#one morning jiggy had to look slightly up to meet his eyes
deathbyoctopi · 3 months
current theory is that JIn Guangyao got rid of xue Yang not because of sect politics or xy being a liability to jgy's social climbing, but because eventually xue yang grew taller than jin guangyao
and we can't have that
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sinfulserpents · 5 years
Infatuation | Part One
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modern! substitute professor! billy x student! fem reader
summary: the life of a struggling college student is hard - now try adding a secret relationship with your professor into the mix.
warnings: student x teacher relationship, nsfw themes, swearing, mentions of unprotected sex
word count: 1.4k 
this is a shitty first chapter but i promise the next one will be longer & better - i just needed to establish the background and shit
The atmosphere in the club was electric.
Your finger was tracing around the top of the glass of tequila on the table in front of you, eyes glancing over to the dance floor. Sweaty bodies grinding against each other made you internally cringe as you watched your best friend, Lowie, slut drop against a random girl.
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyes darted to the half-full shot glass, before you lifted it and downed what was left. Your hand reached out to the alcohol bottle that was in the centre of the table - pouring yourself another shot.
The scraping of the chair opposite you caused your eyes to glance up to meet the familiar green of your best friend - her hand pushing her own glass over to you for you to fill up. 
“He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night!” her voice was a scream that was still too quiet to hear over the pounding bass of the music. 
“The cutie over at the bar!” She leaned over the table, so you could hear her better - black curls falling over her shoulders. “If I wasn’t into the hot chick back on the dance floor - I’d be all over him!”
Your head turned right to the direction of the bar, his head ducking as soon as your eyes met his - before he boldly raised it back up and shot you a wink.
“Bitch, if you don’t go for it I’m going to slap you!” Lowie chuckled, downing a shot before slamming the cup on the table and standing back up. “Don’t bother waiting up for me, I’m going home with the hot blonde chick over there!”
A smile crept up your face as you watched Lowie confidently strut over to the girl she had her eyes set on as soon as you both entered the club. Shaking your head you were just about to pour yourself your fourth drink of the night, when Lowie’s seat was taken.
The cutie from the bar.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a trashy place like this?”
His golden curls fell lightly against his forehead as he placed both his forearms on the table, a light smirk on his lips. He was handsome - that much you were certain about - his blue eyes reflected the colourful lights that were flashing around the club and his white shirt clung to his chest in all the right places.
“Is that the best you could come up with after staring at me all night?” You chuckled, causing him to lean back in the chair and raise his hands out to his sides.
“Oh, so you did notice!”
“I did and if you were expecting for it to work as a way to pick me up - it came across as more of a stalker move.”
His laugh boomed over the music, moving so he could rest his head on his hand, his head tilting so he could stare into your eyes. “Well, now I’m over here talking to you aren’t I?” 
“That doesn’t make it any better!” 
With another loud laugh, he stood up and raised his hand out to you, “do you want to dance?”
“You’re lying if you say you can’t dance,” he cut you off, the bright smile never leaving his face. “Everybody can bust a few moves!”
Taking his hand in yours, you jokingly teased him, “bust a few moves?” 
“Yeah you know - get jiggy with it!”
Shaking your head, you let a chuckle slip past your lips as he lead you both to the dance floor. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his made their way to your hips - pulling you closer to him.
Both of you were messily grinding against the other, hands running all over the other’s body. The handsome stranger twirled you in his arms so your ass was pressed up against his crotch, his lips sucking on your neck that you tilted so he had more access.
A soft moan left your lips as he bit your earlobe, whispering in your ear; “you wanna get out of here?”
Nodding, you took his hand in yours as you pulled him behind you - dragging him out of the club. Both of you were intoxicated, but the want for the other was one of desperation.
You didn’t even know his name but as soon as he slammed you against the front door to your shared apartment with Lowie, you really didn’t care. Hands threaded through his hair tugging him impossibly closer - his lips harshly pressing against yours.
Both of you stumbled as you moved away from the door, hands pulling and throwing the others clothes off as you led him into your room. His lips were everywhere; your neck, chest, thighs - as he pushed you onto the edge of your bed and went straight for your needy core. 
His lips felt exotic as his sucked and licked against you, his tongue found your clit swirling circles and nipping gently against the throbbing nub – your body shook as he pulled away just as you were teetering on the edge.
“Billy,” he grunted, climbing over you to rub his hard cock up and down your soaking labia. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you opened your eyes to look into his that were dark with lust, “huh?”
“My name’s Billy, I want you to be screaming it while I fuck your brains out.”
“Y/N,” You muttered, hissing slightly when his hard cock entered your pulsing hole. “I want you to groan it in my ear as you cum.”
The sound of a blaring alarm woke you up from the deep sleep you were in.
Your hand reached out to slap it off, but with your eyes still closed - you continuously missed - making you exasperatedly drop your arm off the side of the bed. 
A groan from behind you made your eyes quickly open, as you flung yourself around to face the person in your bed - what the fuck? 
Quickly sitting up; almost giving yourself whiplash, remembering that you had you first day of the new school semester starting. Not even sparing a glance at the guy you had obviously slept with last night, you rushed around your room as you grabbed some new clothes and picked up the strangers jeans tossing them at his head.
“What the fuck?” He grunted, throwing them back onto the floor. His eyes met yours as you stood over him, “Fuck, hello!”
“I need you gone. Now.”
“Well, that’s one hell of a good morning after the night we had.”
“Yeah, a night I can’t fucking remember,” you shot back, already fed up with the cocky attitude of the handsome man. “My head is fucking killing me and I have class in like thirty minutes - you need to leave.”
His eyes squinted as he looked at the alarm clock on your bedside table, eyebrows slightly raising when he saw the time, only to flop back down on the bed and stretch.
“Really? Fucking get up,” you pulled the covers off his naked body, trying to stare at his obvious morning wood.
“You sure you don’t want a sober repeat of last night?”
“I’m more than positive, I can’t be late.”
Your class was getting a new substitute since your old teacher - Professor Jenkins - had to urgently take leave. You wanted to make a good first impression on the person who was going to be marking your papers for your last semester of college, and that definitely wasn’t going to happen if you showed up late.
With a nod, the guy scooted out of your bed - picking up his jeans before walking over to your door and swinging it open. Your heart rate accelerated - rushing to shut it.
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, as he raised his hands above his head in surrender. “You can’t just go out there naked, my roommate is probably home by now!”
“Well, I’m not putting my jeans on without my underwear, which are by the way; are at the front door.”
Sighing, you realised that you definitely couldn’t deal with this guys shit with the hangover that you desperately needed to cure before your lecture. So swivelling on the balls of your feet, you made your way into your bathroom - not before looking at him one more time.
“You better be gone by the time I’m out of the shower.”
“I don’t even get a thank you for last night? Or your number, at least?”
Rolling your eyes, you only slammed the door shut in response. 
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finsaraan · 6 years
i just want you to know - this is the abridged version. i wrote something longer. and it was really prosey fancy and vaguely like an actual ficlet, but i felt like, there isn’t a chance in hell of anybody finishing this unless i file off at least a few paragraphs and fill it with the amusing use of casual language and luis-from-ant-man-style retellings to juxtaposition the setting and theme of the story being told
anyway @kohledtouch @championofstendarr @laelaloola (especially u u agreed to this and u didn’t even kno, this is a lesson in looking before u leap) y’all enabled this, gotta face the consequences of ur actions hit me up w/ how many paragraphs u got in before ur soul left ur body and idk what i’ll owe u but i’ll owe u something LMAO
Well he’s Titus Mede II’s son and his name is Alexandros and his mum is Olympias the emperor’s second wife and she married him when she was 17 bc her family wanted the power and she’s a descendant of a usurped Septim emperor from way yonder through the mists of time. So she has this baby boy, hooray, he’s adorable with his wavy blond hair and his odd eyes, one’s blue one’s green, and he spends his childhood frolicking barefoot through the White Gold Tower’s private gardens which it would realistically have as the home of the royal family, and chilling with the soldiers in the barracks, and the grooms in the stables, learning filthy language and all about war. His parents don’t get on because his mum doesn’t take shit lying down and doesn’t and never did love her husband, so if he’s remotely rude to her, which he can be because he’s just like that but also stressed all the time, she snaps right back and then he snaps back because he’s a proud man and not good at apologising and then it spirals out of control. 
One day in particular when Alexandros is four, it’s soon after the death of his older sister, who was the crown princess and very capable and absolutely doted on by the emperor who’s distraught about it still, he goes to his mum’s room late at night only for the emperor to come in soon after absolutely sloshed, immediately getting his kit off, and Olympias, hoping to make him go away and also shield her baby’s eyes, hides Alexandros and says ‘no we can’t do the do it’s that time of the month’ but he’s like ‘you said that a week ago you HAG’ but now that she has her baby she’s feeling very protective so she snaps right back more viciously than usual so they start a proper shouting match until Alexandros bursts out screaming SHE HATES YOU GO AWAY GO AWAY, only to be grabbed by a stunned and horrified and slightly embarrassed (bc hes naked) emperor and tossed quite violently from the room. He’s caught by the guard on duty who takes good care of him while he screams because honestly that was a pretty traumatic experience. Once he’s put to bed and then up the next morning he doesn’t remember it, but it does scar him psychologically. The marriage goes downhill quite badly from there, it was their worst argument yet, there were a lot of insults, Titus feels very attacked by his now-crown-prince son’s apparent hatred of him, Olympias is livid that he handled her baby so roughly - it all makes everyone bitter.
Now when Alexandros is seven his education has yet to start and he’s a bit too cosy with the common soldiery that man the Tower, as someone puts it ‘he speaks as if he was conceived against a barrack wall’. Also, he hasn’t had a lot of interaction with his father, who doesn’t have time for children really and is still kinda put off by That Incident and by the very guarded way his son looks at him when the boy’s brought up for inspection days that let Titus see how he’s doing. So Titus thinks, to get him away from his mother’s influence, because she’s probably turning the boy against him (tbf she is), he’ll send him off to Cloud Ruler Temple to be mentored by this Penitus Oculatus commander called Leonidas. Leonidas thinks Alexandros is a spoilt brat. He has the child doing a soldier’s training from dawn until dusk, feeds him two spare meals a day, gives him shitty blankets and makes him sleep outside if he’s been disobedient (and if it’s not gonna kill him), and while this does mean that Alexandros is really good at taking hardship when he’s older - his soldiers will love him because he’s known for refusing to take food, water, or shelter if there isn’t enough for every single man - it’s also frankly irresponsible on Leonidas’s part, because he chronically underfeeds a growing boy, and Alexandros ends up significantly shorter than average for the rest of his life.
Now he’s twelve and his training with Leonidas is done, so he’s back home. He sings at a court banquet and a grumpy Titus Mede - who thinks he sounds a lot like his mother when he sings and is REALLY put off by it - humiliates him in front of everyone by telling him it’s a stupid waste of time for a prince to learn an instrument. Alexandros runs away and blackmails a soldier he knows, who's travelling home to sort a blood feud, into taking Alexandros with him. There’s a battle between two tiny villages and Alexandros makes his first kill, takes the head home, and feels a lot better knowing he is officially A Man at twelve when his dad didn’t have HIS first kill until he was sixteen. Now Alexandros gets his own retinue, a bunch of generals’ sons around his age, and he meets HEPHAESTION. Hephaestion is a babe, they hit it off immediately, and it’s barely any time at all before they’re completely inseparable. They’re soulmates. The same day that they meet, Alexandros makes another lifelong friend - the stallion Bucephalus, who nearly tramples some people in a panic at a horse fair, but Alexandros realises it's been mistreated and gentles it until it lets him ride it, ooh ahh very dramatic and you bet your ass Hephaestion is swooning in the background.
Fifteen years old, Alexandros is sent off with his friends to study some real important shit like philosophy and morality with a former Psijic monk (who isn’t actually former he says that but actually he’s an active Psijic - they sent him to try and influence Alex to take a good and wholesome path) called Aristotle. Alexandros never gets the hang of magic but he likes medicine and learning about nature and discussing abstract topics. Supposedly, doing this all in some chateau out in buttfuck nowhere is so he doesn’t get distracted but once again, Titus wants to separate Alexandros and his mother. The only time Alexandros leaves is to be summoned to various battles or sieges around the provinces for experience and because he and his father get on quite well when they’re out on campaign, they think the same tactically and Alex does admire his father really, he just feels guilty because his mother’s a woman with drama and flare running through her blood (descended from Tiber Septim rememeber), and lets him know when she feels betrayed. It’s a very emotionally scarring situation, because he can’t please one parent without angering the other. But on campaign it’s ok. He flourishes, he’s clearly got the knack, and the soldiers really love him ‘cause he comes into the healers’ tents to talk to the wounded men and tell them how brave they were. He’s got an incredible memory for names and faces, he never forgets anyone he’s met, and it’s a big thing when you’re just some lowly soldier and the crown prince remembers you and says he saw you, first up the wall in that siege, terrific job mate. He really craves the adoration of his people, it’s so much simpler than the mess his family is in. Be nice, make an effort, the lads love you. No nonsense there.
Sixteen now, he’s left as regent (of the entire empire!) when the emperor goes off on a longer campaign, but has to embark on his own one when there’s an issue with a big load of Forsworn. He does insanely well. He’s sixteen. Sixteen! Half of the enemies he comes across can’t even take him seriously, until he slaughters them. You stop laughing pretty fast when Alexandros’s legion comes at you. More than that, he gets there from the Imperial City faster than the soldiers sent from actual Skyrim, and they show up half way through like ‘whu?’ but Alexandros ropes them in no-nonsense and as they incredulously ask the Imperial soldiers ‘how old is this guy?’ they’re just given a knowing look and told ‘wait ‘till you see him in action, then you’ll know’.
At seventeen (he’s up to a lot now) his mum is pestering him to start churning out bastards because he’s unusually celibate for his age and status. She’s feeling very insecure because she’s engaged in some political fights and frankly the only reason she’s alive is because she’s wife of the emperor and mother of the crown prince; if she looses that status, she’s a goner, and at the moment the only reason she’s still married to Titus is because if he divorces her he weakens Alexandros’s claim to the throne and that could be chaos if Titus were to unexpectedly perish. So a potential heir from Alexandros would strengthen her position, and also give her another baby, which she wants because she’s feeling very excluded from Alexandros’s life. Rather than inevitably fail to walk the tightrope between his parents, he’s taken to only speaking to them when summoned, and confiding in Hephaestion for everything instead. After Alexandros dodges a series of prostitutes sent by his mother to get him producing and maybe separate him from Hephaestion a little, he pretends he slept with one to get his mother off his back, and ends up, in the aftermath, getting jiggy with Hephaestion for the first time instead. They’re as madly in love as ever. All their friends can tell It’s Happened, and some bets are finally won.
Now shit goes terribly wrong, and it’s about to get convoluted - the emperor takes a fancy to the daughter of one of his generals, Attalos. If she becomes his mistress, and has his children, and Titus really takes a shine to her, her noble birth makes her a really strong candidate for marriage, PLUS, Attalos is rumoured to be a Thalmor informant. That would put Olympias and Alexandros in the doghouse and in serious danger, but take a big weight off Titus’s shoulders, because he no longer has a mortal enemy in his house and a son influenced by said mortal enemy. Alexandros just tries not to rock the boat. On the return from a state visit, father and son and entourage are hosted by Attalos at his villa on the road. Attalos gets drunk and alludes to the potential union, suggesting any children from it are better than a child of Olympias, and then he insults Olympias a lot, thinking he’s being subtle, but he’s not, because he’s completely smashed. Alex is pissed. When he calls Attalos the fuck out, Titus gets pissed at him and tells him to check himself. Alex calls out him next, telling him to stand up for his own heir, unless he’s a desperate old man who’ll lick Attalos’s feet he’s that thirsty for the man’s daughter, who is frankly much too young for his old ass - also, they all know the rumours, Attalos is a filthy Thalmor informant, so he’s probably trying to suck up to them as well.
(The retelling of this gets him a lot of points amongst Thalmor-haters and if you hear it retold in certain places the string of inventive insults that prefix ‘Thalmor’ is about as long as the entire rest of the story.)
Titus is pissed, as you would be, to the point of drawing his sword, maybe a bit extreme, but he trips and falls on his face. Alexandros utters the immortal line ‘look, men, who the people thought would cross the tyrants for them - and he falls crossing from couch to couch’. Alexandros then has to book it, taking Olympias to her relatives in High Rock, then disappearing himself into the Druadach Mountains. He pisses Titus off for a bit by making it seems like he might be gathering allies in the mountains to go to war, but eventually messengers get sent back and forth and after a lot of debate, a peace is agreed to, and Alex and Olympias are welcomed back to the Imperial City. Things are still hella tense. Hoping to fix this, Titus sends Alexandros into Skyrim to deal with this civil war business that’s popped up, planning on following along later because his health is real fucked up just then. He’s been in a lot of battles, he’s like swiss cheese at this point.
Now at this point if I’m feeling indulgent, this is the point at which Alexandros turns out to be the Last Dragonborn and has to deal with all that shit. Otherwise, he just shows up and does his Alexandros thing, which is kicking ass and actually trying really hard to come to a peace agreement. The emperor wants to crush the Stormcloak rebellion entirely, but if Alexandros were to get his way - you know, like if he were to suddenly and unexpectedly become emperor himself - his offered treaty to Ulfric would be a formal apology for the failure of his father to honour his title as protector of the realm and chosen of the Divines; an offer of total religious autonomy, total autonomy in the deciding of any High King or Queen; and a getout clause that lets Skyrim legally secede from the empire if the jarls together decide that the current emperor/empress is failing in his or her duty to protect the rights and well-being of the citizens of Skyrim, failing to honour the gods that put them on their throne, offending egregiously the cultural beliefs of the people of Skyrim, or proving themself unworthy of the respect and power of the Ruby Throne.
Alexandros is real fucking confident. And he enjoys the enormous ‘fuck you’ he’s sending to any future rulers that don’t live up to these standards, because even if the treaty focuses on Skyrim, is they were to pull that getout clause and secede, everyone would follow whether it applies to them or not.
Back in Cyrodiil, while Alexandros is either being Dragonborn or not, the emperor is making plans to divorce Olympias and marry Attalos’s daughter but with legislation that secures Alexandros’s position as heir, hoping it’ll placate him even though his mother’s just been slapped in the face essentially. And on top of that, there’s a member of the Elder Council called Pausanias Orestes - he and the emperor were bang-mates, once upon a time, but Pausanias got dumped for a younger, hotter bloke. Pissed, Pausanias calls the guy a lil’ bitch, and the guy goes and gets himself killed being extra in battle to prove that he’s not. His kin, upset, have their revenge on Pausanias in a very dark and disturbing way because they don’t want to kill him because he’s still on fairly good terms with the emperor. Pausanias entreats the emperor to get him justice. Titus makes Pausanias head of his bodyguard, which is a very big favour, but doesn’t punish them that abused Pausanias. Eventually, Pausanias becomes a member of the Elder Council. Now here’s the thing; who’s the man that did that to Pausanias? It’s general Attalos, father of the girl emperor Titus Mede wants to marry, the man that’s about to achieve a real big power boost just by getting his daughter to bang the emperor. Oh dear. And guess who was with the entourage that stayed at Attalos’s villa the night of the bust up that Alexandros ended up having to flee; who had to stay in the house of the man that had wronged him and never been punished for it? Pausanias. Alexandros noticed this incredible cruelty at the time and apologised to Pausanias for it. Pausanias likes Alexandros for that reason. So when someone comes to Pausanias and says; we want to assassinate the emperor, and Alexandros is in on it, will you go to Skyirm and hire the Dark Brotherhood? Pausanias says yes. The thing is, Alexandros isn’t in on it; he’s far too pious to ever consider killing his own father. But there are those that thing the Medes are getting a little out of hand and if they all happened to die then that would be very handy for certain point-eared control-freaks who have a violent need to be absolute cunts and are the Tamrielic equivalent of that person who comes into your inbox and nitpicks your TES lore knowledge in a very condescending way, especially over things that are honestly subjective.
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ukendeavour · 7 years
UKEndeavour’s: Top 25 times Stef and Lena have made me ship them more
I know people may not agree with me but here are mine.
25. The Kitchen Kiss.
In the pilot there is a scene that started my ship sailing, that was Stef, walking in putting her bag down, throwing her keys onto the side. She kisses her woman hello and says hello to her babies. That kiss started my ship. It was a casual hello kiss but it felt and looked right. They have chemistry from that first moment. They felt like a couple who had been together for a long time and were still in love. This is what we’d been waiting for.
 24. Lena pinching Stef’s food.
Sitting around the kitchen table, eating tacos  Lena reaches over and takes some of Stef’s food. A little thing that you could miss in the blink of eye but a moment that makes them feel real, it helps my shipping heart to see these little things. It’s also the fact that Stef just lets her, doesn’t even say anything or blink an eye at the fact her wife is eating food from her plate. a normal thing for a couple to do.
 23. flashbacks.
We know how they got together, we don’t know all of their back story but we know a lot. We know how they meet, how Stef came out and how they finally got together, we’ve also had flashbacks of them buying their house and moving in. Stef had terrible hair and they both had to grow and learn. Lena with her straighten hair is not for me. I love her curls.  I’m also glad Stef lost the soccer mom look.
 22.  Trying to find time for sex.
In 01x05 we find that that Jenna and Kelly are splitting up and our ladies can’t remember the time they made love. Instead of folding clothes they could have done it right there and then yet they get their phones out and try to make time for a sex date. Then everything goes wrong. Lena gives Stef a come-on look and Stef is thinking about her heartburn. Jesus ruins their date with his pill buying ways. It takes them being alone in the car for them to finally get jiggy with it. This scene makes me laugh. Mainly because Stef manages to hit the horn with her foot while trying to get into the back seat which is something that I so would do.
 21. Stef’s proposal.
Stef being shot made me want to cry. Normally, as so many of us know that if a lesbian gets shot in a TV show it means they are going to die. THANKFULLY The Fosters broke that. Stef went into a coma after her lung collapsed, Lena sits with her when she comes around and then Stef removes her mask and asks Lena to marry her. it’s romantic and sweet and makes my little lesbian heart beat that little bit faster. It’s everything I’ve always wanted.
 20. Stef’s insecure moment.
When Stef and Lena are trying to decide if she should have her lump removed or both her breasts removed. They are having a private conversation and Stef looks at Lena and asks ‘are you afraid you won’t be attracted me anyone?’ she looks scared for the answer. She’s overwhelmed and without missing a beat Lena says ‘no’ this moment made me love them more. Stef showed her heart on her sleeve and Lena made sure she held it safe. It’s a small moment but means so much
 19. Stef’s Apologies.
Stef messes up, she does it a lot but no more so than in ‘I do’ were she calls her own wedding to the love of her life as stupid. Stef beats some demons and comes home to say sorry. Getting on her knees beside Lena’s side of the bed. She tells Lena’s ‘of course I want to marry you, I’d be crazy not too’ Lena throws her book and they hug and then have sex. I love this because of the passion and love in the moment.
 18. The Top joke
This has appeared in a few episodes and it makes me smile every time. It’s a little detail and in joke between them that shippers love. I think it first appeared in 02x16 (hope I am right) when they are drinking before having bad sex. Bless them
 17. Physical affection,
This happens A LOT. There isn’t just one episode or moment. They are physically affectionate all the time and it’s lovely. It’s a shippers dream, even in moments of fighting they still managed little touches. I love them for it. Whether it’s a hug, a touch or a rub. It’s amazing. They do little things that make me smile. Slapping each other’s ass’s. they rub each others backs, Stef has played with Lena’s clothes. Just little things that make me smile.  
 16. Lena’s reaction to Stef’s uniform.
After Stef was shot she was at home for a little while. On the day Stef went back to work Lena kisses her wife and tells her she looks tough in uniform. It’s a lovely moment and it’s what we’ve all be thinking. Need that shipping moment.
 15. Their wedding speeches.
They had their own wedding vows. With Lena calling Stef her piece of work. It was stunningly amazing. It was lovely to watch and seeing your favourite couple get married. It was magically shipper moment. Plus they were dressed perfectly.
 14. The garage moment.
I hate seeing them fighting however seeing them make up is awesome. Yet seeing them in the garage at Dana and Stuart’s party is a shippers dream as they come back together, seeing Lena’s reaction to Stef’s news of a second mammogram. Their hug on the sofa of teen sex (eww I can’t believe they even sat on it) that hug means a lot and Lena barely able to catch her breath. It’s a shippers dream.
 13. Stef trying to get out of going out with Jenna.
I love that kitchen nook. Seeing them there after dinner with AJ and Mike. Their legs entwined. And then Stef laying over Lena’s legs is sweet and relaxed. Lena makes a bad joke about meeting someone and I love that she also slaps Stef’s ass. It’s magic.
 12. sleeping in the tent.
I love seeing them curled up together before Jude woke me, Lena was wrapped around her wife. I loved seeing it. It made me feel like they would sleep like that normally. It’s a shippers dream
 11. The Honeymoon,
Seeing them waking up the day after they have got married and they 20 second honeymoon is magically and again a fan fic dream. There is a conversation  about hyphens, bacon and morning breath. It’s a perfect, finishing with a kiss.  
 10. Dancing together
They’ve danced together three times on screen. We’ve had them dancing at their wedding, at Dana and Stuart’s anniversary party and finally at Lena’s 40th birthday party. I love the birthday party dance. They are so in love so together and my shipper heart is totally lost in that moment.
 09. kissing in the garden.
The scene when Timothy is doing his ‘business’ in their bedroom and they are outside is sweet and loving. All Lena can think about is having Stef’s baby. Holding her close. I love Lena’s hands on the back of Stef’s neck and on her chest. The kiss is passionate and the whole scene is lovely and a lesbian dream. The love seen there is amazing
 08. “buy me dinner first”
Oh Stefanie. She’s trying to come to terms with the loss of her breasts and Lena is just trying to let her know she still loves her, is still attracted to her. Lena tells her wife that she would have sex with her there and then and Stef’s reaction is to ask her to buy her dinner first. Stef is hiding behind her bad humour. But as a shipper it’s what we needed to see to help us along with Stef’s path to finding herself.  
 07. Zipped up in the same skin
Their babymoon wasn’t the funniest evening, they managed to have a fight. Stef is watching the flames. Lena just wanting them to be close again and not talk about kids and money but about them. She wanted to fill zipped up in the same skin like they had on their wedding night. It’s a lovely moment which ends up with them sitting on the same seat curled up together.
 06 topless moment
Staying with the babymoon they are having a private party and Lena reeling her woman in, kissing and Stef cannot wait to get her top of and Lena is happy to let her do it. It’s a shippers dream.
 05. That coach kiss
We didn’t see it coming. I remember the total excitement of seeing them together, making out on the sofa, the scene finishing with Stef lay on top of her wife, their hips moving together. I remember screaming slightly when seeing the scene. It was perfect for me. And a moment out of fan fic and not seeing it the screen, my shipper lesbian heart made a leap.
 04. Take me swimming.
The swimming pool scene in 03x14 is brilliant. Naked Stef and Lena in a pool together, just being together. it’s a fan fic dream played out for real on the screen. Watching Stef give up her power to Lena is beautiful. Seeing Lena holding Stef and just being there for her is sexy and lovely.  A shippers dream
 03. That conversation.
An open and honest conversation between them in 03x14. Stef is scared she’s going to lose her wife and Lena makes a passionate speech to her wife. Telling her she loves her, wants to be with her and will love her no matter what. It’s a lovely conversation, full of emotion. It breaks my heart seeing Stef cry. Lena’s words let us know she’s so in love with her wife and wanted to be with her no matter what.
 02. The Wedding
A shippers dream, your main ship are together and they get married. Stef and Lena had a DIY wedding what else would they have seriously.  Lena wearing a stunning dress, Stef in a shirt and trousers. They had a moment in a bathroom, with Lena’s fingers making quick work of Stef’s shirt, we had the wrong rings being put on. Dancing and finishing with them in bed naked, after sex their hands locked together showing us their new wedding rings. Just perfect. My little shipper lesbian heart strings fully pulled.
 01 Our Love scene.
We waited. And we waited and then it happened. We got Stef and Lena naked in bed and making love. NOT having sex Making love. Stef is due to have life changing surgery and they are making love before it happens. The scene is short but a shippers dream, with Lena on top kissing. Stef is then in top they are completely wrapped up in each other. Their hands are touching their bodies are locked together. Stef kisses her lips, her shoulder and their interlocked hands. Before kissing her again. This scene makes my heart sing. It’s perfect. And knowing that little to no direction was used makes it better. We are lucky because our two lead actresses get on so well and can produce these amazing scenes.
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