to work from home while wearing your pajamas — all job ads are for remote work. It’s kind of their thing.
Plans start at $14.95 per month. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee, which means you can try it out, see if there are any promising writing jobs, and cancel if you don’t like what you see.
16. Freelance Writers Den
Founded by Carol Tice, the Freelance Writers Den is a paid membership site with a long track record.
Unlike most job boards, you also get bonuses. There are over 300 hours of training material, pitch examples, templates, and monthly live events.
Membership is $25 per month with no contract. You can cancel anytime and not pay the next month’s dues. There’s also a 7-day money-back guarantee when you first join.
17. Who Pays Writers?
According to its website, Who Pays Writers? is “an anonymous, crowd-sourced list of which publications pay freelance writers — and how much.”
Translation: Once you’re ready to write for a high-profile publication that’ll look amazing on your portfolio, Who Pays Writers? will be a helpful resource you can use to discover which publications accept applications (and how much they tend to pay per word).
It’s definitely one you should bookmark.
18. FreelanceWriting.com
Curating the best writing jobs that Indeed, Craigslist, BloggingPro, and others have to offer (as well as their own, exclusive writing opportunities); freelancewriting.com is a one-step resource for freelancers.
Not all job posts are for remote work, but you can filter the ads to fit your needs. Categories include blogging (WordPress, SEO, etc.), writing (copywriter, staff writer, short stories, etc.), proofreading (copy editor, proofreader, etc.), journalism, copywriting, social media (marketing manager, social media manager, etc.), and technical writer.
If you’d like to keep your list of job boards short, freelancewriting.com is a good one to keep on it.
19. Freelance Writing Jobs
Freelance Writing Jobs curates writing jobs from Craigslist, Indeed, Journalism Jobs, and others.
Every week day, Monday through Friday, they publish a short list of hand-picked job ads. So, if you prefer quality over quantity, it’s worth a bookmark.
20. Be a Freelance Blogger
Sophie Lizard’s job board keeps things pretty simple: if you want to publish a job ad on Be a Freelance Blogger, it has to pay at least $0.10 per word or $50 per post.
If you’re just starting out, it’s definitely worth looking into.
21. Journalism Jobs
If you want to target magazines and newspapers, Journalism Jobs is a great resource. With close to 3 million page views each month, it’s the largest resource for journalism jobs on the web.
So, if publications are your focus, it should be on your short list.
Free Class: Want to make real, tangible money as a freelance writer? Check out Smart Blogger’s Six-Figure Freelance Writing Class. You’ll get instant access to the first video when you sign up.
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Ready to Become a Successful Freelance Writer?
There may be lots of writing jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy out there.
Landing your first writing job is difficult. But, it does get easier the more you do it. I promise.
Like a Nicolas Cage movie marathon, once you survive the first few, you can handle pretty much anything.
With the tips and resources in this post, you’re now armed with knowledge. You know what steps you need to take in order to be prepared, you know under-the-radar places to look for opportunities, and you have a sizable list of job boards from which to choose.
All that’s left is for you to take action.
Are you ready to get started? Ready to find that first (or hundredth) paying assignment?
Then let’s do this thing.
About the Author: When he’s not busy telling waitresses, baristas, and anyone else who crosses his path that Jon Morrow once said he was in the top 1% of bloggers, Kevin J. Duncan is Smart Blogger’s Editor in Chief.
The post 21 Beginner-Friendly Tips for Landing Freelance Writing Jobs appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/freelance-writing-jobs/
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
5 Trends to Know in SEO & Content Marketing
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What’s trending in content marketing and SEO these days?
Let’s say this: Content is more important than ever.
More specifically, quality, media type, authenticity, and audience targeting all come into play if you want to win with readers and Google.
Ready to learn more?
These are the five content marketing and SEO trends you need to know.
1. Go Beyond (WAY Beyond) Superficial Content
We’re seeing brands leave superficial content behind in favor of blogs and articles that plumb the depths of a topic.
That means more and more blogs are comprehensive, thoroughly researched and – you guessed it – long.
For instance, look at the SERP for the query [content marketing examples]. The top 4 results have an average length of 2,207 words.
Furthermore, all these results are chock-full of real-world examples, studies, statistics, and facts.
This research had to be accurately and carefully compiled, referenced, and cited.
This Optinmonster blog (result #2 and a featured snippet) is well-researched, meaning it includes lots of examples, links to sources, and screenshots. It also clocks in at over 3,000 words:
This is what is necessary to rank well with readers and search engines these days.
Still publishing unplanned, unresearched, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants content?
Not going to work anymore. In fact, I could argue this method never worked in the first place.
Superficial content will get you superficial results, at best. There is rarely any value in content that skims the surface of a topic.
No value = no audience interest. No audience interest = no results.
2. Invest in Content Creation Processes
To create best-of-the-best content, more brands than ever are investing in content creation processes.
According to Content Marketing Institute’s 2019 B2C research, 56% of content marketers increased spending within the last 12 months on content creation.
That might involve:
The interest in creating content is a matter of course.
Content marketing has reached peak popularity over the last few years, according to Google Trends.
Most marketers want a piece of the promised land.
Investing more dollars in content creation processes makes sense:
How else can you create the type of value-packed, high-quality content that readers love and search engines rank?
If you don’t invest, you won’t have the resources to do it right.
End of story.
3. Use Content Personalization for Ultra-Targeted Content
Another widely-adopted content marketing trend is content personalization.
According to a survey from Evergage, 93% of marketers use personalization for at least one channel in their digital marketing strategy.
This practice focuses on tailoring the content your site serves to different users based on readily available personal data like demographics, preferences, and search/browsing history.
According to the Evergage survey, most marketers agree that this tactic:
The point is, the content that speaks to one type of user won’t speak to another. A first-time visitor to your page has different needs than a visitor on their 20th session, for example.
Content personalization gives each of them slightly different pages filled with content that will appeal to their personal needs.
This chart from ConversionXL shows how two different versions of content are served to two different users.
4. Double-Down on Building Customer Loyalty with Authenticity & Transparency
According to a 2019 Stackla survey, 90% of consumers agree that authenticity matters for the brands they like and support. Most marketers are aware of this trend and want to be that authentic voice people crave.
The problem? 92% of marketers think the content they create oozes authenticity, but 51% of consumers think less than half of all brands accomplish this.
However, when brands get authenticity right, the rewards are huge. A Cohn & Wolfe survey found almost 90% of consumers are willing to reward a brand’s authenticity by taking action:
If marketers are often mistaken about the authenticity in their content, how can they get past their overconfidence and reach what works?
Brands that understand what authenticity actually means will come out on top. Michael Fertik for Forbes defines it like this:
“Being authentic means being accountable and upholding your brand promise. It requires transparency and a dash of vulnerability. When a brand is authentic, consumers know it, appreciate it and prioritize their spending accordingly.”
For examples of authenticity in big-name brands, look at Amazon, Apple, Lego, and Intel – all of these appear in Cohn & Wolfe’s list of the 100 Most Authentic Brands ranked by consumers.
5. Expand Your Horizons Past Just Blogging
Blogging is a big deal in content marketing, but it’s not the end-all, be-all.
Blogging is awesome, don’t get me wrong.
My agency has seen 99% of our leads and sales come through our organic content rankings.
That said, we are living in a dynamic, multi-channel, multi-experience digital world.
If you only target people who read blogs and articles, you’re missing out on all the people who prefer only video, only audio, or a mix of two or three in their browsing adventures.
According to Nielsen, U.S. adults over age 18 now spend nearly half of their days – over 11 hours total – consuming content. (Over 6 of those hours are devoted to video content!)
They get their content everywhere: On live TV, time-shifted TV, the internet, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, radio, DVD/Blu-ray devices, and other internet-connected devices.
Most marketers are wise to this trend and are diving into the uncharted waters of YouTube, podcasts, webinars, and live streaming along with their blogging strategies.
If you’re still only blogging, it’s time to start thinking about adding on a YouTube channel, a podcast, or some other form of dynamic media to your content strategy.
For best results, go where your audience lives.
Trending Content & SEO Tactics Are Just the Beginning
As content marketing evolves, these trends are just the start of new shifts in the industry.
Over the last year alone, we have seen brands reprioritizing their audiences, refocusing on telling authentic stories, and shifting to include more channels in their content strategy.
Going forward, brands that invest in the right trends will see more growth overall. Are you ready?
All screenshots taken by author, May 2019
This content was originally published here.
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I Give Up - part 28 FINAL (A Baekhyun Series)
Genre: Fluff / Smut (18+)
Characters: Baekhyun X You
A/N: warning slight cumplay. OMG guys this is the end of this story. I will most likely write an epilogue after the grieving period is over. THANK YOU for all the love you have given me for this story. BH & HD will always be the number one OTP in my heart.
I Give Up -  part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6 , part 7 , part 8 , part 9 , part 10 , part 11 , part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28 FINAL,
I Give Up Deleted Scenes Masterlist
The Notebook Kinks 1   Pink Heart Days
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“The pictures are out.”
Those four words held so much power. You felt a definite tremor inside your chest as you watched Baekhyun’s face closely. He had looked up into your eyes when he said it and his hand gripped his phone. It jumped around as he waited for something to load, staring down at the small screen with his eyes darting around and his bottom lip held tightly between his teeth.
His mouth opened when his eyes stopped their dancing around the screen and he focused on what he saw on front of him.
He saw it.
A small puff of air exhaled through his parted lips and he closed his eyes as he dropped the phone away from his face. He was breathing louder now, noisy puffs of air came out of his lungs and he sighed one deep long sigh as he threw his head back, his chin lifted high in the air and eyes closed tight. What was that look on his face? Why wasn’t the showing you? He was driving you crazy with nerves.
“Baek–” you pleaded and sat up higher in the hospital bed you were sitting in. You felt the tug against your IV in the back of your hand and you ignored the sting.
His face changed slowly and you heard his breathing even out as the corners of his lips pulled into a smile. The smile grew wider and you felt something wash over you, something you almost didn’t dare to hope for, as you reached for his hand that still held his cell phone. The screen was still illuminated and you felt him give in to you, releasing the phone into your hand you scrambled for it, needing to see with your own eyes what had him smiling and sighing out in deep relief.
The image on his screen was of low quality and it was an image of a couple taking a selfie. Someone had put a digital sticker over the woman’s face, covering her identity entirely but the man in the picture was….a different member of EXO. It wasn’t Baekhyun.
You stared at the silly face Kim Jongdae, known to his fans as Chen was making in the picture with his arm around the shoulders of the unknown woman and you moved your finger over the screen, finding one more picture that looked nearly identical. The feeling of relief washed over you, making you sigh out loud just as Baekhyun has done moments earlier.
At the top of the screen was a screenshot of the article that read “EXO member Chen’s Dating Scandal”. The first lines captured in the screenshot mentioned how the pictures had been released from the friend of an ex that dated the idol.
“B-But…” You said quietly as you looked up into his face with a slightly confused feeling inside you, “I thought Young–”
“Don’t say his name–” Baekhyun interrupted you with his finger pointed in your direction and a stern look on his face and your lips snapped shut. “That name doesn’t deserve to be on your lips.”
“The note said he had pictures.” You said quietly after a moment and you felt Baekhyun’s hand reach for your own, linking his fingers between yours. He watched you as you found your words, sitting back down in stiff chair that sat next to your bed.
“Let’s not worry about him anymore huh? He will be taken care of. I’m not going to let him or anyone hurt you ever again.” His eyes held the kind of sincerity that you could believe. That you would have believed over and over again. You knew he meant the words he was saying and you nodded after a moment. Vowing inside that you would do the same for him as best as you could. You would protect him as well, even if that meant protecting this beautiful heart you had fallen so in love with.
His phone buzzed a few times and you glanced down seeing messages pop up in the EXO group chat. He glanced down briefly but ignored the rapid flow of words from members discussing the latest issue.
A knock sounded on the door and He sat up straighter in the chair, expecting a nurse or doctor to come in doing their usual rounds.
The door opened slowly and you saw the top of your Dad’s head peak through the doorway.
Baekhyun stood up right way, straight and proper with his hands to his side, you watched as he bowed a deep greeting to your father who slowly walked through the door carrying what seemed to be food from home. Food you mom must have packed up and sent with him. He set the bundle down at a table near the door and Baekhyun stepped back and away from the bed, giving the man plenty of room to pass by.
Your dad. Your sweet dad who taught you the value of hard work. The man who showed you what it meant to be loved and respected by another human being. The man who, although he didn’t speak a whole lot, always found the words to tell you that he loved you, and made sure you knew it. He always made you promise you would never forget that fact. As sure as you were certain of various unchangeable facts about the world…the sky was blue, the earth was round, your daddy loved you, trusted you and would always be there to protect you…or so he had always told you.
Perhaps the hardest part of growing up is learning this part, that sometimes…sometimes he couldn’t protect you from everything.
His eyes were on you as he made his way inside the room and you could feel the lump that formed in your throat when he reached you. He looked tired and frail. Something you didn’t usually notice in you dad. He was the strongest person you knew and you liked to think you got much of your strength from him. But his shoulders were slumped down and as if he carried the weight of a thousand loads of laundry on his back as he made his way, taking step after agonizing step until he reached his destination.
The look in his eyes is what did it. Worry, pain, confusion, relief and you swallowed all few times, willing the burning in your eyes to subside. You sniffed at your nose, trying to calm the storm of emotions that threatened to burst through.
“Mom sent me with some food for you both,” his voice was gruff sounding and you could hear the emotion as he inhaled a trembling breath, trying to control his emotions and act strong for you.
But his eyes were wet and the fluttering way he wouldnt quite hold your eye contact pulled at your heart.
“Dad, I’m okay–” You felt a tear slip out, despite your efforts and he cleared his throat noisily as he reached forward and cupped your cheek, eyes glancing over your body as if to verify that you were as uninjured as you claimed to be. His gaze lingered over the tubes that led to the IV stuck in your hand and the various bandages on your other arm where the nurses had taken blood throughout the night.
“Shh, don’t cry or I’ll cry too. You don’t want to make your daddy cry do you?” He leaned down and you felt the soft kiss he placed on your forehead with a tremble in his lips and the sniffle of his nose as he rose up.
“Well–” he took a step back, nodding his head lightly at what he had verified with his own eyes. You were alive. You were unharmed despite the trauma of the attack which was likely to leave a mark and the man wasn’t usually much for useless waiting around. He would be ready to leave soon.
”–I’d better head back home.”
Your dad…he was a man of few words and a man of even less free time or so he liked to claim as sat on his sofa in front of his soccer game complaining about the length of the commercials
He spun, ready to leave with his usual quickness and you saw him take a few steps before he stopped walking suddenly. You saw Baekhyun’s head tick in his direction, alert and acutely aware of the man’s presence in the room.
Your dad’s journey to the exit stalled and he turned in Baekhyun’s direction. Your boyfriend had been standing at near attention with his hands behind his back, trying to not witness your dad’s moment of weakness yet unable to actually leave the room out of respect for the man. He couldn’t just run away, that would have been worse. Baekhyun’s eyes widened as your dad took another step in his direction and his whole body stiffened up when you dad reached where Baekhyun stood like a statue. Frozen in surprise and uncertainty. You could see the questions written all over Baekhyun’s face and you even wondered what would come of this. Would your dad be upset? Possible having heard the details of the threat against you, a threat against Baekhyun and his valuable career, having used his girlfriend to somehow get to him? He couldn’t have possibly misunderstood the situation and would now blame Baekhyun would he? Surely not, your dad was more sensible than that. It had been clear that the man who did this…who tried to hurt you was after you, not Baekhyun.
Your dad reached for Baekhyun with both arms outstretched, moving past the wide eyes and the look of panic on his face and he wrapped big arms around his shoulders as he pulled him in for a tight hug.
You heard a startled gasp from your boyfriend’s lips when it happened.
The hug was as quick as expected and when your dad released Baekhyun from his grip he looked into his startled face, lifting a hand to pat his cheek once softly and sweetly. You saw the smile on your dad’s face and the softening of Baekhyun’s expression as it changed from fear to a soft smile with lips parted and a quiet exhale of breath. Relief mingled with the emotions that flashed across Baekhyun’s face and he bit down on his bottom lip to keep his face controlled. You knew what that rapid blinking of his eyes meant.
“Thank you…for being there.” Your dad whispered to him, his hand still resting over his sweet face and Baekhyun watched your dad’s face for a moment.
“I’m thankful I was able to, Sir.” He said in a quiet voice.
“Dad,” the older man corrected your boyfriend and his eyes widened a hair as he glanced in your direction. You noticed the pink in his cheeks and he looked back at your dad as he patted his face a few more times and dropped his hand.
“D-Dad.” The sacred word, brand new and delicate, said in in Baekhyun’s own voice echoed out like a bell through your mind and you both watched in silent awe as your father turned and silently left the room.
The silence of his departure lingered long after the door closed and your attention was pulled to Baekhyun, who stared at the closed door for a long while before shaking his head clear of the daze and turning to walk back to you.
He was looking down at the floor and when he finally pulled his eyes up to look at you his lips pulled into a tiny smile that you returned.
“Hey–” he spoke suddenly after a few moments of thought.
“What do you think about taking a trip with me?” He was fidgeting with your blanket with the tips of his fingers, working the seam of the blanket between his thumb and middle finger over and over as his eyes watched the fabric move. His top lip was pulled in between his teeth and the casual tone in his voice sounded just a bit false.
“Sure,” you said instantly and his eyes shot up straight into yours with your quick and easy response.
“Sure?” His eyebrows were up in surprise as he pulled his chin down. “No…’Where? When?….How?’…just ‘Sure.’?”
“I trust you.” You shrugged and his amused smile widened against his will as he puffed out a small laugh.
“Okay…sure,” he said.
The trip didn’t come for a while. The sub unit debut happened and then there was a christmas album released by EXO and you began to lose all hope that he would get any stretch of time off to be able to get a full night’s sleep let along steal away with you on a secret romantic getaway, but just when you’d nearly forgotten that he had even mentioned it you got a string of text messages from him. Messages asking you if you preferred sun or snow. You chose sandy beaches over cold snow covered mountain tops and he told you to make sure you passport was up to date because the trip was on. He was getting a solid week and a half off after the christmas album promotions were finished.
You were a little bothered that you had to fly alone, but he had promised Chanyeol he would snowboard with him at some ski resort for the first two days of their time off and you videos they posted on Instagram for the fans to see made you smile to see them having some well deserved fun together.
The flight out of the country was uneventful and you landed in some foreign country for your connecting flight to your final destination, some small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea that you only half paid attention to during high school geography class. You boarded your connecting flight, finding your seat easily enough and you sat down in the comfy first class seat with plenty of legroom and you said a silent word of thanks to him for paying the extra cost for the comfort, despite the fact that you put up a bit of a fuss for him spending so much money on this trip. What could you do about it though? He had already bought the tickets before you even began to ask if he was going to be splurging on unnecessary things like first class when you were perfectly fine with flying coach. He did what he wanted when it came to his money and the fancy ass brand spanking new laptop he gave you for christmas was evidence of that fact.
Passengers shuffled in, walking mostly past your section toward the back of the plane and you eyed the seat next to you, secretly hoping it would stay empty and you wouldn’t have to worry about trying to communicate with someone in a language you didn’t speak well. Those hopes were dashed when someone stopped in front of your row, paused as if checking their seat number on the ticket and then noisily plopping down into the empty seat with a loud sigh.
A loud sigh that you felt inside your bones because that sigh was … it was…
He turned to face you. Hood up, black facemask over his face and his eyes smiled at you as he arched a single eyebrow at your surprised face.
You covered your mouth to try and stifle the loud laugh that left your chest. You were genuinely surprised. Baekhyun had told you that he would meet you at the airport in Cyprus, not on your connecting flight in Hong Kong. You had no reason to doubt him, he even mapped out the Cyprus airport with a little heart drawn in the exact location where you would find him waiting for you.
“Excuse me Miss, is this seat taken?” His flirty voice broke through the noise of the airline engine and you giggled harder as you shook your head, suddenly very excited about the next 10 or so hours until your destination.
The flight departed and Baekhyun was your favorite travel companion. He was very used to long flights and had a bag full of things to keep you and him entertained, but your favorite was when he pulled out a deck of cards to play poker.
If there was one thing you knew about him, it was than when playing games, Byun Baekhyun was a filthy cheater. At first everything was going well and you even found yourself up. He used his phone to keep track of the “winnings”, playing with small amounts, a few cents here and there to keep things from bankrupting you, but the longer you played the more you noticed the man seemed to be full of aces. Literally you actually caught him pull one out from under his leg and after that all bets were off. You were done playing sweet and you decided to up the stakes. His maniacal giggling during your body search for more hidden cards only made you want it more.
Instead of betting money, you graduated to small punishments, little things like a flick in the forehead or having to ask the flight attendant an embarrassing question.
You had to cover your head with your blanket when he asked the sweet woman if she had any diarrhea medicine and you felt his hand slipping below the blanket to pinch at your leg when your laughter became too loud.
Once his hand found its way below your blanket, the hours and hours you both still had to spend in these comfy airline seats seemed like some sort of a test in self control, of which Baekhyun didn’t have a whole lot of. His tickling fingers inched higher and higher up your thigh until you had to shoot him a dirty look, reminding him in a close whisper into his ear that although these fully lay-flat fancy seats gave the illusion of privacy, you were exactly the quietest partner once he got his hands on you and this was a flight full of strangers who would not hesitate to have you both arrested for indecent behavior.
This threat seemed to work a little bit but you could still see it in his eyes every time he looked at you.
The game changed after that. Not even about the cards or even placing bets, it was only about winning and the dares changed and grew riskier as the look in his eye grew darker.
You’d just lost a round and you looked down at his three queens and your pair of kings with a grumpy frown as you waited for him to decide.
“Let me see your bra. Lift up your shirt.” He whispered his prize and you looked at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
“Baek, there are like 200 people on this flight.” You said in a harsh whisper and you saw him lift his shoulders and drop them with a ‘not-my-problem’ look on his face. “Hey-” he pointed his long finger at you with accusing eyes, “–you just made me describe….in improvised song…what it feels like when I cum. You have to do this.” You snorted into your hand remembering the way his eyebrows screwed together and his face grew pink as he tried to rework the chorus for the song Transformer, changing the words after the surprisingly fitting tick tick boom boom ‘bout to blow to fit the description of a male orgasm. You had give it to him…his musicality was impressive. He pulled it off well and didn’t even laugh as he sang. He did whisper the some of the riskier words like dick and cum.
“You can do it under the blanket but I get to use my phone as a flashlight. And I get a nipple.” You heard the excited amusement in his voice now and you crossed your arms over your chest in defiance.
“I’ll tell you what, when we get land I’ll give you something better for winning but I’m not doing this. I don’t want to get arrested in a foreign country.”
This got his attention and he turned to look at you, suddenly interested in your offer.
“Something better? Like what? What better?”
You looked into his eager eyes as you considered.
“Okay, I will let you pick one,” you began and he shuffled the cards noisily and expertly as if he had been dealing blackjack in a casino for ten years. These cards looked well worn and broken in and you wondered how many games they had seen on long flights. “You can say to me…what you’ve been dying to say to me about Kim Youngshik. That thing I made you swore you wouldn’t say to me. ”
The cards stopped moving and he looked into your face with a serious expression behind his eyes that told you he had absolutely no doubt about what four words he was absolutely dying to tell you since it happened. You could feel them in his eyes as he watched you and as soon as the charges were filed against Youngshik and the evidence list grew and grew you could see the great efforts it had taken to keep his mouth shut about it.
“Or?” He lifted an eyebrow as he waited. “Or, I’ll give you a blow job.” You said flippantly looking down at the new hand he was dealing already as he gave you the cards one by one.
“Here?” He said in a scandalous tone and you shot him a look he should have known very well by now.
“At the hotel Baekhyun.”
He was biting down on his lip as his eyebrows wrinkled over his eyes and you saw him flipping through his cards as he half paid attention to his hand, and half considered his choices.
“I want to say the thing,” he said after a few moments and you could hear the confidence behind his choice. “I’ll win a blow job on my next hand.” He added and you laughed as you shook your head and looked down at the best hand you’d had the entire flight.
“Can I do it now?” He said suddenly and you shrugged, setting down your awesome flush carefully so the cards wouldn’t show. You nodded your head. He could do it. You were ready and you knew it was true anyway.
“I told you so.” His eyes were on your now. “I was right about that asshole. I fucking knew it. I told you so.”
You had braced for it, and honestly it wasn’t that bad now that it was out. Because he was right. He had told you again and again and you denied it and doubted the gut feeling he had about the guy.
You sighed, feeling the tension leave your shoulders now that the words were out of him because honestly he had been on the verge of those words for quite a while now and it was starting to drive you crazy.
“I mean… the clues were all over the place. But I saw through him right away. The way I picked that note apart, I mean…can I call myself a genius or is that too much?” He was still talking and you looked at your cards with the flush that would surely beat anything he had in his own hand.
“–at least I’m a great detective. People say Batman is the world’s greatest detective…but Baekman is the true greatest detective. I wonder if I can get this on a shirt…OH we can get couple shirts. Baekman–” You began to zone out as he rambled and you laid your cards back down on your lap as you waited for him to finish, momentarily nodding your head to let him know that yes, he was right all along and yes he had told you so all along.
When he finally stopped talking you looked back into his face, with his cheeks a little pink from having gotten worked up about his little speech and he had stopped talking suddenly as he watched you nod your head and agree with him. His eyebrows furrowed and he pouted his lips.
“This doesn’t feel satisfying enough. Agree with me.” You nearly spit your water that you sipped out when you laughed and you quickly nodded your head at him.
“I do agree with you. You absolutely told me so.” Your voice was casual and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“And I was right, say that part.” You sighed before you could continue. His pettiness was unmatched by anyone else in this entire world.
“Oh great genius detective Baekman, you were right all along. If only I had trusted you and believed in you none of this mess would have happened.” You tried your very hardest to keep the sarcasm out of your voice but he didn’t buy it and he scoffed as he looked away for a moment and he pulled at the blanket that had been sitting on your lap.
Your cards went flying onto the floor in front of you and you gasped as you watched your flush land face up for him to see.
His eyes flew down and he quickly reached for the cards, he recognizing their value you watched in horror as he stacked the deck of cards up quickly and declared the poker game over.
The rest of the flight passed with watching movies together, holding hands and quiet chitchat under blankets as you both tried in vain to get some sleep.
By the time you finally drifted off you were almost instantly roused to prepare for landing.
The walk through the airport made you nervous. Your heart pounded and you looked around nervously for any sign that he was recognized. He wore his hoodie, a black cap and a facemask pulled tight around his face and you were sure to keep a few steps behind him all the way to baggage claim. Your flight had landed late at night and perhaps the weariness of the day had made everyone less aware, or perhaps EXO wasn’t popular here. Hardly anyone paid any attention to him at all and you eventually began to relax when you noticed a young blonde girl wearing a familiar looking shirt. Sure enough, you noticed her white sweater with the EXO logo and the letters D.O. on the back above the number 12.
From your advantage you could see her walking slowly and perpendicular to where he was walking just beyond a pillar next to the baggage claim and she seemed to be glued to her cell phone. Baekhyun was walking fast and if he kept this pace the two would definitely collide with each other. You moved your legs faster and jumped in front of where he walked, holding your hand out behind your back with your finger pointed to the left as a signal to him. He instantly took a turn and walked on the other side of another pillar just as the fan passed by their previous crossing spot.
You kept your eyes out for any other problems as you both retrieved your own bags and waited for a cab to take you to the hotel.
The hotel, was not a hotel at all, but it seemed that Baekhyun had rented out a beach home. A luxurious only a few meters from the sandy shore complete with a covered patio, swimming pool and beautiful accommodations inside to surely spoil you rotten. The weather was perfect, neither too hot nor too cold and you appreciated the cool night breeze floating in off the sea.
“There’s a carnival in town. Maybe we could go tomorrow.” Baekhyun was leafing through a local magazine left on the kitchen counter of the rental home as you unpacked your clothes and shook out the light dresses you brought along for the beachy weather. He watched you out of the corner of his eyes as he leafed through the magazine, hardly glancing at the pages as they flew by. Simply watching didn’t quite describe the eagle-eyed focus he had on you as you tried to unpack. You could tell something was up with him. Perhaps this was leftover from the flight.
“Are you sure you won’t be recognized?” You couldn’t help the worry in your voice. The two of you couldn’t go out at all back home. Public was always a danger where he was concerned.
“It’ll be fine. There are probably a total of two EXO fans on this whole island. If we go during the day it’ll most likely just be older folks.” You shook your head in understanding and bent over to reach the open bag on the floor, being sure you do it in front of where he was staring at you. If he was going to stare, he should be given something to look at. You pulled off the outer sweater you wore, knowing that the shirt you wore beneath it was sheer and fitted. He had wanted to see your bra after all. It was easy to see through this shirt. You wore the black lacy one for him today.
“Besides…I want to see you in the sunlight for once.” He was speaking casually but his voice sounded just a bit lower and thicker.
You pulled your toiletries out of your bag and moved to the bathroom to set them out for the week and Baekhyun followed you to the doorway of the bathroom. He was still watching you as you moved with an unreadable expression that seemed to be darkening the longer he stared and when you turned to look at him holding a shampoo bottle in your hand you saw him bite down on his lip.
“I think you’re doing this on purpose,” he said.
“Doing what?” You lifted a single brow and tried to keep your grin hidden. He didn’t buy your false innocence.
“Asking me to fuck you without asking me to fuck you,” he said and you had to close your eyes. This man could always read you too well.
He moved suddenly, taking the bottle out of your hand quickly he set it down on the counter and grabbed your face, his hands on both of your cheeks he pulled you into him, into his mouth and you felt his lips descend on yours.
You were only slightly surprised by it and you gave in, feeling the leftover effects of the plane ride and the tension you had felt then. When you couldn’t touch him all you wanted. His hands were around your waist and he pulled you out of the bathroom. His lips still on yours, his kiss was needy and hungry and you were walking forward as he pulled you into the bedroom with the huge glass windows that overlooked the moonlit sea. You were spun around by the strong arms of a demanding man.
You felt the backs of your knees reach the foot of the bed and his arms wrapped around your waist pulling your shirt up over your head in one swift motion and his hands were at the waist of your pants, pushing them down. The faster his hands moved the more you felt the urgency in this and you moved just as quickly slipping your hands inside his waistband to rid him of his clothes as well.
You felt the rough push he gave into you that sent you falling down on your back on the plush bed. In a flash of movement he was crawling over your body as you fell backwards. His hands moved up your legs between your thighs which parted greedily. You needed him to touch you, you wanted it so badly you felt like begging and he smirked as you whined and writhed below him on the bed.
“Do you have any idea how good you smell? I couldn’t touch you or kiss you or fuck you for 10 whole hours. I thought I was going to go crazy.” His words were a growl that went into your ear and send a jolt of arousal down your spine.
He hovered over you and you angled your hips upward reaching for where he kept just out of reach.
“Do you want this? Because I’m not going to be nice.” You were beyond pretending at this point and you nodded your head quickly, feeling the desperation hit you hard.
When he rolled this hips you felt his warmth and harness against your thigh where his hands had been rubbing agonizing circles just out of reach of your center. You whined in complaint and he chuckled once before he gave in to you and you felt his finger reach the space between your legs where you were the wettest.
His fingers were followed by hardness and he ran the head of his cock within your folds before he pushed inside in one fluid motion that nearly made your head spin. You screamed and he pulled out and pushed inside again, fast enough to make you lurch up on the bed with his powerful thrusts. You felt his hands grip your thighs and he pulled you back down each time you were pushed upward.
The love was hasty, noisy, needy and demanding. The results of a long flight and stretched out frustrations from being apart for so long. Where his lips touched your skin his teeth bit down hard. Where his moans reached your ear you heard the animalistic growls and when he pushed inside of your wetness he did it fast and rough, making you cry out in surprise at his unyielding pace.
Flesh slapped against flesh, punctuated by the slick sounds of your wetness, your arousal heightened by his mood. You clawed at his back with your nails as he fucked you, urging him to go faster and harder despite the pain. Leading him with the the pain you caused in his skin that you were sure would leave red marks.
The wave that came over you hit you all at once and when you squeezed around him you felt him stiffen and cry out loud, quickly pulling out so he could cum of your belly, sticky white stands flew up higher, landing in drops over your breasts that rose and fell with your deep breaths and he grunted with each burst until he went still hovering over you, panting hard through parted lips as his eyes took in the mess. The darkness lingered in those eyes, making your skin feel hotter the longer he looked at you.
You lifted a finger, trailing it over the wetness on your belly and brought it up to your lips for a taste…the bitter taste of his cum hit your senses and his eyes watched you move, his breath puffing out in bursts through his open mouth.
“You like that?” He asked in a low whisper and you nodded your head as you held onto the darkness in his eyes.
You felt him move, maddened by the sight of what you had done he dipped his head and you felt his tongue lapping up the sticky drops of his cum that had landed on your breasts, taking the liquid onto the tip of his tongue and his mouth was on yours, pushing deep into your mouth, bitterness flooded your tongue and you sucked on him, swallowing away what he offered until you only tasted his mouth. You heard a soft whimper that echoed against your face as you did it and his eyes opened above you, staring into your own for a long while as his breathing slowly settled down and evened back out.
He rolled onto his back, off of you, with a noisy grunt and he reached for his boxers that had landed somewhere on the bed, quickly wiping your stomach free of the rest of his mess before he tossed them onto the floor of the room.
You reached for him and he reached for you at the same time as he laid down and you could feel the sleepiness overcoming you. Satisfied at last and tired from the trip you felt yourself drifting to the steady sounds of his breathing which sounded so even already. Was he sleeping? So fast?
You didn’t fight it either.
When you awoke, the sun was up and there was a soft singing in your ear that pulled you out of your sleep. The song was familiar and slower than usual and when you opened your eyes, temporarily blinded by the bright sun shining through the windows, you finally focused on Baekhyun’s face. His eyes were closed and he was resting on the pillow right next to your head and his lips were moving as he sang slowly. ’–oh baby baby baby–’ the words were different now. ’–everytime you’ve got me horny–’ They were dirtier than before and he definitely looked less embarrassed to be saying them.
“Tick tick boom boom–” his voice sang out slowly and sweetly and you saw the corners of his mouth pull into the smile he couldn’t at all keep controlled.
“–’bout to blow,” you whispered in response and you heard a snort as he laughed louder and his chest vibrated with the giggles that overtook him and shook the bed.
The carnival was more like a traveling fair. The vendors all spoke just enough English for you to be able to communicate just enough to get by and Baekhyun’s English was heavily accented but better than you thought it would be. When he didn’t understand something he had this cute way of grinning widely with exaggerated blinking eyes until the other person just gave up and you died each time he did it. There were stands with food, delicious things that were fried and terrible for you and you shared everything with him. The crowds were thin and not a single person gave him a second glance. You felt relieved and excited all at the same time, to actually be out with him in a public place, having fun like this.
There were stands selling drinks, some alcoholic, some not and you noticed the majority of people walked around with something to drink, either beer or what seemed to be a fruity wine. The day was young and Baekhyun shrugged and bought a couple of drinks, commenting that you would both probably walk for a long time here and would just burn it off.
The drinks were good, and strong. You felt the effects of the alcohol right away and you felt the mood lifting significantly as his giggles seemed to intensify along with your own.
The carnival games you both played seemed to be getting harder and harder the more you drank, and did you have a fresh one in your hand? You wondered where that came from. But not for long because Baekhyun had just won you a stuffed hippopotamus while playing some ring toss game that you were sure would have been rigged. It was cute and had a crooked nose and you hugged it tightly with a wide smile. You named him Pippo the Hippo and Baekhyun repeated the name at least ten times quickly trying to get the pronunciation right.
He must be been drunk. You definitely were by this point.
You stumbled upon a new game, getting caught up by the shiny lights and pink hearts that decorated the entire entrance. Lover’s Lane the sign read and you grabbed his arm as he nearly walked past it.
“Look–” you pointed with excitement on your face and he looked up at the sign with curious eyes. When you turned back toward the game you felt the world spin just a bit and you stumbled when he was pulling you into the entrance. Was it a game, or a ride? You couldn’t be sure because its was dark inside and the world was too spinny.
There was a small old woman inside who looked at both of your faces and your eyes adjusted catching her sweet smile as she grabbed both of your arms.
“Welcome,” she said in a slow voice and you looked up into Baekhyun’s face as he stared ahead into the woman’s eyes. He was blinking harder, trying to focus.
“Are you lovers?” The woman asked and Baekhyun nodded his head once, understanding her question. She looked at you and you nodded with a shy smile.
“Is this a game?” Baekhyun said after a moment and she smiled wider in response, pulling him by the arm into a back room and leaving him behind. When she returned, your head was swimming and you found yourself thrust into a different room with dresses. All white, all frilly and lacy and you understood suddenly. The cameras in the front, the threshold. It was a pretend wedding. For pictures as souvenirs. You quickly threw on the first dress that fit, picking out a silly hat and a huge bouquet of flowers and you emerged anxious to greet your groom.
His tux was bright green and he wore a top hat and a fake moustache that had you doubling over in laughter when you saw it. The man looked ridiculous and he reached for your hand and twirled your around in circles too fast, making you yelp at the sudden nausea that hit you from the alcohol and the spinning.
You felt dazed. The woman shouted instructions at you as if she were a professional and you were employees and you did your best to follow her instructions. It was harder to do when you were so drunk and Baekhyun kept dropping his mustache until he gave up and left it off. The camera was out and pictures were snapped and you were both out the door as soon as you returned the clothing. The game had been silly but strangely fun and fulfilling in its own weird way and the pictures would be a fun reminder of today.
With Pippo the Hippo under your arm you returned to your temporary home with Baekhyun. The place that would be all yours to share for the next week. The buzz from the alcohol was slowly fading and he was on his phone looking for somewhere to order food from. Thankfully the delivery game in this country was strong and you were greeted with hot meals that took the last of the drunkenness from your mind.
You excused yourself to the bathroom to clean up and when you came out Baekhyun was standing at the kitchen counter with a crumbled up folded sheet of paper in his hands as he read it very closely.
He didn’t look up at you when you came back into the room and you wondered what had drawn his attention so completely.
“Umm..” he spoke up while still holding the paper and you noticed his cheeks looked pinker than usual.
It must have been the paper in his hands. What was that?
You heard a sigh and he ran a hand through his hair and you noticed the tremble as he cleared his throat loudly.
“Uhh…You–” he said again, sounding very nervous all of a sudden. “–you need to look at this.” There was an exhale from his mouth and you felt your stomach drop at the sudden seriousness you heard in his voice. His face was flushed, his hands were shaking and he sounded terrified right now.
You walked up next to him, needing to see what he was seeing, yet terrified all of a sudden of seeing for your own eyes what had shaken him up so much.
His hand was shaking too much for you to read what he was holding in front of your face so he dropped it quickly and it fluttered to the kitchen counter. His hands were on the edge of the counter and he leaned forward with a loud groan from deep within his chest.
Why was he moaning like that?
He stood up with a shaking finger, pointing at the sheet of paper that was crumbled up and torn at the bottom.
“R-Read that.” He looked like he was about to be sick.
You looked down and you saw the words on the sheet of paper. A receipt from “Lover’s Lane”, the carnival game with the pretend marriage photoshoot, was stapled to the top of the sheet he had been reading. On the paper were signatures. Yours, his and the old woman’s only the wording was weird.
And the title at the top that read “Marriage Certificate” with legal sounding words swearing the witnessing of yours and his marriage in front of the woman who seemed to be some sort of a Priestess. The bottom of the paper was torn off and missing. Where was the rest of the paper? Your fingers carefully unfolded the very very bottom, reading the beginnings of the statement you saw there. There was something important down there that you saw, but it was legal speak and it seemed like maybe your answer to what in the fuck was going on was down there.
”This is a carnival game and this marriage is not legally binding un–” you read it outloud. Where was the rest? You flipped the paper over to the back, hopping yet knowing that there was nothing there. Definitely not the missing part of that sentence. He was watching you out of the corner of his eyes as he gripped the counter with his hands.
“Un…Un–what Baekhyun Un-what? Did we just get married?”
He saw the missing section you were referring to and the search was on. His pockets and your pockets were emptied and you began searching the floor of the kitchen. You got desperate when the rest of that paper was nowhere to be found and you went to the trash can. The remains from the lunch you had eaten were in there and you dug through searching for any small scrap of paper that matched the missing piece of that very scary, very legal looking document on the kitchen counter.
Baekhyun’s voice shouted out in what sounded like a whiney scream from somewhere in the livingroom.
“Ahhh– UNNN–ntil this certificate is filed with the appropriate county clerk’s office the next business day, after which the marriage is legally binding and the married couple are entitled to equal rights during marriage and its dissolution.–Jesus we’re married. Oh my God we got drunk and we got married.”
You were crawling around the kitchen counter to the living room where you heard his voice coming from and you found him curled up on the floor holding the tiny piece of paper up to his face as he read the words.
“What? Its real?” Your voice sounded too high and he whined on the floor, kicking his feet a few times as he threw a fit.
“Why did you let this happen? Baby, you know that I’m the dumb one, you’re supposed to stop things like this from happening.”
You pulled the piece of paper from his fingers to see what it said for yourself. You saw the words that he saw but there was more to it. There was a phone number below with the name of the Officiant, the woman who had performed the ceremony on two very obviously, very drunk people, and a message that said she could be contacted before the certificate was filed to void the document if both parties agreed.
The longer you focused on the tiny words on the paper the more it came back to you. Flashes of him, flashes of you and the words you were speaking to each other as she ordered you around.
“You said ‘I do’…I remember now.” You said quietly as you watched his face flatten out and take on a dull lifeless look. As he registered your words you saw his eyebrows scrunch along with his nose as he stared at the ceiling.
“You said it too. She said ‘do you take this man to be your husband?’ and you were laughing and laughing and you said ‘I do’ so damn cutely, it made me laugh too.” His voice was flat and lifeless and he wasn’t looking at you as he spoke.
“We were so drunk,” you said with a small laugh and he sighed out loud as he closed his eyes. “Baek, it says here it can be voided. We just have to call her if we both agree.” You knew he didn’t know that part yet and his eyes flashed toward you when you said it, instantly sitting up on his elbow to look down at the paper in your hands.
“We have until Monday. Today is Friday so we have the whole weekend. We just have to call her before Monday.”
His mouth opened and he looked at you as if he was about to speak, but the words were stuck. He closed his mouth without saying a word and he laid back down on the floor with a long sigh.
It was a sigh of relief.
You felt it too. Relief. This wasn’t real, this had happened sure, but it could be undone very easily without anyone in the world finding out about it.
But why did you feel so sad?
He was staring ahead at the ceiling, blinking his eyes in silence as his mind worked.
“It’s not that–” he spoke quietly, his words getting caught again, he twisted his eyebrows and licked his lips before he continued.
‘–its not that I don’t want to be married to you. I do. You are the only one I want to see every day for the rest of my life. You know that right?” He had turned his head and was looking at your face now.
You forced a small smile and nodded your head once.
He didn’t return your smile. And his eyes watched your face too closely. Seeing too much.
“This isn’t how I want to do it. I don’t want it to be some drunken accident that neither of us remember.” His hand reached for yours and you nodded your head again, feeling the warmth of his arms as he moved closer and wrapped himself around you, pulling you into his arms.
“I know,” you said, because it was the truth. You did know. He was right. You were both too young to be married and in his current situation with his job and his fame you wouldn’t even be able to tell anyone about it. But with his arms around you squeezing you with the love and the warmth you felt inside him cascading over you, you felt the tear slip down your cheek. Just a bit upset about this, either way.
Because it wasn’t real. Well, it was real now but on Monday morning when he made that phone call it wouldn’t be real any more.
“Don’t be sad my love,” he heard your sniffles and you felt his lips kissing away the tears that had fallen on your cheeks, “this is no way to feel on your wedding day.”
“I don’t even remember my wedding day.” You let out a small bitter laugh and you heard him laugh too.
“I remember your hat was too big and it kept knocking off my moustache. And I remember how sexy you look in ruffles and lace…and bows and beads and sequins, that dress was…something…” He was laughing loudly now and you laughed harder, remembering just how heavy it was to try and walk around in.
“We will fix it on Monday morning. Let’s be happy now, no more crying okay? We just got married!” His smile was wide and believable and you honestly saw the excitement behind his eyes with his words.
He was right, no matter what had to be done for the sake of your responsibilities, you were married…for now.
Married life with Byun Baekhyun was glorious. You spent your weekend going to various shops around town, walking hand in hand like a couple in love, sharing meals and inside jokes and the sex…the sex seemed to have changed during the weekend. If that was something that was even possible, the level of intimacy you felt with him was different. His eyes held something in them that felt…more.
The way he held onto you, as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him and molded to you, showering you with sweetness and words and the songs, dear lord the songs, in your ear. For you, about you, to you. The man was unstoppable. You hadn’t thought it was possible to feel more in love with him, but it was definitely happening now that you were married to him.
You practiced calling him your husband a few times and you heard him respond in kind, introducing you as his wife to the shop owner who rang up the purchase he made. She smiled at the sweet newlywed couple and gave him a discount.
Saturday was a dream. Sunday morning was sweet over breakfast in bed with your husband, Byun Baekhyun. Lunch was delightful with a tinge of something in the back of your mind that was peeking through. You knew what it was. It was a timer. The countdown began after lunch and you caught yourself looking at the clock, doing the math to see exactly how many more hours you would be his wife and he would be your husband.
The love you made after lunch felt just a bit more desperate than the day before and as you drifted off to sleep you heard his voice, telling you he was going out for a quick walk and would be back before you woke up.
When you woke up he still wasn’t back and you busied yourself with cleaning up the kitchen from the meal you shared. Washing the dishes you had both used, smiling at the memory of pushing a shopping cart around the local market with him next to you. You’d insisted that you had to cook for him instead of ordering out. You were running out of time as his wife by now and you swore you had to do it at least once before this was over.
Your eyes glanced at the clock and you wondered how long he was going to be out. You wondered where he went and what he was doing and you hoped he was okay. You looked at the spot where you both had agreed to keep the marriage certificate. You both signed a written agreement to void the document right away and left the agreement and the certificate there on the kitchen counter, ready to meet the woman on Monday to cancel the marriage and your eyes sought it out.
Only it was gone.
The space where it had been set down carefully was empty and you opened the kitchen drawers trying to find it. Where was it? Had there been a breeze that maybe blew it off the counter?
You looked down onto the floor around the kitchen, not finding any trace of the precious document and you had a realization.
Baekhyun was gone..for hours now.
Was it possible that he took it to meet the woman on his own? To cancel the marriage right away before taking the risk that something would happen before Monday came around?
Had he done it on his own? Armed with your signature and the form that he had taken, there was nothing to stop him.
You looked down at the dishes you had just washed from lunch and the kitchen that shined with your efforts to keep it clean.
Somehow, not knowing was worse. You didn’t know if you were still married to him and you felt a weird upset inside your stomach at this unknown information.
You went to the bathroom to take a shower. You needed to wash away this silly mood you found yourself in. You had no reason for this. You had both talked about it already and staying married was…tempting, but ultimately…it was…it was…impossible.
The shower helped and you took your time getting ready. You knew you had a dinner with him later that he had texted you about when he was out and you shaved your legs, putting on some nice smelling lotion and did your hair and makeup before you pulled out the fancy dress you brought.
It was a formal thing, delicate silk with a low cut neckline in the front, the sleeves hung off your shoulders, making you feel sexy and feminine. You had your phone in the bathroom as you got ready and you found a text message waiting for you from Baekhyun.
“My wife~~ Are you in there getting ready for our date? I smell something pretty.” You smiled down at your phone, holding your arm up to your nose to smell the lotion. It was new and you picked it with him in mind. You knew the kinds of scents he liked by now and this was sure to hit all the right notes.
“I’m almost ready, baby ^^” You could not bring yourself to type the word ‘husband’.
When you came out from the hallway, walking lightly in the dress that hugged your curves your eyes looked for him. Would he be ready to go already? You hoped you hadn’t taken too long getting ready.
You heard a soft gasp and you spun, spotting him in an instant as he leaned against the wall of the living room, his arms crossed over his chest, he wore a crisp, well fitted black suit. His hair was styled up and with the cut of the suit you could make out the shape of his arms, the muscles that you knew were there, the broadness of his shoulders and his chest filled out the jacket and you honestly had to have a moment because the man looked too beautiful to be real.
And he was staring at you. His eyes raked over your body with his mouth open and you couldn’t quite understand what that look was about.
“Wow,” he finally spoke in a soft breath. A whisper that tickled against the back of your neck, bringing a slight blush along with it.
“D-Do I look okay?” You asked, unsure of the dress choice. It was a bit more revealing than you usually dared to wear with such a low front, and the shoulders completely bared.
His eyes were wide and he was walking now, moving slowly and effortlessly to close the distance between you both and you heard a small laugh.
“Perfect,” he whispered and the look in his eyes magnified the closer he came to where you stood. “You look perfect.”
The ride to the restaurant was unexpected. When you came out from the home you stood in front of a black limousine and you looked into the face of your boyfriend, or husband, or whatever it was this man was to you right now, with the sneaky looking smile on his face as he waited for you to climb inside the open door of the giant vehicle.
You rode to the place in near silence and Baekhyun seemed nervous. He was usually chatty at all times and in all situations but now he was silent as he stared out the window at the buildings that flew by. He was fidgeting with his own fingers and you noticed he twirled the couple ring around his ring finger again and again, catching your eyes a few times with a small smile.
You wondered if perhaps he was upset that the marriage was over already.
The car stopped and you looked around at the buildings. The neighborhood looked nice, more downtown than where your beach home was located and the door opened.
Baekhyun was gone and his hand appeared at the opening of the door, waiting for you to accept it.
When you came out of the car you noticed the restaurant in front of you was fancy. Like, really fancy a women in a stiff coat held the door open for you both to enter.
The inside was like nothing you had ever seen. The soft sounds of music wafted through the room and you caught sight man playing of a grand piano in the center of the big dining room. An impressive chandelier hung from the ceiling and the walls were decorated with fine art. Tables were well spaced out with clean white linens and crystalware on the tables. The place was not very busy, only one or two couples sharing a quiet meal together and you were led to a table near the piano.
The food was delicious and as you ate you found your mind wandering as you remembered the weekend with him. The meals you shared as a married couple were some of the most delicious meals you had ever had in your life and you found your smile difficult to keep from your face as you remembered.
When you looked up you caught him watching you with a curious look, smiling in response to your smile you suddenly felt content. With it all, with him, with the trip, with the drunken accident, with the love, with all of it. It was perfect. He was perfect and you were satisfied with whatever happened after this because you knew, regardless of what was written on some piece of paper, you were his and he was yours and nothing could change that.
He was done with his food and he played with the stem of his wineglass as he watched your face, blinking and smiling slowly the way he did when he was particularly deep in thought. The silence was comfortable.
“I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back love.” His hand was over your own on the table and you nodded once before he left.
The music played on, steadily behind you where the piano player sat and you waited for him to return to his side of the table.
Your attention was pulled when the music stopped and changed. Mid song it seemed and you rotated in your seat, curious about the change. A new song was playing and the old man who had been playing the piano stood in front of you, blocking your view of the big instrument.
Yet the music was playing on. A different melody. Something slow and romantic and you couldn’t quite understand how this was happening with the piano player gone from his station.
The old man took a step aside and you heard a voice that you knew in your soul.
Your heart raced and echoed through your ears, competing for an audience and you shoved the distraction away because Baekhyun was seated at the piano as his fingers flew expertly over the keys …and he was singing.
His head was thrown back, his voice was clear and beautiful and the song was…
It was a love song. He turned to you as he sang and met your eyes and his voice echoed out loud and confident. He was a professional and it showed and you felt the lump form in your throat the longer you listened to the words to his song.
A song about being so young but so in love. A song about beating the odds. A song full of emotion and promises for the future, promises to share your home, promises to share your love and to start a family.
Something was changing in his voice the longer he sang and you heard something you had never heard from him. You heard an instability in that voice and you saw his eyebrows furrow in concentration as he tried to hold it back. The emotion he felt from the words he sang to you….the emotion from your song, this song was for you, it was yours, he took that emotion that threatened to overcome him and he put it into the words. You saw the wetness on his cheek, a single tear escaped and ran down his face as he sang and his eyes closed, unable to keep the eye contact with you and keep the song going.
You were powerless to stop your own tears that ran down your face. Probably ruining your makeup, you didn’t care.
His voice slowed down as the song neared its end and his fingers stopped playing the keys. He was standing up now, but he kept singing the words. When the music faded and disappeared the words seemed magnified. Or maybe it was because he was walking toward you.
You looked around the room, as he moved in closer and you noticed the attention was on him. He was such a good performer you were sure they were powerless to look away. Staff members, waiters, diners, everyone watched in silent awe at the beauty of his song. His voice was so powerful.
When you looked back at him expecting to find him directly in front of you he wasn’t there and you caught movement at the floor below you.
Your hands felt it first. The tremble of nerves when you saw him on the floor in front of you. His eyes were on yours and in his hand he held a small black box with a ring. He was shaking nearly as badly as you were and he closed his eyes with a deep inhale to steady himself.
The room was completely silent and your heart raged inside your chest, threatening to overcome every last bit of sense you had in your head.
You heard him speak. He whispered your name and his voice was thick and affected.
“Before I ask you anything I have a confession to make–” his hand was in his pocket and he pulled out a handful of pieces of paper to show you, “–I went a little crazy and I tore up our agreement to void the marriage, so if you say no we will have to make another one.”
He took another deep breath.
“W-Will you…stay married to me?”
You felt the answer in your bones. You knew the answer to completely inside your soul that your head was nodding in earnest long before your mouth found the words to say ‘Yes.’
You saw him sigh and this one was definitely a sigh of relief. His hand dropped the torn up bits of paper and he was reaching for you just as you got your brain to cooperate with the word.
“Yes,” you said and his smile was in front of you. His lips were on yours before the final sounds were out and his kiss cut you off to the noise of applause and cheers from the people in the restaurant echoed out around you.
He was laughing with his arms around your shoulders and you wiped at the tears you saw on his face. His hands on your own face held you close and he kissed your lips again, sweetly, as if he couldn’t help it. In front of all these people and everything, he was powerless against it.
“We are in so much trouble when we get home.” His laughter echoed over your head and you nodded your head in complete agreement because he was right.
But in this moment, this moment colored with so much happiness and so much love you couldn’t find an ounce of energy inside you to care.
You had given up long ago. He was yours and you were his. For life.
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The song Baekhyun sang to Hot Dog is Perfect by Ed Sheeran
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I Give Up Deleted Scenes Masterlist
The Notebook Kinks 1   Pink Heart Days
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birlcholtz · 8 years
Ch. 4: come home (to you, to us)
ao3 | ch. 1 | part of the zimbits airport AU
After the game, it takes a while before Bitty can go into the locker room. For one thing, it’s filled with press for even longer than usual— for another, they’re getting it back to its regular champagne-free state before anyone else is allowed in. Despite the use of cling wrap on the lockers (and some of the people), the champagne, near as Bitty can tell, had formed pools on the cling wrap covering the floor, which took some delicacy to remove without spilling.
Everyone’s in a good mood, even the people who got relegated to cleaning up the champagne. Winning the cup is great— winning it at home? Even better, no matter how many times the Falconers have done it since Jack became captain. It was a clean game, with one scuffle that resulted in one of the Kings forwards being sent to the penalty box after punching Tater. Tater had brushed it off like a bite from a gnat, of course, but it was obvious enough that the other guy started it that the Kings couldn’t hope to argue the case.
Bitty hangs out hopefully unobtrusively by the door as the cleaning crew, and then the press, leave, and once the journalists are out of sight, he knocks and says “It’s Bitty” somewhat loudly in the hopes that he’ll be heard over the sound of their conversation. He can hear yelling (Tater is recounting one particular struggle for the puck in the second period) and a good amount of swearing, which generally means they’ve fully comprehended that they’ve won.
“BITTY!” Snowy shouts over the sound of Tater explaining his backup plan in case the first check didn’t get the other guy to give up the puck. “GET YOUR ASS IN HERE.”
The door’s unlocked, so Bitty opens it and walks in and is immediately assuaulted by the smell of sweaty hockey gear (and players). Some things never change.
“Jack’s in the shower,” Poots says when he notices Bitty. “Feel free to casually hang out and see how long it takes for him to notice that you’re here.”
“Ten seconds,” someone says from the back of the room.
“Fifteen,” someone else counters. “He’ll be preoccupied.”
“No, ten. Still on high alert from the game.”
“I think ten,” Tater says, pausing in his monologue.
That starts a flurry of assertions— Bitty doesn’t actually see any money changing hands, but then, Jack hasn’t actually left the shower yet. He establishes a private bet with himself— will the bet money go to different players, or will it all go straight into the Falconers’ sin bin?
“He already knows,” Snowy insists. “Who else would come in?”
“No way, man, you can’t hear anything when the shower is running,” someone else says.
“Maybe you can’t, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t either,” Snowy fires back.
“Ten or less,” Socks says. This was his second game back after recovering from his concussion, and Bitty thinks it was a good ‘welcome back,’ although it does mean he won’t play again for a while due to offseason. “He has eyes, he will notice.”
As it turns out, all of their hypotheses are moot.
“Of course I knew he would be here,” Jack shouts from the showers. “I invited him. So all of you can stop theorizing about the quality of my vision.”
“Jack wins,” Tater says solemnly, and they all go back to changing and talking amongst themselves.
Before Bitty knows it, he’s been swept up in the crowd of Falconers going to a bar afterwards to celebrate properly (and by properly they mean drunk). Surprisingly, it’s Jack’s idea.
“You never want to go out after games,” Bitty says to him. “Something up?”
“No,” Jack says. “I just don’t want the season to be over yet. If I go home, I’m going to go to sleep right away, and then when I wake up tomorrow it’ll be offseason. Today is still a game day.”
“Oh, wait,” Bitty says, stopping in his tracks.
“Did you forget something?”
“Almost!” He takes out his phone. “Promised my parents I would get a selfie with you as proof that I actually know you and I’m not just watching games from the ventilation system or something.”
“Cannot watch games from ventilation system,” Tater says over his shoulder. “Even you are too big.”
“Maybe I had Lardo plant a camera in there,” Bitty answers. “Or maybe she’s in there right now and whenever there’s a home game we all FaceTime her and she sends us footage of the game.”
“Ingenious,” Snowy says. “But slightly terrifying. Hey, are you taking a selfie?”
Bitty nods, which may not have been his best idea as immediately what feels like the entire Falconers organization practically teleports into the space behind him, all jockeying for the best spots for visibility. “My arms aren’t long enough for this, y’all.”
Someone jams a selfie stick into his hand, but they vanish into the group before Bitty can figure out who had such foresight.
“No problem,” Tater says, but it can’t have been him since he’s standing at the back, confident in his height to keep his face in the frame. “Team selfie stick. We bring on roadies for times like this.”
Bitty extends the selfie stick and snaps a few pictures before someone ruffles Snowy’s hair and all hell breaks loose. As carnage occurs behind him (Snowy seems to be attempting to repay the culprit in kind), he snaps a few more. Coach will definitely get a kick out of them.
“Your parents will definitely believe that,” Jack says when Bitty retrieves his phone and collapses the selfie stick. “If nothing else, the stark lack of decorum around you will convince them that you’re well acquainted with the team.”
“They’d make a great Snapchat story,” Bitty says, scrolling through the pictures on his phone. He shows Jack one that he’d unwittingly taken right as a hand was reaching out of the crowd behind Snowy aimed at his hair. “The beginning of the chaos.”
“Then you should put them on Snapchat.” Jack’s become quite proficient with filters, once Bitty explained to him what the purpose of the app was. Once he made his own and added Bitty to his contacts, he grasped it quite quickly: he must have dozens of Bitty’s selfies saved to his phone, judging by the number of times Bitty has gotten a notification that he’s taken a screenshot, and Bitty has not heard a single complaint about the unnecessariness since then. “It’s not like it’s a secret that we know each other.”
“True. Okay, I will.”
“Maybe you should put them on your tweeter too.”
“I can’t tell if you’re chirping me or if you’re being completely serious.”
“Is that not what it’s called?”
“I see. Well, it appears that I have more things to learn.”
“I’m staying the night, we’ll get a head start before I go back to Samwell.”
“Will we?”
“Come to think of it, I don’t know. But there’s no rush. I can always teach you about Twitter next time.”
“Sounds good to me,” Jack agrees. “But first, you have a Snapchat story to update.”
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volumequestions · 8 years
Meredith Sellers
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Where do you live / where do you work?
I live in Philadelphia, on North Broad Street, just south of Temple’s campus. It’s a strange kind of no-man’s land sprinkled with abandoned buildings and empty lots that are now being developed at breakneck speed. I always liked how it was this little pocket that felt sort of desolate and Lynchian, even though it’s just nine blocks North of City Hall. I recently moved my studio to Port Richmond, which took a little getting used to, but I’m enjoying the pierogies!
Can you give a quick description of your work space?
My work space is split between my partner, Jonathan Santoro, and me. It’s an old school building, so our studio used to be a classroom. There’s something I love about working in the space, it has a feeling of comfort and familiarity that you don’t get in your typical converted industrial space studio. I have a very large desk, which is essential for “thinking room,” and a long wall that I cover with foam core so I can attain a perfectly smooth surface in my drawings.
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What's your day to day studio schedule like?
I go to the studio generally about twice a week, more if I’m on a deadline. Jonathan and I typically go together every weekend, and one week night. It takes me a while to feel settled in a space, and I’ll often spend the first hour or so reading or writing before I start working. Art is a huge part of my life everyday, and I’ve set up my facebook feed so that I see websites like Contemporary Art Daily and Art Viewer first every morning. It sort of centers me, and lets me take a quick look at things that are trending and ideas that are important in art at this moment. I am constantly reading about art, collecting images, and doing every day art research. I also frequently stop to take pictures of windows or displays while I’m walking. I consider all of this equally important to the time spent physically in the studio.
Whose work have you been looking at lately?
In the past few years there’s been a wave of younger painters who are working with ideas of mediated representation, and are playing with a flattening of the image in a way that references an amalgamating of images, or a screen. Jamian Juliano-Villani is a master of this. I also look at artists like Avery Singer, Louisa Gagliardi, Sascha Braunig, Melanie Ebenhoch, Victor Man, Sayer Gomez, Jordan Kasey, and David Korty. I see this trend as the inheritance of the image-based sensibility of some of my favorite artists, like Ed Ruscha, R.B. Kitaj, Vija Celmins, R.H. Quaytman, and Gertrude Abercrombie.
I look at a lot of art historical painting as well, and recently I’ve been influenced by Piero Della Francesca and other early Renaissance paintings. I really love the ones that have a slightly-less-than-perfect understanding of perspective, because I think it speaks to something inherent in the flaws in human perception.
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What museums or galleries do you visit regularly?
I’m a writer for the art criticism blog Hyperallergic, and I recently took on an editorial role with Title Magazine here in Philly, so I try to keep abreast of what’s going on and I go to a lot of spaces in Philly with regularity. I always go to ICA openings, and openings at High Tide, which has been doing some really interesting things. Rosenwald-Wolf at UArts presents some of the best shows in the city. Kamahira, Pilot Projects, and, recently, Fleisher Ollman have all been showing some great, young local artists. I think Ryan McCartney and Tim Belknap have presented some really great projects at the Icebox, and I usually to first Fridays at the 319 Building.
It’s heartening to me to see Philadelphia moving away from a self-showing collective model, which creates an incredibly closed, insular, and solipsistic gallery system, where it becomes very difficult to show if you’re not willing to “pay to play.” I think curatorial collectives and apartment galleries are the only ways to move to the conversation forward, to expose Philadelphia to artists from other places, and vice versa.
What was the last show you saw in person that impacted your work?
Matt Freedman’s show “Slapstick” at Fjord. Matt was the only professor I worked with in grad school that I felt really supported my work. I hadn’t seen much of his work in person until the show at Fjord, but it made so much sense why Matt had been interested in what I was doing. His objects, like mine, function almost like props, but have a loose, provisional quality that I struggle to achieve. I especially love his painted backdrop, which covers every wall with imagery appropriated from the “Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner” cartoons.
I also recently saw Sascha Braunig’s show at PS1, which was incredible, and Mark Leckey’s show, which I hated. It was totally vapid, deeply patronizing, and totally didactic, with the artist literally speaking in your ear as you walk through one of the galleries. I think figuring out why you hate work can sometimes be as important as seeing work that reinforces your practice.
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What do you do when you're not working, and how does that impact the artwork that you make...? 
I watch a lot of films, I especially love silent film, and early experimental cinema like Jean Cocteau’s Blood of a Poet and Orpheus. Films like that have heavily influenced video projects I’ve done in the past. Because they were made before digital effects and gigantic budgets, they make me feel like anything is possible if you can just find the time. They have a handmade quality that requires a certain suspension of belief, which I find really intriguing. I also love Pedro Almodovar. His films have an atmosphere so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the color is unlike any you’ll ever see in American cinema. I have an annoying habit of taking screenshots of films I’m watching that sometimes become references in my paintings.
Any upcoming projects or residencies in the near future?
I have an upcoming solo show at Black Oak House gallery, and a show slated for the fall at Pilot Projects with Jonathan. We will be building a sort of theater set and curating a few performers to interact with it. I’m making backdrops and he is making furniture. We’ve done several collaborative projects together, which have all referenced film or stage sets, but this is the first where the promise will be fulfilled and we’ll actually be working with performers, I’m really excited about it!
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Thanks to Meredith for taking the time to talk with volume.  You can see additional images and learn more about Meredith’s work at meredithsellers.tumblr.com
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igeekphonedotcom · 4 years
In the seventh year of Xiaomi TV, we saw that Xiaomi TV did not end in tens of millions of sales, but on the basis of already becoming China’s first, began to try to impact the TOP high-end market with super-first-class products. There is such a reply-Xiaomi TV Master Series. Xiaomi TV Master 65 inch OLED is the first OLED screen in the seven years since Xiaomi TV was founded. To know such a TV, the cost of the 65-inch OLED screen alone is almost 5 times that of the LCD screen, and it also needs to add various top-end hardware and software technologies to coordinate and match. This is an area that Xiaomi has not been involved in for a long time. On the other hand, from the liquid crystal, quantum dots, to the exploration process of OLED works today, you can also see that Xiaomi TV has been climbing on the display technology ladder.
Xiaomi said that he did not hesitate to benchmark international high-end brands to make a comprehensive breakthrough in the audio and video experience. He came for the most discerning eyes and ears in the name of “Master”.
Next, before learning the internal and external powers of this “master”, let’s take the Xiaomi TV “Master” and “65” OLED as an example to understand the specific parameter information.
Design & Appearance
The industrial design of the Xiaomi TV Master Series is quite elaborate, and the design in every place is very particular, especially the base design, which is impressive.
Xiaomi TV Master 65OLED” has a physical resolution of 3840×2160, which is what we often refer to as “4K”, and supports Dolby Vision, HDR10+, HDR10, and HLG, giving a stunning picture quality experience on-site.
As the top flagship of Xiaomi TV to date, the Xiaomi TV Master Series adopts a “four-sided borderless full-screen” design with no physical front frame on all four sides to ensure excellent texture while the overall color is just right and does not affect the user’s field of vision. Reached 98.8%. Compared with TVs with LCD screens, OLED TVs are inherently slim and do not require a backlight module. The thinnest part is only 4.6mm.
Part of the back of the fuselage is made of cloth material, which is very visually striking and is also one of the appearance characteristics of the master series that is different from other TV product lines. The base of the Xiaomi TV Master Series uses a glass base + breathing lamp design, and the gradient black texture printed by the silkscreen process is laid on it.
Looking at the interface configuration, 3 HDMI2.1 interfaces + 1 AV port + 1 ATV/DTMB interface + 2 USB ports + 1 Ethernet port + 1 S/PDIF (Optical fiber). Among them, the HDMI 2.1 standard protocol interface supports 4K, 120Hz image quality input, VRR variable refresh rate, and ALLM automatic low delay mode, which directly meets the standards of next-generation game consoles. This is a Bluetooth voice metal remote control that supports the NFC function. The overall button layout and the interaction logic used are still simple and clear. Because it does not work through infrared, it can be used without pointing to the TV in daily use.
Picture Quality
On mobile phones, TVs, and other products, the key to distinguishing the technical level and the price is the display or display panel. Any small parameter changes such as resolution, supplier, ranking, brightness, color gamut, etc. may be relevant. cost.
Starting in 2015, Samsung stopped producing OLED TVs, claiming that the market is not yet ready to accept high-cost technology and invest its energy in small and medium-sized OLED panels. With the sharp drop in production costs, OLED TVs have now become the dominant technology in the high-end market, and Samsung is “giving up” huge market space to old friend LG in this field.
As a result, LG Display once became the only company in the world with large-scale mass production of large-size OLED TV panel technology. In recent years, domestic companies such as BOE and Huaxing Optoelectronics have also caught up, and there are already TVs equipped with BOE OLED display panels on the market.
In recent years, the two hottest words in the field of display panels are OLED and HDR (high dynamic range). If the two technical points are combined in one product at the same time, their high-end identity will suddenly appear on the paper. However, there have been many media articles that pointed out that OLED panels that support HDR technology, especially TVs, may have a greater attenuation of their lifetime.
First of all, an obvious feature of the output HDR display effect is the rich light and dark details. Due to the characteristics of self-illumination, OLED has a natural advantage over LCD panels in black (which can not emit light at all), but supporting HDR also means that the peak brightness of OLED panels needs to reach a relatively high level.
Secondly, several key variables that affect the life of OLED include current size, operating temperature, and brightness. According to a 2016 lighting technical document from the United States Department of Energy (DOE), an OLED light-emitting panel with a peak brightness of 8300 nits has a working life of 40,000 hours at 25% brightness (2075 nits), but only 10,000 at 100% brightness. Hour, this reflects a linear relationship.
Based on this, let’s discuss how the OLED panel that supports HDR (assuming it has been in a cool, normal current operating condition) will change in life.
Sony’s 65-inch A1E OLED TV (National Bank 31999 yuan), the peak brightness under the standard dynamic range (SDR) is only 170 nits, but when playing HDR video, the brightest area even has a 700 nit pole The value is 4.1 times higher than before.
However, the conclusion of the DOE just now cannot be directly applied, because playing HDR is a dynamic process, the picture is not uniform in real-time, and the brightness is always changing dynamically. It may be assumed that 700 nits of brightness will occupy 5% of the total time, and the HDR content will be evenly presented. After conversion, Sony’s 100,000-hour OLED panel will lose 20% of its theoretical life because it is only used to play HDR video.
The above is just a theoretical deduction. For the OLED TV, with the attenuation of the sub-pixels and the substrate, in fact, in order to maintain the same brightness in the middle and late stages, the current of the excitation light is increased, and it also naturally increases the heat.
Take LG as an example, its TV panel and mobile phone’s OLED panel are not the same. The former does not have pure red, green, and blue sub-pixels, but white pixels are added with filters. The disadvantage of this method is that it reduces the brightness, so LG fills the white pixels to brighten, which in turn causes desaturation problems.
For OLED panels, only LG publicly promised a lifespan of 100,000 hours in 2016 (that is, 10 hours per day, at least 10 years of service+), but this is at the expense of 50% brightness.
Although there are a lot of cases where HDR has detrimental side effects on the life of OLED, unless you turn on the TV 24 hours a day, or use it 7×24 hours for other purposes, for most consumers, there is no need to worry, it is difficult to encounter To.
Speaking back to Xiaomi TV Master 65” OLED
At present, I don’t know the exact information of screen panel suppliers of the Xiaomi TV Master Series. Judging from the fact that LG Display is about to dominate the huge market share of OLED TV panels on the market and the fact that domestic suppliers have just started, it can only be simply guessed. If there are no other accidents, the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED screen panel is likely to come from LG Display.
The Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED on our hand uses a 65-inch 4K OLED screen with a resolution of 3840×2160, a viewing angle of 178°, DCI-P3 98.5% wide color gamut coverage, combined with a 120Hz refresh rate and 1ms ultra-low response time. With 82.9 million pixels, all pixels independently control light, and each pixel can be individually controlled to turn off and on, which can be infinitely close to the absolute black field of 0nit.
According to the official statement, Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED adopts True 10bit OLED screen panel, 1.07 billion primary colors display, and at the same time reaches 98.5% P3 wide color gamut. It can also reach the color standard of professional monitors, the typical value of the color standard is Delta E 1.5, Even better than the iPhone 11 Pro Max Delta E <2.14 color standard value.
4K graphics effect test
This test will be conducted by the test tool “4K resolution test chart”, which is based on the principle of TV picture quality display and provides a full range of multi-angle customization for 4K TVs. The experts in this field are members of the Chinese Photographers Association and the national photo. Produced by Mr. Qian Yuankai, a member of the Mechanical Standardization Technical Committee.
The above is the overall test tool. The three pictures test the TV picture from three aspects: sharpness, color accuracy, and wide viewing angle. The test picture has red and blue arrows, blue is 1080P, and red is 4K. Next, we can ignore the blue arrow in the test process to see if the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED meets the test requirements for picture text annotation.
We follow the process to test the clarity first. Looking at the screenshot, you can see that all four lines of Chinese characters and letters in the picture can be clearly identified and displayed, and the delicate effect is also clearly visible. Display devices with poor general performance will lose text details in small Chinese characters/letters during this test. Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED successfully passed this test.
This is a color image test. Observe the color distribution diagram and color sphere diagram where the screenshot resides. It can be found that the color saturation of the test result is better. There is no jump or parallel step that is easy to appear in some devices before, and it can display the level. Rich colors.
Let’s talk about it separately: in the color distribution diagram, the display effect of Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED meets the text labeling requirements, and the color distribution areas such as R, G, B, Y, C, and M accurately show the ideal shape, and the same is better. The ball picture, the overall color shows a uniform and soft transition.
Looking at the viewing angle test, in this test project, Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED has an excellent viewing angle. For multi-family members or large-sized families, viewing from various angles will not be observable The film experience has a significant impact.
We also conducted a grayscale test on the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED. Looking at the details, each level of grayscale can be distinguished without skipping. Of course, if the author has the conditions to upgrade the screen camera device in his hand, and everyone sees You can see more details if the pictures you get are uncompressed on the released platform.
Subjective perception of the OLED screen
The OLED panel used by Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED has very different characteristics from the LCD screen in the past. OLED is a panel composed of organic light-emitting diode devices. It uses a very thin organic material coating and a glass substrate. When current passes, These organic materials will directly emit light.
Therefore, Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED can rely on the characteristics of OLED to achieve full pixel independent light control. When the screen displays black, you can directly turn off the pixels in the black area to obtain an absolute black field that can be infinitely close to 0nit, giving users a visual impact The strongest is this “absolute black”.
As shown in the figure, this is the absolute black field effect of Xiaomi TV Master 65” OLED in a dark light environment. You can see that the display interface of the TV is completely integrated with the environment, only after raising the camera ISO and adjusting the shutter speed Barely found the outline of TV.
This kind of OLED exclusive absolute black place brings us the experience like “turning off the lights at night”, saying goodbye to the foggy picture quality, and the “true black spot” has increased the contrast to a million levels, the picture has a richer level, The color reproduction is more accurate and presents a more real picture, giving the user an “immersive feeling”.
Taking the picture as an example, Xiaomi combined the characteristics of the OLED screen to add the display screen animation function. The filling of the pattern line edges and internal lines is particularly clear against the absolute black field, and the black part is completely free of brightness overflow. This is an LCD material screen. TV is difficult to do.
TV performance test: MTK 9650 TV chip
Unlike the rugged development process in the field of mobile phone chips, MediaTek entered the field of TV chips very early, and its global shipments of smart TV chips have exceeded 2 billion units as early as last year, occupying a leading position in the industry in terms of volume.
Many manufacturers’ smart TV chips are relatively simple in capabilities and can only support multimedia playback. Wi-Fi and other wireless connection functions require the purchase of additional chips.
MediaTek has always occupied a technological advantage in this regard. With its technology accumulation in the fields of mobile phones, tablets, and the Internet of Things, it has enabled its smart TV chip to achieve a high degree of integration. Its TV chip not only provides multimedia performance, but also integrates Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other wireless connection technologies, which saves the body space and development time of the whole machine space and al
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so reduces costs.
Even in the years when it was quite frustrating on the mobile phone processor, MediaTek has established a firm foothold in the fields of wireless routing and smart TV. It has claimed to have won 70% of the global smart TV chip market. Sony, Philips, TCL, etc. Is its main customer.
Speaking of Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED, it is equipped with MTK 9650 high-end TV chip. This core has not been released by MediaTek before. It should be a new core customized by MediaTek for Xiaomi. At present, the information about this chip is not very sufficient.
According to the information provided by Xiaomi, we can know that MTK 9650 uses a 22nm process, quad-core A73 CPU architecture + Mali G52 MC1 GPU architecture + 1T computing power APU.
At present, a MediaTek MT9652 can be found on the official website of MediaTek. It is more like the prototype of MTK 9650 in terms of naming and parameter specifications. Both are composed of 4 A73s in terms of CPU, and there is a small difference in frequency, but for the TV, even cutting off the two A73s is enough, not to mention adjusting the frequency slightly.
Decoding, MTK 9650 is similar to MT9652, supports decoding 4K120fps video and part of 8K video, and even has an additional DTS-HD in audio decoding than MT9652. In memory, it theoretically has the same 3G Max and memory bandwidth as the MT9652. Next, we will find out through actual measurement.
Thanks to the underlying layer and basic algorithms provided by the chip, Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED supports dynamic contrast, local contrast, dynamic color, and other image quality optimization functions. The effect is very obvious when testing 4K pictures and videos. After taking effect, the picture will be Without the previous gray feeling, the color saturation and clarity have been improved.
Motion compensation is undoubtedly the biggest bright spot this time. With the help of the chip’s algorithm, Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED can perform frame insertion processing for pictures below the target frame rate when playing video resources, by automatically identifying the picture content, When the picture changes to meet the two conditions of short-distance movement and regularity, frame insertion will begin. After processing, the picture will become smoother, which is equivalent to improving the dynamic vision. Generally, observing objects moving at high speed will be more Clear.
For example, the most common mirror images in film and television and the “God perspective” in football games are the scenes that most easily trigger MEMC frame insertion. This type of video is often limited to 30 frames or 24 frames, and playing on a 120Hz screen will have a certain sense of lag. At this time, with the blessing of MEMC, the change of fluency is obvious.
Through slow playback, you can see the effect of motion compensation more clearly. The frame rate of the screen played on the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED is significantly higher, and the original video screen will have a significant pause due to insufficient frame rate.
HDR effect of the Game Console Connection
Of course, the TV is at home. In addition to watching TV programs and movies on a daily basis, there is a need to use TV as a screen for games.
Since you want to use it as a screen for games, you have to mention the input delay of the TV. After plugging the host into the HDMI 3 interface, it can automatically recognize the device and start the game mode. The variable refresh rate can be synchronized with the signal output source to change the frame rate, reducing the delay, freeze, and tearing of the picture.
Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED automatic low-latency mode can automatically set the ideal low-latency automatic low-latency mode to achieve smooth, no-lag, and uninterrupted viewing and interaction. Whether it is a fighting game or a tight racing car, the automatic low-latency mode and The variable refresh rate makes the gaming experience even better.
Next, use PS4 Pro to connect the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED to see how it supports the game console and how the picture quality is. After setting the HDMI connection mode to HDMI 2.0, the PS4 Pro correctly recognizes and turns on the HDR mode. Compared with the SDR mode, its color performance is significantly improved.
Read Also: Xiaomi Mi TV Review: 55 Inch 4K UHD Smart TV For Just $549.99 at Banggood in Flash Sale
In the field of smartphones, especially in the high-end market, OLED has largely eliminated LCD and become the new overlord of screen panels. Notebooks are also increasingly using OLED. In the field of large-screen TVs, the proportion of OLED is also Improve steadily.
Although the turn-on rate of TVs is not as good as before, with the continuous upgrading and iteration of display technology, smart home life is becoming more and more popular. TVs are playing an important role in their home life and entertainment smart hub, and are integrated into the home environment. According to data from Aoweiyun.com, the global market of OLED TVs increased by 21% in the first half of 2019, while in the whole year of 2018, the overall growth of domestic TV market sales was only 0.5%, but OLED TVs reached 47%.
Compared with traditional LCD TVs, OLED TVs have outstanding advantages such as ultra-wide viewing angle, perfect shading, true colors, healthy eye protection, and flexibility, and flexibility. They are generally regarded as “next-generation display technology” that surpasses LCD, and the form is also in full bloom. Wallpaper, rollable, foldable, transparent, spontaneous sound, double-sided display, and so on.
Constraints for OLED TV sales increase include price, brand, and panel supply. As the consumer awareness value of OLEDs improves, after TV manufacturers like Xiaomi enter the market, the price will gradually get closer and closer to the desserts that more consumers can accept- Xiaomi TV “Master” 65″ OLED has already The price was lowered to 12,999 yuan, which intensified competition in the OLED TV market, and it was also possible that the average price of the OLED TV continued to decline.
As more and more OLED production lines are put into production, the bottleneck restriction on panel supply will also be lifted. The era of information flow requires large-screen media and a large number of display devices. Mobile terminals such as mobile phones are more difficult to bring better information streaming services. Watching with mobile phones can’t feel the picture quality advantages of watching with TVs, so TVs cannot be replaced. As a new generation of display equipment, OLED TV has unique advantages in picture quality and other aspects.
With the joint effect of many factors, the OLED TV market is bound to be accepted by more users. Consumer demand is bound to expand, and the larger range of OLED TV products currently seems to be only a matter of time.
Of course, for Xiaomi, the high-end image of OLED has long been popular. After the exploration of liquid crystal and quantum dots, Xiaomi’s launch of OLED TV has the intention of raising the overall brand image of Xiaomi TV. The formation of brand potential is beneficial to The mid- to high-end market, which has long dominated itself, continues to consolidate.
Back to Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED itself, even as a TV product that hits the ultra-high-end market, there is still no shortage of materials in Xiaomi TV “Master” 65″ OLED: 65-inch 4K OLED screen, resolution 3840×2160, DCI-P3 98.5 % Wide color gamut coverage, combined with 120Hz refresh rate and 1ms ultra-low response time. With 82.9 million pixels, all pixels independently control light, and each pixel can be individually controlled to turn off and on, which can be infinitely close to the absolute black field of 0nit.
Deeply customized independent APU neural network computing unit, which can intelligently analyze, identify, and optimize pictures-AI dynamic scene recognition, frame-by-frame synchronization adjustment; 22 image quality algorithms, color, clarity, contrast, improve image performance in all directions force.
In terms of performance, it is equipped with MTK 9650 high-end TV chip, using a 22nm process, quad-core A73 CPU architecture + Mali G52 MC1 GPU architecture + 1T computing power APU, equipped with 3GB+32GB memory, to ensure smooth operation, but also provides users with large-capacity storage space.
In terms of sound quality, it has a 3D panoramic sound system, a 9-unit speaker set, 65W ultra-high power hardware configuration, passed Dolby Atmos 2.1.2 certification, and is compatible with all Dolby formats (including 5.1 and 7.1) sources. At the same time, it is equipped with an AI Master sound quality engine to provide an AI algorithm blessing for the overall speaker.
Xiaomi TV Master can be said that from picture quality to sound quality to many details, you can think of the Xiaomi TV Master 65″ OLED, which is satisfied, whether it is “external work” or “internal work” has reached the current top level. If you want to buy a top-end 65-inch OLED TV at a low premium, it is an excellent choice.
Xiaomi TV Master 65 inch OLED Review: 120hz With 10 Bit Display In the seventh year of Xiaomi TV, we saw that Xiaomi TV did not end in tens of millions of sales, but on the basis of already becoming China's first, began to try to impact the TOP high-end market with super-first-class products.
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topicprinter · 5 years
I and my marketing team are always on the lookout for new and better ways of paid advertising to reap maximum results from our marketing budget. Lately, we were evaluating Quora as an option. The great thing about Quora is that most of the traffic to the website is from search engines and the user already has the desired intent. So, say you want to hire a content writer to come up with an ad copy. What do you do? You Google. You search for, “Where can I find the best ad copywriter,” and Quora ranks atop.Screenshot of Google search result: ImgurOnce the user clicks on the search result, they are taken to Quora's website where they see our ad. Quora ad screenshot: ImgurOur ad copy is aimed at reiterating the needs of the user, informing them of the benefits they will reap from availing our service and the next step they need to take. After the user clicks on the ad, they are taken to the landing page where we elaborate about our service, why they should choose us, and they are encouraged to fill out our consultation form with their contact details and requirements.As compared to Facebook ads, we got a higher CTR (Click Through Rate) on Quora and Quora ads were also quite cheaper than Google's search ads, although the CTR was lesser in comparison. We found Quora Ads to be a nice middle ground between Facebook and Google. They simplify the first stage of the marketing funnel by bringing in only those users who have the desired internet and are also cheaper at the same time.We used ads - such as the one you saw above - and got 12x returns. We created several campaigns with variations in the campaign objective (Quora offers four choices: conversions, app installs, traffic, awareness), targeting (there are four options here: contextual targeting, audience targeting, behavioral targeting, and broad targeting), target location and device types (mobile or desktop). Each campaign was given a daily cap of $30. We let the campaigns run for a week and monitored them closely. We found that some of the campaigns did not even touch $10/day while others reached their limits within a few hours). The campaigns that were getting the desired response were promoted further. What's our secret sauce? Umm, okay. Here are some things which helped in making our ad campaigns successful:1. Quora Pixel installationQuora's Pixel is similar to Facebook Pixel and Google's Tag Manager. It is a piece of JavaScript code that allows you to track visitor activity. Quora's Pixel helped us in tracking conversions and creating a remarketing campaign. You can install the Pixel directly on the website or integrate it with Google's Tag Manager. We recommend the latter option since it saves you the hassle of inserting multiple code pieces into your website. Quora Pixel is primarily intended for tracking conversion campaigns but it will be useful to set up Pixel from the get-go so that you can use it later to create remarketing campaigns. Even if you don't run conversion campaigns, the Pixel will continue to collect data for remarketing.2. Creating separate ad sets for mobile and desktopOne of the issues with Quora's Ad Manager is it doesn't provide separate statistics for mobile and desktop. If you want to run an ad on both the platforms, we would recommend to set up individual ad sets for each. The separate ad sets also helped us in setting different bidding amounts for both small and large screen devices. For the desktop campaigns, our CPC bid was $3.4, while for mobile campaigns, it was $0.4. With those bids, we were able to win about 40% of the auctions. 3. Designing separate ad copies for different geographiesWe created different ads for different countries and varied our ad content across the ads. For example, the ad content for developing countries emphasized more on affordability, while the ad content for developed countries emphasized more on the quality and quickness of our service. This helped in relating better with our audience.4. Focusing more on Question targeted ads:The question targeted ads of Quora are extremely precise and produce the best results (the ad you saw, in the beginning, was targetted at questions). But the volume of traffic from question-based ads is relatively low and difficult to scale. The question targeted ads require a lot of research effort but once they are set, you can leave them running for a long time as they are slow to produce results but are extremely effective. If you don’t have time to manually research for each question, you can enter your target keyword and bulk import all the related questions. Quora caps the number of questions to 50 for every ad set, so if you want to target more questions, create a new ad set within the same campaign.5. Experiment, experiment, experiment:The key to success on any ad platform is experimentation. The more you experiment, the more likely you are to hit the combination that works for you. As we mentioned before, some of our ads weren't completing their daily budget and meeting the expected goals, so we analyzed those ads, tried to figure out the fault points and made changes to make the ad successful. The changes can be as small as the device type, but it is important to regularly monitor and update your ad. 6. Regular analysis via Google AnalyticsQuora's Ad Manager is rather limited in the statistics it provides, so you shouldn't solely rely on it. We regularly analyzed the performance of our ad campaigns with the help of Quora Ads Manager + Google Analytics. Analytics helped us in gaining deeper insights and in identifying campaigns which were performing poorly due to bad targeting. Google Analytics is a learning curve in itself, our marketing team continues to discover new uses for it but it is an extremely powerful tool for analyzing user behavior, tracking sources and meeting goals.7. Designing ad in a question-answer styleMany believe that the term 'Quora' is the fusion of Qu(estion) + or + A(nswer). Although that's now true, it aptly summarizes the format of the platform. It turns out that ads that are designed in a question-answer style produced a much better CTR and consequently a lower CPC. if you think about it, it seems natural. After all, when a user is scrolling through their Quora feed, they have a glance at the question and read the answer only if the question appeals to them. Ads that don't follow have a question as the headline tends to be ignored by the user. The question-answer style ads resembled the very format which Quora is built on and that made it appear less intrusive to our target audience.8. Choosing red color scheme in our image-based adsQuora offers two types of ads: text ads and image ads. Text ads are simpler since you only need to write the textual ad copy. Image ads, on the other hand, are diverse and have more room for experimentation. You can play with the image colors, font-size and much more. We found that using Quora's red color (the red in their logo) as the background produced much more engagement. This was true for both desktop and mobile devices, but the increase in engagement on mobile devices was far more than desktop devices. We believe the red menu bar housing the Quora logo and the tinted red status bar on mobile devices made the ads look more natural, which is why they got higher engagements. (PS: another bonus - Quora's red is #AA2200).9. Scheduling our campaigns:Depending on the geography you are targeting, you may restrict the time for which the ads to run. For example, if your viewers are likely to be daytime visitors, it is better to shut down the ad for nighttime. Also, preparing an ad campaign in advance (and scheduling it) for special occasions helped us in getting better results.ConclusionQuora Ads is a very interesting and relatively new advertising platform with lots of potential for both B2B and B2C advertising. It has an easier learning curve in comparison to other advertisement platforms and you should be well versed with Quora ads in less than a month. And surprisingly, the traffic we received from Quora Ads was of very high quality -the users filled our lead forms with their detailed requirements, and some of them ended up having a chat with our customer care for over 2 hours. Now that's some insight, isn't it!?Bonus StatisticsQuora Ad Manager screenshot: ImgurAs promised, here is a quick summary of our ad campaign:Total Impressions: 217,374Total Clicks: 608Total Conversions: 348Spend: $935Revenue Generated: $12,100​I hope you liked the insights from my recent marketing campaign. You may view the complete article with images here.Thanks for reading and hopefully all of you will keep crushing it in this new year!
0 notes
Accessing content with Google Glasses – E-Learning, Translation & Ideas Bakery
I am aware that Google discontinued the Google Glasses (GG) back in 2015, but it was still super exciting to be able to borrow a pair for a test-drive this week (March, 2019) from one of my local blended learning friends Damian. At that time I was also unaware that apparently the Glasses had been resurrected by certain companies. What I was curious about was whether such a device could be used by professional linguists. So I turned into a version of the Terminator which would win absolutely no casting contests: After a bit of trial and error, the commands of the GG became very obvious: swiping along the right frame for scrolling, swiping down to terminate whatever you’re doing, using two fingers to zoom in. Pairing with an Android phone was also quite quick and the MyGlass Android app comes with a useful Screencast functionality which, although quite laggy on my set-up, still mirrors on your phone screen what the GG are showing the user. All of this is nice and fancy, but was there anything of interest for a translator? Yes and no in my opinion. First of all, in terms of ergonomics, the GG gave me quite a headache through needing to keep refocusing at short and long distances in order to read the GG content and then function in the world (i.e. not bump into anything). So I can see how they’d be used to simply stream video or take photos as the NBC article reports, but to be honest, for such uses you may as well get something cheaper and much more comfortable. Moreover, they didn’t really work over an existing pair of prescription glasses, so that wasn’t great, either. Nevertheless, being able to interact with such a device using speech was very cool indeed! Speech recognition was very accurate and the live disambiguation and correction mechanism worked well even on a non-native speaker of English like me. Searching for online content about whatever you were interested in finding out, but couldn’t be bothered to type into your bigger devices was neat (although, more on this a bit later) and GG speaking out the first hit was loud enough through the built-in speakers! This immediately brought up the biggest learning point I’ve spotted so far: the importance of content optimisation. A few folks in our industry have already started speaking about the impact of the rise of virtual assistants on how we publish content, especially on how we optimise and present it in short, clear sentences that live on authoritative websites which Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana or Apple Siri can rank at the top of the query results list and speak back to us. So something like what I’ve done on my blog (i.e. ramble on for too long in my metadata, forgetting to break content up in short sentences) ends up looking like this piece of content which nobody knows how it ends: Browsing long-form content on Mixed Reality (MR) or Augmented Reality (AR) devices is not an experience one is very likely to write home about. It’s possible, but it’s not particularly pleasant, so I don’t really see translators using such devices for ad-hoc subject matter research (although, to be honest, I suspect this was not really on Google’s priority use-case list when they designed the GG). Moreover, since a lot of websites now have privacy warnings and various cookie approval pop-ups, things get even harder for GG, as selecting the right button to close the pop-up has been something I totally failed at. The result is that you have even less space available to read the content you were looking for.   With GG, the display area is kind of over your right eye, so I kept looking like I was about to have a stroke when browsing various websites. Having said that, maybe devices which look more comfortable (like the HoloLens 2) and have bigger viewing areas will address this challenge. As you’d expect, the GG browser didn’t really support multimedia content, so you’re essentially stuck with looking at text and images despite what it may seem to promise you. When seeing the previous screenshot I got excited by the prospect of watching videos before I was brought back to Earth: In addition to (not) using the GG for subject matter research, something that @gr82tweet has been involved in and I’m getting into, as well, is the usefulness of such MR/AR devices for increasing accessibility and audience engagement in a number of ways, including streaming captions or subtitles to such devices. I personally found GG’s viewing area not suitable for this application, but I am certain that MR/AR is the way to go in this respect! The reason I’m saying this is because from my experiments with Microsoft’s Presentation Translator it is far easier to learn to speak in a manner that’s suitable for automatic interpreting (essentially using a kind of controlled language for presentations together with additional factors such as human speech coherence, fluency, speed and quality of speech input technology) than to have an audience that can look at the captions/subtitles displayed live on their mobile devices through the Microsoft Translator app AND not lose eye-contact with the presenter for too long. Actually, that last bit is quite impossible, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can smooth-talk a couple of Microsoft HoloLens 2 developers into collaborating on a case-study. With GG’s current web browser, scrolling text wasn’t actually scrolling, it was more like jumping randomly about, which, of course, is not quite what live captioning and subtitling need – for the test I used scrolling scripts from HTML.am (which, by the way, seems much better SEO-optimised and virtual-assistant-ready than my own blog) which unfortunately didn’t display seamlessly on GG. Therefore the need for bespoke captioning and subtitling apps for MR/AR is obvious.           In terms of testing content in other languages, there wasn’t much to test in terms of the GG app interface. It only supports UK and US English. Having said that, I nearly fell out of my chair when the GG speech search recognised my voice asking in Romanian for a website with Romanian newspapers. The first result was missing Romanian diacritics, so I kept scrolling, and it turned out that it was only the Romanians’ difficult relationship with writing correctly online (i.e. with diacritics); a link further on did display those characters correctly.           I then cheekily tried to use Google Translate’s speech synthesis in Japanese, Arabic, Dutch and German for the translation into those languages of the question “Which is the biggest daily newspaper?”, but unfortunately the episode of GG recognising speech searches in a language other than English did not happen again. So that’s as far as I’ve got with GG. Although it’s a neat device quite capable of taking photos and videos, as well as displaying directions on Google Maps, I wouldn’t personally use it as a linguist for any of the tasks which this profession involves. Having had the chance to play with it for the last two days, though, I am convinced that content optimisation will become an even bigger area in our industry alongside internationalisation and localisation, and I also see a clear (no pun intended) future for high-quality (if not totally seamless) multilingual communication through MR/AR devices. Related posts:
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
SEO Cost Calculator: How Much Should You Budget for SEO Services?
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/seo-cost-calculator-how-much-should-you-budget-for-seo-services/
SEO Cost Calculator: How Much Should You Budget for SEO Services?
How much should you budget for SEO services?
Countless business owners and SEO service providers struggle with this question every day.
Because the web doesn’t operate in a vacuum, the specific requirements for a successful campaign can (and do) vary widely.
In short, it comes down to a matter of positioning – how does your website compare to your competitors. That position and how fast you want to make progress are the top variables for determining budget.
Expectations & Reality
A recent survey reported that less than half of all small businesses have an SEO budget.
Of those with an SEO budget, the majority (17 percent) spent less than $100/month. That’s right – 71 percent of small businesses budget $0 – $99/month for SEO.
This is further supported by the inquiries I receive from prospective clients.
Here’s the breakdown for the week of July 25 – Aug 1, 2018 (a pretty typical week):
This is why your inbox is spammed with promises of “guaranteed first-page results” for $99.
SEO spammers know the market. Their promise of first page results is hard to resist.
And let’s face it; most business owners have no idea how SEO works. They are far too busy running their businesses to spend time learning SEO.
In most businesses, there is a standardized step by step process to get from point A to point B. Many assume that SEO works the same way. They treat it as a commodity and have no qualms about using the lowest priced vendor.
The Cost of Cheap SEO
I belong to a number of internet marketing groups on Facebook. It’s truly frightening, the number of noobs posing as SEO professionals and taking on clients.
It’s not uncommon to see a question like: “I just landed a client that wants to rank for “keyword x” – how do I do it?”
A close second is the use of link schemes, specifically private blog networks (PBNs), without ever explaining the risk to clients.
If business owners were just throwing money away, by hiring an incompetent SEO, that would be bad enough.
Unfortunately, the collateral damage from “cheap SEO” can go much deeper. It can draw a Google penalty and virtually wipe out a website’s visibility on the web.
Business owners need to keep in mind they’re ultimately responsible for any SEO work performed on their site. They should discuss the specific tactics to be used, before entering into an agreement.
I would encourage any business owner that’s in it for the long term, to insist on using tactics that comply with Google Webmaster Guidelines.
Managing Your Resources
With Google utilizing 200+ (likely exponentially more) ranking factors, it’s easy to become intimidated and paralyzed.
The good news is that if you focus on just three factors, you can still crush it, regardless of niche.
Here’s what you need to pay attention to:
1. Information Architecture
Your site should:
Be crawlable and accessible to search engines.
Follow Google Webmaster Guidelines for SEO best practices.
Perform at the highest pagespeed possible.
Render cleanly on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
2. Content
Your content should conform to best practices as disclosed in the Search Quality Ratings Guidelines with an emphasis on:
3. Backlinks
Your backlinks must be natural. Avoid popular link schemes like PBN’s and paid guest posts. Instead, focus on building real links that boost SERPs.
Quality is key. A lower number of high trust/high authority/relevant links can outperform a large quantity of lower quality links.
You Manage What You Measure: Set Goals
Before establishing a budget, one needs to determine goals for a campaign.
At one time, success was measured solely by keyword rankings. While ranking position remains an important metric, they are not the most important metric.
I would argue the most important metrics are those with a direct impact on the bottom line. Organic sessions, goal conversions and revenues fall into that category.
Goal setting could include:
Improving organic sessions by x percent.
Increasing conversions by y per month.
Increasing revenues by z percent.
When setting goals, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.
Your goals need to be measurable.
They need to be achievable. Stretch goals are fine, but pie in the sky benchmarks can actually work as a disincentive.
You need to give the campaign time to work. According to Google, “in most cases, SEOs need four months to a year to help your business first implement improvements and then see potential benefit.”
Developing a Budget
Your goals will determine what tactics are needed for success.
This, in turn, sets up a framework for developing an action plan and the budget necessary to support that plan.
This brings us full circle to positioning and paying attention to those factors that move the dial.
How does your information architecture stack up against competitors?
How does your content compare to the competition?
How does your backlink profile look relative to the top-ranked websites?
The answers to those questions will determine priorities as well as the volume of work needed to reach your goals.
In many cases, the actual work performed is the same – regardless of budget level. The difference is the volume of work performed.
If you’re adding twice the content and twice the links at budget level “B” vs budget level “A” you have a higher likelihood of achieving earlier success at the higher budget.
That said, the right budget is one you can afford, without losing sleep, for a minimum of four (and ideally 12) months.
It takes time to properly plan, implement and tweak a campaign in order to evaluate its success.
Also, the lower the budget, the longer the journey
How Much Can You Expect to Spend on SEO?
If you are hiring a top-level SEO company to execute a local campaign, expect to pay $500+ per month.
A national or international campaign will require a minimum budget of $2,500 to $5,000 month.
Some firms offer a “trial package” at a lower price, with no contract. This allows prospective clients an opportunity to test their services, by minimizing risk.
If you can’t afford to retain a top level SEO, there are some options. The most common being a one-time website SEO audit with actionable recommendations.
Just fixing your website will often lead to a meaningful boost in organic traffic. Content development and keyword analysis are other areas where you can get help from a pro for a one time fixed rate.
Another option is to become an expert and do it yourself.
SEO Cost Calculator: Measuring Organic Search (SEO) ROI
Following is a calculator commonly used (incorrectly) for measuring return on investment for SEO.
ROI Calculation for SEO Assuming ‘One-Time Sales’
Product Sold: The Coolest Thing Ever! Quantity of new customers acquired via SEO, that converted into a sale, during the month 20 Average net profit on each Coolest Thing Ever! Sold $50 Total net profits from the newly acquired organic search customers (# New customers X net profit) $1,000 Monthly Marketing Expense (Budget) $2,500 Profits from new customers ($1,000) divided by SEO marketing budget ($2,500) ROI = -60%
The flaw in the above calculator is that it fails to take into consideration the lifetime value of a new customer.
Online retailers need repeat business, in order to grow. By not calculating the lifetime value of a new customer the true ROI is grossly understated.
The right way to calculate ROI is to build lifetime value into the calculator as seen here:
ROI Calculation for SEO Assuming Lifetime Value
Same Product: The Coolest Thing Ever! Quantity of new customers acquired via SEO, that converted into a sale, during the month 20 Average net profit on each Coolest Thing Ever! Sold $50 Total net profits from the newly acquired organic search customers (# New customers X net profit) $1,000 Average number of orders projected, per newly acquired customer, over a “Lifetime” 5 Total projected lifetime profit (Total Net profits X Number of  Average Lifetime sales)       $5,000 Monthly marketing budget (expense) $2,500 Projected lifetime profits from new customers ($5,000) divided by SEO marketing spend ($2,500) ROI = 200%
As you can see, that one variable makes a huge difference in how the ROI is stated.
The Takeaway
Unlike PPC, an organic search campaign won’t yield immediate results.
A comprehensive SEO campaign will involve a combination of technical SEO, content marketing, and link building.
Even when executed to perfection, it takes time for Google to recognize and reward these efforts.
That said, the traffic earned from these efforts is often the most consistent and best converting among all channels.
More SEO Resources:
Image Credits
Featured Image: geralt / Pixabay Screenshot by author, August 2018
Source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-cost-calculator/264305/
0 notes
williamlwolf89 · 4 years
33 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (Even in a Pandemic)
Afraid it’s impossible to find freelance writing jobs due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Here’s the truth:
Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a beginner with no experience, writing jobs that pay are still plentiful in 2020 — if…
You know where to look;
You know how to promote yourself;
And you know how to differentiate yourself from your fellow freelance writers.
And that’s where we come in.
If you’re a freelance writer who wants to earn a full-time or part-time income doing what you love, this definitive resource will help you do just that.
Let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
4 Steps to Help You Prepare
Chapter 2:
16 Under-the-Radar Writing Job Opportunities
Chapter 3:
13 Job Boards for Writers
Chapter 4:
Freelancing Q&A
Chapter 1:
Get Your House in Order: 4 Steps to Help You Prepare (& Land More Freelance Writing Gigs)
The philosopher Seneca (allegedly) said, “luck is what happens when practice meets opportunity.” The book of Galatians in the Bible tells us we reap what we sow.
Stephen King put it this way:
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
The common theme? Success tends to find those who are prepared for it.
As a writer, here are four things you should do to prepare for freelancing glory:
1. Create a Writing Portfolio That Kicks Butt
“Do you have writing samples?” “Can I see some of your writing work?” “What are some high-quality articles you’ve written?”
As a freelance writer, you’ll hear questions like these often.
And your answer?
Here’s a link to my writing portfolio.
At least, that should be your answer. But unfortunately, many freelancers skip the whole “prove you actually know how to write” thing.
As Scott Weiland once sang, “let the proof be in the pudding, sugar.”
Don’t simply tell prospective clients that you’re an amazing content writer. And don’t assume they already know you’re the cat’s meow and the bee’s knees.
Show them.
Further Reading: How to Create a Writing Portfolio That’ll Wow Potential Clients walks you through everything you need to craft an online portfolio of your work, from portfolio sites like Contently to using your own blog. It also offers tips for building a list of writing samples if your portfolio is a bit sparse.
2. Supercharge Your Writing Skills
Unless you want to spend your freelance writing career slumming through online content mills with entry-level job ads that pay peanuts, you need to level up your content creation skills.
Because those high-paying freelance jobs you lay awake dreaming about? Companies don’t hand them to just anyone.
They give them to content creators who:
Realize the importance of SEO (and can create SEO content with both readers and Google in mind);
Understand the importance of proofreading and submitting error-free work;
Write fast, meet deadlines for their writing projects, and are seemingly immune to writer’s block;
Craft amazing headlines, write with clarity, and support their points with examples;
Can connect with readers on an emotional level.
The good news?
With hard work, anyone can improve their writing skills. And for the few who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do it, the payoff can be huge.
This site is filled with helpful how-to articles on copywriting, content writing, writing contests, content marketing, article writing, and SEO. And if you need training, we have that too.
Further Reading: How to Become a Better Writer: 14 Tips to Up Your Writing Game in 2020 shares our favorite must-have skills for writers. Read it, bookmark it, and come back to it again and again.
3. Ask for Testimonials
Have you already landed a writing job or two? Awesome.
Did you ask the client to give you a testimonial? A few words declaring their undying love and/or satisfaction with your work (that you can use to help you land more writing clients)?
No? Well, you’re not alone.
Most writers who do freelance work, either due to ignorance or fear, don’t ask for testimonials. Our own Jon Morrow says he’s only had a small handful of writers over the years ask him for a testimonial — even though he would’ve been perfectly happy to give one to them.
So how should you ask for one? Keep it simple.
Here’s how Karen MacKenzie asked for a testimonial after we published her first post on Smart Blogger:
And because Karen did such a good job on her post, I was happy to give her the following testimonial:
Karen offers everything I look for in a freelance writer: Her work is excellent, she finishes on time (if not ahead of schedule), and her attention to detail is wonderful. I enjoyed working with her so much that, as soon as her first article was completed, I asked her if she’d like to write for us again. I happily recommend her.
Want a great testimonial like Karen’s?
Create testimonial-worthy content for your clients and then — this is key — ask them for a freakin’ testimonial.
Note: You can count me among the poor, unfortunate souls who missed out on Jon’s generosity. Before becoming Smart Blogger’s Editor-in-Chief, I was a freelancer. I wrote five posts for Smart Blogger as a freelance writer, which means I passed on five opportunities for Jon to say nice things about me. Don’t repeat my mistakes — ask for testimonials at every opportunity.
4. Learn How to Craft a Killer Author Bio
Picture it:
A wealthy business owner sitting in a Herman Miller chair on top of a rug made out of recycled Herman Miller chairs is reading an article you’ve written.
She’s impressed. She calls to her butler, Jeeves, and asks him to bring one of her suitcases filled with money.
Your article is so good, she wants to hire you.
But then she gets to your byline — the one you threw together at the last minute. The one that lists your hobbies and has no clear call to action.
“Throw the suitcase in the fire, Jeeves,” she says. “I shan’t be hiring a writer today.”
If you don’t want this totally realistic scenario to happen to you, you need to get really good at writing author bios.
Because someone who’s made it to your author bio is primed. They’ve read your work and want to learn about the attractive, intelligent individual who wrote it.
Maybe they want to check out your website content. Maybe they want to find you on social media so they can follow you.
Or maybe they want your contact info so they can hire you.
A byline should shout to the world your expertise. It should say to prospective clients, “if you thought this article was great, you should hire me and see what I can do for you.”
Taking the time to craft a great one is time well spent.
Further Reading: How to Write a Bio Like a Superhero (Easy 3-Part Process) will show you how to craft bylines that’ll make rich people want to give you suitcases full of money.
Chapter 2:
Pound the Pavement: 16 Hacks for Finding Under-the-Radar Writing Job Opportunities
Anyone can find a job board and search for online writing jobs. But that’s both a good and bad thing — anyone can do it.
That awesome job you found? The one you’d be perfect for? Fifty other “perfect” people found it too.
We’ll go over some great job board options in a moment (because they do have lots to offer freelance writers), but first we’ll take a trip down the road less traveled.
For example, did you know you could…
1. Use Twitter to Reverse-Engineer Writing Jobs
Want an outside-the-box way to find writing opportunities?
Try Twitter’s advanced search engine.
In the example below, I searched for tweets that included the phrase “writer wanted”:
I kept the search simple, but I could’ve also searched by language (native English, Spanish, etc.), hashtags, date range, and more. The more options you choose, the more refined your search results.
Click “Search” and you’ll see a list of tweets with various job postings for writers:
Scroll through the list and tweak your job search, as needed.
Some of the results will be scams, but most will be legitimate. Many will be for remote writing jobs, but some will be location specific (usually New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Miami, Washington D.C., Dallas, and other major cities in the United States). Just skip over the ones that don’t apply to you.
If you look at “Top” tweets, as shown in the screenshot above, you’ll find brand-new jobs mixed with older ones. Click “Latest” if you want to see recent tweets first.
Tip: When you find a tweet for a job that shows promise, click Twitter’s like/heart icon. That way you’ll be able to easily find your shortlisted tweets later.
The nice thing about Twitter’s advanced search feature is it’s only limited by your imagination.
Want to find guest blogging opportunities (since many websites these days pay for guest posts)? Enter “guest post” into the “this exact phrase” option and you’ll see every tweet written by someone looking to promote their latest guest blogging masterpiece.
That’ll give you a list of websites that accept guest posts, which you can later whittle down (after you’ve done a little more research) into a list of sites that pay guest writers.
Wash, rinse, and repeat.
2. Follow Leads on Social Media
When you use Twitter’s advanced search feature to find freelance writing jobs, you’ll discover certain Twitter handles pop up fairly frequently.
One example is @write_jobs:
When you find a good lead, follow them. That way you can cut through the noise of Twitter and go straight to your best sources.
Even better?
Add them to a private Twitter list so that tweets from all your leads can be found in one handy repository.
Here’s how you do it:
Here are a few more handles to get your Twitter list started:
3. Check Out Agency Job Postings
Everyone likes to talk about job boards (which, again, we’ll discuss in a moment). But you know what resource most freelance writers ignore?
Per Jon:
One of the best potential clients is agencies, because they usually have an ongoing need for writers. Instead of only getting paid once, you can develop a relationship with a few and get new freelance blogging gigs for months or even years into the future. How to Become a Freelance Writer, Starting from Scratch
So how can you get work from agencies? Well, you could contact them directly and ask if they have any freelance work (Jon calls this a “gutsy but effective approach”).
The other way is to keep checking their “career” page:
The Content Marketing Institute maintains a detailed database of agencies. Click here to check it out.
4. Find (and Woo) Clients on Their Turf
Most articles that tout social media as a good place to find leads will point you to Facebook Groups.
And it makes sense. After all, search Facebook for “writing jobs”, click the “Groups” tab, and you’ll see dozens and dozens of options that are open to the public:
If you’re looking for a safe space where like minded individuals offer tips, advice, and writing inspiration; such groups are great.
But if you’re looking to find paying gigs, you’ll likely be left wanting.
Most members of these groups are looking to be hired, not looking to hire writers. And when someone wanting to hire a writer does come along, the person who raises their hand first is usually the one who gets the job.
That’s not to say Facebook Groups can’t lead to writing jobs that pay. The trick is you need to find groups where the buyers, not the sellers, hang out.
Think “masterminds”, “think tanks”, etc.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. Such groups are usually private. So, what’s a writer to do?
Skip the Facebook Groups. Go Straight to the Sources.
One of the amazing things about technology is the way it allows us to connect and interact with people with whom we’d otherwise never have the opportunity.
In 2014, I didn’t know Adam Connell of Blogging Wizard. But I joined his mailing list and, lo and behold, a “welcome” email with his address arrived in my inbox. I responded, he wrote me back, and a friendship was born.
After reading one of her posts and admiring her writing style, I connected with Henneke Duistermaat of Enchanting Marketing through a humble blog comment. The same was true with Syed Balkhi. I connected with Pamela Wilson via Twitter. For Jon Morrow, the man who would one day hire me at Smart Blogger, I got on his radar by becoming a student in one of his courses.
Want to write for a mover and shaker in your industry? Want to befriend an influencer who can open doors for you (the kind of doors that lead to paying jobs)?
Make a connection. Be generous. Give without asking or expecting anything in return.
That means following them on Twitter, sharing their content, and interacting with them. It means subscribing to their email list.
And, yes, it may mean buying one of their products. Because here’s the thing:
When you’re their student, an influencer is invested in your future. Your success is their success. You’re a walking, talking testimonial. So many — not all, but many — will do everything they can to help you succeed.
And that includes pointing leads in your direction.
5. Pitch to Software Company Blogs
More from Jon:
You want to work with businesses who have money to spend on marketing. Chances are, those companies are subscribed to various apps for email marketing, analytics, and so on. Most software companies in the marketing space (like HubSpot, Sumo, PayPal, Ahrefs, etc.) also publish a great deal of content. So, who better to write for? You’re instantly getting in front of thousands of the right clients. Many of these blogs will also pay you to write for them, so in many cases you can get your first client while also prospecting for clients.
e-Commerce companies with blogs tend to publish a lot of content. After all, every article they publish tends to pay for itself (and then some) thanks to the traffic it brings to the website — traffic that often leads to sales of their product.
As with agencies, you can either cold pitch the software companies (which sometimes works), or you can keep an eye out for open freelance positions:
6. Don’t Be Scared of Ghostwriting
A lot of writers don’t like the idea of ghostwriting.
I get it. You’re letting someone else put their name on and take credit for your hard work.
You mean I get to spend weeks pouring my heart and soul into a piece of content, infusing every syllable with my very essence to the point I no longer know where I begin and my words end, and no one will ever know I wrote it?
Yes, that’s ghostwriting in a nutshell (minus the theatrics). But here’s the thing:
Ghostwriting pays better than regular freelance writing. When you ghostwrite, it’s not unheard of to increase your fee by 15%-20% (or more).
You can make great freelance writing business relationships by ghostwriting. People who pay for ghostwriters tend to have money (and connections). Oftentimes, these clients can refer you to others.
If your primary goal is to build up a strong list of writing samples, ghostwriting isn’t for you.
But if your goal is to make money writing and build potentially-profitable business relationships, it’s something to consider.
And here’s the best part:
Because so many freelance writers loathe ghostwriting, there isn’t as much competition.
Editor’s Note: These next few freelance writing hacks come courtesy of Smart Blogger Certified Content Marketer Germano Silveira.
7. Poach Clients from Successful Freelance Writers in Your Niche
Want to write for great clients in your niche who pay top dollar?
Well, you can either wait until they post job ads, then compete against everyone else who applies…
Or you can take initiative and proactively seek out these ideal clients.
One of the best places to find ideal clients is in the portfolios of successful freelance writers in your niche.
By studying other writers’ sample content, you can identify clients they’ve worked with in the past.
These clients are ideal targets because:
You already know they hire freelance writers;
You know they have years of experience working with freelancers, so they’ll be easier to work with;
And you know they pay decent wages, otherwise the successful freelance writer wouldn’t work with them.
Start by finding freelance writers in your niche. You can find them by Googling “[YOUR NICHE] + freelance writer” like so:
Scroll through the search results until you see a freelance writer’s website. These writing sites don’t always rank highly, so you may have to go through several pages of search results to find them.
Click on a writer’s website and check out their portfolio. There you’ll find links to articles the freelance writer wrote for various companies in your niche.
Click on a writing sample and visit the client’s website to make sure you’d be interested in writing for them. If everything looks good, add them to your list of potential targets.
Do this over and over again for every freelance writer you find in your search. When you’re done, you should have a big list of ideal clients to target.
Pick one client to target and visit their website.
Study their content to get an idea of what they publish. Pay close attention to their most popular content, as well as the article the freelance writer wrote for them. These will give you a good idea of what type of content to pitch.
Check their website for submission guidelines, which will give you a better sense of what they’re looking for from freelance writers and tell you who to send your pitch to.
Use all of this reconnaissance to brainstorm ideas for good articles to pitch them. Pick your best idea, develop it into a pitch, and send it in.
8. Apprentice With a Successful Writer in Your Niche
Another way to get work from established freelance writers is to build a mutually-beneficial partnership with them.
Many successful freelance writers need help with certain aspects of their business. They could use someone to do their research, proofreading, copy editing jobs, etc.
Of course, they could pay a professional writer or do these tasks themselves. But most would prefer to have someone do it for free.
That’s where you come in.
By offering free assistance to a successful freelancer in your niche, you can save them time and help them make more money in exchange for steady work and writing experience.
Often, successful freelance writers have to turn down work because the client can’t afford to pay their rate. Instead, they can pass this work off to you and split the earnings (again, more money in their pocket).
They can also help you by critiquing your work, giving you tips on how to succeed in the industry, and endorsing you to editors.
Once they trust you and you’ve proven yourself as a writer, they may also let you do some assignments for them.
Successful digital marketing entrepreneur Dan Lok got his start in the copywriting industry this way — by apprenticing with his copywriting mentor Alan Jacques:
“Why did this work out so well? It wasn’t worth Alan’s time for that price, but it was worth my time, because I wanted the experience. I needed clients to gain experience and get better. I got my clients with his endorsement and supervision.” — Dan Lok
So how do you start such an arrangement?
It’s not easy, and there’s no direct path. But your best bet is to buy one of their courses or products. As mentioned earlier, when you become their student, they become invested in your success.
You can also try:
Getting an introduction from someone who knows them;
Connecting with them on social and building a relationship;
Creating a piece of content (perhaps copy for a landing page?) they could use and giving it to them for free.
9. Reverse-Engineer Writing Samples From Job Ads
Ultimately, most clients don’t care about your experience or credentials. They just want a freelance writer who can complete their assignment and get results.
Your job is to convince them YOU are that freelance writer.
And the best way to convince them you can do the assignment is… to do the assignment.
Most job ads ask for relevant writing samples. When applying to these ads, most freelancers provide similar writing samples.
In other words, they provide articles they wrote for another client that sort of match what the job ad is looking for, but not really. Unless they’ve written for an identical client before, their writing samples will be a bit off.
You can immediately differentiate yourself from other applicants and increase your odds of getting hired by creating a writing sample tailor-made for each client.
Start by finding job ads on job sites like Upwork.
Don’t just look for any old job. Get specific with your search criteria to find ideal jobs — jobs that are in your niche, about subjects that interest you, and offer to pay premium prices.
When you come across an ideal job ad, study it from top to bottom. Make note of everything the client is looking for in a writer and the assignment.
Then brainstorm ideas for articles that perfectly match what the client wants. If necessary, research tactics and techniques for creating such content.
For example, in the screenshot above, the client is seeking someone who can “write about boring, dry, technical topics.” You could Google, “how to write about boring topics”, then apply what you find to your sample article.
Select your strongest idea and write it. Try to pick a short, simple idea that won’t take too much time to write. Otherwise, the client may hire someone else before you finish.
Finally, apply to the job and submit your tailor-made content as a writing sample. You can either publish the article on a free site like Medium or submit it with your application as a Microsoft Word or Google Doc.
The best part of this strategy?
Even if the client doesn’t hire you, you’ll still walk away with a great writing sample to add to your portfolio. And if you repeat this process, you’ll quickly build a portfolio of writing samples that are super-relevant to your ideal clients.
10. Pitch Every Service You’ve Used in the Last Year
One of the best places to find freelance writing jobs for beginners is with the companies/products you already use.
They make great potential clients because:
You’re already familiar with the product/service;
You’re in their target market, so writing for their audience is easier;
You already have a relationship with these businesses.
In fact, you should include these points in your pitch.
Start by making a list of every product/service you’ve used in the last year. This can include gyms, hair salons, landscapers, etc.
Visit their websites and perform a content audit:
Are there problems with their web copy you could offer to improve?
Do they have a regularly-updated blog? Could you contribute to it in an impactful way? Could you help them target certain keywords with their content?
Basically, you’re trying to match the services you offer with the content they need.
While you may be able to convince these companies to start a blog, the best targets are companies that understand the importance of content marketing and invest in it accordingly.
Once you’ve identified your targets and how you can help them, send an email to someone on their marketing team offering your services.
Your pitch should mention you’ve used their product/service and love it, as well as the fact you’re a member of their target market and will be able to effectively influence their audience.
Offer to work for a price you think they can afford, based on your research. You may not get paid top-dollar initially, but the real goal is to establish a working relationship, get steady work, and contribute to your portfolio.
By sending out 30 such emails, Julie Wilson was able to generate over $1,000 in her first month employing this strategy.
11. Write Tutorials for Products You’ve Used
This tip is similar to the previous one in that you’ll be soliciting a business you’re familiar with.
However, this technique differs because it involves writing articles on spec — creating articles for free before you pitch them.
Make a list of products you’ve used that fall into your freelance writing niche. For example, if you want to become a SaaS writer, make a list of software you use or have used in the past.
Visit the websites of these companies to determine if they’re good prospects. Look for companies with well-established, regularly-updated blogs.
Check to see if they have submission guidelines, which will give you information on the type of content they’re looking for and let you know if they hire freelance writers and/or accept guest posts.
Then write a tutorial on how to use their software to achieve a desired result. If possible, create a case study describing the results you achieved with the product and how you did so.
Contact someone in the company via email or LinkedIn. Tell them you’re about to publish the article on Medium (or some other blog) and were wondering if:
They want to publish it on their blog instead;
They’d be willing to share and/or link to the article once you’ve published it.
Even if they don’t buy the article, you’ll add another writing sample to your portfolio while establishing a relationship with a potential client who may keep you in mind for future work.
12. Find and Fix Weak/Old Content
By now, we’ve established the benefit of demonstrating your value to potential clients in advance.
Another way to demonstrate value is by improving their weak, flawed, or outdated content.
You’d be surprised by how many influential, well-established organizations have flawed web content.
Often, these organizations are so preoccupied with creating new content they overlook small errors or forget to update their content to meet new developments.
That’s where you come in.
By identifying weak spots and fixing them for free, you can establish a relationship with a potential client that gets your foot in the door.
Of course, you shouldn’t just visit hundreds of random websites hoping to find bad copy or content. Think of how time-consuming and unbearably boring that would be.
Instead, make a list of 10 to 20 blogs, companies, or influencers you’d most like to write for.
Visit their websites, analyze their content, and make note of areas you can improve.
Look for older content that could use an update. For example, a headline like “How to be a freelance writer in 2016” is a great candidate for modernization.
(On the other hand, something like “Google Authorship: The Complete Handbook for Getting Respect, Readers, and Rankings” wouldn’t work because its main topic, “Google authorship”, is no longer relevant.)
Dan Lok used a similar tactic to get work from guerrilla marketing guru Jay Conrad Levinson. Dan rewrote Jay’s entire sales pitch on spec and sent it to him. Not only did Jay use the updated sales copy and pay Dan for his spec work, but the new copy tripled Jay’s conversions!
Maybe you’re not a copywriting expert like Dan. But if you find a website with weak or unremarkable sales copy, you could try researching the subject and giving it a shot. At the very least, this makes for good practice.
Once you’ve identified and updated your content, send an email to your target explaining what you did.
Tell them you came across their website or blog article, noticed some flaws, and thought you could help them out by improving it.
While they may offer to pay you for your work like Jay did, I don’t recommend trying to sell it to them.
The true power of this tactic is you’re establishing a relationship by being helpful and demonstrating value upfront. And it works best when done for free.
Trying to sell them your work can come off as opportunistic, arrogant, and reduce the chances they’ll bite.
But if you help them for free and they like your work, they may decide to pay you (like Jay did) and/or keep you in mind for future assignments.
13. Dominate Quora
Quora is a social media platform where users can post questions and get answers from other users.
Whether or not you get clients from Quora, it’s an insanely useful marketing platform for writers that allows you to:
Connect with people in your niche in a helpful way and demonstrate your expertise;
Show potential clients you can write for their audience;
Generate long-term traffic from each answer you post (popular Quora questions and answers often get ranked in Google);
Establish yourself as an authority in your niche and build an audience, both of which make you more attractive to potential clients.
Networking on Quora can be an effective, albeit indirect, method for getting freelance writing jobs.
The essence of a Quora marketing strategy is this:
Find questions that are relevant to your niche; provide helpful, in-depth answers that demonstrate your writing ability; and advertise your writing services in your profile.
Start by creating a stellar Quora profile.
Treat your Quora profile like your business website. You should include your position as a freelance writer, a high-quality profile picture, a description of the benefits of your services, and links to your writing samples and website.
In the “Credentials & Highlights” section, list all of the credentials and experiences that reinforce your position as an authority in your niche.
In the “Knows About” section, be sure to include topics related to your writing niche as well as your role as a freelance writer (SEO, content marketing, blogging, and so on).
Next, find and follow topics related to your writing niche as well as the type of content you create (articles, content marketing, email copy, web copy, etc.).
When your profile is all set up and ready to go, start searching for questions relevant to your writing niche. “Relevant questions” include questions that are of interest to potential clients and/or their audience.
You can find relevant questions either by clicking on a Topic and scanning for them, or by typing relevant keywords into the search bar.
When you come across a relevant question, bookmark it in the “Answer Later” section for easy access.
Finally, write phenomenal answers to your saved questions.
Your answers should be helpful. They should answer all parts of the question in the best way possible. And you should include links to additional resources if and when necessary.
Your answers should tell stories. Stories are not only a great way to engage readers and increase views, they also help readers learn and retain information better.
Your answers should incorporate visuals. Visuals break up your text and make your answers more visually appealing and easier to read.
Be sure to link to your writing samples when possible. In fact, whenever you publish a new article, you should spend some time finding and answering Quora questions related to it as a way to drive traffic.
Regularly answer questions to build your Quora audience and views. You’ll increase your position as an authority in your niche, increase your value to clients by building an audience, and potentially get freelance work from employers who come across your answers.
14. Offer Referral Deals
If they like your work, most clients will happily refer you to others.
But some clients may be reticent to refer you to others because they want to keep you to themselves.
Other clients simply require a bit of motivation.
A simple way to provide this motivation is to sweeten the pot with a referral deal.
Tell clients that for every referral they send your way that turns into a job, you’ll create one free piece of content for them.
Even though you’ll waste some work hours on free work, you’ll more than make up for it with the steady stream of new clients you get.
Short. Sweet. And simple.
Just remember:
It’s important you honor your word.
If a client finds out they referred you to someone, you got the job, and you reneged on your end of the deal, your relationship with the client will end and your reputation as a writer will be tarnished.
15. Monitor Companies That are Hiring for Content Marketing Roles
When you see a job ad for a content marketing role, an “opportunity flag” should be raised in your head.
A new content marketing hire is a sign a company is either investing more in content marketing or changing their content marketing strategy.
It can also simply mean they’re filling a vacant position.
Either way, a new hire still signifies a change in strategy. And it’s likely they’ll need more content and more help creating that content.
Rather than waiting for the company to post a job ad for freelance writers (like those other lazy freelancers), take the initiative and demonstrate value upfront.
Reach out to the company (or even their new hire) and offer your help executing their new strategy.
First, use LinkedIn to monitor job ads seeking content marketers.
With LinkedIn, you can use filters to narrow your search by job role, job type, and industry.
You’ll want to filter out any companies that aren’t in your writing niche using the “Industry” filter. If you write for software companies, limit your search to software companies.
It’s also best to limit your search to top-level content marketing roles. Top-level hires are the best indication a company is investing in a new content marketing strategy and increasing content production.
To filter for top-level roles, use keywords like “Content Marketing Strategist”, “Content Marketing Manager”, “Content Marketing Specialist”, “Head of Content Marketing”, etc. You can also use LinkedIn’s “Experience” and “Title” filters to narrow your search to top-level positions.
The best part about using LinkedIn for this strategy is you can set job alerts and have new job ads emailed to you. No need to waste time running new job searches over and over again in order to find job openings. Just set it and forget it.
Next, read the job ads to get a sense of the opportunity potential.
If the job ad indicates the company will be producing lots of new content, you know they’ll be a good source of potential work. Often the ad will say something like, “we’re looking to ramp up our content marketing efforts.”
Keep an eye out for any information on the new direction of their content strategy. If the job ad says they’re looking to use content to build authority in their niche, then make note of it. You’ll use it later in your pitch.
Once you’ve identified a few good prospects, it’s time to start crafting your pitch.
A great pitch should include:
1. An introduction that aligns you with their goals.
You might say something like, “I understand you’re looking to build authority with your blog and I think I can help.” This shows you’ve read their job ad and understand what they want to achieve.
2. An article written on spec that you’ll let them publish for free.
This demonstrates your value and writing abilities upfront. It’s also a great way to start a positive relationship by giving them something of value for free.
3. A list of 5 to 10 article ideas you think they’ll like.
This demonstrates your ability to regularly produce great content ideas and will be a valuable asset to their new strategy.
Finally, send them your pitch.
It’s best to send your idea to the newbie hire once they’ve filled the role — the new hire will be most receptive because they’re new to the company, eager to make a good impression, and stand to benefit most from bringing a talented freelancer on board.
While this tactic takes a bit of effort, the potential for steady, long-term work makes it worthwhile.
16. Use an Ad Fishing Strategy
Ad Fishing is a technique that involves using Facebook or LinkedIn ads to target warm leads.
For simplicity, we’ll describe how to employ this strategy on Facebook, but the process for LinkedIn is identical.
To perform this strategy, you’ll need:
A Facebook Page;
Your own website/blog with the Facebook Pixel installed;
A case study describing how you helped a client achieve a certain result with your content marketing.
First, you’ll need a case study that demonstrates the value of your freelance writing.
Your case study should describe a positive result you helped a client achieve and the process you used for doing so. The positive result could be as simple as helping them boost monthly web traffic with a blog post.
Make sure your case study has a killer, benefit-oriented headline. For example:
“How I Got 10k New Monthly Visitors for a Client With One Blog Post”
The case study should also include a CTA (call to action) at the end inviting readers to contact you if they want similar results.
Next, create a “Bait Article” — an article your target clients will want to read.
For example, if you want to work with B2B SaaS companies, you could create an article titled “7 Ways B2B SaaS Companies Can Generate More Web Traffic”.
Promote the article wherever your target clients hang out. Post it in relevant Facebook Groups. Link to it in answers to relevant Quora questions. Or, simply promote it to your targets using Facebook Ads.
Finally, create a Retargeting Ad sharing your case study with anyone who reads the “Bait Article”.
The essence of this strategy is to use the “Bait Article” to find and qualify warm leads — people in your target market who want the results you can help them achieve.
Then you hook those warm leads with a case study that clearly demonstrates how you can help them achieve the desired result.
Because the ad only targets a small number of qualified leads, ad spend will be low and ROI (return on investment) will be high.
Chapter 3:
13 Writing Job Boards: The Low-Hanging Fruit (Packed with Opportunities)
Next up, let’s look at some popular (and some under-the-radar) job boards used by freelance writers all over the world.
If you’re new to freelancing, job boards will likely be your easiest entry point. You’ll be able to find writing jobs of all shapes and sizes.
Once you have some writing samples under your belt and you begin getting good referrals from clients, more opportunities will become available to you.
Let’s start with possibly the biggest one:
1. LinkedIn
If you’re a professional, there’s a good chance you already have a LinkedIn account (even if, like me, you tend to forget about it for months at a time).
Its job board, as you would expect from a site that specializes in professional networking, is huge.
How huge?
Well, at the time of this writing, there are over 32,000 job postings for “writer” alone:
Thankfully, LinkedIn offers lots of filters. Search by date, the job’s industry, the job type (full-time, part-time, etc.), experience level, and more.
If you’re already on LinkedIn, it’s a good place to start.
2. Upwork
Depending on who you talk to, Upwork (formerly Elance-oDesk) is either awful or amazing. And the funny thing is, the reasons for its awfulness and amazingness are one and the same: low rates.
Employers love Upwork because you can typically find qualified applicants who live in areas with lower cost of living. As a result, they can get great work at reduced costs.
Those who hate Upwork do so because they’re competing with the aforementioned applicants who can comfortably live on less money.
So what does this mean for freelance writers?
Unless you’re content with low rates (because you need the practice, you want to build up your portfolio, you need all the work you can get, etc.), you’re better off with one of the other job boards mentioned.
3. ProBlogger
As its name would suggest, the ProBlogger Job Board is a popular one among bloggers in search of freelance writing work and blogger jobs.
However, with a $70 starting price for posting a job, you tend to find smaller companies (and lower rates) on ProBlogger. There are exceptions, of course.
One neat feature offered by ProBlogger is a Candidate Database employers can search to find writers. It’s free for writers to join, and you can use it as an online resume and sales page.
4. BloggingPro
BloggingPro requires clients to publish job ads that pay a minimum of $15 an hour (or have at least 500 words).
Job categories are blogging, content writing jobs, copywriting, and journalism. And types of work include contract, freelance, full-time, part-time, internship, and temporary.
As job boards not named LinkedIn or Indeed go, it’s pretty detailed.
5. FlexJobs
FlexJobs specializes in all types of remote work. It isn’t free, but you get a lot for your money.
For starters, you’re safe from scams — each job posting is vetted by an actual human. You also don’t have to hunt for work from home jobs that’ll allow you to write in your pajamas — all writing job ads (from blog posts to white papers to press releases to academic writing) are for remote jobs. It’s kind of their thing.
Plans start at $14.95 per month. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee, which means you can try it out, see if there are any promising writing jobs, and cancel if you don’t like what you see.
6. Freelance Writers Den
Founded by Carol Tice, the Freelance Writers Den is a paid membership site with a long track record.
Unlike most job boards, you also get bonuses. There are over 300 hours of training material, pitch examples, templates, and monthly live events.
Membership is $25 per month with no contract. You can cancel anytime and not pay the next month’s dues. There’s also a 7-day money-back guarantee when you first join.
7. Who Pays Writers?
According to its website, Who Pays Writers? is “an anonymous, crowd-sourced list of which publications pay freelance writers — and how much.”
Translation: Once you’re ready to write for a high-profile publication that’ll look amazing on your portfolio, Who Pays Writers? will be a helpful resource you can use to discover which publications accept applications (and how much they tend to pay per word).
It’s definitely one you should bookmark.
8. FreelanceWriting.com
Curating the best writing jobs that Indeed, Craigslist, BloggingPro, and others have to offer (as well as their own, exclusive writing opportunities); freelancewriting.com is a one-step resource for freelancers.
Not all job listings are for remote writing jobs, but you can filter the ads to fit your needs. Categories include blogging (WordPress, SEO, etc.), writing (copywriter, staff writer, short stories, article writer, etc.), proofreading (writer/editor, copy editor, proofreader, etc.), journalism, copywriting jobs, social media (marketing manager, social media manager, etc.), and technical writing (technical writer).
If you’d like to keep your list of job boards short, freelancewriting.com is a good one to keep on it.
9. Freelance Writing Jobs
Freelance Writing Jobs curates blogging jobs from Craigslist, Indeed, Journalism Jobs, MediaBistro, and others.
Every week day, Monday through Friday, they publish a short list of hand-picked job ads. So, if you prefer quality over quantity, it’s worth a bookmark.
10. Be a Freelance Blogger
Owned and operated by a Smart Blogger student, Sophie Lizard’s job board keeps things pretty simple: if you want to publish a job ad on Be a Freelance Blogger, it has to pay at least $0.10 per word or $50 per post.
If you’re just starting out, it’s definitely worth looking into.
11. Behance Creative Jobs
Though it’s primarily known for its portfolio features, Adobe’s Behance has a job board for creatives of all shapes and sizes.
Job listings for everything from advertising to public relations to freelance writing can be found, making it a solid resource for all kinds of freelancers.
12. Constant Content
Constant Content is a platform that facilitates connections between brands and freelance writers. You register for an account, complete a quiz, provide a short writing sample, and — once you’ve been accepted — start applying for writing jobs.
The brands they work with include Uber, Zulily, The Home Depot, Walgreens, Hayneedle, CVS, and eBay; and they claim their top writers earn up to $90,000 per year.
13. Journalism Jobs
If you want to target magazines and newspapers, Journalism Jobs is a great resource. With close to 3 million page views each month, it’s the largest resource for journalism jobs on the web.
So, if publications are your focus, it should be on your short list.
Free Class: Want to make real, tangible money as a freelance writer? Check out Smart Blogger’s Six-Figure Freelance Writing Class. You’ll get instant access to the first video when you sign up.
Chapter 4:
Common Freelance Writing Questions (& Answers)
Still have questions? Don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal.
We’ll wrap things up with a quick Q&A.
Here are the common questions we receive from freelance writers. (If you have a question not discussed here, be sure to leave a comment below!)
You should also check out our Freelance Writing Hub. From elevating your writing skills to getting paid to write, it’s a go-to resource for everything you need to know about freelancing.
Now on to the Q&A…
How do freelance writers get work?
How freelance writers land gigs tend to vary based on their experience writing. When you have a good body of work, you’ll get many of your blog writer jobs through referrals and repeat customers.
But when you first start writing, you’ll need to be proactive. The job boards we discussed earlier will likely be where you have the most success initially. And don’t forget about the outside-the-box, under-the-radar strategies we discussed. You can find success with those too.
How much do freelance writers make?
When you’re just starting out, you’ll likely be in the $0.10 to $0.15 per word range. But, as you grow, you can command $500, $1,000, and more per article.
Once you have a body of work and you can prove you get results for clients, your pay increases.
How do I start freelance writing with no experience?
Freelance writing experience or no, if you’re willing to accept lower-than-ideal pay rates on job boards, blog content mills, or freelance marketplaces (think Fiverr and Textbroker), you can get started right away. Find job postings, apply to them, and get to work.
But big picture, the answer depends on which group do you belong to:
I’m a skilled writer, but I don’t yet have a body of work. Or,
my writing leaves a lot to be desired.
If you’re in the former group, focus on building a good writing portfolio. If you have your own website, publish articles on there. Medium is a good option too (and it’s free).
If you’re the latter, you really should focus on improving your writing skills. You can probably find work as you are, sure, but a portfolio filled with crappy articles won’t help you find good clients.
Our writing articles here at Smart Blogger can help you. So can the excellent writing content at Enchanting Marketing, Copyblogger, and others. And if you need formal training, the free class I mentioned earlier is well worth your time.
Can you be a freelance writer without a Bachelor’s degree?
Absolutely. I have a Master’s in Computer Science that I paid way too much money to acquire. Know how many times I’ve been asked by a potential client if I had a degree? Zero. Know how many times the word “degree” popped up when Jon was interviewing me for Smart Blogger? Zilch.
If you can do the work, you can do the work. A degree in creative writing, or lack of one, won’t matter.
Are “guest posts” the same thing as freelance writing jobs?
Not necessarily.
Some blogs and websites pay writers to write guest posts for them. With others, you don’t receive monetary compensation, but you do get your work seen by new audiences.
(Plus, when you’re trying to beef up your writing portfolio, guest posting can be a good way to do it.)
To find out if a guest blogging opportunity is a paying one, you need to check their website. Look for a page named “editorial guidelines”, “guest posting guidelines”, “write for us”, or something similar.
Then (and this is important) you need to thoroughly read said guidelines.
If it’s a paying gig, or even if it’s just an unpaid opportunity for a popular website, you want to get your relationship with the target website off to a good start. And nothing will get your relationship off to a bad start quite like failing to read their guidelines.
Many websites, especially large ones that receive lots of inquiries, will use their editorial guidelines to eliminate sub-par candidates.
For example, here are a few of the guidelines Smart Blogger used to have in our since-retired “Write for Us” page:
On average, writing a post for us takes 10-20 hours from start to finish. re: the chances we'll accept your post
During our rigorous editing process your post may go through five or six drafts before we feel it is ready to publish.
If you prefer to deliver one draft and have it published pretty much as-is, this is not the blog for you. If you prefer not to have your ideas tested or your writing scrutinized, then again, this is not the blog for you. re: the grueling blog writing process
We like longer posts in the 2,000 – 3,000 word range. Don’t think of a 1,500 word post padded out. Think of a 5,000 post trimmed down to its essence. re: guest posting length guidelines
And, trust me, there was a lot more where that came from. Each paragraph, each sentence, was carefully designed to filter potential candidates.
Most blogs and websites won’t have such detailed guidelines. But they will have some guidelines (and if one doesn’t, it isn’t one you want to do business with).
Read the guidelines, follow them, and you’ll do fine.
This post is part of Smart Blogger's
Freelance Writing Hub
From elevating your writing skills to getting paid to write, learn everything you need to know about freelancing.
Go to the Hub
Ready to Become a Successful Freelance Writer?
There may be lots of writing jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy out there.
Landing your first writing job is difficult. But, it does get easier the more you do it. I promise.
Like a Nicolas Cage movie marathon, once you survive the first few, you can handle pretty much anything.
With the tips and resources in this post, you’re now armed with knowledge. You know what steps you need to take in order to be prepared, you know under-the-radar places to look for opportunities, and you have a sizable list of freelance writing job boards from which to choose.
All that’s left is for you to take action.
Are you ready to get started? Ready to find that first (or hundredth) paying assignment?
Then let’s do this thing.
The post 33 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (Even in a Pandemic) appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/freelance-writing-jobs/
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ohwowbabee · 7 years
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A unique and completely updated 91 pages/15500+ words Training Guide full of examples and highly effective and very easy to apply Facebook Remarketing techniques. You will not get a boring PDF full of text with 20-line paragraphs. The training guide also includes graphics, nicely formatted subtitles, and high quality information with screenshots showing how to apply every step of the process as well.
Check the segments and tips that you will discover after downloading our Training Guide…
Section 1: Facebook Remarketing Basics
Chapter 1: What is Facebook all about?
Chapter 2: What is Facebook Remarketing?
Chapter 3: How can Facebook Remarketing help your business?
Chapter 4: Shocking Facebook Remarketing facts to consider
Section 2: Facebook Remarketing – Step by Step
Chapter 5: Facebook walkthrough
Chapter 6: Facebook Ads manager walkthrough
Chapter 7: Creating a Facebook Remarketing pixel
Chapter 8: Adding the Facebook Remarketing pixel to your business website
Chapter 9: Custom audiences
Chapter 10: Creating a Facebook Remarketing campaign
Section 3: Advanced Facebook Remarketing Strategies
Chapter 11: Remarketing to your existing customers
Chapter 12: Remarketing to app users
Chapter 13: Remarketing to engagement audiences
Chapter 14: Remarketing to users who never open your emails
Chapter 15: Using content series to remarket to hard-to-get leads
Chapter 16: Additional Facebook Remarketing tips and tricks
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
Chapter 17: Do’s and don’ts
Chapter 18: Premium tools and services to consider
Chapter 19: Shocking case studies
Chapter 20: Frequently asked questions
Module #2 – Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that your customers can print out and use to easily take action at every step of the process. It breaks up the whole training in easy to follow steps so they can make sure they have kept every single bit of advice taught in the training. This helps them to track their progress and will help them reach their goals.
Module #3 – Mind Map
This is a really cool mind map outlining the complete training; this will give an overview to your customers of every step they are going to apply.
Module #4 – Top Resources Report
Here you will have access to a complete niche research report showing you the best videos, tools, training, blogs, forums, affiliate programs, demographics, webinars, infographics and facts – all centered on Facebook Remarketing.
Module #5 – High Converting Sales Copy
We are product creators; we have sponsored a lot successful launches. We really know how to create high-converting sales copy, and that’s what you are going to get in this product as well. You will find several text formats of the sales letter including PSD, exactly as it is on the sales page.
Module #6 – 6 Professional Minisites
It comes with every single html page that your product needs: home page, contact, privacy policy, terms of use, an opt-in page for buyers, download page, and even an affiliate page already formatted with the animated banners and the Swipe Emails for your affiliates. We went ever farther and will provide 6 different mini-sites with different colors.
Module #7 – Doodle Style Sales Video
Everybody loves videos. It’s a fact that video is being used in almost every single sales page you come across. That’ why we have decided to do what the gurus do – that is, add an expensive “Doodle Style” video in the sales page, which will skyrocket your conversions right from the beginning.
Module #8 – Swipe Emails for Affiliates
We have prepared a set of highly effective emails ready to use, so you can provide them to your affiliates to skyrocket your sales by promoting your Facebook Remarketing 3.0 Training. These emails will generate craving for your product. Your affiliates just need to set them up in their autoresponder, and then they (and you) will be ready to make some more easy money.
Module #9 – Complete Set of Animated Banners
Banners are highly effective when used to advertise over the internet. Animated banners grab viewers’ attention a lot more. So we have decided to create a complete set of animated banners, so you don’t spend unnecessary time and money creating them.
Module #10 – Complete Set of Professional Graphics
We are serious about giving you every single thing you need to start making money with this quickly, including every single graphic you will ever need to sell your training guide: complete set of 3D e-cover graphics, download button, header and footer graphics, complete set of graphics for all PDF files, etc.
Here you see the 12-Key Formula That Sets Us Apart from Any other Info-Product Provider!
Completely New
100% Unique & Latest Content on The Topic
Hot and Evergreen Niche
Proven and Step-by-Step Training
High-Converting Sales Copies & Sales Pages
Complete Sales Funnel
Killer Graphics
Attractive Bonuses
High Quality “Live” Installation Video Training
Accessible Cost
Limited Copies
Excellent Support
Now You Have the Chance to Sell a High-Quality Product in a High Demand Niche & Make Tons of Money Week after Week!
All you have to do is:
1. Download it 2. Slightly customize it 3. Upload it 4. Send some traffic to it 5. Keep 100% of the profits (including the buyers list)
Facebook Remarketing 3.0 Success Kit PLR Testimony
“Dr. Amit and his team put out some of the top PLR in the business. What I love the most about their packages is they are complete with everything you need to start selling and profiting. They think of everything from graphics to emails swipes, to banners for your affiliates, and much more! The value you get for your money is insane. Their PLR truly saves you both time and money. They make it easy to turn around and resell these products. It is for this reason I have no reservation about letting my subscribers and customers know about these offers.” – Paul Counts (www.PaulCounts.com)
Hey Dr. Amit, First of all I would like to congratulate you for your awesome work and achievements. I wish you reach heights and great success ahead. The content of your products is very simple and easy to learn. The Graphics & Videos are attractive too. The most important one, the price. You guys provide wonderful and knowledgeable products at such a cheap price which is easily affordable by many. – Bertus Engelbrecht
I’ve been a PLR seller for over 2 years now and I know what it takes to make a powerful PLR product launch. Dr. Amit is a class apart from the masses. He knows what needs to be packaged and what sells well. The quality of his products is simply outstanding. I spoke to some of the buyers who sold his products using Facebook Remarketing 3.0 and they are making a full time living selling his products. – Venkata Ramana
Hey bro, As an affiliate of Dr. Amit, I just wanted to say that his products are ALL high in quality. In fact, everytime Dr. Amit asked me to promote his product, I have to say “YES” to it as I know I am going to see “CASH after CASH” comes to my business on every email I send out. Well, if you are “NEW” on promoting Dr. Amit’s products, you really SHOULD send out your emails right away and you will know what I am talking about. Well, Thank you Dr. Amit for providing awesome value. – Henry Gold (http://ift.tt/2ugSDvo)
Hi there, I recognize Dr. Amit’s Private Label Rights packages synonymous with high quality, and his works truly live up to his promise. The training products are not only practical, they are in high demand and if you attempt to outsource it all it would set you back a small fortune. So to get all of his works for one low price is a ‘steal’. Great work with the products and thanks for solving this product creation headache! – Edmund Loh
I have been waiting for this one Doc! Thanks to your videos I have started a coaching via software program. I use your videos in my software. I give them to my paying coaching clients. They review the material over a week’s time. We discuss what they need to do to move forward and I give them a new one the next week! You have cut down my time educating my clients. – Jerome Johnson
Facebook Remarketing 3.0 Success Kit PLR Bonus :
Fast Action Bonus: How to set up a Killer Funnel : A to Z Video Series Of course, we won´t leave you alone. We really want you to make money with this as quickly as possible. For that reason, we are proud to offer this amazing, hot bonus that will get you up and running selling your product in no time. We will provide you with a high-quality and high-definition video training course that will show you the 3 easy steps you need to apply to start making great money with this today
My “Facebook Remarketing 3.0 Made Easy” Exclusive Training Comes With a 30-Day “100% Money Back Guarantee”
You read that RIGHT! Rest assured that your satisfaction is guaranteed through our ironclad, zero-risk, no-nonsense, win-win 100% money-back guarantee.I’d really appreciate it if you’re purchasing this course because you think you’re getting something that is really worth your money. However, if you feel like you’re getting something that isn’t worth your money’s value, please don’t continue with the purchase. If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase for ANY reason at all, just get in touch with me within 30 days from the time of the purchase and I’ll immediately give you a 100% refund. Please note that you will have to provide a valid and justifiable reason when you request for a refund.
What you can do?
Can edit it, rename/rebrand it & sell
Can be sold as it is not less than $ 9 price tag!
Can be bundled with other products.
Can be offered as a bonus for your other products
Can be used to create audio/webinar/video products
Can give them to your affiliates to promote you
Can give away for free in exchange of lead
Can be added to paid membership sites
Can be offered through auction sites
Can claim full authorship
Can alter any of the graphics
What you can’t do?
Can’t publish as web content
Can’t sell resell rights
Can’t sell master resell rights
Can’t sell private resell rights
Can’t add to free membership sites
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jumiatravel · 7 years
"Seeing the unfamiliar is such an arresting experience." - Adaku Ufere
In our first episode for 2018 in our interview series with Travel Bloggers, Jumia Travel Nigeria caught up with Adaku Ufere a Lawyer, and traveler who shares her traveling experiences on thirdworldprofashional.com and we had her share her thoughts on some really interesting questions we had for her.
What is the most exciting about traveling for you?
The most exciting thing has to be looking forward to the new sights and vistas I’m going to experience. I’m not a fan of the actual process of traveling; packing, airport stress, flying etc. So, arriving is my favourite part. When I can get to my hotel, unpack, look out the window and just soak in the view. Seeing the unfamiliar is such an arresting visual experience. I never get tired of it.
When you aren't travelling what do you do?
I’m chained to a desk, drafting and negotiating 200+ page contracts during the day, and watching ratchet American reality TV shows at night.
Do you ever find similarities between the places you have travelled to and what it is like back home?
Home for me now is a lot of places. I’m Nigerian and I currently live in Accra, Ghana and over the past two years have lived in Equatorial Guinea and South Africa. However, using Nigeria as the everlasting fixed point for home…I’d say a lot of African cities are very similar. Notwithstanding their individual characteristics,
I’ve stood on streets in South Sudan, Uganda, CAR, Mozambique etc, that could totally pass for Lagos. Downtown Accra has an eerie similarity to Lagos Island. Many parts of Kampala look like Owerri in Imo State. I’d say this might be in the architecture, a lot of African homes are built very similarly, as well as the road network.
Then because of the fact that brands are universal across the continent, seeing an MTN or DSTV billboard in Sao Tome or Abidjan makes one feel very at home.
What travel plans do you have for 2018?
Less work travel and more personal travel I hope. In 2017 I visited 19 countries and only 4 out of those were personal trips.
I’d really like to visit a Caribbean country and also return to Singapore; I was there for 4 very packed days and spent more time in a conference room than sightseeing. So, I’d really love to visit as a tourist.
What kind of packer are you when you are about to go on a trip?
My aesthetic is 2 outfits per day (day & night), and an extra outfit per day just in case. Plus, the bags and shoes for every outfit, so you know I’m definitely an over-packer.
But I am learning to pack lighter. Last year I made 2 trips with just a carry-on case, which I never ever do. The ease of travel you get from packing light is definitely something I want to experience further.
If you had to tell someone to visit Nigeria, what would you tell them to come see and experience?
Christmas in Lagos which is unrivalled. It is the single best Christmas experience anywhere in the world. (Notwithstanding the annual fuel scarcity)
Which airport would you say is your favorite so far from all your travels?
Singapore Changi Airport, because it has the best lounges. As a frequent traveler, I spend a lot of time in airport lounges and any one in which I can get an actual bed with pillows and sheets ranks high in my book.
I also love Heathrow, specifically because of the shopping at Terminal 5, the Chanel and Gucci store prices are unreal. Also, the cheapest Jo Malone fragrances and oils in the world.
Plus, it’s not difficult to navigate, unlike the 7th circle of hell that is Chicago’s O’Hare airport or Hartfield Jackson in Atlanta.
Do you think one has to be rich to travel?
No way, there are a so many opportunities for all levels of travelers, isn’t that why airline classes exist?
There are websites which cater to budget travel, hostels and Airbnb instead of hotels, trains instead of planes. If you can plan ahead, and budget well, I’m sure you can achieve any travel dreams you have.
How big are the tourism potentials of Nigeria, and what do you think needs to be done to take them there?
I think they’re huge. I haven’t traveled a lot around Nigeria, but I’ve seen pictures and read accounts of peoples’ travels, particularly in the North, and I can’t believe some of these places even exist. I don’t know why these places aren’t more publicized.
For Nigeria to increase its tourism potential, I think we need to increase ease of travel, more specifically transportation. Road trips in Nigeria are hazardous due to the bad roads and robbery. Flights are unreliable and sometimes unsafe, trains are not widespread. If you make it easy and affordable to get there, people will go.
Also positioning Nigeria as a tourist destination and making it achievable to foreign travelers, much like South Africa did. Income from tourism is the largest part of South Africa’s GDP and that came of re-branding themselves as tourist friendly. We need to up our tourism PR.
Look at SA tourism feeding fat off Nigerian influencers and bloggers. I don’t know why state governments in Nigeria can’t take advantage of our homegrown talent, with their enormous following and promote their states.
What are your favorite souvenirs from your trips?
I buy a keyholder, fridge magnet and some random item (snow-globes, mugs, ashtrays, shot glasses, statues), from every city I visit. Those will be my favourite souvenir. They’re littered all over my home, and everyone gives me a specific memory.
Funny thing, I have this thing I do where I try to visit a Zara store in every city I go to that has one. I just enjoy noting the differences in consumer tastes all over the world. From that alone I’ve deduced that the Swiss love pastel, going by the Zara in Geneva. Singaporeans love print and wild colours, the Spanish Zara very much resembles an American one, in that it is a little too casual for my taste (Madrid has the largest Zara in the world), London’s Zara is very structured, and probably my favourite, Johannesburg’s is always on sale, so that’s a fave too.
Does an item from every Zara store in the world count as a souvenir?
When booking a hotel, what top three features do you look out for?
Proximity to city attractions and malls – I like to walk around urban cities, so a hotel that’s right in the middle of the city is a necessity.
Quality of breakfast – you might think this is unimportant, but I’ve had some right dodgy breakfasts, and seeing that I’m going from breakfast to work, proper sustenance can’t be trifled with. On that note, the Pestana Sao Tome has horrible food all round, not just breakfasts. You might want to avoid it. Surprisingly the Kempinski in Geneva too. That was shocking because I’ve had very good experiences with Kempinski’s in other countries.
Service – I love attentive and quick staff. Nothing annoys me more than food being promised at 20 minutes, and it comes in an hour, or not getting a turn down service, or just shoddy staff in general. The Burj Al Arab and Oberoi in Dubai, as well as the Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas have had the best service and attention to detail I’ve ever experienced. I’ve noticed this is particular of Asian airlines and hotels. They seem willing to go over and beyond for guests. It’s so lovely.
What safety tips do you take when travelling?
Never walk around at night, always send a screenshot of my uber to my fiancé, get a sim right from the airport once I land (I always have to be reachable, and sometimes roaming doesn’t cut it). Never enter unregistered taxis, or always get the concierge to book you a taxi. Be wary of chatty strangers too, I didn’t watch Taken for nothing. Never give out any personal information to strangers (social media accounts, hotel, places you’ll visit etc)
Have you visited a place the second time because you loved it so much? Or is there a place you plan to visit again because you loved it so much the first time?
Do you have a travel buddy, or do you consider yourself a solo traveler?
So far, I’ve being a solo traveler. But I’ll consider my fiancé a travel buddy now.
Where is your favorite place to be in in Nigeria?
Images published with permission from Adaku Ufere.
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