#one of my fav scenes in the show is in hasetsu where yuuri’s exhausted from training and he snaps at viktor
touchlikethesun · 14 days
okay bear with me as i try and explain, but i don’t think yuuri is anywhere near as "soft" or as much of a pushover as some might think. his biggest issue is his lack of self confidence and his tendency to overthink things, but when he gains an ounce of confidence, or when he’s too caught up in the moment to overthink, he is very demanding, very forward, and honestly, pretty aggressive.
it’s difficult to get the balance right, and i think that’s why ppl might default to a "softer" more worrisome version of yuuri, but in the show, he’s really only like that when he’s uncomfortable. the more comfortable he is the more of a brat he is, and i like when i see that reflected in fic/art.
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