#one of the cases where I WANNA say “I'm gonna punch him” but nah. can't go thru with it
shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
Wanna draw my gay baby Leon...
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Sixty-One
Words: 3.6K
Warning(s): explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession  @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze
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I pour dog food into Whisky's bowl, hearing his little paws smack against the floor as he rushes into the kitchen, his collar rattling and his excited panting greeting me when I feel his tongue licking at my arm.
"Good morning." I say to him, patting at his head before he starts eating. 
Once he's finished I'm picking him up as  Nikki comes in, scratching another thing off his to-do list. 
When he steps by me I grab at his hand to stop him and he shakes his head. 
"Nah, I don't need dog hair on me, babe." He grins, dodging me and I follow him. 
"But, daddy, look at this cute little face." I hold the puppy out to him, giving my best puppy dog eyes and Nikki raises a brow. 
"Whisky, tell mommy she can't call me 'daddy' because it'll make me wanna do stuff to her that I don't have time to do right now." He warns, grabbing his packed suit case. 
"We're about to leave for a couple months, Nikki, and he'll be at obedience school. At least hold him for a minute so he won't forget we love him." I suggest and Nikki blinks at me. "I'll give you a blowjob on the way to the airport." I add. 
"Aww, boy, am I gonna miss you!" He takes the happy little Whisky from me and holds him, kissing at his head and calling him a "good boy." "Viv, he's gonna be the best lookin' little stud muffin in that place." He tells me. 
"Speaking of which, maybe they'll figure out a way to combat the humping." I say and Nikki looks at me.
"We're not getting him fixed."
"Are we going to breed him or something?" 
"No, I just don't wanna take his balls, Viv. He's a man's man. He's a good boy. Not a good 'kinda/sorta' boy." 
"He's gonna be more prone to hump anything and everything, and pee on everything more than normal and it'll be a struggle to take him anywhere with other dogs because he'll wanna misbehave."
"Exactly, it'll be like me as a dog." He explains with a smile. "Just look at him, babe. He wants to be just like daddy." 
"Okay, well, if he isn't fixed as soon as he can be, daddy isn't allowed to even breathe the same air as mommy until he gets neutered." I take Whisky back and Nikki cuts his eyes at me. 
"You use your pussy as a like a 'get out of jail free' card anytime you want something and it's annoying." He tells me and I raise my brows. 
"If it's so annoying, why haven't you just put your foot down already?" I ask him, putting Whisky back down on the floor. 
"Because I like the fear of never getting between your legs again. It's thrilling." He jokes and I roll my eyes. 
"Shut up and pack." I chuckle, nudge at him. 
"I'm packed." He states. 
"Four shirts, two pairs of pants, and a Bowie record, isn't 'packed', Nikki." 
"It is when you have money to buy everything else when you get to your destination." He states. 
I ignore him and grab my suit case, about to pack my own stuff. 
When I come back from my closet, two of my bikinis I only wear at home are already laying in the bottom of my suitcase and I look at Nikki, picking the neon pink and bright purple bathing suits up. 
"I already told you earlier, I'm not bringing these, Nikki." I tell him. 
"Why not?"
"The top barely covers my nipples and my boobs spill out, and the bottoms aren't much better."
"But I bought those for you." He reminds me.
"And I like wearing them here, when nobody else is around." 
"At least pack them just in case." 
"--Don't argue, Viv. Trust me, you're gonna want them." He says. 
"Fine." I give in, packing them, and my more modest bikinis, before packing clothes and essentials. 
When I come back with pads and tampons, there's articles of lingerie I've never seen before.
"Nikki." I look at him, holding up a scarlett red number with ribbons that criss-cross down the back and tie in a bow where the base of my spine should go. "Are you up to something?" 
"What are you planning?" I ask him and he scrunches his face up. 
"Nothing, baby, I just thought you'd look pretty in that while I'm knocking your hips lose." He shrugs casually. 
"You hate me wearing lingerie while we're fooling around because it interferes with your ability to see everything." I point out.
"Just accept it. And pack it. Because you'll want it." He mumbles. 
"I know you're up to something, Sixx." I accuse him and he shakes his head. 
"No, I'm not up to anything." He denies.
"Skimpy swimsuits, expensive lingerie, sketchy phone calls with Fred...you're up to something."
"Nope. I'm just looking forward to all the time we're gonna spend together on this tour, is all." He shrugs. 
"Mhmm." I sarcastically let out, doubtfully. 
"I mean, if you wanna spend our anniversary--which lands on our day off--with the guys, our opening band, and screaming fans then that's cool, too, I guess." He shrugs. 
"Oh, shit, we have our anniversary this month?"
I might have remembered our anniversary had I been able to wear my wedding ring but it'd gone missing at that point, and I had no clue where it was. 
And neither did Nikki, honestly. 
"I'm not even gonna say anything about you forgetting our anniversary because I've secretly forgotten our anniversary and your birthday every year until someone reminded me a couple weeks in advance, so..." He smiles innocently and I raise a brow. 
Whisky's picked up a couple hours later and Nikki and I are off to the airport without a moment to waste the second our driver pulls up. 
And then the clothes come off.
We don't even notice we're at the airport until the door is flying open to reveal Fred. 
"Get dressed and c'mon, guys, we're running late." He urges as Nikki marks up my neck with his teeth, causing me to laugh at Fred's face turning red in aggravation.
He slams the door shut and I hear them open the trunk to grab our bags and I hum out, smiling when Nikki presses his lips to mine. 
"We gotta go." I breathe out, moving off of him and he groans. "We can do plenty of this in the hotel." I motion between us, buckling my bra, and he smirks. 
"...And on the plane, and on the bus on the way to the show, and backstage, and during Tommy's drum solo, and after the show." He says slyly, pressing a trail of kisses up my arm to my shoulder. 
"Exactly, so, get dressed." I mumble against his lips when he kisses me again. 
Once we're done, we get out of the car and board the plane. 
The stewardesses are gorgeous blondes, which doesn't surprise me, because if Vince has any say in what their female help looks like, they're going to be blonde. 
"Guys, we need a picture!" Tansy insists. 
"--I want one." She interrupts Fred, her blue eyes silently begging, and he gives in. 
Morbid reality was that Tansy didn't expect to live much longer, and she wanted to take as many pictures as possible for us to remember her by.
No one really expected Nikki to live much longer, either, of course they never told me that until it was obvious he was crashing.
Once we get the picture taken and take off, it only takes ten minutes before Tommy and Nikki are snorting zombie dust like it's pixie stick powder, and demanding alcohol. 
"You guys need to stay as sober as possible for the show!" Doc argues when Nikki calls him an "asshole" for not giving him a whole bottle of whiskey. 
"We'll be fine like we always are, man, just fucking--"
"--Nikki, please, sit down." I gently tug at his arm when he stands as if he's about to march to Doc and start throwing punches. 
He just glares down at me. 
"Please, baby." I ask him, really, really not wanting to deal with a messed up Nikki Sixx before their show even begins. 
He just stares at Doc before plopping back down beside me, lingering in and out of focus. 
As if it can't get any worse, when we land, there's a slew of groupies waiting in the airport. 
Which we only realize this when we're in their sight and they start in out of nowhere. 
And, of course, ignoring Fred's orders--made from the motivation to keep the guys protected and out of trouble, which is why they hired him--Tommy and Vince gladly accept every single woman throwing herself at them, from the comfort of the bathroom. 
The "Girls, Girls, Girls" tour was nicknamed the "Airport Blowjob Tour" because at every airport we came to, and I mean literally every airport, groupies were like Hornets swarming the place with all the motivation in the world to simply blow the band. 
A few of them would make multiple trips to multiple airports, following the guys wherever city they flew to. 
I admired their passion. 
Some of them were more dedicated to trying to blow my husband than I was. 
Which said a lot because I was pretty dedicated. 
"It's hot as satan's balls out here." Nikki groans when we step off the tour bus after leaving the airport. 
"We're in the middle of Arizona, babe." I remind him. 
He just looks at me from behind his sunglasses. 
"What?" I ask as we head to the hotel's building. 
"Nothing." He shakes his head, opening the door to the lobby, letting me walk in first. 
Doc gets everyone checked in, before I'm getting a shower and getting ready for tonight while Nikki and Tommy dick around. 
By the time we all meet at bus to head to the venue, Fred's got the backstage IDs ready for the road crew and Tansy and I. 
"Here." Fred puts the lanyard over my head with my picture on it, under it reading "Vivian, 6½".
"Thank you." I tell him, climbing in to see Nikki already sitting down, bottle of Jack in his hand as he hands Tommy a lighter for his cigarette.
I'm slightly startled, feeling Vince suddenly throw his arm around me, causing me to stop in my tracks.
"I want a drink. I'm gonna hide in the bathroom and you're gonna sneak it to me." He tells me in my ear and I look at him.
Before I can say, "hell no", I can tell he's desperate. 
"Please, Viv. My nerves are eating me alive right now and I can't drink anything without them jumping on me about it." He nods to Nikki and Tommy who aren't paying attention in the slightest. 
"C'mon, move it." Doc nudges at Vince's back to get us to hurry up and sit down so he can get by. 
"Fine, gimme a couple minutes." I mumble to Vince before walking to Nikki, sitting down beside him. 
Vince goes to the bathroom, and Emi and Donna sit in front of me and Nikki as Mick sits with Tommy.
Within a few minutes, I'm actively attempting to slyly sneak Nikki's bottle of Jack back to the bathroom after Nikki abandons it to comment on this month's issue of Hustler Magazine with Tommy. 
I tuck the bottle into my purse, well...the best I can, at least. 
"Baby, can you let me out so I can go use the bathroom." I sweetly ask Nikki, and he doesn't even look at me as he responds: "Sure, babe" and stands up, pointing at a girl in the magazine and going "there's no way she's actually able to do that, that's gotta be edited", and I roll my eyes. I wish he wouldn't look at magazines like that, but it's a lost cause if I try to ask him not to, so I just ignore it the best I can and try to tell myself he doesn't look at them because I'm not good enough or something. 
He just looks at them because guys just like looking at naked girls in explicit positions. 
By the time I get to the bathroom, Vince is snatching the bottle from me as I lock the door behind me, crossing my arms in the small bathroom as he takes a long drink of it. 
"You're welcome." I state to him, and he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"Did I thank you?" He smartly asks and I raise my brows. 
"Umm, you should. I'm risking getting an earful from Nikki if he finds out I'm giving his singer--who's on a court mandated sobriety streak--liquor." I blink at him and he rolls his eyes. 
"Oh, please, if he or Tommy were in my shoes they would've put sobriety aside two weeks after it was in place and never would have looked back." He scoffs out. 
I don't argue because it's true. 
"Be nice." Is all I say and he looks at me pointedly. 
"C'mon, Viv, you know it's true. And if it were one of them that got in that wreck with Razzle, and they got caught drinking afterward, nobody would blink an eye because they're Nikki and Tommy."
"Vince, that's not true." I try to tell him.
"Whatever Nikki says, goes. Whatever Nikki wants, he gets. He's the one that put the band together which means his say is the final say, and same with Tommy because he's close with Nikki and Nikki backs him up." 
I can't say anything. 
"And you're not even arguing because you know as well as everyone else that it's true. It's Nikki and Tommy and nobody else fucking matters. Certainly not the washed up singer that nearly killed their careers." 
He hands me the bottle back and I rub my lips together. 
"Thanks." He mumbles before sliding past me to open the door and leave. 
I put the lid back on the bottle and hide it back in my purse before I go back to Nikki and put the bottle back, undetected, my mind reeling over what Vince said. 
It was clear there was a disconnect between Nikki, Tommy, and Vince after Razzle died, and it just got worse and worse as the years went by.
Tommy and Nikki, notorious "Terror Twins" got into more shit than anyone else around us, combined. 
The deepest shit Vince got into was that wreck, and after that he quit a majority of his bullshit on making life for everyone around him, difficult by acting up, and just started moving in silence. 
He'd have his petty moments, but for the most part, he would lay low and leave Tommy and Nikki to raise hell and embarrass the band and their team. 
I could tell he was bothered by the fact that he made a mistake that Nikki or Tommy had a higher chance of making at the time, and because of that, he was kicked out of their little club. 
And the fact that Tommy and Nikki got away with absolutely everything, got to him the most. 
I admit, Vince should have served more time for the Razzle tragedy, but he still had to live knowing Hanoi Rocks was no more, knowing he let fans down, knowing he gutted Razzle's friends, family, band and fans, and knowing--although accidental--he was partly to blame for one of his friends' deaths. 
But Nikki and Tommy didn't give a fuck what they did, who they did it to, why they did it, how they did it, or whether they meant to do it or not. 
And they didn't care because they would always get away with it. 
Vince was tempted to tell me about Vanity, but decided not to because he didn't want to hear shit from Nikki, but also because he'd rather me find out from a place of genuine concern. 
Not just him blurting it to me in order to spite Nikki and finally make sure there was something he didn't get away with doing. 
My lips pull into a wide grin as I cover my mouth before a loud shriek can fall past my lips and alert everyone outside the bathroom of the venue, what's going on in here. 
Nikki continues to slide his hot, warm tongue against my clit as I grind in rhythm with his mouth. 
Just as I'm about to come, someone's banging on the door. 
"C'mon, guys!" It's Fred. "Nikki, you're on in, like, two minutes!"
"Got it!" I reply for him, being that his mouth is busy, and Nikki just grins up at me, causing my third orgasm to begin to build. 
"Nikki, dude, we gotta go!" Tommy calls from the other side of the door. 
Just as I'm coming, the door is unlocked with Fred's key, and I'm too shell shocked to try to get away from Nikki. 
We both just look at Doc, Fred, and Rich Fischer, who are nearly fuming. 
"Fred, what the fuck is wrong?" Nikki snaps as I pull my dress back down, my face burning bright red as I try to fix my hair and my lipstick, and ignore my cum running down my legs. 
"You're about to be late for your first show of this tour over some pussy, that's what the fuck is wrong. Get out there." Doc snaps at him. 
"Wait." I say, taking my crucifix off, handing it to him. 
He takes it with a sly little grin, looking at me before clasping it around his neck for good luck on the first show. 
"Thanks, Viv." He tells me, kissing my cheek before he heads to stage. 
I follow after him, but Doc grabs at my arm, gently, to stop me. 
"What?" I ask him, still embarrassed from earlier. 
"You're not going to be too big of a distraction, are you?" He asks me and I raise my brows. 
"Excuse me?"
"Anytime he's late, Vivian, it's either linked to you or heroin, and he's off smack so he's gonna be onto you more." He explains. 
"We've been married for four years, Doc, and I've never been a 'distraction'. What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. 
He just lets out a breath. 
"Just don't let this happen again." He tells me and I exhale, rolling my jaw. 
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I assure him, feeling like I've just been scolded by my freaking mother.
Did I mention that Mötley was in their prime and Doc was considerably paranoid of someone throwing a wrench in the machine that was Mötley Crüe? 
Once the show is finished, the guys are given masks for hyperventilation, their sweaty, liquor purging bodies slumped.
After they calm down, it starts. 
"Alright, where we going?" Tommy asks Nikki, punching lightly at his shoulder as Vince is about to get a shower to get the sweat off of him. 
"Strip club, probably." Nikki pants out, drinking a bottle of water in 20 seconds, handing it to me when he's finished. "What about you, Mick, you coming this time?" Nikki asks him and Mick shrugs. 
"Doesn't really matter to me." He states.
"Guys, you want food?" Fred offers, sticking his head in the dressing room. 
"Yes." We all say and he chuckles. 
"Alright, we're on it." He assures us.
"You're not getting a shower?" I ask Nikki and he shakes his head. 
"Nope." He replies and I wrinkle my nose. 
"As long as you shower before you get in the bed with me." I say to him and he smirks. 
"There's two beds in the room." He reminds me. 
I blink at him, blankly. 
"Don't even play like that." I tell him and he chuckles. 
"Don't be a baby, Sixx." He says as he nudges at me and I exaggeratingly move away from him. 
"No, stop." I try to hide my smile as he just gets closer to me again, so I move some more, only causing him to follow. "Nikki, chill out." I say, seeing the look in his eyes: he's up to no good. "Nikki, don't!" 
He's suddenly tugging me into his lap, his sweaty, soaked clothing pressing to my back, causing me to squeal as he tickles at my sides, and I scream out in laughter as I get that nostalgic feeling I felt when I realized I first loved him, and would rather die than go without being with him forever. 
We weren't arguing, we weren't trying to hurt each other, we were getting closer and closer to how we were when we first got married. 
There was no heroin, there was no blatant meanness...we were just starting to learn to be in love with each other again.
I, completely overlooking blatant signs and red flags, figured, "we made it through his heroin addiction, we're making it through fame and public scrutiny, we're getting stronger and stronger and back to normal...mom was wrong, and we can handle anything."
And that was the problem: I felt too fucking secure. 
Hearing and knowing about all these rockstars cheating on their significant others, and I felt prideful that Nikki might've been an asshole, but he'd never do such a thing to me. 
I was beginning to have an arrogance about it.
And that's the thing about us when we get arrogant: God, or the universe, or Karma--whatever we believe--humbles us. 
And I thought all of them had gotten together and made a plan to humble me to absolute hell. 
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canyouevenwritebro · 4 years
Sunflowers (pt. 1)
Summary: The reader has been with the Avengers since they rescued her from HYDRA. She has joined them on countless missions since then but this may be the hardest one yet. Set in 2016 CA:CW.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. It’s purely fiction.
Characters: steve rogers, tony stark, natasha romanoff, bucky barnes, sam wilson, wanda maximoff, clint barton, peter parker
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: angst, depression, violence, death
a/n: hey!!! i did it! my first fanfic.
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When the Avengers raided the HYDRA base you were kept in, they found you inside a cryo-chamber sleeping peacefully. After every personnel was captured, they transferred you to the compound along with artifacts and files of experiments they performed. Eventually, they found your file. It was quite lengthy. Your father was working for HYDRA but he turned on them and planned to take them down. As a result, they silenced him and your mother. They knew that whatever he knew about HYDRA, he told her. They spared you because you were just a kid. Instead, you were out on the Thanatos program. It was your father's project and it was almost done up until his betrayal. They thought you would be perfect for the program. They could groom you to the perfect obedient soldier they needed. On top of that, what could be more cruel than using your father's work to torture you?
They gave you a version of the serum used on the winter soldiers, with their own upgrades of course. They incorporated it with the Extremis serum and that left you with a super soldier that can breathe fire. Phoenix, they called you. The ultimate weapon of death.
After briefing everyone on your situation, they woke you up. You stepped out of the chamber confused. You were met with unfamiliar yet kind faces that it overwhelmed you. You made a run for it and nearly burned down the entire medical wing before they tranquilized you again. You woke up in a small glass cell where they told you that they meant no harm. Somehow, you believed them.
That was a year and a half ago. Now, here you were walking around New York and trying your best to be part of society. After extensive amounts of therapy of course. You were on your way back when you saw an old man in a flower shop organizing his stalls. You were mesmerized by the flowers' beauty and found yourself crossing the street to get there.
"Looking for anything specific, ma'am?" he asked
"No, not really. Maybe something cheery?" God, why are you so socially awkward?
"Well, in that case," he said, "here are some sunflowers." He handed you a bouquet.
"My wife loves them. When she's upset, I get her these because they always look towards the sun and the color brightens up the room," he said with a smile.
"Thank you so much," you said as you handed him a $20 bill "Keep the change"
You were now back at the compound and you were rummaging through the kitchen in search of a vase. You didn't find any (Seriously? a state of the art training compound owned by a billionaire doesn't have a vase?)
"I guess a pitcher would do," you whispered to yourself as you headed to your room.
"What is that?" asked Tony.
"Sunflowers. Got it from the guy near the train station. It's a good metaphor when you think about it. They're always looking on the bright side. I didn't get many opportunities to go sunbathing when I was at HYDRA." you said with an awkward chuckle.
"Alright. Fair enough. I'm headed to MIT for the speech thingy. Wanna come?"
"Nah. I still have to catch up on culture." you giggled. Years of working for HYDRA also didn't give you a lot of me-time.
"Okay well if you change your mind, you know how to get there."
"Copy that."
You headed to your room. Yours. You actually owned something. You turned on your TV and scanned through the channels. Doctor Who reruns? Sure. Hours had passed and you've scanned through hundreds of channels. You decided to turn on some news in the background while you read.
"On breaking news, eleven Wakandans are amongst those confirmed dead after a violent clash between the Avengers and independent mercenaries in Nigeria." Your head bolted up and you reached for the remote to turn the volume up.
"Brock Rumlow, former SHIELD agent, led the team of mercenaries to procure a biological weapon being tested at the Center for Disease Control Nigeria Division. It was believed to be a suicide mission as eyewitness account said Rumlow wore a type of bomb in his vest. Avenger Wanda Maximoff contained the explosion only to have the blast thrown into a building killing a total of 30 people. We have yet to receive an official statement from the Avengers. More details tonight only on Channel 6 News at 8." You listened with intent and your heartbeat was beating fast. Those poor victims. Is the team on their way home? Are they okay? How is Wanda doing? Your mind formed a million questions.
"FRIDAY, call Steve Rogers." a faint ding let you know that your request is being done.
"Y/n." Oh, thank god he's okay.
"Steve! Are you guys alright? I saw what happened. I am so sorry."
"We're alright. Search and rescue was already on the scene when we left."
"How's Wanda? Do you need me to do anything?"
"Physically, she's safe, y/n. Emotionally? This is gonna take a toll on her."
"What about the others? Nat? Sam? You?"
"We're gonna be fine. We're on our way home."
You met the team on the law of the compound. They were visibly stunned and you cut through them to hug Wanda. She was your best friend and you know that this was going to affect her greatly. You were right. She locked herself in her room and the only thing you heard was the sound of the news and sobbing.
In his office, Steve kept replaying what had happened in Lagos. Knowing him, he was gonna blame himself for this. You wanted to leave him be but your concern for Wanda kept you standing by his doorway.
"Steve? You got a moment?"
"Y/n. Do you need anything?" he said as he paused the video on his computer.
"No. I just wanna say I'm sorry about Lagos. Sam and Nat told me what happened."
"It's not your fault, y/n. It's mine. Rumlow mentioned Bucky and all sense of the mission disappeared in my head."
"Don't blame yourself. Bucky was or is, your best friend and he's still missing. You have a right to have emotions."
"Thanks. I... uh...  I needed that. Have you talked to Wanda yet?"
"No. Her room is locked. Maybe you should try talking to her. Both of us saw you as a mentor. She'll listen to you."
You gave him a faint smile and headed for the kitchen. Maybe some food could help them. You moved the vase of sunflowers from your room to the middle of the large dining table.
Tony walked in and asked everyone to meet in the conference room. He got the news as he was coming home from Massachusetts. After a brief interaction with a grieving mother and the news of the mission, he knew what he had to do.
Inside, you were met by General Ross and his assistant. Rhodey was already inside and the rest of the team followed suit. Wanda had stopped crying but you knew she would never get over this.
The general discussed the Sokovia Accords with the team. As much as you'd like to be on Steve's side, you knew the team needs to be put in check. One more incident like this and the world might lose their trust in you. You agreed with Tony. Rhodey and Sam were discussing, or perhaps fighting would be a better word, over the Accords. Tony just sat there looking like a rebellious teen listening to his parents' lectures.
To prove a point, Tony showed the team a picture of Charlie Spencer. He died in Sokovia after Ultron planned to drive the human race into extinction. You felt your heart drop. He just wanted to do some good and he was caught in the crossfire.
At that point, the fighting and bantering was too much and you just zoned everyone out. You wanted to cry and you knew that the team was slowly drifting apart. Steve walked out after receiving a text. You didn't ask why. He has a private life after all.
You decided to take your frustrations out on the punching bags. You finally had a home. A family. But you feel the world caving in around you. With one last punch, the punching bag came flying through the room engulfed in flames. You fell to your knees as tears clouded your vision. Dum-E, who Tony programmed to follow you around with a fire extinguisher as a joke, finally put his programming to use.
"Y/n." a familiar voice called to you
"Nat. Hey." you struggled through the tears.
"Talk to me."
"I- I just want the team to stay together. You guys are the only family I have."
"Me too, y/n. I used to have nothing till I found this family."
"I want to help. What can I do to help?"
"I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. I'm meeting Steve on the way to try and change his mind. Maybe you can help."
"I'll try."
Nat took you to a cathedral. Steve was on the other end by himself. He looks... tired. On the altar was a picture of Agent Carter.
"Oh. That's why he left."
"Hi, Steve. I just wanna say I am so sorry for your loss," you said as you walked towards him.
"Nat. Y/n. What are you doing here?"
"We didn't want you to be alone and I'm also taking y/n with me to Vienna for the signing of the Accords."
"There's plenty of room on the jet," you said
"Who else signed?"
"Tony, Rhodey, Vision."
"He said he's retired."
"There's still time to change your mind, Steve. Come with us to Vienna." you pleaded one last time
"You know why I can't do this y/n. If I sign, we're surrendering our freedom to people with agendas different from ours."
You felt a lump in your throat. "I'll be in the car." You said to Nat as you turned around not looking at Steve once as you walked out of the church.
"She hates me now, doesn't she?"
"No, she doesn't. She's just scared."
Nat was right. As always. You got in the car and tried to meditate. You didn't want to cry. Not when cameras surrounded you. You tried to steady your breathing but your brain seemed to do the exact opposite.
"Injecting serum in five seconds." an emotionless voice said. You tried to break free but you were strapped down to the table. Even if you weren't, it was like you were trapped in your own mind. You couldn't move. The next few hours were a blur to you. The only thing you remember was the excruciating pain coursing through your veins.
"Serum successfully administered."
"Good. Take her to the cell for the remainder of the process."
You woke up in a pool of sweat inside a dark room. Alone. Like you have been since you were a kid. You don't remember much of it. Sometimes you see your parents in your dreams. You were 5 years old and they took you to the park. Your mom was helping you get to the other end of the monkey bars while your dad went to get snow cones. You were happy. But that memory was soon followed by the sound of gunshots and screaming. You couldn't understand what was said but you didn't need to be a genius to know it was full of anger. Your mom told you to hide and you did. But they found you anyway. Since then, you were subjected to vigorous training. You now know 30 languages and deadly fighting skills. You became a weapon and today was the final step of your transformation. Eleven years of training and they deemed you ready. After they reprogrammed your brain to be obedient, of course.
The man in the army uniform handed you a folder. "Your first mission, soldatin," he said, "Procure the obelisk. No survivors. No witnesses. You have 48 hours. Report back here as soon as it is finished." You nodded and opened the folder. It was of a tiny village at the base of the Swiss Alps. In the middle of it was the said obelisk encased in glass. You took a handful of soldiers with you and you headed for the village.
You succeeded in your mission. The obelisk was safely placed inside a containment unit in the jet. The village was burned to the ground. Bodies were piled on the streets and the only sign of life was your team and a handful of livestock the villagers kept. With that, you headed back.
"Very good, soldatin. Go with the doctor." and like the good soldier that you were, you walked behind the man in the lab coat.
You passed by a few offices on your way to the medical wing. Amongst other things, the serum enhanced your hearing. The faintest whispers sounded like normal talking.
"You heard about the mission?"
"Yeah. I heard y/l/n didn't even show mercy for those villagers." the voice chuckled.
"Bettenhauser's gonna be pleased." said another.
"I bet. He and y/f/l/n worked together on the program and seeing it do its purpose mus be so satisfying"
"Her father was an asset for us. That was before he betrayed us, though."
"Well, we got her now. She is an even bigger asset than her father ever was."
You kept walking and you ended up in a room with four other people in coats. In the middle of a room was a large glass case with a chair.
"Step inside the chamber, soldatin. You need to rest." and just like that, your feet dragged you inside. One of the coats placed a mask on you amongst other things. You felt your eyelids getting heavier and heavier and heavier. Gone.
The glass chamber now safely enclosed your unconscious body. Your body was now as cold as ice.
~~~End of flashback~~~
Since that first mission, you had killed hundreds of people for HYDRA. Innocent people. They haunt your dreams to this day but what's done is done. All you could do is help as many as you can.
You were taken out of your trance by the sound of the car door closing. Nat now sat beside you.
"Eagle Hangar please," she said to the driver
The drive to the hangar was silent. So was the flight to Vienna.
"Here goes nothing," you said to Nat as the elevator doors opened. World leaders were gathered in the room and cameras were flashing everywhere. A lady with a clipboard checked you in and quickly walked away.
"I see you are not fans of the spotlight." said the man in the suit. You later learned his name was T'Challa. Prince of Wakanda.
"It isn't very flattering," Nat said to him.
"Well, considering your last trip to Capitol Hill, you seem to be doing great so far." you chuckled at his response. You read about that months ago. You even saw it on YouTube on "Black Widow most iconic moments compilation.
"You don't seem like a big fan as well." You told him
"The accords, yes. The politics? not very. Two men in the same room can get more done than a hundred."
"Unless you need to move a piano." the voice behind you said
"King T'Chaka. This is Y/n Y/l/n. Allow us to apologize for what happened in Nigeria."
"Thank you, Ms. Romanoff. I'm sad to hear Captain Rogers won't be joining us."
"That makes three of us." You replied to him.
Just then, you heard a voice come on through the speakers asking everyone to take a seat. King T'Chaka was giving a statement when both yours and Nat's attention was drawn to his son who was looking out the window.
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" He screamed as he bolted for his father.
Like instinct, you threw yourself in front of Nat. It's something that you started doing after you joined the team. You thought after all the lives you've taken, protecting as many as you can could "wipe the red off your ledger" as Nat put it. You were a very effective human shield as a result of the serums. You weren't immortal nor did you have instantaneous healing due to the reaction between the two serums but you still healed faster compared to average humans. You felt a spray of glass cut through your skin and a searing heat touched your skin. Search and rescue came after the explosion and took you and Nat to get medical attention. You were perfectly fine but Nat had a few cuts and bruises. In typical Nat fashion, she walked it off like it was nothing.
You were taken to a tent to get a fresh set of clothes while Nat talked to Prince T'Challa, now king under horrible circumstances. When you got out, he was gone and she was on the phone.
A few minutes later, your phone rang.
Captain Grandpa calling...
you dropped the call and went to check on NAt
News outlets revealed Sargeant Barnes, Bucky, was behind the bombing. You knew Steve was gonna go after him. He'd been looking for Bucky since SHIELD fell. Now, he found him in Romania. Orders were given to shoot him on sight and Steve wouldn't let that happen.
Bucky was now in custody.
"What part of don't make things worse didn't you understand?" you asked Steve
You were in one of the offices watching Bucky getting evaluated by the doctor. You were in the other room talking to Tony about what would happen to your teammates.
"We're lucky they aren't in jail," he said
This was all too much. You went to the bathroom to splash some water on your face. You hadn't slept in 24 hours nor eaten anything. You looked in the mirror and fixed your hair as best you could.
What was happening? You ran out and saw a lot of commotion.
"Get me eyes on Barnes," yelled Everett Ross.
You saw Nat and Tony walking towards the exit.
"What happened? What can I do?" you asked
"Don't know. We need to find Barnes." Tony said
"Please tell me you brought a suit," said Nat
"Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford three-piece two-button. I'm on active duty non-combatant."
Just as he said that Agent Carter, the younger, ran past you "follow me," she said. The three of you did and she led you to the facility's lobby.
You had never met Sgt. Barnes but from what Steve told you, he was a good man. The person you saw in the lobby was not him. He reminded you of your time at HYDRA. Cold and merciless. A soldier.
Sharon and Nat ran in and tried to fight him to no avail. You managed to get him down but he pinned you n the floor. He was trying to choke you and as a last effort to break free, you took a deep breath and exhaled a stream of fire. He dodged out of the way and you managed to get up. The next thing you saw was T'Challa going after him. You set fire to the staircase to slow him down but he still got away
You went outside only to see Steve on the rooftop pulling a helicopter from the sky. Sometimes you forget that he's a super-soldier just like you.
"Y/n coordinate evac. Get civilians as far away as you can," said Tony through comms. You wanted to help Steve but you got your orders.
~~~Fast forward to Berlin~~~
You did what Tony said and got civilians to a safe distance. When you went to meet with Nat and Tony, they told you Steve and Bucky were gone. They assumed Sam was with them too.
~~~Steve's POV~~~
"This would've been a lot easier a week ago," said Sam
"If we call Tony or maybe y/n--" he cut you off
"Who knows if the accords will let them help." he had a point. After everything that's happened, the UN would not listen to them even if they found out about Zemo.
"We're on our own."
"Maybe not." you looked at him questioningly. "I know a guy"
~~~End of POV~~~
You were now back in a conference room with General Ross. He gave you 36 hours to bring the three men in. He wouldn't hesitate to kill Steve if it meant bringing Barnes in.
"My left arm is numb. Is that normal?" he asked. Nat put her hand on his shoulder.
"You alright?" she asked
"Always." you knew that was a lie. Numbness in the left arm was a sign of a heart attack. But he's Tony. he could be bleeding to death and still say witty sarcastic remarks. You wish he didn't do that. You wished he'd open up to you more. "36 hours. Geez."
"We're seriously understaffed," said Nat. It was just the three of you there now.
"Would be great if we had a hulk right about now. Any shot?" Nat shook her head
Not even the Hulk. It would be nice if just Bruce and Thor were there. Maybe things wouldn't be as bad. Bruce and Thor would've deescalated matters before you could say Mjolnir.
"You really think he would be on our side?" she asked. You hadn't thought of that but knowing Bruce, he would want the team to be together.
"I have an idea." Said Nat
"ME too. Where's yours?
"Downstairs. Where's yours?" said tony.
"Spiderman? really?" you asked Tony in the car.
"HE stopped a 3000 lbs car going 40 miles an hour wit his bare hands and he swings from webs."
"But he's dressed in a red hoodie and swim goggles." you chuckled. It was probably the lightest moment you had in the last week alone.
You and Tony knocked on the apartment door. It was answered by a middle-aged woman. She was beautiful honestly. She had those kind motherly eyes that reminded you of your mom.
"Hi. I'm Tony Stark. This is y/n y/l/n. Is Mr. Parker here? we have some good news for him." Tony sad
"I'm May., his aunt and no he's not here. He should be home soon though. You're welcome to wait." she invited you in and served you some walnut and date bread. It was horrible but you didn't have the heart to tell her. she was so nice.
"So what is this good news you're here about?" she asked. Tony didn't actually tell you what his plan was. Not in full anyways so you were just as curious as her.
"Oh its a grant from the September foundation that he applied for. I approved." as far as bullshit made-on-the-spot excuses go, that was pretty good.
"Oh, he never told me that.
"He probably wanted to surprise you," you said to her
"Probably. Are you also a receiver of the grant?" she asked
"No. I'm interested in how the foundation is run so I asked to be here" she nodded. You didn't think she'd buy it but she did. Just as he said that the front door opens and a young guy walked in. He couldn't have been much younger than you. He had his earphones n and he was going on about this nice car parked outside. Tony's of course.
He saw the three of you on the sofa and he was clearly starstruck upon seeing Tony. He couldn't even speak without stuttering. He repeated his excuse to Peter and he surprisingly went along with it. Tony asked for five minutes alone with him and you were left in the living room with Aunt May. When they got out of the room, Peter informed his aunt that Tony invited him to the compound to talk more about the internship. You knew it was a lie of course because just a few hours later, Peter was standing next to you on the car to the airport.
Vision informed you that Clint came to get Wanda at the compound. Immediately, you knew this wasn't gonna end well. You don't want to fight her but you don't have a choice
As a last effort, you tried calling Steve but hews just declining your calls. Eventually, none of them would even go through.
~~~Fast forward~~~
"Steve, you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Nat said.
"Just come with us. Please," you pleaded. He looked at the both of you
"Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" yelled tony. just as he did, Peter grabbed Steve's should and landed on top of  the helicopter
"Nice job kid"
"Thanks. I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit but it's perfect, Mr. Stark" he went on this babbling for about 45 seconds. You thought it was funny.
"I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," Tony said. You wanted the same thing. You all do.
"You did that when you signed," said Steve
"You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're gonna come with us now because it's us" You could hear the sadness and frustration in Tony's voice. "Come on" he whispered
You heard Sam's voice through Steve's earpiece "We found it. The quintet is in hangar five. North runway." you let out a deep breath. This was it. Steve raised his arm as Redwing cut through his restraints.
"Alright Lang," said Steve
"What the hell was that?" asked Rhodes
"I believe this is yours, Captain America"
"Oh great. There's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff. I'm gonna go grab her. Y/n come with me. Rhodey, wanna take Cap?" said Tony as he grabbed you by the arm and flew towards Wanda... and Clint?
"There's two on the terminal. Wilson and Barnes"
"Barnes is mine," said T'Challa
~~~Fast Forward~~~
"Wanda. I think you hurt Vision's feelings"
"You locked me in my room."
"I did it to protect you."
"Wanda, stop this now. I don't want to fight you but you know I will."
"I can't live in fear anymore, y/n." and with that, she used her powers to drop cars at you.
"I'm done playing nice. You want a fight? I'll give you a fight." you said as you aimed fireblasts at her and Clint.
A fight has now ensued between the two teams. Tony attached a miniaturized jet pack to your back so you could chase after the others. Steve and the others were making a run for the hangar when Vision used his laser to stop them in their tracks. You landed in front of them, skin now glowing red from the fire inside you. The others followed suit.
"You must surrender now." Vision's voice thundered over you despite being in an open space. You were now face to face with your friends.
"What do we do, Cap?" asked Sam
"We fight."
"This isn't gonna end well," whispered Nat
"They're not stopping," said Peter
"Neither are we."
a/n: what do you guys think? I hope you like it. it's my first time writing fanfic. criticism would be greatly appreciated. part two coming soon depending on the response to this...
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [fam christmas woooo when you ain't talked to your sister in 4 months either just to make it more awks] Rio: [what a fun time for all, when you are constantly on your phone so much 'cos Ryan won't stop messaging you and wants a play by play Buster: [he'd be drunk before he even got there ffs boy] Rio: [when it's that point in the evening when everyone is playing stupid games tipsy and you just cannot so you go hide in the kitchen] Buster: [let's say he bumps into her literally cos yeah what you need is another drink boy] Rio: [when you literally jump back like 'oh'] Buster: [when you do the thing peeps do to me & go twenty miles out of your way round her] Rio: ['Don't fall, McKenna'] Buster: ['Only for you, babe' too drunk & voice too loud] Rio: [When you swipe his drink off the counter 'fore he can stop you can take a sip and put your finger to your lips like 'shh, idiot' and hand it back to him, shaking your head] Buster: [When you down that drink so you have to get another & be in there longer] Rio: ['tis the season' when even when you're talking you're constantly on your phone and not that bitch and they love eye contact but she's not smiling like 😍 it's more like 😑] Buster: [when you take her phone before she can stop you & put it down where she can't reach it] Rio: [the lowkey panic in your eyes that you try to mask, 'Come on, don't be a dick'] Buster: ['Don't be rude'] Rio: ['Your territory, I know'] Buster: ['You trying to come for my crown now?'] Rio: ['Maybe' trying to move a chair to wherever he's put her phone] Buster: ['Antisocial is closer to the other twin. Try harder' Lifts her up so she can get it cos drunk & shameless] Rio: [When you stop breathing 'til you're back on the ground and then you breathe out so heavily, 'You wanna be social now? Party's in there' points to the lounge] Buster: ['Hopeless romantic is more her thing too' throws the words over his shoulder as he leaves cos he knows about the bf through stalking them socials] Rio: What are you talking about Buster: You love him Buster: It's cute Rio: It's not even been a month Buster: Moving fast is more of a lesbian thing, like I said, Nance will either be thrilled or threatened Rio: Talk to her and see Rio: though you've definitely got better things to catch up on than my dating history Buster: Put your phone down & try it yourself Rio: I see her every day Buster: Run out of shit to say then? Understandable Buster: Probably don't tell her that though Buster: So rude Rio: I'm not trying to take away from your sibling bonding time Rio: soz Buster: You can't take something that don't exist Rio: It exists, you both just choose to ignore it Rio: least it's mutual though so Buster: Nah, it's been scratched out the schedule instead of penciled in Buster: Still siblings no time to bond Rio: Hmm Rio: you're SO busy, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Lovely Buster: Not the word Rio: Not so miserable I'm here to listen to the 'stresses' in your life, tah Buster: Never said it was negative, I just don't use old lady vocab, like Buster: You sound like a teacher Rio: 🙄 Rio: Now you're gonna chat shit on my vocabulary, alright private school Buster: I am a pleasure to have in class if you wanna let my parents know Rio: That was the whole point, remember Rio: how would I know Buster: Play really well with others too but probably don't let 'em know how you know that Rio: You'll be wanting to delete that, I presume Rio: surprised you've even got the balls to talk to me at all Buster: How many convos did you start? Buster: I weren't expecting you to jump out of a cake but a happy birthday would've been polite Rio: Likewise Rio: Expecting or fantasizing, you'd have to make a booking Rio: not showing up uninvited, heaven forbid Buster: Mine was first, babe & I ain't never pretended to be that Rio: So if I'd have said it to you, you'd have returned the favour Rio: You're so childish Buster: We'll never know now Buster: What I might've said Buster: Or gifted you Rio: Save it up for sweet 16 Rio: maybe you'll be allowed to talk to me then Buster: Maybe I'll show up in time to stop the wedding Buster: Fingers crossed you don't get knocked up like your mum Rio: Shut up Buster: Only so much your good looks could do to beat the odds of it being an ugly kid Rio: What would you know Buster: Flawless + Fuck ugly = you're right I don't know Buster: Don't wanna Rio: You've never even seen him Rio: don't be so judgmental Buster: Wrong again, babe Buster: Factual more like Rio: Well I clearly don't think so if I love him so much, do I Buster: That'll be all the cum in your eye Rio: So mature Buster: They don't age check on those vids, it's fine Rio: should run a basic IQ test on you Rio: someone who claims to be such a pleasure in class, like Buster: I've done one but I know you hate when I brag about numbers Rio: That's universal Rio: no one but your hanger-on mates wants to hear that Buster: Your friend loved it, she thinks hers is lucky Rio: I'm glad you found someone officially more stupid than you then Buster: That's universal Buster: Applicable in every case, like Rio: Sure she loved being told that too Rio: such a bullshitter Buster: We didn't do that much talking Buster: Once I'd told her what to do, not much else left to say Rio: Why are you still talking Buster: Why are you still replying? Rio: Gotta be on my phone ain't I Buster: Not in this convo though Rio: Well you're blocking my notifications Rio: you'll pussy out soon enough and be gone Buster: Well I'm drunk. Mute me Rio: Take some responsibility for yourself Rio: you always want me to do everything Buster: So you don't want a line then? More for me Rio: That explains why you're talking so much shit Rio: go on then Rio: have to be here so Buster: [brings it to her cos gentlemanly] Rio: [goes off to the bathroom, 'cos learnt something about getting caught, humming white christmas like] Buster: [lols] Rio: Cheers Buster: Merry Christmas Rio: Merry Christmas, Buster Rio: [bringing the baggie back, assuming there's plenty to go around here] Buster: [does his off the kitchen counter cos wants to be where she is] Rio: [rolls her eyes but licks a finger to clean up the excess and sucks it off] Buster: [is 😏] Rio: ['still like danger, do you?] Buster: ['Don't you?'] Rio: ['Obviously'] Buster: [picks her up & puts her on the counter cos throwback & is standing between her legs like close af 'good to know'] Rio: ['How gone are you?' cos what else can you say rn] Buster: [whispers 'depends who you ask' in her ear and puts a finger to his lips like its such a big secret okay boyyy] Rio: [lols, 'thanks for inadvertently answering my question there' but is just looking at him still like #conflict] Buster: [reaches round her to take her drink cos left his in the other room] Rio: ['oi!' pouty face] Buster: [rather than just giving her it back like a normal person, feeds her the drink like this is crepes 2.0] Rio: [into it.com, 'sharing is caring today, huh?'] Buster: [a nod because so much eye contact so much tension who can speak] Rio: [when you're so close now your phone is the only thing between you and then it goes off and you shit yourself] Buster: [angry.com idk whose house they are in but blatantly walks off & punches the wall in potential full view of the fam cos coke ain't your friend boy] Rio: [when you gotta go outside to have that call 'cos not only not wanting him to hear but everyone tbh] Buster: [when everyone's like umm wtf buster but you ain't having it so you storm out & are also outside but the front while she's in the back] Rio: [when every convo is like talking him off a ledge 'cos he's that bitch do not need this Ryan, even a little bit, going back in finally to get a drink 'cos 1. need and 2. hoping he's had the same idea] Buster: [when you're just having a meltdown lowkey] Rio: I'm just sending this in case you want anything but me to fuck off Buster: I can't Buster: Want anything but that Rio: I'm sorry Rio: genuinely Buster: Don't Buster: Just fucking do not Rio: What can I do Rio: tell me and I'll do it Buster: Nothing Rio: that's what you need? Buster: Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, fucking none of it Buster: *Look Rio: Okay Rio: I will Rio: I'm not gonna give out totally empty promises it'll be hard but I will Buster: [When you just yeet like where do you think you're going at Christmas babe] Rio: [Later] Rio: Tell someone where you are Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: & Why would you ask me to? That's a broken promise already Rio: That's what I do Rio: I'm a shit person, like you don't know by now Rio: but they're gonna go out looking if you don't soon so heads up Buster: Let 'em, I don't care about ruining their fun in case you didn't know by now Rio: Alright Rio: if you don't wanna stay where you are Buster: Why? Rio: Know they'll find you Buster: No, why do you love him? Rio: Honestly? Rio: I don't, you can believe that or not but I don't Rio: I'm just trying, you know Buster: I believe it, if only 'cause I want to Buster: That & I've seen him Rio: Alright 😂 Rio: it's not all about looks, general statement, not a declaration of love Buster: He's got that good of a personality, yeah? Rio: Well Rio: said I weren't it love with him, didn't I Rio: he's alright but it really don't go much deeper than that right now Buster: There's no chance he knows that Buster: Unless he's just that chatty with everyone Rio: Yeah Rio: he's a lot Rio: just that type, you know Buster: Do you want me to chat to him? Buster: I can be a lot Rio: Don't think that means you should be besties Rio: it's fine though, honestly Rio: I can handle him, and whoever else Buster: Alright Rio: are you Buster: Don't ask me questions you already know the answer to Buster: You ain't meant to even be talking to me Rio: Yeah Rio: just want the answer to be different Rio: can't be acting surprised, notoriously bad at keeping any kind of promise, and leaving you alone Buster: Maybe Santa will bring you what you want next year, babe Buster: Don't waste your birthday wish though Rio: 🤞 Rio: Sure some other fucker's got to the wishbone too Rio: keep an eye out for shooting stars Buster: Do my best Buster: Any less isn't an option, like Rio: Nah Rio: what can I say if you don't? Rio: see, best gift of all yeah Rio: room to breathe Buster: I know that ain't yours to me, someone's fucked with that tag Rio: Yeah, I just got you socks but worth trying to claim it Rio: you got me Buster: Socks have their uses Buster: Cold feet or otherwise Rio: Yeah, think of me whenever your feet are cold Rio: 😂 Buster: Obviously Rio: Where are you then Buster: You're not getting an invite Rio: Just curious Rio: Anyway, with you gone and them out looking, I've got the drinks to myself now so tah Buster: Shame it's not the house Buster: That'd be worth coming back for Rio: Stay gone a few hours more maybe the search party will include rugging up all the kids Rio: keep you posted on how special you are Buster: Cheers Rio: it's just your da and granddad Rio: which I did point out probably wasn't the best team when assumedly you've found a pub that's open Rio: might have to stop for a pint, even if you ain't Rio: rude not to Buster: & I had my money on mum & Nance, gutted Buster: The fan club's a fucking sham Rio: shit state of affairs, honestly Rio: where's janis when you need her Rio: sure she'd find you Buster: Only if you'd started searching first Buster: & Were about to find me Rio: That would've been a well good excuse Rio: just tryna find enlightenment it's okay Rio: my ma would buy it and she's the nosiest so Buster: There was a ticket to Heaven on offer so Rio: should've come on the search, like Rio: knew I'd fuck up the talking one so reckoned I could at least go a day or two without looking Rio: if I played it right Buster: I still haven't been found Buster: If you wanna do the honours Rio: Hide and seek Rio: what do I win? Buster: I told you not to ask when you already know the answer Rio: Okay Rio: wish its me that finds you 'cos awkward if it's them Buster: I don't need hope or wishes, remember Buster: Neither do you Buster: Not for this Rio: Okay Rio: no cheating, I'll know Buster: I swear Buster: Head boy's honour, like Rio: are you actually head boy now Buster: Did you actually think I wouldn't be? Rio: Didn't doubt you for a second Rio: hot Rio: in a nerdy way Buster: I'd have brought the badge if I'd have known you were so into it Rio: I know this christmas was going pretty shocking but you've really ruined mine now Buster: [sends her a pic of him when he was wearing it] Buster: You bring me problems, I offer you solutions Rio: 😍 Rio: If you ever go proper missing, make sure they use that Rio: well inspiring Buster: I can do better, but they can't show that level of inspiring on the news Rio: not even the 10 o'clock one Buster: Probably keep 'em your eyes only, babe Rio: Fine by me Rio: I wanna be the one to find you anyway Buster: I want you to Rio: Lemme sniff this out Rio: did you have your keys on you Buster: I always have my keys on me Rio: if you've gone home that's so funny Buster: You know I'm hilarious Rio: Your dad is Rio: if we wanna keep ruining the festivities tell your mum how dumb he is Rio: be a hoot Buster: Will do Buster: Hold on Rio: Alright? Buster: Depends who you ask Rio: Well if you've had an empty house this whole time and you're only just telling me Rio: don't know if this is even you tbh Rio: convincing serial killer maybe Buster: I just needed Buster: That breathing room I got as a mystery gift Rio: Makes sense Rio: I don't have to come Rio: if you still wanna be left alone, I won't tell Rio: they can worry a bit longer Buster: You do have to Buster: I wanna be alone with you Rio: I want that too Rio: hold on Buster: Okay Rio: Promise you'll take my phone away when I get there Buster: If you promise not to tell anyone that I think my hand is fucked Rio: How fucked Rio: like, if you show me how to strap it we can do that or sneaky trip to A&E fucked Buster: Like I can already hear the lecture about punching walls instead of bags Rio: We'll sort it Rio: I won't tell anyone Buster: Thanks Rio: doesn't mean I don't get to fuss though Buster: Such a mum Buster: I ain't got that many issues that its a turn on for me, you know Rio: Shut up Rio: so rude Buster: You're cute Rio: 😒 yeah and as unsexy as a mum Buster: You couldn't be unsexy if you tried Rio: swear you got just enough issues? Buster: Talking about them would take all night Buster: But so would what I'd rather do Rio: Well Rio: think they'll clock before then but Rio: take whatever time we can get Buster: Well then I swear I'll make it worth it Buster: Even if we have to be quick Rio: Jesus Rio: I know it'll be worth it Rio: how could it not be Buster: Yeah, but you don't know how worth it yet Buster: You will Rio: You too Rio: I swear Buster: Tell me this is actually fucking happening this time Buster: I need you Rio: It has to Rio: 'cos all that's happening is I'm caring less and less about the risks and more and more about just making it happen Buster: I know I'm drunk but I never cared about anything but this Buster: I don't Rio: We're both drunk but it's still true Rio: I can't stop, Buster Rio: whatever the fuck this is Buster: You don't have to Buster: Be with me, that's all I want Rio: I'm coming Rio: I'm sorry but even if your family walks in at this point I ain't fucking stopping Rio: I'm so sick of not getting what I want Buster: I can't not give it to you Buster: Everything you want Rio: You Rio: that is all I want right now Buster: I'm not even offended that you don't reckon I'm everything Buster: Easily proved wrong Rio: Exactly Rio: show me Buster: Fuck Buster: Say that again Rio: Show me, baby Rio: I want you to be everything, 'cos you're all I can think about Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: Hurry up & be at my house for fuck's sake Rio: you know I live in the middle of nowhere Rio: [cos figure cali gaff has the most space so logic they'd have been there] Rio: it's the biggest cockblock, modern day princess in a tower basically Buster: 😂 Buster: I'm surrounded by princesses all day, you ain't Rio: Bit rude but I've been called worse Buster: It's the opposite of rude the way I mean it Rio: Let you off then Buster: Don't you know that you're on another level? Buster: Doesn't he tell you that in all those texts you get? Rio: He says a lot of things Rio: I'd be lying if I said I was always tuned in, like Buster: Of course not, like you said, I'm all you can think about Rio: Literally Rio: it's stupid Buster: Nah, 'cause if it was it'd be shared stupidity & I'm too smart for that Rio: 😂 Rio: very self-serving, but I'll take it Buster: Plus, I fucking hate sharing Rio: I know Rio: but you know you don't have to with me Rio: not really Buster: You're gonna dump him, yeah? Rio: I can Rio: we can talk about that later though Rio: what we wanna do for the rest of the time and all that Rio: don't think about it right now Buster: I can't think Buster: Not properly Rio: Then don't Rio: you know I want you more than anyone else right now Buster: Yeah Buster: More than anyone else ever Rio: Yeah Rio: Whatever it is Rio: I know I ain't felt it before Rio: wanting someone so hard all the time Buster: Me either Buster: Wanting someone this hard Buster: Never mind all the time Rio: I know it's crazy Rio: but I don't care Rio: can't Buster: Folie à deux, like Rio: You and your French obsession 😏 Buster: I had to learn to kiss somehow, you didn't teach me shit Rio: You wouldn't let me Rio: so NOT a pleasure to have in class Buster: You could've made you move any time Buster: Including before I was dared to make mine Rio: You take the piss enough that I was in love with you without that Rio: you'd have been even more unbearable if I had, like Buster: No Buster: I only was 'cause you made me do it & then it went like that Rio: I didn't dare you Buster: You didn't have to Buster: Don't act like there weren't loads of chances before that Buster: You could've took one Rio: Better late than never, ain't it Rio: be there in 5 Buster: Of course Buster: Be here now though Rio: Could hardly ask for a lift like hey, think he's here but give me like 15 alone, k dad Buster: Can't your boyfriend drive? Perfect way to dump him Rio: Yeah that'd go well Buster: You'd soon forget all about him Buster: We don't need 15 minutes for that Rio: Not gonna time you, like but Rio: hold you to it Buster: You don't need to, give me one second & you won't remember his name Rio: Fuck Rio: I'm so ready for this Rio: for you Buster: Show me Buster: I'm done waiting Rio: [when you show up and see 'em like hell no] Rio: This is beyond an actual joke Buster: [when you can't even answer cos you're beyond angry like if you thought he was mad before peeps] Rio: Fuck this Buster: [later cos you have to deal with them] Buster: Meet me tomorrow Rio: I can't Rio: we go to see my da's family Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: I know Rio: can't get out of it though we stay over Rio: there's no way they'd let me stay home Buster: When are you back? Rio: 30th Rio: you're staying for new year's eve, aren't you Buster: Barely but yeah Buster: My flight's next day Rio: We'll make it work Rio: they'll all be so gone Buster: We're gonna have to, it ain't no commuter flight this time Rio: Yeah Rio: you're so lucky Buster: Not how I feel right now Rio: No, me either Rio: really not in the mood, they're all in my face constantly Buster: My dad's lucky he ain't going to A&E Rio: Not condoning that but I could've easily jumped 'em myself so Rio: this is bullshit, swear they left us alone constantly as kids Buster: I'd lift you up, babe. Teamwork Buster: & Yeah, you can swear to that 'cause they did Rio: 😂😍 Rio: #goals Rio: getting my own place as soon as I can Buster: See, I do play well with others Buster: Come to London, I'm always on my own there Buster: Fucking typical Rio: I will Rio: and you can't be mad because that's an invite Rio: however casual Buster: Mad ain't the word Buster: You're always trying to put the wrong ones in my mouth Rio: Don't make my mind go there Buster: If your mind is anywhere else, tell me how you did it Rio: it ain't Rio: but your mouth specifically now Buster: Shame my mouth ain't specifically where it wants to be Rio: Shame ain't the word Rio: for a white boy you got really good lips, you know Buster: I know Rio: ugh Rio: be here Buster: I'm here, that's all I can do Rio: I'm glad we're talking Buster: You missed me, yeah? Rio: You know I did Buster: Tell me Rio: I missed you loads Rio: I thought about you all the time Buster: You're not gonna go see that lad now are you? Rio: No Rio: he wants me to but I don't have time anyway Buster: Don't. I didn't turn you on for his benefit Rio: I don't want him Rio: you don't either, okay Buster: Okay Rio: Not today Rio: you were mine Buster: I still am Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: it feels so good saying your name Rio: I wanna say it for you Buster: Call me Rio: [does, 'cos you gotta do something poor bastards] Buster: [you deserve this lads] Rio: [when even this is gonna be fire] Buster: [literally better than anything I could ever do] Rio: That was Rio: I feel a bit better now Buster: If you think you feel good now, wait until NYE Rio: I don't wanna wait Rio: but fine Rio: try my best Buster: I don't wanna either but I do wanna make up for lost time so behave & I'll make you cum for every day you've had to Buster: Hold me to it Rio: Damn Rio: you're really daddy, huh Rio: 😇 Buster: It's not that high of a number yet Buster: You can be impressed when I make the offer after being away for ages Rio: You better Rio: gotta have some incentive to come back, right Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm so jealous Buster: Put your teacher voice on & come with Rio: 😏 I'll get the 'fit Buster: I look forward to seeing it Rio: You're there to actually learn, babe Rio: maybe I'll tutor you, if I have time Buster: You're saying you don't have enough to teach me full time? Disappointing Rio: Plenty Rio: 'nuff to take it stateside Buster: Start packing then Rio: When we going Buster: Why not now Buster: Fuck it Rio: That's what I need Rio: you, distance from this fam and a place no one knows us Buster: Exactly Rio: One day Buster: Hold me to it too Rio: Can we stop doing the thing where you leave and we don't talk for months now Rio: like, it's exhausting pretending I hate you and don't wanna fuck you, you know Buster: I have to leave, but yeah, we also have to talk Rio: I know you're going Rio: I mean like I see you for a week or something and then that's that 'til the next family function Buster: I know what you mean Buster: It's not like that's how I want it Rio: Why'd it always end up happening, like Buster: What can I say? Buster: What do you want me to? Rio: I ain't blaming you Rio: it's both of us Rio: just, let's not let something happen between now and when you go so you won't talk to me alright Buster: Whatever happens, I still wanna Buster: It's not that black & white though, is it? Rio: nah Rio: I dunno Rio: we got separate lives to live Rio: obviously, and that's cool Rio: but idk why that means we have to end up hating each other Rio: like it is black and white, all or nothing Buster: I can't hate you Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: alright, pretend then Rio: you're quite convincing sometimes Buster: Well I need to be Buster: Sometimes Rio: Yeah Buster: Just don't break my fucking heart, yeah? Buster: Simple Rio: Why would I do that Buster: All or nothing Rio: that's not how I want it either, I'm telling you Rio: we can do better Buster: Obviously Buster: I can always do better & you always keep up Rio: 😏 Rio: thanks Rio: I think Buster: It's a compliment Buster: Nobody else can Buster: Not that I've found yet anyway Rio: Maybe you'll find yourself an American girl who can Buster: Maybe Rio: just don't get married Rio: can only deal with the accent for so long Buster: Before I've done uni & got a career? My mum would kill me Buster: She'd turn up with a shotgun to stop it, fuck encouraging it Rio: 😂 Rio: Nance is the hopeless romantic, I remember Buster: Good Buster: I don't do repeats never mind wedding vows Rio: Never? Buster: Like I said, they can't keep up Buster: I'm not running a charity Rio: You are funny Buster: I'm also too good at it to be having shit hook ups Buster: Tell your friends Rio: 🙄 Rio: No one's forcing you, to my knowledge Rio: so don't think you can complain Buster: I ain't Buster: You asked & I answered Rio: I did not ask you to specifically tell me how good anyone is Rio: let alone people I know Buster: I haven't Rio: Come on Rio: I know what that comment implies and about who Rio: not seen her for ages anyway so can't say I'm heartbroken over her, like Buster: I'm just saying for future reference, let you friends know that anyone can always do better Rio: It is truly amazing anyone wants to sleep with you Buster: They don't want to talk to me Buster: I told you it ain't easy Rio: It ain't hard Rio: stop flattering yourself for a sec, babe Buster: Start flattering me then, babe Rio: 😏 Buster: Can you really not meet me tomorrow? Rio: I really wanna Rio: but we leave so early Buster: You should go then Buster: Sleep Rio: but Buster: I know Buster: But I'll be there, won't I, you always dream about me Rio: Hmm so you reckon Buster: Come on Rio: You Rio: don't you wanna offer to make me sleepy? Rio: amateur Buster: Sleepy ain't the word Rio: I don't reckon you can get me to pass out from there but alright Buster: You don't? Rio: Nope Rio: don't feel bad, like 😉 Buster: Answer your phone & do exactly what I tell you, let's see how we both feel then Rio: [does, duh] Buster: [opened pandoras box here lads] Rio: [least you can do this to your hearts content no matter where y'all is, 'cept when Ryan is around, which is sadly too often] Buster: [god bless technology especially the waterproof phones of the future] Rio: [defs a thing] Buster: [they should fall asleep on the phone together though] Rio: [deffo]
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Rio & Buster
Rio: They reckon they know who that bitch is so they gonna go see her, see if Edie is there or where she is if she ain't Buster: Well that's something Buster: Jesus Rio: Yeah, I don't hold much hope of her being useful personally but there we go Buster: Yeah me either Buster: Christ, I reckoned it was bad but Rio: I know Buster: Fuck my ego for a sec, I could barely hold her back Rio: Yeah it's scary shit Rio: really scary Rio: where's she even getting it Buster: Indie's been asking around, using her 'connections' as she calls 'em but I don't have a fucking clue Rio: I'll kill them Rio: I'll kill him Buster: You know I can't let you, babe Rio: I know you can't stop me Buster: I can Buster: I will Rio: Why Rio: he deserves it Buster: Yeah he does Buster: But you don't Buster: You know what'd happen and I ain't letting it Rio: Well what the fuck can I do then Rio: I'm sick of feeling helpless Rio: being useless Buster: Come home Buster: Indie's here and you ain't useless to her Buster: Or me Rio: I can't Rio: I've got to keep an eye on the rest and wait to hear Buster: Alright Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: For fuck sake Rio: she looked bad Rio: she looked skinny, didn't she Buster: Yeah Buster: And older Buster: Not in a dressed for the club kinda way Rio: This is just Rio: what do we actually do Buster: If we can find her we can force her to get clean since she's actually a fucking kid Buster: But that first part is easier said than done, like Rio: It all is Rio: if she don't want it Buster: She's 15 she don't get a choice Buster: Not in this Rio: Yeah Rio: make her the hospital's problem and she still won't be with us Rio: clean but no better either Buster: Clean's a fucking start Buster: If you want her to get to 16 Rio: What they gonna do, keep her indefinitely, I don't think so Rio: don't be ignorant Buster: Keep her until she's slightly less unreachable than she is now Buster: At least Rio: Yeah 'cos she'll be buzzin' about being sectioned Buster: She ain't gonna be happy regardless Buster: What's the alternative? Buster: None of your fam is equipped to deal Rio: Fuck you Buster: Fuck me 'cause that's a fact? Yeah sure Buster: She's on hard shit that she can't just come off and what, you want her to do that in a house full of kids? Buster: But I'm ignorant Rio: Fuck you for talking like it's easy and you have any clue Buster: Show me where I've said that Rio: You're doing it right now Rio: Judging like we ain't doing enough Buster: Are they? Buster: 'Cause I ain't seeing it Buster: You said yourself it's all on you the other day so don't act like they're sainted now Rio: Well not all problems can be solved by sending your kids away Buster: No problems can be solved by letting your kids do whatever the fuck they want Buster: I don't know how any of our parents ain't realized that yet Rio: Have you ever tried to stop any of us Rio: it ain't that simple, I don't think it's their fucking master plan of parenting Buster: It ain't my job Buster: They haven't got a plan, I don't see why I'm getting it in the neck from you for telling it like it is Rio: Exactly Rio: so you don't know and that's why Rio: you're talking shit Rio: just stop yeah Buster: Fuck that Buster: This fam got lucky up to this point, that's all Buster: They don't know what to do about Edie 'cause they ain't ever known what to do with any of us Rio: How is this helpful for me to hear right now Buster: You don't want helpful you want someone to have a go at and it can't be them so its me Rio: No, I really want helpful Rio: but you ain't it Rio: just go away, I haven't got time for this Buster: Standard Buster: And actually fuck you 'cause everything I do is to help you Rio: I don't need help Rio: this is about Edie Buster: Well I've said my piece on that already Buster: So whatever Rio: Yeah Rio: thanks so much for your illuminating perspective Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want? Buster: I'm as lost as you are Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Just admit it and deal with it Buster: I'm still wearing the marks from where I had to drag her halfway across a club Buster: Excuse me if I'm reeling Buster: I didn't realise there was such a small time limit on dealing with last night, like Rio: Roll with the punches, babe Rio: Standard Buster: Fuck off Rio: Gladly Rio: Got enough here to deal with Buster: I swear to god Buster: If you keep treating me like a problem to deal with you're actually gonna have one Buster: I care about her too Buster: I have feelings too Rio: We all do Buster: Act like it then Buster: You started this convo, if you don't wanna talk to me right now, don't Rio: There isn't time Rio: fuck your feelings, fuck mine too Rio: it's an emergency and I'm keeping you in the loop my God Buster: Don't do me any favours Buster: Someone else will get round to it eventually Rio: Don't be childish Rio: it's for Indie more than it is you Buster: You ain't told me anything I can tell her Buster: Don't act like you have Buster: There's no answers Rio: They're out right now finding her Rio: And you didn't want me to go with so what the fuck else can I do Rio: just 'cos you feel useless don't act like they are Buster: We both know they ain't gonna find shit Buster: It ain't about what they are doing or not doing it's about what Edie is Buster: She doesn't want to be found so she won't Rio: Well she don't wanna go to rehab either but you apparently think that's the answer all of a sudden Buster: It's a better one than doing nothing Buster: So sue me, babe Rio: Go make it happen then Rio: oh wait, you can't Rio: you're being really fucking irritating Buster: So leave Buster: Go follow along after them and see how much better it makes things Rio: I told you I'm looking after the others Rio: are you actually on this planet right now like hello Rio: get with the programme even if you can't get behind it Buster: And you've told me repeatedly that ain't where you wanna be and its all my fault supposedly so Buster: Stop feeling useless if you've got so much to apparently do Rio: You gonna come here and stop them crying? Rio: I don't fucking think so Rio: Yeah, it ain't ideal but what else is new Buster: Nah, I'm gonna stay here and make sure Indie ain't alone Buster: But that's probably wrong of me too, like Rio: Don't be stupid Buster: I ain't Buster: Don't talk to me like I am Rio: Then stop giving me needless stress Buster: Behave Rio: Just Rio: this is going to get so much worse Rio: and I already can't hack it Buster: You think I don't know that? Buster: I was there, I saw her Rio: We haven't seen the half of it Buster: Exactly Buster: We need to stick together Rio: How Buster: Stop fighting me and I'll stop fighting you Buster: And we'll just fucking do better than this Buster: Somehow Buster: I love you and I'm sorry Rio: Don't be sorry Rio: What can you do more than any of us can Buster: Not be a cunt to you right now for one thing Buster: That'd help Buster: Look, I'm gonna stay for a while, okay. Fuck school, that's easily sorted compared to all this Rio: No, you can't Buster: I can Buster: I will Rio: You need to focus on you right now Buster: I'll get my work sent like I did before Buster: Don't worry about me Rio: No, don't you worry about this Buster: It's too late, I already am Rio: Like you said, she's staying gone Rio: No matter how many heads are on the case Buster: I might not be able to help her but I can help you Buster: Indie too Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Buster: I told you to stop fighting me, yeah? Rio: Yeah but Buster: But nothing, I can resit any exam if it comes to that Buster: You're more important Buster: This whole fam of fuck ups is, even if I wish I didn't care Rio: This is your future you're talking about, like Rio: not to sound like a teacher Buster: Shut up Buster: You're my future Buster: Not to sound like that cunt Rio: Babe Buster: Let me stay Rio: You know you'll have to talk to your parents Rio: and they're not gonna be happy Buster: I'll handle it Rio: If you're sure Rio: I'm not gonna stop you, am I Buster: Good Rio: Are you sure? Buster: 'Course Buster: I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't Rio: You might've, it's been Rio: well, a wild few hours, say the least Buster: Well, I'm sure Buster: And not only 'cause I'm very much needed over here with this kid Rio: I mean, terms of running away from your problems, not exactly doing it right Rio: so Buster: God, I wish Buster: A holiday's never sounded better Rio: Yeah Rio: Can't blame her Rio: holiday from reality, like Buster: Fucking tempting Rio: Exactly Rio: though her pal was enough to put anyone off Buster: Seriously Rio: That's how she wants to be Rio: it's Rio: I don't get it Rio: she's so smart Rio: like my mum Rio: she could do anything, if she wanted Buster: Yeah Buster: She has to want to though Buster: That's the fucked thing Rio: Yeah Rio: you can't make someone give a shit about life Rio: not saying you give up on them but if it ain't enough then it ain't Buster: There you go being right again, even if we don't want you to be this time Buster: When did she stop? Remember when she was little, she was as happy as any of us Buster: Happier than me, Christ Rio: Yeah Rio: I don't know, when we came back here for good Rio: when people were talking and she listened Rio: pointing out she ain't the same Rio: it's like she didn't know or notice before that Buster: Maybe she didn't Buster: Why would she? Buster: Before people made her, like Rio: Then she had to be around him Rio: and Indie Rio: no offense but that's how it is Buster: Yeah Buster: I wonder how she'd have been if you'd lived somewhere else Rio: Probably alright Rio: I mean Rio: who fucking knows Rio: it's too late to speculate Rio: it felt like the right thing at the time, they already had enough guilt leaving Indie that long Rio: then Drew went to prison for the first time and the hope was he'd sort it for them both but well Buster: That fucking cunt Buster: It wouldn't be half as bad if he felt any guilt himself Rio: Yeah Rio: he's hardly lived or living a happy life himself but doesn't make up for fucking up theirs really Buster: Especially now he's doing it again with another daughter Buster: No lessons learnt Rio: I can't believe Ro let it happen Rio: has she not been here Buster: Me either Buster: What the fuck Rio: Does she really think it's different with her Rio: not now, illusion properly shattered Rio: at least my ma didn't know Buster: I refuse to buy into that bullshit Buster: She has to know the truth Buster: They haven't been stupid kids for a long time and he was doing that shit to her back then, like Buster: How could anyone see how he treated Indie's mum and be like yeah, I wanna have a kid with that Rio: Yeah well she almost hated her as much as she hates herself, like Rio: she weren't shedding any tears Buster: So fucked Buster: Like she was the mess and he's the savior, stepping up for the kid she died and left behind, fuck that Buster: We all saw how it really played out Rio: Yeah, never mind he got her in that state Rio: and she knew he was a dealer back then, it's never not been obvious Rio: No one better tell her about Edie, I don't want her fake care Buster: Or her obvious judgement Buster: She knew he was Edie's dad too, that's never been a secret, how does that fit the narrative, Auntie? Buster: Not pulling any heroics for that one, was he? Rio: Now I'm just angry Rio: I wouldn't wanna come back either Buster: Do you wanna go to the gym later, get it out? Buster: I'd go now but Indie won't stop throwing up and the dog won't stop getting in the way Rio: Fun Rio: I guess Rio: I don't know what I want to do that I can so Rio: better suggestion than I've got rn Buster: I'll let you fight me Buster: Not saying I'll let you win but Buster: It'll help, I swear Rio: Got it, your ego's battered enough for one day Buster: Nah, just anger doesn't make you grow, last I checked Buster: Your sister might be able to take me, but you can't Rio: 😒 Rio: Shut up Buster: Come on, babe Buster: Aren't you motivated to punch me now? Buster: You're welcome Rio: Hmm Rio: that's how the trainer's do it, is it? Buster: I never said I was qualified Buster: Just enthusiastic Rio: Now you're making me laugh Rio: such mixed messages Buster: I'm not mad about it Rio: I love you Buster: I love you more Rio: Nah Rio: wanna fight about it? Buster: Yeah Buster: I do Rio: Hot Buster: Don't Buster: I already miss you Rio: Well it is Rio: you know I weren't just bringing Janis to watch you fight for entirely selfless reasons Buster: Yeah? Buster: Well, you know I always looked out for you, hoping you'd show up Rio: Yeah right Buster: Seriously Buster: I'm not saying I fought better when you were watching but you can go check my results any time, like Rio: Baby Rio: now you got me feeling some type of way Buster: I just wanted to impress you Buster: Don't you know that? Rio: Well, mission accomplished, like Buster: Good 'cause you're so impressive Buster: All the time Buster: Even now with everything else that's going on I can't stop thinking about you Rio: I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there Rio: or still here now Rio: I'm so glad you're staying Buster: Me too Rio: Yeah? Rio: I know you're staying because shit's a mess but I promise Rio: it won't be all bad Buster: I know Buster: But I hope you know that if it was, I'd still want to stay Rio: I know you would Rio: but who am I Rio: not giving you any incentive? Please Buster: I want to be with you no matter what Buster: I want you Buster: So much Rio: I have no idea why right now but I'll make a special effort to remind you and myself Rio: swear Buster: I'm not gonna say no to that Buster: Or else who am I Buster: But I haven't forgotten, promise Rio: Good Rio: We've got to remember Buster: I can't forget Buster: Like I said, you're too important Rio: But I don't want that to be a negative Rio: ever Buster: It won't be Rio: I won't always be such a moody cow, like Buster: I can't promise that Buster: You know I'm the moodiest cunt going Rio: Not when you're with me Rio: I'm gonna make you so happy Buster: You do Buster: One of many reasons I'm wishing you were here right now Rio: I know Rio: This isn't fun Buster: I'll make sure you have fun later Rio: Promises, promises Buster: [sends a selfie with like a cross my heart kinda gesture thing] Rio: Nerd Rio: good thing you're so cute with it too Buster: You love it Rio: Yeah Rio: I do Buster: Good Rio: How is Indie now? Buster: I've managed to get some water down her Buster: She isn't unconscious or choking on said sick so I'll take it Rio: Oh God Rio: I will be back soon to takeover Rio: Junior picked a day to be sociable for once Buster: It's alright, even if she's poisoned herself with the booze they wouldn't do any more hardcore monitoring than I'm doing right now Buster: And any night that it's acceptable to wanna get black out drunk, like Buster: Can't blame her after all that Buster: I've done it for less Rio: Yeah Rio: Haven't we all Buster: If nothing else, it'll put her off for a while Buster: Not that she really drinks but you know Rio: Gonna have her rooting harder for team weed, like Buster: Shit yeah Buster: Good point Rio: Oh well Rio: least it can't hurt her, I mean Rio: not to dangerous levels, like Rio: lesser of the evils forreal considering what Edie's up to Buster: Agreed Buster: We've gotta pick our battles right now anyway Rio: And you're coming here to not have a kid Rio: 🙄 Buster: At least if this Chlo's is mine it'll be easy compared to this shit Rio: least 'til the kid hits puberty Buster: Don't Buster: That's so far off I'll probably have a dad bod to go with the dad stress Rio: Be alright if I'd actually signed up for this shit, you know, birthed 'em myself Buster: That'd be too easy Rio: How'd'ya mean? Buster: If this was your job you'd be doing it better Buster: We wouldn't be here Buster: You know you're the best mum ever and you ain't even one yet Rio: You're so lovely Rio: but nah Buster: You don't reckon? Rio: I don't think so Rio: I'm a mess myself, god help any kid that came from this, you know 😂 Buster: Oh my god have we found the one thing I'm right about and you ain't Buster: The day's looking up Rio: Um no Rio: hold off on the smug celebrations just yet, like Buster: Nah Buster: 'Cause you ain't a mess, you're perfect and I know it so Rio: You're funny, babe Buster: And you're perfect Buster: I'm gonna keep saying it until you believe me Rio: Well it doesn't matter anyway, 'cos you'll be pleased to know I'm not with child Buster: Pleased doesn't come close to my level of relief Buster: No offense Rio: 😏 Rio: It's alright, it's mutual Buster: One day maybe, like Buster: But that's not today Rio: Nah Rio: definitely not Buster: Thank fuck neither of us got that drunk last night Buster: I'm so fucking tired as is Rio: Can't even call you out for lack of stamina Rio: rude Buster: You could try but if you're gonna lie to me there's more worthwhile ones to tell I'm sure Rio: 😂 Buster: That's when you're meant to tell me that you'd never lie to me ever Buster: Just so you know Rio: Soz, distracted by all the potential lies I could come at you with Rio: gotta make it the most worthwhile, like Buster: 😒 Rio: Was kinda hoping Chloe was going with a fake pregnancy but now it's real it's taken the shine off that idea so Buster: She's very committed to the lie if it is Rio: Well yeah, can't half-arse it Rio: gotta get those payments or what's the point Buster: She's half arsed everything else in her like up until this point Buster: Life* Buster: Including seducing me so Rio: s'why having kids for the funds is such a good career move Buster: That is all James is good for, to be fair Rio: You know Rio: warm bed but, take a travelodge Buster: The fact that'd you'd rather stay there says it all Buster: Now you've got me laughing Rio: I'll allow the snobbery Buster: It aon Buster: It ain't even, if a night with you ain't better than 5 star, who the fuck are you Rio: 😏 Rio: Why you tryna make me miss you more though Buster: 'Cause you've already done me like that Rio: You're seriously hot, you know that Buster: Yeah but I want you to tell me Rio: Happily Rio: Not much of a hardship is it Buster: It feels like one now though Buster: Making me want you Rio: Poor baby Buster: How do you do this Buster: It's impressive and annoying Rio: I can always stop Rio: go be impressive elsewhere and to someone else, like Buster: Don't Rio: Are you sure Rio: Hate to being annoying Buster: Don't you dare Buster: You know I need you Rio: Mm Rio: Say it again Buster: I really fucking need you, Rio Rio: Fuck Rio: Buster Buster: I know Rio: Am I selfish? Buster: You're the most unselfish person I've ever met, babe Buster: There's literally nobody who cares more about other people than you Rio: But, how do I still have time to think about this Buster: 'Cause everything's fucked and it hurts and there's so little we can do Buster: Who would want to think about nothing but that? Buster: It's not selfishness its self preservation Buster: Distracting each other when things are shit is what we do Buster: You keep me sane and I keep you sane Rio: Yeah Rio: I know you're right Rio: it's hard to remember Buster: I'm here for you, whatever you need Buster: Including going away right now if you want me to Rio: I don't Buster: Tell me what you want, babe Rio: You Rio: I just want you to make me feel good Buster: You've got me, baby Buster: And I want you to feel good too Buster: I love you Rio: I know Rio: when I get back and Indie is alright can we just forget about this for a while Buster: Yeah Buster: I promise Rio: I don't care how long just as long as we can okay Rio: not even a stamina dig Buster: I'll give you as much time as I can Buster: We can at least have the night Rio: That's enough, as long as I have you Rio: do you think you'll have to go back to talk to your parents or what? Buster: You'll always have me Buster: And I'll always want you Buster: I'll call mum, but if she kicks off, maybe Rio: You've got me Rio: for fucking ever and I mean it Rio: Yeah, well, you know they won't be happy but Buster: They can't make me do anything Buster: I want to stay Rio: Might drag you back by your ear, like Buster: Good fucking luck Buster: We aren't kids and they only treat us like we are when it suits 'em Buster: We're adults when we have to handle shit they ain't Rio: Literally Rio: though I literally can't remember the last time mine tried to school me in anything Buster: Nobody else is here holding Indie's hair back, it's just me Buster: So sorry mum, deal with it Rio: You're so good Buster: I'm not Buster: I don't have a clue what I'm doing Rio: Yeah but you're trying and who else would Rio: is Buster: I don't know what to say to her Rio: Don't mix your drinks next time? Buster: It's a start, like Buster: She won't let me call Meena and she can't come to you lot the state she's in Buster: Should I just call her anyway? Rio: Well, how bad is it, like? Buster: Bad, but also I don't know what she'd do that I ain't Buster: It's a waiting game basically Rio: Leave it, June says he'll be back in 20 so I'll be back Rio: Meena wouldn't know what do any more than you, like Buster: Yeah, that's what I figured Rio: I highly doubt she's ever been in this state so Rio: let Inds sober up, if we think she needs to go talk to someone as close to Drew as she is then we'll make her but Rio: not getting sense out of her yet, like Buster: Alright Buster: Where the fuck is Junior anyway? Rio: I don't know Rio: Doing something for Uni probably? Idk Buster: Picks the worst possible time to be on a date or some shit Rio: Please Rio: He's not on a date Buster: You don't know Rio: I'd know if he was on a date Buster: How? Rio: Because I know things Rio: he's never been on a date Rio: just awkward ones with girls Buster: There's a first time for everything, babe Buster: Look at my sister, kissing half of Dublin's gay population all of a sudden Rio: 🙄 Buster: I'm just saying Rio: No, trust me, I would know Buster: Okay, babe Buster: If you say so Rio: 😒 Don't be a dick Buster: Calm down Rio: Look, I've got a handle on the rest of them, alright Rio: just 'cos I don't on Edie now Buster: I know Rio: I do Buster: Like I said, I know Rio: Sound convinced then Buster: You don't have shit to prove to me Rio: I'm not trying to Rio: just don't say I don't Buster: I wasn't saying that Rio: That's alright then Buster: Yeah Rio: Sorry Rio: I'm not trying to fight again Buster: It's alright Buster: You can fight me if you wanna, I told you Rio: I really don't want to Rio: Only in the fun ways I have imagined, like Buster: Well, I promised you fun so you can have those at least Rio: Yeah? Rio: You haven't even heard about that fantasy, you don't know what you're agreeing to Buster: I'm not saying no Buster: I only wanna say yes Rio: Keen Rio: haven't even started yet, babe Buster: Enthusiastic, remember Rio: I can tell Buster: You haven't seen nothing yet Rio: I know Rio: makes me sad Buster: [sends pics] Buster: There, now you don't need to be sad Rio: Just turned on instead, okay Rio: 😩 Buster: That's as easily fixable Rio: Cocky Buster: Confident Rio: Keeping me waiting Buster: Wouldn't wanna be too keen now, would I? Rio: 😑 Rio: Boy you better stop playing Buster: You like it when I play with you Buster: Don't pretend you don't Rio: but Buster: What? Buster: Use your words, baby Rio: You're playing too much, daddy Rio: I need you to give it to me properly Buster: [Calls 'cause sometimes you just wanna hear someone's voice, good day] Rio: I'd missed you more than I thought Buster: I'm taking that as a compliment Rio: If you want pillowtalk, gimme a sec to just Rio: fuck Rio: i'm still shaking Buster: Nah, that's all I really wanted to hear Rio: Idiot Rio: I love you Buster: I know Rio: I can't remember what I was saying when you made me cum that last time all I know is I didn't want you to stop Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Buster: I mean that in all the ways I could mean it Buster: I love you too Rio: How do you make me feel this much better Rio: it's ridiculous Buster: You know how hard I work with school and I don't even like it Buster: 'Course I'm committed to things I actually wanna do Rio: 😏 Rio: Well, I'm glad I'm one of those things, like Buster: You're the top of the list and you know it Rio: Can't act like I haven't earnt the title Buster: You keep on earning it, babe Buster: I love that about you Rio: You know, haven't got you down the aisle yet Buster: I'm ready whenever you are Rio: You know it's happening Buster: Good Buster: I want it to Rio: I know Rio: it'll be so weird to call you my husband Buster: You don't have to Buster: My name is fine, like Rio: Shh Rio: You know what I'm saying Buster: Yeah Buster: You're cute Rio: 😣 Buster: Adorable Rio: Hmpf Rio: Well you'll have to get over how lowkey turned on it makes you to call me your wife, won't you 😋 Buster: Everything you do or say makes me turned on at this point, I don't think I need to worry Buster: If I can handle that, I can handle anything Rio: 😂 Rio: If you can handle how good I looked last night Rio: waste Buster: Don't remind me Buster: Jesus Rio: I'm not sorry Buster: Stop trying to turn me on again Rio: Fine Rio: Whatever daddy wants daddy gets 🤷 Buster: It's too late now, I'm thinking about it Rio: Whoops Buster: You're so distracting Rio: You need distracting Buster: Oh do I? Rio: Yep Rio: You need it bad Buster: You sound sure Buster: Tell me what else I need Rio: I'm certain Rio: I don't need to be on your lap to know Rio: but that's what you need Rio: for a start Buster: Yeah? Rio: Trust me daddy Rio: I know how to look after you Buster: Fuck, I miss you Buster: I literally just talked to you Rio: I know but you were so focused on making me feel better Rio: it's your turn Buster: Did it work, baby? Rio: Of course it did, you made me feel so good Rio: didn't I tell you enough times Buster: It's never enough, you know that Rio: I feel that Rio: that's why I'm still missing you Rio: thinking about you Buster: We both need more Buster: What are you thinking about? Rio: About how I want so much of you in my mouth I can barely breathe, mainly Buster: Babe Rio: Yeah? Buster: Come home Rio: it feels good to say that Rio: doesn't it Buster: The best Rio: And it's an actual place, that's all ours Buster: I told you I'd find us somewhere Buster: We have it, whatever else happens Rio: and nothing bad has ever happened there Rio: there were too many bad memories in the old place Buster: And it won't Buster: You're safe Rio: I feel it Rio: I've never felt this before Buster: You're allowed to get used to it Buster: I promise the feeling isn't gonna go away Rio: I try Rio: even though it feels too good to be true Buster: You feel too good to be true Buster: But you are Rio: I really do right now, you're saying all the right things Buster: I'm thinking all the right things too, believe me Buster: You really started something Rio: I do Rio: but tell me Buster: It's that fucking outfit Buster: You know what you did Rio: It was a little bit for you too Rio: Sorry birthday girl Buster: You've got me wishing it was my birthday now Rio: Don't waste a wish or a year when I'll do whatever you want the other 364 too Buster: Christ Buster: I can't believe you exist sometimes Rio: Why? Rio: Isn't this how all girls treated you Buster: No Buster: You're better than any of them and any fantasy I've ever had Rio: Good, I want to be Rio: though most of your fantasies were about me, let's be honest Buster: Yeah and you've outperformed them Buster: I'm very proud Buster: Making me doubt the quality of my imagination Rio: 😩 Don't say that again by which I mean do, fuck me Rio: nah, I know you've got a dirty mind too, s'why I love you Buster: The reality's better though Buster: I mean it, everything you do and say turns me on so much Rio: Not gonna disagree Rio: I never thought it would be as good as it is Buster: I never thought it would happen Buster: Like even when it almost did Buster: It didn't feel real Buster: That I could feel like that Rio: I know what you mean Rio: I felt literally feral with how bad I wanted you Rio: just from a look Buster: Exactly Rio: Never mind when I snorted that line off you Rio: Jesus Buster: Fuck Buster: I was trying to tell myself that the coke was just that good but Rio: Nah Rio: it was all us Rio: does it make me sound like a bunny boiler if I say I feel like I knew we'd end up here from that moment Buster: I don't care Buster: It was what I wanted Rio: I've wanted you for so long, Buster Buster: I know Buster: Jesus, I'm aching from the memory of that night never mind anything else Rio: Yeah, that was really bad, when we got stopped Rio: it was like I didn't think I'd ever get to have you and then finally it was happening and then it wasn't and I had to go Rio: I've never thought about anyone as much as I did you until I saw you again after that Buster: I don't know how I didn't kill someone that night Buster: I don't reckon I've ever been as angry as I was when you left Rio: Seriously Rio: it was scary how Rio: intense it was Buster: I'd do it all again Buster: For this Rio: Me too Rio: I had no choice in the matter Rio: I decided after that, either I was doing this or I wasn't and it had to stop Buster: Thank fuck you didn't put a stop to it, like Rio: As if I could Rio: we both tried that bullshit Buster: I wish I had better words for how much I love you and want you and just fucking need you, you know Rio: but I know Rio: I feel it and you show me literally all the time Rio: even when you're not here with me I still know Buster: Good Rio: I know you reckon lads have treated me like crap Rio: and you're mostly right Rio: but even the alright ones Rio: I never knew if what they were saying was true, or if they were as into it Rio: it was always a guessing game, you aren't like that Buster: You've always seen right through me, babe Buster: But I'm not mad about that anymore Buster: I've got nothing to hide now, not from you Rio: Good Rio: I just Rio: get you Rio: I don't even know why Rio: Always have Buster: Yeah Buster: Even when we were kids it was like that Rio: And when you were peak dickhead and I was.. let's not even go there, like Buster: Nance used to get so mad when we met up with you in summers and everything Buster: Even if I hadn't seen you for ages you still knew me the same and it went back to how it was Rio: I was never trying to come for her spot Buster: In fairness to her I did talk about you all the time, it must've been annoying Buster: Not saying you should buy her a fruit basket but like Buster: My crush was so obvious, I don't wanna think about it Rio: Awh but I do Rio: so cute Buster: Shh Rio: Come on, you always took the piss about how bad I fancied you Buster: Yeah, why do you think that was? Rio: Of course it was obvious projection Rio: but I did fancy you, even if I was better at hiding it Buster: You were no better than me at hiding it babe Buster: Sorry to have to tell you Rio: How dare you Rio: Smooth operator here Buster: What the actual fuck did like our parents and everyone else think at the time? Buster: 'Cause seriously Rio: That we'd grow out of it Rio: Whoops Buster: Sorry mum Buster: But not Rio: Why didn't you do it again Rio: Kiss me, I mean Buster: You were there Buster: You know how it went Buster: And how everyone else was Rio: I would've helped you Rio: in private too Rio: I did think you didn't like me for a long while after that Buster: I just Buster: People hadn't ever really took the piss out of me before that Rio: Yeah Rio: I get it now Rio: I wanted to kiss you again though Buster: Me too Buster: I thought about it all the time Buster: But I thought you didn't like it Rio: I liked it, I liked you Rio: even if were a dick about it afterwards Rio: it made me feel things I'd never felt before Buster: I'm sorry I was such a prick Rio: Like you said, no one had ever taken the piss out of you before Rio: what were you meant to do really Buster: I should've done what I wanted to do Buster: Kissed you again anyway Rio: It's weird but I remember thinking I was so jealous of your mum and dad, that it was so cool that they got to be together all the time and I only got to see you in holidays Rio: it didn't really occur to me it wasn't a normal setup I was just mad about it Buster: A lot of shit is weird to look back on Rio: Seriously Rio: I don't know why you were different from the others Rio: you just always were Buster: I don't understand it either Buster: Like I could justify it to myself that it was me, you and Nance 'cause we were the oldest but Rio: Don't get me wrong, it's not just 'cos she's a girl that I don't look at her like that Rio: I just wouldn't ever, I don't know Buster: I hope not Rio: Seriously Buster: Like if that twat had dared me to kiss any of the others I wouldn't Buster: Not just 'cause they're younger or whatever Rio: I dunno Rio: clearly we are fucked up but it's too late to do anything now Buster: I get if the fam doesn't get it 'cause like we don't either Buster: You're just different, you've always been unlike anyone else Buster: And every time I think about that kiss I wanna kiss you again Rio: You too Rio: Let's not say it's because we're special though, might be a bit unbearable of us Buster: You can say it to me Buster: I won't tell on you Rio: You were always good for that, to be fair Rio: Nance and June would crack under the teeniest bit of questioning Buster: We ain't fucking amateurs, babe Buster: Not us Rio: I seriously love you Buster: Marry me Rio: All I can ever say to that is yes Buster: We don't have to wait until exams are over Buster: We can go now Rio: Where Buster: Brazil, like you want Rio: You know it's 11 1/2 hours away Buster: So? Rio: We can't just nip off now and be back before anyone notices Buster: We can stay there like I was gonna stay here Rio: I wish we could Buster: Say yes and we can Rio: I wanna so bad Buster: I know what's stopping you Buster: Don't let it Rio: What's stopping me Buster: You're worrying about everyone else left behind Rio: Well, yeah Buster: I'll take Indie to Meena's if we're doing this Rio: and say what, babysit the kid, we're eloping Buster: Yeah Buster: Not in those exact words, like Rio: This is madness Rio: You know your Ma will actually kill you, right Buster: I don't care Buster: I'll die happy won't I Rio: You're such a fool Buster: For you, yeah Buster: You know I'm weak for you, baby Rio: Fuck Rio: You're serious, aren't you? Buster: I am Rio: Then okay Rio: let's make it happen Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Marry me, Buster Buster: Oh fuck Buster: That's all I want Rio: Me too Rio: I don't want to wait anymore, I've done enough waiting when it comes to you Buster: Promise me if it takes a few days to sort this you aren't gonna change your mind Rio: I promise Rio: I do need to tell Indie though, at least Rio: I can't have her thinking I'm just going on holiday without her for no good reason Rio: especially now Buster: Do whatever you need to do, babe Rio: I love you Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I never wanna be without you again Buster: You won't Buster: But you will have to find something else to say when you're about to cum 'cause you can't tell me to marry you when I already have Rio: Damn Rio: Maybe I take that promise back Buster: Don't you dare Buster: You're a smart girl you know all the right things to say Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: Jesus Rio: I'm already having to think on my feet here because fuck Buster: Practice makes perfect, baby Buster: I know you can do this Rio: Daddy Buster: You're an angel Buster: I've got so much faith in you, okay Rio: Just think about how good the honeymoon sex will be Rio: I am Buster: Christ Buster: The sound I just made at the idea of that Buster: And the fact that you even said honeymoon Rio: That's what it'll be Rio: finallly let you do all the things I ain't, such an angel, of course Buster: You're killing me Rio: Maybe we can get tattoos when we're there too, like you said Buster: Seriously? Rio: If you want Buster: I do Rio: You can pick mine Rio: I trust you Buster: We should pick each other's then Buster: It's only right that you get to decide the first thing that goes on me Buster: I'm all yours anyway Rio: I literally just stopped breathing Buster: I trust you Buster: Mark me however you want Rio: Are you trying to kill me right now Buster: If I have to be this close to it then you have to come with me Rio: Are you touching yourself too Buster: I was trying not to 'cause I want it to be you but Rio: It's okay, we've got so much time Rio: I'm giving it all to you Buster: Fuck Buster: You're unreal Rio: I'm so real Rio: this is real Rio: we're actually gonna do this Buster: I can't believe it Rio: I'm gonna have your name, baby Buster: You're making me moan yours Rio: Good Rio: I'm gonna be on the tip of your tongue in another way so soon Buster: Damn Buster: It sounds like I'm praying in here Buster: I can't stop Rio: Don't stop Rio: I never want you to stop, even when I'm begging you to, I wanna be ignored because daddy know what's best for me and how to make me feel so fucking angelic Buster: You're so fucking hot Buster: So perfect Rio: It's for you Buster: All of it Rio: If I'm not making you happy, proud, hard or cum then I'm not doing it Rio: Simple as Buster: You're doing all of those things right now, angel Buster: So well Rio: That makes me so happy Rio: I feel so good right now, daddy Buster: Me too Buster: I feel like I'm high but it's just you Rio: I know you're gonna keep me this happy for the rest of our lives and it's killing me Buster: At least this happy Buster: If not more Rio: I don't think it's possible for me to be any happier Buster: I'll rise to that challenge, babe Buster: We'll see Rio: I know you will Rio: that's why I wanna be your wife Buster: Tell me how happy you are after we're married Buster: Tell me every day, okay Buster: I need to make sure Rio: Of course Rio: You're going to know, I'll make sure Buster: Yeah you will Buster: I know Rio: No one else has ever made me happy like you, Buster Rio: I mean that Buster: Nobody has ever made me happy until you Buster: I mean that Rio: Baby Rio: I'm gonna make you feel better than you ever imagined possible, okay Buster: You already have Buster: You do Buster: You are right now Rio: Well this is just the beginning Rio: there's so much we're gonna do together Buster: I wanna do everything with you Rio: You will Rio: What do you wanna do next baby? Buster: I wanna make all your dreams come true Buster: Make all those ideas you had for the future a reality Rio: I'm so glad you believe in me Rio: it feels good having you on my team Buster: I've never believed in anyone more Buster: Except myself Buster: We're both gonna have the career we want, babe Buster: And love everything about our lives not just each other Rio: I believe that too Buster: We can live anywhere, travel anywhere, do anything Rio: There'll be nothing or no one that can stop us Buster: I'm gonna give you things you didn't even know you wanted Rio: Yeah? Buster: Things you didn't know you could want or were allowed to want Buster: Everything Rio: You're gonna make me scream Buster: Do it Buster: You know nothing gets to me more Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Buster: Be loud for me Rio: Tell me what to say Buster: Tell me to marry you while you still can Rio: I can't believe none of them heard that Buster: You'll have to be louder next time, baby Rio: Oh hush Rio: I thought of something that made me cum really hard Rio: I didn't mean to but it kinda popped into my head and now I'm scared to say it in case it fucked everything up Buster: Tell me Rio: I don't wanna make you angry or Buster: You can tell me anything Buster: What is it? Rio: It's just Rio: Oh God Rio: Well, did you mean it when you said we could have a baby one day maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: I want all my kids to be yours Rio: Really? Buster: Of course Buster: You're a great mum already, I told you Buster: And you're beautiful Buster: Why wouldn't I want that? Rio: Well, I didn't know if you wanted kids, fullstop Rio: then you know, if we even could Buster: I just don't want Chlo's to be mine Buster: But I wanna have them, with you, one day Rio: Yeah Rio: Okay Rio: I'm glad you aren't mad them, or it's weird Buster: How many do you want? Rio: Not as many as my Ma, don't worry Buster: Gotta have at least as many as mine though so we don't end up with a weird only child Buster: Not having that Rio: Oh God, they'd be such a spoilt little shit on top of that too, nah Rio: 2 and over then, okay Buster: 3 would be alright like they did Buster: or 4 Rio: I think so too Buster: More than 5 is going a bit far, like Rio: Noted Rio: Know your limits, babe Buster: We'll see Buster: Twins could easily happen Rio: We all know y'all don't count as 2 seperate kids though Rio: twofer, you Buster: Yeah but we cost as much as Buster: So behave Rio: Don't be tight, babe Buster: I'm prioritising Buster: We gotta get a dog of our own, Indie's is so fucking cute Rio: Awh you love him Rio: yeah sod the kid's, like Buster: Don't tell her, she'll only take the piss Buster: But yeah, I like him Rio: My lips are sealed, trust me Rio: she takes the piss out of me enough already without bringing this whole convo up Buster: Fair enough Buster: Babe? Rio: Mm? Buster: I won't be a shit dad, will I? Buster: You won't let me Rio: Of course you won't be Rio: you'll be amazing, seriously, the best Buster: I mean, I love my parents and they love me, I know it and I owe them literally everything but Buster: I don't wanna be like them Buster: Distant or whatever you wanna call it Rio: Yeah Rio: You'd be weird if you wanted to be like your parents, not just you and yours, like Rio: you're meant to try and do better, different Buster: Yeah Buster: I know they'd say the same too Buster: But whenever I'm around Astrid, it's like Buster: I don't know Rio: It's alright to be unsure around babies, they're terrifying, really, when you think about it Buster: We're not gonna let our kids get fucked up, are we? Buster: As much as we can control that Rio: That's the whole point Rio: we'll give them all the good we had, and all the good we didn't, too Buster: Okay Buster: Then let's have 11 Rio: 😂 I knew your competitive streak would catch up Buster: You know me so well Buster: I love you so much Rio: I'm down to make as many babies with you as my body will allow, like, so not complaining Rio: I love you too baby Buster: When are you coming home? Buster: I want you back Rio: Like you're psychic, hear him coming up the drive now so gimme the 30 for the drive plus 5 for pleasantries now and finding out wtf he was up to Buster: Ask him how his date went Rio: 😑 Rio: I shall and he shall be suitably horrified at the suggestion Rio: poor baby Buster: 😂 Buster: Don't be horrified if I walk out the door as you walk in 'cause I didn't wanna take the dog out while Indie was chucking up her organs, like Rio: 💔 Rio: Love that dog a little too much tbh Buster: What can I say? He's angelic too Rio: I will not compete with a literal dog Buster: Poor baby Buster: I'm only playing, you know you're my angel, nobody else Rio: 😊 That's more like it Buster: Hurry home and I'll show you how much I mean it Rio: Tempting Rio: but I really wanna hear about this museum, like Buster: I guess I'll have to find another girl to kiss on the stairs then Buster: Wish me luck Rio: Don't even fucking play Buster: I've been thinking about it for such a long time, someone's getting one if you don't want it Rio: [Car selfie] Buster: You look good, babe Buster: Good enough for a long, slow, welcome home kiss Rio: 😻🤤 Rio: I'll actually focus on driving for once so I can be there as soon as possible Buster: Good girl Rio: Though if you plan to be that distracting Rio: I make no promises, like Buster: Me? Never Buster: I'll just be here thinking about pressing you up against those railings Buster: I won't say a word, like Rio: Shh, not listening Rio: gonna make you regret teasing me when I get home Buster: It's just an innocent hello kiss Rio: Not the way I'm planning on doing it Buster: Focus on your driving Rio: 😑 Buster: I'm allowed to think of you breathless Buster: You have to be good Rio: You're mean Buster: I just want you here so I can be really nice Rio: I know Rio: cruel to be kind Buster: Exactly Buster: I knew you'd understand
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Rio & Buster
Rio: You owe someone a pint, like Buster: What? Rio: Indie just got back from A & E Rio: Someone broke Drew's nose, apparently Buster: So it was broke? Good Buster: You can have that pint on me Rio: You what now Buster: You heard me Buster: I'm not about to toast myself, maybe next time if I go harder but Buster: If you wanna celebrate, you're welcome Rio: What the fuck, Buster? Buster: What's your problem? You were happy about it a second ago Rio: I'm not crying about it but Rio: why? Buster: Don't act like you need a list Rio: I thought you'd decided to leave it Rio: What changed? Buster: He didn't leave it Buster: Started chatting shit so Rio: When doesn't he? Hardly new Buster: When he's bleeding Buster: He's too busy trying not to cry then, like Rio: For God's sake Buster: What? Buster: You want me to be sorry now? Rio: This isn't funny Rio: I want you to think of an excuse for hitting him 'cos you clearly don't have a real reason you're wanting to share Buster: Oh so you wanna know what he was saying about you, is that it? Buster: 'Cause there's my reason Rio: Yeah, well I assume you don't want to tell Indie, or anyone else that could ask, that Rio: hence we agreed to leave it and him alone Buster: He's not gonna tell anyone that an 18 year old posh boy fucked him up Buster: It's fine Rio: It ain't Rio: there's something you aren't telling me Buster: You mean I ain't Buster: True Buster: But I don't wanna talk about it so unless there's any more you wanna say about Drew Rio: I don't care about him Buster: Good to know Buster: It hasn't been that long since we spoke last, like Buster: Would be awkward if you'd changed your mind that hard Rio: Is there anything I can do? Rio: Without you having to talk, like Buster: I don't know Buster: I'm just trying to have a drink Rio: Fine Rio: well you said you'd buy me one so where are you? Buster: The fam boozer so I'm guessing you're gonna want a raincheck on that Rio: What, you can't be seen with me now? Buster: What like we're best friends who drink together now? Rio: It's not that weird Rio: you just want to avoid the conversation Buster: It can be both Rio: Is Grandad there? Buster: 'Course Buster: So I don't need you sliding into the booth next to me Buster: My head's already wrecked without being that close to you as well Rio: Good Rio: Just tell me what's wrong Buster: There aren't words for it, babe Buster: I don't know what to say Rio: It's not gotta be poetic Rio: take your time but Rio: you're scaring me, like Buster: That's not what I want, I'm sorry Buster: It's just a mess. I am Buster: Chlo hit me up again Rio: It's alright, just let Grandad take you home when he says you've had enough, yeah? Rio: Right, what did she say? Buster: She's saying its not mine now Rio: Oh, babe Rio: It should be illegal to mess with someone's head this much Rio: What the fuck is wrong with her Buster: She don't wanna be associated with me so she's lying Buster: But I can't prove that until she has the kid Rio: Jesus Rio: Be honest, is it because of me? Because, you can change her mind on that Rio: I know I said it was a bad idea but fuck Buster: It's too late to change her mind Buster: You haven't heard the really good part yet Rio: I'm really sorry, Buster Rio: Now I don't have the words Rio: Do I even want to know, what could be the 'good' part of this? Buster: Don't say sorry Buster: None of this is your fault, I wouldn't play her game and I wouldn't have regardless of us being together or not Buster: You don't want to know but I had to hear it so Buster: And we tell each other everything yeah? Buster: She's told James he's the dad Buster: They are together now or some shit I assume Rio: No, it's all her, right Rio: It isn't yours either Rio: but this is fucking Rio: the worst, I didn't think people actually did shit like this outside of bad TV Rio: That would be hilarious if it so clearly wasn't Rio: even he doesn't deserve that, fucking hell Buster: Yeah Buster: Maybe it did happen? I reckoned they hadn't fucked since last Christmas 'cause he hadn't said anything and you know how he likes to chat but maybe it's different with her Buster: Fuck knows why but he likes her Buster: Or maybe he was just off his face too like she said Buster: Or maybe she's just fucking lying to me Rio: That's the fucked thing Rio: you can't trust anything she says Rio: and then she tells you two stories anyway so, is either true, neither, like? Rio: The worst headfuck Buster: Tell me what to do Buster: I can't handle months of this Buster: I don't even know how far gone she is now, like Rio: Does she? Rio: Maybe you talk to her parents? They have to handle this because she isn't Rio: If she's under 18 and under their care, they've got some sway, she can't just do what she wants when she's fucking up this badly Buster: Alright Buster: That's a better idea that anything I'm doing right now Buster: Trying not to cry in this fucking pub Buster: Turned into my fucking sister Rio: Understandable, more than Rio: Do you want me to come get you? Buster: I don't even know what I want Buster: I should be happy shouldn't I? Off the hook Buster: Like I could literally go to America if I want Rio: Because you don't know for sure Rio: all she's given you is more uncertainty and you're not a complete cunt like her so you're not fine not knowing Rio: You wanna do the right thing Buster: I should've hit Drew harder, that's the closest I'm getting to the right thing right now Rio: I think you're right he won't say, Indie didn't have a clue so Rio: don't worry about that Rio: you wanna go punch things? Buster: I'm gonna be sick is what I reckon Buster: Hold on Rio: Better? Buster: I swear she's gonna give me a stomach ulcer like its the fucking 80s Buster: Stressing me the fuck out Buster: I'm not drunk enough for this, I'll never be Rio: Get another drink Rio: I'd like to give you better advice but at this point Rio: that is the best you can do Buster: I've changed my mind, you should come Buster: Be here Rio: Okay, I'll come get you Buster: Stay with me Buster: It's the furthest away from Chelsea cunts we can be Buster: I fucking love this pub Rio: Maybe you enjoy it for a while longer then I'll come, yeah Rio: Don't need the added stress of that do you Buster: You're not stress Rio: I mean the stress of not being us properly, like Buster: We're still us Buster: Remember when we were little, we were always here 'cause our parents were always working Rio: Yeah Rio: Why I'm so good at pool, like Buster: And pulling pints Buster: You loved it, Nance was under a table if she weren't behind me, but you were in your element, like Buster: 2nd home for you and gotta be our 3rd Rio: Naturally, cheers for the stunning CV like, pops Rio: Shit was so simple then Buster: I thought it was so shit at the time, what the fuck did I know Rio: Well, always been a moody bastard Buster: Nah, you've just always been that annoying Rio: Rude Rio: I am a delight and always have been Buster: Whatever you say, babe Buster: Still waiting on you to come here and show me Rio: Just 'cos I was everyone's fave, soz I took your shine Buster: Nobody can say no that face that's all Buster: Same, like Rio: How're you finding the time to still be cute, like? Buster: It comes natural with you, that's what I'm saying Buster: Everyone's fave Rio: Shh Buster: You know exactly what you're doing, looking and being like that Rio: What are you chatting, babe? Buster: That you're perfect Rio: And that's all part of my master plan, is it? 😏 Buster: Yeah Rio: 'Course Rio: well, don't tell Buster: 🤐 obviously Rio: Good, you're not that drunk yet Buster: I'm not drunk Buster: I'm working on it Rio: 😂 Godspeed Buster: Come and join me Buster: I'm gonna keep asking Buster: You're not the only one who can be annoying, like Rio: You wanna awkwardly avoid eye contact that bad? Buster: I want you Rio: Then drink your drinks and I'll come get you Rio: you can't have me in the pub Rio: we can't talk either, which I know is part of the appeal Buster: so sensible Buster: it's hot Rio: Glad you agree, babe Buster: 😏 Rio: Remember, water, yeah? Buster: That's my line, baby Rio: Yeah but it's solid Rio: so take it, like Buster: Don't worry, it's handled Rio: Good boy Buster: Behave Buster: Talking like that to me Rio: 🤐 Buster: Don't act like you don't love it Rio: Obviously but Rio: time and a place isn't there Buster: it can be right now Rio: Nah Buster: Don't you wanna feel good? I do Rio: I know you do baby Rio: You will do again Buster: I hate this. I hate her Rio: Yeah Rio: This is horrible Buster: At least I don't have to tell Nance now Rio: That's true Rio: Any silver lining Buster: Yeah Buster: Dodged that bullet, cheers Chlo Rio: Yeah, enjoy not having her in your face for now Rio: 'til her parents can get this sorted Rio: it doesn't need to be all on you Buster: James of all people Buster: You're really gonna have to kick him off your stream now, he'll need all that cash Rio: Oh God Rio: what a pair Rio: could've gone my whole life without that mental image Buster: I'd almost feel bad for him if he wasn't such a cunt Buster: Don't worry lad I'll resolve this for you Rio: Yeah, wonder how he's feeling rn Rio: if it's even true, like Buster: Hit him up Buster: Sure he'd still love to hear from you, babe Rio: Play 2nd to Chloe again? You're alright Buster: Don't Buster: You never were Rio: I know Rio: just a joke Rio: also not gutted over the loss of James from the dating game, just in case you didn't get that either 😉 Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause from how he made it sound you had the best night of your life Rio: Oh James Rio: not a wistful sigh Rio: 😬 just nah Buster: Thank Christ I know enough about what you do like now to know it's such bullshit and not be jealous Rio: Yeah, that would really be a waste of your time, trust Buster: Been there, done that Rio: Yeah Rio: That feels like forever ago Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'm glad Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: Don't you think? Rio: It isn't really but a lot's happened since Rio: like I love you too Buster: Yeah Buster: Like you said, its one thing after another Rio: Yeah, won't tempt fate by asking what else but you know Rio: gotta be a limit, right? Buster: Regardless I need a holiday and we've just been Rio: Tell me about it Rio: Should've taken Nance up on her offer Buster: It ain't too late for a last minute trip, babe Rio: It is a bit Rio: 🎅 coming Buster: Like he ain't gonna know where to find you Rio: What about the fam tho Buster: I ain't saying you gotta go anywhere, you know he ain't the one bringing you gifts anyway Buster: Sit on my lap and tell me what you want Rio: Babe Rio: You're killing me Buster: Stop fighting it then Buster: I want you and you want me Rio: Not right now, I can't babe, 'cos you're trashed and even if you weren't, you ain't in the best headspace Rio: I'm still come see you if you want Buster: You can change that, you're the only person who can Buster: Give me a good mood Rio: Alright, omw Rio: remember where you are, yeah? Buster: I ain't no amateur remember Rio: Don't forget it, champ Buster: I've got a full 10 rounds left in me, babe Rio: 'Course 😏 Buster: You'll see Rio: Better not Rio: Best behaviour boy Buster: 'Course Rio: Very convincing Buster: Yeah I know Rio: Sure you've got the oscars speech ready, like Buster: I'll do it on the night Buster: Be alright Rio: 😂 Rio: Hot Buster: Like I said, yeah I know Rio: S'alright, I rate cockiness, as it goes so Buster: Glad to hear it, like Rio: What story do you reckon Ro is getting 'bout his busted nose Buster: 😂 Buster: Mugging for that watch he's still wearing on his wrist probably Rio: Forreal Rio: like hold up sis, this ain't adding up Buster: She's the stupidest smart woman I've ever met Rio: Wilful ignorance probably the least blissful but Rio: easier than dealing with the shitstorm I suppose Buster: Yeah Rio: I'd ask him but don't wanna give him any better ideas, get outta this one yourself moron Buster: Don't talk to him Rio: I'm not, he's just chatting shit Buster: About me? Rio: Well yeah, gotta try and save face after you beat him, like I care Buster: Tell me Rio: Not saying anything worth hearing, or getting mad about, don't worry Buster: Everything that comes out of his mouth makes me mad Buster: Don't start keeping secrets for him too Rio: I'm not, if you wanna know then you can but no need to bloody your knuckles over it a 2nd time is all I'm saying Buster: Whatever Rio: Don't be mad, I shouldn't have brought it up Buster: Yeah you should Buster: That's my fucking point Rio: It doesn't bother me Rio: I just ignore him Buster: Don't even fucking start me on that Buster: Seriously Rio: What Rio: what am I meant to do Buster: I'm not talking in circles with you about this Buster: You know the answers already and I'm mad Rio: If I thought there was a better way to deal with it, I'd be doing that so Rio: let's leave it Buster: Whatever Buster: Just keep leaving it for his fucking benefit, yeah? Fine Rio: Not his, everyone else's Buster: Bullshit. Who's it helping but him? Rio: Indie, Ro, their kid Rio: saving the entire fam from the aggro Buster: Nah Buster: They'd be better off knowing Buster: You're saving yourself 'cause you reckon they're gonna think you like it, nothing I can say 'cause I know better and I'm the most selfish cunt going too, but own it Buster: At least to me Buster: No more excuses, like Rio: You really think that's all it is, that I'm that selfish Rio: Fuck off Buster: I reckon it's closest to the truth, yeah Buster: 'Cause chat all you want but you're not saving the fam anything, just stalling and how is that better? Buster: Why would you wanna wait til that baby is old enough to understand or Ro's married? Fuck that Rio: So that's on me now too, yeah? Rio: She's turned a blindeye to worse and we all know it Buster: She ain't turning a blind eye to this though and you know it Buster: She doesn't know Buster: He ain't that stupid and neither is she Rio: There's nothing to know because nothing's going to happen Rio: Despite what you clearly reckon, I won't let it Buster: Fuck off, Rio Buster: Don't twist my words Buster: The intent is there, ain't that bad enough? Rio: What, like I'm special? Rio: Sure he's already cheating on her Rio: sorry I don't wanna be the other woman she can push bullshit blame on Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: She's not gonna blame you Buster: You're family, she loves you, she helped raise you, shut up Rio: Whatever Rio: I know how this goes Buster: No you don't Buster: And if Nance was in your place you wouldn't be saying whatever about it Rio: Well she isn't Rio: and it wouldn't be anyone but me Buster: Don't you dare tell me again that you asked for this Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: I didn't say it Buster: You're thinking it though Buster: That's so fucked Rio: You've said as much right here so don't act like you haven't Rio: or that everyone else won't so yeah, whatever, you're right Buster: I've never meant it though Buster: You do Rio: It's the truth Buster: No it's not Buster: It's so far from the truth Rio: Whatever Rio: I've got nothing more to say about it Buster: Fuck this Buster: I'm going for a walk Rio: Alright Buster: Yeah it will be, I'm not gonna punch anyone on my way out, like Rio: Good to know Buster: Besides, even if I did, it can't be traced back to you in any way this time so Buster: All good Rio: Don't be a prick Buster: Like you said, I can't act like I ain't Rio: When did I even say that Rio: This conversation is ridiculous Buster: 'Cause you're being ridiculous Rio: Me? Rio: Okay Buster: Yeah you Buster: It ain't me Rio: Blame me all you've gotta Buster: I'd be in good company if I did at least Rio: Shut up Buster: No Rio: Thought you were going for a walk Buster: I am Buster: I can walk and talk just as easy as you can tell me to fuck off if that's what you want Rio: Do what you want Rio: just don't fall in the river and drown Buster: Fuck that Buster: I'm not an idiot Rio: I'm just saying Rio: I'm glad you're so passionately anti-drowning Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: 🙄 I want you to drown now do I? Rio: Jesus Buster, the drama Buster: I've gotta keep up with this fam somehow, all about that competitive streak, you know Rio: Do what you must Rio: Not in the mood for playing Buster: Go back to texting Drew then Buster: 'Cause he ain't Rio: Don't tempt me Buster: Don't use me as your excuse Rio: Fuck off Rio: If I'm gonna get accused then I may as well do it Buster: Fuck you Buster: If you wanna do it, do it, don't act like it's about me Rio: It isn't about you Rio: I desperately wanna ride Drew, ofc Buster: Shut up Rio: Isn't that what you wanna hear? Buster: Don't Rio: Then why are we having this conversation Buster: 'Cause he wants to fuck you and you don't care Buster: Just fucking care about yourself Rio: Whatever, everybody wants to fuck me Rio: I'm everyone's favourite, yeah? Buster: Stop Buster: It's different and you know it Rio: Really Rio: I don't think we should go there Buster: Whatever Rio: Seriously, glass house, stones, not a good idea Buster: What the fuck Rio: You don't see the irony in that at all Buster: Obviously you do Rio: I'm not blind Buster: Say what you wanna fucking say, Rio, you ain't mute either Rio: I've said it but fine Rio: it's alright when it benefits you but now it ain't 'cos it's him Buster: Seriously Buster: Fuck you Buster: How dare you Rio: It needed to be said Rio: there's no world in which I can make a big fuss about this Drew situation and then out us, it isn't going to work Buster: No it didn't Buster: Don't talk to me Rio: Fine
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I saw Buster: Where are you going? Rio: Not decided Buster: How much do you have in your account? Rio: Loads Rio: Great stream, like Rio: despite some vocal haters Buster: Yeah Buster: Get as far as you can then Buster: Fuck him Rio: I won't, that's the problem Buster: Like that's his only problem Rio: No need to tell me Rio: don't recommend you engage with him but Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Nothing Rio: Not forgotten how you feel about it, like Rio: not expecting sympathy Buster: Don't be like that Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause I ain't him Buster: Don't treat me like I am Rio: Sorry Rio: idk what to do Buster: Come here Rio: I can't Buster: Why not? Rio: Plenty of reasons Rio: For one you don't wanna see me Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Try and tell me otherwise Buster: Rio Buster: I want to see you Rio: Maybe I'll just fake out and stay Rio: how sad would that be Rio: unforgivable or? Buster: 'Course not Buster: You can do whatever you want Rio: Can I? Rio: 'cos Ryan don't reckon so Buster: What does that cunt know about anything? Rio: Enough to drag my name through the dirt Rio: that's for sure Buster: Enough that he has to try Buster: He knows he fucked up when he lost you but that's all he has a clue about Buster: And he was punching above his weight since day 1, he's also gotta be aware of that Rio: Nah Rio: he just hates me Rio: not wrong with what he's saying but Buster: Shut up Buster: That's bullshit Buster: He's got no right to hate you Rio: Maybe not but Rio: I get it Rio: nothing he says is untrue Rio: just wish he didn't care Buster: Fuck that Buster: I bet most of what he says is utter bullshit Rio: Nah Rio: hand him the ammo, don't I Buster: It's not your fault he's fucked in the head, babe Buster: Don't talk shit Rio: Just 'cause he's obsessed don't mean he ain't got a point Rio: whether I like it or not Rio: probably why it makes me so mad Rio: my easy money called into question Buster: Stop it Buster: You could leaving a nun life and he'd still wanna find ways to make you feel bad Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Maybe Rio: unlikely to find that out any time soon Buster: Good Buster: Don't change for him Buster: He's worth shit, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Still dictating shit regardless Rio: laughing with it Rio: why did I rise to it Buster: 'Cause you've had enough Buster: It's been going on so long Rio: How awful that I wish he'd just get a new girlfriend already Rio: why would I want that for anyone Buster: 'Cause you want rid Buster: I don't blame you Rio: Promise? Buster: I swear Buster: Don't blame yourself either Rio: Hard not to Rio: I did it Rio: so stupid Buster: You're not stupid Rio: Yes I am Rio: What was the point Buster: Shut up Buster: You're smarter than him Buster: And me Buster: We both know it's my fault you fucked Curtis Buster: I would've made it up to you if Indie didn't have other ideas, like Rio: Oh yeah 😂 high school dropout with one shit job and one dubious one Rio: genius, like Buster: You're not funny, doesn't mean you aren't smart Buster: So stop Rio: I don't want to Rio: can't Rio: idk Buster: What do you want? Buster: Seriously Rio: Am I meant to know? Rio: I don't Rio: I'm not like you, clever, whatever you want to call it Rio: I have no clue what I'm doing or why Buster: I don't buy it Buster: I know you've got goals Buster: You're as motivated as I am Rio: Why are you being nice Rio: not letting me mope Buster: 'Cause he keeps hurting you Buster: And like I said, I ain't him Buster: That and you won't let me kill him Rio: Can't be the egomaniac that tries to fight their own case Rio: never ends well, babe Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: just trying to give you a little dose of reality Buster: Bit late, don't you reckon Rio: I'm a tryer Buster: Yeah? Rio: You know it Buster: Don't give up then Rio: don't worry, at an airport, not the traintracks or bridge Buster: Hilarious Buster: Decided where you're going yet or what Rio: I'll check where's cheapest and where's going the minute I decide I wanna Rio: doesn't matter really Buster: 'Course it matters Buster: Going to a shithole isn't gonna cheer you up Rio: I mean Rio: I won't go to... Rio: Yugoslavia? idk Rio: somewhere sunny'll cut it Buster: 😂 Rio: just trying to hype your postcode Rio: i 👀 you Buster: I reckon its got itself covered Buster: And I ain't gotta hype me Rio: You have put those hours in by now, yeah 😜 Buster: Just you wait, babe Buster: Barely started with you Rio: I know Rio: Can't even blame all those false starts on how hot I am Buster: Welcome back Rio: 😏 Rio: Wishing you could be holding that sign at Heathrow, babe Buster: Obviously Buster: Really missing you, like Rio: Really feel it Buster: Good Rio: Well Rio: looks like I'm off to Spain Buster: I'll see you around then Rio: yeah? Rio: cool Buster: How long are you gonna be gone? Rio: just a few days Rio: can't leave indie Buster: I can check in Buster: She'd love it Rio: hmm Buster: You know she would Rio: yeah Rio: but i don't Rio: thank you very much Buster: What do you think is gonna happen? Buster: she's a kid Rio: an insatiable kid Rio: with no boundaries Buster: She ain't got any maybe but I do Rio: Some, like Rio: don't get carried away Buster: Fuck off Rio: What? Rio: Just saying Rio: too late to put some back in place Buster: Am I meant to care? Rio: Probably Rio: you still haven't realised? Buster: What? Rio: I'm going to fuck you up Buster: You wish, babe Rio: I seriously don't Rio: but I will if you let me Buster: The only way you can hurt me is the way I like Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Okay Rio: you better be right Rio: i tried to stop this, let the record show Buster: I'm always right, babe Buster: And I'm sick of being stopped Rio: Same Rio: I wish it had been you Rio: sorry if you don;t wanna hear it Buster: It's alright Buster: I know Rio: what a mess Buster: I wish I could make you forget everybody else Rio: you could Rio: don't pick now to be humble Buster: Seriously though Buster: I hate that your exes get to treat you how they do Rio: Know how to pick 'em, right Buster: Yeah Rio: Tragic Buster: I ain't one to talk Rio: Yeah Rio: Right pair Rio: Commiserate with me Buster: I'll take a drink Rio: Sláinte baby Buster: Cheers Rio: what are you doing Buster: An assignment Buster: Technically Rio: Oop, my bad Buster: Yeah 'cause I'd rather study Rio: Should Rio: be a good boy Buster: Fuck should Rio: honestly Rio: tut tut Rio: what am i gonna do with you Buster: Everything Buster: And anything you want Rio: promises, promises Buster: What else do you want me to give you? Rio: just all of you Buster: I'll get myself to the airport then, shall I Rio: don't be moody Rio: everyone's in a mood with me Rio: i'm trying to be good Buster: I ain't Buster: I just want to actually be able to come with Rio: I know Rio: time alone will probably be good for me though, you who came for me on that, right? Rio: but i'll be thinking about you Rio: a lot Buster: I know Buster: You need to go Rio: Next time Rio: I'll come to you Rio: not because I'm running from someone else, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Am I being weird Rio: I'm airport drunk Buster: I like it Buster: Just make sure they let you on the plane, babe Rio: oi Rio: i'm a calm composed lady Rio: and there's a hen party on my flight who are gonna need all the handling so Buster: 😂 Buster: slip the hot ones my number, like Rio: no. Rio: you can't do any handling from there anyway hush Buster: Like I said, don't underestimate me, babe Rio: always want me to do your work for you Rio: your type ain't mine, trust Buster: We've already established your type ain't worth nobody's time Rio: fuck off Rio: girls are different Buster: You've got a type of girl too then? Rio: duh Rio: i celebrate all things woman, that's my whole job Buster: where's those exes, like? Rio: 😂 Rio: suddenly interested Buster: No shit Rio: typical bloke 😏 Buster: Not yours thank fuck Buster: So glad to be a different class Rio: you want me to feel offended? Rio: thought he weren't my fault Buster: I'm not shading you just the lads you've been with Buster: 'Cause he's the worst, yeah, but he ain't the only twat, is he Rio: what you gonna do about it, boy? Rio: you wanna matchmake for me? get me a 💎 Buster: I'm gonna give you better Buster: Then you won't wanna go back to all that bullshit Buster: All you gotta do is keep up Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never had a problem with that Rio: just don't keep me running circles 'round you forever Buster: You must be drunk if you're dropping the f bomb Rio: ha no Rio: just feels like forever Buster: One thing I can't argue with you about Rio: too right Rio: so shh Buster: I'm not in the library I'll be as loud as I want, cheers Rio: say something worthwhile then please Buster: Take lots of pics for me while you're away, yeah? Rio: Of course Rio: tan progress, naturally Rio: or if you're in the market for some nice bikinis Rio: got you, babe Buster: Standard Rio: will you call me Rio: i'm already lonely Buster: Now? Rio: No, you're working hard Rio: or meant to be Rio: but when i'm there and you've finished Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't have to Buster: I know I don't Rio: 😔 Rio: want me again Rio: i'll make it up to you Buster: I haven't stopped Buster: You know I can't Rio: but don't want to stop Buster: I want you Buster: That's all Rio: i'm going to make it so worth it i swear Rio: i know its been too long Buster: I've wanted you for years, babe Buster: I can handle waiting Rio: I can't Rio: I'm so mad at the world Rio: leave us alone for 15 minute god Buster: You sure you don't want me to call you now? Rio: 😈 Rio: Not my ideal mile-high fantasy with you obviously but Rio: I need it Buster: Maybe not but I've still thought about it Buster: Been thinking about it since you said you were at the airport Rio: You're really gonna need me to check that essay for typos then, babe Rio: I'm not going to the bathroom, so you do the telling and I'll be trying my best to stay quiet, yeah? Buster: Having you on my desk is a fantasy for another day Buster: Until then, yeah Buster: cum for me quietly that'll be a new one Rio: Sadly Rio: Fuck me 😍🤤 Rio: I love a challenge, yeah Buster: I love that either way I win Rio: I see no real downside Rio: you're going to make me cum either way Rio: whether i get forcibly removed from the plane is another thing but come on guys, be cool Buster: Well, if you are you know who to call Buster: Least I can do, like Rio: reckon they'd just fly through to spain, like Rio: no point coming back Rio: me sat there in cuffs Rio: getting too kinky Buster: 😂 Buster: I don't reckon there'll be many complaints Buster: They'll appreciate it if anything Rio: in flight entertainment Rio: not a male stripper, soz girls but you know you love it Buster: Put me there on the facetime if they get mad about it Rio: 😂 Rio: let you steal my thunder this once 'cos at least i'll get to see too Buster: you're all welcome, like Rio: save the best for just me though Buster: I will if you do Rio: Promise Buster: Okay Buster: I'm calling
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