#one of them is a discourse blog. hes a petty hater at heart he is free he is so dgaf about it
aquickstart · 9 months
rip farleigh start you would've loved tumblr dot com
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macabrecabra · 7 years
Sombra and D.Va meeting online after the hate mail incident, and D.Va having no clue that Sombra's with Talon, but it doesn't really matter because the two talk about tech and gaming, and D.Va just smiles really widely and Sombra thinks she just fell for her.
I can give a little something surec:Title: Digital CrushRating: PG
Relationship: Budding Sombra/D.Va
There were a lot of people on theinternet who had shit personalities. That was just the long and shortof it all. People vague posted insults and acted like they were aboveothers, tried to hide how awful they were behind prettyblogs,banners, and pretty words, and overall just being insulting one way or another. That was just a truth of the internet.
D.Va though, she was a rare gem. Shewas blunt and honest, always telling it how it was and wearing herheart on her sleeves. Even when she was at her worse, cussing outopponents in a game, there was still that genuine spark that remainedburning bright. D.Va had a confidence that could not be contained andcould not be dimmed it seemed and with every push forward, every bossovercome, she just showed more of that elegance that had Sombrawatching her stream after stream.
It honestly surprised Sombra that shecould have haters. Such a concept seemed strange given that D.Vadidn't do anything offensive and actually did police her humor andthe like. She didn't isolate groups but always made her stancequietly understood and at times even made an effort to open a bit ofdiscourse with her teammates, all of it handled honestly better thanmost older supposed adults would. She never put anyone else down touplift her opinion, never resorted to petty insults, and even towardsher haters and perhaps comments meant to incite, she bore them with astoicism that made her seem untouchable.
That trait alone, that confidence, musthave been what drew all the horrid wretches of the internet out to tryand rip her down, trying to twist her words and drag her totheir level of self-pity and contempt.
Sombra had taken things into her ownhands to start dealing with all of that. Usually such individualswere ignored. They weren't worth the time to acknowledge. Feeding theunderbelly scum of the internet tended to just validate their horridattitudes, which in turn had others think to act like them, which inturn perpetuated the cesspool that was the internet.
Like hell though was Sombra going tolet someone as bright and good as D.Va be another victim of thatcesspool!
Those haters were taken down one byone, and given their dues. Their accounts were locked, content deleted,and the promise of obscurity implanted onto hard drives to wash awayall that they had done in the most extreme cases of haters found.Some of them were awful to a lot of people and deserved every second.In a way, Sombra had felt like an internet hero, the dark knightwhich hacked in the night.  Maybe more an anti-hero given that afterher internet troll cullings she was right back to doing Talon's dirtywork.
Sombra hadn't realized that herdealing with haters and filtering out hatemail combined with hersmall encouraging e-mail to D.Va would actually earn a chance to meetthe internet gamer idol. It seemed a strange dream come true, hardlybelievable and even sitting there now in the cafe with a milk teawarm between her hands and said internet idol sitting before hersipping on a some sort of lemonade, Sombra could scarcely believethis was true.
“You know, you are exactly how Iimagined my internet hater protector to look like,” D.Va said atlength, grinning a bit, “All cyberpunk techno,”
“Heh, really? Most people's firstresponse is that I'm not a chico,” Sombra commented with a slightsmile of her own.D.Va snorted, “I like it better you aren'tsome guy. Heh, my one friend said you would turn up wearing a fedoraand greeting me as milady!”
That earned a laugh from Sombra whogave a shake of her head, “What? The day I wear a fedora is the daymy co-workers finally leave their goth phase,”
“Goth phase?” D.Va asked with anamused grin.“Oh yes. All black and purple and red, allsuper edgy like they can't be touched emotionally,” Sombra let outa chuckle, “Even when off work they dress like they are about to gohang out behind bleachers, smoke cigarettes, and complain about thepain of life,”
“Man, that sounds like it could be apain to work with at times. I bet they don't got a single ounce ofhumor,” D.Va said before taking a long slurp of her drink.Sombralaughed, “You don't know the half of it. Once hacked a door toclose in front of one of em and you thought I had shot him orsomething. So angry! But enough about my co-workers, how about you?Any new games on the horizon?”
“A few yeah. Avoiding big companygames though. A few of the latest releases have been so buggy that it makes playing them almost impossible,” D.Va shook her headsolemnly, “I'll never forgive what they did to Star Voyagers. Youcan practically feel the writer going 'like these characters! Theyare hip and cool' half the time. It had so much promise and hype!”
“There is no such game as StarVoyagers. We do not speak of that,” Sombra said quickly, “Such agame cannot be spoken of or you shall be cursed with shittycharacters in all the games you doth play,”
D.Va shuddered, “Don't even jokeabout that!  I may like good gameplay but if it has a good story too,sign me the fuck up six times over.  Black Nights of Aidal was good.Loved it even if it did break my heart ten times over,”Sombranodded, grinning, “That game was a work of art! Difficult but god,the lore and characters! That boss fight against that dick sorcererwho went mad and his artificial dragon was epic. Remember? Thatknight sweet heart character, Kelniaus right? He jumps in to fightthe dragon while you take on the boss and the whole battle he'scrashing in and apologizing as he's trying to slay a dragon?”D.Vasighed, putting a hand to her heart, “Kelniaus is my gay knightprincess and I love and support him and what happened to him in theend,” she let out a sigh, “I was in tears and whispering prayersto the gaming gods to make it happier,”“Black Nights ofAidal? Happy? You speak nonsense! They crush our feels and give usonly a glimmer of hope the sequel will give us more joy,” Sombrasat back with a smile, “Hopefully the sequel turns out allright,”“Hopefully! They got the same lead designer atleast to write the story,” D.Va glanced up smiling, “This isactually really nice, you know? Just talking like this. I don't getto do this all that often. Always work or streaming or both,”
“Yeah, it is nice,” Sombra agreed,looking into her tea with a smile, “Really nice,”It wasnice to forget work and who she was and just be with someone on apersonal level, just to talk about small things like games and thelike.
It was really nice and D.Va herselfspoke about all of it with such passion.... Sombra couldn't fightthat little glow of warmth in her chest knowing that in that moment,she may have honestly just fell for D.Va.
Sometimes a digital crush could lead tofinding someone that completed you entirely.
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