#one of my favorite little conversations ive ever written simply because it was fun
factoffictionwriter · 4 years
Tiva Fic Amnesty #14
More from Chaval Extras. Things to know: Ziva has 2 Aunts back in Israel whom she took Tony to meet. The Aunts are friends with Shmeil as well. Oh, and Tony and Ziva are totally a thing. Like a thing thing.
“Wait a second. So I wasn’t imagining it? Ziva really did have a motorcycle?” 
Shmeil nodded enthusiastically, “My Ziva had a motorcycle before she even learned how to drive!” 
Tony chuckled to himself, “That explains a lot, actually.” 
“What explains a lot?” His beautiful Israeli asked as she breezed into the room, delicate looking teacups in either hand. She carefully handed one of them to Shmeil before crossing the room to take a seat next to Tony on the couch. 
“I was just telling Anthony about your, shall we say, preference for dangerous modes of transportation.” 
Her eyebrows came together as she wracked her brain for what he could possibly be talking about. But when she saw Tony’s smug little grin beside her, she put the pieces together. 
“The motorcycle?” She asked. 
“Oh yeah,” Tony chimed.
She eyed him warily, “Remember what I said about stories being exaggerated? Keep that in mind.” 
He just laughed at her. 
“What is so funny, Anthony?” Nettie asked as she too emerged from the kitchen, her two sisters trailing behind, each with their own teacup.
“Ziva was just about to tell me about her motorcycle.”
“Oh, goodness. Why would you want to hear about that horrible thing?” Adina asked as she settled into the couch across the room. 
“Because he is a man,” Shmeil laughed, “And men like two things: hot women and fast vehicles.” 
Tony nodded, “And this story promises to have both.” 
“Very well then,” Nettie sighed as she sipped on her tea.
“We do not know where she managed to get such a horrible contraption, much less how she managed to keep it secret for so long,” Hinda was giving Ziva a disapproving look, “But somehow she managed to drive that thing to school every day for an entire year before we even knew it existed.” 
“She parked it a few spaces down from her father’s car in one of the neighbor boy’s spaces. Lord knows how she convinced him to let her have such a coveted spot,” Nettie shook her head. 
“I can think of a few ways,” Tony whispered to himself, but Shmeil managed to hear it. 
“David women can be quite convincing,” the old man winked at Tony, causing his smile to grow wider. 
“Anyways, we never would have even known about it if she hadn’t gotten in that accident.” 
“Which was not my fault, by the way,” Ziva added. 
“They never are,” Tony remarked, sending her a look of such pure adoration that she couldn’t help but forgive his jab. 
“Okay, but this one really was not. The man should have looked over his shoulder. Even I look over my shoulder when changing lanes.” 
“And how fast were you going, dear?” Nettie asked, the stern look on her face telling him she already knew the answer.
“That is not important. He still should have looked.” 
“I seem to remember the officer telling us you were going 110 mph… in a 45 mph zone,” Adina provided helpfully. 
Tony let out a long whistle before pausing, “Actually, I’m not that surprised. That does sound like something you would do.” 
She rolled her eyes, biting back a tiny smile. 
“She was thrown clear across the highway. A couple more feet and she would have rolled right off the cliff and into the sea below.” 
Ziva just shrugged, “I walked away with a few scratches.” 
“If by scratches you mean 3 broken ribs and road burn up your entire left side,” Hinda corrected, “But yes, you were able to walk away. You were very lucky.” 
Tony leaned into the couch cushion, slowly sliding his hand over to rest it on her side, right where he remembered seeing a long patch of scars, mostly faded until they looked like delicate white flames dancing across her skin. 
She nodded slightly in his direction as if confirming that the marks were, in fact, the remnants of this exact accident. 
“Tali would not go near the thing,” Nettie spoke, breaking up the moment between the couple on the couch. 
“Of course Tali wouldn’t go near it. She was smart. She understood the concept of danger,” Hinda acknowledged. 
Ziva let out a quiet huff as she leaned back against the cushions, and inadvertently his arm. 
“Yes, but I understood the concept of fun.” 
Tony let out a hearty laugh at her comment before smoothly transitioning it into a cough when the aunts shot him disapproving looks. 
“You only truly understood how to piss off your father. Let this be a lesson to you, Anthony. When you have children, do not rule with an iron fist, lest they turn out to be anything like their mother.” 
“Doda!” Ziva cried, sending Adina a truly incredulous look. 
“Did you ever get the chance to meet Eli, Anthony?” Nettie asked. 
He felt Ziva stiffen beside him, and took that as a sign to proceed with the utmost caution. 
“Yeah, I did. A couple of times, actually. He… wasn’t a big fan of me.” 
“Nor you of him, I assume,” Hinda offered. 
“I think Eli David was a complicated man… in a complicated situation. It’s really not for me to judge. I will never understand exactly what he was going through.” 
“It is quite alright, Tony. You are surrounded by fellow Eli-haters here. I am sure there is nothing you can say about the man that Ziva has not already heard from one of us,” Shmeil assured him. 
Ziva’s shoulders heaved as she let out a long sigh. 
He watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, “I obviously don’t agree with many of the decisions he made, particularly in regards to his children. But at the end of the day, I think he was doing what he thought was best. He just happened to be wrong.” 
“He just happened to be wrong?” Hinda spat. 
“Doda…” Ziva warned. 
“No, Zivaleh. I am tired of listening to Eli’s excuses. He may have brainwashed you into believing them, but I will not let you bully Anthony into believing them as well.”
Tony sat forward, sliding his arm out from behind Ziva and resting his elbows on his knees, “She hasn’t bullied me into anything. Well - she has - but not with this. I just think that I’m coming at the situation from a bit of a… different angle than the rest of you.” 
“How so?” Shmeil asked. 
“Well, for starters, I didn’t meet Ziva until after Eli did a number on her. I can sit here and listen to you guys tell stories about her tending to a garden or flying off a motorcycle, but I’ll never fully understand what she was like back then.” 
“All the more reason you should be upset,” Hinda grumbled. 
Tony shook his head, “How do I explain this…” 
He looked around the small living room for a few seconds, trying to find some sort of inspiration for-
“Star Wars!” He exclaimed. 
Five heads all turned in his direction, their eye brows furrowed in confusion. 
“A movie. Really?” Ziva asked from beside him. 
“Not just a movie. A series. 7 movies. Filmed and premiered out of order. 3 movies, then 3 prequels, only to return back to the original timeline for the new one.”
“I do not follow,” Adina sighed. 
“Okay… it’s like you guys are watching the series in chronological order, and I’m watching them in the order they premiered. And you,” he pointed a long finger at Ziva, “are Darth Vader.” 
She looked confused, “The guy with the mask?” 
“Exactly,” he brought both his hands up to cover his mouth, creating a deep echoing sound as he pulled out his oldest and most adored character impression, “Luke, I am your father.” 
She had to focus hard to keep the corners of her mouth from curling up into a small smile. They both knew that she would never admit it, but she liked his little impressions. She thought they were cute, even if they were annoying. 
But then she remembered the single Star Wars film he had forced her to watch after one of his million references went over her head, and her face fell a little, “He is the bad guy, yes?” 
“No. Well, yes. But no. That’s just what they want you to think. In the original series, he’s portrayed as a total monster who betrayed his friends and killed his father. It’s not until you get to the prequels that you realize, hey, this Darth guy isn’t so bad. In fact, he was just a normal Jedi until his master took advantage of him and made him a monster.”
“And as the series comes to a close, he gets one of the most epic redemption arcs in movie history when he realizes that he had been duped into using his powers for the wrong side and then kills his master to save his son,” he turned back toward the Aunts, “So, if you guys watched the prequels first, then you would have already known that Darth was actually a good guy before he joined the dark side, making his fall all the more dramatic. But when I watch it in the order that the movies were made, I can’t help but think about how different the story would have been without that corrupt Jedi Master.” 
“And this changes your perception of Eli… how?” 
“Well, when I met Ziva, she was already a Mossad super spy. And yeah, the more I learned about the way her Dad treated her, the more I started hating the guy. But I will never be able to see him the way you guys do because without him, I likely would have never even met her.” 
“Because without what happened in the prequels, there would have been no need for the original series,” Adina nodded along as she slowly made sense of his convoluted explanation. 
“Exactly!” he flashed a dazzling DiNozzo grin at the older woman, thankful that at least someone had been able to follow his train of thought. 
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infinitebells · 3 years
Good evening (for me) BELL-SAN ! How are you ?? I just thought, what about S/O being part of the Moriarty team but she/he hits his/her head during a mission and lose all of his/her memories, at first they all be like, despair but each one of them try to help him/her remember in his own way, talking about memories with s/o, etc... You decide the end for more suspense hehe, I just wanted to do something with everyone <3 have a good night !
oh my god i’m in love with this i’m writing separate sections for each character just because i felt like it LOL. p.s. I GOT CARRIED AWAY BUT OK THIS IS ONE OF MY FAV PIECES IVE WRITTEN ITS SO SOFT KEJDHHE
✧ he’s the most calm out of all of them, but on the inside he’s raging because one of the people closest to him has no recollection of him
✧ he’ll sit you down alone in his study alone, and since you already know what had happened, he’ll simply talk about math with you
✧ he had been teaching you since you’d known him because you’d known a bit before meeting him
✧ the more you sat with him, the more you fell into your usual rhythm unconsciously
✧ william noticed that things felt like they were getting back to normal
✧ one day, you’re sitting in his study and he starts talking about the one time you and the team had gone out for drinks and moran started hitting on some lady in the bar
✧ without even thinking, you butt in, saying how the funniest part of that night was when she got offended by something he said and threw water in his face
✧ you both freeze, realizing that you had actually remembered something so insignificant, until he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen
✧ “welcome back to the team”
✧ this man is silently devastated
✧ you were one of his best friends, you sat with him and talked whenever the other boys were prepping for missions
✧ when you were finally home, he led you to his room and sat you down on the bed, staring at you for a few seconds before reaching behind him into his dresser
✧ he’ll pull out the pocket watch you got him for his birthday, explaining the backstory behind it and why it’s so important to him
✧ each day he spends time with you, he’ll lead you to some part of the house, point out a random object, and talk about why it’s important to him or you or the team
✧ he’s done this about twenty times before he shows you your old locket that everyone had pressed a fingerprint into so that you had them with you at all times
✧ you scream excitedly, grabbing it and putting it on before tearing up and explaining that you know what it is
✧ he’ll be so happy that he pulls you into a big hug, whispering in your ear
✧ “i missed you so much”
✧ he has to take a moment before seeing you again, preparing for the fact that you aren’t the same person who would keep him company while the others were doing mission things
✧ when he sees you again, he has to take a deep breath and ask if he can give you a hug, which you accept
✧ he’s gentle, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, and the second he wraps his arms around you feel a certain familiarity within his arms
✧ when you tell him that this feels familiar, he can’t help but smile, holding you just a little bit closer
✧ he’ll take you on walks because you guys would always walk through the town and explore different vendors on the side of the road
✧ he’ll talk about how friendly you always were to every single person you saw, making conversation with everyone you passed
✧ it isn’t until you’re passing by a fruit stand you guys had apparently used to go to, and you stop after recognizing the woman who ran it, starting a friendly conversation
✧ albert watches as your eyes light up in recognition, excusing the two of you and pulling you onto a side street and pulling you tightly to him
✧ you’re laughing with happy tears in your eyes, albert cradling your head to his chest in happiness
✧ “thank you for coming back to me”
✧ this poor little bean is just so lost
✧ he’s always been quiet, and not being able to talk about your usual topics hurts
✧ when you’re able to start interacting with them again, he’s so quiet, at a loss for words
✧ he thinks for a few minutes before offering you his hand and leading you to a garden the moriarty’s had planted for fred
✧ whenever he was feeling overwhelmed or not in the mood to be around people, you two would go in the garden and talk about plants to help ease his mind
✧ so, he takes you out to the garden and sits you down in front of your favorite flowers
✧ he starts explaining the science behind them, why you like them so much, and when you guys planted them while the other boys were inside drinking
✧ every day he’ll take you outside and just talk about the plants in the garden and different memories attached to them
✧ each day you go out with him you start remembering more details from the stories he tells you
✧ one day, he tells a story and you gasp, flailing your arms about, explaining that you remember it
✧ he’ll stare at you before grabbing your hand gently and squeezing
✧ “it’s nice to have you back with me”
✧ he’s beyond pissed, and he doesn’t try to hide it from his team
✧ when he see’s you again, he stands and stares at you for five seconds before grabbing your hand and leading you to his room
✧ he’ll sit down against the headboard and pull you into his lap, holding you in his arms
✧ after your tensing up for a second, he explains that he just needs to hold you for a little bit because he almost lost you and he needs to make sure you’re ok
✧ he’ll keep you in his arms and just spew out his favorite stories between the two of you, you just listening because he needs to remind himself that you’re still here with him
✧ the next few days, he’ll do the same thing
✧ after the initial shock of the first day, you start feeling more comfortable and familiar with him and add your own comments to the stories
✧ you were both always sarcastic and witty with each other, so when you start to make more sarcastic remarks with him, poking fun at one of his retold stories of his antics, he feels pride swell in his chest knowing you’re starting to return back to normal
✧ one day when you’re sitting in his lap, he starts to tell one of his old war stories when you start to finish it and point to his bare bicep explaining that the story ends with the scar that’s visible to you
✧ he stops for a moment, looking down at you to see you still, before looking up at him, a grin breaking out on your face as he shouts happily, pulling you closer to his chest to rest his forehead against yours
✧ “god, you’re finally here again”
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
🖊️writers tag game🖊️
tagged by *deep breath* @ditzymax @red-exo @kyungseokie @j-pping @blackberrykai and...someone else im pretty sure for this sweet little tag game. thank you so much angels!
1. what is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
this confused me for a moment...because shouldn’t it be where? im so sorry. ok honestly...my ideal setting is in my bathroom in the tub with no water. this is ideal but i rarely do it. primarily this is because i do my best thinking by water - lakes, oceans, nature - which has resulted in tubs and sinks. i once wrote a midterm paper in my dorm bathroom in the nook under the tall sink. but because its uncomfortable and impractical, and i am not pressured to finish a paper under a time crunch, im kind of...all over the place? sometimes i write in bed with a few candles lit. other times im on the couch in my living room. i have a desk and i did all of chanvember last year at this desk, but since ive been working from home the writing space has become the work space and im still struggling to get the balance right. in all scenarios, i need a good snack (usually hummus + chips/veggies), water, and music playing is an absolute must. if the music is wrong, i simply cant write. thats how its always been.
2. what is your favorite genre to write?
angst, horror, mafia, historical, science fiction. i love love love writing these genres. romance falls thematically into these, but writing strictly a romantic drama is incredibly difficult for me.
3. do you prefer to write on paper, or digitally?
these days im all digital but when i was working in the office i was a mix of both. id scribble ideas on a piece of paper and rip it out to take it home; if i was on the train, id write ideas quickly into my notes app. several paragraphs of hero, replay, currents, and bloodletting exist on paper which i eventually transcribed into docs. but if im sitting down to write a fic, its generally digital.
4. it’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. what do you do?
i have to flesh out the idea before i transcribe it. it depends on its its a plot idea or a line. if its a line that hits me or feels important, it immediately goes into the planning doc for whatever fic it relates to or suits best. i will then think about this line over and over until it becomes nonsensical an, hopefully though it is highly unlikely, fall back asleep and dream up something inspired by this line.
if its a story idea, i generally dont forget those so i dont need to immediately write them. those kinds of ideas arise out of dreams (assuming it woke me up, in this scenario) and i rarely forget what i dream. in that situation, i will not be able to fall back asleep. anyone who knows me knows that i struggle getting sleep. at best i will average 3-4 hours a night, simply because im thinking too much. so if this woke me up, ill spend the rest of the night thinking about how i want it to go, who it will suit, making a playlist or thinking about songs, gathering inspiration from my fiction fodder blogs, and only when the sun comes up will i consider perhaps its time for sleep. once i officially begin the day, ill review the vague planning doc ill likely have formed in my brain and actually compile it into a tangible document.
5. who is your favorite person to write about?
i mean....hello lmaooo park chanyeol. hes my muse. i do all my best writing for him, even if its unintentional. in other groups, i adore writing for taehyung and namjoon. their minds compel me. ive recently been thinking about writing some pieces for got7 and i do have an unfinished WIP for @red-exo and in all instances writing for JB excites me.
6. do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
i mean...its RPS fic on this blog, so its real people but its a face claim. theyre kind of like my barbie dolls i insert into worlds in my head. so in a sense...theyre my own characters but they happen to look like idols lmao conversely, writing original characters (as in wyrm tamer, asas, theoretically TQIS) scares me. ive written rps fanfic for so long its as though ive lost confidence in writing my own characters. this is why many of my stories have started to see the introduction of other characters to practice it.
7. have you ever written a book, or a story with more than 15 chapters (or 100k words)?
ok the answer is yes but its not published. its 30 chapters, 200k words. it was originally a fanfic and ive toyed with editing it over the years in the advent that maybe one day i would publish it if i liked it enough.
fun fact: hero is about 15K away from 100K words. i will be celebrating when it gets there.
8. how often do you get ideas?
like...constantly. all the time. every time i hear music, or watch a film, or read something in a book, my mind commences the ‘would you like to go to another dimension’ quest and i always, without fail, hit the yes button.
9. do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
*glances sidelong at my masterlist and my 17 unpublished wips* you must be new here
10. what is your least favorite plot?
like...genre? as i said before, idol!verse is something i refrain from reading. i struggle profoundly writing fluff/romantic fluff which is why i try to practice it. plots, in general, in which someone has to go through a makeover of some kind (appearance wise) to suddenly be categorically enough (this isnt just fic...its how i feel in any media). rape/dub-con is a hard pass. otherwise, im down for pretty much anything.
11. tag 5 or more people
@dark-muse-iris @yehet-me-up​ @jiminiethot @iq-biased @yoonia @jamaisjoons @jenmyeons @fairyyeols @readyplayerhobi @johobi @yixingminseokjongdae @imdifferentshadesofpurple  yall i think everyone and their brother has done this tag. if ive tagged you and youve already done it im real sorry :( as always please only do this if you wish
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charleshoyle · 3 years
We have been in too great a hurry.
We have been in too great a hurry. Richard Blumenthal (D icut) said in a written statement. I was gathering my things when it came to me that I had brought this on myself by taking Robert’s pardon. She was sister to King Daeron the Good, and it was her marriage that made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. Curators don touch the economics of the news business, he says, except to acknowledge the delivery of news is changing with falling newspaper circulation and rising demand for video online. Philae is effectively Sherlock Holmes spy glass and Sherlockisall the researchers back on Earth. “I am no stranger to Meereen. But then you use haibike e mtb 2020 it and realise that your apprehensions were misplaced. 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Then Alyosha’s father began to shut his eyes to his son’s affair with Natasha, leaving it to time. So we went through a whole three year period of bringing them songs and having them turned down (almost 90 cuts).". “Life.” The Shavepate’s eyes were black pools behind the brazen cat mask. SPOILER ALERT. Lots of storage and room, comfortable chairs, good instrumentation options, 19 buttons on the heated steering wheel and so on. I hardly ever go to town without having commissions to execute for some of them; and think they prefer to employ me, from a belief that, if their money should not quite hold out, I would add a little to it; and I not unfrequently do, in order to get a better article. That clock speed improvement isn't gonna set the world on fire, and this one sample isn't enough to establish any sort of a trend. Cases of this kind are constantly recurring in their histories. The snowmen the squires had built had grown into monstrous giants, ten feet tall and hideously misshapen. I then commenced and continued copying the Italics in Webster’s Spelling-book, until I could make them all without looking on the book. It gives you so much opportunity to relax and express yourself without being a slave to technology and the pictures.. Like oriental nations, they incline much to outward expressions, violent gesticulations, and agitating movements of the body. Because the sun burns me, Quashy shall stay in Mens JORDAN Hoodie the sun.. I have heard from a reliable source that their Crab Macaroni Cheese is to die for. I loved Scooter. Stannis Baratheon is out there somewhere, freezing. Whoresbane was with him, along with half a dozen of his favorites, Skinner and Sour Alyn and Damon Dance-for-Me, and the Walders Big and Little too. Full Story. Dale was the pointer on the gun that sank the first Japanese ship in the attack on Wake Island. The armory was dark and silent. Sometimes I rather wish they was more particular; ‘twould be a heap more relishin’ if they was,—more fun, yer know.”. You save on postage and unnecessary dolce gabanna adidași bărbații paper, as your bank fulfills your payment requests electronically. Starters are back on offense, including running back Dae Scott, while seven are back on defense, headlined by preseason CAA Defensive Player of the Year Stephon Robertson. He saw a police officer talking to a group of ship workers. If the Iron Throne has a hostage … Davos had fathered seven sons himself, and lost four on the Blackwater. Nowadays we can see a variety of skin care products, laser treatment etc for curing Acne. Their grey, yellow, and dirty-green hues for an instant lose sandisk mp3 mode d emploi all their gloominess, it fekete táska női is as though there were a sudden clearness in one’s soul, as though one were startled, or as though someone had nudged one with his elbow. And he wrote it so simply, so naturally, as if it were nothing at all. If I could, I would. It even comes with its thermal paste pre applied for your convenience.. Myers is Brookville's top rusher with 1,604 yards and 18 touchdowns. This production is filled with the expected graceful moves and vivid costuming, but bits like those (and a horno teka hc 610 me blanco miniature dragon in the dance) set it apart. izraeli kézműves ékszerek What's that? So I think that's what's really missing now.". His Grace had need of every sword, so all he could spare were greybeards and cripples. I need you now as I have never needed you before. He slung the girl over his shoulder and began to climb. “Must?” Tyrion made a tsking sound. They’re wed and I’m half-froze.” He was muffled up in his best blacks, woolens so new that they had hardly had a chance to fade yet, but the wind had turned his cheeks as red as his hair. And type IV systems contain some genes associated with CRISPR Cas, but lack the repeats and the machinery to insert spacers.. Instead you brought us here and tore my Saduleon to pieces for some nails and scraps of wood. Coast Guard wants to remind people to always have a life jacket, radio and strobe light with you when you're on the water.. Apple specifies that the scaled resolutions available are 1440x900, 1280x800, and 1024x600, although it remains to be seen how well Intel HD 5300 will keep up when rendering at 2880x1800 offscreen for the 1440x900 scaled mode.. Two minutes later she came in and without a word sat down on the sofa in the same place as yesterday, looking inquisitively at me. “Took that Longspear Ryk to husband, if you believe it. Pat Cummins, Steve O'Keefe and Nathan Lyon all offered momentary support to Wade, who played sensibly to ensure the visitors at least reached the 300 mark. He read to them extracts from foreign papers, which showed how the American character suffered in foreign lands from the prevalence in America of Lynch law and mob violence. The tuned port and the woofer work in harmony to boost the low frequency response. A third of the way out, a wagon laden with melons had gotten its wheels tangled with one piled high with silken carpets and brought all wheeled traffic to a halt. It starts at $599 for the 32GB WiFi model, topping out at $899 for 256GB WiFi nike jean jacket and $1029 for 256GB LTE. In addition to our investment in e commerce and our cross channel strategy, we continue with a strong commitment to premium positioning. Actually, we had been planning to spend the summer vacation elsewhere.
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ilonavic · 7 years
I was tagged by the very beautiful people; @queenofkadaara​, @holy-squirrel-of-death​, @lithialetheia​ and @vattgherncirilla​. Thank you loves! ❤
RULES: 1. answer the new questions given by the previous person 2. write 11 new questions 3. tag 11 people 
Though the questions are quite many now, so I’ll sadly have to get rid of a few if they are too similar or if I feel I have answered them before. :’( 
i. what words would you use to describe your aesthetics?
This blog (@ilonavic) is extremely chaotic. My sideblog @silly-witcher-quotes​ is mainly filled with quotes. So as I have no aesthetics there, a blog of my wish, or for me personally, would be autumn aesthetic. I will explain why, and further, down there. 🍂
ii. favorite tea flavor?
Chai tea! ☕️  It tastes like Christmas, and works for autumn as well.
iii. favorite time period? why?
For personal interest, and because I live in the center of it, I’ve always been fascinated with either the Viking age or the 1600s in Sweden. My father is not Swedish, but my mother is, and we can trace her lineage back thus far. Meaning, I learned runic script when I was little in school, how to translate Nordic language (the common tongue for all Scandinavia at the time) into modern Swedish, as well as my personal connection via relatives to this place, is the reason for my interest I think. My hometown, and the town next to it, plus a town called Uppsala a few miles from here, were the 3 biggest cities during the Viking age in all of the Nordic countries. As my tour guide once said; we have more rune stones, ruins and old graves than the entirety of Norway and Finland has combined. It’s hard NOT to be interested in it then. 🌲🌾
iv. name of your first plushie / stuffed animal? do you still have it? and while we are at it, do you still have plushies?
My first plushie was a brown bear I called Bamse. Of course I still have all of my plushies, I just tucked them away many years ago, but I wouldn’t have the heart to throw them away. 🐻
v. what color do you wear the most?
Black mostly, occasionally burgundy or any dark colors. 👒 
vi. most emotional fictional moment? can be from video games, books, movies, etc.
I rarely ever cry in movies, but (and without any spoilers) I was most touched during the ending of The Book Thief, King Kong and The Pianist. (when I say ‘touched’ I mean ‘I literary cried rivers for an entire day’)
vii. if you could make one fictional character real, which one would you pick?
I’d make Regis real, he would bless all of us, I’d ask him to help my friends, comfort them and give his loyal support, as well as wonderful advice. 
viii. Who’s your favorite celebrity and why?
Adrien Brody. He’s been my favorite actor since I was 7, and he still is. Because once I do find a person who I really admire for several reasons, I rarely let them go. And Adrien is not just an excellent, underrated, actor who gives great performance in all of his movies - but he’s also a wise, generous and very artistic person. If I had more money, I’d buy one of his beautiful paintings.  
ix. What’s your favorite weather?
This --> ☔️💦☁️  (and fog) 
x. What do you think happens after death?
I’m not sure. But I believe that a person consists of the material; meaning, a human heart, a body, muscles and veins that eventually will grow old and stop pumping. But we also have a soul, which is the immaterial, our personality, memory, who we are essentially. That part cannot grow old because it doesn’t consist of anything material. So when we die, our bodies perish, but our human souls lives on. I think these are what we refer to as “ghosts” or “spirits”, and most simply stay in the material world to watch over loved ones as guardian angels, or moves on, and are perhaps born again into a new body? 
xi. What do you do when you’re sad?
I let myself be sad for a while, close myself in, isolate myself and cries for as long as I’d like. After a night’s sleep, I’m always better the next day. If I don’t feel like crying, but are sad nonetheless, I cuddle with my doggy. 🐶
xii. Which taste do you like best: sweet, salty, sour, bitter or spicy?
Salty I think, though I really like spices, but not TOO spicy. I’d like to enjoy the food without my tongue burning off. 
xiii. Which song describes you the best?
“Old Money” by Lana Del Rey. 
xiv. Do you like classical music? Who’s your favorite composer?
I LOVE classical music, like nothing else. My favorite composer is Tchaikovsky.
xv. In which city would you like to live?
Somewhere in Ireland, it’s very beautiful and it rains a lot, which I love. 
xvii. Who’s the person you desire to meet currently?
Many! I’d like to meet my Witcher squad first of all. Poland is very near so I’d love to meet my loves Sara and Fran, but I’d like to meet my cousin in Hungary too as well as my uncle in Switzerland. ✈️
xviii. What’s your favorite profession?
I would’ve loved to be an historian, an author, an astronaut, a professor or a scientist if my grades would’ve been better. Being an actress was my first dream. But it’s too difficult and I’m not a good enough actor to succeed. 
xix. Who’s the person you admire the most?
My maternal grandmother, she is more alike me than both of my parents. She’s always so cheerful, supportive, generous and kind. A great great woman. 
xx. If you could be a fictional character which movie, book or videogame would you like to be in?
Either Game of Thrones or The Witcher, of course. If I lived in The Witcher, I’d literary run around trying to find all my favorite characters and befriend them. (aka fangirl, start crying and asking them for their autographs) 
xxi. what’s your favorite game and why?
For nostalgic reasons, I’d say Skyrim. Currently it’s The Witcher and The Sims, but Skyrim was my original first love. (Dragon Age pretty good too) I’ve played Mass Effect, but I got a little bored. Which is a shame, cos it was really expensive... Maybe I just haven’t gotten to the good bits yet. 
xxii. why do you have tumblr?
Originally I created it after I fell in love with Regis’ character, then found @bryd-one-brere​ and @vaporeox​ blogs on Tumblr, that got me into it. Now I’m here for the fandom, for posting GIFS and other stuff. 
xxiii. what do you think about this war between Team Triss and Team Yen people?
Not sure. I don’t dislike or hate any character, I appreciate Sapkowski’s handiwork, but I think there are much more interesting subjects to debate than who Geralt should choose. 
xxiv. which team are you: Triss or Yen and why?
I was team Yennefer before I even read the books. I didn’t know much about any character, but I never trusted Triss, I had this feeling about her, she seems untrustworthy, and now I know why of course. Yennefer is very loyal and independent, I think she’s a unique female character we haven’t seen much before. Their conversations are also much more natural and unforced, I think Yennefer and Geralt are yin and yang, they are mirror reflections of each other. 
xxv. which character (from book, game, movie) you appreciate the most?
I appreciate complex, difficult characters a lot. Everything Sapkowski’s ever written is appreciated, such as Eredin and Avallac’h, but I also like Booker DeWitt from Bioshock. 
xxvi. what’s your favorite meal? describe it!
Pickled herring, raw spiced salmon with dill, potatoes and sour cream along with root beer or snaps.  
xxvii. have you met someone on tumblr? If u did, tag him/her here!
Not yet :( But I plan to!
xviii. which season is your favorite?
AUTUMN. 🍁🍂🍄 (lol the road I live on is even called mushroom-forest-road)
xxix. who’s your spirit animal?
Queen Freya. I can relate to no other character from any film/game better than her. ❄️  #5/10 movie #but 10/10 characters
xxx.  What do you think of me? Tell meh tha truth! (@vattgherncirilla​)
I luurv you! I think you’re very easy to talk to, I feel like I can talk about anything with you without feeling judged for it. You’re very open-minded, fun and spirited which I love. You’re even cuter on Skype when we spoke, and I think it’s SO COOL that you dance ballet as well as your major expertise in Gwent. ❤ 
my questions: 
i. what is your happiest and saddest memory? ii. what/who is your most precious possession or person in your life?  iii. what character describes you the most? iv. favorite time period? why? v. favorite meal? vi. what profession will you most likely work as? vii. name of your favorite song? viii. what is your favorite season/weather? ix. why did you originally join Tumblr? x. what movie/game/book has made the most impact on you? xi. what do you wish would disappear from the world?
I’m tagging: @lenkalost @silnaniewinna @coeurouge @vernon-roche @shadanakara @flotosartblog @cirillach @dandelionandbuttercup @ferelden-doglord @lunedin @aledbr only if you want to do it ofc!
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