#one of the dogs peed on a blanket but I’m making that tomorrow me’s problem
arolesbianism · 5 months
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Some doodles
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Naruto’s new after school program
Iruka signed as he looked at the two boys standing in front of him. One was a promising upcoming ninja who's family were going to be mad at what had happened, and the other was blond dork who was barley scraping by in his classes. The room was filled with the smell of urine though neither boy had wet their pants. "Before we begin..Naruto..can you explain to me WHAT you were thinking?" Iruka asked, a eye twitching. The blond brat gave a super toothy grin, then seeing the look on Iruka's father coughed and looked sheepish. "well..er.. see..I read that dogs mark stuff by peeing on it right? which by the way proves that I've been paying attention in class and so I sh-" "NARUTO!" "Right right..soo I figured Kiba, being a dog boy..if i peed on him he'd hafa listen to me and stuff." Naruto said quickly. If Iruka looked mad, Kiba looked ready to murder and it was only the fact that he knew Iruka would stop him before he could do permanent damage that was stopping him from assaulting the loser. "Are you fucking KIDDING ME!?" Kiba screamed, while he wasn't going to hospitalize the brat, clearly he couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Kiba Please, I know you're mad bu-" Iruka started. "MAD?! MAD!?! THIS LITTLE SHIT TOOK A PISS ON ME!!" Kiba snarled and growled, and for a second it looked like he might try his luck and pounce on the other boy. Naruto sensed this and knowing he'd be hopelessly outmatched if that happened nudged closer to Iruka for protection. "Kiba, why don't you go and take a shower and go home. trust me, Naruto's going to be punished for this." "FUCK PUNISHMENT. Let me have him for 3 minutes an-" "KIBA!" the dog ninja stopped and snarled again, but then stomped off. "Sheesh.. He's in a pissy mood." Naruto giggled once he was out of the room, and turned to look at Iruka who was NOT smirking. "er..too soon?" "you realize of course between this, your failing grades, and a dozen or so other pranks like this I could just expel you from the school right? and in fact it would be a black mark that keeps you from ever becoming a ninja?" Iruka asked, tapping a large folder of many of Naruto's other such brilliant ideas. "WHAT!?" he yelped out, gulping. it was JUST dawning on the blond for the first time just HOW much trouble he was in. "Fact of the matter is I fought to get you enrolled here when many others said no. but I took a chance on you..and this is how I'm rewarded. with you making anther boy, a boy with a powerful family in the village I might add, into a urinal." "I..I uh..But I'm sorry!" Naruto said quickly. "If I actually believed that it might change things, but be honest..you're not sorry you did it, you're only sorry your in trouble for doing it." Iruka said. "...A-are you gonna..kick me out?" Naruto asked in a small voice, and he had tears welling up in his eyes. "...there is ONE other option open to us here. it's a special after school program I've been suggesting for delinquents such as yourself. It'll run for the course of4 months..and you can drop out at any time but you'll be expelled and then black marked when you do." Iruka said after a moment. "Doesn't sound like I have much of a choice..but OK. I'm on board. what is it? cleaning the school? doing lines?" Naruto asked. "Not even close. " Iruka said and smirked. He'd had a feeling Naruto would be the first one to go though his program and had been prepared. (in fact the only shock was it had taken this long to need to implement it.) Opening the locked bottom drawer on his desk Iruka reached down and pulled out a wooden paddle, with holes drilled into it to cut down on air resistance. "You're gonna spank me!?" Naruto squeaked, and his hands went behind him to cover his butt. "well, yes. but after that I'm also going to.." and Iruka reached back in the desk and pulled out a thick, white, plastic diaper. "Put you back in diapers." "...Are you on crack!?" it had taken only a few ore minutes of talking after that for Naruto to admit it was better then the alternative, and to have the whole program laid out for him. After school each day he'd meet with Iruka, and be spanked for no less then 3 minutes strait (and more time could be added if Naruto acted up during class) After that he'd be hugged, cuddled, then put in a diaper and allowed to tug his pants up and come back to Iruka's for the night. For the length of the punishment Naruto would live with Iruka, and on the weekends he'd be diapered full time. His own apartment would be paid for and Naruto would be allowed to go there on the weekends and enjoy some of his big boy stuff, though under Iruka's watchful eye. Once back at Iruka's Naruto would be treated like a little baby, as Iruka believed that the problem with most of his misbehaving students was a lack of a good family life. He'd also do his best to keep it from Naruto's classmates what was going on hence no diapers during the day (unless Naruto started to have accidents of course, a fact that when brought up had made the blond sulk) After getting Naruto to fill out the paper work stating he was willingly entering the program and of course could drop out at anytime, Iruka smiled at the blushing and whining Blond. Alright then, all thats left to do is to spank your silly butt for 10 minutes and then diaper you!" he said cheerfully. "WHAT?! But..but it says three!" Naruto huffed and crossed his arms. "Unless you've been misbehaving during class. what would you call peeing on anther student?" Iruka asked. "...OK yeah.. " Sliding his pants down to around his ankles, Naruto hesitated to slid his shuriken buddies undies down and squirmed. "You do realize if I'm going to be changing your diapers, I'm going to see everything anyways right?" Iruka asked in a deadpan voice. "O-Oh yeah.." the blond whined and after squirming a little more, dropped his undies. "S-So do i go over your lap, or brace myself on your desk..orrr." "Brace yourself on the desk for now. I don't think we have any chairs here that would work for a spanking seat." Iruka said. then mentally added 'yet.' With Naruto braced over the desk, he could see the clock and gulped. normally ten minutes for a punishment was a pinch of piss to him, but looking at that scary paddle and knowing how long this was going to feel like, he started to shake. "Hey..hey it's gonna be ok.." Iruka said and rubbed the small of Naruto's back. "Tell you what..just this once..I'll wave the extra time..but after today.." "Thank you thank you thank you!" The blond cried out and would of turned around and hugged Iruka, if the clock hadn't reached the time Iruka was waiting for to start and the paddle came down on his cheeks. Naruto of course as a ninja in training was used to pain, but never in a million years would he of suspected that his buns could be so vulnerable to attack! before he could even start to get over the pain of the swat anther one came down, and then anther.. and it wasn't even 30 seconds before Naruto was bawling like a baby and begging Iruka to stop. Iruka for his part kept the blows coming fast and hard,so that it would all blend together and not leave Naruto time to dread the ext hit. he only had to use a hand to restrain Naruto in the last 20 seconds, which was impressive and as he finished up he pulled the sobbing boy into his arms and rubbed his back, letting Naruto sob into his chest. "Shhh shh..it's all over. you were a good boy Naruto. you took your punishment like a good boy." he coo'ed. he let Naruto sob for five minutes then gently lead him over to the spot on the floor where he had laid out the changing supplies and got Naruto on the soft blanket he'd set out. "I..I don't want anymore spankies..If I'm a super good boy t-tomorrow..can I have no spankies?" Naruto whimpered, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "I'm sorry buddy, you don't get a chance to earn no spankies until you go 3 weeks without needing time added. But I bet you'll do that with ease." Iruka said, trying to be encouraging. trying to get the boy to focus on something else, Iruka took out a teddy bear and offered it to Naruto. "this is ninja bear. he was mine when i was growing up and when I felt scared or sad, I could hug him and feel better. do you wanna try hugging him?" Iruka asked with a small smile. Naruto sniffled and normally would of said no, but just reached out for the bear and glomped it to his chest and hugged it hard. Unfolding the thick diaper (it was at least 3 times the normal thickness of a diaper for a boy Naruto's age) Iruka didn't bother the poor boy who was nuzzling the stuffie now and just lifted up his legs to slid the diaper under his buns and started to sprinkle a mixture of baby powder and medicine that would help Naruto's buns feel better. He could tell it was working as Naruto gave a sigh of relief as his butt touched the powder and he gave a small smile to Iruka who finished coating the front of Naruto, before taping the diaper up nice and snug. Naruto wiggled his butt, apparently trying to spread the love as he laid there and Iruka bit his touge to keep from laughing at the sheer adorableness of it. finally Naruto stopped wiggling and looked down.. then whimpered. "whats wrong buddy?" Iruka asked. "I..I don't know if my pants are gonna fit over this!" Naruto whined. at that comment Iruka stopped and then looked at the puffy diaper around the boys hips, and then his pants. "...Oh shit. I didn't think of that."  he admitted. "..Well how am I getting home without anyone seeing my diaper!?" Naruto huffed and sat up, crossing his arms now. "er.. well we can try.. and if that won't work I think I have some back up clothes from other students that might work.." Iruka said. 20 minutes later Naruto was waddling on the way back to Iruka's house, in a pair of Choji's pants and having to tug them up every few steps despite the bulk between his legs. Iruka sweat dropped as for about the third time the pants dropped down, flashing Naruto's white diaper to anyone around but thankfully the streets were bare and finally he just picked Naruto up and carried him on his hip. "I can walkkk!" Naruto whined. "I know you can, but this way no one see's your new undies. I swear, I';ll get proper pants for tomorrow." Naruto huffed and just buried his face in Iruka's chest and between the spanking and the stress, fell fast asleep. Kiba had been on his way home, after thrashing some training dummies he'd put pictures of Naruto's stupid face on, when he'd seen the pair making their way to Iruka's house. he was about to get their attention and call Iruka out on apparently coddling Naruto, when the brats pants had dropped and flashed a thick white diaper. Instead he hid himself and smirked. "oh, I'm gonna get SO much mileage outta this." the dog ninja chuckled evilly.
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magicsophicorn · 7 years
Dear @thegirl20
You were my recipient for the Ruby Lucas Femslash Week Exchange, but I need to apologise because due to some personal circumstances I ended up not being able to write anything for you after all. However I didn't want you to have nothing, so the incredible and wonderful @sterling-jay has written an adorable fic for you in my place, so she deserves all the love and praise for this pinch-hit. (Well, I managed to write the first little section, but that was it.) Once again I'm so sorry, when I am able to write again I will write something for you to make up for it, but in the meantime please enjoy this fluffy fic from @sterling-jay
Title: Puppy Problems Pairing: Red Queen (Regina/Ruby) Word Count: 1678 Summary: Henry's new puppy doesn't seem to like Ruby very much.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
The whispered question pulled Regina's mind from the edge of sleep and she rolled over in bed, instinctively reaching out to pull Ruby closer to her.
"Everyone likes you," she mumbled, closing her eyes and breathing in the scent of her girlfriend, already feeling sleep trying to reclaim her.
"I'm serious Regina, this could be a disaster. I mean, I'm a werewolf! There's no way he's..."
"Shhhh," Regina interrupted, pressing her lips to Ruby's to silence her with a kiss.
"Shh. It'll be fine. It might take a little time, granted, but it'll be fine. Now go to sleep."
Ruby sighed and nuzzled her face into the crook of Regina's neck, making her smile.
Honestly. Who would have guessed that the Big Bad Wolf could be such a pussycat?
"Henry, you've got to put him down at some point!"
"But mom, he's so soft!"
"Come on, buddy, let him walk around," Ruby said with a smile. She reached over to the puppy to try and pet him, frowning when it sniffed her hand and recoiled. "He keeps sniffing the air, he wants to explore."
"I guess," he sighed, hugging the pup a bit tighter before setting him on the ground. "There you go, buddy. Your new home!"
The puppy walked around, little nails clicking on the floor as he investigated the living room.
"I think he likes it," Henry smiled.
Regina and Ruby shared a smile, watching the little puppy trot around the room, nose to the ground. He bumped headfirst into a wall and started sniffing at it, quickly turning to the side and lifting his leg.
"No no no," Regina said, running to pick him up, the puppy already done by the time she got there. He gave a little wiggle of his tail and a bark, and she sighed. "Thank goodness for magic." A quick wave of her hand and the puddle was cleaned. "Henry...He's your puppy, so you need to train him out of this."
"I could put the puppy pads in the basement! Before we got him, Grandpa gave me some tips on puppy training!"
"Ruby's already claimed the basement, Henry."
"I've gotta wolf out somewhere safe," she shrugged.
"It'll be better for him to learn to go outside, anyways. The puppy pads are just until he grows out of needing to go to the bathroom every ten minutes."
"That's okay then. Ranger and I will figure it out!"
"He's peed inside the house four times, he's shredded two pairs of my shorts, and he won't stop barking," Ruby groaned, sinking into the bed beside Regina. "And! The peeing AND the barking are both directed at me and my stuff. I told you he was going to hate me."
"He doesn't hate you, he's just a baby, in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people." She rolled onto her side, and threw her arm around Ruby's waist, kissing her neck. "He'll get used to it all soon."
"He doesn't hate you," she grumbled. "Doesn't hate Henry. He only goes after the house at large, or my stuff."
"He's gone after my things! You know that shirt of mine that you like?"
"The purple one?"
"Yes, the silky one that always makes you, well," she ran a hand under Ruby's shirt. "He shredded it, when I was getting ready to do the laundry. He pulled it off the bed, and by the time I noticed, I couldn't find all the pieces to put it back together." Ruby groaned. "See? My favorite shirt, too!"
"Henry," Ruby said, walking into the backyard where Henry was playing with Ranger.
"Hey, Ruby!"
"Hey." She sat down on the grass beside him, frowning when the puppy rolled onto his feet and growled at her. "Really? I haven't even done anything."
"I don't think he likes you that much," he said, pulling the pup into his lap.
"That's what I keep telling your mom, but she says it's just because he's new." She reached her hand out for the puppy to sniff, only to get another little growl. "Doesn't like me one bit. Think he'll grow out of it?"
"Maybe? Grandpa says good puppy behavior takes a lot of time and training, but when I asked him why Ranger would only go after your stuff, he didn't know."
"Well. You're a smart kid," she said, ruffling his hair. "I'm sure you'll get him there."
"I swear, he's peed on every wall of this house at least twice," Regina muttered as she stirred the pot. "And anywhere you've been as the wolf, twice!"
"I told you he didn't like me," she said, pulling the meat from the oven. "He smells the wolf, and it freaks him out."
"We'll need to figure out something to do with him. We can't keep cleaning up all these messes all the time."
"What, you want to get rid of him? We can't, that's Henry's puppy!"
They heard the front door open and shut, Henry jogging into the house with Ranger on a leash beside him.
"We'll talk about it later."
"So," Henry said through a mouthful of food, "I don't think Ranger likes heights."
The two women shared a worried look, Regina deciding to take the lead.
"What makes you say that, Henry?"
"Well," he drew out the word, "we were playing fetch today, and the ball accidentally went into the basement...and when Ranger went to go chase it, he got right up to the door and started barking. At first it was just little barks, and then he started to sound scared. And when I tried to take him down there with me, he started to cry."
"Why was the basement door open at all," Regina asked, looking between her girlfriend and son.
"That would be my fault," Ruby said, lifting her fork up. "The full moon is coming up, and I wanted to make sure I had everything ready in there. I must've left it open when I ran upstairs to grab another blanket."
"You know you don't have to transform in there, right?" Regina looked at her softly. "We trust you."
"It's just a precaution," Ruby sighed. "I know I'm in control of the wolf, but I like knowing that you guys would be safe too, if something happened."
"Alright," Regina agreed, giving Ruby's hand a squeeze. "Are you sure it's heights that Ranger's afraid of, Henry? He seems to get up and down the stairs to your bedroom rather easily."
"Oh yeah." He thought about it, forkful of food halfway to his mouth. "I don't know then."
"Well, probably better for him to stay out of the basement anyways."
"I still don't think you need to do this," Regina said, pressing her lips to Ruby's cheek. "I always end up missing you in our bedroom when you do."
"I miss you too. I just..."
"Need to transform and let some pressure off?"
"Something like that." She sank into Regina's arms, holding her close. "If next month is calmer, I might not feel like I need to lock down the basement with me inside, but there's been so much going on..."
"I know." Another peck, and Regina stepped back. "Go, 'commune with the wolf'. I'll see you in the morning."
"As soon as I wake up," Ruby agreed. "Kid," she called Henry over, wrapping him in a quick hug. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't watch our show without me, I'll know if you did," she winked.
"Yeah, yeah," he laughed, hugging her back. "I think I'll just teach Ranger some new tricks while you're down there."
"Can't wait to see them," she said, giving the dog a smile that came out more like a grimace. She reached out to try and pet him, only to pull away when he jumped up, mouth wide open and aimed at her hand. "Maybe teach him not to bite?"
When Ruby next awoke, it was to the sound of Regina and Henry's panicked voices.
"He was just here, Mom!"
"You know you're not supposed to leave him alone, Henry, he needs constant supervision!"
"It was just for a second!"
"Did you open any doors, could he have gotten outside?"
"No, and I put up the baby gate too, so he can't be upstairs..."
The wolf let out a deep breath, stretching her legs. Still too early for her to turn human again, but with the calm she was feeling, she could help them find the puppy.
"I left the basement door open," she heard Regina say, and her eyes went wide. She sniffed the air and sure enough, Ranger's scent was strong. She looked down, and there he was, nestled into her body. She let out a soft woof, loud enough to carry upstairs.
"Ruby?" Regina ran down the stairs, Henry close behind.
Ruby nuzzled at the pup, pushing him up, only to have him whine and curl back into her.
"Ranger!" Henry ran over to the two animals on the ground, petting at Ranger. "Thanks, Ruby." She let out a huff, licking his forehead. "Gross," he laughed."
"Have you two worked out your differences, then," Regina asked, sitting down to let Ruby's head rest on her legs.
Ruby gave her best impression of a shrug. She snuffled at the pup's fur, snorting at him, Ranger not so much as twitching when she did.
The four of them stayed curled together until morning, Ruby waking up and transforming into her human self again. Regina ran her hand over her shoulder and down to her hand, slipping her fingers between Ruby's.
"He couldn't find me," she said, her voice still husky from sleep.
"Ranger," Ruby said, looking down at the puppy. "That's why he was so freaked out all the time. Destroyed my stuff. He smelled me everywhere, couldn't see me." She let out a hum as Regina pulled herself closer. "He was scared, being in someone else's territory."
"So you've made up?"
They both let out happy sighs, falling back asleep.
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