#one o' them greyfaces? [ anon ]
tickingdial · 1 year
↬ Reflection: The muse becomes extremely physically fragile for the duration of whatever fight, scuffle, etc. she may or may not currently find herself in!
Zora gets herself off of the ground as she feels the anonymous magic flow over her once again - a familiar yet, welcome feeling occasionally when the last few times they came around did anything.
However.. she swiftly realizes the effect when she lands on her feet.
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Zora will now be physically fragile until the end of the next Fight, physical event, or major activity she faces - which might be a while unless Devora gets to writing!
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kingxfmischief · 6 years
stop begging for people to kiss your useless unwanted ass and go find someplace else to do your whining and manipulating. you're right. you're unwanted. all you do is post manipulative posts designed to make people tell you how wonderful you are. once in a while you post your sad excuse for rp that's so ooc it's painful to see loki's name or face attached to it. you're unwanted. no one likes you. go away.
[Oh fucking boy I finally get home after a shitty fucking day and I get this cowardly bullshit in my askbox. If you don’t fucking like me, then unfollow me. Why stick around if you hate me so much? Block me. Blacklist my url. I don’t care. But I don’t want worthless trash that sends anon hate following me.
Asking for attention is not “whining” or manipulative. There is nothing wrong with needing attention. Attention is a human need. We are HIGHLY social creatures, just like pretty much every primate that has ever existed. 
As for being unwanted, tell that to the amazing and kind messages in my inbox. To the amazing people that replied to that post. To the beautiful people that have sent me such beautiful words and amazing support. 
The only manipulative and toxic one here is you. Why don’t you fucking grow up and attach your name to the message? Cause I don’t have time for your garbage hate if you’re too much of a pathetic coward to even attach yourr god damn name. Because I did not need this bullshit today.
And if you hate my Loki so god damn much, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? Like jesus christ it’s not even that fuckinig hard to unfollow. 
I really didn’t need this bullshit so don’t fucking bother coming back unless you’re willing to attach your name. You act like a fucking 12 year old, so clearly you’re not even old enough to be on tumblr.]
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jacktherph · 6 years
vexation, delight, independence, secret admiring !
ask meme for rphs!
vexation: what do you wish you’d see less of in the tags?
callout culture and rude anons
while i admit that there can be benefits to it in certain instances, more often than not callout culture in the tags just serves to push an agenda. yes, sometimes that is a needed agenda, but when the tags are just filled with post after post by the same few accounts calling out one person, i’m like “... this tag isn’t here for this. where is what i’m looking for?”
on the same note, certain blogs can be guilty of posting their anons that have nothing to do with the tag over and over. i’m here for roleplay help, not you arguing with the same person behind a greyface. post it all you please, but keep it out of the tag?
delight: what do you wish you’d see more of in the tags
P O S I T I V I T Y. think someone has an awesome blog? send it to them!! shoutout an rpg you’re a member of because the admins or the community did something awesome!! let’s switch around the negative perceptions of the rpc and make it about supporting one another
independence: are you in any other communities on tumblr?
i used to have a personal, but honestly i never used it. so this works perfectly for me and it’s all i’ve got
secret admiring: who is someone you’ve always wanted to approach but haven’t?
actually hon for a while i was super nervous to approach you!! bc you’re awesome, obviously. but i’m glad we’re friends now!!
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guzmaheadcanons · 7 years
What do you think asking for hcs is? That's asking for people opinions. An hc blog isn't meant to undermine others opinions, it's meant to share them and not judge people for taking a character you love and giving them a different personality. It might be your blog but you don't have to be an ass to people, you don't have to tell them you don't agree, just post it and let people enjoy it without needing to but in? It's not that hard. I enjoy the content, just not how you act.
Look anon, if you don’t like how I run my blog, you don’t have to follow me. I’ve been very cordial over these last few comments.
This blog was originally created so that, and let me emphasize this in caps here, I COULD KEEP TRACK OF MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS. I’ve not been rude or ‘an ass’ as you so eloquently put, and I never just shit on somebody’s headcanons- I provide my opinion on a subject and I do so POLITELY.
You, however, have been very very rude to me, calling me names and making it seem like I’m some hellish asshole for disagreeing with people- which is what YOU are doing right now in this inane little commentary of yours. This isn’t just another hc blog, and all hc blogs are different because the people that run them are all DIFFERENT- you don’t get to dictate how I run MY blog, and I’m not going to change anything for the sake of one rude little greyface.
I welcome opinions and headcanons.
I also have my own and would have welcomed yours, if you had come to me, say, off anon to try to have a peaceful discussion. Instead, you call me a hypocrite (without seeming to have any understanding of what that word actually means), an ass, and hide behind this mask of anonymity.
I created this blog for MYSELF, and did not expect to gain nearly 200 followers from it; it was for FUN and things like this? Make it not fun. You seem to be the only one with your knickers in a twist over how I use MY blog. Perhaps make your own headcanon blog instead of trying to piggyback off of my success?
This could have gone differently, o mysterious rude anon.
But I think you should fuck off now.
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tickingdial · 1 year
One thing I’ve always been curious about: why does Zora fancy guns the way she does? I get its probably at least part of the whole Cowboy thing, but I imagine there’s something deeper than that, too, right?
"Well - it's a little story of mine, I guess."
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She sets up herself onto a nearby log, covering herself in her poncho as she obscures her face enough with her hat to allow her tattoos to glow, as if for emphasis, or doing that mysterious narrator type of deal.
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"I, or least this version o' me 'pparently, am a gunsmith kinda. Been alive for a good while, yet I look real young, yeah?"
She trudges through her memory. The closest thing she has to our world's 20s, back in the age of grooves and simple swings.
"Forgot 'ow old I even am, but I remember back then clear. Watchin' a lot of them westerns, gettin' kinda.. attached at the time. This is when I was real young, parents still.. kickin', y'know? They'd take me on trips, see what kinda history from that lil' slice of time they could get me."
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The flashes of the crowded streets, the visits to the sites with her parents.. remembering that description of a golden-clad gun, found in an old diary that they managed to get out of somewhere. Something that'd later inspire her, and she kept that diary very close to her heart, especially after their passing.
"After they passed n'.. Naven found me long time later prowlin' the wounds, after I got my epithet.. he helped me make that gun. Turns out he, pretty conveniently, passed by someone that knew what it looked like."
A smile creeps up onto her lips.
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"Got to make it durin' a time of comfort, n' I made two just to be sure I was always gonna see 'em on each side. Sunup, and Sundown I called 'em."
Her expression swiftly caves.. darkens, in anger.
"It's why I still wanna rip through that damned lil' RAT for breakin' one."
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tickingdial · 1 year
🖤 Curse!
There is no magic. Just a single bar of soap. Enjoy!
Well, considering the last little deal with this ask blog was that she got the illusion of her gun broken, she just.. looks at the bar of soap for a minute, blinks twice.
And chomps it. "Thanks 'fer th' snack at least."
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tickingdial · 1 year
☆ Fake Loot!
I'll be cruel today. Remember that gun of hers that Ramsey broke? Here's a supposed copy of it. Only, once again, it's made of that same fool's gold he tricked her with once before.
Better yet, it'll last until the moment she tries to fire it.
Overlooking the gun that she just found off the ground, or at least what she thought was just a simple gun.. Zora has her eyes intrigued after realizing what the design on it was.
"Nah.. nah, no way, right??"
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It can't have been what she thought - her dear original Sundown! It was finally back to her after that rat broke the damn thing! She held it high to the sky, letting herself glisten in its shine for just a moment, before her finger hovered to the trigger.
Held aloft to the sky, as she forces the sun to high noon.. she fires.
And it all falls apart.
She pauses, her hand still held aloft as the parts came undone and the trick was revealed to her finally. For a moment, a tinge on her eye of a tear..
Before the loud, deafening scream of the sun. "SON OF A BITCH-"
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tickingdial · 5 months
💖Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
Your next shot––regardless of what you're shooting or where you're aiming––is GUARANTEED to hit, no matter how impossible it is.
..Alright, she can be fancy with this one.
She loads in her revolver, spinning the cylinder before glancing to a bottle that she set up a distance away from her - various little props and corners set up to do this stupid trick.
Before, as she shoots, she swung her arm - causing the bullet to curve and ping around in a wonderful rube goldberg chain of ricocheting and pinging around.
And she aims a finger gun, waiting for it to hit before..
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tickingdial · 5 months
✚ Quest!: Climb the tallest redwood tree you can find
. . .
She is fucking high up there.
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tickingdial · 5 months
15. Your muse just got good news! How do they celebrate?
Zora wakes up in her treehouse finally. It's been.. damn near days since she's gotten any kinda action, or word from the local multiverse, or.. anything at all, really? She's tired, though. Tired, tired, tired - the clank of her poncho being put on and her walking can soon be heard as she hopped down from the high floors of her wooden abode.
Landing in front of her P.O. box, she decides to look through it. Some.. type of letter, today - first one she's gotten in a while, same for the greyfaces or people just beaming asks into her mind.
Cracking it open, there seemed to be an invite.. to one Wuhu Island. Though, she damn well knew that was a Video Game Location, this was Zora Salazar, nicknamed Sunny by her multiversal cohorts. Would that really stop her?
"..n' if I'm gettin' this.. so's that rat."
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A grin comes onto her face, before she took out her blade. It seems to fizzle, turn into a gradient before - CUT!
Result: 1d20 (11)
Total: 11
The one time usage she got for this to go somewhere, seeing the expansive tropical island. A beautiful place to hang out, chill.
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Before she hops into the rift, it shutting behind her.
Zora has now changed locations. Asks are still open.
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tickingdial · 2 years
uhhhhhm ive asked a buncha other blogs this in the past but it’s been a while! what’s ur opinion on the whole multiverse thing, sunny? i know it’s been a while since that’s been relevant but iunno it’s still kinda fascinating that the whole doppelgänger thing happened at all
"Mmmmmm.. 's hard t' fully say an opinion on it, actually." She quickly has two fingers to her chin as she fully tries to think on her opinion of the multiverse that she seems to have encountered, and arguably at this point, travels through steadily. It's something that was, weirdly very interesting, so, she smiles.
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"Let's call it like ah see it. 's multiple mes, some badass, some ah wanna kick th' face in of, some ah'd wanna.. stay away from." Or even some that she felt needed protection, poor, poor Aloe. But, she had fun with it. She likes it, so, so much. "Shit's fun. 's all."
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tickingdial · 2 years
where’d u get the uhm, the design for ur pants there? any uh, particular inspiration? liiiike from a certain illumination movie featuring tthe uhm lorax ?
"Aight. Aight, Ah've been, tryin' t' figure out how to respond to this."
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She's still so confused after having received the letter this time around, trying to genuinely figure out, where that comment came from. There is no basis for it, she doesn't know where the hell it came from. Sure, her pants look kinda like tree patterns she guesses? Her mind wouldn't go there immediately though, especially not to The Lorax of all fucking things. Just, of all things.
"Ah'll say a nnnnnooooo?? Mostly jus' cause ah can't reasonably give ya an answer on this."
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tickingdial · 3 years
hey how’s it feel
" 'Ow's what feel? Ah ain't 'xactly doin' much. 'Less y'mean the tree ah'm restin' in? 's comfy at the very least. Leaves end up real soft when that's ya beddin' for months waitin' on bein' drug t' jail."
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tickingdial · 4 years
YEAH IT’S ME. THE SUN AIN’T BETTER THAN THE MOON. {@Moonduels, because oops this happened.}
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tickingdial · 4 years
:000 what's happening, Zora-??
“Simple! It’s an anniversary comin’ up very, very damn soon for lil’ ol’ me and some o’ my..’buddies’ in a way. So ah figured why not get preparin’, AND SET UP THE SPOOKY SEASON! ..On th’ day o’ the festivities sure, but meh.”
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tickingdial · 4 years
"Ah shit, I forgot to live" O O F . That is such a mood-
“ ‘Ey, can ya blame me? Big guy up there’s dealing wit’ some shit and he came alll the way back ‘ere in his suffering to git rage out,  SO AH’M HERE N’ FUCKIN’ STRONG! --oh lookie a penny.” She’s gained +1 cent! She could have had much more CENT but what can ya do?
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