#one of these days i'm gonna figure out how to be more organized and prioritize things appropriately
queenofbaws · 10 months
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ho. ly. cow.
it's been a minute, huh??? well hi there, just a quick update from me, your friendly local scavenger animal hiding behind park trash cans: this holiday season sure can...holiday, amiright???
alas, i'm not going to be sharing any snippets in this one since i'm currently focusing on secret santa stuff and to share that would be, y'know, defeating the whole 'secret' part of things 🤫 but i'm really, really hoping to get back into some flash fiction during the final 2 weekends of december, so if you're lookin' for some sort of NYE drabble this year, now's the time to start cookin' those prompt ideas in your brain hehehe
but other than that, as i've been telling my dear, dear, extremely talented bud @unicornaffair (go read her stuff rn i promise you'll thank me), i'm hoping that 2024 will be the year where i can tie off a bunch of loose ends on my wip list. i am. desperate. to finish some of these, hahaha, so for the sake of accountability, i'm gonna throw my (ROUGH) writing plans for the year under a readmore. if you're interested for a sneak peek of what 2024 MIGHT bring, feel free to check it out!
as always, i hope you're all doing as well as you possibly can right now <3 the end of the year can be a tough time for a lot of reasons, so i'm doing my best to take my own advice and take it easy on myself. i hope you are too! <3
Projects I'm focusing on FINISHING:
-Until Dawn CREEPs: Of Mummy Men & Bathtub Soup (so close. so. so close.) -Dragon Age: The Tale(s) of the Champion (ooooh we're halfway there, ahhhhhh it's Hawke with the steel chair) -The Quarry/UD: Like Wringing Blood From a Stone (this one is. extremely fuckin ambitious, but what i've POSTED is ALMOST the halfway point of the story, and i have. a disgusting amount waiting to be posted so who fuckin knows. maybe.)
Projects I've been working on INSTEAD of my priorities and that I'm really hoping to be able to share but refuse to elaborate on because if i get too excited about them i'll forego the projects above:
-UD CREEPs: [Secret Title], a CREEPs fic from Ashley's pov - The fridge ghost returns -UD CREEPs: [Also a secret title], a CREEPs fic from Josh's pov - They JUST finished remodeling! -UD: If Found, Please Return - Sam writes Hannah a letter -UD/TQ: before the dawn, a bad moon rises - Emily Davis gets her hair sniffed -TQ: Fireside Tales - You kids really should've stayed in the lodge like Mr. H told you to -Little Hope: Storytelling 101 - Don't trust the guy running the souvenir shop in the burnt-down witch village. Please. Just don't do it.
Projects that remain up in the air under a flashing ?????? sign but definitely live in my wip folder and stare at me every time i go to write:
-Dragon Age: Well...Shit -UD: THE PIG FIC -UD: A very unexpected Valentine's Day -UD: Fuck No: The Movie: The Beginning -Dragon Age: As-of-yet-unnamed Hawke/Varric fic where they pretend to be married SPECIFICALLY to antagonize a marriage counselor -TQ: Firewatch AU -UD CREEPs: Dr. Hill and the Curator's very own fic, the fic <3
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Rated G for Gosh Dang Near Everyone except people who don't like hurt/comfort sickfics
Word count: 1373
Summary: Winry insists on getting her covid shot as soon as Central offers it. Ed worries for her, even though she's fine. Until she's not.
A/N: written for @darkpersonapeace several days ago when she was recovering from her covid shot day-after yuckiness. Disclaimer though, I am not a medical professional, nor is this meant to be a realistic depiction of the typical side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. This scenario is simply based on what my roommate experienced, and my side effects were far tamer. Let's kick covid in the butt, guys!
When the first COVID-19 vaccines made their way to Central City, Ed knew that Winry would want to be one of the first in line. Because that's how she was, after all. She always prioritized the needs and safety of others over the possible risks to her own well-being, especially when her automail patients were involved. It was one of the many reasons he'd married her.
However, Edward worried that she might develop some of the more drastic side effects, so he decided to accompany Winry on the train ride from Rush Valley to Central. After all, who knew what could happen if she was on her own, stranded hours away from help?
"Now, Winry, you know you can change your mind at any time, right? I'm not going to try to steer you away from this if it's what you're set on, but you know your patients and I would still respect your decision if you wanted to wait to make sure the vaccine doesn't cause any long-term damage to you, right?"
"Edward Rockbell," she frowned with her hands on her hips, doing nothing to diminish his pride in the name, "I could care less about some hypothetical damage if I even have half a chance at keeping my patients healthy and you know it. And besides, you never had such a high opinion of possible damage when you were involved." She raised an eyebrow.
"When I was involved, sure, but never when it was you, gearhead," he said softly, pulling her in for a hug. His hand held her head and ran down the length of her hair.
"Well, I'm doing it, Ed," Winry said into his shoulder. "Like it or not, I'm trying to protect you, too, even if I have to wait hours in line to do it."
"I could barely figure out what the heck you said between the mask and my shoulder, but with the way the line's going, I don't think you're gonna have to wait very long."
"Hm, I guess not."
"Now, I've researched this. You know you have to stay in the monitoring area for fifteen minutes afterwards, right? You know to stretch your arm so it doesn't get so sore, right? You know to keep your vaccination card…"
Much to Edward's relief, Winry showed no signs of any negative side effects. They went out to dinner (unfortunately, at one of the restaurants the Colonel had recommended), and the train ride back to Rush Valley would have been almost boring if Ed hadn't entertained a child by drawing a transmutation circle that made a loud, garish toy when the child activated it.
And then they got in the car.
Winry cranked the car and made a stop at the nearest gas station while they took turns going to the bathroom. Two minutes down the road, however, the blood began to drain from Winry's face.
"Winry, are you doing alright?"
"I'm fine, Ed. It's not like I can't drive or anything." Several seconds later, Ed spoke again.
"Are you sure? Because you look like you're about to throw up."
"I'm—" she blanched.
"Winry Rockbell, pull over or I'll pull over for you!"
Thankfully, she obeyed and put the car in park.
"Now, don't move. I'll come around and get you."
"Ed, I'm not that bad."
He opened her door and pulled her out. "Get some fresh air, Winry. I'm gonna help you to the passenger's side, okay? This is why I came with you."
"I don't need—" she stumbled, cutting off the rest of her sentence.
"You were saying?" Ed chuckled after catching her with the arm that was already around her.
"Oh, just drop me in the car, will you?"
Fortunately, it was only a half hour drive to the other side of the city, but Ed feared that Winry's condition might worsen drastically in even that short a time frame.
First, he noticed her breaths get shorter and faster.
"Winry, do you need me to roll the window down? I'd help you on your side if I could."
"Y-yeah, maybe."
A few minutes later, he heard her whimpering quietly. He laid a comforting hand on her thigh. "What's happening? Is there anything I can do?"
"I don't know. I should have known this would happen. Even a normal flu shot wipes me out the whole next day, plus I hear it's worse if you've had covid before, and who knows, maybe I did, and—" he squeezed her leg, and she added in a small voice, "Maybe you could hold my hand?"
"Of course I'll hold your hand, hon," he smiled for her sake, adding under his breath, "and maybe speed a bit so we can get you home faster."
A few more minutes, and her whimpers grew louder. Winry's hand gripped his like a lifeline.
"Ed, I can't do this," she panted.
"You're so freaking strong, Winry. Just hold on a little longer. Squeeze my hand as tight as you want."
Her bone-crushing grip renewed his sense of urgency.
"Help me," she pleaded.
"What can I do, baby?"
"Help me," she echoed. "It hurts. It hurts so much."
"I'm getting you home as fast as I can. You're amazing, Winry."
She only moaned in response.
"I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die," she wept.
"Shh, I love you too much for that. You're my wife. You're my strong, brilliant, amazing wife, and I'd give up my entire body before I'd let you die. You hear me?"
"Hey, do you remember when I said your hands are meant to give life?"
"Well, keep holding my hand so that my hand give you life. We're so close. Just hang in there."
"I still wanna die," she sniffed.
"I'm gonna do what I can, okay, baby?"
Ed did his best to keep his hands from trembling. He had to stay strong for Winry. But what if this was a rare side effect? What if she actually was dying? No. No. It was just a vaccine. It'd be ridiculous if she was actually dying, but it didn't keep him from wondering if she needed to see a doctor. But please, he prayed to any deity that would listen, please let me do something for Winry.
So he sang. He sang her the lullabies of Trisha Elric. He sang her the old, cheesy love songs she had a soft spot for. When he ran out of those, he sang an oddly gentle version of some pop punk songs he listened to. He sang anything he could think of, from classic musicals to popular songs that Winry danced to, even if he thought they were trash.
Although her moans and whimpers didn't grow any quieter, she mewled, "You sing really pretty, Ed. Why don't you do it more?"
"If you make it through this, I'll sing for you whenever you want, Mrs. Rockbell. What song do you want next? We're almost home, and then you can lie down and I'll get you whatever you want. Does that sound okay?" He pressed a kiss to her hand, keeping his eyes on the road. He'd probably regret his promises to sing, but right then, he couldn't care less.
Ed took her song request and parked in front of their home shortly after. Walking over to the passenger side, he carefully pulled Winry out and carried her up the stairs past her shop to their apartment above it. She curled into his chest until he laid her on their bed.
"Equivalent exchange," he kissed her burning forehead. "You've taken care of me when you and Granny had to give me life-saving surgery after I lost my arm and leg. Now I get to look after you when you need me."
Winry smacked him weakly. "Alchemy freak."
"Gearhead," he laughed softly. "Try to sleep, if you can. I'll be right here the whole time if you need my hand again. Just tell me if you need anything, and I'll get it."
She smiled, then crumpled with a moan. After several seconds, she turned her head to look at Edward.
"Even if I want a purple polka dotted hippopotamus?"
Ed laughed. "Even if you want a purple polka dotted hippopotamus."
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maethewriter99 · 3 years
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6/14/21 - Planning Things Out
Alright, post number two! That's got to amount to something. Today's goal is just to make more goals, honestly, and come up with a plan of action. So to start with I'm taking advice from here;
And bonus points, I'm already doing some of these tips! Such as making a blog to hold myself accountable, and making myself start writing right now (if you count writing this blog post at least). And with those two checked off, let's go easiest to hardest to handle tips from here on out.
Make A Space For Writing - Check! I'm currently working on turning my spare room into an office of sorts. It's got my desk, my Aloe Vera plant, and sometimes even my laptop in it. What more could you need?
Set A Word Count Goal – While I'm not brave enough to set one per day yet, I am willing to set one per writing session at the very least. And I'm starting real, real small, at 100 words per writing session. It's easier to move a goal up later than beat myself up for not being able to meet one now. Plus writing is writing, and I have to start somewhere.
Find The Best Time Of Day – Time and I? We have issues. So right off the bat I decided a schedule like “write every day from seven to eight” wasn't gonna do it for me. Parts of my day have pretty set times though, so since I know I have dinner around the same time every night, my goal is just to write right after. Now I can't use the “I already missed it” five minutes after I scheduled myself excuse, at least.
Plan For Writer's Block – Now this one is a little more shaky, but I do have half a plan. I want to pen in three different kinds of sessions; researching sessions, planning sessions, and actual writing sessions. The hope is that keeping things varied helps keep me out of a rut. At the very worst, if I absolutely can not get myself to write, I can switch over to one of the others and only feel a little guilty.
Create A Writing Calendar – This one is tougher. Remember what I said about time and I? Yeah, it doesn't apply to just hours. My current agenda: make Monday through Thursday planned out to have certain sessions, while leaving the weekends more open. What days I have as which session is something to be figured out at a later date. For now, we'll mark tomorrow as a research day and call it good.
Prioritize – I have about a million and one unfinished projects. Many are all tangled together. Picking just one? Making a plan for it? That's tomorrow's problem.
Organize – My organization tends to have a maximum life expectancy of 24 hours. We'll add “better ways to organize” to tomorrow's research assignment.
Obviously, I still have a lot to figure out. I'll get there. Hopefully. At the very least, I won't know unless I make myself try. Wish me luck!
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