#one day my favorite will get a full version 😔
burntmolk · 2 months
Here is a list of media from my childhood that we as a society should talk about because at this point I'm starting to believe they aren't real and I hallucinated them
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Since this show's music was inspired by kpop I think we should treat the show's music group xo-iq like they are a real kpop group. Pick your biases (mines Sun hi) make and sell photo cards of them treat the drama that goes on in the show like scandals go crazy (also the songs are really good and i still listen to them to this day)
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The way I thought the guy in the picture was Shawn Mendes for the longest time anyways this show was the most drama my middle school brain could handle I need to rewatch it somehow
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Not that I was a fan of this show, I just feel like nobody acknowledges it's existence theme song's a banger though
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I didn't read the books because I'm not a nerd but I did watch most of the show I love the character designs I need to draw them. Also luz from the owl house's voice actor plays the punk drummer I think that's pretty cool
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This was a miniature doll line and the dolls were actually SO CUTE I had all the ones shown above (the panda was my fav) along with a bear themed one that also came with a car wish I still had them (I only have the panda now 😔) I need Lululoopsy to get on this I need to know what happened to these dolls
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orange cat is my favorite
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Absolute menace if a child the lengths he goes to just to get his way is actually insane
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If I win the lottery I won't tell but there will be signs... for example BUYING THE FULL VERSION OF THIS GAME SO I CAN FINALLY BEAT IT
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This game actually ate so hard and I have such a distinct memory of beating it at my aunt's house while Kill Bill was on during elementary school anyways watch me become a streamer and stream this game
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ME AND MY SISTER HAVE THE 5 ORIGINAL HEARTS FOR HEARTS GIRLS DOLLS WE WIN anyways our dad bought us these because for every doll you buy they give money to the real girls the dolls were inspired by which is pretty neat
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dawns-beauty · 5 months
Not to give you the mod equivalent of an ear worm buuuuuutttt
Fair warning there’s Full Nudity but you can get real up close to the wrinkles and the sags and it’s… so great, it’s such a well done project and is what got me into trying to use AutoBody/Obody and the like to have like Real Diversity in my body shape options
Genuinely one of my favorite mods ever and the only reason I stopped using it is because it’s tricky to manage on a heavy load order and I got mad at it and didn’t wanna figure it out anymore. it adds in a new elder only armor variant thing to clothing and armor and I was mad because I was having to choose between that and ANOTHER mod that let you wear the Actual Versions of different clothing items and like not have it swap from pants to a dress because GENDER OR SOMETHING (can’t remember the name rn but that’s a great one tooooo)
Like either my old ladies could look old or they could wear PANTS and at the time I chose PANTS
I WISH there were bodyslide files to go with it because yes the elder bodies are different enough that they’re needed, but they’re not so imma have to sit down and do it myself some day but I don’t even know how to like setup a brand new raw project for a whole new body type but also I waaannaaaa because no one else is gonna care besides meeeee and hopefully you now so join me in lamenting that we can’t have our elders in way too detailed armors and clothing without remodeling every outfit ever😔
Sorry for the word vom, I’m very…. passionate about mods and modding and I hate keeping good finds to myself😎
oh dang! I was just wondering if anyone had made some 'old people' bodies! And they look pretty good.
Also, I think the mod you're referring to was made by Tathrin, their stuff is *chef's kiss*
It does seem like the armor thing they could use Dynamic Armor Variants instead of using a new clothing record, Argonians are Not Mammals used it to great effect
If only it had bodyslides, it would be an instant download from me :( I like my custom clothing mods too much tho. I suffer with you on this!
Unfortunately I'm not super familiar with body mods (I've only just started using them.) I can sorta set up sliders but I'm not confident. Buuuut.... if I ever get more practiced.....
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ageless-aislynn · 6 months
Tagged by the ever lovely and awesome @swiftzeldas Thanks, hon! 🤗💖
How many works do you have on AO3? 148
What’s your total AO3 word count? 290,660 😵‍💫
What fandoms do you write for? Actively writing for Halo now, but still have some for the Flash to finish up. I've previously also written for Doctor Who.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? "Five Times Oliver Held Felicity (And The One Time She Held Him)" (Olicity, Arrow) "15 Minutes" (John-117/Reader, Halo the series) "Balancing Act" (NSFW) (Tenth Doctor/Donna Noble, Doctor Who) "Side Effect" (NSFW) (John-117/Kai-125, Halo the series) "No Time" (John-117/gender neutral Reader, Halo the series)
Do you respond to comments? I always do and if for some reason I didn't, you can be sure I either didn't see it or something interfered with me in replying and now I've thought I did. That, er, happens more than I wish it would these days. *swiss cheese brain is swiss cheese* 😔🫥🙄
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I very rarely write angsty endings, so they're kinda notable when they happen: "Cold" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) (Very short but I've been told it packs a punch. 🥰😉) "Dark/Light" (chapter 1) (Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) (An experimental fic where the dialogue is exactly the same in ch1 and 2 but they tell vastly different stories. 😉) Honorable mention to "Gray Sunflowers" (Caitlin Snow/Hunter Zolomon, The Flash) as a rare one where the entire fic is a metaphor for depression and even though the ending isn't super angsty by any means, it also isn't particularly hopeful either. It's still one of my favorites, though, because I felt like it has a distinctive voice.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm resisting the urge to put "Side Effect" and the, er, multiple "happy endings" that occur in it here, lol! 🤣🤣🤣 Honestly, basically all of my other fics have a happy ending. I might go with "The Thousand and the First" (NSFW)(Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) because I wanted it to carry through a complete redemption arc for Eobard and I think it succeeded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯😉
Do you get hate on fics? So far, no. On vids... oh yeah. 😑
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Um, yep. Lots. I tend to write smut with a funny tone. I've very rarely done a conventional "romance novel" type scene. "Balancing Act" (Ten/Donna, linked above) was one of the first I'd did with that quasi-realistic/funny tone to it.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've only written one so far: "Cold Hands" (Caitlin Snow/Jordan Mahkent, The Flash/Stargirl), which also has a vid, "Gasoline."
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. Again, a vid? Yes.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as far as I know.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I don't work well with a co-writer, simply because my muse is so resistant to writing to an outline.
What’s your all time favorite ship? To write? Any variation of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow and the Wells dopplegangers/Caitlin or Killer Frost, The Flash, John-117/Kai-125 and John-117/Reader.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? "Try" (both versions of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash). I have 3 chapters completed and it's definitely the fic with the most world-building in it and it would also be the first full-fledged poly fic I've done. But my inspiration for the Flash just got smushed by the show so repeatedly I doubt I'll ever get enough oomph to finish it.
What are your writing strengths? Funny smut? Taking fandoms that are very not domestic and writing domestic fics in them? (I'm looking at you, Halo. Apologies to all of the Halo fans out there who absolutely hate people like me. 🫣I know you're out there but I appreciate you only vague-posting about me/people like me and not calling me out by name.)
What are your writing weaknesses? I don't write plotty fic very well, nor do I stick to canon very often. Worst thing is how easily I can sabotage myself and get convinced that everybody hates what I write. I've had SO many wonderful comments telling me otherwise but mannnnnn, my Evil Inner Editor can make me feel like the worst imposter ever. 😔
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've written for Sherloque Wells a handful of times, most notably "Unrequited" (Sherloque/Caitlin, The Flash) but I had help from a genuine French speaker to make sure it was saying what I thought it was saying, lol! It's not something I would want to do a lot, though, because I don't have a good enough grasp on any other language to feel comfortable with it. I greatly admire those who can, though!
First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings, though it's no longer online anywhere. Doctor Who was my official entrance in the awesome world of fanfic after that!
Favorite fic you’ve written? Well, ask me my favorite child, why don't you? 😮🤣 How about I pick one two that haven't been mentioned so far that I'd love to see get more attention? "Phase Two" (Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Doctor Who) is a sentimental fav and "Offer" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) is honestly a world I would've loved to have written more in because I found it so interesting.
Tagging any of my writer friends who see this and would like to do it! *boops your nose politely*
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(Boop paw GIF kindly made by @theredtours) 😉
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sharkrocket · 1 year
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by: @zu-zup! Thanks for tagging me, I feel so honored! 😁
Last song: I'm going to cheat a little a talk about some loose songs I would love to put on a Patho playlist but don't have enough songs to make a full playlist, I think people would be more interested in that ahaha
BODY/PRISON by HEALTH for Rubin - Okay so, my impression of Rubin is largely informed from his P1 version, and when he's going around dressed in leather like that and has a banging warehouse theme, my mind translated that into dark club music, and it's been stuck there every since. I keep joking about making a Rubin playlist but it's just HEALTH songs because their whole discography is just kinda like that.... Big recommend from me
Glass by Blood Cultures for my fashion model Rubin agenda - Man, this is harder to explain, but BASICALLY, I feel like Rubin would make a fantastic model. Not that he would be one in modern AU, but I think he has some traits that would be very good for an alternative fashion model. MAYBE I'LL ELABORATE ON THIS ONE DAY.... But anyway, this is the song I would love to see him do a runway walk to (Blood Cultures is fantastic btw, also a recommend)
Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes for Artemy - The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory.... a man struggles with growing up and his finding his place in life, and I feel like it's pretty fitting.... Love this song a lot
There There by Radiohead - SO I JOKED ABOUT SEEING HOW MANY RADIOHEAD SONGS I COULD SHOVE INTO PLAYLISTS, but I had a really complex Burda comic I was trying to plot in my head. Unfortunately, I think animation is the only way to really convey the vision, and that's a bit out of my league.... 😔 I can talk about it more if anyone is interested, though
I'm trying to create a creepy Polyhedron playlist just for fun, but I'm having some trouble finding the right vibes.... I feel pretty solid about these two though, they feel creepy enough:
Carol N°1 by Woodkid
Spring But Dark by Clark
Favorite color: I have lots! Big fondness for salmon pink and my art tends to run in on the warm, vibrant (sometimes neon) side
Currently watching: Trying to watch Bad and Crazy on Netflix but I'm not a huge TV show person unfortunately 😔 Too time consuming and most of the stuff I do wanna watch needs subtitles, which I can't pay attention to when I'm multi-tasking
Last movie: HOO BOY, I watched Marry My Dead Body on Netflix, and basically the premise is that an aggressively straight homophobic cop accidentally gets married to the ghost of a gay man, and they need to cooperate to solve a series of crimes and find the murderer. It's a fun premise and it's supposed to be an action comedy but I can definitely see how your mileage may vary depending on what's your sense of humor might be.... Not a super terrible movie, but ehhh....
Before that, I saw The Lure (Córki dancingu) which was more interesting to me.... It's supposed to be a modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, but with flesh eating mermaids and discothèque flair.... I know people have mixed feelings about this movie, but I enjoyed the style and music... The music is SO catchy
Currently reading: NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, I just returned some library books not too long ago, and these are my recommendations
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher - A sort of retelling of The Fall of the House of Usher from the POV of a nonbinary solider in fictional mid 1900s Europe... a VERY easy read.... The characters are charming and the narrator is really funny, witty and sarcastic... Reminds me a bit of Artemy in that regard... Good body horror to be had here
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw - This is more a traditional, dark fairy tale narrative.... It's told from the POV of a man-eating mermaid who burns her husband's kingdom to the ground... She takes on a nonbinary Plague Doctor as her traveling companion and they roam together before stumbling across a village of children who keep dying and coming back to the life thanks to the aid of 3 surgeons who conceal more sinister purposes...
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - I enjoyed this one a lot.... A supernatural haunted house horror/drama where a woman returns to her childhood home to take care of the estate of her estranged dying mother while confronting the dark history that her father left in the basement.... Excellent characterizations and I was really invested in where the story was going
Sweet/spicy/savory: BIIIIGGGG savory person.... I like sweets but I love a good savory.... Fries and chips are a big weakness of mine
Relationship status: In a relationship! 🥰
Current obsession: I'm still drawing Patho, so that's still sitting on my mind.... I just finished watching a playthrough of Dave the Diver though, so that's been sitting on my mind too.... UNBELIEVABLY cute and charming.... Sort of scratches the same itch Animal Crossing does
Last thing I Googled: Different kinds of biological slimes.... I never thought about categorizing them before, but now I really want to know what qualifies as a slime
Currently working on: Portfolio stuff.... 😞 I want to leave my current job, so a necessary and time consuming evil, unfortunately
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shortdalee · 10 months
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
(tagged by @insecateur who I almost accidentally didn’t tag back because I once again forgot and tried to tag samifer instead of insecateur)
Last song: … I do not remember. I usually put the songs I’ve liked, or whose music videos I’ve liked, in a playlist, shuffle + loop it, and just. Zone out with it in the background. Occasionally, I put a single song on loop for days on end. The last time that happened was either with Unbalance’s “Never” or PTTA’s “Persona.”
Favorite color: Purple, usually the darker shades, but I like pretty much all the colors of the rainbow. 🌈 But not their neon versions.
Last movie/TV show: SPY x FAMILY. I need to catch up >.>
Sweet/spicy/savory?: All of the above! I’m greedy/gluttonous that way, though I usually lean more into spicy even though I can’t handle spicy very well 😔. Spicy and sweet used to reign supreme, but I think my sweet tooth’s sobered up as I’ve gotten older.
Relationship status: 😳👉🏼👈🏼
Last thing I googled: … I think jobs? For my sister? NO WAIT. It was for the scene where Shuri meets Erik in the Ancestral Plane in Wakanda Forever, which I ended up having to watch on YouTube anyway so googling it was pointless. Okay movie but would not watch again. Debating if I want to write up and post a meta about it.
Current obsession: Does obsession with stories count?
In general, though, I don’t think I’m one to obsess? This could be one of those “you never see yourself clearly” type things but yeah. Idk how y’all do it—mad respect for you and your passion—but I am a magpie in both my media consumption and in my writing.
But in a non-obsessed way, I’m currently into Pokémon SoulSilver. I’ve defeated the Elite Four and am working my way to the Kanto region ✌🏼where I will catch no pokémon because my party’s already full and I am a soft-hearted fool who doesn’t want to leave any of her teammates behind ✌🏼😬✌🏼. I am tentatively hopeful that I won’t accidentally skip a gym again. Third time’s the charm.
And also hopeful that I’ll find a leaf stone and a shiny stone so my gloom and togetic won’t be the only ones who haven’t reached their final evolutions.
Tag Nine People: feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it i just think old-school tag memes are fun.
I will. :) Ignore it, I mean, partially because I am a coward and don’t tag people. :) And also because I don’t know nine people on here very well, and I’m too shy to tag people I don’t know on more than just an acquaintance-level basis.
But my guy (gender neutral) reading this, 🫵🏼 you’re welcome to give it a shot if you want.
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irithnova · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @tianshiisdead thank yew:D
What book are you currently reading?
I'm actually reading Genghis Khan: The man who conquered the world by Frank Mclynn but also the secret history!!! I also want to get back into reading more philosophy books again:D
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What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I saw "The Thing" (80s original version) with some friends for Halloween!! It was actually pretty scary for a movie with cheesey special effects but the psychological aspect to it is what freaked me out the most, not knowing who to trust. Its like, among us but terrifying LMAO.
What do you usually wear?
I'm a goth your honour 😔
In all seriousness I do dress very alternative/goth usually, and the style depends on the day. Sometimes I want to wear a long flowy skirt and a Victoria-esque top with elegant jewellery, other days a short skirt and an edgy tight shirt. However I'm always wearing a hoodie, even with the more feminine looks, I wear a more feminine hoodie lol. I wear hoodies during summer too, I have thin hoodies just for that. I love hoodies. Then comes trousers. Like my skirts, I have quite a range of trousers, like I have regular black skinny jeans (alternative staple y'all) and then baggy, edgy bondage trousers I usually pair with band t shirts. I also have like, quite a few edgy jumpers am wearing atm bc its winter. I also wear hats on the regular, usually edgy skull beanies. When it comes to shoes I have an edgy collection. I have like, huge new rock platforms to doc martens to converse to vans :> At my office job I cannot dress goth but I do have some nice formal wear made out of Mongolian cashmere that I wear to the office :3 I have a pretty extensive jewellery collection,, my choker collection however is my pride and joy. Here it is:
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How tall are you?
157 cm 😭😭 Or like 5'2 but maybe 5'3. I am short. Which is why I wear platforms.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Gemini! Unfortunately... I share a birthday with Marquis De Sade :/ I stumbled across him when doing extra reading for philosophy when I was in school and uhhh he wasn't a pleasant man. Do not read his works if you are faint of heart 😭
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
Hmm people sometimes call me Evie which is short for my full name so :>
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
When I was a child I wanted to be a lot of different things haha. From a geologist to a soldier to a historian to a journalist to a war correspondent to a fire fighter etc. But I'm doing an apprenticeship now with an amazing company, can't disclose what it is but its a big engineering company. I'm on the business side of it though:3 yeah I didn't become any of those things but I'm really glad with the position I'm in now and the job I'm doing now, I'm looking forward to how my career will progress and the qualifications I'll gain as the company I'm at is renowned for its development of its employees :D
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Newly single 😔😔 sad about it still but oh well what can I do?
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Hmm I guess I'm pretty good at debating. I was top of my class in philosophy when I was in school and I was pretty good at politics too. Was even entered into a debate/public speaking competition to represent my school ! I've also had teachers and just people I know say I'm quite good at it lol. One of the best compliments someone has ever given me was from my old philosophy teacher, who was a very educated lady and was a former barrister, she said I was a natural philosopher :>
I'm bad at socialising though :/ I'm an introvert despite being a good debater. I find it hard to talk to people but its even worse when like... They're bad at it too or its like they don't even want to talk to you? I feel like that with one of the managers at work and I find it so hard to talk to them. So much awkward silence. I usually stick to the corner in social situations unless I'm drunk lol. Maybe its because I don't look approachable. Like 1) I dress goth and 2) I have a resting bitch face. Even when I'm not gothed up I still have a resting bitch face 😭 We had a someone higher up in the company do a Q&A today at this all day session and he randomly said to me "you're looking at me quite intensely" bro I didn't even notice ☠️
Dogs or cats?
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What’s something you would like to create content for?
Aph Mongolia my love <33 I'm like.. Pumping out all of these headcanons for him and writing fanfics, even commissioning le awesome artists to draw him!! I'm more of a writer than an artist however I would like to get better at drawing. I also wanna do more for aph Philippines as I am half Filipino plus.. Aph Philippines would be such a badass like if you look at Filipino history you'd just know<33 I'm also thinking of a higurashi and hetalia horror crossover but idk if anyone would want to read it considering the main characters would not be super popular ones in the hetalia fandom for the most part.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Hmm I'm not sure. I've only recently started seriously getting back into writing again and I can't pinpoint a line of that is my favourite in what I wrote so far? I haven't even published these fanfics yet haha. But I guess I like how my interpretation of aph Mongolia has changed over the years. I look back at certain things I've posted on old accounts and like.. I take it back because I've educated myself more on Mongolian culture/history since then and I feel my interpretation of what he'd be as a character now is much better? So I feel better about the headcanons I post now as I feel its more true.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Kind of a broad question but um getting more obsessed with Higurashi!!! Also obsessed with learning more about Buddhism <3 and I've been listening to a lot more Kino/Viktor Tsoi recently. I've been listening to that music for a while but umm because of some recent events I've been listening to it so much more.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
My relationship LMAOOOO
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Umm hmm I guess I'm fairly okay at skiing despite not doing it often. I'm also pretty good at jump rope? I can skip in the typical boxer way, but I need to get back into doing it. I'd say I have good endurance when it comes to hiking too? My fingers are double jointed and I can bend them back really far, my pinky all the way LOL its a pretty gross party trick. I've also recently tried to learn throat singing and I've kind of slightly got there with kargyraa?
Are you religious?  
Difficult question idk, I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools all my life but I'm definitely not a Catholic, let alone Christian, anymore. I've been reading about Buddhism and I find it very interesting so..we'll see where that goes.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Idk to stop feeling sad I guess 😭 but also more confidence. I can fake confidence but yeah.
Tags: anyone who wants to do this but also @tea-em0 @ookaminochi @mercyfullkate @papaveronamu @flyingsassysaddles @ariuka-munkh you don't have to do this if you don't want to btw I won't be offended lol!! just thought it would be nice <33
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pathbend-blog · 2 months
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✔️ 📠
Might Be Off
Now an "Alien Boopong Finger Like In E.T."
And The Word Apropros Of Freedoms nd Her Struggle
"J.D.'s Mom"
Pictures of Catholic church at the beginning of lawnmower man and now here his better version before he sold himself again.
Standing right in front of you
Is Anthony standing in front of the TV mirroring and *miming him and also clapping appropriately
And does Anthony look exactly like the first good version of the lawnmower man.
I'm taking this Op
To teaching and putting thing to comedic actors, especially live ones
Practice the funny bits
That you can't stop breaking during
With the mouth full of whiskey.
And you'll be like oh man who sucks a bunch. What do I do this? This is a sin
And you'll be able to get to it. I'm only doing it with the Jack Daniels and Coke mixed drink and because this s*** isn't funny and it's just for demo purposes
Fox News
BBC Radio 1
He Was The Alien Form "Annihilation" Have Yo'll Seen that Film?
We Didn't Have those In West Appalachia
But when I got the Opportunity America Gave Me, I had Exposure to Things Like that From The Devil
And That Film Was Correct
Anthony Is As Everyone Can See
We Have To Get Him
{All 📠}
He Just Thought That Onto Me Yo'll
And You
Did We get Him @ the end of The Movie*Annihilation
My Favorite Study in order to Beat The Satan The Real One who He also Is Yo'll
We Did Not
When Anthony says that his American President's lead battle tank
Is powered only by the s*** that he discovered in Roswell that we was hiding
We were not
That was the kind of Mexican that Anthony specifically. Is that did that
The kind that is hiding our American oil from us
I don't think, Anthony really understands what there will be blood was all about and the milkshakes and all that
And he never will because he is the enemy
And you all know that
Inconclusion Anthony says out
Ofofof umumumumum
💙 💙
Vance The Dance On Stage
I don't lose Randy Quaid in Independence Day
And before I couldn't be a fan anymore of Janelle Monae
I'm still trying cuz I was that big a fan
I agreed. You know living in Gotham City, this part of Red State anti-christian Texas is like living in the old show Dallas because it hasn't changed and this old evil white terrorist Gestapo b**** is going to watch me regardless
And if I don't put on the show she's going to kill me and my tits always have to be real nice
And I always have to be having a good time and so I know how to say boring better than anybody
And some like *+That
Phoebe Bridgers
The End
BBC Radio 1
Tumblr >*∆
Sacred Bones Records
It's Wordy
Isn't It?
Fuck I always Do That
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0 notes
wave2tyun · 7 months
adsfasdf just one pc now actually!!! one of the weverse ones (for some reason they were so much harder to find than the other ones??) nd yeah!! cb is ... right around the corner im not ready...😿😿😿 and ssdfsd I LOVE THE RAIN WHAAT i wish it rained more here!! funny enough after i sent that my last mssg it got super cold again ... >_< it was 86f the other day and then the next it went down to 50f!!! (im suffering) how cold/hot has it been for u??
im sorry ur feeling so overwhelmed!!! I had to drop two of my uni classes bc i had so many assignments due each and every day it was so overwhelming;; auuugh im so upset but it was getting so bad! hopefully u can push through this week!! im cheering for u!! u can do it we stay thuggin it out 🗣️🗣️🗣️ lock in alex!!! i believe in u!!! sending u lots of love and ur favorite foods! -🐰
OMG JUST ONE PC????????? LET'S GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :DDD hopefully the last soob will come just in time before the comeback😼💞 and hmmm weverse album versions don't have any other inclusions besides pcs so maybe people don't buy those as much :0
AHHHHHHH TRUST ME I LOVE THE RAIN TOO!!!!!😔😔 but not when it goes on for this long......<///3 sometimes the rain here is too aggresive and it's annoying cause i have to walk a lot:( i wear glasses and a lot of times i end up not seeing anything because of all the droplets that get on them ajdbdjsb and the grey sky has been sucking all the energy and motivation out of me:( whenever it has been slightly sunny this week it was all gone after like...2 hours.....i need a FULL sunny day PLEASE!!!!!😞
86f sounds insane to me rn omg i don't think it's ever been this warm here since september??😳 also that's such a sudden difference??????? :0 make sure you dress warmly, cause those changes can easily make you catch a cold >:( for me it's also been around 50f, sometimes lower in the morning!! and it feels even colder because of the wind😖😖
i know that it's hard not to do it but please don't feel too bad about it, it was the right call :(((( it's good that you listened to your body and mind and took the opportunity to drop some classes. never wait until you've pushed yourself way past your limit, cause that would most likely end up doing way more worse than good :(
i did manage to push through this week!!!! i don't know how, but i did it!!!!!😭😭😭😭 i was barely able to do anything today, i really needed to just rest after all that stress
AND YES WE ARE!!!!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️ we can do it!!!!! i'm sending even more love your way!!!!😼😼💞 also, since march has just started, i hope you'll have a great spring my lovely!!!🫂🫂🩷🩷
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topperscumslut · 9 months
holy FUCK you guys i found my diary from the summer before high school into freshman year and these are some of the best quotes
“I’m a vegetarian, biromantic grey ace, lmao i actually thought i was on the ace spectrum what the fuck my favorite color is neon pink, my favorite food is nachos, I’m kind of emo, I have a boyfriend, I’m a feminist, I love makeup, I love Harry Potter, and my parents are getting divorced.”
“It’s probably midnight already but I don’t care (what you think as long as it’s about me.)”
“One time [my mom] caught me reading smutty Ahkmenrah fanfiction. Cringe.”
(in reference to my elementary/middle school ex best friend) “Do not trust that fucking bitch.”
“I’m gonna be a brave Gryffindor. I’m turning my light on.”
“And she still doesn’t even realize that we’re no longer friends. What a dipshit.”
(in reference to my Dan and Phil obsession) “My grandma thinks Phil is going to kill me though.”
“I thought my computer had a virus because it wouldn’t turn on but it was just dead.”
“I had a dream last night that some sketchy dude gave me a gondola sandwich and then Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance started playing and I cried, making my gondola soggy.”
“The bag smelled like someone shat on a strawberry. So did she. She had lipstick on her temple. God I hate her.”
(quoting said ex best friend) “‘I’m nothing with you!’ No shit.”
“I’m gonna start a Burn Book. Sigh.”
“If he grabs my ass then sugar he’s going down (swinging). And if the guidance counselor asks what I was wearing I’ll slap a bitch.”
“Tomorrow’s the last day of summer. Holy shit.”
“I didn’t realize that I couldn’t just wait 10 years and suddenly be married to a guy who I just learned the name of a week ago.”
(first day of high school, only thing i wrote) “Today’s the day. I’ll be back.”
(one month later) “So I didn’t come back.”
“Her little brother’s a fucking FULL COURSE MEAL.”
(after taking a personality test) “Okay that was insightful. Wait no it just said I have no friends.”
(about the worst man i have ever met) “He has such a great soul.”
“I’m getting old.”
“I have no soul.”
(about my beta fish that i named after Riverdale characters) “I still think Jughead migh die though.” he did “I think he MIGHT have a parasite (ew). Poor baby. 😔”
“I want him to mark me as his. Yum.” you are 14 calm the FUCK down
“I can’t wait til March when he’s 16 and can get a job at Starplex like his dad so he can be my sugar daddy and give my aquatic pets a life of luxury.”
“My life lately has been anxiety attacks interrupted by nachos, vines, and makeout sessions.” still a mood
“He broke up with me. I’m miserable.”
“I have made the decision to reinvent myself.”
“Everyday I’ll ask the people at my tables in every class how their day is going and compliment them occasionally until everyone worth liking likes me too and I’m so popular that everyone’s minds explode. I’ll be like a nice version of Regina George.”
“I’m at the point of giving up.”
“I want him to hurt.”
“I started believing in God again.”
finally after like 5 straight pages of trauma dumping there’s a really fucked up (cuz i can’t draw for shit) drawing of Rizzo from Grease and that’s where it ends LMFAO 😭
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songs i’d sell my soul to hear as a surprise song at eras
i’m making this before the second vegas show so if any of these end up being a surprise song at another show that's why
(3/26 edit: 2 of these were surprise songs last night i’m gonna cross them off as they go. it'll be fun)
i have the 5/14 mothers day show so it's pretty much a guarantee that one of them will be the best day, and it’s also at lincoln financial field, so if she does gold rush as a surprise song, it’ll probably be at one of the philly shows because of the eagles t-shirt line
a place in this world
the outside
should’ve said no
mary’s song (oh my my my)
our song (my sister and i both really wanted this but apparently she did it last night 😔)
*i’m only me when i’m with you* this is my favorite song off of debut i would actually cry if she plays it. she probably won’t, no one ever talks about it, but still
picture to burn would be fun too but if she does that she’d get a crowd full of swiftness screaming the homophobic version so i don’t think it’s likely
hey stephen
white horse (this was my favorite song from fearless when i was in middle school. no i was not ok)
tell me why
*the way i loved you* again, favorite song off the album
forever and always
like i mentioned before, she’s probably gonna do the best day at my show, and i will be happy with that. can’t really relate to it (#mommyissues) but it’s a good song
mr perfectly fine
speak now:
sparks fly
speak now
the story of us
haunted (my sister’s really hoping for this one)
*long live*
ours (i know it’s about john mayer but i didn’t know that when i fell in love with it)
stay stay stay
*holy ground* this is like MY SONG. i love it so much. i don’t need to hear it live to scream it at the top of my lungs, but i would foam at the mouth if it happened
message in a bottle
all you had to do was stay
how you get the girl
*new romantics*
ngl this album’s a little bitter for me because i could have gone to rep tour, i was 14, i was definitely old enough, but my parents are little bitches. i didn’t even bother asking because i knew they’d say know then i’d get a lecture
getaway car
this is why we can’t have nice things
*new years day*
i think he knows
*paper rings*
london boy
false god
me! this might be an unpopular opinion but i think it’s a bop. and if i could hear a version of it without brendan urie (🤢) and taylor’s on the second verse alone, i think i could die happy
it’s nice to have a friend (this gets some hate i think, which sucks because it’s a cute song)
the lakes
most of my favorites from this album are already on the setlist :)
no body no crime. i wasn’t gonna hope for it because it features haim but she did snow on the beach last night without lana del rey, so: i’m optimistic
ivy (not because it’s in my top picks for this album (i do like it though) but it’s my sister’s number 1 favorite out of her entire disography so i’m legally obligated to put it here)
cowboy like me
*long story short* back when i was into h*rry potter i read a really good pavender fic based on this song
yoyok (this is everyone’s favorite i think but it’s so good)
hits different (i don’t think she’s gonna acknowledge it exists but a girl (gender neutral) can dream)
like folklore a lot of my favorites are already on the set list
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arlecchno · 2 years
NEL IS MY BABY I LOVE HIM - scratch / block code is actually like the only “coding language” i know because im too lazy to learn anything else LOL (im gonna try to learn renpy someday for part 2 of nels game though … anything for my silly little alien boi) tbh , scratch isnt too difficult but its TEDIOUS AS HELL 😭 it takes forever for me to make the dumb textbox transitions because i have to keep scrolling up n down , even with copy paste i still have to edit and make sure the timings are correct its such hell lmao
the little emote is basically just a glorified version of me lol (because the laws of physics wouldnt permit me to have a cool hair style)
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i own the jacket irl its absolutely sick
LMAO i honestly kinda wish i could relate to the issue that people find me scary , i feel like my life would be a lot easier if i was intimidating to people , because i actually most of the time do have murder / violence on my mind - but noooo im small and squishy LOL
damn ive heard of those kinds of windows , yk those memes where people go onto their balcony / look out their window with their phones and just see like a brick wall LOL . my balcony gets a really nice view of the city sunrise i think , even though ive only been up to see it once or twice
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i think the silliest thing i own is a ziplock bag from 6th grade that is full of cutouts from my friends mathbook , for example:
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for the question … top 5 favorite genshin characters ? and if you want you can explain why but its not required (also if you play on genshin NA servers , wanna add eachother ? i guess this counts as two questions so feel free to shoot two back at me if ya want lol)
wishing you the best on asphodelus !!
- jellyfish
i can absolutely agree that scratch is such a pain in the ass LMAO, it always takes up my time whenever i did it in computing class a few years back
the blonde highlights are an absolute hit for me bro... and that's the xiao jacket, right? (hope i'm not mistaken because i feel like i've seen those around twitter)
AND YES THOSE MEMES IS EXACTLY MY WINDOW VIEW OMG whenever i'm feeling like looking out the window all i see is a brick wall with my neighbour's unit greeting me, and suddenly my day gets so much worse /hj
and those sunrise pics are bomb!!! i feel like if i had a sunrise view i'd be up early every single day to watch it and take cute pictures (i'm literally up before 6 every day, unwillingly)
a ziplock bag full of cutouts...? from 6th grade...? damn looking at it made me realize that 6th grade was so long ago and that we'd do a lot of silly stuff at that age 😭 makes me remind of those times when i was so energetic lmao now i can't even go up a flight of stairs without complaining
i think i'd have to make a separate top 5 list for the genshin characters because i don't think i could combine both genders into one list 😔 i'm too indecisive for that
top 5 genshin men; kuni, kazuha, cyno, dainsleif and alhaitham!! kuni is pretty self-explanatory, but as for kazuha and cyno.... i've been in love ever since they first came out (for cyno i've been waiting since like late 2020 LMAO and for kazuha i first saw him in the beta leaks and vowed to save up for him ever since then) i've also pretty much been in love with dainsleif ever since his first appearance in the archon quest (was it in 1.5??? i'm not entirely sure) and for alhaitham,, well his very blunt personality (and also appearance) have intrigued me 😞 i am apart of the alhaitham fanclub now
top 5 genshin women; yelan, shenhe, yoimiya, yae miko and ei!!! i love yelan and shenhe the most tho, they're my loves and i'm just really in love with their designs 🫶🫶
it's also cool how i have most of them (except for alhaitham, dainsleif and... kuni, unfortunately). i'll most definitely pull for alhaitham soon and hopefully luck is with me hahaha,, i quite literally only have less than 10 pulls right now
and yes i do play on na!!! i'm not really online much because there's not much to do right now but yes we could add eachother!!
as for a question for you... how many 5* do you currently have in genshin? and who do you plan on pulling for next?
thank you!!! asphodelus is going pretty well for me i am really looking forward to this new series
and thank you once again for talking with me jellyfish hehe hope you're having a great day today!! :D
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ghostfeather · 3 years
trying to coherently formulate my opinions on produced by [myself]:
cOy: this was honestly my least favorite from the previews, but actually it's so good? just very warm and feel-good. i really want an instrumental version of this. the melody of the chorus is still not my favorite, but the verses are great. rie sounds...immaculate. nine's voice in the bridge is my religion now 😔
questiOn mark: i also disliked the preview of this one at first lol, but somehow this grew on me HARD. i think it might be my favorite actually. this song comes at you fast. it's like whiplash after cOy. i feel like i've been slapped in the face? like it's trash, but i'm a raccoon. the instrumental are very, hmm...intense? that juxtaposed with the dreamy layered vocals is really doing it for me. there's just SO MUCH going on, but i don't mind it. headphones are definitely a must to get the full effect. i've been saying this since day 1, but i could easily hear exo releasing this as a b-side. also that half second of love rapping? i desperately need more of that.
night flight: this song is like the sequel to bOss. you met the girl at the night club and now you're driving her back to your place in a convertible with the top down, wind in your hair, watching the city lights pass by. what a vibe. LOVE the bass line. i don't think i've ever heard yoojung or kb get so many lines in a song. kb especially sound so good. he's singing to yoojung i just know it. it took me about 6 listens but i can actually hear mill in this song 😭 he disappeared in the others.
the lack of mill is really 😤 that boy carried a song of ice & fire and designer on his damn back and for WHAT? i don't mind the lack of rap, but i know he can sing at least smh... since it's self-produced, i'm assuming it was a personal decision but still 😔
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innerartisanfan · 5 years
17 Questions
Got tagged by @deacydarling! Thank u so much love I'm 🥺
Rules answer 17 questions then tag 17 people you wanna know better
Nickname: My family calls me Alinchenbienchen sometimes (my name in cute, then bee in German) and I'm not getting in my mum's nicknames 😅😅
my old flatmate called me Ali...
Zodiac Sign: Pisces🐡
Height: 🤷🏼‍♀️
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 🦁❤💛
Last Thing Googled: “moon sign calculator" (it's scorpio)
Favorite Musicians: Queen (duh), ABBA (defined my childhood I will not be taking criticism at this time), Michael Jackson, Elton John, (Elton John sung by Taaron Egarton), Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Evanescence, Halestorm, Taylor Swift, Hans Zimmer...
A mixed bunch really😅
Song Stuck in My Head: High Hope's (but weirdly quiet, m having soft hours apparently 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Following: 584
Followers: 118
Amount of Sleep I Get: Right now enough, ask me again in a few weeks, semester's starting on monday
Lucky Numbers: 3,5,7,12,15,21
Dream Job: Writing🥺 I'd love to do science journalism (or something like that) and work for a monthly magazine or smth and research super interesting stuff
Or write books, or movies, something with creating stories.
I'm also good at teaching things but I actually loathe the school system and also being in front of groups of judgemental teenagers (personal worst nightmare) so let's not do that.
Wearing: Jean's, Tshirt, Cadigan, big-ass plaid scarf, (christmas socks), headphones but I forgot to play music for a while now oops
Favorite Songs: wait lemme think...
"The Revolution"/"Light a Fire"/"Liberty" by Chris de burgh (listen to it. Listen to it NOW. To the entire album if I'm being honest)
White Queen (As It Began) - Queen
Earth Song - Michael Jackson
Nightmare - Halsey (also the Rock Cover by Halocene??? 😔👌👌👌 that's some good shit)
Carol of the bells - piano version by George Winston
Instruments: eeeehhhm
Flute in elementary school???
I've tried cello for like 6 month in 5th grade...
I AM thinking about learning bass but I'm not quite sure how to go about it...
Random Facts: 
Elephant Brains react to humans the same way human brains react to puppies - they think we're cute.
The chicken came first bc the protein needed to make the eggshell can only be produced by hens (apperantly). On the other hand the species chicken came from other species who laid eggs (chrm T-Rex, chrm) but who weren't genetically 'chicken-eggs per see... wich means that the first being with 100% chicken-DNA wasn't in a real chicken egg...
Oh, you mean facts about me? Wierd flex, but ok.
I'm starting university the day after tomorrow and I'm a lil anxious about it.
I'm a vegetarian (tried vegan, almost starved myself, acknowledged that I need to learn how to cook properly before I leave out half the ingredients...)
Me? The biggest book nerd.
I have two little sisters (who are The Best Siblings The World Has Ever Seen, Don't Even Try and I love them so much)
I love dancing (and I'm not even half bad at it)
I originally wanted to study abroad but then it didn't work out
One time I went out with a big group of friends of friends (the cooler that thou-kind) to a bar and everybody got beers, except for me who ordered tea. My friends, apparently, found that iconic.
Aesthetics: big mugs of tea, piles of books, wold maps full of pins, fairy lights and cozy blankets, the runway at night through a rainy airplane window, big ass scarfs, farmer's markets, second hand shopping, walking home from the club at 5 in the morning when the sun comes up, campfires on the beach, in a strange city with only a backpack, literally every bathbomb Lush is selling, sitting on someones shoulders in a concert crowd
Tagging: @dearmrharing , @roombagreyjoy , @shaggy-goblin , @mm-better-not , @thatfunkylittlediscoman @j-gaff , @alltidvinter , @faller1344 , @hollowxo , @topblurryface119 , @alert-danger-queers , @bogdevilblog , @asupersonicwoman , @rogah-wrote-gaga , @deutschedame and honestly whoever wants to help a sister out and get this to 17 (how many ppl does this ask game think I know??)
As always, participation is entirely voluntary 🤗
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